Exemple #1
 /// <summary>Run a backup</summary>
 /// <param name="simMode">flag for simulation mode</param>
 /// <param name="debugMode">flag for debug mode</param>
 /// <returns>an empty string for success. Otherwise, an error message for a fatal error encountered prior to the run.</returns>
 /// <remarks>
 ///   Note: All I/O errors and anticipated exceptions encountered during the backup are captured in the error log.
 /// </remarks>
 public void Run(bool simMode, bool debugMode)
     RanSuccessfully = false;
     if (Validate(simMode, debugMode) == false)
         // a serious validation error occurred prior to job; we cannot continue nor can we log anything safely
     dirSearch = new DirSearch();
     for (currentSrcNdx = 0; currentSrcNdx < sourcesToBackup.Count; currentSrcNdx++)
         // process each backup source
         dirSearch.SearchMask  = DirSearch.SearchMaskAllFilesAndFolders;
         dirSearch.BaseDir     = sourcesToBackup[currentSrcNdx].StartingFolder;
         dirSearch.SearchType  = AttrSearchType.IgnoreAttributeMatch;
         dirSearch.FileAttribs = DirSearch.AllAttributes; // not really needed currently as we are set to IgnoreAttributeMatch
         dirSearch.ProcessSubs = sourcesToBackup[currentSrcNdx].TraverseSubs;
         if (CancelFlag)
     if (CancelFlag == false && TrackDeletes())
     Stats.DtTmEnded = DateTime.Now;
     RanSuccessfully = true;
        public RenameResults ProcessFiles()
            string err = string.Empty;

            Results  = new RenameResults();
            batchNum = 0;
            script   = ScriptRunner.CompileScript(RenameCode, out err);
            if (script == null)     // could not compile
                LogErr("Script code did not compile. Error: " + err);
                dirSearch                 = new DirSearch(FileMask, StartingPath, AttrSearchType.AnyMatch, DirSearch.AllAttributesMinusSysAndHidden, ProcessSubFolders);
                dirSearch.OnFileMatch    += DirSearch_OnFileMatch;
                dirSearch.OnFolderMatch  += DirSearch_OnFolderMatch;
                dirSearch.OnFileExcept   += DirSearch_OnFileExcept;
                dirSearch.OnFolderExcept += DirSearch_OnFolderExcept;
                dirSearch.OnFileMatch    -= DirSearch_OnFileMatch;
                dirSearch.OnFolderMatch  -= DirSearch_OnFolderMatch;
                dirSearch.OnFileExcept   -= DirSearch_OnFileExcept;
                dirSearch.OnFolderExcept -= DirSearch_OnFolderExcept;
            OutputData(true);  // write any residual data collected for specific output types

Exemple #3
    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        AppSoftware     = GameObject.Find("Applications");
        HackingSoftware = GameObject.Find("Hacking");
        SysSoftware     = GameObject.Find("System");
        //Computer = GameObject.Find("Computer");

        clk    = SysSoftware.GetComponent <Clock>();
        defalt = SysSoftware.GetComponent <Defalt>();
        am     = SysSoftware.GetComponent <AppMenu>();
        cmd    = SysSoftware.GetComponent <CLI>();
        com    = SysSoftware.GetComponent <Computer>();
        sc     = SysSoftware.GetComponent <SoundControl>();
        appman = SysSoftware.GetComponent <AppMan>();
        boot   = SysSoftware.GetComponent <Boot>();
        post   = SysSoftware.GetComponent <POST>();
        os     = SysSoftware.GetComponent <OS>();
        mouse  = SysSoftware.GetComponent <Mouse>();
        desk   = SysSoftware.GetComponent <Desktop>();

        al = AppSoftware.GetComponent <AccLog>();
        sm = AppSoftware.GetComponent <SystemMap>();
        ib = AppSoftware.GetComponent <InternetBrowser>();

        prog  = HackingSoftware.GetComponent <Progtive>();
        trace = HackingSoftware.GetComponent <Tracer>();
        cy    = HackingSoftware.GetComponent <Descy>();
        ds    = HackingSoftware.GetComponent <DirSearch>();

