/// <summary>
        /// 构建数节点
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="htmlHelper">被扩展的htmlhelper实例</param>
        /// <param name="name"> 树选择器的名称</param>
        /// <param name="treeOptions">树的设置</param>
        /// <param name="treeNodes">树节点集合如果不填则通过ViewData传值</param>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">ViewData为空时</exception>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static MvcHtmlString Tree(this HtmlHelper htmlHelper, string name, TreeOptions treeOptions, IEnumerable<TreeNode> treeNodes = null)
            if (treeNodes == null)
                if (htmlHelper.ViewData[name] != null)
                    treeNodes = htmlHelper.ViewData[name] as IEnumerable<TreeNode>;
            if (treeNodes == null)
                throw new ExceptionFacade("ViewData没有对name赋值");

            Dictionary<string, object> result = new Dictionary<string, object>();
            Dictionary<string, object> data = new Dictionary<string, object>();
            data.TryAdd("TreeNodes", treeNodes.Select(n => n.ToUnobtrusiveHtmlAttributes()));
            data.TryAdd("Settings", treeOptions.ToUnobtrusiveHtmlAttributes());
            TagBuilder builder = new TagBuilder("ul");

            result["plugin"] = "Tree";

            result.Add("data", Json.Encode(data));

            builder.MergeAttribute("id", name);
            builder.MergeAttribute("class", "ztree");
            return MvcHtmlString.Create(builder.ToString().Replace("&quot;|", "").Replace("|&quot;", ""));
        public void TryAdd()
            var dictionary = new Dictionary<int, string>();

            dictionary.TryAdd(0, "zero").ShouldBe(true);


            dictionary.TryAdd(0, "0").ShouldBe(false);

        public static IDictionary<string, TestDefinition> GetTestDefinitions(
            this IEnumerable<Type> monitoringTests)
            var definitions =
                        t => t
                              .GetMethods(BindingFlags.Public |
                                          BindingFlags.Instance |
                              .Where(m => m.GetParameters().All(p => p.HasDefaultValue))
                              .Where(m => !m.IsSpecialName)

            var dictionary = new Dictionary<string, TestDefinition>();
            var collisionCount = 0;

            foreach (var testDefinition in definitions)
                if (!dictionary.TryAdd(testDefinition.TestName, testDefinition))
                    var name = "TEST_NAME_COLLISION_" + ++collisionCount;
                    var definition = testDefinition;
                                   new AnonymousTestDefinition(name,
                                                               _ =>
                                                                   throw new InvalidOperationException("Test could not be routed:\n" + definition.ToLogString());

            return dictionary;
Exemple #4
        static void Main(string[] args)
            //string a = "admin";
            var a2 = "2010-12-12".To<DateTime>(DateTime.Now);

            Dictionary<string, string> dict = new Dictionary<string, string>();
            Dictionary<string, string> dict2 = new Dictionary<string, string>();
            dict2.Add("22222222", "");

            dict.TryAdd("12", "").TryAdd("34", "").AddOrReplace("34", "").AddRange(dict2, false);
            var asdf = "123".CompareTo("1");

            List<string> lst = new List<string>() { "wer", "dsfdsf", "sad" };
            lst.ForEach((item) => { Console.WriteLine(item); });

            List<User> lstUser = new List<User>
                new User{Id=1, Name="柳永法",Age=28,IsMan=true},
                new User{Id=2, Name="柳永法1",Age=28,IsMan=true},
                new User{Id=3, Name="柳永法",Age=29,IsMan=true},
                new User{Id=4, Name="柳永法1",Age=29,IsMan=true},

            var result1 = lstUser.Distinct(p => p.Age);
            var result2 = lstUser.Distinct((x, y) => x.Age == y.Age && x.IsMan == y.IsMan);
        public void op_TryAdd_IDictionaryOfT_TKey_TValue_whenFalse()
            var list = new Dictionary<string, int>
                               { "example", 123 }

            Assert.False(list.TryAdd("example", 456));
        public void op_TryAdd_IDictionaryOfT_KeyValuePair_whenFalse()
            var list = new Dictionary<string, int>
                               { "example", 123 }

            Assert.False(list.TryAdd(new KeyValuePair<string, int>("example", 456)));
Exemple #7
        static void Main(string[] args)
            if (args.Length < 2)
                throw new ArgumentException("Not enough arguments! Required: file, outdir, (build in x.x.x format)");

            if (!File.Exists(args[0]))
                throw new FileNotFoundException("File not found!");

            var file = MemoryMappedFile.CreateFromFile(args[0], FileMode.Open);

            var maps = EXEParsing.GenerateMap(file.CreateViewAccessor());

            ulong translate(ulong search) => maps.Select(map => map.translateMemoryToFile(search)).FirstOrDefault(r => r != 0x0);

            using (var bin = new BinaryReader(file.CreateViewStream()))
                var chunkSize = 1024;

                // Find version
                var buildPattern       = new byte?[] { 0x42, 0x75, 0x69, 0x6C, 0x64, 0x20, null, null, null, null, null, 0x20, 0x28, null, null, null, null, null, 0x29, 0x20, 0x28 };
                var buildPatternLength = buildPattern.Length;

                var build = "";

                if (args.Length == 3)
                    build = args[2];

                while (true)
                    if ((bin.BaseStream.Length - bin.BaseStream.Position) < chunkSize)

                    var posInStack = Search(bin.ReadBytes(chunkSize), buildPattern);

                    if (posInStack != chunkSize)
                        var matchPos = bin.BaseStream.Position - chunkSize + posInStack;

                        bin.BaseStream.Position = matchPos;
                        var buildNumber = new string(bin.ReadChars(5));
                        var patch = new string(bin.ReadChars(5));
                        build = patch + "." + buildNumber;
                        bin.BaseStream.Position = bin.BaseStream.Position - buildPatternLength;

                if (build == "")
                    // Retry with backup pattern (crash log output)
                    bin.BaseStream.Position = 0;

                    buildPattern       = new byte?[] { 0x00, 0x3C, 0x56, 0x65, 0x72, 0x73, 0x69, 0x6F, 0x6E, 0x3E, 0x20 }; // <Version>
                    buildPatternLength = buildPattern.Length;

                    while (true)
                        if ((bin.BaseStream.Length - bin.BaseStream.Position) < chunkSize)

                        var posInStack = Search(bin.ReadBytes(chunkSize), buildPattern);

                        if (posInStack != chunkSize)
                            var matchPos = bin.BaseStream.Position - chunkSize + posInStack;

                            bin.BaseStream.Position = matchPos;
                            build = new string(bin.ReadChars(11));
                            bin.BaseStream.Position = bin.BaseStream.Position - buildPatternLength;

                if (build == "")
                    // Retry with RenderService pattern..
                    bin.BaseStream.Position = 0;

                    buildPattern       = new byte?[] { 0x52, 0x65, 0x6e, 0x64, 0x65, 0x72, 0x53, 0x65, 0x72, 0x76, 0x69, 0x63, 0x65, 0x20, null, null, null, null, null, 0x00 }; // <Version>
                    buildPatternLength = buildPattern.Length;

                    while (true)
                        if ((bin.BaseStream.Length - bin.BaseStream.Position) < chunkSize)

                        var posInStack = Search(bin.ReadBytes(chunkSize), buildPattern);

                        if (posInStack != chunkSize)
                            var matchPos = bin.BaseStream.Position - chunkSize + posInStack;

                            bin.BaseStream.Position = matchPos;
                            build = new string(bin.ReadChars(5));
                            if (args.Length == 3)
                                build = args[2];
                                Console.WriteLine("Expansion, major and minor version not found in binary. Please enter it in this format X.X.X: ");
                                build = Console.ReadLine() + "." + build;
                            bin.BaseStream.Position = bin.BaseStream.Position - buildPatternLength;

                if (build == "")
                    Console.WriteLine("Build was not found! Please enter a build in this format: X.X.X.XXXXX");
                    build = Console.ReadLine();

                // Reset position for DBMeta reading
                bin.BaseStream.Position = 0;

                // Extract DBMeta
                var metas = new Dictionary <string, DBMeta>();

                var patternBuilder = new PatternBuilder();

                foreach (var pattern in patternBuilder.patterns)
                    // Skip versions of the pattern that aren't for this expansion
                    if (build.StartsWith("1"))
                        if (!pattern.compatiblePatches.Contains(build.Substring(0, 6)))
                            Console.WriteLine("Skipping " + pattern.name + " as it does not list " + build + " as compatible!");

                        if (!pattern.compatiblePatches.Contains(build.Substring(0, 6)))
                            Console.WriteLine("Skipping " + pattern.name + " as it does not list " + build + " as compatible!");

                        if (pattern.minBuild != 0 && pattern.minBuild > int.Parse(build.Substring(7)))
                            Console.WriteLine("Skipping " + pattern.name + " as minimum build " + pattern.minBuild + " exceeds build of " + build.Substring(6));

                        if (pattern.maxBuild != 0 && int.Parse(build.Substring(7)) > pattern.maxBuild)
                            Console.WriteLine("Skipping " + pattern.name + " as maximum build " + pattern.maxBuild + " exceeds build of " + build.Substring(6));
                        if (!pattern.compatiblePatches.Contains(build.Substring(0, 5)))
                            Console.WriteLine("Skipping " + pattern.name + " as it does not list " + build + " as compatible!");

                        if (!pattern.compatiblePatches.Contains(build.Substring(0, 5)))
                            Console.WriteLine("Skipping " + pattern.name + " as it does not list " + build + " as compatible!");

                        if (pattern.minBuild != 0 && pattern.minBuild > int.Parse(build.Substring(6)))
                            Console.WriteLine("Skipping " + pattern.name + " as minimum build " + pattern.minBuild + " exceeds build of " + build.Substring(6));

                        if (pattern.maxBuild != 0 && int.Parse(build.Substring(6)) > pattern.maxBuild)
                            Console.WriteLine("Skipping " + pattern.name + " as maximum build " + pattern.maxBuild + " exceeds build of " + build.Substring(6));

                    var patternBytes  = ParsePattern(pattern.cur_pattern).ToArray();
                    var patternLength = patternBytes.Length;

                    while (true)
                        if ((bin.BaseStream.Length - bin.BaseStream.Position) < chunkSize)

                        var posInStack = Search(bin.ReadBytes(chunkSize), patternBytes);

                        if (posInStack != chunkSize)
                            var matchPos = bin.BaseStream.Position - chunkSize + posInStack;

                            Console.WriteLine("Pattern " + pattern.name + " matched at " + matchPos);

                            if (pattern.offsets.ContainsKey(Name.FDID))
                                bin.BaseStream.Position = matchPos + pattern.offsets[Name.FDID];
                                var fdid = bin.ReadUInt32();
                                if (fdid < 53183)
                                    Console.WriteLine("Invalid filedataid " + fdid + ", skipping match..");

                            if (pattern.offsets.ContainsKey(Name.RECORD_SIZE))
                                bin.BaseStream.Position = matchPos + pattern.offsets[Name.RECORD_SIZE];
                                if (bin.ReadUInt32() == 0)
                                    Console.WriteLine("Record size is 0, skipping match..");

                            if (pattern.offsets.ContainsKey(Name.DB_NAME))
                                bin.BaseStream.Position = matchPos + pattern.offsets[Name.DB_NAME];
                                if (bin.ReadUInt32() < 10)
                                    Console.WriteLine("Name offset is invalid, skipping match..");

                                bin.BaseStream.Position = matchPos + pattern.offsets[Name.DB_NAME];
                                var targetOffset = (long)translate(bin.ReadUInt64());
                                if (targetOffset > bin.BaseStream.Length)
                                    Console.WriteLine("Name offset is out of range of file, skipping match..");

                            if (pattern.offsets.ContainsKey(Name.DB_FILENAME))
                                bin.BaseStream.Position = matchPos + pattern.offsets[Name.DB_FILENAME];
                                if (bin.ReadUInt32() < 10)
                                    Console.WriteLine("Name offset is invalid, skipping match..");

                                bin.BaseStream.Position = matchPos + pattern.offsets[Name.DB_FILENAME];
                                var targetOffset = (long)translate(bin.ReadUInt64());
                                if (targetOffset > bin.BaseStream.Length)
                                    Console.WriteLine("Name offset is out of range of file, skipping match..");

                            if (pattern.offsets.ContainsKey(Name.NUM_FIELD_IN_FILE))
                                bin.BaseStream.Position = matchPos + pattern.offsets[Name.NUM_FIELD_IN_FILE];
                                if (bin.ReadUInt32() > 5000)
                                    Console.WriteLine("Num fields in file is over 5000, skipping match..");
                            if (pattern.offsets.ContainsKey(Name.FIELD_TYPES_IN_FILE) && pattern.offsets.ContainsKey(Name.FIELD_SIZES_IN_FILE))
                                bin.BaseStream.Position = matchPos + pattern.offsets[Name.FIELD_TYPES_IN_FILE];
                                var fieldTypesInFile = bin.ReadInt64();
                                bin.BaseStream.Position = matchPos + pattern.offsets[Name.FIELD_SIZES_IN_FILE];
                                var fieldSizesInFileOffs = bin.ReadInt64();
                                if (fieldTypesInFile == fieldSizesInFileOffs)
                                    Console.WriteLine("Field types in file offset == field sizes in file offset, skipping match..");

                            if (pattern.offsets.ContainsKey(Name.DB_CACHE_FILENAME))
                                bin.BaseStream.Position = matchPos + pattern.offsets[Name.DB_CACHE_FILENAME];
                                bin.BaseStream.Position = (long)translate((ulong)bin.ReadInt64());
                                var adbname = bin.ReadCString();

                                bin.BaseStream.Position = matchPos + pattern.offsets[Name.DB_CACHE_FILENAME];

                                if (!adbname.EndsWith("adb"))
                                    Console.WriteLine("ADB filename does not end in adb, skipping match..");

                            bin.BaseStream.Position = matchPos;
                            var meta = ReadMeta(bin, pattern);

                            if (pattern.offsets.ContainsKey(Name.DB_NAME))
                                bin.BaseStream.Position = (long)translate((ulong)meta.nameOffset);
                                var filename = bin.ReadCString();
                                if (filename.Contains("DBFilesClient"))
                                    filename = filename.Substring(filename.IndexOf("\\") + 1);

                                metas.TryAdd(Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(filename), meta);
                            else if (pattern.offsets.ContainsKey(Name.DB_FILENAME))
                                bin.BaseStream.Position = (long)translate((ulong)meta.dbFilenameOffs);
                                var name = bin.ReadCString();
                                metas.TryAdd(Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(name), meta);

                            bin.BaseStream.Position = matchPos + patternLength;
                            bin.BaseStream.Position = bin.BaseStream.Position - patternLength;

                    bin.BaseStream.Position = 0;

                var outputDirectory = Path.Combine(args[1], build);

                if (!Directory.Exists(outputDirectory))

