public static void Main()
            n = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
            objects = new int[n];
            arr = new int[n];
            used = new bool[n];
            values = new Dictionary<int, int>();

            for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
                objects[i] = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());

            var minValues = values.Where(v => v.Value == values.Min(x => x.Value));

            if (minValues.Count() == 1)
                Console.WriteLine(minValues.OrderBy(x => x.Key).FirstOrDefault().Key);
        public int Down(string tableName, string primaryColumn, Int64 primaryValue, string orderColumn, Int64 orderNumber)
            var data = new Dictionary<string, Int64>();
            using (DataCommand cmd = DataCommandManager.GetDataCommand("CommonDown"))
                cmd.CommandText = string.Format(cmd.CommandText, tableName, primaryColumn, primaryValue, orderColumn,orderNumber);
                using (IDataReader dr = cmd.ExecuteDataReader())
                    while (dr.Read())
                        if (!Convert.IsDBNull(dr[primaryColumn]) && !Convert.IsDBNull(dr[orderColumn]))
                            data.Add(dr[primaryColumn].ToString(), Convert.ToInt64(dr[orderColumn]));

                if (data.Count == 1)
                    return 2;
                    string sql = "update {0} set {1}={2} where {3}={4}";

                    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
                    foreach (KeyValuePair<string, long> keyValuePair in data)
                        if (keyValuePair.Key == primaryValue.ToString())
                                    data.Min(s => s.Value),
                                    primaryValue) + ";");

                                    data.Max(s => s.Value),
                                    keyValuePair.Key) + ";");
                    cmd.CommandText = sb.ToString();
                    return cmd.ExecuteNonQuery();
        public static void SetChart(Dictionary<string, int> rawValues, Chart chart)
            int fmin = 0;
            int fmax = 1;

            if (rawValues.Count > 0)
                fmax = rawValues.Max(x => x.Value);
                fmin = rawValues.Min(x => x.Value);

            //series init
            //   chart.Tag = values;
            var s = new Series();
            s.ChartType = SeriesChartType.Bar;

            foreach (var kvp in rawValues)
                s.Points.AddXY(kvp.Key, kvp.Value);
                var dpc = s.Points[s.Points.Count - 1];
                dpc.Color = ColorExtras.GetRedGreenBlendedColour(kvp.Value, 0, fmax);
                dpc.ToolTip = kvp.Key + ":" + kvp.Value;

            s.YAxisType = AxisType.Primary;
            s.XAxisType = AxisType.Secondary;
            s.IsVisibleInLegend = false;
            //chartarea init
            var ca = new ChartArea();

              //  ca.CursorX.IsUserEnabled = true;
               // ca.CursorX.IsUserSelectionEnabled = true;

            ca.AxisX2.ScrollBar.IsPositionedInside = false;
            ca.AxisX2.ScaleView.Size = zoomMax;

            ca.AxisX2.Interval = 1;
            ca.AxisY.Interval = MathExtras.Ceiling((Math.Abs(fmax) - Math.Abs(fmin)) / 8);
            if (ca.AxisY.Interval<1)
                ca.AxisY.Interval = 1;

            ca.AxisY.Minimum = fmin;
            ca.AxisY.Maximum = fmax;
            if (Math.Abs(ca.AxisY.Minimum - ca.AxisY.Maximum) < 1)

        public void Save(Dictionary<string, List<News>> news)
            decimal min = news.Min(n => n.Value.Min(m => m.RawScore));
            decimal max = news.Max(n => n.Value.Max(m => m.RawScore));

            using (var dbContext = new DistrictsInTownModelContainer())
                foreach (var district in news)
                    AddArticlesToDB(dbContext, district, min, max);

                catch (Exception error)

                Console.WriteLine("Total results: {0}", news.Sum(n => n.Value.Count));
Exemple #5
 internal static Dictionary<DateTime, double> compute(Dictionary<DateTime, double> prices, int assetid)
     bool accessbd = false;
     Dictionary<DateTime, double> returns = new Dictionary<DateTime, double>();
     DateTime first = prices.Min(t=>t.Key);
     DateTime before;
     double price = 1;
     foreach (KeyValuePair<DateTime, double> kvp in prices)
         if(kvp.Key != first){
             before = kvp.Key.AddDays(-1);
             while (!prices.ContainsKey(before) && before >= first) before = before.AddDays(-1);
             if (!prices.ContainsKey(before) && before < first)
                 while (1 == 1)
                         price = AccessBD.Access.get_Price_Eur(assetid, before);
                         accessbd = true;
                     catch (ArgumentException)
                         before = before.AddDays(-1);
             if (accessbd == false)
                 price = prices[before];
             returns[kvp.Key] = Math.Log(prices[kvp.Key] / price);
     return returns;
        internal static Session GetUnassignedSessionWithFewestAvailableOptions(this IEnumerable<Assignment> assignments, IEnumerable<Session> sessions, SessionAvailabilityCollection sessionMatrix)
            Session result = null;
            var assignedSessionIds = assignments.Where(a => a.SessionId != null).Select(a => a.SessionId);

            var sessionDictionary = new Dictionary<int, int>();
            foreach (var session in sessions.Where(s => !assignedSessionIds.Contains(s.Id)))
                sessionDictionary.Add(session.Id, sessionMatrix.GetAvailableAssignmentCount(session.Id));

            if (sessionDictionary.Count() > 0)
                var min = sessionDictionary.Min(s => s.Value);
                var keys = sessionDictionary.Where(sd => sd.Value == min).Select(a => a.Key);
                result = sessions.Where(a => keys.Contains(a.Id))
                    .OrderByDescending(b => b.GetDependentDepth(sessions))
                    .ThenByDescending(c => c.GetDependentCount(sessions))

            return result;
Exemple #7
        internal void Fold(Dictionary<Int32,FoldRegion> regions)
            if (regions.Count == 0)

            var start = regions.Min(rv => rv.Key);
            var end = regions.Max(rv => rv.Value.EndLine);
            var lc =  @ref.Send(Sci.SCI_GETLINECOUNT);

            for (var i = start; i < end + 2; i++)
                FoldRegion reg;

                if (regions.TryGetValue(i, out reg))
                    //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("sl=" + i + ";el=" + reg.EndLine + ";level=" + reg.Level);
                    ProcessRegion(ref i, 0, regions, reg);
                else if (i < lc)
                    @ref.Send(Sci.SCI_SETFOLDLEVEL, i, 0 | Sci.SC_FOLDLEVELBASE);
        private Dictionary <string, double> CalculateMaxAndMinExchangeRate(Dictionary <DateTime, double> dates)
            var dictionary = new Dictionary <string, double>();

            var maxRate    = dates.Max(x => x.Value);
            var minRate    = dates.Min(x => x.Value);
            var matchesMax = dates.Where(pair => pair.Value == maxRate)
                             .Select(pair => pair.Key).ToList();
            var matchesMin = dates.Where(pair => pair.Value == minRate)
                             .Select(pair => pair.Key).ToList();
            var avarage = dates.Values.Average();

            foreach (var min in matchesMin)
                dictionary.Add(min.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"), minRate);
            foreach (var max in matchesMax)
                dictionary.Add(max.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"), maxRate);

            dictionary.Add("avarage", avarage);
        internal static Session GetUnassignedSessionWithFewestAvailableOptions(this IEnumerable <Assignment> assignments, IEnumerable <Session> sessions, SessionAvailabilityCollection sessionMatrix)
            Session result             = null;
            var     assignedSessionIds = assignments.Where(a => a.SessionId != null).Select(a => a.SessionId);

            var sessionDictionary = new Dictionary <int, int>();

            foreach (var session in sessions.Where(s => !assignedSessionIds.Contains(s.Id)))
                sessionDictionary.Add(session.Id, sessionMatrix.GetAvailableAssignmentCount(session.Id));

            if (sessionDictionary.Count() > 0)
                var min  = sessionDictionary.Min(s => s.Value);
                var keys = sessionDictionary.Where(sd => sd.Value == min).Select(a => a.Key);
                result = sessions.Where(a => keys.Contains(a.Id))
                         .OrderByDescending(b => b.GetDependentDepth(sessions))
                         .ThenByDescending(c => c.GetDependentCount(sessions))

Exemple #10
        public override char FindFirstUniqueCharacter(string input)
            // Keep this set as a ledger of all characters we see, giving us a O(1) check for duplicates via Contains
            HashSet <char> allCharacters = new HashSet <char>();
            // First time we see a new char, store its value and index in this dictionary
            Dictionary <char, int> uniqueCharacters = new Dictionary <char, int>();

            // Only loop once
            for (int i = 0; i < input.Length; i++)
                char current = input[i];

                // If we've seen this character before, then remove it from the uniques since it has a duplicate
                if (allCharacters.Contains(current))
                // Otherwise we have an undiscovered char, so record its index and add it to the ledger
                    uniqueCharacters.Add(current, i);

            char snowflake = '\0';

            // If we have any unique characters, then find the one with the smallest index
            if (uniqueCharacters.Count > 0)
                int index = uniqueCharacters.Min(entry => entry.Value);
                snowflake = input[index];

Exemple #11
        public static void Run()
            string polymer = File.ReadAllText("input.txt");

            var upperPolymer  = polymer.ToUpper();
            var distinctChars = upperPolymer.Distinct().ToArray();

            Dictionary <char, int> results = new Dictionary <char, int>();

            for (int i = 0; i < distinctChars.Length; i++)
                string newPolymer = polymer.ToString();
                newPolymer = newPolymer.Replace(distinctChars[i].ToString().ToUpper(), "");
                newPolymer = newPolymer.Replace(distinctChars[i].ToString().ToLower(), "");
                var polymerLength = React(newPolymer);
                results.Add(distinctChars[i], polymerLength);

            var minPolymer = results.Min(kvp => kvp.Value);
            var keyChar    = results.Where(kvp => kvp.Value == minPolymer).Select(kvp => kvp.Key.ToString()).First();

Exemple #12
        public void Extract(string rout)

                Values = File.ReadLines(rout)
                         .Select(line => line.Split(';'))
                         .ToDictionary(key => Convert.ToDouble(key[0]), value => Convert.ToDouble(value[1]));

                Values = Values
                         .Where(v => v.Value != 0)
                         .ToDictionary(k => k.Key, v => v.Value);

                minValue = Values.Min(v => v.Value);
                avgValue = Values.Average(v => v.Value);
                maxValue = Values.Max(v => v.Value);
            catch (Exception e)
                MessageBox.Show(e.Message, "Extract Values");
Exemple #13
        public static List <KNNValuePair> KMeanGroup(MetricsEnum metricsEnum, int k)
            List <KNNValuePair> distToMeans = new List <KNNValuePair>();

            InverseCovarianceMatrix = null;
            var    columns = GetColumnsWithoutLast();
            string colName = "kmean_" + k + "_" + metricsEnum.ToString();

            List <Dictionary <string, double> > tempMeans = new List <Dictionary <string, double> >();

            //wybór losowych punktów (tymczasowe)
            for (int a = 0; a < k; a++)
                DataRow randRow = Dt.NewRow();
                var     dict    = new Dictionary <string, double>();
                foreach (var column in columns)
                    var min = Dt
                              .Select(row => Convert.ToDouble(row[column])).ToList().Min();
                    var max = Dt
                              .Select(row => Convert.ToDouble(row[column])).ToList().Max();
                    Random rng = new Random(a);
                    dict.Add(column, 0);

                    var rngNumber = rng.NextDouble();
                    randRow[column] = rngNumber * (max - min) + min;
                randRow[colName] = (a + 1);

            while (!CompareKMeans(tempMeans, k))
                distToMeans = new List <KNNValuePair>();
                FillMeansTemp(tempMeans, k);
                //szacowanie nowej klasy

                for (int a = 0; a < Dt.Rows.Count - k; a++)
                    Dictionary <int, double> distances = new Dictionary <int, double>();
                    for (int b = Dt.Rows.Count - k; b < Dt.Rows.Count; b++)
                        distances.Add(b, CalculateMetrics(b, a, metricsEnum));

                    var minMean   = distances.Min(i => i.Value);
                    var indexMean = distances.Where(i => i.Value == minMean).FirstOrDefault().Key;
                    Dt.Rows[a][colName] = Dt.Rows[indexMean][colName];

                    distToMeans.Add(new KNNValuePair {
                        Value = (string)Dt.Rows[indexMean][colName], Weight = minMean
                //nowa średnia
                for (int b = Dt.Rows.Count - k; b < Dt.Rows.Count; b++)
                    foreach (var column in GetColumnsWithoutLast())
                        var avg = Dt.Rows.Cast <DataRow>()
                                  .Take(Dt.Rows.Count - k)
                                  .Where(i => i[colName] == Dt.Rows[b][colName]);

                        if (avg.Count() == 0)
                            Dt.Rows[b][column] = 0;
                            Dt.Rows[b][column] = avg
                                                 .Select(row => Convert.ToDouble(row[column]))
            //usuniecie zbędnych kolumn
            for (int a = 0; a < k; a++)
                Dt.Rows.RemoveAt(Dt.Rows.Count - 1);

Exemple #14
        /// <summary>
        /// 获取候诊统计
        /// 作者:郭明
        /// 日期:2017年7月11日
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="request"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public ResponseGetWaitStatisticsDTO GetWaitingStatistics(RequestGetWaitStatisticsDTO request)
            var TaskPriority = request.UserLevel;

            var TaskMinElapsedSeconds = 60 * 5;

            var result = new ResponseGetWaitStatisticsDTO()
                ExpectedWaitTime = TaskMinElapsedSeconds
            var grabOPDService = new SysGrabService <string>("UserOPDRegister");
            var today          = DateTime.Now;
            int Year           = today.Year;
            int Month          = today.Month;
            int Day            = today.Day;

