Exemple #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets lexically related words for the current synset. Many of the relations in WordNet are lexical instead of semantic. Whereas
        /// the latter indicate relations between entire synsets (e.g., hypernym), the former indicate relations between specific
        /// words in synsets. This method retrieves all lexical relations and the words related thereby.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>Mapping from relations to mappings from words in the current synset to related words in the related synsets</returns>
        public Dictionary <WordNetEngine.SynSetRelation, Dictionary <string, Set <string> > > GetLexicallyRelatedWords()
            Dictionary <WordNetEngine.SynSetRelation, Dictionary <string, Set <string> > > relatedWords = new Dictionary <WordNetEngine.SynSetRelation, Dictionary <string, Set <string> > >();

            foreach (WordNetEngine.SynSetRelation relation in _lexicalRelations.Keys)
                DictionaryExtensions.EnsureContainsKey(relatedWords, relation, typeof(Dictionary <string, Set <string> >));               //ZK changed to static method

                foreach (SynSet relatedSynSet in _lexicalRelations[relation].Keys)
                    // make sure related synset is initialized
                    if (!relatedSynSet.Instantiated)

                    foreach (int sourceWordIndex in _lexicalRelations[relation][relatedSynSet].Keys)
                        string sourceWord = _words[sourceWordIndex - 1];

                        DictionaryExtensions.EnsureContainsKey(relatedWords[relation], sourceWord, typeof(Set <string>), false);                         //ZK changed to static method

                        foreach (int targetWordIndex in _lexicalRelations[relation][relatedSynSet][sourceWordIndex])
                            string targetWord = relatedSynSet.Words[targetWordIndex - 1];

Exemple #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Instantiates the current synset. If idSynset is non-null, related synsets references are set to those from
        /// idSynset; otherwise, related synsets are created as shells.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="definition">Definition line of synset from data file</param>
        /// <param name="idSynset">Lookup for related synsets. If null, all related synsets will be created as shells.</param>
        internal void Instantiate(string definition, Dictionary <string, SynSet> idSynset)
            // don't re-instantiate
            if (_instantiated)
                throw new Exception("Synset has already been instantiated");

            /* get lexicographer file name...the enumeration lines up precisely with the wordnet spec (see the lexnames file) except that
             * it starts with None, so we need to add 1 to the definition line's value to get the correct file name */
            int lexicographerFileNumber = int.Parse(GetField(definition, 1)) + 1;

            if (lexicographerFileNumber <= 0)
                throw new Exception("Invalid lexicographer file name number. Should be >= 1.");

            _lexicographerFileName = (WordNetEngine.LexicographerFileName)lexicographerFileNumber;

            // get number of words in the synset and the start character of the word list
            int wordStart;
            int numWords = int.Parse(GetField(definition, 3, out wordStart), NumberStyles.HexNumber);

            wordStart = definition.IndexOf(' ', wordStart) + 1;

            // get words in synset
            _words = new List <string>(numWords);
            for (int i = 0; i < numWords; ++i)
                int    wordEnd = definition.IndexOf(' ', wordStart + 1) - 1;
                int    wordLen = wordEnd - wordStart + 1;
                string word    = definition.Substring(wordStart, wordLen);
                if (Enumerable.Contains(word, ' '))                 //ZK changed to static method
                    throw new Exception("Unexpected space in word:  " + word);


                // skip lex_id field
                wordStart = definition.IndexOf(' ', wordEnd + 2) + 1;

            // get gloss
            _gloss = definition.Substring(definition.IndexOf('|') + 1).Trim();
            if (Enumerable.Contains(_gloss, '|')) //ZK changed to static method
                throw new Exception("Unexpected pipe in gloss");

            // get number and start of relations
            int relationCountField = 3 + (_words.Count * 2) + 1;
            int relationFieldStart;
            int numRelations = int.Parse(GetField(definition, relationCountField, out relationFieldStart));

            relationFieldStart = definition.IndexOf(' ', relationFieldStart) + 1;

            // grab each related synset
            _relationSynSets  = new Dictionary <WordNetEngine.SynSetRelation, Set <SynSet> >();
            _lexicalRelations = new Dictionary <WordNetEngine.SynSetRelation, Dictionary <SynSet, Dictionary <int, Set <int> > > >();
            for (int relationNum = 0; relationNum < numRelations; ++relationNum)
                string            relationSymbol      = null;
                int               relatedSynSetOffset = -1;
                WordNetEngine.POS relatedSynSetPOS    = WordNetEngine.POS.None;
                int               sourceWordIndex     = -1;
                int               targetWordIndex     = -1;

                // each relation has four columns
                for (int relationField = 0; relationField <= 3; ++relationField)
                    int    fieldEnd   = definition.IndexOf(' ', relationFieldStart + 1) - 1;
                    int    fieldLen   = fieldEnd - relationFieldStart + 1;
                    string fieldValue = definition.Substring(relationFieldStart, fieldLen);