                // Process DBMetas
                foreach (var meta in metas)
                    if ((long)translate((ulong)meta.Value.field_offsets_offs) > bin.BaseStream.Length)
                        Console.WriteLine("Skipping reading of " + meta.Key + " because first offset is way out of range!");

                    var writer = new StreamWriter(Path.Combine(outputDirectory, meta.Key + ".dbd"));


                    Console.Write("Writing " + meta.Key + ".dbd..");

                    var fieldCount = 0;
                    if (meta.Value.num_fields == 0 && meta.Value.num_fields_in_file != 0)
                        fieldCount = meta.Value.num_fields_in_file;
                        fieldCount = meta.Value.num_fields;

                    var field_offsets       = ReadFieldArray(bin, fieldCount, (long)translate((ulong)meta.Value.field_offsets_offs));
                    var field_sizes         = ReadFieldArray(bin, fieldCount, (long)translate((ulong)meta.Value.field_sizes_offs));
                    var field_types         = ReadFieldArray(bin, fieldCount, (long)translate((ulong)meta.Value.field_types_offs));
                    var field_flags         = ReadFieldArray(bin, fieldCount, (long)translate((ulong)meta.Value.field_flags_offs));
                    var field_sizes_in_file = ReadFieldArray(bin, fieldCount, (long)translate((ulong)meta.Value.field_sizes_in_file_offs));
                    var field_types_in_file = ReadFieldArray(bin, fieldCount, (long)translate((ulong)meta.Value.field_types_in_file_offs));
                    var field_flags_in_file = ReadFieldArray(bin, fieldCount, (long)translate((ulong)meta.Value.field_flags_in_file_offs));
                    var field_names_in_file = ReadFieldOffsetArray(bin, fieldCount, (long)translate((ulong)meta.Value.namesInFileOffs));

                    if (meta.Value.id_column == -1)
                        writer.WriteLine("int ID");

                    var columnNames     = new List <string>();
                    var columnTypeFlags = new List <Tuple <int, int> >();

                    for (var i = 0; i < meta.Value.num_fields_in_file; i++)
                        if (field_flags_in_file.Count == 0)
                            columnTypeFlags.Add(new Tuple <int, int>(field_types_in_file[i], 0));
                            columnTypeFlags.Add(new Tuple <int, int>(field_types_in_file[i], field_flags_in_file[i]));

                    if (meta.Value.num_fields != 0 && (meta.Value.num_fields_in_file != meta.Value.num_fields))
                        columnTypeFlags.Add(new Tuple <int, int>(field_types[meta.Value.num_fields_in_file], field_flags[meta.Value.num_fields_in_file]));

                    for (var i = 0; i < columnTypeFlags.Count; i++)
                        if (field_names_in_file.Count > 0)
                            bin.BaseStream.Position = (long)translate(field_names_in_file[i]);
                            columnNames.Add(GenerateName(i, build));

                        var t = TypeToT(columnTypeFlags[i].Item1, (FieldFlags)columnTypeFlags[i].Item2);
                        if (t.Item1 == "locstring")
                            writer.WriteLine(t.Item1 + " " + columnNames[i] + "_lang");
                            if (t.Item1 == "uint")
                                writer.WriteLine("int " + columnNames[i]);
                                writer.WriteLine(t.Item1 + " " + columnNames[i]);


                    if (meta.Value.layout_hash != 0)
                        writer.WriteLine("LAYOUT " + meta.Value.layout_hash.ToString("X8").ToUpper());

                    writer.WriteLine("BUILD " + build);

                    if (meta.Value.sparseTable == 1)
                        writer.WriteLine("COMMENT table is sparse");

                    if (meta.Value.id_column == -1)

                    for (var i = 0; i < meta.Value.num_fields_in_file; i++)
                        var typeFlags = ("int", 32);

                        if (field_flags_in_file.Count == 0)
                            typeFlags = TypeToT(field_types_in_file[i], 0);
                            typeFlags = TypeToT(field_types_in_file[i], (FieldFlags)field_flags_in_file[i]);

                        if (meta.Value.id_column == i)

                        if (build.StartsWith("7.3.5") || build.StartsWith("8"))
                            if (meta.Value.column_8C == i)
                                if (meta.Value.column_90 != i)
                                    throw new Exception("No column_90 but there is column_8C send help!");


                        if (typeFlags.Item1 == "locstring")

                        if (typeFlags.Item2 > 0)
                            if (typeFlags.Item1 == "uint")
                                writer.Write("<u" + typeFlags.Item2 + ">");
                                writer.Write("<" + typeFlags.Item2 + ">");

                        if (field_sizes_in_file[i] != 1)
                            // 6.0.1 has sizes in bytes
                            if (build.StartsWith("6.0.1"))
                                var supposedSize = 0;

                                if ((typeFlags.Item1 == "uint" || typeFlags.Item1 == "int") && typeFlags.Item2 != 32)
                                    supposedSize = typeFlags.Item2 / 8;
                                    supposedSize = 4;

                                var fixedSize = field_sizes_in_file[i] / supposedSize;
                                if (fixedSize > 1)
                                    writer.Write("[" + fixedSize + "]");
                                writer.Write("[" + field_sizes_in_file[i] + "]");


                    if (meta.Value.num_fields != 0 && (meta.Value.num_fields_in_file != meta.Value.num_fields))
                        var i         = meta.Value.num_fields_in_file;
                        var typeFlags = TypeToT(field_types[i], (FieldFlags)field_flags[i]);

                        writer.Write("$noninline,relation$" + columnNames[i]);

                        if (typeFlags.Item1 == "locstring")

                        if (typeFlags.Item2 > 0)
                            if (typeFlags.Item1 == "uint")
                                writer.Write("<u" + typeFlags.Item2 + ">");
                            else if (typeFlags.Item1 == "int")
                                writer.Write("<" + typeFlags.Item2 + ">");

                        if (field_sizes[i] != 1)
                            writer.Write("[" + field_sizes[i] + "]");



Exemple #8
    public async Task PermCheckGuild(Context ctx)
        Guild guild;
        GuildMemberPartial senderGuildUser = null;

        if (ctx.Guild != null && !ctx.HasNext())
            guild           = ctx.Guild;
            senderGuildUser = ctx.Member;
            var guildIdStr = ctx.RemainderOrNull() ??
                             throw new PKSyntaxError("You must pass a server ID or run this command in a server.");
            if (!ulong.TryParse(guildIdStr, out var guildId))
                throw new PKSyntaxError($"Could not parse {guildIdStr.AsCode()} as an ID.");

                guild = await _rest.GetGuild(guildId);
            catch (ForbiddenException)
                throw Errors.GuildNotFound(guildId);

            if (guild != null)
                senderGuildUser = await _rest.GetGuildMember(guildId, ctx.Author.Id);
            if (guild == null || senderGuildUser == null)
                throw Errors.GuildNotFound(guildId);

        var guildMember = await _rest.GetGuildMember(guild.Id, await _cache.GetOwnUser());

        // Loop through every channel and group them by sets of permissions missing
        var permissionsMissing      = new Dictionary <ulong, List <Channel> >();
        var hiddenChannels          = false;
        var missingEmojiPermissions = false;

        foreach (var channel in await _rest.GetGuildChannels(guild.Id))
            var botPermissions     = PermissionExtensions.PermissionsFor(guild, channel, await _cache.GetOwnUser(), guildMember);
            var webhookPermissions = PermissionExtensions.EveryonePermissions(guild, channel);
            var userPermissions    = PermissionExtensions.PermissionsFor(guild, channel, ctx.Author.Id, senderGuildUser);

            if ((userPermissions & PermissionSet.ViewChannel) == 0)
                // If the user can't see this channel, don't calculate permissions for it
                // (to prevent info-leaking, mostly)
                // Instead, show the user that some channels got ignored (so they don't get confused)
                hiddenChannels = true;

            // We use a bitfield so we can set individual permission bits in the loop
            // TODO: Rewrite with proper bitfield math
            ulong missingPermissionField = 0;

            foreach (var requiredPermission in requiredPermissions)
                if ((botPermissions & requiredPermission) == 0)
                    missingPermissionField |= (ulong)requiredPermission;

            if ((webhookPermissions & PermissionSet.UseExternalEmojis) == 0)
                missingPermissionField |= (ulong)PermissionSet.UseExternalEmojis;
                missingEmojiPermissions = true;

            // If we're not missing any permissions, don't bother adding it to the dict
            // This means we can check if the dict is empty to see if all channels are proxyable
            if (missingPermissionField != 0)
                permissionsMissing.TryAdd(missingPermissionField, new List <Channel>());

        // Generate the output embed
        var eb = new EmbedBuilder()
                 .Title($"Permission check for **{guild.Name}**");

        if (permissionsMissing.Count == 0)
            eb.Description("No errors found, all channels proxyable :)").Color(DiscordUtils.Green);
            foreach (var(missingPermissionField, channels) in permissionsMissing)
                // Each missing permission field can have multiple missing channels
                // so we extract them all and generate a comma-separated list
                var missingPermissionNames = ((PermissionSet)missingPermissionField).ToPermissionString();

                var channelsList = string.Join("\n", channels
                                               .OrderBy(c => c.Position)
                                               .Select(c => $"#{c.Name}"));
                eb.Field(new Embed.Field($"Missing *{missingPermissionNames}*", channelsList.Truncate(1000)));

        var footer = "";

        if (hiddenChannels)
            footer += "Some channels were ignored as you do not have view access to them.";
        if (missingEmojiPermissions)
            if (hiddenChannels)
                footer += " | ";
            footer +=
                "Use External Emojis permissions must be granted to the @everyone role / Default Permissions.";

        if (footer.Length > 0)
            eb.Footer(new Embed.EmbedFooter(footer));

        // Send! :)
        await ctx.Reply(embed : eb.Build());
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds a list of content security to which the provided directive is applied.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="directive">Directive to apply.</param>
        /// <param name="fetchDirective">Content security fetch directive.</param>
        /// <param name="hostSources">List of uri if the directive requires one.</param>
        /// <param name="schemeSources">List of scheme source authorized.</param>
        /// <param name="reportOnly">Indicates whether the rules are only there to generate a report.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public SecurityHeadersBuilder AddContentSecurityPolicy(CommonPolicyDirective.Directive directive, ContentSecurityPolicyConstants.FetchDirectives fetchDirective, CommonPolicySchemeSource.SchemeSources schemeSources, IList <Uri> hostSources = null, bool reportOnly = true)
            if (reportOnly && _reportUri == null)
                throw new ReportUriMissingException();

            if (fetchDirective.HasFlag(ContentSecurityPolicyConstants.FetchDirectives.ChildSrc))
                _directives.TryAdd(ContentSecurityPolicyConstants.FetchDirectives.ChildSrc, directive);
            if (fetchDirective.HasFlag(ContentSecurityPolicyConstants.FetchDirectives.ConnectSrc))
                _directives.TryAdd(ContentSecurityPolicyConstants.FetchDirectives.ConnectSrc, directive);
            if (fetchDirective.HasFlag(ContentSecurityPolicyConstants.FetchDirectives.DefaultSrc))
                _directives.TryAdd(ContentSecurityPolicyConstants.FetchDirectives.DefaultSrc, directive);
            if (fetchDirective.HasFlag(ContentSecurityPolicyConstants.FetchDirectives.FontSrc))
                _directives.TryAdd(ContentSecurityPolicyConstants.FetchDirectives.FontSrc, directive);
            if (fetchDirective.HasFlag(ContentSecurityPolicyConstants.FetchDirectives.FrameSrc))
                _directives.TryAdd(ContentSecurityPolicyConstants.FetchDirectives.FrameSrc, directive);
            if (fetchDirective.HasFlag(ContentSecurityPolicyConstants.FetchDirectives.ImgSrc))
                _directives.TryAdd(ContentSecurityPolicyConstants.FetchDirectives.ImgSrc, directive);
            if (fetchDirective.HasFlag(ContentSecurityPolicyConstants.FetchDirectives.ManifestSrc))
                _directives.TryAdd(ContentSecurityPolicyConstants.FetchDirectives.ManifestSrc, directive);
            if (fetchDirective.HasFlag(ContentSecurityPolicyConstants.FetchDirectives.MediaSrc))
                _directives.TryAdd(ContentSecurityPolicyConstants.FetchDirectives.MediaSrc, directive);
            if (fetchDirective.HasFlag(ContentSecurityPolicyConstants.FetchDirectives.ObjectSrc))
                _directives.TryAdd(ContentSecurityPolicyConstants.FetchDirectives.ObjectSrc, directive);
            if (fetchDirective.HasFlag(ContentSecurityPolicyConstants.FetchDirectives.PrefetchSrc))
                _directives.TryAdd(ContentSecurityPolicyConstants.FetchDirectives.PrefetchSrc, directive);
            if (fetchDirective.HasFlag(ContentSecurityPolicyConstants.FetchDirectives.ScriptSrc))
                _directives.TryAdd(ContentSecurityPolicyConstants.FetchDirectives.ScriptSrc, directive);
            if (fetchDirective.HasFlag(ContentSecurityPolicyConstants.FetchDirectives.ScriptSrcAttr))
                _directives.TryAdd(ContentSecurityPolicyConstants.FetchDirectives.ScriptSrcAttr, directive);
            if (fetchDirective.HasFlag(ContentSecurityPolicyConstants.FetchDirectives.ScriptSrcElem))
                _directives.TryAdd(ContentSecurityPolicyConstants.FetchDirectives.ScriptSrcElem, directive);
            if (fetchDirective.HasFlag(ContentSecurityPolicyConstants.FetchDirectives.WorkerSrc))
                _directives.TryAdd(ContentSecurityPolicyConstants.FetchDirectives.WorkerSrc, directive);
            string header = ContentSecurityToString(hostSources);

            header += SchemeSourceToString(schemeSources);
            if (_reportUri != null)
                header += "; " + CommonPolicyDirective.ReportUri + " " + _reportUri.AbsoluteUri;
            if (reportOnly)
                _policy.SetHeaders[ContentSecurityPolicyConstants.HeaderReportOnly] = header;
                _policy.SetHeaders[ContentSecurityPolicyConstants.Header] = header;
        private void ProcessElasticSection(IConfiguration conf, int cle, string nomApplication)
            string destinationElastic = conf.GetSection(string.Format("Serilog:WriteTo:{0}:Args:nodeUris", cle)).Value;

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(destinationElastic))
                StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
                sb.Append(nomApplication.Length > 8 ? nomApplication.Substring(0, 8) : nomApplication);