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(request.DoctorID))
                var count = GetWaitingCount(request.DoctorID, request.ChannelID);
                result.ExpectedWaitTime = count * TaskMinElapsedSeconds;
                long unTakeTaskCount = 0;

                var doctorGroups = GetDoctorGroupIdListByDoctorID(request.DoctorID);

                unTakeTaskCount = grabOPDService.TaskCount(TaskPriority, doctorGroups);

                var doctorTaskCountDict = new Dictionary <string, long>();

                var doctorIdList = GetDoctorGroupMemberByUserLevel(request.UserLevel);

                doctorIdList.ForEach(a =>
                    var doingTaskCount = grabOPDService.DoingTaskCount(a);
                    doctorTaskCountDict.Add(a, doingTaskCount);

                var doctorCount = doctorIdList.Count();

                var doctorMinTaskCount = doctorCount > 0 ? doctorTaskCountDict.Min(a => a.Value) : 0;

                if (doctorCount > 0)
                    result.ExpectedWaitTime = ((unTakeTaskCount / doctorCount) + doctorMinTaskCount) * TaskMinElapsedSeconds;
                    result.ExpectedWaitTime = ((unTakeTaskCount) + doctorMinTaskCount) * TaskMinElapsedSeconds;

Exemple #15
        private HashSet <Portal> GetPortals()
            var minX = _map.Min(kvp => kvp.Key.X);
            var maxX = _map.Max(kvp => kvp.Key.X);
            var minY = _map.Min(kvp => kvp.Key.Y);
            var maxY = _map.Max(kvp => kvp.Key.Y);

            var portals       = new HashSet <Portal>();
            var textLocations = new HashSet <Point>(_map.Where(kvp => kvp.Value != '.').Select(kvp => kvp.Key));

            while (textLocations.Count > 0)
                var point    = textLocations.First();
                var adjacent = _allDirections
                               .Select(d => new { Point = point.GetPoint(d), Direction = d })
                               .Where(a => _map.ContainsKey(a.Point) && _map[a.Point] != '.')
                               .Select(a => new { a.Point, a.Direction, Type = _map[a.Point] })


                var portalName = string.Empty;
                switch (adjacent.Direction)
                case Direction.North:
                    portalName = _map[adjacent.Point].ToString() + _map[point];

                case Direction.South:
                    portalName = _map[point].ToString() + _map[adjacent.Point];

                case Direction.West:
                    portalName = _map[adjacent.Point].ToString() + _map[point];

                case Direction.East:
                    portalName = _map[point].ToString() + _map[adjacent.Point];

                    throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException();

                // The text is "normalized" (so we can find the accompanying portal).
                // What is the location of the portal? It depends on where the only adjacent '.' is to the portal.
                var pointAdjacentToMap = new[] { point, adjacent.Point }
                .SelectMany(p => _allDirections.Select(d => new { PortalPoint = p, MapPoint = p.GetPoint(d) }))
                .Where(a => _map.ContainsKey(a.MapPoint) && _map[a.MapPoint] == '.')

                var isOuter = pointAdjacentToMap.PortalPoint.X == minX + 1 ||
                              pointAdjacentToMap.PortalPoint.X == maxX - 1 ||
                              pointAdjacentToMap.PortalPoint.Y == minY + 1 ||
                              pointAdjacentToMap.PortalPoint.Y == maxY - 1;

                var portal = new Portal(portalName, pointAdjacentToMap.PortalPoint, pointAdjacentToMap.MapPoint, isOuter);

        public static Dictionary <string, List <Iris> > KMean(Dictionary <int, Iris> DIris, Dictionary <string, List <double[]> > DAverage, ref double SSE)
            // Penampung data sementara, dan buat clusternya kek di atas"nya
            Dictionary <string, List <Iris> > DCluster2 = new Dictionary <string, List <Iris> >();

            DCluster2.Add("Iris-setosa", new List <Iris>());
            DCluster2.Add("Iris-versicolor", new List <Iris>());
            DCluster2.Add("Iris-virginica", new List <Iris>());

            // ini cuma hitung similarity dari setiap data membernya
            foreach (Iris iris in DIris.Values)
                Dictionary <string, double> DAvgSim = new Dictionary <string, double>();

                // pertama DAverage dilooping dulu....
                foreach (KeyValuePair <string, List <double[]> > cluster in DAverage)
                    // nanti kan Average di Index terakhir yang dihitung jadi itu yg dipake lahh
                    // semoga kalian mengerti hikshiks...
                    // kan ada banyak kek sy jelaskan tadi, kalo kalian betulan baca ini
                    // jadi kita di sini cuma ambil average terbaru saja secara gampangnya dan yang terbaru itu
                    // index terakhir
                    int    dex           = cluster.Value.Count - 1;
                    double sim_sp_length = Math.Pow(iris.sp_length - cluster.Value[dex][0], 2);
                    double sim_sp_witdh  = Math.Pow(iris.sp_width - cluster.Value[dex][1], 2);
                    double sim_pt_length = Math.Pow(iris.pt_length - cluster.Value[dex][2], 2);
                    double sim_pt_witdh  = Math.Pow(iris.pt_width - cluster.Value[dex][3], 2);
                    double sim           = Math.Sqrt(sim_pt_length + sim_pt_witdh + sim_sp_length + sim_sp_witdh);
                    DAvgSim.Add(cluster.Key, sim);

                // ini berarti dia pertama di dulu nilai terkecil dari seluruh cluster yang ada (yang x=>x.Value..)
                // kemudian kita akan cari keynya dari value dari itu, karena nda bisa diambil langsung jadi begitu caranya
                double dist = DAvgSim.Min(x => x.Value);
                //if (dist == 0)
                //    Console.Write("la");

                string kunci = DAvgSim.First(y => y.Value == dist).Key;
                SSE += dist * dist;

                // kan keynya berupa cluster, jadi dari cluster itu langsung kita input ke DCluster2(sudah di inisialisasi tadi)

            num++;                                                               // menambah jumlah iterasi
            //  Console.WriteLine("iterasi: " + num + ":" + SSE);
            Dictionary <string, double[]> DAvgGenerate = FindAverage(DCluster2); // cari rata" dari ini....

            // Nahhh ini bagian yang paling susah kawan", nda usah dimengerti gpp rasanya karna nanti sy yg capek
            // saya jelaskan intinya dulu dahhh, begini nanti kita hitung semua rata" dari setiap cluster
            //(ituuu di atas DAvgGenerate), nanti kita bandingkan dengan semua data average sebelumnya...
            // kenapa kita harus bandingkan semua sebelumnya dan bukan yang terakhir saja?? karna nanti ada dia punya avg sekarang sama
            // dengan avg kedua sebelumnya, dan begitu berulang terus sampe infinite loop, jadi untuk jaga" sy pake
            // semuanya saja untuk disamakan averagenya, kalo berat baru saya batasi sampe 3 atau 4 average terbaru

            // ini menunjukkan kalo belum ada avg saat ini yang cocok dengan avg sebelumnya
            bool cocok = false;

            // pertama kita urutkan sesuai jumlah iterasi sekk, kita buat menurun karna kemungkinan avg itu sama
            // itu dari yang terbaru ke terlama
            // btw kalo kau bingung kenapa pake num, itu seperti jumlah dari List<double[]>.count di DCluster
            // btw lagi, jumlah itu list<double... blabla sama semua setiap cluster, kenapa bisa sama semua jumlahnya????
            for (int i = num - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                // nahh yg bool ini berbeda dengan bool di atas, ini seperti mengecek kalo seandainya avg nya sudah beda
                // artinya sudah nda mungkin sama sisanya, jadi kalo misalkan semua datanya sama kan jadi betul semua jadi bool nya true terus
                // pasti kau nda ngerti.. mending baca di baca nya dulu lahhh
                bool same = true;

                //ini hanya looping untuk setiap cluster yang tersedia
                foreach (string bunga in DAverage.Keys)
                    // kalo ini nanti di looping untuk setiap anggota dalam double[] itu tadi sebelumnya...
                    // seperti yang sy bilang sebelumnya ini pasti 4 kali dilakukan karna isinya cuma 4
                    // ini dilakukan per cluster, bacaaaa cara kerja K-Meansss!!!!
                    for (int j = 0; j < DAverage[bunga][i].Length; j++)
                        // ini untuk samakan apakah average dari cluster saat ini sama nda dengan DAverage(daftar
                        //semua average) pada setiap bagian. kalo ada beda langsung bool same = false dan
                        // nanti akan dilakukan cek lagi pada average yg lain
                        if (DAverage[bunga][i][j].CompareTo(DAvgGenerate[bunga][j]) != 0)
                            same = false;

                // kalo ini true berarti dia sudah menemukan pasangan sejatinya....
                // maksudnya di sini semua averagenya sama pada setiap cluster dan setiap pembanding data member
                // pada clusternya dengan data sebelumnya jadi dihentikan saja
                // baru ganti bool cocok jadi true sebagai penanda sudah benar
                if (same)
                    cocok = true;
            // yaaah ini cuma tambahkan dia sebagai daftar DAverage baru sihh, nda ada modus lain
            foreach (string nama in DAvgGenerate.Keys)

            // ini seandainya dia masih jomblo, artinya dia harus cari lagi sampe dapat lahh
            // intinya dia ulang terus menerus lahh, dan semakin lama DAverage terisi dengan data sebelumnya
            // Sekarang saya tanya lagi kalo dia panggil methodnya sendiri apa namanya???
            if (!cocok)
                SSE       = 0;
                DCluster2 = KMean(DIris, DAverage, ref SSE);

            return(DCluster2); // kalo benar sudah dia kembalikan hasilnya yang benar setiap bunga berada di cluster apa
        public static Elevator Start(List <Elevator> elevatorList, int floor, int requestDirection)
            List <int> elevatorFloors = new List <int>();

            foreach (var elev in elevatorList)

            // Assess' which elevators are available to handle the request.

            List <Elevator> availableElevators = new List <Elevator>();

            foreach (var elev in elevatorList)
                var pse        = elev.isPaused == false && elev.MaintenanceMode == false;
                var stationary = elev.stopQueue.Count == 0 && elev.direction == 0;

                if (pse && stationary)
                    availableElevators.Add(elev);                    // If it is stationary and is not paused or in maintenance mode it is available.
                if (!pse && !stationary)
                    // If the elevator is going to pass the request floor it is available.
                    if (elev.direction == 1 && elev.stopQueue.Min() > floor && requestDirection == elev.direction)
                    else if (elev.direction == -1 && elev.stopQueue.Max() < floor && requestDirection == elev.direction)

            // Gets the distance between the available elevators and the request floor.
            foreach (var elev in availableElevators)
                ElevatorDistances(elev, floor);

            // Gets the closest elevator, and returns that elevator as a result.
            Elevator elevToSend = ClosestDistance();


            // Get the distance between each elevator and the requested floor.
            void ElevatorDistances(Elevator elevator, int f)
                ElevatorDistancesDict.Add(elevator, Math.Abs(elevator.Floor - f));

            // Select the closest elevator.
            Elevator ClosestDistance()
                Elevator closestElev = ElevatorDistancesDict.Where(e => e.Value == ElevatorDistancesDict.Min(e2 => e2.Value)).First().Key;

Exemple #18
 public static int GetItemMinKeyLength <T>(this Dictionary <string, T> dict)
     return((dict.Count != 0) ? dict.Min(p => p.Key.Length) : 0);
 public GCCollectionColumn(Dictionary<Benchmark, Stats> results, int generation)
     ColumnName = $"Gen {generation}";
     this.results = results;
     this.generation = generation;
     opsPerGCCount = results.Min(r => r.Value?.TotalOperations ?? 0);
Exemple #20
 // Method to return purchase order details
 public Dictionary<string, object> GetOrderDetails()
     // Insert regular and purchase price into cart for each item
     foreach (Dictionary<string, object> orderItem in this.OrderItems)
         // Get records related to the item
         IEnumerable<DataRow> items =
                 item => item["UPC"].ToString().Equals(orderItem["UPC"].ToString()));
         IEnumerable<DataRow> promotions =
                 promotion => promotion["UPC"].ToString().Equals(orderItem["UPC"].ToString()) &&
                     ((DateTime)promotion["PromotionFrom"]).CompareTo(DateTime.Now) <= 0 &&
                         ((DateTime)promotion["PromotionTo"]).CompareTo(DateTime.Now) >= 0);
         // Get name of the item
         orderItem["ItemName"] = items.First()["ItemName"].ToString();
         // Set regular price and purchase price
         double? regularPrice = null;
         double? memberPrice = null;
         double? promotionalPrice = null;
         // Regular price depends on if the customer is member
         if (this.OrderDetails["UserId"] != null)
             regularPrice = double.Parse(items.First()["TenDaysPrice"].ToString());
             regularPrice = double.Parse(items.First()["RegularPrice"].ToString());
         // Get member price
         if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(items.First()["MemberPrice"].ToString()))
             memberPrice = null;
             memberPrice = double.Parse(items.First()["MemberPrice"].ToString());
         // Get promotional price
         if (promotions.Count() != 0)
             promotionalPrice = double.Parse(items.First()["PromotionalPrice"].ToString());
         // Set regular price to item ordered
         orderItem["RegularPrice"] = regularPrice;
         Dictionary<string, double?> priceDictionary = new Dictionary<string, double?>();
         priceDictionary.Add("RegularPrice", regularPrice);
         if (this.OrderDetails["UserId"] != null)
             priceDictionary.Add("MemberPrice", memberPrice);
         priceDictionary.Add("PromotionalPrice", promotionalPrice);
         // Set purchase price
         if (this.OrderDetails["UserId"] != null)
             double? purchasePrice = priceDictionary.Min(pair => pair.Value);
             orderItem["PurchasePrice"] = purchasePrice;
             double? purchasePrice = priceDictionary.Min(pair => pair.Value);
             orderItem["PurchasePrice"] = purchasePrice;
         // If the cart belongs to member, save the price to database
         if (this.OrderDetails["UserId"] != null)
             Dictionary<string, object> updatedRecord = new Dictionary<string, object>();
             updatedRecord.Add("OrderId", orderItem["OrderId"]);
             updatedRecord.Add("UPC", orderItem["UPC"]);
             updatedRecord.Add("RegularPrice", orderItem["RegularPrice"]);
             updatedRecord.Add("PurchasePrice", orderItem["PurchasePrice"]);
             DBHelper.Update("OrderItems", updatedRecord);
     return this.OrderDetails;
        public void DictionaryExtensions_Min_ThrowsExceptionIfDictionaryIsEmpty()
            var dictionary = new Dictionary<Int32, String>();

