public static string LocalisedString(CultureInfo culture, DietType type) { string langKey = GetKeyFromCulture(culture); string result = null; if (culturesInLookUp.Contains(langKey) == false) { if (LoadLanguage(culture)) { throw new ArgumentException("Language " + langKey + "not supported"); } } Dictionary <DietType, string> lookUp = null; bool gotLang = stringFromDietLookUp.TryGetValue(langKey, out lookUp); if (gotLang == false) { //loader could load the lang, should not be reachable. throw new Exception("?"); } bool gotString = lookUp.TryGetValue(type, out result); if (!gotString) { throw new ArgumentException("diet <" + type.ToString() + "> in lang:" + langKey + " not found"); } return(result); }
public int CreateDietType(VmDietType vmDietType) { var result = -1; try { var dietTypeRepository = UnitOfWork.GetRepository <DietTypeRepository>(); var newDietType = new DietType { Id = dietTypeRepository.GetDietTypeNewId(), Name = vmDietType.Name, Display = vmDietType.Display, }; dietTypeRepository.CreateDietType(newDietType); UnitOfWork.Commit(); result = newDietType.Id; } catch (Exception ex) { result = -1; } return(result); }
public static Targets determineTargets(float size,DietType Diet, AttackType Attack) { if(Attack == AttackType.Scavenging){ return Targets.Dead; } else if(size >= 35){ return Targets.Smaller; } else if(size <= 5){ return Targets.Larger; } else if(Attack == AttackType.Rushing){ return Targets.Larger; } else if(Random.value<0.2){ return Targets.Both; } else{ float sizeWeight = (20-size)/100; float largeChance = 0.5f+sizeWeight; if(largeChance < Random.value){ return Targets.Larger; } else{ return Targets.Smaller; } } }
public Animal(int numberOfLegs, bool isMammal, bool hasFur, DietType dietType) { NumberOfLegs = numberOfLegs; IsMammal = isMammal; HasFur = hasFur; DietType = dietType; }
public async Task <IActionResult> Edit(DietType diet) { _db.Update(diet); var dietList = await _db.GetAllDiets(); return(View("Index", dietList)); }
public async Task <DietType> Add(DietType diet) { _context.DietTypes.Add(diet); await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); return(diet); }
// CONSTRUCTORS public Food(string name, byte graphic, double volume, int effect, DietType foodType, Color?color, ItemType type = ItemType.Food, bool hollow = false, DamageType damageType = DamageType.Blunt) : base(graphic, type, volume, hollow, damageType, name) { this.foodType = foodType; ForeColor = (Color)color; this.effect = effect; Rarity = DetermineRarity(); }
public DietType Update(DietType diet) { var dietUpdate = _context.DietTypes.Attach(diet); dietUpdate.State = EntityState.Modified; _context.SaveChanges(); return(diet); }
public async Task <ActionResult <DietType> > PostDietType(DietType dietType) { // Indicate to the database context we want to add this new record _context.Diets.Add(dietType); await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); // Return a response that indicates the object was created (status code `201`) and some additional // headers with details of the newly created object. return(CreatedAtAction("GetDietType", new { id = dietType.Id }, dietType)); }
public Food(DietType foodType, string name, byte graphic, double volume, Color?foreColor = null, ItemType type = ItemType.Food, bool hollow = false, DamageType damageType = DamageType.Blunt) : base(graphic, type, volume, hollow, damageType) { ForeColor = Physics.MaterialColors[foodType == DietType.Herbivore ? Material.Plant : Material.Meat]; if (foreColor != null) { ForeColor = (Color)foreColor; } foodName = name; Identify(); }
public async Task <IActionResult> Update(string id, DietType updatedDietType) { var queriedDietType = await _dietTypeService.GetByIdAsync(id); if (queriedDietType == null) { return(NotFound()); } await _dietTypeService.UpdateAsync(id, updatedDietType); return(NoContent()); }