                ElasticsearchSinkOptions elasticOption = new ElasticsearchSinkOptions(new Uri(destinationElastic))
                    AutoRegisterTemplate        = true,
                    CustomFormatter             = new ExceptionAsObjectJsonFormatter(renderMessage: true),
                    AutoRegisterTemplateVersion = AutoRegisterTemplateVersion.ESv6,
                    IndexFormat = sb.ToString(),
                ILogger elasticLogger = new LoggerConfiguration().WriteTo.Elasticsearch(elasticOption).Enrich.FromLogContext().CreateLogger();

                if (!monDico.TryAdd(new Tuple <string, string>("Elastic", "Perf"), elasticLogger))
                    Debug.Assert(false, "Section Elastic en double!!!!");
                if (!monDico.TryAdd(new Tuple <string, string>("Elastic", "Diag"), elasticLogger))
                    Debug.Assert(false, "Section Elastic en double!!!!");
                if (!monDico.TryAdd(new Tuple <string, string>("Elastic", "Error"), elasticLogger))
                    Debug.Assert(false, "Section Elastic en double!!!!");
                if (!monDico.TryAdd(new Tuple <string, string>("Elastic", "Usage"), elasticLogger))
                    Debug.Assert(false, "Section Elastic en double!!!!");
Exemple #11
        public bool TryFilterSerializableProps(
            JsonSourceGenerationOptionsAttribute options,
            [NotNullWhen(true)] out Dictionary <string, PropertyGenerationSpec>?serializableProperties,
            out bool castingRequiredForProps)
            serializableProperties = new Dictionary <string, PropertyGenerationSpec>();
            Dictionary <string, PropertyGenerationSpec>?ignoredMembers = null;

            for (int i = 0; i < PropertyGenSpecList.Count; i++)
                PropertyGenerationSpec propGenSpec     = PropertyGenSpecList[i];
                JsonIgnoreCondition?   ignoreCondition = propGenSpec.DefaultIgnoreCondition;

                if (ignoreCondition == JsonIgnoreCondition.WhenWritingNull && !propGenSpec.TypeGenerationSpec.CanBeNull)
                    goto ReturnFalse;

                // In case of JsonInclude fail if either:
                // 1. the getter is not accessible by the source generator or
                // 2. neither getter or setter methods are public.
                if (propGenSpec.HasJsonInclude && (!propGenSpec.CanUseGetter || !propGenSpec.IsPublic))
                    goto ReturnFalse;

                // Discard any getters not accessible by the source generator.
                if (!propGenSpec.CanUseGetter)

                if (!propGenSpec.IsProperty && !propGenSpec.HasJsonInclude && !options.IncludeFields)

                string memberName = propGenSpec.ClrName !;

                // The JsonPropertyNameAttribute or naming policy resulted in a collision.
                if (!serializableProperties.TryAdd(propGenSpec.RuntimePropertyName, propGenSpec))
                    PropertyGenerationSpec other = serializableProperties[propGenSpec.RuntimePropertyName] !;

                    if (other.DefaultIgnoreCondition == JsonIgnoreCondition.Always)
                        // Overwrite previously cached property since it has [JsonIgnore].
                        serializableProperties[propGenSpec.RuntimePropertyName] = propGenSpec;
                    else if (
                        // Does the current property have `JsonIgnoreAttribute`?
                        propGenSpec.DefaultIgnoreCondition != JsonIgnoreCondition.Always &&
                        // Is the current property hidden by the previously cached property
                        // (with `new` keyword, or by overriding)?
                        other.ClrName != memberName &&
                        // Was a property with the same CLR name was ignored? That property hid the current property,
                        // thus, if it was ignored, the current property should be ignored too.
                        ignoredMembers?.ContainsKey(memberName) != true)
                        // We throw if we have two public properties that have the same JSON property name, and neither have been ignored.
                        serializableProperties  = null;
                        castingRequiredForProps = false;
                    // Ignore the current property.

                if (propGenSpec.DefaultIgnoreCondition == JsonIgnoreCondition.Always)
                    (ignoredMembers ??= new Dictionary <string, PropertyGenerationSpec>()).Add(memberName, propGenSpec);

            Debug.Assert(PropertyGenSpecList.Count >= serializableProperties.Count);
            castingRequiredForProps = PropertyGenSpecList.Count > serializableProperties.Count;

            serializableProperties  = null;
            castingRequiredForProps = false;
        static ReadOnlySpan <byte> IndexKeyword => new byte[] { 0x69, 0x6E, 0x64, 0x65, 0x78 };               // = index

        /// <summary>
        /// Parses FFprobe JSON output and returns a new <see cref="MediaInfo"/>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="data">JSON output</param>
        /// <param name="file">The file the JSON output format is about</param>
        /// <returns><see cref="MediaInfo"/> containing information from FFprobe output</returns>
        public static MediaInfo Read(ReadOnlySpan <byte> data, string file)
            var json = new Utf8JsonReader(data, isFinalBlock: false, state: default);

            var streams = new List <Dictionary <string, object> >();
            var format  = new Dictionary <string, object>();

            var currentStream = -1;

            var    currentObject = JsonObjects.None;
            string?lastKey       = null;

            while (json.Read())
                JsonTokenType       tokenType = json.TokenType;
                ReadOnlySpan <byte> valueSpan = json.ValueSpan;
                switch (tokenType)
                case JsonTokenType.StartObject:
                case JsonTokenType.EndObject:
                case JsonTokenType.Null:
                case JsonTokenType.StartArray:
                case JsonTokenType.EndArray:

                case JsonTokenType.PropertyName:
                    if (valueSpan.SequenceEqual(StreamsKeyword))
                        currentObject = JsonObjects.Streams;
                    if (valueSpan.SequenceEqual(FormatKeyword))
                        currentObject = JsonObjects.Format;

                    if (valueSpan.SequenceEqual(IndexKeyword))
                        streams.Add(new Dictionary <string, object>());

                    if (currentObject == JsonObjects.Streams)
                        lastKey = json.GetString();
                        streams[currentStream].TryAdd(lastKey, new object());
                    else if (currentObject == JsonObjects.Format)
                        lastKey = json.GetString();
                        format.TryAdd(lastKey, new object());

                case JsonTokenType.String:
                    if (currentObject == JsonObjects.Streams && lastKey != null)
                        streams[currentStream][lastKey] = json.GetString();
                    else if (currentObject == JsonObjects.Format && lastKey != null)
                        format[lastKey] = json.GetString();

                case JsonTokenType.Number:
                    if (!json.TryGetInt32(out int valueInteger))
                        System.Diagnostics.Trace.TraceWarning($"JSON number parse error: \"{lastKey}\" = {System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString(valueSpan.ToArray())}, file = {file}");

                    if (currentObject == JsonObjects.Streams && lastKey != null)
                        streams[currentStream][lastKey] = valueInteger;
                    else if (currentObject == JsonObjects.Format && lastKey != null)
                        format[lastKey] = valueInteger;

                case JsonTokenType.True:
                case JsonTokenType.False:
                    bool valueBool = json.GetBoolean();
                    if (currentObject == JsonObjects.Streams && lastKey != null)
                        streams[currentStream][lastKey] = valueBool;
                    else if (currentObject == JsonObjects.Format && lastKey != null)
                        format[lastKey] = valueBool;

                    throw new ArgumentException();

            var info = new MediaInfo {
                Streams = new MediaInfo.StreamInfo[streams.Count]

            if (format.ContainsKey("duration") && TimeSpan.TryParse((string)format["duration"], out var duration))
                 * Trim miliseconds here as we would have done it later anyway.
                 * Reasons are:
                 * - More user friendly
                 * - Allows an improved check against equality
                 * Cons are:
                 * - Not 100% accurate if you consider a difference of e.g. 2 miliseconds makes a duplicate no longer a duplicate
                 * - Breaking change at the moment of implementation as it doesn't apply to already scanned files
                info.Duration = duration.TrimMiliseconds();

            var foundBitRate = false;
            for (int i = 0; i < streams.Count; i++)
                info.Streams[i] = new MediaInfo.StreamInfo();
                if (streams[i].ContainsKey("bit_rate") && long.TryParse((string)streams[i]["bit_rate"], out var bitrate))
                    foundBitRate            = true;
                    info.Streams[i].BitRate = bitrate;
                if (streams[i].ContainsKey("width"))
                    info.Streams[i].Width = (int)streams[i]["width"];
                if (streams[i].ContainsKey("height"))
                    info.Streams[i].Height = (int)streams[i]["height"];
                if (streams[i].ContainsKey("codec_name"))
                    info.Streams[i].CodecName = (string)streams[i]["codec_name"];
                if (streams[i].ContainsKey("codec_long_name"))
                    info.Streams[i].CodecLongName = (string)streams[i]["codec_long_name"];
                if (streams[i].ContainsKey("codec_type"))
                    info.Streams[i].CodecType = (string)streams[i]["codec_type"];
                if (streams[i].ContainsKey("channel_layout"))
                    info.Streams[i].ChannelLayout = (string)streams[i]["channel_layout"];

                if (streams[i].ContainsKey("pix_fmt"))
                    info.Streams[i].PixelFormat = (string)streams[i]["pix_fmt"];
                if (streams[i].ContainsKey("sample_rate") && int.TryParse((string)streams[i]["sample_rate"], out var sample_rate))
                    info.Streams[i].SampleRate = sample_rate;
                if (streams[i].ContainsKey("index"))
                    info.Streams[i].Index = ((int)streams[i]["index"]).ToString();

                if (streams[i].ContainsKey("r_frame_rate"))
                    var stringFrameRate = (string)streams[i]["r_frame_rate"];
                    if (stringFrameRate.Contains('/'))
                        var split = stringFrameRate.Split('/');
                        if (split.Length == 2 && int.TryParse(split[0], out var firstRate) && int.TryParse(split[1], out var secondRate))
                            info.Streams[i].FrameRate = (firstRate > 0 && secondRate > 0) ? firstRate / (float)secondRate : -1f;
            //Workaround if video stream bitrate is not set but in format
            if (!foundBitRate && info.Streams.Length > 0 && format.ContainsKey("bit_rate") && long.TryParse((string)format["bit_rate"], out var formatBitrate))
                info.Streams[0].BitRate = formatBitrate;

Exemple #13
 /// <summary>
 /// Add client to message loop
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="socket">Connected client</param>
 /// <param name="user">Discord user</param>
 public static void ClientAdd(WebSocket socket, DW.SocketUser user)
     sockets.TryAdd(socket, user);
Exemple #14
        public static Dictionary <PluginPair, Query> Build(ref string text, Dictionary <string, PluginPair> nonGlobalPlugins)
            if (text == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(text));

            if (nonGlobalPlugins == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(nonGlobalPlugins));

            // replace multiple white spaces with one white space
            var terms = text.Split(new[] { Query.TermSeparator }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);

            if (terms.Length == 0)
            { // nothing was typed

            // This Dictionary contains the corresponding query for each plugin
            Dictionary <PluginPair, Query> pluginQueryPair = new Dictionary <PluginPair, Query>();

            var rawQuery = string.Join(Query.TermSeparator, terms);

            // This is the query on removing extra spaces which would be executed by global Plugins
            text = rawQuery;

            string possibleActionKeyword = terms[0];

            foreach (string pluginActionKeyword in nonGlobalPlugins.Keys)
                // Using Ordinal since this is used internally
                if (possibleActionKeyword.StartsWith(pluginActionKeyword, StringComparison.Ordinal))
                    if (nonGlobalPlugins.TryGetValue(pluginActionKeyword, out var pluginPair) && !pluginPair.Metadata.Disabled)
                        // The search string is the raw query excluding the action keyword
                        string search = rawQuery.Substring(pluginActionKeyword.Length).Trim();

                        // To set the terms of the query after removing the action keyword
                        if (possibleActionKeyword.Length > pluginActionKeyword.Length)
                            // If the first term contains the action keyword, then set the remaining string to be the first term
                            terms[0] = possibleActionKeyword.Substring(pluginActionKeyword.Length);
                            // If the first term is the action keyword, then skip it.
                            terms = terms.Skip(1).ToArray();

                        // A new query is constructed for each plugin as they have different action keywords
                        var query = new Query(rawQuery, search, new ReadOnlyCollection <string>(terms), pluginActionKeyword);

                        pluginQueryPair.TryAdd(pluginPair, query);

            // If the user has specified a matching action keyword, then do not
            // add the global plugins to the list.
            if (pluginQueryPair.Count == 0)
                var globalplugins = PluginManager.GlobalPlugins;

                foreach (PluginPair globalPlugin in PluginManager.GlobalPlugins)
                    if (!pluginQueryPair.ContainsKey(globalPlugin))
                        var query = new Query(rawQuery, rawQuery, new ReadOnlyCollection <string>(terms), string.Empty);
                        pluginQueryPair.Add(globalPlugin, query);

Exemple #15
        AccountEntry Process(AccountEntry entry)
            if (entry.Spendable._Account != null && entry.Spendable._Account != this)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Entry already processed by another account");
            entry.Spendable._Account = this;
                if (entry.Reason == AccountEntryReason.Income || entry.Reason == AccountEntryReason.Outcome)
                    if (entry.BalanceChange < Money.Zero)
                        if (!_Unspent.Remove(entry.Spendable.OutPoint))
                    if (entry.BalanceChange > Money.Zero)
                        if (!_Unspent.TryAdd(entry.Spendable.OutPoint, entry.Spendable))
                    if (entry.BalanceChange == Money.Zero)
                else if (entry.Reason == AccountEntryReason.Lock || entry.Reason == AccountEntryReason.Unlock)
                    if (entry.Reason == AccountEntryReason.Lock)
                else if (entry.Reason == AccountEntryReason.ChainBlockChanged)
                    if (entry.BalanceChange < Money.Zero)
                        if (!_Unspent.Remove(entry.Spendable.OutPoint))
                    if (entry.BalanceChange > Money.Zero)
                        if (!_Unspent.TryAdd(entry.Spendable.OutPoint, entry.Spendable))
                _Balance += entry.BalanceChange;
                if (_Balance != Unspent.Select(o => o.TxOut.Value).Sum())
                    throw new NotSupportedException("Something is going wrong");
        public void SetSettings(UserSettings userSettings)
            UserSettings tmpSettings = new UserSettings();

            UiLanguage = userSettings.CurentUILanguague;

            ChatFontSize = userSettings.FontSize;

            BackgroundColor = userSettings.BackgroundColor;

            ParagraphSpaceCount = userSettings.InsertSpaceCount;

            LineBreakeHeight = userSettings.LineBreakHeight;

            TranslationEngine = (TranslationEngine)userSettings.CurrentTranslationEngine;

            FFLanguage = userSettings.CurrentFFXIVLanguage;

            TranslateToLanguage = userSettings.CurrentTranslateToLanguage;

            IsChatClickThrough = userSettings.IsClickThrough;

            IsChatAlwaysOnTop = userSettings.IsAlwaysOnTop;

            IsHideSettingsToTray = userSettings.IsHideToTray;

            IsAutoHide = userSettings.IsAutoHide;

            IsDirecMemoryReading = userSettings.IsDirecMemoryReading;