            Assert.That(() => dictionary.Min(x => x.Key),
        public void DictionaryExtensions_Min_ReturnsMinValue()
            var dictionary = new Dictionary<Int32, String>()
                {  4, "A" },
                {  5, "B" },
                {  6, "C" },
                { 99, "D" },
                { 10, "E" },
                {  1, "F" },
                { 12, "G" },
                { 45, "H" },

            var result = dictionary.Min(x => x.Key);

        private Dictionary<string, double> computeNearestNeighbour(string targetUser)
            Dictionary<string, double> nearestNeighbourDict = new Dictionary<string, double>();
            foreach (var user in userDictionary)

                    double similarity = similarityStrategy.computeSimilarity(userDictionary[targetUser].userPreferenceDictionary,
                    int targetPreferenceCount = userDictionary[targetUser].userPreferenceDictionary.Count;
                    int userPreferenceCount = userDictionary[user.Key].userPreferenceDictionary.Count;

                    if (similarity > predefinedSimilarity && userPreferenceCount > targetPreferenceCount)
                        if(nearestNeighbourDict.Count < k)
                            nearestNeighbourDict.Add(user.Key, similarity);
                            // if list is full check for the minimum similarity and remove it,
                            // to add the new user and update the predefinedSimilarity treshold.
                            var minUser = nearestNeighbourDict.Aggregate((x, y) => x.Value < y.Value ? x : y);
                            if (similarity > minUser.Value)
                                nearestNeighbourDict.Add(user.Key, similarity);
                                predefinedSimilarity = nearestNeighbourDict.Min(x => x.Value);



            //create a new dictionary with the results sorted by descending.
            Dictionary<string, double> resultDictionary = new Dictionary<string, double>();
            foreach(var keypair in nearestNeighbourDict.OrderByDescending(x => x.Value))
                resultDictionary.Add(keypair.Key, keypair.Value);

            return resultDictionary;
Exemple #24
    ArrayList DetectTileMove()
        #region Detect Best Moves
        List<Transform> moves = new List<Transform>();
        TakeMoves(ref moves, true);
        if (moves.Count == 0)
            TakeMoves(ref moves);
            if (moves.Count == 0)
                return null;
        moves = moves.Distinct().ToList();
        float maxAsim =  moves.Max(a => GetAsimilationCount(a.position));
        moves = moves.Where(a => GetAsimilationCount(a.position) == maxAsim).ToList();
        #region Create Dictionary Move/Unit
        Dictionary<Transform, Transform> targetTiles = new Dictionary<Transform, Transform>();
        float nearUnitCost;
        foreach (var move in moves)
            nearUnitCost = myUnits.Min(a =>Vector3.Distance(move.position, a.transform.parent.position));
            Transform bestUnit=myUnits.First(a=>Vector3.Distance(a.transform.parent.position,move.position)==nearUnitCost).transform.parent;
            targetTiles.Add(move, bestUnit);
        #region Best Unit/Best Move
        Transform resumeTarget=null;
        switch (level)//принятие решения соответственно уровню
            case AiLevel.Easy:{
                resumeTarget = targetTiles.FirstOrDefault(a=>Vector3.Distance(a.Key.position, a.Value.position)<1.6f).Key;
                if (resumeTarget == null)
                    resumeTarget = targetTiles.First().Key;

            case AiLevel.Middle: {
                nearUnitCost = targetTiles.Min(a => Vector3.Distance(a.Key.position, a.Value.position));
                resumeTarget = targetTiles.First(a => Vector3.Distance(a.Key.position, a.Value.position) == nearUnitCost).Key;
            } break;

            case AiLevel.Hard:{
                nearUnitCost = targetTiles.Min(a => Vector3.Distance(a.Key.position, a.Value.position));
                int minAroundUnit = targetTiles.Where(a => Vector3.Distance(a.Key.position, a.Value.position) == nearUnitCost)
                    .Min(a => AroundUnitCount(a.Value));
                resumeTarget = targetTiles.First(a => Vector3.Distance(a.Key.position, a.Value.position) == nearUnitCost
                    && AroundUnitCount(a.Value) == minAroundUnit).Key;
            } break;
        return new ArrayList(){targetTiles[resumeTarget], resumeTarget};
        public void DictionaryExtensions_Min_ThrowsExceptionIfDictionaryIsEmpty()
            var dictionary = new Dictionary<Int32, String>();

            dictionary.Min(x => x.Key);
        private void btnUpdateEvironment_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            DateTime minEnvironmentDT = dtEnvironmentBegin.MinDate;
            DateTime maxEnvironmentDT = dtEnvironmentBegin.MaxDate;
            if (dtEnvironmentBegin.Value >= dtEnvironmentEnd.Value)
                MessageBoxEx.Show(this, "<font size='18'><b>Ngày bắt đầu phải trước ngày kết thúc !</b></font>",
                        "<font size='15'><b>Thông báo</b></font>", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning);
                dtEnvironmentBegin.Value = minEnvironmentDT;
                dtEnvironmentEnd.Value = maxEnvironmentDT;
                if (dtEnvironmentBegin.Value < minEnvironmentDT)
                    dtEnvironmentBegin.Value = minEnvironmentDT;
                if (dtEnvironmentEnd.Value > maxEnvironmentDT)
                    dtEnvironmentEnd.Value = maxEnvironmentDT;
            DateTime beginTime = dtEnvironmentBegin.Value;
            DateTime endTime = dtEnvironmentEnd.Value;

            double sum = 0;
            int avgCount = 0;
            Dictionary<byte, List<double>> dictData_X = new Dictionary<byte, List<double>>();
            Dictionary<byte, List<double>> dictData_Y = new Dictionary<byte, List<double>>();
            foreach (LogRecord lrec in LogManager.LogEntryList)
                ILogEnvironment rec = lrec as ILogEnvironment;
                if (rec != null)
                    if (rec.Time < beginTime || rec.Time > endTime)
                    sum += rec.Temperature;

                    List<double> list_X;
                    if (!dictData_X.TryGetValue(rec.ClientID, out list_X))
                        list_X = new List<double>();
                        dictData_X.Add(rec.ClientID, list_X);
                    List<double> list_Y;
                    if (!dictData_Y.TryGetValue(rec.ClientID, out list_Y))
                        list_Y = new List<double>();
                        dictData_Y.Add(rec.ClientID, list_Y);
                    bool isSeparate = false;
                    if (list_X.Count > 0 &&
                        (rec.Time - DateTime.FromOADate(list_X.Last())).TotalHours > 1)
                        isSeparate = true;
                    if (list_X.Count == 1)
                    if (isSeparate)
                    if (isSeparate)
                    if (rec.Temperature == 85)
                        if (list_Y.Count > 0)
            sum /= avgCount;
            txtAverageTemperature.Text = sum.ToString("n2") + "\u00B0C";

            GraphPane pane = graphEnvironment.GraphPane;
            pane.Title.Text = "Lịch sử môi trường";
            pane.YAxis.Title.Text = "Nhiệt độ (\u00B0C)";
            pane.Fill = new Fill(Color.White, Color.LightGray, 45.0f);

            pane.XAxis.Type = AxisType.Date;
            pane.XAxis.Title.Text = "Thời gian";
            pane.XAxis.Scale.Format = "HH:mm dd/MM/yy";
            pane.XAxis.Scale.FontSpec.Size = 8;

            foreach (KeyValuePair<byte, List<double>> data in dictData_X)
                LineItem curve = pane.AddCurve("Nhiệt độ mạch " + data.Key + " (\u00B0C)",
                    data.Value.ToArray(), filterSignal(dictData_Y[data.Key].ToArray(), 5, 0, 0),
                    clientTemperatureColor[data.Key], SymbolType.None);

            Graphics g = this.CreateGraphics();
            pane.YAxis.ResetAutoScale(pane, g);
            pane.XAxis.ResetAutoScale(pane, g);
            pane.XAxis.Scale.Format = "HH:mm dd/MM/yy";

            pane.YAxis.Scale.Min = dictData_Y.Min(pair => pair.Value.FindAll(l => l > 0).Min());
            pane.YAxis.Scale.Max = dictData_Y.Max(pair => pair.Value.FindAll(l => l > 0).Max());

 public Normalization(Dictionary <DateTime, double> dictionary)
     Max = dictionary.Max(o => o.Value);
     Min = dictionary.Min(o => o.Value);
        static void Main(string[] args)
            ////// Lambda expressions
            // Essentially a form of anonymous method. Can be type casted to Actions / Funcs Delagates

            // An anonymous method is a method that does not need to be defined and is typically disposed of once it has completed execution.
            // A lambda expression is a type of anonymous method that does not require the type to be explicitly defined
            // Lambda expressions are written as follows
            // (input-parameters) => expression
            // One or more inputs may be specified
            // The lambda declaration operator (=>) is what defines an operation as lambda
            // There are also lambda statements, which you can find examples of in the DataBuilder class as a part of the project. Lambda statements are unrelated to LINQ.

            // Lambda without a return - Action Delagate
            Action action = () => Console.WriteLine("Heres a test action");

            // Lambda without a return and has an input - Action Delagate
            Action <string> writeMyLine = line => Console.WriteLine(line);

            writeMyLine.Invoke("some line");

            // Lambda with a return type - Func Delagate
            Func <int, int> square = x => x * x;

            Console.WriteLine(square(5)); // 25

            // Lambda with multiple inputs and a return type - Func Delagate
            Func <int, string, string> squareWithString = (toSquare, preamble) => preamble + (toSquare * toSquare).ToString();

            Console.WriteLine(squareWithString(5, "The square of 5 is ")); // The square of 5 is 25

            // For the purposes of LINQ, we will use lambda expressions to help us to manipulate data returned by LINQ methods. Most LINQ methods take an Action / Func as the method parameter
            // When using LINQ queries, the lambda is done in the background for you. LINQ stands for "Language - Integrated Query"

            /////// LINQ Queries

            // A LINQ Query consists of a few parts, take the follwing example

            //   IEnumerable<T1> output = from RangeVariable<T2> in DataSource : IEnumerable<T2>
            //                            (data filtering / transformation )
            //                            select RangeVariable<T1>

            // Step 1, specify the data source. In this case, myInts is the data source.
            //         Only objects who inherit IEnumerable or IQueryable will be able to be a datasource in a LINQ query.

            // Step 2, Identify a range variable. In this case I used integer to describe the range variable
            //         This is similar to how in a foreach loop, you specify the variable to be used in each iteration (int integer in myInts) but no type delcaration needs to occur
            //         The type is inferred from the datasource (in this case List<int>)

            // Step 3, Filter / Sort / Order / Join / the range variable. This will filter and manipulate the data prior to output. This is not necessary to complete the query

            // Step 4, Produce the results of the query. Depending on the type of keyword used (select, group, ect) the result is returned based on the the type.
            //         In the example below "select integer" returns IEnumerable<int> since integer is of type int.
            //         However, if we changed the result to "select integer.ToString()" the return type would be of IEnumerable<string>

            // Best practices using LINQ include heavy usage of "var" to implicitly set the returns. Intellisense will let you know the type of the range variable, along with any other types
            // detailed within the query with a quick hover-over. If you do choose to explicitly define the type of return, Intellisense and the compiler will alert you to any errors

            List <int> myInts = new List <int>
                0, 3, 4, 12, 34, 156, 3, 34, 2, 34

            // Type of IEnumerable<int>
            var integers = from integer in myInts
                           select integer;

            var intList = integers.ToList();

            /////// LINQ Methods

            // You can also use many of LINQs fuctionality in a more method based approach. The following example outputs the exact same data but written in another way.
            // In this way we are defining the data source as myInts and using the Select exension to select a sequence.
            // The Select() method takes a Func<int, TResult> as a parameter, given the data source of IEnumerable<int>
            // Using a lambda expression, the Func is defined as "integer => integer". This uses an <int> as the input variable and returns type <int>.
            // As above, this operation returns IEnumerable<int> but if we changed the lambda expression to integer => integer.ToString(), it would return IEnumerable<string>.

            var integersMethodBased = myInts.Select(integer => integer);

            var intMethodList = integersMethodBased.ToList();

            // Why would we ever want to use LINQ? The tried and true way of forlooping over a collection, cleaning, filtering, sorting works just fine!
            // Some of the pros:
            // LINQ syntatically is not very complex, which enhances readiblilty of the code
            // For trivial transformations / filter / sort operations, LINQ requires far less code than tradition methods
            // LINQ can be used to query multiple data sources against each other easily
            // The compiler type checks the objects and syntax in the query (when interacting with a database a string for SQL does not)
            // IntelliSense support for all generic collections

            // Some of the downsides:
            // For really complex data manipulation, LINQ gets a little hairy
            // There is no step by step debugging LINQ Methods or Queries, which can make testing and exception hunting harder than it needs to be
            // Since all of the methods are extensions, anonymous, there is no code reuse (unless nested inside of a method).

