public async Task Differ_T_works()
            var differ = new Differ <Product>(CONN_STR, KEY_PREFIX);

            differ.ParseRow = s => new Product {
                Id          = s.Split(',')[0],
                Name        = s.Split(',')[1],
                Description = s.Split(',')[2],
                Price       = decimal.Parse(s.Split(',')[3])
            differ.GetId = p => p.Id;

            // cache is empty. shouldn't be any diffs, but more importantly it shouldn't throw any errors
            var diffs = (await differ.GetDiffsAsync()).ToList();


            // load day 1. should return all of them as Creates
            await differ.LoadCurrentAsync("day1", GetCsvDay1());

            diffs = (await differ.GetDiffsAsync()).ToList();
            diffs.Should().HaveCount(7).And.OnlyContain(d => d.ChangeType == ChangeType.Create);

            // load day 2. should return correct diffs compared to day 1
            await differ.LoadCurrentAsync("day2", GetCsvDay2());

            diffs = (await differ.GetDiffsAsync()).ToList();
            diffs.Should().ContainSingle(d =>
                                         d.ChangeType == ChangeType.Delete &&
                                         d.Previous.Id == "0003" &&
                                         d.Current == null);
            diffs.Should().ContainSingle(d =>
                                         d.ChangeType == ChangeType.Update &&
                                         d.Previous.Id == "0001" &&
                                         d.Previous.Name == d.Current.Name &&
                                         d.Previous.Description == d.Current.Description &&
                                         d.Previous.Price == 10m &&
                                         d.Current.Price == 10.5m);
            diffs.Should().ContainSingle(d =>
                                         d.ChangeType == ChangeType.Update &&
                                         d.Previous.Id == "0006" &&
                                         d.Previous.Name == d.Current.Name &&
                                         d.Previous.Price == d.Current.Price &&
                                         d.Previous.Description != d.Current.Description);
            diffs.Should().ContainSingle(d =>
                                         d.ChangeType == ChangeType.Create &&
                                         d.Current.Id == "0008" &&
                                         d.Previous == null);
        public async Task Differ_works()
            var differ = new Differ(CONN_STR, KEY_PREFIX);

            // cache is empty. shouldn't be any diffs, but more importantly it shouldn't throw any errors
            (await differ.GetPreviousNotInCurrentAsync()).Should().BeEmpty();
            (await differ.GetCurrentNotInPreviousAsync()).Should().BeEmpty();

            // load day 1. all should be current not in previous, none vice-versa
            await differ.LoadCurrentAsync("day1", GetCsvDay1());

            (await differ.GetPreviousNotInCurrentAsync()).Should().BeEmpty();
            (await differ.GetCurrentNotInPreviousAsync()).Should().HaveCount(7);

            // load day 2. should return correct diffs compared to day 1
            await differ.LoadCurrentAsync("day2", GetCsvDay2());

            (await differ.GetPreviousNotInCurrentAsync())
            .Select(s => s.Substring(0, 4))
            .Should().BeEquivalentTo("0001", "0003", "0006");
            (await differ.GetCurrentNotInPreviousAsync())
            .Select(s => s.Substring(0, 4))
            .Should().BeEquivalentTo("0001", "0006", "0008");