            AutoHideTimeout = userSettings.AutoHideTimeout;

            if (userSettings.ShowHideChatKeys != null)
                ShowHideChatKeys = new HotKeyCombination(userSettings.ShowHideChatKeys);
                ShowHideChatKeys = new HotKeyCombination(tmpSettings.ShowHideChatKeys);

            if (userSettings.ClickThoughtChatKeys != null)
                ClickThoughtChatKeys = new HotKeyCombination(userSettings.ClickThoughtChatKeys);
                ClickThoughtChatKeys = new HotKeyCombination(tmpSettings.ClickThoughtChatKeys);

            if (userSettings.ClearChatKeys != null)
                ClearChatKeys = new HotKeyCombination(userSettings.ClearChatKeys);
                ClearChatKeys = new HotKeyCombination(tmpSettings.ClearChatKeys);

            SettingsWindowSize = userSettings.SettingsWindowSize;

            ChatWindowRectangle = userSettings.ChatWindowLocation;

            if (userSettings.RecentBackgroundColors != null)
                RecentBackgroundColors = userSettings.RecentBackgroundColors.Distinct().ToList();
                RecentBackgroundColors = tmpSettings.RecentBackgroundColors.Distinct().ToList();

            var tmpChatList = Helper.LoadJsonData <List <ChatMsgType> >(GlobalSettings.ChatCodesFilePath);

            var tmpChatCodes = new Dictionary <string, ChatMsgType>();

            for (int i = 0; i < tmpChatList.Count; i++)
                tmpChatCodes.TryAdd(tmpChatList[i].ChatCode, tmpChatList[i]);

            var userCodes = userSettings.ChatCodes.Values.ToList();

            for (int i = 0; i < userCodes.Count; i++)
                if (tmpChatCodes.ContainsKey(userCodes[i].ChatCode))
                    tmpChatCodes[userCodes[i].ChatCode] = userCodes[i];

            ChatCodes = tmpChatCodes;

            IsFirstTime = userSettings.IsFirstTime;
Exemple #17
        public void ReadSheet(Stream stream, ReadSheetDicOptions option)
            Inspector.NotNull(stream, "Excel文件流不能为空");
            Inspector.NotNull(option, $"{nameof(ReadSheetDicOptions)} can not be null");
            Inspector.Validation(option.ExcelFields == null || option.ExcelFields.Length == 0 || option.ExcelFields.Count(t => string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(t.field)) > 0, "Excel中的列头信息不能为空或存在为空的列名");

            var sheetName = "";
                var sheetNames = this.GetSheetNames(stream, false);
                Inspector.Validation(option.ReadWay == ReadWay.SheetIndex && option.SheetIndex > sheetNames.Count(), $"指定的SheetIndex {option.SheetIndex} 无效,实际只存在{sheetNames.Count()}个Sheet");
                Inspector.Validation(option.ReadWay == ReadWay.SheetName && !sheetNames.Contains(option.SheetName), $"指定的SheetName {option.SheetName} 不存在");
                sheetName = option.ReadWay switch { ReadWay.SheetIndex => sheetNames.ElementAt(option.SheetIndex - 1), ReadWay.SheetName => option.SheetName };

            //Excel中的表头列信息(index:集合中元素的位置,cellRef:单元格的A1 B1中的A  B这种)
            var fieldLoc = new List <(int index, string excelField, ColumnType columnType, bool allowNull, string cellRef)>();

                for (int index = 0; index < option.ExcelFields.Count(); index++)
                    Inspector.Validation(fieldLoc.Exists(t => t.excelField == option.ExcelFields[index].field?.Trim()), "指定读取的 ExcelFields 中存在相同的列名");
                    fieldLoc.Add((index, option.ExcelFields[index].field, option.ExcelFields[index].type, option.ExcelFields[index].allowNull, ""));

            using (var sheetDoc = SpreadsheetDocument.Open(stream, false))
                WorkbookPart workbookPart = sheetDoc.WorkbookPart;
                string rId = workbookPart.Workbook.Sheets?.Cast <Sheet>()?.FirstOrDefault(t => t.Name.Value == sheetName)?.Id?.Value;
                Inspector.NotNullOrWhiteSpace(rId, $"不存在名为 {sheetName} 的Sheet");

                SharedStringTablePart shareStringPart;
                if (workbookPart.GetPartsOfType <SharedStringTablePart>().Count() > 0)
                    shareStringPart = workbookPart.GetPartsOfType <SharedStringTablePart>().First();
                    shareStringPart = workbookPart.AddNewPart <SharedStringTablePart>();

                string[] shareStringItemValues = shareStringPart.GetItemValues().ToArray();

                foreach (var workSheetPart in workbookPart.WorksheetParts?.Reverse())
                    string partRelationshipId = workbookPart.GetIdOfPart(workSheetPart);
                    if (partRelationshipId != rId)

                    (Dictionary <string, object> odata, List <(string rowIndex, string columnName, string cellValue, string errorMsg)> failInfos)failRowData =
                        (new Dictionary <string, object>(), new List <(string rowIndex, string columnName, string cellValue, string errorMsg)>());

                    OpenXmlReader reader = OpenXmlReader.Create(workSheetPart);
                    var reflection = ReflectionHelper.NewInstance;

                    while (reader.Read())
                        if (reader.ElementType == typeof(Worksheet))

                        if (reader.ElementType == typeof(Row))
                            var row = (Row)reader.LoadCurrentElement();

                            if (row.RowIndex == option.HeadRow)
                                foreach (Cell cell in row.Elements <Cell>())
                                    if (cell.CellReference != null && cell.CellReference.HasValue)
                                        string excelField = cell.GetValue(shareStringItemValues);
                                        if (fieldLoc.Exists(t => t.excelField == excelField))
                                            var fieldInfo = fieldLoc.FirstOrDefault(t => t.excelField == excelField);
                                            fieldInfo.cellRef         = StringHelper.RemoveNumber(cell.CellReference);
                                            fieldLoc[fieldInfo.index] = fieldInfo;
                                var unMatchedField = fieldLoc.Where(t => string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(t.cellRef));
                                if (unMatchedField.Count() > 0)
                                    var unmatchFields = string.Join("、", unMatchedField.Select(t => t.excelField));
                                    var msg           = $"指定的ExcelFields中的字段【{unmatchFields}】不存在于Excel中";
                                    throw new ExcelKitException(msg);

                            if (row.RowIndex < option.DataStartRow)
                            if (option.DataEndRow.HasValue && row.RowIndex > option.DataEndRow)

                            var rowData = new Dictionary <string, object>();
                            var readSuc = true;

                            //4. row.Elements<Cell>()获取出来的会自动跳过为空的单元格
                            foreach (Cell cell in row.Elements <Cell>())
                                //4.1 跳过cell引用为空的
                                if (cell.CellReference == null || !cell.CellReference.HasValue)

                                //4.2 当前循环的cell列位置(不含数字)
                                var loopCellRef = StringHelper.RemoveNumber(cell.CellReference);
                                var fieldInfo = fieldLoc.FirstOrDefault(t => t.cellRef.Equals(loopCellRef, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase));
                                if (fieldInfo == (0, null, 0, false, null) || !loopCellRef.Equals(fieldInfo.cellRef, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))

                                string readVal = null;
                                    readVal = cell.GetValue(shareStringItemValues);
                                    Inspector.Validation(!fieldInfo.allowNull && string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(readVal), $"Excel中列 {fieldInfo.excelField} 为必填项");

                                    object value = ColumnTypeMapping.Convert(readVal, fieldInfo.columnType, fieldInfo.allowNull);
                                    rowData.Add(fieldInfo.excelField, value);
                                catch (Exception ex)
                                    readSuc = false;
                                    failRowData.failInfos.Add((row.RowIndex, fieldInfo.excelField, readVal?.ToString(), ex.Message));

                            var lackKeys = fieldLoc.Select(t => t.excelField).Except(rowData.Keys);
                            foreach (var lackKey in lackKeys)
                                rowData.TryAdd(lackKey, null);

                            if (readSuc)
                                option.SucData?.Invoke(rowData, row.RowIndex.Value);
                                option.FailData?.Invoke(failRowData.odata, failRowData.failInfos);
Exemple #18
        public static void Init(ResourceManager resources, McResourcePack resourcePack, IProgressReceiver progressReceiver = null)
            ResourceManager = resources;
            ResourcePack    = resourcePack;

            var otherRaw = ResourceManager.ReadStringResource("Alex.Resources.items3.json");

            SecItemEntries = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <SecondItemEntry[]>(otherRaw);

            var raw = ResourceManager.ReadStringResource("Alex.Resources.items2.json");

            ItemEntry[] itemData = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <ItemEntry[]>(raw);

            var ii = resources.Registries.Items.Entries;


            Dictionary <string, Item> items = new Dictionary <string, Item>();

            for (int i = 0; i < ii.Count; i++)
                var entry = ii.ElementAt(i);
                progressReceiver?.UpdateProgress(i * (100 / ii.Count), $"Processing items...", entry.Key);

                var blockState = BlockFactory.GetBlockState(entry.Key);

                Item item;
                if (blockState != null)
                    item = new ItemBlock(blockState);
                    item = new Item();

                var minetItem = MiNET.Items.ItemFactory.GetItem(entry.Key.Replace("minecraft:", ""));
                if (minetItem != null)
                    if (Enum.TryParse <ItemType>(minetItem.ItemType.ToString(), out ItemType t))
                        item.ItemType = t;
                    item.Material = minetItem.ItemMaterial;
                    item.Meta     = minetItem.Metadata;
                    item.Id       = minetItem.Id;

                item.Name        = entry.Key;
                item.DisplayName = entry.Key;

                var data = itemData.FirstOrDefault(x =>
                                                   x.name.Equals(entry.Key.Substring(10), StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase));
                if (data != null)
                    item.MaxStackSize = data.stackSize;
                    item.DisplayName  = data.displayName;

                foreach (var it in ResourcePack.ItemModels)
                    if (it.Key.Contains(entry.Key.Replace("minecraft:", ""),
                        //Log.Info($"Model found: {entry.Key} = {it.Key}");
                        ItemModelRenderer renderer;
                        if (ItemRenderers.TryGetValue(it.Key, out renderer))
                        else if (ItemRenderers.TryGetValue(entry.Key, out renderer))


                        if (renderer != null)
                            Log.Info($"Found renderer for {entry.Key}, textures: {it.Value.Textures.Count}");
                            item.Renderer = renderer;

                /* if (ResourcePack.ItemModels.TryGetValue(entry.Key.Replace("minecraft:", "minecraft:item/"), out ResourcePackItem iii))
                 * {
                 *       ItemModelRenderer renderer;
                 *       if (ItemRenderers.TryGetValue(entry.Key, out renderer))
                 *       {
                 *       }
                 *       else if (ItemRenderers.TryGetValue(entry.Key, out renderer))
                 *       {
                 *       }
                 *       if (renderer != null)
                 *       {
                 *               Log.Info($"Found renderer for {entry.Key}, textures: {iii.Textures.Count}");
                 *       }
                 *       item.Renderer = renderer;
                 * }*/

                //   Log.Info($"Loaded item: {entry.Key} (Renderer: {item.Renderer != null})");
                items.TryAdd(entry.Key, item);

            Items = new ReadOnlyDictionary <string, Item>(items);
Exemple #19
        public Catalog MakeCatalog()
            // Convert collections of items from Data Dragon globals DTOs

            Dictionary <string, LorVocabTerm> vocabTerms = ConvertDdItems <DdVocabTerm, LorVocabTerm>(Globals.VocabTerms, "vocabTerms", LorVocabTerm.TryFromDataDragon);

            Dictionary <string, LorKeyword> keywords = ConvertDdItems <DdKeyword, LorKeyword>(Globals.Keywords, "keywords", LorKeyword.TryFromDataDragon);

            Dictionary <string, LorFaction> regions = ConvertIndexedDdItems <DdRegion, LorFaction>(Globals.Regions, "regions", LorFaction.TryFromDataDragon, RegionIndices);

            Dictionary <string, LorSpellSpeed> spellSpeeds = ConvertDdItems <DdSpellSpeed, LorSpellSpeed>(Globals.SpellSpeeds, "spellSpeeds", LorSpellSpeed.TryFromDataDragon);

            Dictionary <string, LorRarity> rarities = ConvertDdItems <DdRarity, LorRarity>(Globals.Rarities, "rarities", LorRarity.TryFromDataDragon);

            Dictionary <string, LorSet> sets = ConvertIndexedDdItems <DdSet, LorSet>(Globals.Sets, "sets", LorSet.TryFromDataDragon, SetIndices);

            // Populate collections of [super/sub]types manually from list of cards

            var supertypes   = new List <LorSupertype>();
            var supertypeDic = new Dictionary <string, LorSupertype>();

            foreach (string supertypeRef in DdCards
                     .Select(c => c.Supertype)
                     .Where(s => !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(s))
                     .Select(s => s !)
                string name      = TextInfo.ToTitleCase(TextInfo.ToLower(supertypeRef));
                var    supertype = new LorSupertype(name);
                supertypeDic.Add(supertypeRef, new LorSupertype(name));

            var types   = new List <LorType>();
            var typeDic = new Dictionary <string, LorType>();

            foreach (string typeRef in DdCards
                     .Select(c => c.Type)
                     .Where(s => !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(s))
                     .Select(s => s !)
                string name = TextInfo.ToTitleCase(TextInfo.ToLower(typeRef));
                var    type = new LorType(name);
                typeDic.Add(typeRef, type);

            var subtypes   = new List <LorSubtype>();
            var subtypeDic = new Dictionary <string, LorSubtype>();

            foreach (string subtypeRef in DdCards
                     .SelectMany(c => c.GetDistinctSubtypes())
                string name    = TextInfo.ToTitleCase(TextInfo.ToLower(subtypeRef));
                var    subtype = new LorSubtype(name);
                subtypeDic.Add(subtypeRef, subtype);

            // First card pass to initialize cards and add them to lookup

            var cards = new Dictionary <string, ICard>();

            foreach (DdCard ddCard in DdCards)
                if (ddCard.CardCode is null)
                    string name = ddCard.Name ?? "[Unnamed card]";
                    Logger.LogWarning($"{name} does not have a card code. Ignoring card.");

                if (!CardCode.TryFromString(ddCard.CardCode, out CardCode? cardCode))
                    Logger.LogWarning($"Could not parse the card code '{cardCode}'. Ignoring card.");

                var card = new BasicCard(cardCode !, Locale, Version, ddCard.Name);
                if (!cards.TryAdd(ddCard.CardCode, card))
                    Logger.LogWarning($"Multiple cards have the card code '{cardCode}'. Ignoring this duplicate card.");

                AddPropToCard(card, ddCard.RegionRef, "RegionRef", regions, (c, v) => c.Region         = v);
                AddPropToCard(card, ddCard.Supertype, "Supertype", supertypeDic, (c, v) => c.Supertype = v);
                AddPropToCard(card, ddCard.Type, "Type", typeDic, (c, v) => c.Type = v);
                AddPropToCard(card, ddCard.SpellSpeedRef, "SpellSpeedRef", spellSpeeds, (c, v) => c.SpellSpeed = v);
                AddPropToCard(card, ddCard.Set, "Set", sets, (c, v) => c.Set = v);
                AddPropToCard(card, ddCard.RarityRef, "RarityRef", rarities, (c, v) => c.Rarity = v);