            // LINQ is just another tool in the toolbox
            // for more in depth documentation

            /////// EXAMPLES

            // Examples using Cars & Buyers found in DataBuilder
            DataBuilder dataBuilder = new DataBuilder();

            // Randomly Generate X amount of Car objects of varying types

            /////// A simple selection

            // Foreach Method - Non LINQ
            List <Car> theCarsForEach = new List <Car>();

            foreach (Car car in dataBuilder.Cars)

            // Linq Query Method
            IEnumerable <Car> theCarsQuery = from car in dataBuilder.Cars
                                             select car;

            // Linq Method Call                                        // Lambda expression
            IEnumerable <Car> theCarsMethodCall = dataBuilder.Cars.Select(car => car);

            //List Conversions
            List <Car> theCarsQueryList      = theCarsQuery.ToList();
            List <Car> theCarsMethodCallList = theCarsMethodCall.ToList();

            ////// Filtering

            // Foreach Method
            List <Car> theOwnedCarsForEach = new List <Car>();

            foreach (Car car in dataBuilder.Cars)
                if (car.Owned)

            // Query
            var theOwnedCarsQuery = from car in dataBuilder.Cars
                                    where car.Owned
                                    select car;

            // Method

            var theOwnedCarsMethod = dataBuilder.Cars.Where(car => car.Owned).Select(car => car).ToList();

            //////// Multi level filtering
            // Foreach Method
            List <Car> theOwnedCarsAndMileageForEach = new List <Car>();

            foreach (Car car in dataBuilder.Cars)
                if (car.Owned && car.Mileage > 50000)

            // Query
            var theOwnedCarsAndMileageQuery = from car in dataBuilder.Cars
                                              where car.Owned && car.Mileage > 50000
                                              select car;

            // Method

            var theOwnedCarsAndMileageMethod = dataBuilder.Cars.Where(car => car.Owned && car.Mileage > 50000)
                                               .Select(car => car)

            //////// Ordering
            var orderedByMilageDesc = from car in dataBuilder.Cars
                                      orderby car.Mileage descending
                                      select car;

            var orderbyMilageMethod = dataBuilder.Cars.OrderByDescending(car => car.Mileage);

            //////// Grouping

            // Group by Make
            var groupByMake = from car in dataBuilder.Cars
                              group car by car.Make;

            foreach (IGrouping <string, Car> group in groupByMake)
                Console.WriteLine($"There are {group.Count()} {group.Key}s");

            // Method Calls
            var groupByMakeMethod = dataBuilder.Cars.GroupBy(car => car.Make);

            // Group by object type
            var groupByType = from car in dataBuilder.Cars
                              group car by car.GetType();

            // Method Calls
            var groupByTypeMethod = dataBuilder.Cars.GroupBy(car => car.GetType());

            foreach (IGrouping <Type, Car> group in groupByType)
                Console.WriteLine($"This group contains {group.Count()} {group.Key}s");

            // Transforming objects
            IEnumerable <SportsCar> findSportsCars = from car in dataBuilder.Cars
                                                     where car.GetType() == typeof(SportsCar)
                                                     select car as SportsCar;


            // Method Calls and ForEach

            // One of the most useful ways of using LINQ is to use the ForEach exension to preform generic transformations instead of breaking things out to a new block that will be used once.
            // Here's a few examples

            List <int> someInts = new List <int>();

            myInts.ForEach(theInt => someInts.Add(theInt));

            // Call methods on collections
            dataBuilder.Cars.ForEach(car => car.Describe());

            // Assign large amounts of data
            dataBuilder.Cars.ForEach(car => car.Owned = false);


            // Call methods on selections of collections
            dataBuilder.Cars.Where(car => car.Doors > 2)
            .ToList()                 // returns IEnumerable and in order to access .ForEach the type must be list
            .ForEach(biggerCar => biggerCar.Describe());

            // Navigating dictionaries
            var exampleDictionary = new Dictionary <int, string>
                { 1, "one" },
                { 2, "two" },
                { 3, "three" },
                { 15998946, "Fifteen million, nine hundred ninety eight thousand, nine hundred and fourty six" }

            // Maths

            int    sumOfLengthsGreaterThanTwo       = exampleDictionary.Where(kvp => kvp.Key > 2).Sum(kvp => kvp.Value.Length);
            double averageGreaterThanOrEqualToThree = exampleDictionary.Keys.Where(intKey => intKey >= 3).Average(intKey => intKey);
            int    maxNumber    = exampleDictionary.Keys.Max(numbers => numbers);
            int    shortestText = exampleDictionary.Min(text => text.Value.Length);

            /////// Joins
            /// Joins allow the developer to take 2 (or more) different objects and join them together into a mixed collection as long as the join occurs on an accessible type for both objects
            /// and both properties types implement IEquatable
            /// In the following examples, strings are equality compared against each other to make the join occur
            /// The return type of 'select new { Property = value, ...}' is an anonymous type. These types do not require a definition (like anonymous methods) and allow for easy
            /// One time use data wrangling when combining multiple classes


            /// This exmaple matches each buyer to their favorite cars
            /// Returns anonymous IEnumerable<'a(Buyer, IEnumerable<Car>)>
            var buyersToCars = from buyer in dataBuilder.Buyers
                               join car in dataBuilder.Cars on buyer.PreferredMake equals car.Make into favoriteCars
                               select new { Buyer = buyer, Cars = favoriteCars };

            /// Which of these is easier to read???
            buyersToCars.ToList().ForEach(buyerCarGroup => buyerCarGroup.Cars.ToList()
                                          .ForEach(car => Console.WriteLine($"{buyerCarGroup.Buyer.FirstName} {buyerCarGroup.Buyer.LastName} who likes {buyerCarGroup.Buyer.PreferredMake} matches with " +
                                                                            $"a {car.ModelRelease.Year} {car.Make} {car.Model} with {car.Mileage} miles")));

            foreach (var CarBuyerGroup in buyersToCars)
                Console.WriteLine($"\nBuyer: {CarBuyerGroup.Buyer.FirstName} {CarBuyerGroup.Buyer.LastName} likes {CarBuyerGroup.Buyer.PreferredMake}");
                foreach (var car in CarBuyerGroup.Cars)

            //////// Sub queries with join operation, anonymous types output
            /// Lets pretend that we are a car dealership with the collection in DataBuilder containing cars we have in our database for all vehicles bought and sold.
            /// In the preceding example, we had potential buyers who didn't have car insurance and we paired them with cars that were already owned; not an ideal representation of what we could sell
            /// In this next example, we can filter out buyers to who are eligible and match them with cars they can actually own, ordered by least mileage to most, giving a more personalized marketing stragegy
            var goodBuyersToUnownedCars = from buyer in dataBuilder.Buyers
                                          where buyer.HasCarInsurance
                                          join car in dataBuilder.Cars on buyer.PreferredMake equals car.Make into favoriteCars
                                          select new { GoodBuyer       = buyer,
                                                       ProspectiveCars = from favoriteCar in favoriteCars
                                                                         where !favoriteCar.Owned
                                                                         orderby favoriteCar.Mileage ascending
                                                                         select favoriteCar };

            foreach (var BuyerCarCombo in goodBuyersToUnownedCars)
                Console.WriteLine($"\nQualified Buyer {BuyerCarCombo.GoodBuyer.FirstName} {BuyerCarCombo.GoodBuyer.LastName}");
                if (BuyerCarCombo.ProspectiveCars.ToList().Count > 0)
                    foreach (var car in BuyerCarCombo.ProspectiveCars)
                    Console.WriteLine($"There are no {BuyerCarCombo.GoodBuyer.PreferredMake} cars for sale!");
Exemple #29
 public static void normalize_graph(Dictionary<EntityLink,double> graph)
     // Scales the edge weights so that the lightest is about 0.0 and the
     // heaviest is about 1.0, to within floating point errors.
     List<EntityLink> graph_keys = new List<EntityLink> (graph.Keys);
     // remove a constant offset from each edge
     double lightest_link = graph.Min(g => g.Value);
     for (int i = 0; i < graph_keys.Count; i++) {
         graph [graph_keys [i]] -= lightest_link;
     // now scale everyone
     double heaviest_link = graph.Max(g => g.Value);
     for (int i = 0; i < graph_keys.Count; i++) {
         graph [graph_keys [i]] /= heaviest_link;
Exemple #30
        public void KMean()
            // K = 2 random
            //var p1 = dataSet.Where(x => x.Id == 1).Single();
            //Ditances(p1, dataSet).ToList();
            //var p4 = dataSet.Where(x => x.Id == 4).Single();
            //Ditances(p4, dataSet).ToList();

            var dicOfAverage = new Dictionary <Subject, double>();

            foreach (var center in dataSet)
                var average = Distance(center, dataSet).Average(x => x.Item1);
                dicOfAverage.Add(center, average);
                Console.WriteLine("Cen: {0} = {1}", center.Id, average);

            // select p7 center
            var minDisP = dicOfAverage
                          .Where(y => y.Value == dicOfAverage.Min(x => x.Value)).First();

            var group1 = new List <Subject>();

            foreach (var dis in Distance(minDisP.Key, dataSet))
                Console.WriteLine("p: {0}, d: {1}", dis.Item2.Id, dis.Item1);
                if (dis.Item1 <= minDisP.Value)

            foreach (var item in group1)
                Console.WriteLine("p: {0}", item.Id);

            var remainData = dataSet.Where(x => !group1.Contains(x)).ToList();

            if (remainData.Count() > 0)
                dicOfAverage = new Dictionary <Subject, double>();
                foreach (var center in remainData)
                    var average = Distance(center, remainData).Average(x => x.Item1);
                    dicOfAverage.Add(center, average);
                    Console.WriteLine("Cen: {0} = {1}", center.Id, average);

                minDisP = dicOfAverage.Where(y => y.Value == dicOfAverage.Min(x => x.Value)).First();

                var group2 = new List <Subject>();
                foreach (var dis in Distance(minDisP.Key, remainData))
                    Console.WriteLine("p: {0}, d: {1}", dis.Item2.Id, dis.Item1);
                    if (dis.Item1 <= minDisP.Value)

                foreach (var item in group2)
                    Console.WriteLine("p: {0}", item.Id);

                remainData = remainData.Where(x => !group2.Contains(x)).ToList();
Exemple #31
    public Dictionary<Difficulty, Song> readChart(string directory)
        //read file

        var files = (string[]) Directory.GetFiles(directory);

        var stream = files.FirstOrDefault(c => (c.ToLower().Contains(".sm")) && !c.ToLower().Contains(".old")  && !c.ToLower().Contains(".dwi") && !c.Contains("._"));
        if(stream == null) stream = files.FirstOrDefault(c => (c.ToLower().Contains(".dwi"))   && !c.ToLower().Contains(".old") && !c.Contains("._"));
        if(stream == null) return null;
        StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(stream);
        songContent = sr.ReadToEnd();

        //split all line and put on a list
        var thesong = songContent.Split(new string[] { Environment.NewLine }, StringSplitOptions.None);
        List<string> listLine = new List<string>();
        List<int> indexNotes = new List<int>();

        //traitement des commentaires.
        /* Non : Impossible de savoir si single ou double :(
        for(int i=0; i < listLine.Count;i++){
                listLine[i] = listLine.ElementAt(i).Split("//".ToCharArray())[0];

        for(int i=0; i < listLine.Count;i++){

        Dictionary<Difficulty, Song>  outputSongs = new Dictionary<Difficulty, Song> ();

            //get generic information
            var thetitle = listLine.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Contains("TITLE")).Split(':');
            var title = thetitle[1].Replace(";","");
            var thesubtitle = listLine.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Contains("SUBTITLE")).Split(':');
            var subtitle = thesubtitle[1].Replace(";","");
            var theartist = listLine.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Contains("ARTIST")).Split(':');
            var artist = theartist[1].Replace(";","");
            var theoffset = listLine.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Contains("OFFSET")).Split(':');
            if(theoffset[1].Contains("//")) theoffset[1] = theoffset[1].Split('/')[0]; //Special Destination fix
            var offset = System.Convert.ToDouble(theoffset[1].Replace(";",""));
            var thesamplestart = listLine.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Contains("SAMPLESTART")).Split(':');
            var samplestart = System.Convert.ToDouble(thesamplestart[1].Replace(";",""));
            var thesamplelenght = listLine.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Contains("SAMPLELENGTH")).Split(':');
            var samplelenght = System.Convert.ToDouble(thesamplelenght[1].Replace(";",""));
            //"file://" +
            var theBanner = listLine.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Contains("BANNER")).Split(':');
            var bannerTemp = "";
                bannerTemp = files.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Contains(theBanner[1].Replace(";","")));
                bannerTemp = files.FirstOrDefault(c => (c.ToLower().Contains("bn") || c.ToLower().Contains("banner")) && (c.ToLower().Contains(".png") || c.ToLower().Contains(".jpg") || c.ToLower().Contains(".bmp") || c.ToLower().Contains(".jpeg")));
            var banner = "noBanner";
                banner = "file://" +  bannerTemp.Replace('\\', '/');
            var theBpmListMesured = new Dictionary<double, double>();
            var theStopListMesured = new Dictionary<double, double>();

            var theBpmList = new Dictionary<double, double>();
            var theStopList = new Dictionary<double, double>();

            var theBpmMesureList = new List<double>();
            var theStopMesureList = new List<double>();

            //getting bpms with mesure
            string[] thebpm = listLine.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Contains("BPMS")).Split(':');
            string thebpmline = thebpm[1];
            string[] splitbpm = thebpmline.Split(',');
            /*double previousbps = 0;
            double previoustime = 0;
            double previousmesure = 0;
            List<double> timeToMesureBPM = new List<double>();*/
            foreach(string s in splitbpm){
                string[] mysplit = s.Replace(";","").Split('=');
                if(!theBpmListMesured.ContainsKey(System.Convert.ToDouble(mysplit[0]))) theBpmListMesured.Add(System.Convert.ToDouble(mysplit[0]), System.Convert.ToDouble(mysplit[1]));
                //theBpmList.Add(previousbps == 0 ? 0 : previoustime + (System.Convert.ToDouble(mysplit[0]) - previousmesure)/previousbps, System.Convert.ToDouble(mysplit[1]));
                /*previousbps = System.Convert.ToDouble(mysplit[1])/(double)60.0;
                previoustime = theBpmList.Last().Key;
                previousmesure = System.Convert.ToDouble(mysplit[0]);
                Debug.Log ("bpm : " + theBpmList.Last().Key);*/

            //getting stops mesured

            int stopbegin = listLine.IndexOf(listLine.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Contains("STOPS")));
            string thestop = "";
            bool stopTheRool = false;
                for(int i=stopbegin; !stopTheRool; i++){
                    if( listLine.ElementAt(i).Contains("//")){
                        thestop += listLine.ElementAt(i).Split('/')[0];
                        thestop += listLine.ElementAt(i);

                    if(listLine.ElementAt(i).Contains(";")) stopTheRool = true;
                thestop = thestop.Replace("/n", "");
                thestop = thestop.Replace(";", "");

            if(thestop != ""){
                string[] thestopsplit = thestop.Split(':');
                string thestopline = thestopsplit[1];
                string[] splitstop = thestopline.Split(',');
                /*previousbps = theBpmList.First().Value;
                previoustime = 0;
                previousmesure = 0;*/
                foreach(string s in splitstop){

                    var mysplit = s.Split('=');

                    theStopListMesured.Add(System.Convert.ToDouble(mysplit[0]), System.Convert.ToDouble(mysplit[1]));
                    var theMesure = timeToMesureBPM.IndexOf(timeToMesureBPM.FirstOrDefault(d => d == timeToMesureBPM.Where(c => c <= System.Convert.ToDouble(mysplit[0])).Max()));
                    previousbps = System.Convert.ToDouble(theBpmList.ElementAt(theMesure).Value)/(double)60.0;
                    previoustime = theBpmList.ElementAt(theMesure).Key;
                    previousmesure = timeToMesureBPM.ElementAt(theMesure);

                    theStopList.Add(previoustime + ((System.Convert.ToDouble(mysplit[0])) - previousmesure)/previousbps, System.Convert.ToDouble(mysplit[1]));

