protected override async Task <Dictionary <string, SlnFile> > ProcessImpl( Task <Dictionary <string, SlnFile> > previousTask) { var fileDictObj = await previousTask; var fileDict = (Dictionary <string, SlnFile>)fileDictObj; var repoResult = GitRunner.FindRepository(_workingDirectory); if (!repoResult.foundRepo) { Logger.LogError("Unable to find Git repository located in {0}. Shutting down.", _workingDirectory); return(new Dictionary <string, SlnFile>()); } // validate the target branch if (!DiffHelper.HasBranch(repoResult.repo, _targetGitBranch)) { Logger.LogError("Current git repository doesn't have any branch named [{0}]. Shutting down.", _targetGitBranch); return(new Dictionary <string, SlnFile>()); } var repo = repoResult.repo; var affectedFiles = DiffHelper.ChangedFiles(repo, _targetGitBranch).ToList(); var projectFolders = fileDict.Where(x => x.Value.FileType == FileType.Project).ToDictionary(x => Path.GetDirectoryName(x.Key), v => Tuple.Create(v.Key, v.Value)); // filter out any files that aren't affected by the diff var newDict = new Dictionary <string, SlnFile>(); foreach (var file in affectedFiles) { Logger.LogDebug("Affected file: {0}", file); // this file is in the solution if (fileDict.ContainsKey(file)) { newDict[file] = fileDict[file]; } else { // special case - not all of the affected files were in the solution. // Check to see if these affected files are in the same folder as any of the projects var directoryName = Path.GetDirectoryName(file); if (TryFindSubFolder(projectFolders.Keys, directoryName, out var projectFolder)) { var project = projectFolders[projectFolder].Item2; var projectPath = projectFolders[projectFolder].Item1; Logger.LogInformation("Adding project {0} to the set of affected files because non-code file {1}, " + "found inside same directory [{2}], was modified.", projectPath, file, directoryName); newDict[projectPath] = project; } } } // special case - not all of the affected files were in the solution. // Check to see if these affected files are in the same folder as any of the projects return(newDict); }
public async Task <Dictionary <string, ICollection <string> > > Run() { // load the git repository var repoResult = GitRunner.FindRepository(Settings.WorkingDirectory); if (!repoResult.foundRepo) { Logger.LogError("Unable to find Git repository located in {0}. Shutting down.", Settings.WorkingDirectory); return(new Dictionary <string, ICollection <string> >()); } // validate the target branch if (!DiffHelper.HasBranch(repoResult.repo, Settings.TargetBranch)) { Logger.LogError("Current git repository doesn't have any branch named [{0}]. Shutting down.", Settings.TargetBranch); return(new Dictionary <string, ICollection <string> >()); } // start the cancellation timer. _cts.CancelAfter(Settings.TimeoutDuration); var listAllFilesCmd = new ListAffectedFilesCmd(Logger, _cts.Token, Settings.TargetBranch); var filterAllFolders = new FilterAffectedFoldersCmd(Logger, _cts.Token); return(await filterAllFolders.Process(listAllFilesCmd.Process(Task.FromResult(repoResult.repo)))); }
protected override async Task <Dictionary <string, SlnFile> > ProcessImpl( Task <Dictionary <string, SlnFile> > previousTask) { var fileDictObj = await previousTask; var fileDict = (Dictionary <string, SlnFile>)fileDictObj; var repoResult = GitRunner.FindRepository(_workingDirectory); if (!repoResult.foundRepo) { Logger.LogError("Unable to find Git repository located in {0}. Shutting down.", _workingDirectory); return(new Dictionary <string, SlnFile>()); } // validate the target branch if (!DiffHelper.HasBranch(repoResult.repo, _targetGitBranch)) { Logger.LogError("Current git repository doesn't have any branch named [{0}]. Shutting down.", _targetGitBranch); return(new Dictionary <string, SlnFile>()); } var repo = repoResult.repo; var affectedFiles = DiffHelper.ChangedFiles(repo, _targetGitBranch); // filter out any files that aren't affected by the diff var newDict = new Dictionary <string, SlnFile>(); foreach (var file in affectedFiles) { Logger.LogDebug("Affected file: {0}", file); // this file is in the solution if (fileDict.ContainsKey(file)) { newDict[file] = fileDict[file]; } } return(newDict); }
private static async Task <int> RunIncrementalist(SlnOptions options) { var logger = new ConsoleLogger("Incrementalist", (s, level) => level >= (options.Verbose ? LogLevel.Debug : LogLevel.Information), false); try { var pwd = options.WorkingDirectory ?? Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(); var insideRepo = Repository.IsValid(pwd); if (!insideRepo) { logger.LogError("Current path {0} is not located inside any known Git repository.", pwd); return(-2); } var repoFolder = Repository.Discover(pwd); var workingFolder = Directory.GetParent(repoFolder).Parent; var repoResult = GitRunner.FindRepository(workingFolder.FullName); if (!repoResult.foundRepo) { Console.WriteLine("Unable to find Git repository located in {0}. Shutting down.", workingFolder.FullName); return(-3); } // validate the target branch if (!DiffHelper.HasBranch(repoResult.repo, options.GitBranch)) { // workaround common CI server issues and check to see if this same branch is located // under "origin/{branchname}" options.GitBranch = $"origin/{options.GitBranch}"; if (!DiffHelper.HasBranch(repoResult.repo, options.GitBranch)) { Console.WriteLine("Current git repository doesn't have any branch named [{0}]. Shutting down.", options.GitBranch); Console.WriteLine("[Debug] Here are all of the currently known branches in this repository"); foreach (var b in repoResult.repo.Branches) { Console.WriteLine(b.FriendlyName); } return(-4); } } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(repoFolder)) { if (options.ListFolders) { await AnalyzeFolderDiff(options, workingFolder, logger); } else { await AnaylzeSolutionDIff(options, workingFolder, logger); } } return(0); } catch (Exception ex) { logger.LogError(ex, "Error encountered during execution of Incrementalist."); return(-1); } }
public void ShouldDetectExistingBranch() { Repository.CreateBranch("foo"); DiffHelper.HasBranch(Repository.Repository, "foo").Should().BeTrue(); }