                AddPropListToCard(card, ddCard.RegionRefs, "RegionRef", regions, (c, vs) => c.Regions     = vs);
                AddPropListToCard(card, ddCard.Subtypes, "Subtype", subtypeDic, (c, vs) => c.Subtypes     = vs);
                AddPropListToCard(card, ddCard.KeywordRefs, "KeywordRef", keywords, (c, vs) => c.Keywords = vs);

                card.Cost                  = ddCard.Cost;
                card.Attack                = ddCard.Attack;
                card.Health                = ddCard.Health;
                card.Collectible           = ddCard.Collectible;
                card.Description           = ddCard.Description;
                card.DescriptionRaw        = ddCard.DescriptionRaw;
                card.LevelupDescription    = ddCard.LevelupDescription;
                card.LevelupDescriptionRaw = ddCard.LevelupDescriptionRaw;
                card.FlavorText            = ddCard.FlavorText;
                card.ArtistName            = ddCard.ArtistName;

                if (ddCard.Assets != null && ddCard.Assets.Length > 0)
                    string?gamePath = ddCard.Assets[0].GameAbsolutePath;
                    if (gamePath != null)
                        card.GameArtPath = new Uri(gamePath);

                    string?fullPath = ddCard.Assets[0].FullAbsolutePath;
                    if (fullPath != null)
                        card.FullArtPath = new Uri(fullPath);

            // Second card pass to fill in associated card references

            foreach (DdCard ddCard in DdCards)
                if (ddCard.AssociatedCardRefs is null)

                if (ddCard.CardCode is null)

                string code = ddCard.CardCode !;

                if (!cards.TryGetValue(code, out ICard? card))

                var assoCards = new List <ICard>();
                foreach (string assoCode in ddCard.AssociatedCardRefs)
                    if (cards.TryGetValue(assoCode, out ICard? assoCard))
                        Logger.LogWarning($"{card} has an associated card with the code '{assoCode}' that isn't in the card collection. Ignoring this associated card.");

                // Small hack to cast the card to its known BasicCard type since C# can't make the cards dictionary covariant
                (card as BasicCard) !.AssociatedCards = assoCards;

            // Return the finished product

            return(new Catalog(Locale, Version)
                VocabTerms = vocabTerms,
                Keywords = keywords,
                Regions = regions,
                SpellSpeeds = spellSpeeds,
                Rarities = rarities,
                Sets = sets,
                Supertypes = supertypes,
                Types = types,
                Subtypes = subtypes,
                Cards = cards,
Exemple #20
 public bool AddUser(User user)
     return(users.TryAdd(user.Uuid, user));
 public static void AddFlightPlan(FlightPlan flightPlan)
     flightPlanDB.TryAdd(flightPlan.GetId(), flightPlan);
Exemple #22
        public async Task <DataSet> ReadDocument(string fileName, bool isFirstRowHeader = false)
            var fileExtension = Path.GetExtension(fileName);

            if (!fileExtension.IsSupportedExcelFile())
                throw new FileFormatException("The file format is not supported!");

            var dataSet = new DataSet();

            if (fileExtension == SupportFormats.csv)
                var table = new DataTable();

                using (var stremReader = new StreamReader(fileName))
                    var headers = stremReader.ReadLine().Split(',');

                    foreach (string header in headers)

                    while (!stremReader.EndOfStream)
                        var rows    = stremReader.ReadLine().Split(',');
                        var dataRow = table.NewRow();

                        for (int i = 0; i < headers.Length; i++)
                            dataRow[i] = rows[i];



                    using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(fileName, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.ReadWrite))
                        using (SpreadsheetDocument doc = SpreadsheetDocument.Open(fs, false))
                            var workbookPart = doc.WorkbookPart;

                            #region Sheets processing

                            foreach (var sheet in workbookPart.Workbook.Descendants <Sheet>())
                                var table         = new DataTable(sheet.Name);
                                var dataList      = new List <TableRowItem>();
                                var sheetColumns  = new Dictionary <string, string>();
                                var worksheetPart = (WorksheetPart)(workbookPart.GetPartById(sheet.Id));
                                var sheetData     = worksheetPart.Worksheet.Elements <SheetData>().First();


                                if (sheetData.Elements <Row>().Any(x => x.RowIndex == null))
                                    throw new NotSupportedException("The version of this file is not supported!");

                                #region Define header

                                if (isFirstRowHeader)
                                    foreach (var row in sheetData?.Elements <Row>()?.Where(x => x.RowIndex == 1))
                                        if (row.Elements <Cell>().Any())
                                            foreach (var cell in row.Elements <Cell>())
                                                var columnAddress = await GetColumnName(cell.CellReference.Value);

                                                var columnName = await GetCellValue(cell, workbookPart);

                                                sheetColumns.TryGetValue(columnName, out string colName);

                                                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(colName))
                                                    sheetColumns.TryAdd(columnAddress, columnName);
                                            throw new MissingFieldException("The column name in the first row was not found!");
                                    foreach (var row in sheetData?.Elements <Row>())
                                        foreach (var cell in row.Elements <Cell>())
                                            var columnAddress = await GetColumnName(cell.CellReference.Value);

                                            sheetColumns.TryGetValue(columnAddress, out string colName);

                                            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(colName))
                                                sheetColumns.TryAdd(columnAddress, columnAddress);


                                #region Sort columns

                                var columnsList = sheetColumns.Values.ToList();

                                if (!isFirstRowHeader)

                                foreach (var col in columnsList)


                                #region Filling up dataSet

                                foreach (var row in sheetData.Elements <Row>())
                                    var dtsTableRow = table.NewRow();

                                    foreach (var cell in row.Elements <Cell>())
                                        var columnAddress = await GetColumnName(cell.CellReference.Value);

                                        var columnIndex = await GetColumnIndex(cell.CellReference.Value);

                                        sheetColumns.TryGetValue(columnAddress, out string columnName);
                                        int.TryParse(columnIndex, out int index);

                                        var cellValue = await GetCellValue(cell, workbookPart);

                                        var firstField = isFirstRowHeader ? 1 : 0;

                                        if (index > firstField)
                                            dataList.Add(new TableRowItem
                                                Index = index,
                                                Name  = columnName,
                                                Value = cellValue

                                for (var i = isFirstRowHeader ? 2 : 1; i <= dataList.Max(x => x.Index); i++)
                                    var dataRow  = table.NewRow();
                                    var tempList = dataList.Where(x => x.Index == i).ToList();

                                    foreach (var item in tempList)
                                        dataRow[item.Name] = item.Value;



                catch (Exception e)
                    throw e;

        public void op_TryAdd_IDictionaryOfT_TKey_TValue_whenTrue()
            var list = new Dictionary<string, string>();

            Assert.True(list.TryAdd("example", string.Empty));
Exemple #24
 public bool Update(ConsentRequest req)
     return(_requests.TryAdd(req.Id, req));
        public async Task <User> AddFirebaseUser(UserCreateDto user)
            User newUser = null;

            if (await this.FirebaseUserExistsByEmail(user.Email))
                Notify($"O usuário {user.Email} já existe");

            // if (!user.Roles.Any())
            // {
            //     Notify("Não é possível criar um usuário sem as definições de níveis de acesso");
            //     return newUser;
            // }

            UserRecordArgs args = new UserRecordArgs()
                Email         = user.Email,
                EmailVerified = user.EmailVerified,
                PhoneNumber   = user.PhoneNumber,
                Password      = user.Password,
                DisplayName   = user.DisplayName,
                PhotoUrl      = user.PhotoUrl,
                Disabled      = false,

            var fbUser = await FirebaseAuth.DefaultInstance.CreateUserAsync(args);

            if (fbUser != null)
                (string name, string lastName)fullName = this.ExtraxctName(fbUser.DisplayName);
                newUser = new User()
                    FirebaseUserId = fbUser.Uid,
                    Email          = fbUser.Email,
                    CreationDate   = DateTime.Now,
                    FirstName      = fullName.name,
                    LastName       = fullName.lastName,
                    ProfileUrl     = fbUser.PhotoUrl,
                    CityHallId     = user.CityHallId

                await Add(newUser);

                var claims = new Dictionary <string, object>()
                    { "app_user_id", newUser.Id },
                    { "user", true },

                await _userRoleService.UpdateUserRole("user", newUser.Id, true);

                if (user.Roles?.Count > 0)
                    claims.TryAdd(user.Roles[0], true);
                    await _userRoleService.UpdateUserRole(user.Roles[0], newUser.Id, true);

                await _userRoleService.UpdateUserClaims(newUser.Id, claims);

 public static void AddServer(Servers server)
     serverDB.TryAdd(server.ServerId, server);
        /// <summary>
        /// 转为Html属性集合
        /// </summary>
        public IDictionary<string, object> ToHtmlAttributes()
            var result = new Dictionary<string, object>();
            result["plugin"] = "ajaxForm";
            var data = new Dictionary<string, object>();
            data.TryAdd("target", this.Target);
            data.TryAdd("replaceTarget", this.ReplaceTarget);
            if (this.Method.HasValue)
                data.TryAdd("type", this.Method.Value == FormMethod.Post ? "POST" : "GET");
            if (this.DataType.HasValue)
                string dataType = "html";

                switch (this.DataType)
                    case AjaxDataType.Html:
                    case AjaxDataType.Xml:
                        dataType = "xml";
                    case AjaxDataType.Json:
                        dataType = "json";
                    case AjaxDataType.Script:
                        dataType = "script";
                data.TryAdd("dataType", dataType);
            data.TryAdd("beforeSubmitFn", this.BeforeSubmitCallBack);
            data.TryAdd("successFn", this.OnSuccessCallBack);
            data.TryAdd("errorFn", this.OnErrorCallBack);
            data.TryAdd("resetForm", this.ResetForm);
            data.TryAdd("clearForm", this.ClearForm);
            data.TryAdd("closeDialog", this.CloseDialog);
            data.TryAdd("data", this.ExtraData);
            data.TryAdd("url", this.Url);
            result.Add("data", Json.Encode(data));
            return result;
        public async Task <EarnRuleModel> GetEarnRuleByIdAsync([FromQuery] string id)
            var campaign = await _campaignsClient.Campaigns.GetByIdAsync(id);

            ThrowIfError(campaign.ErrorCode, campaign.ErrorMessage);

            var asset = _settingsService.GetTokenName();

            // order conditions to have optional after first condition
            if (campaign.Conditions.Count > 0)
                var orderedConditions = new List <MAVN.Service.Campaign.Client.Models.Condition.ConditionModel>();
                var specialCondition  = campaign.Conditions.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Type.Equals(ReferToRealEstateBonusType));

                if (specialCondition != null)

                orderedConditions.AddRange(campaign.Conditions.Where(x => !x.Type.Equals(ReferToRealEstateBonusType)));

            var result = _mapper.Map <EarnRuleModel>(campaign);

            result.Asset = asset;

            // dictionary by Localization
            var mobileContentsDictionary = new Dictionary <Localization, MobileContentResponse>();

            foreach (var content in campaign.Contents)
                if (mobileContentsDictionary.TryGetValue(content.Localization, out var existingMobileContent))
                    Enum.TryParse <MobileLocalization>(content.Localization.ToString(), out var mobileLanguage);

                    var newMobileContent = new MobileContentResponse {
                        MobileLanguage = mobileLanguage


                    mobileContentsDictionary.TryAdd(content.Localization, newMobileContent);

                void FillMobileContent(MobileContentResponse mobileContent)
                    switch (content.RuleContentType)
                    case RuleContentType.Title:
                        mobileContent.Title   = content.Value;
                        mobileContent.TitleId = content.Id;

                    case RuleContentType.Description:
                        mobileContent.Description   = content.Value;
                        mobileContent.DescriptionId = content.Id;

                    case RuleContentType.UrlForPicture:
                        mobileContent.ImageId      = content.Id;
                        mobileContent.ImageBlobUrl = content.Value;
                        mobileContent.Image        = new ImageResponse
                            Id            = content.Image?.Id,
                            RuleContentId = content.Id.ToString(),
                            ImageBlobUrl  = content.Image?.BlobUrl

            result.MobileContents = mobileContentsDictionary.ToList().OrderBy(x => x.Key).Select(x => x.Value).ToList();

        private void HandleExtensionSwitches(List <ExeXml.AddOn> addOns)
            // first overwrite the default switch settings in the country file, if the user changed them (via config-settings sent by the run-tool)

            // then overwrite with any instructions from extensions, the means the priority of switches to be on or off is as follows:
            // highest: add-ons (via AddOn_ExtensionSwitch), next: user settings (via run-tool), lowest: default settings (via set-switches-dialog)

            // take care of a "feature" that is mainly there for compatibility with the version before March 2020, where the switches of functions within extension-policies were visible instead of set to switch
            // namly that such functions can be permanantly off instead of switchable
            List <ExeXml.Fun> permanentOffFunctions = TakeCareOfPermanentOffFunctions();

            // lists for taking into account that pol/fun/par can be switched by more than one extension and that 'on' always wins
            List <string> onIds = new List <string>();
            Dictionary <string, ExeXml.Fun> parsToRemove = new Dictionary <string, ExeXml.Fun>();

            foreach (var extension in infoStore.country.extensions.Values)
                foreach (var extPol in extension.polIds)
                    string polId     = extPol.Key;
                    bool   isBasePol = extPol.Value == true; // true: a base-policy, that is switched off if the extension is on

                    if (!infoStore.country.cao.pols.ContainsKey(polId))
                    ExeXml.Pol pol = infoStore.country.cao.pols[polId];

                    bool?switchOn = null;
                    if (extension.on == true)
                        switchOn = isBasePol ? false : true;                       // extension-switch is on: added-as-on ✔: on; added-as-off ✘: off
                    else if (!isBasePol)
                        switchOn = false;                  // extension-switch is off or n/a: added-as-on ✔: off; added-as-off ✘: do not touch
                    if (switchOn == true)
                        pol.on = true;
                    if (switchOn == false && !onIds.Contains(polId))
                        pol.on = false;

                    // add the policy and all its functions and parameters, which do not have an own setting, to the switched-on (i.e. winning) elements
                    if (switchOn == true)
                        foreach (var f in pol.funs)
                            if (!extension.funIds.ContainsKey(f.Key))
                                string funId = f.Key; ExeXml.Fun fun = f.Value;
                                fun.on = true; onIds.AddUnique(funId);
                                foreach (var parId in fun.pars.Keys)
                                    if (!extension.parIds.ContainsKey(parId))
                                        if (parsToRemove.ContainsKey(parId))
                foreach (var extFun in extension.funIds)
                    string funId     = extFun.Key;
                    bool   isBaseFun = extFun.Value == true; // true: a base-function, that is switched off if the extension is on