                    Debug.Log("real mesure : " + (System.Convert.ToDouble(mysplit[0])) + " analyse : " + theStopList.Last().Key + " : " + theStopList.Last().Value + " : " +
                        theMesure + " previous time : " + previoustime + " previous mesure : " +
                        previousmesure + " previous bps " + previousbps + " (" + previousbps*60.0 + ") bpm");*/

            //change bpm and stops mesured by time
            //Bug encore.
            double previousbps = 0;
            double stoptime = 0;
            double previoustime = 0;
            double previousmesure = 0;

            while(theStopListMesured.Count != 0 && theBpmListMesured.Count != 0){
                if((theStopListMesured.First().Key < theBpmListMesured.First().Key)){

                    theStopList.Add(previoustime + stoptime + (theStopListMesured.First().Key - previousmesure)/previousbps, theStopListMesured.First().Value);

                    previoustime += (theStopListMesured.First().Key - previousmesure)/previousbps;
                    previousmesure = theStopListMesured.First().Key;
                    stoptime += theStopListMesured.First().Value;


                }else if((theStopListMesured.First().Key > theBpmListMesured.First().Key)){

                    theBpmList.Add(previousbps == 0 ? 0 : previoustime + stoptime + (theBpmListMesured.First().Key - previousmesure)/previousbps, theBpmListMesured.First().Value);

                    previoustime += (previousbps == 0 ? 0 : (theBpmListMesured.First().Key - previousmesure)/previousbps);
                    previousbps = theBpmList.Last().Value/(double)60.0;
                    previousmesure = theBpmListMesured.First().Key;


                }else if(theStopListMesured.First().Key == theBpmListMesured.First().Key){

                    theStopList.Add(previousbps == 0 ? 0 : previoustime + stoptime + (theStopListMesured.First().Key - previousmesure)/previousbps, theStopListMesured.First().Value);

                    theBpmList.Add(previousbps == 0 ? 0 : previoustime + stoptime + (theBpmListMesured.First().Key - previousmesure)/previousbps, theBpmListMesured.First().Value);

                    previoustime += (previousbps == 0 ? 0 : (theBpmListMesured.First().Key - previousmesure)/previousbps);
                    previousbps = theBpmList.Last().Value/(double)60.0;
                    previousmesure = theBpmListMesured.First().Key;
                    stoptime += theStopListMesured.First().Value;



            while(theStopListMesured.Count != 0){

                    theStopList.Add(previoustime + stoptime + (theStopListMesured.First().Key - previousmesure)/previousbps, theStopListMesured.First().Value);

                    previoustime += (theStopListMesured.First().Key - previousmesure)/previousbps;
                    previousmesure = theStopListMesured.First().Key;
                    stoptime += theStopListMesured.First().Value;



            while(theBpmListMesured.Count != 0){

                    theBpmList.Add(previousbps == 0 ? 0 : previoustime + stoptime + (theBpmListMesured.First().Key - previousmesure)/previousbps, theBpmListMesured.First().Value);

                    previoustime += (previousbps == 0 ? 0 : (theBpmListMesured.First().Key - previousmesure)/previousbps);
                    previousbps = theBpmList.Last().Value/(double)60.0;
                    previousmesure = theBpmListMesured.First().Key;



            var thedisplayBPM = "";
            if(listLine.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Contains("DISPLAYBPM")) != null){
                    string[] thes = listLine.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Contains("DISPLAYBPM")).Split(':');
                    if(thes.Count() > 2){
                        thedisplayBPM = System.Convert.ToDouble(thes[1].Replace(";", "")).ToString("0") + " -> " + System.Convert.ToDouble(thes[2].Replace(";", "")).ToString("0");
                        thedisplayBPM = System.Convert.ToDouble(thes[1].Replace(";", "")).ToString("0");
                }catch{ //Special Gravity Blast fix
                    string[] thes = listLine.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Contains("DISPLAYBPM")).Split(':');
                    var theindex = 0;
                    for(int o=0; o<thes.Count(); o++){
                            theindex = o + 1;
                    if((thes.Count() - theindex - 1) > 2){
                        thedisplayBPM = System.Convert.ToDouble(thes[theindex].Replace(";", "")).ToString("0") + " -> " + System.Convert.ToDouble(thes[theindex+1].Replace(";", "")).ToString("0");
                        thedisplayBPM = System.Convert.ToDouble(thes[theindex].Replace(";", "")).ToString("0");
                var themin = theBpmList.Min(c => c.Value);
                var themax = theBpmList.Max(c => c.Value);
                if(themin == themax){
                    thedisplayBPM = themax.ToString("0");
                    thedisplayBPM = themin.ToString("0") + " -> " + themax.ToString("0");

            /*foreach(var el in theStopList){

            //For all difficulties
            foreach(int index in indexNotes){

                var theNewsong = new Song();

                //easy variable getted
                theNewsong.title = title;
                theNewsong.subtitle = subtitle;
                theNewsong.artist = artist;
                theNewsong.banner = banner;
                theNewsong.offset = offset;
                theNewsong.samplestart = samplestart;
                theNewsong.samplelenght = samplelenght;
                theNewsong.bpms = theBpmList;
                theNewsong.stops = theStopList;
                theNewsong.mesureBPMS = theBpmMesureList;
                theNewsong.mesureSTOPS = theStopMesureList;
                theNewsong.bpmToDisplay = thedisplayBPM;
                /*if(files.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Contains(".ogg")) == null){
                    foreach(var fil in files){
       = "file://" + files.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Contains(".ogg") || c.Contains(".OGG")).Replace('\\', '/');

                //getting song information
                int beginInformation = index;
                string dl = "";
                var theinfo = listLine.ElementAt(beginInformation + 1).Replace(":","").Trim();
                    dl = "D";
                if(!theinfo.Contains("single") || theinfo.Contains("pump") || theinfo.Contains("ez2") ||
                        theinfo.Contains("para") || theinfo.Contains("ds3ddx") || theinfo.Contains("pnm") ||
                        theinfo.Contains("bm") || theinfo.Contains("maniax") || theinfo.Contains("techno")){
                    dl = "STOP";
                theNewsong.stepartist = listLine.ElementAt(beginInformation + 2).Replace(":","").Trim();
                theNewsong.setDifficulty(dl + listLine.ElementAt(beginInformation + 3).Replace(":","").Trim());
                theNewsong.level = System.Convert.ToInt32(listLine.ElementAt(beginInformation + 4).Replace(":","").Trim());

                //getting stepchart
                int beginstepchart = beginInformation+6;
                while(listLine.ElementAt(beginstepchart).Contains("//") ||
                    String.IsNullOrEmpty(listLine.ElementAt(beginstepchart).Trim()) ||
                    listLine.ElementAt(beginstepchart) == ""){

                        if(listLine.ElementAt(beginstepchart).Contains("NOTES")) dl = "STOP";

                if(listLine.ElementAt(beginstepchart).Contains("NOTES")) dl = "STOP";
                //if(theNewsong.title == "The Last Kiss") Debug.Log(listLine.ElementAt(beginstepchart));

                if(dl != "STOP"){
                    var numberOfSteps = 0;
                    var numberOfMines = 0;
                    var numberOfRoll = 0;
                    var numberOfFreezes = 0;
                    var numberOfJump = 0;
                    var numberOfStepsWJ = 0;
                    theNewsong.stepchart.Add(new List<string>());
                    for(int i = beginstepchart; !listLine.ElementAt(i).Contains(";"); i++){
                            theNewsong.stepchart.Add(new List<string>());
                        }else if(!String.IsNullOrEmpty(listLine.ElementAt(i))){
                            numberOfSteps += listLine.ElementAt(i).Count(c => c == '1');
                            numberOfSteps += listLine.ElementAt(i).Count(c => c == '2');
                            numberOfSteps += listLine.ElementAt(i).Count(c => c == '4');
                            numberOfFreezes += listLine.ElementAt(i).Count(c => c == '2');
                            numberOfRoll += listLine.ElementAt(i).Count(c => c == '4');
                            numberOfMines += listLine.ElementAt(i).Count(c => c == 'M');
                            numberOfStepsWJ += listLine.ElementAt(i).Count(c => c == '1');
                            numberOfStepsWJ += listLine.ElementAt(i).Count(c => c == '2');
                            numberOfStepsWJ += listLine.ElementAt(i).Count(c => c == '4');

                            var countmesure = listLine.ElementAt(i).Count(c => c == '1') + listLine.ElementAt(i).Count(c => c == '2') + listLine.ElementAt(i).Count(c => c == '4');
                            if(countmesure == 2){
                                numberOfStepsWJ -= countmesure;
                            if(countmesure >= 3){
                                numberOfStepsWJ -= countmesure;

                    theNewsong.numberOfSteps = numberOfSteps;
                    theNewsong.numberOfFreezes = numberOfFreezes;
                    theNewsong.numberOfRolls = numberOfRoll;
                    theNewsong.numberOfMines = numberOfMines;
                    theNewsong.numberOfJumps = numberOfJump;
                    theNewsong.numberOfStepsWithoutJumps = numberOfStepsWJ;
                    //A faire le mode double !
                    if(dl == "") fakeCreation(theNewsong);
                        //A mettre
                    theNewsong.sip = new SongInfoProfil(theNewsong.title, theNewsong.subtitle,
                        theNewsong.numberOfSteps, theNewsong.difficulty, theNewsong.level);
                    outputSongs.Add(theNewsong.difficulty, theNewsong);

        }catch(Exception e){
            Debug.Log(directory + " // " + e.Message + " //st : " + e.StackTrace);

        return outputSongs;
        public void CalculateSegmentWidth(Bitmap bitmap, double sensitivity)
            int Height = bitmap.Height;
            int Width = bitmap.Width;
            var results = new Dictionary<int, double>();

            for (int i = 0; i < Width - 1; i++)
                var l = new List<Color>();
                var r = new List<Color>();
                for (int j = 0; j < Height; j++)
                    l.Add(bitmap.GetPixel(i, j));
                    r.Add(bitmap.GetPixel(i + 1, j));
                results.Add(i, EdgeCompareScore(l, r));

                if (SegmentWidthCalculated != null && i % 20 == 0)
                    SegmentWidthCalculated(null, new EventArgs());

            double max = results.Max(x => x.Value);
            double min = results.Min(x => x.Value);
            double range = max - min;
            Dictionary<int, double> normalisedResults = results.ToDictionary(x => x.Key, x => (x.Value - min) / range);
            List<int> edgeIndexes = normalisedResults.Where(x => x.Value > sensitivity).Select(x => x.Key).ToList();
            IEnumerable<int> columnWidth =
                edgeIndexes.Where((x, idx) => idx < edgeIndexes.Count - 1 && idx >= 0).Select(
                    (x, idx) => Math.Abs(edgeIndexes[idx] - edgeIndexes[idx + 1]));
            var groupedColumnWidth = columnWidth.GroupBy(i => i).Select(g => new { g.Key, Count = g.Count() });
            SegmentWidth =
                groupedColumnWidth.Where(x => x.Count == groupedColumnWidth.Max(y => y.Count)).Select(x => x.Key).First();

            if (SegmentWidthCalculationCompleted != null)
                SegmentWidthCalculationCompleted(null, new EventArgs());
Exemple #33
        /// <summary>
        /// The actual scheduling procedure
        /// </summary>
        private void Runner()
            var scheduled = new Dictionary<long, DateTime>();
            while (!m_terminate)

                //TODO: As this is executed repeatedly we should cache it
                // to avoid frequent db lookups

                //Determine schedule list
                var lst = Program.DataConnection.Schedules;
                foreach(var sc in lst)
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sc.Repeat))
                        DateTime start;
                        DateTime last = new DateTime(0, DateTimeKind.Utc);
                        if (!scheduled.TryGetValue(sc.ID, out start))
                            start = new DateTime(sc.Time.Ticks, DateTimeKind.Utc);
                            last = sc.LastRun;

                            start = GetNextValidTime(start, last, sc.Repeat, sc.AllowedDays);
                        catch (Exception ex)
                            Program.DataConnection.LogError(sc.ID.ToString(), "Scheduler failed to find next date", ex);

                        //If time is exceeded, run it now
                        if (start <= DateTime.UtcNow)
                            var jobsToRun = new List<Server.Runner.IRunnerData>();
                            //TODO: Cache this to avoid frequent lookups
                            foreach(var id in Program.DataConnection.GetBackupIDsForTags(sc.Tags).Distinct().Select(x => x.ToString()))
                                //See if it is already queued
                                var tmplst = from n in m_worker.CurrentTasks
                                        where n.Operation == Duplicati.Server.Serialization.DuplicatiOperation.Backup
                                         select n.Backup;
                                var tastTemp = m_worker.CurrentTask;
                                if (tastTemp != null && tastTemp.Operation == Duplicati.Server.Serialization.DuplicatiOperation.Backup)
                                    tmplst.Union(new [] { tastTemp.Backup });

                                //If it is not already in queue, put it there
                                if (!tmplst.Any(x => x.ID == id))
                                    var entry = Program.DataConnection.GetBackup(id);
                                    if (entry != null)
                                        jobsToRun.Add(Server.Runner.CreateTask(Duplicati.Server.Serialization.DuplicatiOperation.Backup, entry));

                            //Caluclate next time, by adding the interval to the start until we have
                            // passed the current date and time
                            //TODO: Make this more efficient
                            int i = 50000;
                            while (start <= DateTime.UtcNow && i-- > 0)
                                    start = GetNextValidTime(start, start.AddSeconds(1), sc.Repeat, sc.AllowedDays);
                                catch(Exception ex)
                                    Program.DataConnection.LogError(sc.ID.ToString(), "Scheduler failed to find next date", ex);

