public static void LoadBank(string name) { AkBankHandle handle = null; if (!m_BankHandles.TryGetValue(name, out handle)) { handle = new AkBankHandle(name); m_BankHandles.Add(name, handle); handle.LoadBank(); } }
public void AddToResourceMap(DictionaryView <string, ListView <CResourcePackerInfo> > map) { for (int i = 0; i < this.m_resourceInfos.Count; i++) { stResourceInfo info = this.m_resourceInfos[i]; string key = info.m_fullPathInResourcesWithoutExtension.ToLower(); stResourceInfo info2 = this.m_resourceInfos[i]; if (info2.m_isRenamed) { if (this.m_renameMap == null) { this.m_renameMap = new Dictionary <string, string>(); } stResourceInfo info3 = this.m_resourceInfos[i]; this.m_renameMap.Add(key, info3.m_fullPathInResourcesWithoutExtension_Renamed.ToLower()); } ListView <CResourcePackerInfo> view = null; if (!map.TryGetValue(key, out view)) { view = new ListView <CResourcePackerInfo>(); map.Add(key, view); } view.Add(this); } }
public void AddCommand(ICheatCommand InCommand, int HierarchiesIndex) { DebugHelper.Assert(InCommand != null); string[] GroupHierarchies = InCommand.command.groupHierarchies; DebugHelper.Assert(GroupHierarchies != null); if (HierarchiesIndex < GroupHierarchies.Length) { // should add to children group CheatCommandGroup Groups = null; if (!ChildrenGroups.TryGetValue(GroupHierarchies[HierarchiesIndex], out Groups)) { Groups = new CheatCommandGroup(); ChildrenGroups.Add(GroupHierarchies[HierarchiesIndex], Groups); } DebugHelper.Assert(Groups != null); Groups.AddCommand(InCommand, HierarchiesIndex + 1); } else { // add to this group Commands.Add(InCommand.command.baseName, InCommand); } }
private void AddAction(DictionaryView <string, Action> actions, string actionName) { if (actionName != null && !this.actionDict.ContainsKey(actionName) && !actions.ContainsKey(actionName)) { actions.Add(actionName, null); } }
public static void LoadBank(string name) { m_Mutex.WaitOne(); AkBankHandle handle = null; if (!m_BankHandles.TryGetValue(name, out handle)) { handle = new AkBankHandle(name); m_BankHandles.Add(name, handle); m_Mutex.ReleaseMutex(); handle.LoadBank(); } else { m_Mutex.ReleaseMutex(); } }
private void AddReferencedAssets(DictionaryView <string, AGE.Action> actions, Dictionary <object, AssetRefType> actionAssets) { Dictionary <object, AssetRefType> .Enumerator enumerator = actionAssets.GetEnumerator(); while (enumerator.MoveNext()) { KeyValuePair <object, AssetRefType> current = enumerator.Current; AssetRefType type = current.Value; switch (type) { case AssetRefType.Action: { KeyValuePair <object, AssetRefType> pair2 = enumerator.Current; string key = pair2.Key as string; if (!this.actionDict.ContainsKey(key) && !actions.ContainsKey(key)) { actions.Add(key, null); } continue; } case AssetRefType.SkillID: { KeyValuePair <object, AssetRefType> pair5 = enumerator.Current; int skillID = (int)pair5.Key; this.AddActionsFromSkill(actions, skillID); continue; } case AssetRefType.SkillCombine: { KeyValuePair <object, AssetRefType> pair4 = enumerator.Current; int skillCombineID = (int)pair4.Key; this.AddActionsFromSkillCombine(actions, skillCombineID); continue; } case AssetRefType.Prefab: case AssetRefType.Particle: { KeyValuePair <object, AssetRefType> pair3 = enumerator.Current; string str2 = pair3.Key as string; if (!this.prefabDict.ContainsKey(str2)) { this.prefabDict.Add(str2, type == AssetRefType.Particle); } continue; } case AssetRefType.MonsterConfigId: { KeyValuePair <object, AssetRefType> pair6 = enumerator.Current; int num3 = (int)pair6.Key; this.AddActionsFromSoldier(actions, (uint)num3); continue; } } } }