                    ExeXml.Fun fun = null;
                    foreach (var pol in infoStore.country.cao.pols)
                        var funs = from f in pol.Value.funs where f.Key == funId select f; if (!funs.Any())
                        fun = funs.First().Value;
                        if (fun.pars.Count == 0)
                            fun = null;                      // this takes care of functions which are set to n/a including all their parameters for this system, i.e. ignores them
                    if (fun == null)

                    // see explanation above, however note: if parent-policy is switched off, all included functions are off as well
                    // if parent-policy is switched on, included functions can still be switched off
                    bool?switchOn = null;
                    if (extension.on == true)
                        switchOn = isBaseFun ? false : true;                       // extension-switch is on: added-as-on ✔: on; added-as-off ✘: off
                    else if (!isBaseFun)
                        switchOn = false;                  // extension-switch is off or n/a: added-as-on ✔: off; added-as-off ✘: do not touch
                    if (switchOn == true)
                        fun.on = true;
                    if (switchOn == false && !onIds.Contains(funId))
                        fun.on = false;

                    // add the function and all its parameters, which do not have an own setting, to the switched-on (i.e. winning) elements
                    if (switchOn == true)
                        foreach (var parId in fun.pars.Keys)
                            if (!extension.parIds.ContainsKey(parId))
                                if (parsToRemove.ContainsKey(parId))
                foreach (var extPar in extension.parIds)
                    string parId = extPar.Key; bool isBasePar = extPar.Value == true;

                    // other than for pol/fun we do not need the par, but its id and the parent-fun, because we need to delete the parameter in case
                    ExeXml.Fun parentFun = null;
                    foreach (var pol in infoStore.country.cao.pols)
                        foreach (var fun in pol.Value.funs)
                            if ((from p in fun.Value.pars where p.Key == parId select p).Any())
                                parentFun = fun.Value; break;
                        if (parentFun != null)
                    if (parentFun == null)

                    bool?keepPar = null;
                    if (extension.on == true)
                        keepPar = isBasePar ? false : true;                       // extension-switch is on: added-as-on ✔: keep par, added-as-off ✘: remove par
                    else if (!isBasePar)
                        keepPar = false;                  // extension-switch is off or n/a: added-as-on ✔: remove par, added-as-off ✘: do not touch
                    if (keepPar == true && parsToRemove.ContainsKey(parId))
                    if (keepPar == false && !onIds.Contains(parId))
                        parsToRemove.TryAdd(parId, parentFun);
                    if (keepPar == true)
            foreach (var ptr in parsToRemove)
                ptr.Value.pars.Remove(ptr.Key);                               // remove the respective parameters only after taking all extensions into account
            foreach (ExeXml.Fun pof in permanentOffFunctions)
                pof.on = false;
Exemple #30
        /// <summary>
        /// Tree属性集合
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public Dictionary<string, object> ToUnobtrusiveHtmlAttributes()
            var result = new Dictionary<string, object>();
            if (AdditionalSetOptions != null)
                result = new Dictionary<string, object>(AdditionalSetOptions);
            Dictionary<string, object> data = new Dictionary<string, object>();
            Dictionary<string, object> simpleData = new Dictionary<string, object>();
            Dictionary<string, object> callBack = new Dictionary<string, object>();

            #region 设置编辑属性


            bool isRename = false, isRemove = false, enable = false, isCopy = false, isMove = false;
            Dictionary<string, object> edit = new Dictionary<string, object>();
            Dictionary<string, object> drag = new Dictionary<string, object>();
            //首先判断是否开启  拖拽功能
            if (this.IsDrag)
                //编辑设置开启 然后设置关闭 删除 改名  (默认)功能
                enable = true;
                isCopy = true;
                isMove = true;
            drag.TryAdd("isCopy", isCopy);
            drag.TryAdd("isMove", isMove);
            if (this.IsRename)
                if (!enable)
                    enable = true;
                isRename = true;
            if (this.IsRemove)
                if (!enable)
                    enable = true;
                isRemove = true;
            if (enable)
                edit.TryAdd("enable", enable);
                edit.TryAdd("drag", drag);
                edit.TryAdd("showRemoveBtn", isRemove);
                edit.TryAdd("showRenameBtn", isRename);
                result.TryAdd("edit", edit);

            #endregion 设置编辑属性

            #region 设置数据属性

            simpleData.TryAdd("enable", true);
            simpleData.TryAdd("rootPId", RootId);
            data.TryAdd("simpleData", simpleData);
            result.TryAdd("data", data);

            #endregion 设置数据属性

            #region 设置勾选框

            if (this.SelectBoxType != null)
                Dictionary<string, object> check = new Dictionary<string, object>();
                check.TryAdd("enable", true);
                if (this.SelectBoxType == SelectBoxTypes.Checkbox)
                    check.TryAdd("chkStyle", this.SelectBoxType.ToString().ToLower());
                    check.TryAdd("chkStyle", this.SelectBoxType.ToString().ToLower());
                    if (this.RadioBoxType != null)
                        check.TryAdd("radioType", this.RadioBoxType.ToString().ToLower());
                        //设置单选默认按钮范围 Level
                        check.TryAdd("radioType", RadioBoxTypes.Level.ToString().ToLower());

                result.TryAdd("check", check);

            #endregion 设置勾选框

            #region 设置回调函数

            if (this.AdditionalCallBacks != null)
                callBack = this.AdditionalCallBacks;
                if (callBack.ContainsKey("onExpand"))
                    callBack["addOnExpand"] = callBack["onExpand"];
                if (callBack.ContainsKey("beforeExpand"))
                    callBack["addBeforeExpand"] = callBack["beforeExpand"];
            if (IsSinglePath)
                callBack["beforeExpand"] = "|" + "beforeExpand" + "|";
                callBack["onExpand"] = "|" + "onExpand" + "|";
            if (callBack != null)
                result.TryAdd("callback", callBack);

            #endregion 设置回调函数

            #region 设置异步加载

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.AsyncUrl))
                Dictionary<string, object> async = new Dictionary<string, object>();
                async.TryAdd("enable", true);
                async.TryAdd("contentType", "application/json");
                //设置自动提交父节点属性的参数 参数为parentId
                string[] autoParam = new string[] { "id=parentId" };
                async.TryAdd("autoParam", autoParam);
                async.TryAdd("url", this.AsyncUrl);
                result.TryAdd("async", async);

            #endregion 设置异步加载


            return result;
Exemple #31
        public async Task <ITestResultReport> CreateReportAsync()
            Logger.LogInformation($"Start to generate report by {nameof(TwinCountingReportGenerator)} for Sources [{this.expectedSource}] and [{this.actualSource}]");

            ulong          totalExpectCount = 0;
            ulong          totalMatchCount  = 0;
            ulong          totalPatches     = 0;
            ulong          totalDuplicates  = 0;
            Queue <string> unmatchedResults = new Queue <string>();

            Dictionary <string, DateTime> propertiesUpdated  = new Dictionary <string, DateTime>();
            Dictionary <string, DateTime> propertiesReceived = new Dictionary <string, DateTime>();

            while (await this.expectedTestResults.MoveNextAsync())
                Option <TwinTestResult> twinTestResult = this.GetTwinTestResult(this.expectedTestResults.Current);
                Logger.LogDebug($"Expected test results {twinTestResult}");

                    r =>
                    foreach (var prop in r.Properties)
                        propertiesUpdated.TryAdd(prop.ToString(), this.expectedTestResults.Current.CreatedAt);

            while (await this.actualTestResults.MoveNextAsync())

                Option <TwinTestResult> twinTestResult = this.GetTwinTestResult(this.actualTestResults.Current);
                Logger.LogDebug($"Actual test results {twinTestResult}");

                    r =>
                    foreach (var prop in r.Properties)
                        bool added = propertiesReceived.TryAdd(prop.ToString(), this.actualTestResults.Current.CreatedAt);
                        if (!added)
                            Logger.LogDebug($"Duplicate for {this.actualSource} {prop.ToString()}");

            foreach (KeyValuePair <string, DateTime> desiredPropertyUpdate in propertiesUpdated)

                if (propertiesReceived.ContainsKey(desiredPropertyUpdate.Key))
                    TestReportUtil.EnqueueAndEnforceMaxSize(unmatchedResults, $"{this.expectedSource} {desiredPropertyUpdate.Key}", this.unmatchedResultsMaxSize);

            foreach (KeyValuePair <string, DateTime> desiredPropertyReceived in propertiesReceived)
                if (!propertiesUpdated.ContainsKey(desiredPropertyReceived.Key))
                    Logger.LogError($"[{nameof(TwinCountingReportGenerator)}] Actual test result source has unexpected results.");
                    TestReportUtil.EnqueueAndEnforceMaxSize(unmatchedResults, $"{this.actualSource} {desiredPropertyReceived.Key}", this.unmatchedResultsMaxSize);

            return(new TwinCountingReport(
                       new List <string>(unmatchedResults).AsReadOnly()));
        private void Map(Type type, Stack <TagMapParent> parents, int messageTypeKey)
            if (_mappedTypes.Contains(type) || type == typeof(object))
            var messageType = type.GetCustomAttribute <MessageTypeAttribute>();

            if (messageType != null)
                int key = GetTypeKey(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(messageType.Value));
                _mapMessageType.TryAdd(key, type);

            foreach (PropertyInfo property in type.GetProperties())
                FixTagAttribute?fixTagAttribute = property.GetCustomAttribute <FixTagAttribute>();
                var             repeatingGroup  = property.GetCustomAttribute <RepeatingGroupAttribute>();
                var             isEnumerable    = property.PropertyType.GetInterfaces()
                                                  .Any(x => x == typeof(System.Collections.IEnumerable)) &&
                                                  property.PropertyType != typeof(string);
                Type?innerType = null;
                if (repeatingGroup != null)
                    AddRepeatingGroupLeaf(parents, property, repeatingGroup, GetInnerTypeOfEnumerable(property), repeatingGroup.Tag * messageTypeKey);

                //If there is no fix tag attribute, we expand custom types and enumerated types with repeating group attribute
                if (fixTagAttribute is null)
                    if (!isEnumerable)
                        innerType = property.PropertyType;
                        //Avoid recursion for obvious built in types.
                        if (!AllowedType(innerType))
                            Map(innerType, parents, messageTypeKey);
                    else if (isEnumerable && repeatingGroup != null)
                        //Finding the tpye of enumeration
                        innerType = GetInnerTypeOfEnumerable(property);
                        if (!AllowedType(innerType))
                            parents.Push(CreateRepeatingParentNode(property, repeatingGroup, innerType));
                            Map(innerType, parents, messageTypeKey);
                else if (fixTagAttribute != null)
                    var        typeConverter = property.GetCustomAttribute <TypeConverterAttribute>();
                    TagMapLeaf value;
                    //Enumerable: string[] can have a FixTag for repeating groups
                    if (isEnumerable && repeatingGroup != null)
                        //Finding the tpye of enumeration
                        innerType = GetInnerTypeOfEnumerable(property);
                        if (AllowedType(innerType) || typeConverter != null)
                            value = AddEnumerableLeaf(parents, property, fixTagAttribute, repeatingGroup, typeConverter, fixTagAttribute.Tag * messageTypeKey, innerType);
                            throw new NotSupportedException("FixTagAttribute on enumerable must by primitive or string typed.");
                    else if (!isEnumerable)
                        //Nullable<Types>, IsValueType, IsSerializable
                        innerType = property.PropertyType;
                        if (AllowedType(innerType) ||
                            AllowedType(GetInnerTypeOfNullable(property, typeof(Nullable <>))) ||
                            typeConverter != null)
                            value = AddLeafNode(parents, property, fixTagAttribute, typeConverter, fixTagAttribute.Tag * messageTypeKey);
                            throw new NotSupportedException("FixTagAttribute must have a TypeConverter or be a primitive or string typed.");
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns a list of grouped addresses which have had their common ownership made public by common use as inputs or as the resulting change in past transactions.
        /// </summary
        /// <remarks>
        /// Please see https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/blob/726d0668ff780acb59ab0200359488ce700f6ae6/src/wallet/wallet.cpp#L3641
        /// </remarks>
        /// <param name="walletName">The wallet in question.</param>
        /// <returns>The grouped list of base58 addresses.</returns>
        private List <List <string> > GetAddressGroupings(string walletName)
            // Get the wallet to check.
            var wallet = this.walletManager.GetWallet(walletName);

            // Cache all the addresses in the wallet.
            var addresses = wallet.GetAllAddresses();

            // Get the transaction data for this wallet.
            var txs = wallet.GetAllTransactions();

            // Create a transaction dictionary for performant lookups.
            var txDictionary = new Dictionary <uint256, TransactionOutputData>(txs.Count());

            foreach (var item in txs)
                txDictionary.TryAdd(item.Id, item);

            // Cache the wallet's set of internal (change addresses).
            var internalAddresses = wallet.GetAccounts().SelectMany(a => a.InternalAddresses);

            var addressGroupings = new List <List <string> >();

            foreach (var transaction in txDictionary)
                var tx = this.blockStore.GetTransactionById(transaction.Value.Id);
                if (tx.Inputs.Count > 0)
                    var addressGroupBase58 = new List <string>();

                    // Group all input addresses with each other.
                    foreach (var txIn in tx.Inputs)
                        if (!IsTxInMine(addresses, txDictionary, txIn))

                        // Get the txIn's previous transaction address.
                        var prevTransactionData         = txs.FirstOrDefault(t => t.Id == txIn.PrevOut.Hash);
                        var prevTransaction             = this.blockStore.GetTransactionById(prevTransactionData.Id);
                        var prevTransactionScriptPubkey = prevTransaction.Outputs[txIn.PrevOut.N].ScriptPubKey;

                        var addressBase58 = this.scriptAddressReader.GetAddressFromScriptPubKey(this.Network, prevTransactionScriptPubkey);
                        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(addressBase58))


                    // If any of the inputs were "mine", also include any change addresses associated to the transaction.
                    if (addressGroupBase58.Any())
                        foreach (var txOut in tx.Outputs)
                            if (IsChange(internalAddresses, txOut.ScriptPubKey))
                                var txOutAddressBase58 = this.scriptAddressReader.GetAddressFromScriptPubKey(this.Network, txOut.ScriptPubKey);
                                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(txOutAddressBase58))


                // Group lone addresses by themselves.
                foreach (var txOut in tx.Outputs)
                    if (IsAddressMine(addresses, txOut.ScriptPubKey))
                        var grouping = new List <string>();

                        string addressBase58 = this.scriptAddressReader.GetAddressFromScriptPubKey(this.Network, txOut.ScriptPubKey);
                        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(addressBase58))


            // Merge the results into a distinct set of grouped addresses.
            var uniqueGroupings = new List <List <string> >();

            foreach (var addressGroup in addressGroupings)
                var addressGroupDistinct = addressGroup.Distinct();

                List <string> existing = null;

                foreach (var address in addressGroupDistinct)
                    // If the address was found to be apart of an existing group add it here.
                    // The assumption here is that if we have a grouping of [a,b], finding [a] would have returned
                    // the existing set and we can just add the address to that set.
                    if (existing != null)
                        var existingAddress = existing.FirstOrDefault(a => a == address);
                        if (existingAddress == null)