        mb    = GetComponent <MissionBrow>();
        cc    = GetComponent <CurContracts>();
        sl    = GetComponent <SiteList>();
        note  = GetComponent <Notepad>();
        fav   = GetComponent <Favs>();
        tv    = GetComponent <TreeView>();
        mPass = GetComponent <MonitorBypass>();
        wsv   = GetComponent <WebSecViewer>();
        sdp   = GetComponent <ShutdownProm>();
        Audio = GetComponent <AudioSource>();

        windowRect.x = Customize.cust.windowx[windowID];
        windowRect.y = Customize.cust.windowy[windowID];

        Audio.volume = Customize.cust.Volume;
        DesktopY     = -50;
        StartTime    = 0.030f;
        Snap         = false;

        if (Size == 0)
            Size = 21;
Exemple #4
        public void NullPathUsesCurrentDir()
            int       numFolders = 0;
            int       numFiles   = 0;
            DirSearch searcher   = new DirSearch(AllFiles, null, AttrSearchType.IgnoreAttributeMatch, 0, true);

            searcher.OnFolderMatch += (DirectoryInfo info, ref bool flag) => { numFolders++; };
            searcher.OnFileMatch   += (FileInfo info, ref bool flag) => { numFiles++; };
            Assert.AreEqual(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(), searcher.BaseDir, "base dir != GetCurrentDirectory()");
Exemple #5
        public void TopLevelAndSubsWithNoHitsReturnsNoFiles()
            int       numFolders = 0;
            int       numFiles   = 0;
            DirSearch searcher   = new DirSearch(NoMatchFilePatttern, RootLoc, AttrSearchType.IgnoreAttributeMatch, 0, true);

            searcher.OnFolderMatch += (DirectoryInfo info, ref bool flag) => { numFolders++; };
            searcher.OnFileMatch   += (FileInfo info, ref bool flag) => { numFiles++; };
            Assert.AreEqual(0, numFiles, "Number of files not 0");
Exemple #6
    void Start()
        SysSoftware     = GameObject.Find("System");
        AppSoftware     = GameObject.Find("Applications");
        HackingSoftware = GameObject.Find("Hacking");

        com  = SysSoftware.GetComponent <Computer>();
        ib   = AppSoftware.GetComponent <InternetBrowser>();
        note = AppSoftware.GetComponent <Notepad>();
        prog = HackingSoftware.GetComponent <Progtive>();
        al   = SysSoftware.GetComponent <AccLog>();

        trace = HackingSoftware.GetComponent <Tracer>();

        cy      = SysSoftware.GetComponent <Descy>();
        ds      = SysSoftware.GetComponent <DirSearch>();
        tv      = SysSoftware.GetComponent <TreeView>();
        al      = AppSoftware.GetComponent <AccLog>();
        cmd     = SysSoftware.GetComponent <CLI>();
        sm      = AppSoftware.GetComponent <SystemMap>();
        clk     = SysSoftware.GetComponent <Clock>();
        defalt  = SysSoftware.GetComponent <Defalt>();
        sc      = SysSoftware.GetComponent <SoundControl>();
        appmenu = SysSoftware.GetComponent <AppMenu>();
        appman  = SysSoftware.GetComponent <AppMan>();

        windowRect.x = Customize.cust.windowx[windowID];
        windowRect.y = Customize.cust.windowy[windowID];

        native_height = Customize.cust.native_height;
        native_width  = Customize.cust.native_width;

        for (Index = 0; Index < GameControl.control.ProgramFiles.Count; Index++)
            if (GameControl.control.ProgramFiles[Index].Name == "Gateway")
                TestCheck = true;

        if (Index >= GameControl.control.ProgramFiles.Count)
            if (TestCheck == false)