private void AddAction(DictionaryView <string, Action> actions, byte[] actionNameUtf8) { string text = StringHelper.UTF8BytesToString(ref actionNameUtf8); if (text != null && !this.actionDict.ContainsKey(text) && !actions.ContainsKey(text)) { actions.Add(text, null); } }
private void AddAction(DictionaryView <string, AGE.Action> actions, byte[] actionNameUtf8) { string key = StringHelper.UTF8BytesToString(ref actionNameUtf8); if (((key != null) && !this.actionDict.ContainsKey(key)) && !actions.ContainsKey(key)) { actions.Add(key, null); } }
protected virtual void Update() { if (_hasRenderer) { _hasRenderer = false; if (_toClean.Count > 0) { for (int j = 0; j < _toClean.Count; j++) { Mesh mesh = _toClean[j]; if (mesh != null) { if (Application.isEditor) { UnityEngine.Object.DestroyImmediate(mesh, true); } else { UnityEngine.Object.Destroy(mesh); } } } } _toClean.Clear(); } if (!_matToTrailList.ContainsKey(this.TrailData.TrailMaterial)) { _matToTrailList.Add(this.TrailData.TrailMaterial, new ListView <PCTrail>()); } if (this._activeTrail != null) { this.UpdatePoints(this._activeTrail, Time.deltaTime); this.UpdateTrail(this._activeTrail, Time.deltaTime); this.GenerateMesh(this._activeTrail); _matToTrailList[this.TrailData.TrailMaterial].Add(this._activeTrail); } for (int i = this._fadingTrails.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if ((this._fadingTrails[i] == null) || !this.AnyElement(this._fadingTrails[i].Points)) { if (this._fadingTrails[i] != null) { this._fadingTrails[i].Dispose(); } this._fadingTrails.RemoveAt(i); } else { this.UpdatePoints(this._fadingTrails[i], Time.deltaTime); this.UpdateTrail(this._fadingTrails[i], Time.deltaTime); this.GenerateMesh(this._fadingTrails[i]); _matToTrailList[this.TrailData.TrailMaterial].Add(this._fadingTrails[i]); } } this.CheckEmitChange(); }
private static object FromStringStruct(System.Type type, string src) { object obj2 = Activator.CreateInstance(type); DictionaryView <string, FieldInfo> view = new DictionaryView <string, FieldInfo>(); foreach (FieldInfo info in type.GetFields(BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly)) { if (!info.IsLiteral) { view.Add(info.Name, info); } } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(src)) { int num2 = SkipPairedBrackets(src, 0); int startIndex = 1; int index = src.IndexOf(';', startIndex); while (index != -1) { if (index > startIndex) { string str2; int num5 = src.IndexOf('=', startIndex); int length = num5 - startIndex; string key = src.Substring(startIndex, length); char ch = src[num5 + 1]; if (ch != '{') { length = (index - num5) - 1; str2 = src.Substring(num5 + 1, length); } else { int indexBracketBegin = 0; indexBracketBegin += num5 + 1; length = (SkipPairedBrackets(src, indexBracketBegin) - indexBracketBegin) + 1; str2 = src.Substring(num5 + 1, length); index = (num5 + 1) + length; } if (view.ContainsKey(key)) { FieldInfo info2 = view[key]; object obj3 = FromString(info2.FieldType, str2, false); info2.SetValue(obj2, obj3); } } startIndex = index + 1; index = src.IndexOf(';', startIndex); if (index > num2) { return(obj2); } } } return(obj2); }
public void InsertEventGlobal(string className, CNamedEvent pEvent) { if (this.FindEventStatic(className, pEvent.GetName()) == null) { if (!this.ms_eventInfosGlobal.ContainsKey(className)) { this.ms_eventInfosGlobal.Add(className, new DictionaryView <CStringID, CNamedEvent>()); } DictionaryView <CStringID, CNamedEvent> view = this.ms_eventInfosGlobal[className]; CNamedEvent event3 = (CNamedEvent)pEvent.clone(); CStringID key = new CStringID(event3.GetName()); view.Add(key, event3); } }
