Exemple #1
    public static void roots_to_r8poly(int nroots, double[] roots, ref int nc, ref double[] c)

    //  Purpose:
    //    ROOTS_TO_R8POLY converts polynomial roots to polynomial coefficients.
    //  Licensing:
    //    This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license.
    //  Modified:
    //    06 September 2004
    //  Author:
    //    John Burkardt
    //  Parameters:
    //    Input, int NROOTS, the number of roots specified.
    //    Input, double ROOTS[NROOTS], the roots.
    //    Output, integer *NC, the order of the polynomial, which will be NROOTS+1.
    //    Output, double C[*NC], the coefficients of the polynomial.
        int i;

        nc = nroots + 1;
        //  Initialize C to (0, 0, ..., 0, 1).
        //  Essentially, we are setting up a divided difference table.
        double[] xtab = new double[nroots + 1];
        for (i = 0; i < nc - 1; i++)
            xtab[i] = roots[i];

        xtab[nc - 1] = 0.0;

        for (i = 0; i < nc - 1; i++)
            c[i] = 0.0;

        c[nc - 1] = 1.0;
        //  Convert to standard polynomial form by shifting the abscissas
        //  of the divided difference table to 0.
        Dif.dif_shift_zero(nc, ref xtab, ref c);
    private static void test01()

    //  Purpose:
    //    TEST01 tests DIF*;
    //  Licensing:
    //    This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license.
    //  Modified:
    //    01 June 2013
    //  Author:
    //    John Burkardt
        const int MAXTAB = 10;

        double[] diftab  = new double[MAXTAB];
        double[] diftab2 = new double[MAXTAB];
        double[] diftab3 = new double[MAXTAB];
        int      i;
        int      ntab3 = 0;

        double[] xtab  = new double[MAXTAB];
        double[] xtab2 = new double[MAXTAB];
        double[] xtab3 = new double[MAXTAB];
        double[] ytab  = new double[MAXTAB];

        Console.WriteLine("  DATA_TO_DIF_DISPLAY sets up a difference table");
        Console.WriteLine("  and displays intermediate calculations;");
        Console.WriteLine("  DIF_APPEND appends a new data point;");
        Console.WriteLine("  DIF_ANTIDERIV computes the antiderivative;");
        Console.WriteLine("  DIF_DERIV_TABLE computes the derivative;");
        Console.WriteLine("  DIF_SHIFT_ZERO shifts all the abscissas to 0;");
        Console.WriteLine("  DIF_VAL evaluates at a point;");
        //  Set XTAB, YTAB to X, X^2.
        int ntab = 4;

        for (i = 0; i < ntab; i++)
            xtab[i] = i + 1;
            ytab[i] = xtab[i] * xtab[i];

        Data.data_to_dif_display(ntab, xtab, ytab, ref diftab);

        Dif.dif_print(ntab, xtab, diftab, "  The divided difference polynomial:");
        //  Add (5,25) to the table.
        Console.WriteLine("  DIF_APPEND can add the data (5,25) to the table.");

        double xval = 5.0;
        double yval = 25.0;

        Dif.dif_append(ntab, xtab, diftab, xval, yval, ref ntab, ref xtab, ref diftab);

        Dif.dif_print(ntab, xtab, diftab,
                      "  The updated divided difference polynomial:");
        //  Evaluate the polynomial at 2.5.
        Console.WriteLine("  DIF_VAL can evaluate the table at a point.");

        xval = 2.5;

        yval = Dif.dif_val(ntab, xtab, diftab, xval);

        Console.WriteLine("  DIF_VAL reports P(" + xval + ") = " + yval + "");
        //  Shift the base to zero.
        Dif.dif_shift_zero(ntab, ref xtab, ref diftab);

        Dif.dif_print(ntab, xtab, diftab,
                      "  The divided difference table after DIF_SHIFT_ZERO:");
        //  Compute a table for the derivative.
        int ntab2 = ntab - 1;

        Dif.dif_deriv_table(ntab, xtab, diftab, ref xtab2, diftab2);

        Dif.dif_print(ntab2, xtab2, diftab2,
                      "  The divided difference table for the derivative:");

        yval = Dif.dif_val(ntab2, xtab2, diftab2, xval);

        Console.WriteLine("  DIF_VAL reports P'(" + xval + ") = " + yval + "");
        //  Compute the antiderivative.
        Dif.dif_antideriv(ntab, xtab, diftab, ref ntab3, xtab3, ref diftab3);

        Dif.dif_print(ntab3, xtab3, diftab3,
                      "  The divided difference table for the antiderivative:");

        yval = Dif.dif_val(ntab3, xtab3, diftab3, xval);

        Console.WriteLine("  DIF_VAL reports (Anti)P(" + xval + ") = " + yval + "");
    private static void test05()

    //  Purpose:
    //  Licensing:
    //    This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license.
    //  Modified:
    //    18 January 2007
    //  Author:
    //    John Burkardt
        const int MAXTAB = 10;

        double[] c       = new double[MAXTAB];
        double[] diftab1 = new double[MAXTAB];
        double[] diftab2 = new double[MAXTAB];
        int      i;

        double[] xtab1 = new double[MAXTAB];
        double[] xtab2 = new double[MAXTAB];
        double[] ytab1 = new double[MAXTAB];
        double[] ytab2 = new double[MAXTAB];

        Console.WriteLine("  DIF_TO_R8POLY converts a difference table to a polynomial;");
        Console.WriteLine("  DIF_SHIFT_ZERO shifts a divided difference table to 0;");
        Console.WriteLine("  These are equivalent operations");
        //  Set XTAB, YTAB to X, F(X)
        const int ntab = 4;

        for (i = 0; i < ntab; i++)
            double x = i + 1;
            xtab1[i] = x;
            xtab2[i] = x;
            ytab1[i] = -4.0 + x * (3.0 + x * (-2.0 + x));
            ytab2[i] = ytab1[i];

        //  Compute and display the finite difference table.
        Data.data_to_dif_display(ntab, xtab1, ytab1, ref diftab1);

        Data.data_to_dif_display(ntab, xtab2, ytab2, ref diftab2);
        //  Examine the corresponding polynomial.
        Dif.dif_print(ntab, xtab1, diftab1, "  The divided difference table:");
        //  Shift to zero using DIF_SHIFT_ZERO.
        Dif.dif_shift_zero(ntab, ref xtab1, ref diftab1);

        typeMethods.r8poly_print(ntab, diftab1, "  The polynomial using DIF_SHIFT_ZERO:");
        //  Shift to zero using DIF_TO_R8POLY.
        Dif.dif_to_r8poly(ntab, xtab2, diftab2, ref c);

        typeMethods.r8poly_print(ntab, c, "  The polynomial using DIF_TO_R8POLY:");