public async Task <IActionResult> Create(DietType diet) { if (!ModelState.IsValid) { return(View(diet)); } await _db.Add(diet); var dietList = await _db.GetAllDiets(); return(View("Index", dietList)); }
public override string ToString() { string theirGenderPronoun, //The gender pronoun to use animalInfo = ""; //String of info to return //Finds out the animal's gender pronoun theirGenderPronoun = Gender.ToLower() == "male" ? "He" : "She"; //Creates the formatted string of the info to return animalInfo += string.Format("This is our {0} year old {1}. ", Age, Type.ToLower()); animalInfo += string.Format("{0} lives here at {1}. ", theirGenderPronoun, ZooLocation); animalInfo += string.Format("{0} is a {1}. ", theirGenderPronoun, DietType.ToLower()); animalInfo += HowTheAnimalMoves; return(animalInfo); }
//TODO: Place for model data. void Start() { Material Red = (Material)Resources.Load("Temp/Materials/Redfish_MT"); Material Blue = (Material)Resources.Load("Temp/Materials/Purpfish_MT"); Material Green = (Material)Resources.Load("Temp/Materials/Goldfish_MT"); //TODO: Load Model Data //TODO: Calculate complexity species = GenUtil.species(Random.Range(1,40),complexity:75, targets: Targets.Smaller); //Debug.Log (species); //Unpack species string string[] temp = species.Split(new char[] {' '}); speciesName = temp[0]; Diet = (DietType)System.Enum.Parse(typeof(DietType),temp[1]); dimensions.x = float.Parse(temp[2]); dimensions.y = float.Parse(temp[3]); dimensions.z = float.Parse(temp[4]); AttType = (AttackType)System.Enum.Parse(typeof(AttackType),temp[5]); DefType = (DefenceType)System.Enum.Parse(typeof(DefenceType),temp[6]); MovType = (MovementType)System.Enum.Parse(typeof(MovementType),temp[7]); targets = (Targets)System.Enum.Parse(typeof(Targets),temp[8]); speed = float.Parse(temp[9]); if(temp.Length > 10){ for(int i = 10;i<temp.Length;i++){ gameObject.AddComponent(temp[i]); } } size = (dimensions.x+dimensions.y+dimensions.z)/3; //Switch Color based on Diet switch(Diet){ case DietType.Omnivore: renderer.material = Blue; break; case DietType.Herbivore: renderer.material = Green; break; case DietType.Carnivore: renderer.material = Red; break; } }
public bool UpdateDietType(VmDietType vmDietType) { try { var DietTypeRepository = UnitOfWork.GetRepository <DietTypeRepository>(); var updateableDietType = new DietType { Id = vmDietType.Id, Name = vmDietType.Name, Display = vmDietType.Display, }; DietTypeRepository.UpdateDietType(updateableDietType); return(UnitOfWork.Commit()); } catch { return(false); } }
/** * Prints out all the info on a reptile in a formatted matter. * @return The info about a reptile */ public override string ToString() { string theirGenderPronoun, //The gender pronoun to use theirDietType = DietType.ToLower(), //The reptile's diet type animalInfo = ""; //The string to return with the reptile's info //Finds out the reptile's gender pronoun if (Gender.ToLower() == "male") //Is a male { theirGenderPronoun = "He"; } else //Is a female { theirGenderPronoun = "She"; } if (DietType == "omnivore") { theirDietType = "an " + theirDietType; } else { theirDietType = "a " + theirDietType; } //Creates the formatted string of the info to return animalInfo += string.Format("This is our {0} year old {1}. ", Age, Type.ToLower()); animalInfo += string.Format("{0} lives {1} at {2}. ", theirGenderPronoun, (LivesIndoors ? "indoors" : "outdoors"), ZooLocation); animalInfo += string.Format("{0} is {1}shelled and is {2}. ", theirGenderPronoun, (HasAShell ? "" : "not "), theirDietType); animalInfo += HowTheAnimalMoves; return(animalInfo); }