                            Server.Runner.IRunnerData lastJob = jobsToRun.LastOrDefault();
                            if (lastJob != null && lastJob != null)
                                    m_updateTasks[lastJob] = new Tuple<ISchedule, DateTime, DateTime>(sc, start, DateTime.UtcNow);

                            foreach(var job in jobsToRun)

                            if (start < DateTime.UtcNow)
                                //TODO: Report this somehow

                        scheduled[sc.ID] = start;

                var existing = lst.ToDictionary(x => x.ID);
                Server.Serialization.Interface.ISchedule sc_tmp = null;
                //Sort them, lock as we assign the m_schedule variable
                    m_schedule = (from n in scheduled
                        where existing.TryGetValue(n.Key, out sc_tmp)
                        orderby n.Value
                        select existing[n.Key]).ToArray();

                // Remove unused entries
                foreach(var c in (from n in scheduled where !existing.ContainsKey(n.Key) select n.Key).ToArray())

                //Raise event if needed
                if (NewSchedule != null)
                    NewSchedule(this, null);

                int waittime = 0;

                //Figure out a sensible amount of time to sleep the thread
                if (scheduled.Count > 0)
                    //When is the next run scheduled?
                    TimeSpan nextrun = scheduled.Min((x) => x.Value) - DateTime.UtcNow;
                    if (nextrun.TotalMilliseconds < 0)

                    //Don't sleep for more than 5 minutes
                    waittime = (int)Math.Min(nextrun.TotalMilliseconds, 60 * 1000 * 5);
                    //No tasks, check back later
                    waittime = 60 * 1000;

                //Waiting on the event, enables a wakeup call from termination
                // never use waittime = 0
                m_event.WaitOne(Math.Max(100, waittime), false);
Exemple #34
    private void OnGUI()
        if (uiFocusPath == null)
        uiFocusToLocaionDic = uiFocusPath.NewUIFocusArray.Where(temp => temp != null).ToDictionary(temp => temp, temp => temp.transform.position);
        EditorGUILayout.LabelField("缩放比例:", GUILayout.Width(50));
        scale = GUILayout.HorizontalSlider(scale, 0.2f, 5f, GUILayout.Width(100));
        EditorGUILayout.LabelField("显示全部", GUILayout.Width(50));
        showAll = EditorGUILayout.Toggle(showAll, GUILayout.Width(15));
        EditorGUILayout.LabelField("点击选择对象", GUILayout.Width(75));
        clickButtonToSelect = EditorGUILayout.Toggle(clickButtonToSelect, GUILayout.Width(15));
        if (uiFocusToLocaionDic.Count <= 0)
        float   minX       = uiFocusToLocaionDic.Min(temp => temp.Value.x) - 30;
        float   minY       = uiFocusToLocaionDic.Min(temp => temp.Value.y) - 30;
        float   maxX       = uiFocusToLocaionDic.Max(temp => temp.Value.x) + 30;
        float   maxY       = uiFocusToLocaionDic.Max(temp => temp.Value.y) + 30;
        Vector2 baseOffset = new Vector2(minX, minY);                                       //基础的偏差值
        Vector2 baseSize   = new Vector2(maxX - minX, maxY - minY);                         //基础的大小
        Rect    baseRect   = new Rect(baseOffset, baseSize);                                //基础的位置
        Dictionary <UIFocus, Rect> uiFocusToShowRectDic = new Dictionary <UIFocus, Rect>(); //本次运行时的显示区域

        scroll = GUI.BeginScrollView(new Rect(0, 40, position.width, position.height - 40), scroll, new Rect(0, 0, baseRect.width * scale, baseRect.height * scale));
        foreach (KeyValuePair <UIFocus, Vector3> item in uiFocusToLocaionDic)//遍历绘制
            Vector2 nowPos = item.Value;
            nowPos   = nowPos - baseOffset;
            nowPos.y = baseSize.y - nowPos.y;
            nowPos  *= scale;
            Rect     tempRect    = new Rect(nowPos.x, nowPos.y, 70, 15);
            GUIStyle buttonStyle = buttonNotSelectStyle;
            if (selectUIFcous == item.Key)
                buttonStyle = buttonSelectStyle;
            if (GUI.Button(tempRect,, buttonStyle))
                selectUIFcous = item.Key;
                if (clickButtonToSelect)
                    Selection.activeGameObject = selectUIFcous.gameObject;
            uiFocusToShowRectDic.Add(item.Key, new Rect(nowPos.x - scroll.x, nowPos.y + 40 - scroll.y, 70, 15));
        Dictionary <Vector3[], UIFocus[]> lineToFocusDic = new Dictionary <Vector3[], UIFocus[]>();//线对应焦点字典
        Action <Vector3, Vector3, UIFocus, UIFocus> DrawLineAction = (startVec, endVec, startFocus, endFocus) =>
            Handles.color =;
            Handles.DrawLine(startVec, endVec);
            lineToFocusDic.Add(new Vector3[] { startVec, endVec }, new UIFocus[] { startFocus, endFocus });

        foreach (UIFocusPath.FocusRelaship item in uiFocusPath.UIFocusArrayRelaships)
            if (showAll || item.This == selectUIFcous)
                if (!uiFocusToShowRectDic.ContainsKey(item.This))
                Rect thisRect = uiFocusToShowRectDic[item.This];
                if (item.Up)
                    Vector3 thisVec = new Vector3(thisRect.xMin + thisRect.width / 2, thisRect.yMin);
                    if (uiFocusToShowRectDic.ContainsKey(item.Up))
                        Rect    upRect = uiFocusToShowRectDic[item.Up];
                        Vector3 target =;
                        DrawLineAction(thisVec, target, item.This, item.Up);
                if (item.Down)
                    Vector3 thisVec = new Vector3(thisRect.xMin + thisRect.width / 2, thisRect.yMax);
                    if (uiFocusToShowRectDic.ContainsKey(item.Down))
                        Rect    downRect = uiFocusToShowRectDic[item.Down];
                        Vector3 target   =;
                        DrawLineAction(thisVec, target, item.This, item.Down);
                if (item.Left)
                    Vector3 thisVec = new Vector3(thisRect.xMin, thisRect.yMin + thisRect.height / 2);
                    if (uiFocusToShowRectDic.ContainsKey(item.Left))
                        Rect    leftRect = uiFocusToShowRectDic[item.Left];
                        Vector3 target   =;
                        DrawLineAction(thisVec, target, item.This, item.Left);
                if (item.Right)
                    Vector3 thisVec = new Vector3(thisRect.xMax, thisRect.yMin + thisRect.height / 2);
                    if (uiFocusToShowRectDic.ContainsKey(item.Right))
                        Rect    rightRect = uiFocusToShowRectDic[item.Right];
                        Vector3 target    =;
                        DrawLineAction(thisVec, target, item.This, item.Right);

        Event e = Event.current;

        if (selectUIFcous)
            Rect thisRect  = uiFocusToShowRectDic[selectUIFcous];
            Rect upRect    = new Rect(thisRect.xMin + thisRect.width / 2 - 5, thisRect.yMin - 10, 10, 10);
            Rect downRect  = new Rect(thisRect.xMin + thisRect.width / 2 - 5, thisRect.yMax, 10, 10);
            Rect leftRect  = new Rect(thisRect.xMin - 10, thisRect.yMin + thisRect.height / 2 - 5, 10, 10);
            Rect rightRect = new Rect(thisRect.xMax, thisRect.yMin + thisRect.height / 2 - 5, 10, 10);
            GUI.DrawTexture(upRect, relashipButtonTexture);
            GUI.DrawTexture(downRect, relashipButtonTexture);
            GUI.DrawTexture(leftRect, relashipButtonTexture);
            GUI.DrawTexture(rightRect, relashipButtonTexture);
            if (e.button == 1 && e.rawType == EventType.mouseDown)
                if (upRect.Contains(e.mousePosition))
                    forwardType = EnumEditorGUIFocusPathForward.Up;
                else if (downRect.Contains(e.mousePosition))
                    forwardType = EnumEditorGUIFocusPathForward.Down;
                else if (leftRect.Contains(e.mousePosition))
                    forwardType = EnumEditorGUIFocusPathForward.Left;
                else if (rightRect.Contains(e.mousePosition))
                    forwardType = EnumEditorGUIFocusPathForward.Right;

        if (e.button == 1)
            if (forwardType != null)
                if (selectUIFcous)
                    Rect thisRect  = uiFocusToShowRectDic[selectUIFcous];
                    Rect upRect    = new Rect(thisRect.xMin + thisRect.width / 2 - 5, thisRect.yMin - 10, 10, 10);
                    Rect downRect  = new Rect(thisRect.xMin + thisRect.width / 2 - 5, thisRect.yMax, 10, 10);
                    Rect leftRect  = new Rect(thisRect.xMin - 10, thisRect.yMin + thisRect.height / 2 - 5, 10, 10);
                    Rect rightRect = new Rect(thisRect.xMax, thisRect.yMin + thisRect.height / 2 - 5, 10, 10);
                    Handles.color = Color.gray;
                    switch (forwardType.Value)
                    case EnumEditorGUIFocusPathForward.Left:
                        Handles.DrawLine(, e.mousePosition);

                    case EnumEditorGUIFocusPathForward.Right:
                        Handles.DrawLine(, e.mousePosition);

                    case EnumEditorGUIFocusPathForward.Up:
                        Handles.DrawLine(, e.mousePosition);

                    case EnumEditorGUIFocusPathForward.Down:
                        Handles.DrawLine(, e.mousePosition);

        if (e.button == 1 && e.rawType == EventType.mouseUp)
            if (forwardType != null)
                KeyValuePair <UIFocus, Rect>[] mouseUpResultArray = uiFocusToShowRectDic.Where(temp => temp.Value.Contains(e.mousePosition)).ToArray();

                KeyValuePair <UIFocus, Rect> mouseUpResult = mouseUpResultArray.FirstOrDefault();
                UIFocusPath.FocusRelaship    focusRelaship = uiFocusPath.UIFocusArrayRelaships.FirstOrDefault(temp => temp.This == selectUIFcous);
                if (focusRelaship != null)
                    switch (forwardType.Value)
                    case EnumEditorGUIFocusPathForward.Left:
                        focusRelaship.Left = mouseUpResult.Key;

                    case EnumEditorGUIFocusPathForward.Right:
                        focusRelaship.Right = mouseUpResult.Key;

                    case EnumEditorGUIFocusPathForward.Up:
                        focusRelaship.Up = mouseUpResult.Key;

                    case EnumEditorGUIFocusPathForward.Down:
                        focusRelaship.Down = mouseUpResult.Key;
                forwardType = null;
 public uint GetHeaderColumnPosition(WorksheetEntry worksheet, Dictionary<string, uint> sectionLines, string columnName)
     var rowLine = sectionLines.Min(spp => spp.Value) - 1;
     var headerSectionLine = _spreadsheetFacade.GetCellsValues(worksheet, rowLine, rowLine, 1, uint.MaxValue).ToList();
     return headerSectionLine.Where(h => h.Value.Equals(columnName)).Select(h => h.Column).First();
        private void PerformTeachingSerie(int wantedNoOfNodes, int changesPerPatch, int patchesPerTeachingSerie)
            // patch --> its error change - lower = better
            Dictionary<NetworkPatch, double> patchesEfficiency = new Dictionary<NetworkPatch, double>();
            double serieStartError = network_.CalculateTrainingSqrError();
            int startNetworkHash = network_.GetHashCode();

            while (patchesEfficiency.Count < patchesPerTeachingSerie)
            #if DEBUG
                string graphBeforePatch = network_.PrintNetworkStruct();
                NetworkPatch patch = patchFactory_.CreateAndApplyPatch(changesPerPatch, wantedNoOfNodes);
                patchesEfficiency[patch] = network_.CalculateTrainingSqrError() - serieStartError;
            #if DEBUG
                string graphAfterPatch = network_.PrintNetworkStruct();
            #if DEBUG
                string graphAfterRevert = network_.PrintNetworkStruct();
                double errorAfterNotApplyingPatch = network_.CalculateTrainingSqrError();
                if (serieStartError != errorAfterNotApplyingPatch)
                    Logger.Log(this, String.Format(
                        "REVERT WENT WRONG!\n" +
                        "<<<<<<<<<<<<GRAPH BEFORE PATCH >>>>>>>>>>\n{0}\n" +
                        "<<<<<<<<<<<<GRAPH AFTER PATCH >>>>>>>>>>\n{1}\n" +
                        "<<<<<<<<<<<<GRAPH AFTER REVERT >>>>>>>>>>\n{2}\n",
                    throw new ApplicationException("revert went wrong");

            //NOTE: what is interesting double.NaN is lowest possible number AND double.NaN != double.NaN //WTF??
            double bestChange = patchesEfficiency.Min(x => double.IsNaN(x.Value) ? double.PositiveInfinity : x.Value);
            Logger.Log(this, String.Format("best change {0}", bestChange));
            if (bestChange <= 0.0d && //IMPORTANT: for now only
                !double.IsInfinity(bestChange) &&
                Logger.Log(this, "applying patch!");
                NetworkPatch bestPatch = patchesEfficiency.First(patch => patch.Value == bestChange).Key;
                double errorAfterApplyingPatch = network_.CalculateTrainingSqrError();
                Logger.Log(this, String.Format("error after appplying patch {0}", errorAfterApplyingPatch));
            //#if DEBUG
                if (bestChange < -1E-2)

                double delta = 1E-4;
                if (serieStartError + bestChange - errorAfterApplyingPatch > delta)
                    throw new ApplicationException("something went rly bad");
                Logger.Log(this, "NOT applying patch");
        public async Task <int[]> GetCells(IRandomAccessStream imageStream, int cellsCount)
            int[] cells      = new int[cellsCount];
            int[] cellValues = new int[cellsCount];

            Dictionary <Point, Color> pixels = new Dictionary <Point, Color>();

