Exemple #1
    private void ChangeCount(DigMode key, int x, int y)
        int index = Count_v * x + y;

        if (key == DigMode.pickel)
            if (0 <= index && index < 150)//???
                panelGenerator._panelHP[x, y]--;
        else if (key == DigMode.hummer)
            if (0 <= index && index < 150)//???
                panelGenerator._panelHP[x, y] -= 2;

        if (panelGenerator._panelHP[x, y] >= 0)
            panelGenerator.panelSpriteRenderer[x, y].sprite = panelGenerator.panelSprites[panelGenerator._panelHP[x, y]];
            panelGenerator.panelSpriteRenderer[x, y].gameObject.SetActive(false);
Exemple #2
 public void SetDigMode(string mode)
         digMode = (DigMode)Enum.Parse(typeof(DigMode), mode, true);
     catch (Exception)
Exemple #3
    public void SetDigMode(string mode)
            digMode = (DigMode)Enum.Parse(typeof(DigMode), mode, true);
        catch (Exception)

Exemple #4
    private void DecreaseHP(DigMode key)
        if (key == DigMode.pickel)
        else if (key == DigMode.hummer)
            hp -= 2;

        hpBar.value = (float)hp / sliderHpDiscountRate;
Exemple #5
        public void DigCylinder(vec3 worldNormal, vec3 position, float radius, IEnumerable <int> filterMaterials, int terrainMaterialId = 1, DigMode digMode = DigMode.Substract)
            cylinderNode.MaterialIndex = terrainMaterialId;
            cylinderNode.SetParameterFloat("digRadius", radius);
            cylinderNode.SetParameterVec3("digPosition", position);

            vec3 dx, dy, dz;

            player.AlignmentSystem(worldNormal, out dx, out dy, out dz);
            cylinderNode.SetParameterVec3("digDirX", dx);
            cylinderNode.SetParameterVec3("digDirY", dy);
            cylinderNode.SetParameterVec3("digDirZ", dz);

            Dig(cylinderNode, new BoundingSphere(position, radius * 1.5f), digMode, filterMaterials);
Exemple #6
        public void Dig(CsgNode shape, BoundingSphere shapeBoundary, DigMode digMode, IEnumerable <int> materialFilter)
            CsgNode digShape = null;

            // constraintDiffNode performs the constraint as a CSG operation
            // by cutting away anything of thge digging shape not inside the allowed area.
            CsgOpDiff constraintDiffNode = new CsgOpDiff();

            // Assemble difference operation by applying all drone constraints.
            player.AddDroneConstraints(constraintDiffNode, shapeBoundary.Center);

            // When placing material, add a safety margin around the player to prevent it from physically glitching trough the terrain
            if (digMode == DigMode.Add)
                playerNode.SetParameterFloat("playerRadius", player.Character.CharacterDiameter * 0.5f + 0.2f);
                playerNode.SetParameterVec3("playerPosition", player.Character.Position);
                playerNode.SetParameterVec3("digDirX", new vec3(1, 0, 0));
                playerNode.SetParameterVec3("digDirZ", new vec3(0, 0, 1));
                playerNode.SetParameterVec3("digDirY", new vec3(0, 0, player.Character.BodyHeight * 0.5f + 0.2f));

            // We apply the constraint by substracting it from the given shape.
            CsgOpConcat constraintedShape = new CsgOpConcat();

            digShape = constraintedShape;

            CsgNode digNode = null;

            // Depending on the digging mode, we either add or substract the digging shape from the terrain.
            if (digMode == DigMode.Substract)
                digNode = new CsgOpDiff(digShape);
                digNode = new CsgOpUnion(digShape);

            // Filter for tools
            CsgNode filterNode = digNode;

            if (materialFilter != null)
                CsgFilterNode filter = new CsgFilterNode(true, digNode);
                foreach (int mat in materialFilter)
                filter.AddMaterial(0); // Air must be white-listed, too!
                filterNode = filter;

            // Float elimination
            CsgOpConcat collapser = new CsgOpConcat(filterNode);

            collapser.AddNode(new CsgCollapseNode());

            // Callback for statistical purposes.
            CsgStatCallback finalNode = new CsgStatCallback(collapser, 4, 4);

            finalNode.AddSimpleVolumeCallback("UpvoidMiner", UpvoidMiner.ModDomain, "UpvoidMiner.DiggingController", "StatCallback");
            finalNode.AddVolumeChangePointCallback("UpvoidMiner", UpvoidMiner.ModDomain, "UpvoidMiner.DiggingController", "PointCallback");

            world.Terrain.ModifyTerrain(shapeBoundary, finalNode);