        X     = -350;
        Speed = 600;

        windowID = appmenu.windowID;
Exemple #7
        public void HiddenFilesAndSubsReturnsFiles()
            int       numFolders = 0;
            int       numFiles   = 0;
            DirSearch searcher   = new DirSearch(AllFiles, RootLoc, AttrSearchType.AllMatchPlusAnyOthers, FileAttributes.Hidden, true);

            searcher.OnFolderMatch += (DirectoryInfo info, ref bool flag) => { numFolders++; };
            searcher.OnFileMatch   += (FileInfo info, ref bool flag) => { numFiles++; };
            Assert.IsTrue(numFiles >= 3, "Number of Hidden files not >= 3");
            Assert.IsTrue(numFolders >= MinFolderTotal, $"Number of folders not >= {MinFolderTotal}");
Exemple #8
        public void ROFilesAndSubsReturnsFiles()
            int       numFolders = 0;
            int       numFiles   = 0;
            DirSearch searcher   = new DirSearch(AllFiles, RootLoc, AttrSearchType.AnyMatch, FileAttributes.ReadOnly, true);

            searcher.OnFolderMatch += (DirectoryInfo info, ref bool flag) => { numFolders++; };
            searcher.OnFileMatch   += (FileInfo info, ref bool flag) => { numFiles++; };
            Assert.IsTrue(numFiles >= 2, "Number of RO files not >= 2");
            Assert.IsTrue(numFolders >= MinFolderTotal, $"Number of folders not >= {MinFolderTotal}");
Exemple #9
        public void CustomFolderFilterOnHiddenFolderReturnsOneHit()
            int       numFolders = 0;
            int       numFiles   = 0;
            DirSearch searcher   = new DirSearch(AllFiles, RootLoc, AttrSearchType.IgnoreAttributeMatch, 0, true);

            searcher.OnFolderMatch  += (DirectoryInfo info, ref bool flag) => { numFolders++; };
            searcher.OnFileMatch    += (FileInfo info, ref bool flag) => { numFiles++; };
            searcher.OnFolderFilter += (DirectoryInfo folder, ref bool skip, ref bool skipChildren) => { skip = ((folder.Attributes & FileAttributes.Hidden) != FileAttributes.Hidden); };
            Assert.IsTrue(numFolders >= 1, "Number of folders not >= 1");
Exemple #10
        public void TopLevelReturnsFiles()
            int       numFolders = 0;
            int       numFiles   = 0;
            DirSearch searcher   = new DirSearch(AllFiles, RootLoc, AttrSearchType.IgnoreAttributeMatch, 0, false);

            searcher.OnFolderMatch += (DirectoryInfo info, ref bool flag) => { numFolders++; };
            searcher.OnFileMatch   += (FileInfo info, ref bool flag) => { numFiles++; };
            Assert.IsTrue(numFiles >= 7, "Number of files not >= 7");
            Assert.IsTrue(numFolders >= 1, "Number of folders not >= 1");
Exemple #11
        public void FilesStartingWithRootReturnsFiles()
            int       numFolders = 0;
            int       numFiles   = 0;
            DirSearch searcher   = new DirSearch("Root*.*", RootLoc, AttrSearchType.IgnoreAttributeMatch, 0, true);

            searcher.OnFolderMatch += (DirectoryInfo info, ref bool flag) => { numFolders++; };
            searcher.OnFileMatch   += (FileInfo info, ref bool flag) => { numFiles++; };
            Assert.IsTrue(numFiles >= 3, "Number of files not >= 3");
            Assert.IsTrue(numFolders >= MinFolderTotal, $"Number of folders not >= {MinFolderTotal}");
Exemple #12
        public void CustomFileFilterOnSublevelWithNoMatchesReturnsZero()
            int       numFolders = 0;
            int       numFiles   = 0;
            DirSearch searcher   = new DirSearch(NoMatchFilePatttern, RootLoc, AttrSearchType.IgnoreAttributeMatch, 0, true);