            WriteableBitmap bitmap = await BitmapFactory.New(trainSetConfig.ImageWidth, trainSetConfig.ImageHeight).FromStream(imageStream);

            for (int i = 0; i < bitmap.PixelWidth; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < bitmap.PixelHeight; j++)
                    var color = bitmap.GetPixel(i, j);

                    if (color.A == 255 && color.R == 0 && color.G == 0 && color.B == 0) //if (color.A == 255 && color.R != 255 && color.G != 255 && color.B != 255)
                        pixels.Add(new Point(i, j), color);

            Debug.WriteLine(pixels.Count, "Black pixels in image");

            if (pixels.Count == 0)

            var leftTop     = new Point(pixels.Min(p => p.Key.X), pixels.Min(p => p.Key.Y));
            var rightBottom = new Point(pixels.Max(p => p.Key.X), pixels.Max(p => p.Key.Y));

            var boundBitmapWidth  = (int)(rightBottom.X - leftTop.X + 1);
            var boundBitmapHeight = (int)(rightBottom.Y - leftTop.Y + 1);

            WriteableBitmap boundBitmap = new WriteableBitmap(boundBitmapWidth, boundBitmapHeight);


            foreach (var pixel in pixels)
                int   x     = (int)(pixel.Key.X - leftTop.X);
                int   y     = (int)(pixel.Key.Y - leftTop.Y);
                Color color = pixel.Value;

                boundBitmap.SetPixel(x, y, color);

            //await SaveBitmapToFile(boundBitmap, (int)(rightBottom.X - leftTop.X + 1), (int)(rightBottom.Y - leftTop.Y + 1), "boundBitmap");

            int stretchedSize = 100;

            var stretchedBitmap = boundBitmap.Resize(stretchedSize, stretchedSize, WriteableBitmapExtensions.Interpolation.Bilinear);

            //await SaveBitmapToFile(stretchedBitmap, stretchedSize, stretchedSize, "stretchedBitmap");

            for (int i = 0; i < stretchedBitmap.PixelWidth; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < stretchedBitmap.PixelHeight; j++)
                    var color = stretchedBitmap.GetPixel(i, j);
                    if (color.A == 255 && color.R == 0 && color.G == 0 && color.B == 0)
                        cellValues[i / SPLIT_VALUE * trainSetConfig.ImageWidth + j / SPLIT_VALUE]++;

            for (int i = 0; i < cellsCount; i++)
                if (cellValues[i] > SPLIT_VALUE)
                    cells[i] = 1;

            Debug.WriteLine(cells.Count(x => x == 1), "Count of 1 in cells array");
Exemple #38
        /// <summary>
        /// Predicts the specified BMP.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="bmp">The image in bitmap format.</param>
        /// <param name="topK">The top k accurate result to return.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public List <PredResult> Predict(Bitmap bmp, int topK = 3)
                Variable inputVar = modelFunc.Arguments[0];

                NDShape inputShape  = inputVar.Shape;
                int     imageWidth  = inputShape[0];
                int     imageHeight = inputShape[1];

                var          resized    = bmp.Resize(imageWidth, imageHeight, true);
                List <float> resizedCHW = resized.ParallelExtractCHW();

                // Create input data map
                var inputDataMap = new Dictionary <Variable, Value>();
                var inputVal     = Value.CreateBatch(inputShape, resizedCHW, GlobalParameters.Device);
                inputDataMap.Add(inputVar, inputVal);
                inputVar = modelFunc.Arguments[1];
                //inputDataMap.Add(inputVar, null);

                Variable outputVar = modelFunc.Outputs.Where(x => (x.Shape.TotalSize == 1000)).ToList()[0];

                // Create output data map. Using null as Value to indicate using system allocated memory.
                // Alternatively, create a Value object and add it to the data map.
                var outputDataMap = new Dictionary <Variable, Value>();
                outputDataMap.Add(outputVar, null);

                // Start evaluation on the device
                modelFunc.Evaluate(inputDataMap, outputDataMap, GlobalParameters.Device);

                // Get evaluate result as dense output
                var outputVal  = outputDataMap[outputVar];
                var outputData = outputVal.GetDenseData <float>(outputVar);
                Dictionary <int, float> outputPred = new Dictionary <int, float>();

                for (int i = 0; i < outputData[0].Count; i++)
                    outputPred.Add(i, outputData[0][i]);

                var topList = outputPred.OrderByDescending(x => (x.Value)).Take(topK).ToList();
                List <PredResult> result        = new List <PredResult>();
                float             sumpredresult = outputPred.Sum(x => (x.Value));
                float             avgpredresult = outputPred.Average(x => (x.Value));
                float             min           = outputPred.Min(x => (x.Value));
                float             max           = outputPred.Max(x => (x.Value));

                foreach (var item in topList)
                    result.Add(new PredResult()
                        Score = item.Value,
                        Name  = actualValues[item.Key]

                Logging.WriteTrace("Prediction Completed");

            catch (Exception ex)
                throw ex;
        private string GetItem(string documentName, int nextPrevCount, string documentPath, int currentId = 0)
            var localPath = ExtentionHelpers.ExchangSlash(documentPath + "/" + documentName);
            var filePaths = Directory.GetFiles(localPath);

            var dictionary = new Dictionary<int, string>();

            foreach (var item in filePaths)
                if (Path.GetExtension(item).ToUpper() == ApplicationConfiguration.ImageExtension.ToUpper())
                    var id = GetIds(item);
                    dictionary.Add(id, GetPath(item));

            var max = dictionary.Max(x => x.Key);
            var min = dictionary.Min(x => x.Key);
            var incrementCount = (nextPrevCount >= 1) ? 1 : -1;

            currentId = (nextPrevCount >= 1 && max == currentId) ? 0 : currentId;
            currentId = (nextPrevCount < 1 && min == currentId) ? max + 1 : currentId;

            var data = dictionary.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Key == currentId + incrementCount);

            return data.Value;
Exemple #40
    private static DateTime GetNextTime_(byte timerType, int delayPeriod, byte delayUnit, byte runOn, DateTime runAt, byte runType, DateTime runOnDate, DateTime startDate, DateTime endDate, string runOnDay, string daysOfWeek, DateTime previousActionTime)
        DateTime date = previousActionTime;

        if (timerType == (byte)TimerType.TimeDelay)
            switch ((DateInterval)delayUnit)
            case DateInterval.Years:
                date = date.AddYears(delayPeriod);

            case DateInterval.Months:
                date = date.AddMonths(delayPeriod);

            case DateInterval.Weeks:
                date = date.AddDays(delayPeriod * 7);

            case DateInterval.Days:
                date = date.AddDays(delayPeriod);

            case DateInterval.Minutes:
                date = date.AddMinutes(delayPeriod);

            case DateInterval.Seconds:
                date = date.AddSeconds(delayPeriod);

            case DateInterval.Hours:
                date = date.AddHours(delayPeriod);

            if (runOn == (byte)RunOn.Weekday)
                date = date.AddDays(DaysToWeekday(date.DayOfWeek));
            return(RunAt(runAt, date));
        else if (timerType == (byte)TimerType.Date)
            if (runType == (byte)RunType.OnADate)
                runOnDate = RunAt(runAt, runOnDate);
                if (runOnDate < date)
                else if (runOnDate > date)
                if ((endDate < date) || (date > startDate && date < endDate) || date < startDate)
        else if (timerType == (byte)TimerType.Week)
            var runOnDays = new List <int>();

            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(daysOfWeek))
                var daysList = daysOfWeek.Split(',');
                foreach (var item in daysList)
                    var value = default(int);
                    if (int.TryParse(item, out value))

            if (runOnDays.Any(d => d == (int)date.DayOfWeek))
                IDictionary <DayOfWeek, int> days = new Dictionary <DayOfWeek, int>();
                foreach (DayOfWeek day in runOnDays)
                    int daysUntilDayOfWeek = ((int)day - (int)date.DayOfWeek + 7) % 7;
                    days.Add(day, daysUntilDayOfWeek);
                var minDays = days.Min(d => d.Value);
 private int GetMinTourForTourType(Dictionary <int, TourNode> tourDef)
     return(tourDef.Min(td => td.Value.TourId));
Exemple #42
        public static void Run()
            var lines = File.ReadAllLines(@"Day17\Input.txt");
            Dictionary <Point, SquareType> map = new Dictionary <Point, SquareType>();

            foreach (var line in lines)
                var lineResult = ParseLine(line);

                for (int x = lineResult.xFrom; x <= lineResult.xTo; x++)
                    for (int y = lineResult.yFrom; y <= lineResult.yTo; y++)
                        map[new Point(x, y)] = SquareType.Clay;

                (int xFrom, int xTo, int yFrom, int yTo) ParseLine(string lineToParse)
                    var split = lineToParse.Split(',');

                    split = split.Select(xx => xx.Trim()).OrderBy(xx => xx[0]).ToArray();
                    var x     = split[0].Trim().Split('=')[1].Trim();
                    var xFrom = int.Parse(x.Split('.').First());
                    var xTo   = int.Parse(x.Split('.').Last());
                    var y     = split[1].Trim().Split('=')[1].Trim();
                    var yFrom = int.Parse(y.Split('.').First());
                    var yTo   = int.Parse(y.Split('.').Last());

                    return(xFrom, xTo, yFrom, yTo);

            int yMax = map.Max(x => x.Key.Y);
            int yMin = map.Min(x => x.Key.Y);
            int xMax = map.Max(x => x.Key.X) + 1;
            int xMin = map.Min(x => x.Key.X) - 1;

            map[new Point(500, 1)] = SquareType.WaterFlowing;

            var pointsToProcess = GetPossiblyAffectedCells(new Point(500, 1)).ToList();

            while (true)
                var newnewFlowingPoints = new List <Point>();
                foreach (var newPOint in pointsToProcess)
                    var squareMeter = GetValue(newPOint.X, newPOint.Y);
                    if (squareMeter != SquareType.WaterFlowing)

                    var keyX = newPOint.X;
                    var keyY = newPOint.Y;
                    if (keyY == yMax)

                    var under = GetValue(keyX, keyY + 1);
                    var left  = keyX == xMin ? SquareType.Border : GetValue(keyX - 1, keyY);
                    var right = keyX == xMax ? SquareType.Border : GetValue(keyX + 1, keyY);

                    if (under == SquareType.WaterFlowing)

                    if (under == SquareType.Sand)
                        var point = new Point(keyX, keyY + 1);
                        map[point] = SquareType.WaterFlowing;
                        if (left == SquareType.Sand)
                            var point = new Point(keyX - 1, keyY);
                            map[point] = SquareType.WaterFlowing;

                        if (right == SquareType.Sand)
                            var point = new Point(keyX + 1, keyY);
                            map[point] = SquareType.WaterFlowing;

                    if (under == SquareType.Clay || under == SquareType.WaterStill)
                        int xLeftNew = keyX;
                        while (xLeftNew > xMin &&
                               GetValue(xLeftNew, keyY) == SquareType.WaterFlowing)

                        int xRightNew = keyX;
                        while (xRightNew < xMax &&
                               GetValue(xRightNew, keyY) == SquareType.WaterFlowing)

                        var ll = GetValue(xLeftNew, keyY);
                        var rr = GetValue(xRightNew, keyY);
                        if (ll == SquareType.Clay && rr == SquareType.Clay)
                            for (int j = xLeftNew + 1; j < xRightNew; j++)
                                map[new Point(j, keyY)] = SquareType.WaterStill;
                                newnewFlowingPoints.AddRange(GetPossiblyAffectedCells(new Point(j, keyY)));

                pointsToProcess = newnewFlowingPoints;
                if (pointsToProcess.Count == 0)

            SquareType GetValue(int x, int y)
                return(map.GetValueOrDefault(new Point(x, y), SquareType.Sand));

            IEnumerable <Point> GetPossiblyAffectedCells(Point affectedPoint)
                yield return(new Point(affectedPoint.X - 1, affectedPoint.Y));

                yield return(new Point(affectedPoint.X + 1, affectedPoint.Y));

                yield return(new Point(affectedPoint.X, affectedPoint.Y - 1));

                yield return(new Point(affectedPoint.X, affectedPoint.Y + 1));

                yield return(affectedPoint);

            // Draw();
            Console.WriteLine(map.Count(x => x.Key.Y >= yMin && (x.Value == SquareType.WaterStill)));

            void Draw()
                using (StreamWriter s = new StreamWriter(new FileStream("result.txt", FileMode.OpenOrCreate)))
                    for (int y = 0; y <= yMax; y++)
                        for (int x = xMin; x <= xMax; x++)
                            s.Write(map.GetValueOrDefault(new Point(x, y), SquareType.Sand).Draw());
Exemple #43
    /// <summary>Obtain volume and frequency from the referenced AudioSource.</summary>
    /// <param name="audioSource">The AudioSource to analyse.</param>
    /// <param name="filter">The pitch-frequency dictionary to use as a filter.</param>
    /// <param name="samples">The array of samples to write into.</param>
    /// <param name="spectrum">The spectrum array to write into.</param>
    /// <param name="hzValue">The frequency output.</param>
    public static void AnalyseSound(AudioSource audioSource, Dictionary <string, int> filter, out float[] samples, out float[] spectrum, out int hzValue)
        samples  = new float[ProgramManager.SAMPLE_SIZE];
        spectrum = new float[ProgramManager.SAMPLE_SIZE];

        // Obtains the audio spectrum data.
        audioSource.GetSpectrumData(spectrum, 0, FFTWindow.BlackmanHarris);
        float highestSample = 0;
        float sampleIndex   = 0;

        int lowestIndex  = (int)System.Math.Round(ProgramManager.SAMPLE_SIZE * (float)filter.Min(x => x.Value) / (float)(ProgramManager.SAMPLE_RATE * 0.5045f));
        int highestIndex = (int)System.Math.Round(ProgramManager.SAMPLE_SIZE * (float)filter.Max(x => x.Value) / (float)(ProgramManager.SAMPLE_RATE * 0.5045f));

        // Locates the highest sample in the array of spectrums.
        for (int i = lowestIndex; i <= highestIndex; i++)
            if (spectrum [i] > highestSample && spectrum [i] > ProgramManager.THRESHOLD)
                highestSample = spectrum [i];
                sampleIndex   = (float)i;

        // Convert sample index to frequency.
        hzValue = (int)(sampleIndex * (ProgramManager.SAMPLE_RATE * 0.5045f) / ProgramManager.SAMPLE_SIZE);
Exemple #44
 public static DateTime?GetLastFetchUtc()
     return(forecasts.Any() ? forecasts.Min(x => x.Value.FetchUtc) : (DateTime?)null);
Exemple #45
        static int Main(string[] args)
            Parameter parameter = new Parameter(args);

            parameter.Port.All(c => { _portScanResult.Add(c, new PortScanResult {
                    Host = parameter.Host, Port = c
                }); return(true); });
            _portScanResult.All(dic => { ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(new WaitCallback(Scan), dic); return(true); });

            Console.WriteLine($"ポートスキャンを開始します4。{_portScanResult.Min(c => c.Value.Port)}-{_portScanResult.Max(c => c.Value.Port)}");

            //WorkerThread Default 25
            //PortThread Default 1000
            ThreadPool.SetMaxThreads(100, 5000);

//			ThreadPool.

