Exemple #1
        public MainWindow()

            var book1 = new Book("J.R.R. Tolkien", "The Lord of the Rings");
            var book2 = new Book("Patrick Rothfuss", "Name of the Wind");
            // For the next item "targetBucket" ("Frank Herbert".GetHashCode() % 7) collides with the one for the book1.
            // We will store the book3 in the first available slot in "entries" array storing the old collided entry index in the new entry "next" property.
            // Then we replace buckets[targetBucket] value with the new entry index in the Entries array.
            var book3 = new Book("Frank Herbert", "Dune");
            //var book4 = new Book("Iain M. Banks", "Consider Phlebas");
            //var book5 = new Book("Isaac Asimov", "Foundation");
            //var book6 = new Book("Arthur Clarke", "2001: Space Odyssey");

            // For a five-item-sized dictionary .NET provides seven buckets.
            var dict = new Dictionary <string, Book>(5)
                { book1.Author, book1 },
                { book2.Author, book2 },
                { book3.Author, book3 },
                //{ book4.Author, book4},
                //{ book5.Author, book5},
                //{ book6.Author, book6},


            var extractor = new DictionaryMetadataExtractor <string, Book>();

            metadata = extractor.ExtractMetadata(dict);

Exemple #2
        public MainWindow()

            var key = new GoodButMutableTestRefKey(3);

            // For a dictionaties with the size from 1 to 3 items, the number of buckets equals 3.
            var dictWithMutableKey = new Dictionary <GoodButMutableTestRefKey, string>
                { key, "Hello!" }

            // Mutate the key object. This affects both the GetHashCode() return value and Equals(obj) equality test.
            key.Key = 1;

                var obj1 = dictWithMutableKey[key];
            catch (KeyNotFoundException)
                this.LookupByTheWrongBucket.Content = "(GetHashCode() % buckets.Length) returns \"targetBucket\" 1 instead of 0";

                var obj2 = dictWithMutableKey[new GoodButMutableTestRefKey(3)];
            catch (KeyNotFoundException)
                this.EqualityComparisonForKeysFailed.Content = "Bucket is correct now, but the referenced Entry has a key that is different from \"3\"";

                var obj3 = dictWithMutableKey[new GoodButMutableTestRefKey(1)];
            catch (KeyNotFoundException)
                this.LookupByTheWrongBucket2.Content = "(GetHashCode() % buckets.Length) returns \"targetBucket\" 1 instead of 0 again";

            var extractor = new DictionaryMetadataExtractor <GoodButMutableTestRefKey, string>();

            metadata = extractor.ExtractMetadata(dictWithMutableKey);