                    // Check if the address already exists in a group.
                    // If it does not, add the distinct set into the unique groupings list,
                    // thereby creating a new "grouping".
                    existing = uniqueGroupings.FirstOrDefault(g => g.Contains(address));
                    if (existing == null)
                        uniqueGroupings.Add(new List <string>(addressGroupDistinct));

 /// <summary>
 /// Adds a list of features to which the provided directive is applied.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="directive">Directive to apply.</param>
 /// <param name="features">Features.</param>
 /// <param name="hostSources">List of source uri if the directive requires one.</param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public SecurityHeadersBuilder AddFeaturePolicy(CommonPolicyDirective.Directive directive, FeaturePolicyConstants.HttpFeatures features, IList <Uri> hostSources = null)
     if (features.HasFlag(FeaturePolicyConstants.HttpFeatures.Accelerometer))
         _features.TryAdd(FeaturePolicyConstants.HttpFeatures.Accelerometer, directive);
     if (features.HasFlag(FeaturePolicyConstants.HttpFeatures.AmbientLightSensor))
         _features.TryAdd(FeaturePolicyConstants.HttpFeatures.AmbientLightSensor, directive);
     if (features.HasFlag(FeaturePolicyConstants.HttpFeatures.Autoplay))
         _features.TryAdd(FeaturePolicyConstants.HttpFeatures.Autoplay, directive);
     if (features.HasFlag(FeaturePolicyConstants.HttpFeatures.Battery))
         _features.TryAdd(FeaturePolicyConstants.HttpFeatures.Battery, directive);
     if (features.HasFlag(FeaturePolicyConstants.HttpFeatures.Camera))
         _features.TryAdd(FeaturePolicyConstants.HttpFeatures.Camera, directive);
     if (features.HasFlag(FeaturePolicyConstants.HttpFeatures.DisplayCapture))
         _features.TryAdd(FeaturePolicyConstants.HttpFeatures.DisplayCapture, directive);
     if (features.HasFlag(FeaturePolicyConstants.HttpFeatures.DocumentDomain))
         _features.TryAdd(FeaturePolicyConstants.HttpFeatures.DocumentDomain, directive);
     if (features.HasFlag(FeaturePolicyConstants.HttpFeatures.EncryptedMedia))
         _features.TryAdd(FeaturePolicyConstants.HttpFeatures.EncryptedMedia, directive);
     if (features.HasFlag(FeaturePolicyConstants.HttpFeatures.ExecutionWhileNotRendered))
         _features.TryAdd(FeaturePolicyConstants.HttpFeatures.ExecutionWhileNotRendered, directive);
     if (features.HasFlag(FeaturePolicyConstants.HttpFeatures.ExecutionWhileOutOfViewport))
         _features.TryAdd(FeaturePolicyConstants.HttpFeatures.ExecutionWhileOutOfViewport, directive);
     if (features.HasFlag(FeaturePolicyConstants.HttpFeatures.Fullscreen))
         _features.TryAdd(FeaturePolicyConstants.HttpFeatures.Fullscreen, directive);
     if (features.HasFlag(FeaturePolicyConstants.HttpFeatures.Geolocation))
         _features.TryAdd(FeaturePolicyConstants.HttpFeatures.Geolocation, directive);
     if (features.HasFlag(FeaturePolicyConstants.HttpFeatures.Gyroscope))
         _features.TryAdd(FeaturePolicyConstants.HttpFeatures.Gyroscope, directive);
     if (features.HasFlag(FeaturePolicyConstants.HttpFeatures.Magnetometer))
         _features.TryAdd(FeaturePolicyConstants.HttpFeatures.Magnetometer, directive);
     if (features.HasFlag(FeaturePolicyConstants.HttpFeatures.Microphone))
         _features.TryAdd(FeaturePolicyConstants.HttpFeatures.Microphone, directive);
     if (features.HasFlag(FeaturePolicyConstants.HttpFeatures.Midi))
         _features.TryAdd(FeaturePolicyConstants.HttpFeatures.Midi, directive);
     if (features.HasFlag(FeaturePolicyConstants.HttpFeatures.Payment))
         _features.TryAdd(FeaturePolicyConstants.HttpFeatures.Payment, directive);
     if (features.HasFlag(FeaturePolicyConstants.HttpFeatures.PictureInPicture))
         _features.TryAdd(FeaturePolicyConstants.HttpFeatures.PictureInPicture, directive);
     if (features.HasFlag(FeaturePolicyConstants.HttpFeatures.PublickeyCredentials))
         _features.TryAdd(FeaturePolicyConstants.HttpFeatures.PublickeyCredentials, directive);
     if (features.HasFlag(FeaturePolicyConstants.HttpFeatures.Speaker))
         _features.TryAdd(FeaturePolicyConstants.HttpFeatures.Speaker, directive);
     if (features.HasFlag(FeaturePolicyConstants.HttpFeatures.SyncXhr))
         _features.TryAdd(FeaturePolicyConstants.HttpFeatures.SyncXhr, directive);
     if (features.HasFlag(FeaturePolicyConstants.HttpFeatures.Usb))
         _features.TryAdd(FeaturePolicyConstants.HttpFeatures.Usb, directive);
     if (features.HasFlag(FeaturePolicyConstants.HttpFeatures.WakeLock))
         _features.TryAdd(FeaturePolicyConstants.HttpFeatures.WakeLock, directive);
     if (features.HasFlag(FeaturePolicyConstants.HttpFeatures.XrSpatialTracking))
         _features.TryAdd(FeaturePolicyConstants.HttpFeatures.XrSpatialTracking, directive);
     _policy.SetHeaders[FeaturePolicyConstants.Header] = FeaturesToString(hostSources);
Exemple #35
        private ChunkMesh GenerateSectionMesh(IWorld world, ScheduleType scheduled, Vector3 chunkPosition,
                                              ref ChunkSection section, int yIndex)
            Dictionary <Vector3, ChunkMesh.EntryPosition> positions = new Dictionary <Vector3, ChunkMesh.EntryPosition>();

            List <VertexPositionNormalTextureColor> solidVertices = new List <VertexPositionNormalTextureColor>();

            List <int> animatedIndexes    = new List <int>();
            List <int> transparentIndexes = new List <int>();
            List <int> solidIndexes       = new List <int>();

            var force = section.New || section.MeshCache == null || section.MeshPositions == null;

            var cached        = section.MeshCache;
            var positionCache = section.MeshPositions;

            Dictionary <int, int> processedIndices = new Dictionary <int, int>();

            for (var y = 0; y < 16; y++)
                for (var x = 0; x < ChunkColumn.ChunkWidth; x++)
                    for (var z = 0; z < ChunkColumn.ChunkDepth; z++)
                        bool wasScheduled         = section.IsScheduled(x, y, z);
                        bool wasLightingScheduled = section.IsLightingScheduled(x, y, z);

                        var blockPosition = new Vector3(x, y + (yIndex << 4), z) + chunkPosition;

                        var isBorderBlock = (scheduled == ScheduleType.Border && (x == 0 || x == 15) || (z == 0 || z == 15));

                        var neighborsScheduled = HasScheduledNeighbors(world, blockPosition);
                        var blockState         = section.Get(x, y, z);

                        var model = blockState.Model;
                        if (blockState is BlockState state && state.IsMultiPart)
                            model = new CachedResourcePackModel(Game.Resources,
                                                                MultiPartModels.GetBlockStateModels(world, blockPosition, state, state.MultiPartHelper));
                            // blockState.Block.Update(world, blockPosition);

                        if (blockState != null && ((force && blockState.Block.RequiresUpdate) || (wasScheduled && blockState.Block.RequiresUpdate)))
                            blockState = blockState.Block.BlockPlaced(world, blockState, blockPosition);
                            section.Set(x, y, z, blockState);

                            model = blockState.Model;

                        if ((blockState == null || !blockState.Block.Renderable) ||
                            (!section.New && !section.IsRendered(x, y, z) &&
                             !neighborsScheduled && !isBorderBlock))

                        if (force || wasScheduled || neighborsScheduled || isBorderBlock)
                            var data = model.GetVertices(world, blockPosition, blockState.Block);

                            if (data.vertices.Length == 0 ||
                                data.indexes.Length == 0)
                                section.SetRendered(x, y, z, false);

                            if (data.vertices == null || data.indexes == null || data.vertices.Length == 0 ||
                                data.indexes.Length == 0)
                                //section.SetRendered(x, y, z, false);

                            bool transparent = blockState.Block.Transparent;
                            bool animated    = blockState.Block.Animated;

                            if (data.vertices.Length > 0 && data.indexes.Length > 0)
                                section.SetRendered(x, y, z, true);

                                int startVerticeIndex = solidVertices.Count;
                                foreach (var vert in data.vertices)

                                int startIndex = animated ? animatedIndexes.Count : (transparent ? transparentIndexes.Count : solidIndexes.Count);
                                for (int i = 0; i < data.indexes.Length; i++)
                                    var a = data.indexes[i];

                                    if (animated)
                                        animatedIndexes.Add(startVerticeIndex + a);
                                    else if (transparent)
                                        transparentIndexes.Add(startVerticeIndex + a);
                                        solidIndexes.Add(startVerticeIndex + a);

                                positions.TryAdd(new Vector3(x, y, z),
                                                 new ChunkMesh.EntryPosition(transparent, animated, startIndex, data.indexes.Length));
                            if (positionCache.TryGetValue(new Vector3(x, y, z), out var pos))
                                var indices = pos.Animated ? cached.AnimatedIndexes : (pos.Transparent ? cached.TransparentIndexes : cached.SolidIndexes);

                                var indiceIndex = pos.Animated ? animatedIndexes.Count : (pos.Transparent ? transparentIndexes.Count : solidIndexes.Count);
                                for (int index = 0; index < pos.Length; index++)
                                    var indice = indices[pos.Index + index];
                                    if (!processedIndices.TryGetValue(indice, out var newIndex))
                                        newIndex = solidVertices.Count;
                                        var vertice = cached.Vertices[indice];

                                        processedIndices.Add(indice, newIndex);

                                    if (pos.Animated)
                                    else if (pos.Transparent)

                                positions.TryAdd(new Vector3(x, y, z),
                                                 new ChunkMesh.EntryPosition(pos.Transparent, pos.Animated, indiceIndex, pos.Length));

                        if (wasScheduled)
                            section.SetScheduled(x, y, z, false);

                        if (wasLightingScheduled)
                            section.SetLightingScheduled(x, y, z, false);

            section.New = false;

            var mesh = new ChunkMesh(solidVertices.ToArray(), solidIndexes.ToArray(),
                                     transparentIndexes.ToArray(), animatedIndexes.ToArray());

            section.MeshCache     = mesh;
            section.MeshPositions = positions;

Exemple #36
        /// <summary>
        /// 自定义皮肤设置
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="presentAreaKey"></param>
        /// <param name="ownerId"></param>
        /// <param name="isUseCustomStyle"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public ActionResult _CustomSettings(string presentAreaKey = PresentAreaKeysOfBuiltIn.UserSpace, long ownerId = 0, bool isUseCustomStyle = false)
            if (!ThemeService.Validate(presentAreaKey, ownerId))
                return Content("没有设置皮肤的权限");

            var customStyleEntity = new CustomStyleService().Get(presentAreaKey, ownerId);
            CustomStyle customStyle = null;
            if (customStyleEntity != null)
                customStyle = customStyleEntity.CustomStyle;
            IEnumerable<CustomStyle> colorSchemes = new CustomStyleService().GetColorSchemes(presentAreaKey);
            ViewData["colorSchemes"] = colorSchemes;

            if (customStyle == null)
                customStyle = CustomStyle.New();
                BackgroundImageStyle backgroundImageStyle = new BackgroundImageStyle();
                customStyle.BackgroundImageStyle = backgroundImageStyle;
                Dictionary<string, string> definedColours = null;
                if (colorSchemes.Count() > 0)
                    definedColours = colorSchemes.First().DefinedColours;
                    definedColours = new Dictionary<string, string>();
                    definedColours[ColorLabel.PageBackground.ToString()] = "#f2e3bf";
                    definedColours[ColorLabel.ContentBackground.ToString()] = "#f8f0e6";
                    definedColours[ColorLabel.BorderBackground.ToString()] = "#ebe6d9";
                    definedColours[ColorLabel.MainTextColor.ToString()] = "#666";
                    definedColours[ColorLabel.SubTextColor.ToString()] = "#ccc";
                    definedColours[ColorLabel.MainLinkColor.ToString()] = "#cc6673";
                    definedColours[ColorLabel.SubLinkColor.ToString()] = "#efc0ca";
                customStyle.DefinedColours = definedColours;

            Dictionary<string, object> customStyleCssBlock = new Dictionary<string, object>();
            if (customStyle.IsUseBackgroundImage)
                customStyleCssBlock.TryAdd("background-image", "url('" + customStyle.BackgroundImageStyle.Url + "')");
                customStyleCssBlock.TryAdd("background-repeat", customStyle.BackgroundImageStyle.IsRepeat ? "repeat" : "no-repeat");
                customStyleCssBlock.TryAdd("background-attachment", customStyle.BackgroundImageStyle.IsFix ? "fixed" : "scroll");
                string position = "center";
                switch (customStyle.BackgroundImageStyle.BackgroundPosition)
                    case BackgroundPosition.Left:
                        position = "left";
                    case BackgroundPosition.Center:
                        position = "center";
                    case BackgroundPosition.Right:
                        position = "right";
                        position = "center";
                customStyleCssBlock.TryAdd("background-position", position + " top");

            ViewData["customStyleCssBlock"] = System.Web.Helpers.Json.Encode(customStyleCssBlock);
            List<SelectListItem> selectHeaderHeight = new List<SelectListItem> { new SelectListItem { Text = "20", Value = "20" }, new SelectListItem { Text = "60", Value = "60" }, new SelectListItem { Text = "100", Value = "100" } };
            ViewData["HeaderHeight"] = new SelectList(selectHeaderHeight, "Value", "Text", customStyle.HeaderHeight);

            return View(customStyle);
        /// <summary>
        /// 删除按钮
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="htmlHelper">被扩展的hemlHelper实例</param>
        /// <param name="ajaxdeletebutton">异步执行删除按钮</param>
        /// <returns>MvcForm</returns>
        public static MvcHtmlString AjaxDeleteButton(this HtmlHelper htmlHelper, AjaxDeleteButton ajaxdeletebutton)
            Dictionary<string, object> result = new Dictionary<string, object>();
            TagBuilder builder = new TagBuilder("a");
            if (ajaxdeletebutton.HtmlAttributes != null)

                result = new Dictionary<string, object>(ajaxdeletebutton.HtmlAttributes);
            Dictionary<string, object> data = new Dictionary<string, object>();

            data.TryAdd("confirm", ajaxdeletebutton.Confirm);

            data.TryAdd("deleteTarget", ajaxdeletebutton.DeleteTarget);