public void CopyRefParams(Action resource) { this.refParamsSrc = resource.refParams; this.refParams.ClearParams(); DictionaryView <string, SRefParam> .Enumerator enumerator = this.refParamsSrc.refParamList.GetEnumerator(); while (enumerator.MoveNext()) { DictionaryView <string, SRefParam> refParamList = this.refParams.refParamList; KeyValuePair <string, SRefParam> current = enumerator.Current; string key = current.get_Key(); KeyValuePair <string, SRefParam> current2 = enumerator.Current; refParamList.Add(key, current2.get_Value().Clone()); } }
public void InsertEventGlobal(string className, CNamedEvent pEvent) { if (this.FindEventStatic(className, pEvent.GetName()) == null) { if (!this.ms_eventInfosGlobal.ContainsKey(className)) { this.ms_eventInfosGlobal.Add(className, new DictionaryView <CStringID, CNamedEvent>()); } DictionaryView <CStringID, CNamedEvent> dictionaryView = this.ms_eventInfosGlobal.get_Item(className); CNamedEvent cNamedEvent = (CNamedEvent)pEvent.clone(); CStringID cStringID = new CStringID(cNamedEvent.GetName()); dictionaryView.Add(cStringID, cNamedEvent); } }
public void AddToResourceMap(DictionaryView <string, ListView <CResourcePackerInfo> > map) { for (int i = 0; i < this.m_resourceInfos.Count; i++) { stResourceInfo info = this.m_resourceInfos[i]; string key = info.m_fullPathInResourcesWithoutExtension.ToLower(); ListView <CResourcePackerInfo> view = null; if (!map.TryGetValue(key, out view)) { view = new ListView <CResourcePackerInfo>(); map.Add(key, view); } view.Add(this); } }
protected DictionaryView<TriggerActionBase, RefParamOperator> DoActorEnterShared(ref PoolObjHandle<ActorRoot> inActor) { DictionaryView<TriggerActionBase, RefParamOperator> view = new DictionaryView<TriggerActionBase, RefParamOperator>(); foreach (TriggerActionWrapper wrapper in this.m_internalActList) { if (wrapper != null) { RefParamOperator @operator = wrapper.TriggerEnter(inActor, this.thisActor, this, null); if (@operator != null) { view.Add(wrapper.GetActionInternal(), @operator); } } } return view; }
private void OnEnable() { if (this.multiPositionTypeLabel == MultiPositionTypeLabel.Simple_Mode) { AkGameObj[] components = base.gameObject.GetComponents <AkGameObj>(); for (int i = 0; i < components.Length; i++) { components[i].enabled = true; } } else if (this.multiPositionTypeLabel == MultiPositionTypeLabel.Large_Mode) { AkGameObj[] objArray2 = base.gameObject.GetComponents <AkGameObj>(); for (int j = 0; j < objArray2.Length; j++) { objArray2[j].enabled = false; } AkPositionArray array = this.BuildAkPositionArray(); AkSoundEngine.SetMultiplePositions(base.gameObject, array, (ushort)array.Count, MultiPositionType.MultiPositionType_MultiSources); } else if (this.multiPositionTypeLabel == MultiPositionTypeLabel.MultiPosition_Mode) { AkMultiPosEvent event2; AkGameObj[] objArray3 = base.gameObject.GetComponents <AkGameObj>(); for (int k = 0; k < objArray3.Length; k++) { objArray3[k].enabled = false; } if (multiPosEventTree.TryGetValue(base.eventID, out event2)) { if (!event2.list.Contains(this)) { event2.list.Add(this); } } else { event2 = new AkMultiPosEvent(); event2.list.Add(this); multiPosEventTree.Add(base.eventID, event2); } AkPositionArray array2 = this.BuildMultiDirectionArray(ref event2); AkSoundEngine.SetMultiplePositions(event2.list[0].gameObject, array2, (ushort)array2.Count, MultiPositionType.MultiPositionType_MultiSources); } }