            searcher.OnFolderMatch += (DirectoryInfo info, ref bool flag) => { numFolders++; };
            searcher.OnFileMatch   += (FileInfo info, ref bool flag) => { numFiles++; };
            searcher.OnFileFilter  += (FileInfo oneFile, ref bool skip) => { skip = oneFile.Name != "L2F1-1.txt"; };
            Assert.AreEqual(0, numFiles, "Number of files not 0");
            Assert.IsTrue(numFolders >= MinFolderTotal, $"Number of folders not >= {MinFolderTotal}");
Exemple #13
        public void CustomFolderFilterWithChildFoldersOnWorks()
            int       numFolders = 0;
            int       numFiles   = 0;
            DirSearch searcher   = new DirSearch("L3-L2F1*.*", RootLoc, AttrSearchType.IgnoreAttributeMatch, 0, true);

            searcher.OnFolderMatch  += (DirectoryInfo info, ref bool flag) => { numFolders++; };
            searcher.OnFileMatch    += (FileInfo info, ref bool flag) => { numFiles++; };
            searcher.OnFolderFilter += (DirectoryInfo folder, ref bool skip, ref bool skipChildren) => { skip = (folder.Name == "L2F1"); skipChildren = false; };
            Assert.IsTrue(numFolders >= MinFolderTotal - 1, $"Number of folders not >= {MinFolderTotal - 1}");
            Assert.IsTrue(numFiles >= 2, "Number of files not >= 1");
Exemple #14
        public void CustomFileFilterOnAllFilesReturnsOneHit()
            int       numFolders = 0;
            int       numFiles   = 0;
            DirSearch searcher   = new DirSearch(AllFiles, RootLoc, AttrSearchType.IgnoreAttributeMatch, 0, true);

            searcher.OnFolderMatch += (DirectoryInfo info, ref bool flag) => { numFolders++; };
            searcher.OnFileMatch   += (FileInfo info, ref bool flag) => { numFiles++; };
            searcher.OnFileFilter  += (FileInfo oneFile, ref bool skip) => { skip = oneFile.Name != "Root2.dat"; };
            Assert.AreEqual(1, numFiles, "Number of files not 1");
            Assert.IsTrue(numFolders >= MinFolderTotal, $"Number of folders not >= {MinFolderTotal}");
Exemple #15
        public void CustomFileFilterZeroByteFileslReturnsFiles()
            int       numFolders = 0;
            int       numFiles   = 0;
            DirSearch searcher   = new DirSearch(AllFiles, RootLoc, AttrSearchType.IgnoreAttributeMatch, 0, true);

            searcher.OnFolderMatch += (DirectoryInfo info, ref bool flag) => { numFolders++; };
            searcher.OnFileMatch   += (FileInfo info, ref bool flag) => { numFiles++; };
            searcher.OnFileFilter  += (FileInfo oneFile, ref bool skip) => { skip = oneFile.Length != 0; };
            Assert.IsTrue(numFiles >= 4, "Number of files not >= 4");
            Assert.IsTrue(numFolders >= MinFolderTotal, $"Number of folders not >= {MinFolderTotal}");
Exemple #16
        /// <summary>Delete handling for destination folder where file is no longer on source</summary>
        /// <remarks>
        ///   Reverse lookup for delete-detection using list of scanned files and destination folder
        ///   - only called when settings for job require delete-detection
        ///   - foldersToSkipForDeleteDetection contains the list of trash and History folders to be skipped.
        ///   - a file filter is not used to skip BUM error and stat logs as it's done directly in OnDelFileInitialMatch() using prefixesToSkipForDeleteDetection
        /// </remarks>
        private void CheckDeletes()
            DirSearch delSearch = new DirSearch("*.*", Stats.DestPathRoot, AttrSearchType.AnyMatch, DirSearch.AllAttributesMinusSysAndHidden, true);

            delSearch.OnFileMatch    += OnDelFileInitialMatch;
            delSearch.OnFileExcept   += OnDelFileException;
            delSearch.OnFolderExcept += OnDelFolderException;
            // Folder filtering is used to skip History and Trash folders
            delSearch.OnFolderFilter += OnDelFolderFilter;
            delSearch.OnFileMatch    -= OnDelFileInitialMatch;
            delSearch.OnFileExcept   -= OnDelFileException;
            delSearch.OnFolderExcept -= OnDelFolderException;
            delSearch.OnFolderFilter -= OnDelFolderFilter;
            processedFileDict.Clear(); // free memory as it can be substantial
Exemple #17
    void Start()
        SysSoftware     = GameObject.Find("System");
        AppSoftware     = GameObject.Find("Applications");
        HackingSoftware = GameObject.Find("Hacking");

