private void ItemManager_RefreshLegacyChestData_1(On.ItemManager.orig_RefreshLegacyChestData_1 orig, ItemManager self, ItemContainer chest) { try { if (chest != null) { OLogger.Log(chest.Name + ": " + chest.ItemCount); } //orig(self, chest); if (chest.ItemCount <= 0) { return; } Item item = null; item = chest.GetContainedItems()[0]; if ((bool)item) { if (!m_legacyChestData.ContainsKey(chest.UID)) { m_legacyChestData.Add(chest.UID, new LegacyChestDataMod(chest)); } m_legacyChestData[chest.UID].SetContainedData(item, chest.GetContainedItems().Count); } } catch (Exception ex) { OLogger.Error($"RefreshLegacyChestData={ex.Message}"); } }
private void AddServerFrame(FSPFrame frame) { if (frame.frameId <= 0) { ExecuteFrame(frame.frameId, frame); return; } frame.frameId = frame.frameId * mParam.clientFrameRateMultiple; mClientLockedFrame = frame.frameId + mParam.clientFrameRateMultiple - 1; mFrameBuffer.Add(frame.frameId, frame); mFrameCtrl.AddFrameId(frame.frameId); }
public IConnection CreateConnection(uint connId, Type type, string ip, int port) { IConnection conn = type.Assembly.CreateInstance(type.FullName) as IConnection; m_mapConnection.Add(connId, conn); conn.Connect(ip, port); return(conn); }
public Color GetUniqueColor(int colorId) { if (m_mapColor.ContainsKey(colorId)) { return(m_mapColor[colorId]); } Color c = new Color(random.Rnd(), random.Rnd(), random.Rnd()); m_mapColor.Add(colorId, c); return(c); }
public void Push(IRecyclableObject obj) { string type = obj.GetRecycleType(); Stack <IRecyclableObject> stackIdleObject = idleObjectList[type]; if (stackIdleObject == null) { stackIdleObject = new Stack <IRecyclableObject>(); idleObjectList.Add(type, stackIdleObject); } stackIdleObject.Push(obj); }
public static void InitMappings(ControlMappingPanel __instance, ControlMappingSection ___m_sectionTemplate, DictionaryExt <int, ControlMappingSection> ___m_sectionList, Controller ___m_lastJoystickController) { // filter our custom keybindings for this context var filter = s_customKeyDict.Values .Where(it => it.category == CUSTOM_CATEGORY && (it.controllerType == ControlType.Both || (int)it.controllerType == (int)__instance.ControllerType)); // check if any keybindings in "custom" category were defined if (!filter.Any()) { return; } // set up our custom localization (if not already) InitLocalization(); // set the template active while we clone from it ___m_sectionTemplate.gameObject.SetActive(true); // Create the UI (copied from how game does it) var mapSection = UnityEngine.Object.Instantiate(___m_sectionTemplate, ___m_sectionTemplate.transform.parent); // set the template inactive again ___m_sectionTemplate.gameObject.SetActive(false); // move our custom section to the top mapSection.transform.SetAsFirstSibling(); // Setup our custom map section ___m_sectionList.Add(CUSTOM_CATEGORY, mapSection); mapSection.ControllerType = __instance.ControllerType; mapSection.SetCategory(CUSTOM_CATEGORY); // Init the custom keys if (__instance.ControllerType == ControlMappingPanel.ControlType.Keyboard) { var kbMap = ReInput.mapping.GetKeyboardMapInstance(CUSTOM_CATEGORY, 0); InitCustomSection(mapSection, kbMap, filter); var mouseMap = ReInput.mapping.GetMouseMapInstance(CUSTOM_CATEGORY, 0); InitCustomSection(mapSection, mouseMap, filter); } else { var joyMap = ReInput.mapping.GetJoystickMapInstance(___m_lastJoystickController as Joystick, CUSTOM_CATEGORY, 0); InitCustomSection(mapSection, joyMap, filter); } }