protected DictionaryView <TriggerActionBase, RefParamOperator> DoActorEnterShared(ref PoolObjHandle <ActorRoot> inActor) { DictionaryView <TriggerActionBase, RefParamOperator> dictionaryView = new DictionaryView <TriggerActionBase, RefParamOperator>(); TriggerActionWrapper[] internalActList = this.m_internalActList; for (int i = 0; i < internalActList.Length; i++) { TriggerActionWrapper triggerActionWrapper = internalActList[i]; if (triggerActionWrapper != null) { RefParamOperator refParamOperator = triggerActionWrapper.TriggerEnter(inActor, this.thisActor, this); if (refParamOperator != null) { dictionaryView.Add(triggerActionWrapper.GetActionInternal(), refParamOperator); } } } return(dictionaryView); }
public static void InitHeroSkinDicData() { s_heroSkinDic.Clear(); Dictionary <long, object> .Enumerator enumerator = GameDataMgr.heroSkinDatabin.GetEnumerator(); while (enumerator.MoveNext()) { KeyValuePair <long, object> current = enumerator.Current; ResHeroSkin item = current.Value as ResHeroSkin; if (((item != null) && (item.bIsShow != 0)) && (GameDataMgr.heroDatabin.GetDataByKey(item.dwHeroID) != null)) { if (!s_heroSkinDic.ContainsKey(item.dwHeroID)) { ListView <ResHeroSkin> view = new ListView <ResHeroSkin>(); s_heroSkinDic.Add(item.dwHeroID, view); } s_heroSkinDic[item.dwHeroID].Add(item); } } }
public static ListView <UrlAction> ParseFromText(string text, char[] spliter = null) { ListView <UrlAction> view = new ListView <UrlAction>(); if (spliter == null) { spliter = MultiSpliter; } try { string[] strArray = text.Split(spliter, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); for (int i = 0; i < strArray.Length; i++) { string[] strArray2 = strArray[i].Split(InnerSpliter, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); if (strArray2.Length > 0) { DictionaryView <string, string> view2 = new DictionaryView <string, string>(); for (int j = 1; j < strArray2.Length; j++) { string[] strArray3 = strArray2[j].Split(ParamSpliter); if ((strArray3 != null) && (strArray3.Length == 2)) { view2.Add(strArray3[0], strArray3[1]); } } UrlAction item = new UrlAction { target = strArray2[0], action = Action.none }; if (view2.ContainsKey("action")) { string key = view2["action"]; if (key != null) { int num3; if (< > f__switch$map2 == null) { Dictionary <string, int> dictionary = new Dictionary <string, int>(3); dictionary.Add("openUrl", 0); dictionary.Add("openForm", 1); dictionary.Add("buy", 2); < > f__switch$map2 = dictionary; }
public static ListView <UrlAction> ParseFromText(string text, char[] spliter = null) { ListView <UrlAction> listView = new ListView <UrlAction>(); if (spliter == null) { spliter = UrlAction.MultiSpliter; } try { string[] array = text.Split(spliter, 1); for (int i = 0; i < array.Length; i++) { string[] array2 = array[i].Split(UrlAction.InnerSpliter, 1); if (array2.Length > 0) { DictionaryView <string, string> dictionaryView = new DictionaryView <string, string>(); for (int j = 1; j < array2.Length; j++) { string[] array3 = array2[j].Split(UrlAction.ParamSpliter); if (array3 != null && array3.Length == 2) { dictionaryView.Add(array3[0], array3[1]); } } UrlAction urlAction = new UrlAction(); = array2[0]; urlAction.action = UrlAction.Action.none; if (dictionaryView.ContainsKey("action")) { string text2 = dictionaryView["action"]; string text3 = text2; string text4 = text3; if (text4 != null) { if (UrlAction.