        com  = SysSoftware.GetComponent <Computer>();
        ib   = AppSoftware.GetComponent <InternetBrowser>();
        note = AppSoftware.GetComponent <Notepad>();
        prog = HackingSoftware.GetComponent <Progtive>();
        al   = SysSoftware.GetComponent <AccLog>();

        trace = HackingSoftware.GetComponent <Tracer>();

        cy      = SysSoftware.GetComponent <Descy>();
        ds      = SysSoftware.GetComponent <DirSearch>();
        tv      = SysSoftware.GetComponent <TreeView>();
        al      = AppSoftware.GetComponent <AccLog>();
        cmd     = SysSoftware.GetComponent <CLI>();
        sm      = AppSoftware.GetComponent <SystemMap>();
        clk     = SysSoftware.GetComponent <Clock>();
        defalt  = SysSoftware.GetComponent <Defalt>();
        sc      = SysSoftware.GetComponent <SoundControl>();
        appmenu = SysSoftware.GetComponent <AppMenu>();
        appman  = SysSoftware.GetComponent <AppMan>();

        windowRect.x = Customize.cust.windowx[windowID];
        windowRect.y = Customize.cust.windowy[windowID];

        native_height = Customize.cust.native_height;
        native_width  = Customize.cust.native_width;

        if (GameControl.control.QuickProgramList.Count < 1)

        X     = 700;
        Speed = 3;

        windowID = appmenu.windowID;
Exemple #18
    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        System       = GameObject.Find("System");
        Applications = GameObject.Find("Applications");
        Hacking      = GameObject.Find("Hacking");
        Other        = GameObject.Find("Other");
        Computer     = GameObject.Find("Computer");
        Prompts      = GameObject.Find("Prompts");
        WindowHandel = GameObject.Find("WindowHandel");
        QA           = GameObject.Find("QA");

        winman = WindowHandel.GetComponent <WindowManager>();

        history      = Computer.GetComponent <SiteList>();
        websecviewer = Computer.GetComponent <WebSecViewer>();

        qa = QA.GetComponent <BugReport>();

        customtheme = Computer.GetComponent <CustomTheme>();
        startmenu   = System.GetComponent <AppMenu>();
        rezprompt   = Prompts.GetComponent <RezPrompt>();
        desktop     = System.GetComponent <Desktop>();
        vc          = System.GetComponent <VolumeController>();

        pro             = Hacking.GetComponent <Progtive>();
        trace           = Hacking.GetComponent <Tracer>();
        dirsearch       = Hacking.GetComponent <DirSearch>();
        dicCrk          = Hacking.GetComponent <DicCrk>();
        passwordcracker = Hacking.GetComponent <PasswordCracker>();
        dirsearch       = Hacking.GetComponent <DirSearch>();

//		port = Applications.GetComponent<Portfolio>();
//		shareprompt = Prompts.GetComponent<SharePrompt>();

        purchaseprompt = Prompts.GetComponent <PurchasePrompt>();

        errorprompt    = Prompts.GetComponent <ErrorProm>();
        shutdownprompt = Prompts.GetComponent <ShutdownProm>();
        installprompt  = Prompts.GetComponent <InstallPrompt>();

        sysclock      = System.GetComponent <Clock>();
        cli           = System.GetComponent <CLI>();
        cliv2         = System.GetComponent <CLIV2>();
        os            = System.GetComponent <OS>();
        systempanel   = System.GetComponent <SystemPanel>();
        tasks         = System.GetComponent <TaskViewer>();
        com           = System.GetComponent <Computer>();
        diskman       = System.GetComponent <DiskMan>();
        vv            = System.GetComponent <VersionViewer>();
        fp            = System.GetComponent <FileExplorer>();
        SRM           = System.GetComponent <SystemResourceManager>();
        boot          = System.GetComponent <Boot>();
        deviceman     = System.GetComponent <DeviceManager>();
        executor      = System.GetComponent <Executor>();
        gatewayviewer = System.GetComponent <GatewayViewer>();