public async Task <IActionResult> PutDietType(int id, DietType dietType) { // If the ID in the URL does not match the ID in the supplied request body, return a bad request if (id != dietType.Id) { return(BadRequest()); } // Tell the database to consider everything in dietType to be _updated_ values. When // the save happens the database will _replace_ the values in the database with the ones from dietType _context.Entry(dietType).State = EntityState.Modified; try { // Try to save these changes. await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); } catch (DbUpdateConcurrencyException) { // Ooops, looks like there was an error, so check to see if the record we were // updating no longer exists. if (!DietTypeExists(id)) { // If the record we tried to update was already deleted by someone else, // return a `404` not found return(NotFound()); } else { // Otherwise throw the error back, which will cause the request to fail // and generate an error to the client. throw; } } // Return a copy of the updated data return(Ok(dietType)); }
public static AttackType determineAttack(DietType Diet) { AttackType result = AttackType.Scavenging; float chance = Random.value; if(Diet == DietType.Herbivore){ result = AttackType.Scavenging; } else{ if(chance >= .9){ result = AttackType.Scavenging; } else if(chance >= .45){ result = AttackType.Stalking; } else if (chance >= .225){ result = AttackType.Waiting; } else{ result = AttackType.Rushing; } } return result; }
public static DefenceType determineDefence(DietType Diet) { DefenceType result = DefenceType.Fleeing; float chance = Random.value; if((Diet == DietType.Carnivore || Diet == DietType.Omnivore) && chance >= .5){ result = DefenceType.Fighting; } else{ if(chance >= .75){ result = DefenceType.Fleeing; } else if(chance >= .5){ result = DefenceType.Hardening; } else if(chance >= .25){ result = DefenceType.Fighting; } else{ result = DefenceType.Hiding; } } return result; }
public async Task UpdateAsync(string id, DietType DietType) { await _dietType.ReplaceOneAsync(s => s.Id == id, DietType); }
public Diet(DietType type) { this.Type = type; }
public Dragon(int numberOfLegs, bool hasFur, DietType dietType) : base(numberOfLegs, false, hasFur, dietType) { }
private void FillBalanceFoodCalorieByQty(IEnumerable <FoodItemModel> foodList, DietType type, double balanceCalorie) { var foods = foodList.Where(f => f.Type == type).ToList(); var foodCount = foods.Count; var calPortaion = balanceCalorie / foodCount; foreach (var item in foods) { var foodCalorie = GetFoodCalorieAmount(item); var extraFoodQuantity = 100 * calPortaion / foodCalorie; item.FoodQuantity += extraFoodQuantity; } }
// CONSTRUCTORS // public Animal(Block[] map, Point position, Point worldIndex, int currentFloor, Color?color, int sightDist, int persistence, Dictionary <DesireType, int> baseDesires, Class uclass, string name, string gender, DietType diet, string faction, byte graphic, bool solid = true, bool opaque = true) : base(map, position, worldIndex, currentFloor, sightDist, graphic, name, gender, diet, faction, solid, opaque) { if (color != null) { this.ForeColor = (Color)color; } this.Class = uclass; this.baseDesires = baseDesires; currentDesires = baseDesires; DetermineStats(); DetermineEquipment(); }
// CONSTRUCTORS public Player(Block[] map, Point position, Point worldIndex, int currentFloor, int sightDist, string name, string gender, DietType diet, string faction, Class uclass, byte graphic = 1, bool solid = true, bool opaque = true) : base(map, position, worldIndex, currentFloor, sightDist, graphic, name, gender, diet, faction, solid, opaque) { ForeColor = Color.AntiqueWhite; BlueprintPouch bpPouch = new BlueprintPouch(false); RecipePouch craftPouch = new RecipePouch(false); Inventory.Add(bpPouch); Inventory.Add(craftPouch); Inventory.Add(new Axe(true) { WeaponName = "pickaxe", Material = Material.Copper }); Inventory.Add(new Torch(false)); foreach (Item i in Inventory) { i.DetermineDurability(); } Gold = 550; Class = uclass; DetermineStats(); DetermineEquipment(); }