< > f__switch$map2 == null) { Dictionary <string, int> dictionary = new Dictionary <string, int>(4); dictionary.Add("openUrl", 0); dictionary.Add("openForm", 1); dictionary.Add("buy", 2); dictionary.Add("openMatchUrl", 3); UrlAction.< > f__switch$map2 = dictionary; } int num; if (UrlAction.< > f__switch$map2.TryGetValue(text4, ref num)) { switch (num) { case 0: urlAction.action = UrlAction.Action.openUrl; urlAction.url = dictionaryView["url"]; break; case 1: urlAction.action = UrlAction.Action.openForm; urlAction.form = (RES_GAME_ENTRANCE_TYPE)int.Parse(dictionaryView["form"]); break; case 2: urlAction.action =; urlAction.prodType = (COM_ITEM_TYPE)int.Parse(dictionaryView["prodType"]); urlAction.prodID = uint.Parse(dictionaryView["prodID"]); if (dictionaryView.ContainsKey("prodSpec")) { int.TryParse(dictionaryView["prodSpec"], ref urlAction.prodSpec); } break; case 3: { int num2 = text.IndexOf("#action=openMatchUrl"); if (num2 > 0) { = text.Substring(0, num2); } urlAction.action = UrlAction.Action.openMatchUrl; break; } } } } } if (dictionaryView.ContainsKey("overTime")) { ulong.TryParse(dictionaryView["overTime"], ref urlAction.overTime); } if (dictionaryView.ContainsKey("showTime")) { int.TryParse(dictionaryView["showTime"], ref urlAction.showTime); } listView.Add(urlAction); } } } catch (Exception var_11_299) { } return(listView); }
private static object FromStringStruct(Type type, string src) { object obj = Activator.CreateInstance(type); DictionaryView <string, FieldInfo> dictionaryView = new DictionaryView <string, FieldInfo>(); FieldInfo[] fields = type.GetFields(62); for (int i = 0; i < fields.Length; i++) { FieldInfo fieldInfo = fields[i]; if (!fieldInfo.get_IsLiteral()) { dictionaryView.Add(fieldInfo.get_Name(), fieldInfo); } } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(src)) { return(obj); } int num = StringUtils.SkipPairedBrackets(src, 0); int num2 = 1; int num3 = src.IndexOf(';', num2); while (num3 != -1) { if (num3 > num2) { int num4 = src.IndexOf('=', num2); int num5 = num4 - num2; string key = src.Substring(num2, num5); char c = src.get_Chars(num4 + 1); string valStr; if (c != '{') { num5 = num3 - num4 - 1; valStr = src.Substring(num4 + 1, num5); } else { int num6 = 0; num6 += num4 + 1; int num7 = StringUtils.SkipPairedBrackets(src, num6); num5 = num7 - num6 + 1; valStr = src.Substring(num4 + 1, num5); num3 = num4 + 1 + num5; } if (dictionaryView.ContainsKey(key)) { FieldInfo fieldInfo2 = dictionaryView[key]; object obj2 = StringUtils.FromString(fieldInfo2.get_FieldType(), valStr, false); fieldInfo2.SetValue(obj, obj2); } } num2 = num3 + 1; num3 = src.IndexOf(';', num2); if (num3 > num) { break; } } return(obj); }
public static ListView <UrlAction> ParseFromText(string text, char[] spliter = null) { ListView <UrlAction> listView = new ListView <UrlAction>(); if (spliter == null) { spliter = UrlAction.MultiSpliter; } try { string[] array = text.Split(spliter, 1); for (int i = 0; i < array.Length; i++) { string[] array2 = array[i].Split(UrlAction.InnerSpliter, 1); if (array2.Length > 0) { DictionaryView <string, string> dictionaryView = new DictionaryView <string, string>(); for (int j = 1; j < array2.Length; j++) { string[] array3 = array2[j].Split(UrlAction.ParamSpliter); if (array3 != null && array3.Length == 2) { dictionaryView.Add(array3[0], array3[1]); } } UrlAction urlAction = new UrlAction(); = array2[0]; urlAction.action = UrlAction.Action.none; if (dictionaryView.ContainsKey("action")) { string text2 = dictionaryView.get_Item("action"); string text3 = text2; if (text3 != null) { if (UrlAction.