        email          = Applications.GetComponent <EmailClient>();
        caluclator     = Applications.GetComponent <Calculator>();
        notepad        = Applications.GetComponent <Notepad>();
        notepadv2      = Applications.GetComponent <Notepadv2>();
        accountlogs    = Applications.GetComponent <AccLog>();
        mp             = Applications.GetComponent <MusicPlayer>();
        treeview       = Applications.GetComponent <TreeView>();
        nv             = Applications.GetComponent <NotificationViewer>();
        pv             = Applications.GetComponent <PlanViewer>();
        calendar       = Applications.GetComponent <Calendar>();
        calendarv2     = Applications.GetComponent <CalendarV2>();
        eventview      = Applications.GetComponent <EventViewer>();
        exchangeviewer = Applications.GetComponent <ExchangeViewer>();

        internetbrowser = Applications.GetComponent <InternetBrowser>();
        edgebrowser     = Applications.GetComponent <NetViewer>();
        firefoxbrowser  = Applications.GetComponent <Firefox>();

        systemMap  = Applications.GetComponent <SystemMap>();
        textreader = Applications.GetComponent <TextReader>();

        history = Computer.GetComponent <SiteList>();

        rv  = Applications.GetComponent <RemoteView>();
        vmd = Other.GetComponent <VMDesigner>();
Exemple #19
    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        cd = GameControl.control.BootTime;

        missions = GameObject.Find("Missions");

        jd    = GetComponent <JailDew>();
        uc    = GetComponent <Unicom>();
        test  = GetComponent <Test>();
        disk  = GetComponent <CD>();
        com   = GetComponent <Computer>();
        note  = GetComponent <Notepad>();
        pro   = GetComponent <Progtive>();
        trace = GetComponent <Tracer>();
        mb    = GetComponent <MissionBrow>();
        cc    = GetComponent <CurContracts>();
        sl    = GetComponent <SiteList>();
        al    = GetComponent <AccLog>();
        ds    = GetComponent <DirSearch>();
        tv    = GetComponent <TreeView>();
        clk   = GetComponent <Clock>();
        cmd   = GetComponent <CLI> ();
        def   = GetComponent <Defalt>();
        mg    = GetComponent <MissionGen>();
        os    = GetComponent <OS>();
        sm    = GetComponent <SystemMap>();
        wsv   = GetComponent <WebSecViewer>();
        ep    = GetComponent <ErrorProm>();
        sdp   = GetComponent <ShutdownProm>();
        sp    = GetComponent <SystemPanel>();
        sc    = GetComponent <SoundControl>();
        desk  = GetComponent <Desktop>();
        ct    = GetComponent <CustomTheme>();
        mouse = GetComponent <Mouse>();
        ss    = GetComponent <ScreenSaver>();
        clic  = GetComponent <CLICommands>();

        missiongen       = missions.GetComponent <MissionGen>();
        missionbrow      = missions.GetComponent <MissionBrow>();
        currentcontracts = missions.GetComponent <CurContracts>();

        RotationCooldown = 0.01f;

        if (Application.isEditor == true)
            windowRect.width  = Screen.width;
            windowRect.height = Screen.height;
            windowRect.width  = Customize.cust.RezX;
            windowRect.height = Customize.cust.RezY;

        Pos.width  = windowRect.width / 2;
        Pos.height = windowRect.height / 2;

        windowRect.x = 0;
        windowRect.y = 0;

        x = Pos.width - 30;
        y = Pos.height;

        GameControl.control.GUIID = Customize.cust.GUIID;

        StartTimer = 0.01f;