                    // relation symbol
                    if (relationField == 0)
                        relationSymbol = fieldValue;
                    // related synset offset
                    else if (relationField == 1)
                        relatedSynSetOffset = int.Parse(fieldValue);
                    // related synset POS
                    else if (relationField == 2)
                        relatedSynSetPOS = GetPOS(fieldValue);
                    // source/target word for lexical relation
                    else if (relationField == 3)
                        sourceWordIndex = int.Parse(fieldValue.Substring(0, 2), NumberStyles.HexNumber);
                        targetWordIndex = int.Parse(fieldValue.Substring(2), NumberStyles.HexNumber);
                        throw new Exception();

                    relationFieldStart = definition.IndexOf(' ', relationFieldStart + 1) + 1;

                // get related synset...create shell if we don't have a lookup
                SynSet relatedSynSet;
                if (idSynset == null)
                    relatedSynSet = new SynSet(relatedSynSetPOS, relatedSynSetOffset, _wordNetEngine);
                // look up related synset directly
                    relatedSynSet = idSynset[relatedSynSetPOS + ":" + relatedSynSetOffset];

                // get relation
                WordNetEngine.SynSetRelation relation = WordNetEngine.GetSynSetRelation(_pos, relationSymbol);

                // add semantic relation if we have neither a source nor a target word index
                if (sourceWordIndex == 0 && targetWordIndex == 0)
                    DictionaryExtensions.EnsureContainsKey(_relationSynSets, relation, typeof(Set <SynSet>));                    //ZK changed to static method
                // add lexical relation
                    DictionaryExtensions.EnsureContainsKey(_lexicalRelations, relation, typeof(Dictionary <SynSet, Dictionary <int, Set <int> > >));           //ZK changed to static method
                    DictionaryExtensions.EnsureContainsKey(_lexicalRelations[relation], relatedSynSet, typeof(Dictionary <int, Set <int> >));                  //ZK changed to static method
                    DictionaryExtensions.EnsureContainsKey(_lexicalRelations[relation][relatedSynSet], sourceWordIndex, typeof(Set <int>));                    //ZK changed to static method

                    if (!_lexicalRelations[relation][relatedSynSet][sourceWordIndex].Contains(targetWordIndex))

            // release the wordnet engine if we have one...don't need it anymore
            if (_wordNetEngine != null)
                _wordNetEngine = null;

            _instantiated = true;
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructor
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="wordNetDirectory">Path to WorNet directory (the one with the data and index files in it)</param>
        /// <param name="inMemory">Whether or not to store all data in memory. In-memory storage requires quite a bit of space
        /// but it is also very quick. The alternative (false) will cause the data to be searched on-disk with an efficient
        /// binary search algorithm.</param>
        public WordNetEngine(string wordNetDirectory, bool inMemory)
            _wordNetDirectory         = wordNetDirectory;
            _inMemory                 = inMemory;
            _posIndexWordSearchStream = null;
            _posSynSetDataFile        = null;

            if (!System.IO.Directory.Exists(_wordNetDirectory))
                throw new DirectoryNotFoundException("Non-existent WordNet directory:  " + _wordNetDirectory);

            // get data and index paths
            string[] dataPaths = new string[]
                Path.Combine(_wordNetDirectory, "data.adj"),
                Path.Combine(_wordNetDirectory, "data.adv"),
                Path.Combine(_wordNetDirectory, "data.noun"),
                Path.Combine(_wordNetDirectory, "data.verb")

            string[] indexPaths = new string[]
                Path.Combine(_wordNetDirectory, "index.adj"),
                Path.Combine(_wordNetDirectory, "index.adv"),
                Path.Combine(_wordNetDirectory, "index.noun"),
                Path.Combine(_wordNetDirectory, "index.verb")

            // make sure all files exist
            foreach (string path in Enumerable.Union(dataPaths, indexPaths)) //ZK change to static method
                if (!System.IO.File.Exists(path))
                    throw new FileNotFoundException("Failed to find WordNet file:  " + path);

            #region index file sorting
            string sortFlagPath = Path.Combine(_wordNetDirectory, ".sorted_for_dot_net");
            if (!System.IO.File.Exists(sortFlagPath))
                /* make sure the index files are sorted according to the current sort order. the index files in the
                 * wordnet distribution are sorted in the order needed for (presumably) the java api, which uses
                 * a different sort order than the .net runtime. thus, unless we resort the lines in the index
                 * files, we won't be able to do a proper binary search over the data. */
                foreach (string indexPath in indexPaths)
                    // create temporary file for sorted lines
                    string       tempPath = Path.GetTempFileName();
                    StreamWriter tempFile = new StreamWriter(tempPath);

                    // get number of words (lines) in file
                    int          numWords  = 0;
                    StreamReader indexFile = new StreamReader(indexPath);
                    string       line;
                    while (StreamReaderExtensions.TryReadLine(indexFile, out line))                      //ZK change to static method
                        if (!line.StartsWith(" "))