< > f__switch$map0 == null) { Dictionary <string, int> dictionary = new Dictionary <string, int>(3); dictionary.Add("openUrl", 0); dictionary.Add("openForm", 1); dictionary.Add("buy", 2); UrlAction.< > f__switch$map0 = dictionary; } int num; if (UrlAction.< > f__switch$map0.TryGetValue(text3, ref num)) { switch (num) { case 0: urlAction.action = UrlAction.Action.openUrl; urlAction.url = dictionaryView.get_Item("url"); break; case 1: urlAction.action = UrlAction.Action.openForm; urlAction.form = int.Parse(dictionaryView.get_Item("form")); break; case 2: urlAction.action =; urlAction.prodType = int.Parse(dictionaryView.get_Item("prodType")); urlAction.prodID = uint.Parse(dictionaryView.get_Item("prodID")); if (dictionaryView.ContainsKey("prodSpec")) { int.TryParse(dictionaryView.get_Item("prodSpec"), ref urlAction.prodSpec); } break; } } } } if (dictionaryView.ContainsKey("overTime")) { ulong.TryParse(dictionaryView.get_Item("overTime"), ref urlAction.overTime); } if (dictionaryView.ContainsKey("showTime")) { int.TryParse(dictionaryView.get_Item("showTime"), ref urlAction.showTime); } listView.Add(urlAction); } } } catch (Exception var_9_25C) { } return(listView); }
private void AddReferencedAssets(DictionaryView <string, Action> actions, Dictionary <object, AssetRefType> actionAssets) { Dictionary <object, AssetRefType> .Enumerator enumerator = actionAssets.GetEnumerator(); while (enumerator.MoveNext()) { KeyValuePair <object, AssetRefType> current = enumerator.get_Current(); AssetRefType value = current.get_Value(); switch (value) { case AssetRefType.Action: { KeyValuePair <object, AssetRefType> current2 = enumerator.get_Current(); string key = current2.get_Key() as string; if (!this.actionDict.ContainsKey(key) && !actions.ContainsKey(key)) { actions.Add(key, null); } break; } case AssetRefType.SkillID: { KeyValuePair <object, AssetRefType> current3 = enumerator.get_Current(); ulong num = (ulong)current3.get_Key(); int skillID = (int)(num & (ulong)-1); this.AddActionsFromSkill(actions, skillID); break; } case AssetRefType.SkillCombine: { KeyValuePair <object, AssetRefType> current4 = enumerator.get_Current(); ulong num2 = (ulong)current4.get_Key(); int skillCombineID = (int)(num2 & (ulong)-1); this.AddActionsFromSkillCombine(actions, skillCombineID); break; } case AssetRefType.Prefab: case AssetRefType.Particle: { KeyValuePair <object, AssetRefType> current5 = enumerator.get_Current(); string text = current5.get_Key() as string; if (!this.prefabDict.ContainsKey(text)) { this.prefabDict.Add(text, value == AssetRefType.Particle); } break; } case AssetRefType.MonsterConfigId: { KeyValuePair <object, AssetRefType> current6 = enumerator.get_Current(); ulong num3 = (ulong)current6.get_Key(); uint soldierID = (uint)(num3 & (ulong)-1); this.AddActionsFromSoldier(actions, soldierID); break; } } } }