        PlaySoundOnce = false;


        missiongen.enabled       = true;
        missionbrow.enabled      = true;
        currentcontracts.enabled = true;
Exemple #20
    void ProgramSetup()
        AppSoftware     = GameObject.Find("Applications");
        QA              = GameObject.Find("QA");
        HackingSoftware = GameObject.Find("Hacking");
        SysSoftware     = GameObject.Find("System");
        Computer        = GameObject.Find("Computer");
        Other           = GameObject.Find("Other");
        Missions        = GameObject.Find("Missions");

        qa = QA.GetComponent <BugReport>();

        //mb = GetComponent<MissionBrow>();
        sl  = Computer.GetComponent <SiteList>();
        wsv = Computer.GetComponent <WebSecViewer>();

        //Hacking Software
        pro     = HackingSoftware.GetComponent <Progtive>();
        trace   = HackingSoftware.GetComponent <Tracer>();
        ds      = HackingSoftware.GetComponent <DirSearch>();
        dc      = HackingSoftware.GetComponent <DicCrk>();
        passcrk = HackingSoftware.GetComponent <PasswordCracker>();

        //System Sofware
        dsk   = SysSoftware.GetComponent <Desktop>();
        com   = SysSoftware.GetComponent <Computer>();
        ss    = SysSoftware.GetComponent <ScreenSaver>();
        sp    = SysSoftware.GetComponent <SystemPanel>();
        am    = SysSoftware.GetComponent <AppMenu>();
        tasks = SysSoftware.GetComponent <TaskViewer>();
        clk   = SysSoftware.GetComponent <Clock>();
        cmd   = SysSoftware.GetComponent <CLI>();
        cmd2  = SysSoftware.GetComponent <CLIV2>();
        os    = SysSoftware.GetComponent <OS>();
        dm    = SysSoftware.GetComponent <DiskMan>();
        mouse = SysSoftware.GetComponent <Mouse>();
        fp    = SysSoftware.GetComponent <FileExplorer>();
        dem   = SysSoftware.GetComponent <DeviceManager>();
        vc    = SysSoftware.GetComponent <VolumeController>();

        //Application Softwate
        //        port = AppSoftware.GetComponent<Portfolio>();
        tr     = AppSoftware.GetComponent <TextReader>();
        sm     = AppSoftware.GetComponent <SystemMap>();
        al     = AppSoftware.GetComponent <AccLog>();
        note   = AppSoftware.GetComponent <Notepad>();
        notev2 = AppSoftware.GetComponent <Notepadv2>();
        cc     = AppSoftware.GetComponent <EmailClient>();
        tv     = AppSoftware.GetComponent <TreeView>();
        nv     = AppSoftware.GetComponent <NotificationViewer>();
        pv     = AppSoftware.GetComponent <PlanViewer>();
        //calendar = AppSoftware.GetComponent<Calendar>();
        calendarv2   = AppSoftware.GetComponent <CalendarV2>();
        eventview    = AppSoftware.GetComponent <EventViewer>();
        exchangeview = AppSoftware.GetComponent <ExchangeViewer>();

        // Application Browsers
        ib  = AppSoftware.GetComponent <InternetBrowser>();
        eib = AppSoftware.GetComponent <NetViewer>();
        fib = AppSoftware.GetComponent <Firefox>();
        rv  = AppSoftware.GetComponent <RemoteView>();
        cal = AppSoftware.GetComponent <Calculator>();
        mp  = AppSoftware.GetComponent <MusicPlayer>();

        // Prompts
        ip  = Prompts.GetComponent <InstallPrompt>();
        pp  = Prompts.GetComponent <PurchasePrompt>();
        ep  = Prompts.GetComponent <ErrorProm>();
        sdp = Prompts.GetComponent <ShutdownProm>();
        rp  = Prompts.GetComponent <RezPrompt>();
//		shareprompt = Prompts.GetComponent<SharePrompt>();
        notiprompt = Prompts.GetComponent <NotfiPrompt>();

        vmd = Other.GetComponent <VMDesigner>();

        // Computer
        ct = Computer.GetComponent <CustomTheme>();

        misgen = Missions.GetComponent <MissionGen>();