                    // get lines in file, sorted by first column (i.e., the word)
                    Dictionary <string, string> wordLine = new Dictionary <string, string>(numWords);
                    indexFile = new StreamReader(indexPath);
                    while (StreamReaderExtensions.TryReadLine(indexFile, out line))                     //ZK change to static method
                    // write header lines to temp file immediately
                        if (line.StartsWith(" "))
                            // trim useless blank spaces from line and map line to first column
                            line = line.Trim();
                            wordLine.Add(line.Substring(0, line.IndexOf(' ')), line);

                    // get sorted words
                    List <string> sortedWords = new List <string>(wordLine.Count);

                    // write lines sorted by word
                    foreach (string word in sortedWords)


                    // replace original index file with properly sorted one
                    System.IO.File.Move(tempPath, indexPath);

                // create flag file, indicating that we've sorted the data
                StreamWriter sortFlagFile = new StreamWriter(sortFlagPath);
                sortFlagFile.WriteLine("This file serves no purpose other than to indicate that the WordNet distribution data in the current directory has been sorted for use by the .NET API.");

            #region engine init
            if (inMemory)
                // pass 1:  get total number of synsets
                int totalSynsets = 0;
                foreach (string dataPath in dataPaths)
                    // scan synset data file for lines that don't start with a space...these are synset definition lines
                    StreamReader dataFile = new StreamReader(dataPath);
                    string       line;
                    while (StreamReaderExtensions.TryReadLine(dataFile, out line))                     //ZK change to static method
                        int firstSpace = line.IndexOf(' ');
                        if (firstSpace > 0)

                // pass 2:  create synset shells (pos and offset only)
                _idSynset = new Dictionary <string, SynSet>(totalSynsets);
                foreach (string dataPath in dataPaths)
                    POS pos = GetFilePOS(dataPath);

                    // scan synset data file
                    StreamReader dataFile = new StreamReader(dataPath);
                    string       line;
                    while (StreamReaderExtensions.TryReadLine(dataFile, out line))                     //ZK change to static method
                        int firstSpace = line.IndexOf(' ');
                        if (firstSpace > 0)
                            // get offset and create synset shell
                            int    offset = int.Parse(line.Substring(0, firstSpace));
                            SynSet synset = new SynSet(pos, offset, null);

                            _idSynset.Add(synset.ID, synset);

                // pass 3:  instantiate synsets (hooks up relations, set glosses, etc.)
                foreach (string dataPath in dataPaths)
                    POS pos = GetFilePOS(dataPath);

                    // scan synset data file
                    StreamReader dataFile = new StreamReader(dataPath);
                    string       line;
                    while (StreamReaderExtensions.TryReadLine(dataFile, out line))                     //ZK change to static method
                        int firstSpace = line.IndexOf(' ');
                        if (firstSpace > 0)
                            // instantiate synset defined on current line, using the instantiated synsets for all references
                            _idSynset[pos + ":" + int.Parse(line.Substring(0, firstSpace))].Instantiate(line, _idSynset);

                // organize synsets by pos and words...also set most common synset for word-pos pairs that have multiple synsets
                _posWordSynSets = new Dictionary <POS, Dictionary <string, Set <SynSet> > >();
                foreach (string indexPath in indexPaths)
                    POS pos = GetFilePOS(indexPath);

                    DictionaryExtensions.EnsureContainsKey(_posWordSynSets, pos, typeof(Dictionary <string, Set <SynSet> >));                  //ZK change to static method

                    // scan word index file, skipping header lines
                    StreamReader indexFile = new StreamReader(indexPath);
                    string       line;
                    while (StreamReaderExtensions.TryReadLine(indexFile, out line))                     //ZK change to static method
                        int firstSpace = line.IndexOf(' ');
                        if (firstSpace > 0)
                            // grab word and synset shells, along with the most common synset
                            string       word = line.Substring(0, firstSpace);
                            SynSet       mostCommonSynSet;
                            Set <SynSet> synsets = GetSynSetShells(line, pos, out mostCommonSynSet, null);

                            // set flag on most common synset if it's ambiguous
                            if (synsets.Count > 1)

                            // use reference to the synsets that we instantiated in our three-pass routine above
                            _posWordSynSets[pos].Add(word, new Set <SynSet>(synsets.Count));
                            foreach (SynSet synset in synsets)
                // open binary search streams for index files
                _posIndexWordSearchStream = new Dictionary <POS, BinarySearchTextStream>();
                foreach (string indexPath in indexPaths)
                    // create binary search stream for index file
                    BinarySearchTextStream searchStream = new BinarySearchTextStream(indexPath, new BinarySearchTextStream.SearchComparisonDelegate(delegate(object searchWord, string currentLine)
                        // if we landed on the header text, search further down
                        if (currentLine[0] == ' ')

                        // get word on current line
                        string currentWord = currentLine.Substring(0, currentLine.IndexOf(' '));

                        // compare searched-for word to the current word

                    // add search stream for current POS
                    _posIndexWordSearchStream.Add(GetFilePOS(indexPath), searchStream);

                // open readers for synset data files
                _posSynSetDataFile = new Dictionary <POS, StreamReader>();
                foreach (string dataPath in dataPaths)
                    _posSynSetDataFile.Add(GetFilePOS(dataPath), new StreamReader(dataPath));