private bool Pack(int size) { int num = 0; int num2 = 0; int num3 = 0; int num4 = this.padding; Vector2 zero =; DictionaryView <int, AtlasInfo.UVDetail> dictionaryView = new DictionaryView <int, AtlasInfo.UVDetail>(); DictionaryView <int, AtlasInfo.UVDetail> .Enumerator enumerator = this.textures.GetEnumerator(); while (enumerator.MoveNext()) { KeyValuePair <int, AtlasInfo.UVDetail> current = enumerator.Current; int width = current.get_Value().width; KeyValuePair <int, AtlasInfo.UVDetail> current2 = enumerator.Current; int height = current2.get_Value().height; AtlasInfo.UVDetail uVDetail = new AtlasInfo.UVDetail(); uVDetail.rotate = false; DictionaryView <int, AtlasInfo.UVDetail> dictionaryView2 = dictionaryView; KeyValuePair <int, AtlasInfo.UVDetail> current3 = enumerator.Current; dictionaryView2.Add(current3.get_Key(), uVDetail); if (num3 + height + num4 <= size && num2 + width + num4 <= size) { uVDetail.x = num2; uVDetail.y = num3; uVDetail.width = width; uVDetail.height = height; num3 += height + num4; if (num < num2 + width + num4) { num = num2 + width + num4; } } else { if (num + width > size || height > size) { return(false); } num2 = num; uVDetail.x = num2; uVDetail.y = 0; uVDetail.width = width; uVDetail.height = height; num3 = height + num4; num = num2 + width + num4; } } TextureFormat textureFormat = TextureFormat.ARGB32; if (this.needCompress) { textureFormat = TextureFormat.ARGB32; } Texture2D texture2D = new Texture2D(size, size, textureFormat, false); Color[] pixels = new Color[texture2D.width * texture2D.height]; texture2D.SetPixels(pixels); = string.Concat(new object[] { "Auto_UI3D_Atlas_", size, "_", this.counter, "_format", textureFormat.ToString() }); this.counter++; enumerator.Reset(); while (enumerator.MoveNext()) { Texture2D texture2D2 = null; Dictionary <int, Texture2D> dictionary = this.waitForCombineTextures; KeyValuePair <int, AtlasInfo.UVDetail> current4 = enumerator.Current; if (!dictionary.TryGetValue(current4.get_Key(), ref texture2D2)) { texture2D2 = this.atlas; } KeyValuePair <int, AtlasInfo.UVDetail> current5 = enumerator.Current; AtlasInfo.UVDetail value = current5.get_Value(); DictionaryView <int, AtlasInfo.UVDetail> dictionaryView3 = dictionaryView; KeyValuePair <int, AtlasInfo.UVDetail> current6 = enumerator.Current; AtlasInfo.UVDetail uVDetail2 = dictionaryView3[current6.get_Key()]; Color[] pixels2 = texture2D2.GetPixels(value.x, value.y, value.width, value.height); texture2D.SetPixels(uVDetail2.x, uVDetail2.y, value.width, value.height, pixels2); texture2D.Apply(false, false); uVDetail2.uvTL = new Vector2((float)uVDetail2.x / (float)texture2D.width, (float)(uVDetail2.y + uVDetail2.height) / (float)texture2D.height); uVDetail2.uvTR = new Vector2((float)(uVDetail2.x + uVDetail2.width) / (float)texture2D.width, (float)(uVDetail2.y + uVDetail2.height) / (float)texture2D.height); uVDetail2.uvBL = new Vector2((float)uVDetail2.x / (float)texture2D.width, (float)uVDetail2.y / (float)texture2D.height); uVDetail2.uvBR = new Vector2((float)(uVDetail2.x + uVDetail2.width) / (float)texture2D.width, (float)uVDetail2.y / (float)texture2D.height); } this.textures = dictionaryView; Object.Destroy(this.atlas); this.atlas = texture2D; Shader shader = Singleton <CResourceManager> .GetInstance().GetResource("Shaders/UI/UI3D.shader", typeof(Shader), enResourceType.BattleScene, true, true).m_content as Shader; this.mat = new Material(shader); this.mat.SetTexture("_MainTex", this.atlas); HashSet <Sprite3D> .Enumerator enumerator2 = this.sprites.GetEnumerator(); while (enumerator2.MoveNext()) { enumerator2.get_Current().SetMaterial(this.mat); enumerator2.get_Current().SetAutoAtlas(this.atlas, this.textures[enumerator2.get_Current().m_textureGUID]); } Dictionary <int, Texture2D> .Enumerator enumerator3 = this.waitForCombineTextures.GetEnumerator(); this.waitForCombineTextures.Clear(); Singleton <CResourceManager> .GetInstance().UnloadUnusedAssets(); return(true); }