/** * Prints out all the info of the mammal in a formatted matter. * @return The info of the mammal */ public override string ToString() { string theirGenderPronoun, animalInfo = ""; //Finds out the mammal's gender pronoun if (Gender.ToLower() == "male") //Is a male { theirGenderPronoun = "He"; } else //Is a female { theirGenderPronoun = "She"; } //Creates the formatted string of the info to return animalInfo += string.Format("This is one of our {0}s. ", Type.ToLower()); animalInfo += string.Format("{0}\'s {1} years old and weighs {2:N1} pounds. ", theirGenderPronoun, Age, Weight); animalInfo += string.Format("{0} lives here at {1}, where {2} eats {3} {4} meals per day. ", theirGenderPronoun, ZooLocation, theirGenderPronoun.ToLower(), DailyMealCount, DietType.ToLower()); animalInfo += HowTheAnimalMoves; return(animalInfo); }
/// <inheritdoc/> public string ToDelimitedString() { CultureInfo culture = CultureInfo.CurrentCulture; return(string.Format( culture, StringHelper.StringFormatSequence(0, 53, Configuration.FieldSeparator), Id, SetIdPv1.HasValue ? SetIdPv1.Value.ToString(culture) : null, PatientClass, AssignedPatientLocation?.ToDelimitedString(), AdmissionType, PreadmitNumber?.ToDelimitedString(), PriorPatientLocation?.ToDelimitedString(), AttendingDoctor != null ? string.Join(Configuration.FieldRepeatSeparator, AttendingDoctor.Select(x => x.ToDelimitedString())) : null, ReferringDoctor != null ? string.Join(Configuration.FieldRepeatSeparator, ReferringDoctor.Select(x => x.ToDelimitedString())) : null, ConsultingDoctor != null ? string.Join(Configuration.FieldRepeatSeparator, ConsultingDoctor.Select(x => x.ToDelimitedString())) : null, HospitalService, TemporaryLocation?.ToDelimitedString(), PreadmitTestIndicator, ReadmissionIndicator, AdmitSource, AmbulatoryStatus != null ? string.Join(Configuration.FieldRepeatSeparator, AmbulatoryStatus) : null, VipIndicator, AdmittingDoctor != null ? string.Join(Configuration.FieldRepeatSeparator, AdmittingDoctor.Select(x => x.ToDelimitedString())) : null, PatientType, VisitNumber?.ToDelimitedString(), FinancialClass != null ? string.Join(Configuration.FieldRepeatSeparator, FinancialClass.Select(x => x.ToDelimitedString())) : null, ChargePriceIndicator, CourtesyCode, CreditRating, ContractCode != null ? string.Join(Configuration.FieldRepeatSeparator, ContractCode) : null, ContractEffectiveDate != null ? string.Join(Configuration.FieldRepeatSeparator, ContractEffectiveDate.Select(x => x.ToString(Consts.DateFormatPrecisionDay, culture))) : null, ContractAmount != null ? string.Join(Configuration.FieldRepeatSeparator, ContractAmount.Select(x => x.ToString(Consts.NumericFormat, culture))) : null, ContractPeriod != null ? string.Join(Configuration.FieldRepeatSeparator, ContractPeriod.Select(x => x.ToString(Consts.NumericFormat, culture))) : null, InterestCode, TransferToBadDebtCode, TransferToBadDebtDate.HasValue ? TransferToBadDebtDate.Value.ToString(Consts.DateFormatPrecisionDay, culture) : null, BadDebtAgencyCode, BadDebtTransferAmount.HasValue ? BadDebtTransferAmount.Value.ToString(Consts.NumericFormat, culture) : null, BadDebtRecoveryAmount.HasValue ? BadDebtRecoveryAmount.Value.ToString(Consts.NumericFormat, culture) : null, DeleteAccountIndicator, DeleteAccountDate.HasValue ? DeleteAccountDate.Value.ToString(Consts.DateFormatPrecisionDay, culture) : null, DischargeDisposition, DischargedToLocation?.ToDelimitedString(), DietType?.ToDelimitedString(), ServicingFacility, BedStatus, AccountStatus, PendingLocation?.ToDelimitedString(), PriorTemporaryLocation?.ToDelimitedString(), AdmitDateTime.HasValue ? AdmitDateTime.Value.ToString(Consts.DateTimeFormatPrecisionSecond, culture) : null, DischargeDateTime.HasValue ? DischargeDateTime.Value.ToString(Consts.DateTimeFormatPrecisionSecond, culture) : null, CurrentPatientBalance.HasValue ? CurrentPatientBalance.Value.ToString(Consts.NumericFormat, culture) : null, TotalCharges.HasValue ? TotalCharges.Value.ToString(Consts.NumericFormat, culture) : null, TotalAdjustments.HasValue ? TotalAdjustments.Value.ToString(Consts.NumericFormat, culture) : null, TotalPayments.HasValue ? TotalPayments.Value.ToString(Consts.NumericFormat, culture) : null, AlternateVisitId?.ToDelimitedString(), VisitIndicator, OtherHealthcareProvider?.ToDelimitedString() ).TrimEnd(Configuration.FieldSeparator.ToCharArray())); }