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ajaxdeletebutton.Success))
                data.TryAdd("SuccessFn", ajaxdeletebutton.Success);
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ajaxdeletebutton.Error))
                data.TryAdd("ErrorFn", ajaxdeletebutton.Error);

            result["plugin"] = "AjaxDeleteButton";

            //添加data 属性
            result["data"] = Json.Encode(data);


            builder.MergeAttribute("href", ajaxdeletebutton.Url);

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ajaxdeletebutton.Text))
                builder.InnerHtml = ajaxdeletebutton.Text;

                if (ajaxdeletebutton.Icon != null)

                    builder.InnerHtml = htmlHelper.Icon(ajaxdeletebutton.Icon.Value).ToString();
                    return MvcHtmlString.Empty;

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ajaxdeletebutton.Tooltip))
                builder.MergeAttribute("title", ajaxdeletebutton.Tooltip);

            return MvcHtmlString.Create(builder.ToString());
 public static bool AddProvider <T>(Func <VerificationCodeOption, T> provider) where T : IVerificationCodeProvider
     return(providerList.TryAdd(typeof(T), (op) => { return provider(op); }));
        private static ClientMessageHeader ParseClientMessage(Stream clientStream)
            var streamReader = new StreamReader(clientStream);
                clientStream.Position = 0;

                var httpCmd = String.Empty;

                for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++)
                    httpCmd = streamReader.ReadLine();

                    if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(httpCmd))
                    if (httpCmd.Count(c => c.Equals(' ')) >= 2)

                if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(httpCmd))
                    return null;

                var splitBuffer = httpCmd.Split(new[] { ' ' }, 3);

                var method = splitBuffer[0];
                var remoteUri = splitBuffer[1];
                if (method.Equals("CONNECT", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                    remoteUri = "https://" + remoteUri;
                var protocollVersion = splitBuffer[2];

                splitBuffer = protocollVersion.Split(new[] { '/' }, 2);
                var protocol = splitBuffer[0];
                var version = splitBuffer[1];

                var headers = new Dictionary<string, string>();
                while (true)
                    var headerline = streamReader.ReadLine();
                    if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(headerline))

                    var lineBuffer = headerline.Split(new[] { ':' }, 2);
                    var key = lineBuffer[0].Trim();
                    var value = lineBuffer[1].Trim();
                    headers.TryAdd(key, value);

                if (remoteUri.StartsWith("/"))
                    remoteUri = string.Format("https://{0}{1}", headers["Host"], remoteUri);

                var message = new ClientMessageHeader
                    Method = method,
                    RemoteUri = new Uri(remoteUri),
                    Protocol = protocol,
                    ProtocolVersion = Version.Parse(version),
                    Headers = headers

                clientStream.Position = 0;

                return message;
Exemple #40
        private unsafe bool CacheGlyph(uint c, out GlyphEntry glyphEntry)
            foreach (var face in faces)
                if (face.TryCharIndex(c, out var glyph))
                    if (face.HasColor())
                        face.LoadGlyph(glyph, LoadFlags.RENDER);//NOT IMPLEMENTED face.LoadGlyph(glyph, LoadFlags.COLOR);
                        face.LoadGlyph(glyph, LoadFlags.RENDER);
                    var glyphSlot = face.GetGlyphSlot();
                    var w         = glyphSlot.bitmap.width;
                    var h         = glyphSlot.bitmap.rows;

                    var buffer = (byte *)glyphSlot.bitmap.buffer;

                    if (glyphSlot.bitmap.pitch < 0)

                    var colorData = new Color[w * h];

                    var result = glyphSlot.bitmap.pixel_mode switch
                        FTPixelMode.FT_PIXEL_MODE_GRAY => FTPixelModeGrayPutColorData(colorData, w, h, buffer),
                        FTPixelMode.FT_PIXEL_MODE_BGRA => FTPixelModeColorPutColorData(colorData, w, h, buffer),
                        _ => throw new ArgumentException("Unsupported pixel mode")

                    if (result)
                        if (spriteMaps.Count > 0 && spriteMaps[spriteMaps.Count - 1].Place(colorData, (int)w, (int)h, out var idx))
                            glyphEntry = new GlyphEntry
                                sprite = new Sprite
                                    mapId     = spriteMaps.Count - 1,
                                    spriteIdx = idx
                                height     = (int)h,
                                width      = (int)w,
                                leftOffset = glyphSlot.bitmap_left,
                                topOffset  = glyphSlot.bitmap_top
                            spriteReferences.TryAdd(c, glyphEntry);
                            var newMap = new SpriteMap(graphicsDevice);
                            if (newMap.Place(colorData, (int)w, (int)h, out idx))
                                glyphEntry = new GlyphEntry
                                    sprite = new Sprite
                                        mapId     = spriteMaps.Count,
                                        spriteIdx = idx
                                    height     = (int)h,
                                    width      = (int)w,
                                    leftOffset = glyphSlot.bitmap_left,
                                    topOffset  = glyphSlot.bitmap_top
                                spriteReferences.TryAdd(c, glyphEntry);
            glyphEntry = default;
        public void op_TryAdd_IDictionaryOfT_KeyValuePair_whenTrue()
            var list = new Dictionary<string, string>();

            Assert.True(list.TryAdd(new KeyValuePair<string, string>("example", string.Empty)));
 public void SetExpectedResponse(string expectedUrl, string expectedResponse)
     _expectedResponses.TryAdd(expectedUrl, expectedResponse);
 public void SetExpectedStatusCode(string expectedUrl, HttpStatusCode statusCode)
     _expectedStatusCodes.TryAdd(expectedUrl, statusCode);
Exemple #44
        /// <summary>
        /// Uploadify的Helper方法用于非附件上传
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="htmlHelper"></param>
        /// <param name="name">名称</param>
        /// <param name="allowedFileExtensions">允许的文件类型
        ///  格式为(jpg,txt,doc)</param>
        ///  <param name="fileSizeLimit">允许上传文件大小(单位KB)</param>
        /// <param name="uploadFileOptions">指定上传配置类</param>
        /// <param name="buttonOptions">指定按钮属性的类</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static MvcHtmlString Uploadify(this HtmlHelper htmlHelper, string name, string allowedFileExtensions, int fileSizeLimit, UploadFileOptions uploadFileOptions, ButtonOptions buttonOptions = null)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(name) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(allowedFileExtensions) || fileSizeLimit <= 0 || uploadFileOptions == null)
                throw new ExceptionFacade("参数不能为空");
            if (fileSizeLimit <= 0)
                throw new ExceptionFacade("参数不能小于等于0");


            Dictionary<string, object> data = new Dictionary<string, object>();
            Dictionary<string, object> result = new Dictionary<string, object>();
            Dictionary<string, object> formData = new Dictionary<string, object>();
            string fileobjName = "Filedata";

            #region uploadify设置

            if (uploadFileOptions != null)
                if (uploadFileOptions.AdditionalCallBacks != null)
                    result = new Dictionary<string, object>(uploadFileOptions.AdditionalCallBacks);

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(uploadFileOptions.FileObjName))
                    result.TryAdd("fileObjName", uploadFileOptions.FileObjName);
                    fileobjName = uploadFileOptions.FileObjName;
                if (uploadFileOptions.IsAuto != null)
                    result.TryAdd("auto", uploadFileOptions.IsAuto);
                if (uploadFileOptions.IsMultiple != null)
                    result.TryAdd("multi", uploadFileOptions.IsMultiple);
                if (uploadFileOptions.PreventCaching != null)
                    result.TryAdd("preventCaching", uploadFileOptions.PreventCaching);
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(uploadFileOptions.ProgressData))
                    result.TryAdd("progressData", uploadFileOptions.ProgressData);
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(uploadFileOptions.QueueId))
                    result.TryAdd("queueID", uploadFileOptions.QueueId);

                result.TryAdd("queueSizeLimit", uploadFileOptions.QueueSizeLimit);

                if (uploadFileOptions.RemoveCompleted != null)
                    result.TryAdd("removeCompleted", uploadFileOptions.RemoveCompleted);
                if (uploadFileOptions.RemoveTimeout > 0)
                    result.TryAdd("removeTimeout", uploadFileOptions.RemoveTimeout);
                if (uploadFileOptions.SuccessTimeout > 0)
                    result.TryAdd("successTimeout", uploadFileOptions.SuccessTimeout);

                result.TryAdd("uploadLimit", uploadFileOptions.UploadLimit);

                if (uploadFileOptions.AdditionalFormDatas != null)
                    formData = new Dictionary<string, object>(uploadFileOptions.AdditionalFormDatas);
                    formData.TryAdd("requestName", fileobjName);

                result.TryAdd("formData", formData);

                long userId = UserContext.CurrentUser != null ? UserContext.CurrentUser.UserId : 0;

                string uploadUrl = SiteUrls.Instance().UploadFile(userId);
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(uploadFileOptions.UploaderUrl))
                    uploadUrl = uploadFileOptions.UploaderUrl + ((uploadFileOptions.UploaderUrl.Contains("?") ? "&" : "?") + "CurrentUserIdToken=" + Utility.EncryptTokenForUploadfile(0.1, userId));

                result.TryAdd("uploader", uploadUrl);

            //设置可允许上传的类型 属性
            string fileTypeExts = FileTypeExts(allowedFileExtensions);
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(fileTypeExts))
                fileTypeExts = uploadFileOptions.FileTypeExts;
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(fileTypeExts))
                fileTypeExts = "*.*";
            result.TryAdd("fileTypeExts", fileTypeExts);

            if (fileSizeLimit <= 0)
                fileSizeLimit = uploadFileOptions.FileSizeLimit;
            result.TryAdd("fileSizeLimit", fileSizeLimit);

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(uploadFileOptions.FileTypeDescription))
                result.TryAdd("fileTypeDesc", uploadFileOptions.FileTypeDescription);

            string swfStr = SiteUrls.FullUrl("~/Scripts/jquery/uploadify/uploadify.swf");
            result.TryAdd("swf", swfStr);

            #endregion uploadify设置

            if (buttonOptions != null)
                #region ButtonOptions设置

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(buttonOptions.CssClass))
                    result.TryAdd("buttonClass", buttonOptions.CssClass);
                if (buttonOptions.Height != 0)
                    result.TryAdd("height", buttonOptions.Height);
                if (buttonOptions.Width != 0)
                    result.TryAdd("width", buttonOptions.Width);
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(buttonOptions.ImageUrl))
                    result.TryAdd("buttonImage", buttonOptions.ImageUrl);
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(buttonOptions.Text))
                    result.TryAdd("buttonText", buttonOptions.Text);

                #endregion ButtonOptions设置

            TagBuilder builder = new TagBuilder("div");
            data["plugin"] = "uploadify";
            data.TryAdd("data", Json.Encode(result));
            builder.MergeAttribute("id", name);

            return MvcHtmlString.Create(builder.ToString().Replace("&quot;[", "").Replace("]&quot;", ""));
        public static MenuItems GetTreeMenu()
            MenuItems mu = new MenuItems();
            List<MenuItem> dbmi = new List<MenuItem>();
            Queue<Tuple<string,CustTreeItems>> toAddParent = new Queue<Tuple<string,CustTreeItems>>();
            dbmi.AddRange(DAL.DAL.ExecuteDataReader("S_AllControls_ControlName_PermissionName", FillMenuItem));
            List<CustTreeItems> menulist = new List<CustTreeItems>();
            Dictionary<string, CustTreeItems> itemsDictionary = new Dictionary<string, CustTreeItems>();
            Dictionary<string, CustTreeItems> addPermissions = new Dictionary<string, CustTreeItems>();

            foreach(var t in dbmi)
                CustTreeItems c;
                if (!itemsDictionary.ContainsKey(t.Name))
                    c = new CustTreeItems();
                    c.Name = t.Name;
                    c.HasAccess = false;
                    c = itemsDictionary[t.Name];
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(t.PermissionName))
                    c.HasPermissions = true;
                    c.Options.Add(new Permission(c, t.PermissionName, t.PermissionDescription, false));
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(t.ParentName))
                    c.HasParent = true;
                    if (itemsDictionary.ContainsKey(t.ParentName))
                        CustTreeItems parent = itemsDictionary[t.ParentName];
                        c.Parent = parent;
                        int count = parent.Items.Where(x => x.Name == c.Name).Count();
                        if(count == 0)

                        itemsDictionary.TryAdd(t.Name, c);
                    itemsDictionary.TryAdd(t.Name, c);
                itemsDictionary.TryAdd(t.Name, c);

            //niet zo efficient maar mijn vermoedelijke efficientere manier liet het afweten
            //als parent in itemsdictionary -> bind 
            //als parent niet in itemsdicionary -> enqueue en voer op het einde uit
            //in het beste scenario staat alles op volgorde, in het slechtste staat mijn parent steeds op het einde
            while(toAddParent.Count > 0)
                Tuple<string, CustTreeItems> it = toAddParent.Dequeue();
                CustTreeItems child = it.Item2;
                if (itemsDictionary.ContainsKey(it.Item1))
                    CustTreeItems parent = itemsDictionary[it.Item1];
                    child.Parent = parent;
                    int count = parent.Items.Where(x => x.Name == child.Name).Count();
                    if (count == 0)
                    itemsDictionary.TryAdd(it.Item1, child);


            //foreach(MenuItem menuitem in dbmi)
            //    CustTreeItems cti;
            //    if (itemsDictionary.ContainsKey(menuitem.Name))
            //    {
            //        cti = itemsDictionary[menuitem.Name] ?? new CustTreeItems(menuitem.Name);
            //    }
            //    else
            //    {
            //        cti = new CustTreeItems(menuitem.Name);
            //    }
            //    cti.HasAccess = false;
            //    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(menuitem.PermissionName))
            //    {
            //        cti.HasPermissions = true;
            //        cti.Options.Add(new Permission(cti, menuitem.PermissionName, menuitem.PermissionDescription, false));
            //    }
            //    if (cti.HasParent = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(menuitem.ParentName))
            //    {
            //        CustTreeItems parent;
            //        if (itemsDictionary.TryGetValue(menuitem.ParentName, out parent))
            //        {
            //            parent.Items.Add(cti);
            //            cti.Parent = parent;
            //        }
            //        else
            //        {
            //            toAddParent.Add( Tuple.Create(menuitem.ParentName, cti) );
            //        }
            //    }
            //    foreach(var tuple in toAddParent)
            //    {
            //        if(tuple.Item1 == menuitem.Name)
            //        {
            //            CustTreeItems child = tuple.Item2;
            //            child.Parent = cti;
            //            cti.Items.Add(child);
            //            break;
            //        }
            //    }
            //    itemsDictionary.TryAdd(menuitem.Name, cti);

            ////itemsDictionary.Values.Where(treeitem => !treeitem.HasParent).ToList().ForEach(x => mu.Items.Add(x));
            foreach (var v in itemsDictionary)
                if (!v.Value.HasParent)
            return mu;