public DietTypeAttribute(DietType dietType) { this.Something = dietType; }
// CONSTRUCTORS // public Monster(Block[] map, Point position, Point worldIndex, int currentFloor, Color?color, int sightDist, int persistence, Dictionary <DesireType, int> baseDesires, Class uclass, string name, string gender, DietType diet, string faction, byte graphic, bool solid = true, bool opaque = true) : base(map, position, worldIndex, currentFloor, sightDist, graphic, name, gender, diet, faction, solid, opaque) { this.persistence = persistence; patrolling = true; curPatrolDestIndex = Program.RNG.Next(1, 5); turnsSinceAttentionCaught = 0; if (color != null) { this.ForeColor = (Color)color; } this.Class = uclass; this.baseDesires = baseDesires; currentDesires = baseDesires; DetermineStats(); DetermineEquipment(); }
public bool UpdatePerson(VmPerson vmPerson) { try { var personRepository = UnitOfWork.GetRepository <PersonRepository>(); var dietTypeRepository = UnitOfWork.GetRepository <DietTypeRepository>(); var person = new Person { Id = vmPerson.Id, SizeId = vmPerson.SizeId, Sex = vmPerson.Sex, UniversityId = vmPerson.UniversityId, JacketSizeId = vmPerson.JacketSizeId, UserId = vmPerson.UserId, ResumeUrl = vmPerson.ResumeUrl, FirstName = vmPerson.FirstName, LastName = vmPerson.LastName, StreetLine1 = vmPerson.StreetLine1, StreetLine2 = vmPerson.StreetLine2, City = vmPerson.City, State = vmPerson.State, ZipCode = vmPerson.ZipCode, EmgyPersonFirstName = vmPerson.EmgyPersonFirstName, EmgyPersonLastName = vmPerson.EmgyPersonLastName, EmgyPersonPhoneNumber = vmPerson.EmgyPersonPhoneNumber, EmgyPersonRelationship = vmPerson.EmgyPersonRelationship, ShortBio = vmPerson.ShortBio, WelcomeDinner = vmPerson.WelcomeDinner, LunchOnMonday = vmPerson.LunchOnMonday, LunchOnTuesday = vmPerson.LunchOnTuesday, ReceptionNetworkOnTuesday = vmPerson.ReceptionNetworkOnTuesday, AwardBanquet = vmPerson.AwardBanquet, NoneOfTheAbove = vmPerson.NoneOfTheAbove, SecondaryEmail = vmPerson.SecondaryEmail, Agreement = vmPerson.Agreement, }; if (vmPerson.DietTypeId == 5) { var dietType = new DietType { Id = dietTypeRepository.GetDietTypeNewId(), Name = vmPerson.DietType, Display = true, }; person.DietTypeId = dietType.Id; dietTypeRepository.CreateDietType(dietType); } else { person.DietTypeId = vmPerson.DietTypeId; } person.Allergies = vmPerson.Allergies; personRepository.UpdatePerson(person); //Do not delete its for next year //if (vmPerson.RoleId == "4d7951d8-8eda-4452-8ff1-dfc9076d8bbe") //{ // var userTaskRepository = UnitOfWork.GetRepository<UserTaskRepository>() // userTaskRepository.DeleteUserTasks(vmPerson.UserId); // userTaskRepository.CreateTasksUser(vmPerson.UserId, vmPerson.TaskIds); //} var teamMemberRepository = UnitOfWork.GetRepository <TeamMemberRepository>(); var updateableTeamMember = new TeamMember { MemberUserId = vmPerson.UserId, RegistrationStatus = true, }; teamMemberRepository.UpdateTeamMemberRegistrationStatusByUserId(updateableTeamMember); UnitOfWork.Commit(); return(true); } catch (Exception ex) { return(false); } }
public async Task <IActionResult> Create(DietType dietType) { await _dietTypeService.CreateAsync(dietType); return(Ok(dietType)); }
public DietType GetDietType(int id) { DietType diet = _context.DietTypes.Where(m => m.Id == id).FirstOrDefault(); return(diet); }
public async Task <DietType> CreateAsync(DietType DietType) { await _dietType.InsertOneAsync(DietType); return(DietType); }