            _portScanResult.All(dic =>
                if (dic.Value.ResultMessage.IndexOf("開いています") >= 0)


#if false
            TcpClient tc = new TcpClient(AddressFamily.InterNetwork);
                if (args.Length != 2)
                    throw new SystemException("パラメータ数に間違いがあります。パラメータ1=ホスト名もしくは、IPアドレス、パラメータ2=ポート番号");

                var result = tc.BeginConnect(args[0], int.Parse(args[1]), null, null);
                var sucess = result.AsyncWaitHandle.WaitOne(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(2));

                if (sucess && tc.Connected)
            catch (SocketException ex)
            catch (Exception e)
        public Dictionary <string, double> FingUsecases(uint count = 10)
            Dictionary <string, double> ret = new Dictionary <string, double>();

            foreach (var node in ProbabilityGraph.GetAllNodes())
                double x = (double)NodesProbability[node];
                if (ret.Any())
                    double min = ret.Min(pair => pair.Value);
                    if (min < x)
                        if (ret.Count() >= count)
                            ret.Remove(ret.First(pair => Math.Abs(pair.Value - min) < 2 * Double.Epsilon).Key);
                        ret.Add(node.GetContent(), x);
                    ret.Add(node.GetContent(), x);
                foreach (var outgoingNode in ProbabilityGraph.GetOutgoingNodes(node))
                    var    tempOutgoingX = x * ProbabilityGraph.GetEdgeFreq(node, outgoingNode) * NodesProbability[outgoingNode];
                    double outgoingX     = Math.Pow(tempOutgoingX, 1.0 / 3.0);
                    if (ret.Any())
                        double min = ret.Min(pair => pair.Value);
                        if (min < outgoingX)
                            if (ret.Count() >= count)
                                ret.Remove(ret.First(pair => Math.Abs(pair.Value - min) < 2 * Double.Epsilon).Key);
                            ret.Add(node.GetContent() + "," + outgoingNode.GetContent(), outgoingX);
                        ret.Add(node.GetContent() + "," + outgoingNode.GetContent(), outgoingX);
                    foreach (var outgoingNode2 in ProbabilityGraph.GetOutgoingNodes(outgoingNode))
                        var tempOutgoingX2 = tempOutgoingX * ProbabilityGraph.GetEdgeFreq(outgoingNode, outgoingNode2) *
                        double outgoingX2 = Math.Pow(tempOutgoingX2, 1.0 / 5.0);
                        if (ret.Any())
                            double min = ret.Min(pair => pair.Value);
                            if (min < outgoingX2)
                                if (ret.Count() >= count)
                                    ret.Remove(ret.First(pair => Math.Abs(pair.Value - min) < 2 * Double.Epsilon).Key);
                                ret.Add(node.GetContent() + "," + outgoingNode.GetContent() + "," + outgoingNode2.GetContent(), outgoingX2);
                            ret.Add(node.GetContent() + "," + outgoingNode.GetContent() + "," + outgoingNode2.GetContent(), outgoingX2);
Exemple #47
        static void Main(string[] args)
            //creat rolodex
            List <IRobber> rolodex = new List <IRobber>();
            int            i       = 1;
            //the criminals
            LockSpecialist Bob = new LockSpecialist()
                Name          = "Bob",
                SkillLevel    = 35,
                PercentageCut = 35,
                Type          = "Lock Specialist",
                Index         = i++
            LockSpecialist Sally = new LockSpecialist()
                Name          = "Sally",
                SkillLevel    = 50,
                PercentageCut = 50,
                Type          = "Lock Specialist",
                Index         = i++
            Muscle Jamar = new Muscle()
                Name          = "Jamar",
                SkillLevel    = 45,
                PercentageCut = 35,
                Type          = "Muscle",
                Index         = i++
            Muscle Larry = new Muscle()
                Name          = "Larry",
                SkillLevel    = 65,
                PercentageCut = 65,
                Type          = "Muscle",
                Index         = i++
            Hacker Langston = new Hacker()
                Name          = "Langston",
                SkillLevel    = 75,
                PercentageCut = 50,
                Type          = "Hacker",
                Index         = i++
            Hacker Quinton = new Hacker()
                Name          = "Quinton",
                SkillLevel    = 45,
                PercentageCut = 40,
                Type          = "Hacker",
                Index         = i++

            //add robbers to the Rolodex

            //create your criminals
            Console.WriteLine("Create a Criminal from the options below");
            Console.WriteLine("1.Hacker (Disables alarms)");
            Console.WriteLine("2.Muscle (Disarms guards)");
            Console.WriteLine("3.Lock Specialist (cracks vault)");
            string userSelection;

            //do while to let user create some more criminals
                Console.Write("> ");
                string userChoice = Console.ReadLine();
                userSelection = userChoice;
                if (userSelection == "1")
                    Console.WriteLine("Please create your Hacker");
                    Console.Write("Enter Skill Name: ");
                    string name = Console.ReadLine();
                    Console.Write("Enter Skill Level: ");
                    int skillLevel = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
                    Console.Write("Enter % needed out of 100: ");
                    int percentageCut = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
                    rolodex.Add(new Hacker()
                        Name          = name,
                        SkillLevel    = skillLevel,
                        PercentageCut = percentageCut,
                        Type          = "Hacker",
                        Index         = i++
                if (userSelection == "2")
                    Console.Write("Please create your Muscle");
                    Console.Write("Enter Skill Name: ");
                    string name = Console.ReadLine();
                    Console.Write("Enter Skill Level: ");
                    int skillLevel = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
                    Console.Write("Enter % needed out of 100: ");
                    int percentageCut = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
                    rolodex.Add(new Muscle()
                        Name          = name,
                        SkillLevel    = skillLevel,
                        PercentageCut = percentageCut,
                        Type          = "Muscle",
                        Index         = i++
                if (userSelection == "3")
                    Console.Write("Please create your Lock Specialist");
                    Console.Write("Enter Skill Name: ");
                    string name = Console.ReadLine();
                    Console.Write("Enter Skill Level: ");
                    int skillLevel = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
                    Console.Write("Enter % needed out of 100: ");
                    int percentageCut = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
                    rolodex.Add(new LockSpecialist()
                        Name          = name,
                        SkillLevel    = skillLevel,
                        PercentageCut = percentageCut,
                        Type          = "Lock Specialist",
                        Index         = i++
            }while (userSelection != "");

            // create a bank with ints set to random
            Random rnd    = new Random();
            Bank   UsBank = new Bank()
                CashOnHand         = rnd.Next(50_000, 1_000_001),
                AlarmScore         = rnd.Next(0, 101),
                VaultScore         = rnd.Next(0, 101),
                SecurityGuardScore = rnd.Next(0, 101)
            // store and set bank
            Dictionary <string, int> banks = new Dictionary <string, int>();

            banks.Add("Guards", UsBank.SecurityGuardScore);
            banks.Add("Vault", UsBank.VaultScore);
            banks.Add("Alarm", UsBank.AlarmScore);
            var MostSecure = banks.Max(max => max.Key);
            var vH         = banks.Max(max => max.Value);

            Console.WriteLine($"Most Secure: {MostSecure} score of {vH}");
            var LeastSecure = banks.Min(min => min.Key);
            var vL          = banks.Max(max => max.Value);

            Console.WriteLine($"Least Secure: {LeastSecure} score of {vL}");

            // print out rolodex
            foreach (var robber in rolodex)
                Console.WriteLine($"Name: {robber.Name}");
                Console.WriteLine($"Type: {robber.Type}");
                Console.WriteLine($"Skill Level: {robber.SkillLevel}");
                Console.WriteLine($"% due: {robber.PercentageCut}");
                Console.WriteLine($"Crew Member #: {robber.Index}");
            //number of criminals
            Console.WriteLine($"# of Criminals: {rolodex.Count}");

            //list to hold crew
            List <IRobber> crew = new List <IRobber>();

            Console.WriteLine("Enter the Crew Member #'s to add to your heist team");
            Console.WriteLine("Select at least 1 member from each group(hacker,muscle,lock specialist)");
            int userCrewInput;

                int userChoice = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
                userCrewInput = userChoice;
                foreach (IRobber Member in rolodex)
                    if (userCrewInput == Member.Index)
                        Console.WriteLine("Add another Crew Member enter 0 when finished adding");
                    // Console.WriteLine("Thats not a number try again dummy!");
            } while (userCrewInput != 0);
            foreach (var teamMate in crew)
                Console.WriteLine($"Crew Member: {teamMate.Name}");
                Console.WriteLine($"Crew Member Speciality: {teamMate.Type}");

            foreach (IRobber theif in crew)
            if (UsBank.IsSecure)
                Console.WriteLine("The heist failed!");
                Console.WriteLine("WE'RE RICH ####!");
Exemple #48
        /// <summary>
        /// The actual scheduling procedure
        /// </summary>
        private void Runner()
            var scheduled = new Dictionary <long, DateTime>();

            while (!m_terminate)
                //TODO: As this is executed repeatedly we should cache it
                // to avoid frequent db lookups

                //Determine schedule list
                var lst = Program.DataConnection.Schedules;
                foreach (var sc in lst)
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sc.Repeat))
                        DateTime start;
                        DateTime last = new DateTime(0, DateTimeKind.Utc);
                        if (!scheduled.TryGetValue(sc.ID, out start))
                            start = new DateTime(sc.Time.Ticks, DateTimeKind.Utc);
                            last  = sc.LastRun;

                            start = GetNextValidTime(start, last, sc.Repeat, sc.AllowedDays);
                        catch (Exception ex)
                            Program.DataConnection.LogError(sc.ID.ToString(), "Scheduler failed to find next date", ex);

                        //If time is exceeded, run it now
                        if (start <= DateTime.UtcNow)
                            var jobsToRun = new List <Server.Runner.IRunnerData>();
                            //TODO: Cache this to avoid frequent lookups
                            foreach (var id in Program.DataConnection.GetBackupIDsForTags(sc.Tags).Distinct().Select(x => x.ToString()))
                                //See if it is already queued
                                var tmplst = from n in m_worker.CurrentTasks
                                             where n.Operation == Duplicati.Server.Serialization.DuplicatiOperation.Backup
                                             select n.Backup;
                                var tastTemp = m_worker.CurrentTask;
                                if (tastTemp != null && tastTemp.Operation == Duplicati.Server.Serialization.DuplicatiOperation.Backup)
                                    tmplst.Union(new [] { tastTemp.Backup });

                                //If it is not already in queue, put it there
                                if (!tmplst.Any(x => x.ID == id))
                                    var entry = Program.DataConnection.GetBackup(id);
                                    if (entry != null)
                                        jobsToRun.Add(Server.Runner.CreateTask(Duplicati.Server.Serialization.DuplicatiOperation.Backup, entry));

                            //Caluclate next time, by adding the interval to the start until we have
                            // passed the current date and time
                            //TODO: Make this more efficient
                            int i = 50000;
                            while (start <= DateTime.UtcNow && i-- > 0)
                                    start = GetNextValidTime(start, start.AddSeconds(1), sc.Repeat, sc.AllowedDays);
                                catch (Exception ex)
                                    Program.DataConnection.LogError(sc.ID.ToString(), "Scheduler failed to find next date", ex);

                            Server.Runner.IRunnerData lastJob = jobsToRun.LastOrDefault();
                            if (lastJob != null && lastJob != null)
                                lock (m_lock)
                                    m_updateTasks[lastJob] = new Tuple <ISchedule, DateTime, DateTime>(sc, start, DateTime.UtcNow);

                            foreach (var job in jobsToRun)

                            if (start < DateTime.UtcNow)
                                //TODO: Report this somehow

                        scheduled[sc.ID] = start;

                var existing = lst.ToDictionary(x => x.ID);
                //Sort them, lock as we assign the m_schedule variable
                lock (m_lock)
                    m_schedule = (from n in scheduled
                                  where existing.ContainsKey(n.Key)
                                  orderby n.Value
                                  select new KeyValuePair <DateTime, ISchedule>(n.Value, existing[n.Key])).ToArray();

                // Remove unused entries
                foreach (var c in (from n in scheduled where !existing.ContainsKey(n.Key) select n.Key).ToArray())

                //Raise event if needed
                if (NewSchedule != null)
                    NewSchedule(this, null);

                int waittime = 0;

                //Figure out a sensible amount of time to sleep the thread
                if (scheduled.Count > 0)
                    //When is the next run scheduled?
                    TimeSpan nextrun = scheduled.Min((x) => x.Value) - DateTime.UtcNow;
                    if (nextrun.TotalMilliseconds < 0)

                    //Don't sleep for more than 5 minutes
                    waittime = (int)Math.Min(nextrun.TotalMilliseconds, 60 * 1000 * 5);
                    //No tasks, check back later
                    waittime = 60 * 1000;

                //Waiting on the event, enables a wakeup call from termination
                // never use waittime = 0
                m_event.WaitOne(Math.Max(100, waittime), false);
Exemple #49
        private void PictureBox_MouseUp(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
            _isMouseDown = false;

            for (int i = 0; i < _bitMap.Width; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < _bitMap.Height; j++)
                    var color = _bitMap.GetPixel(i, j);
                    if (color.A == 255 && color.R == 0 && color.G == 0 && color.B == 0)
                        _pixels.Add(new Point(i, j), color);

            if (_pixels.Count == 0)
            var leftTop     = new Point(_pixels.Min(p => p.Key.X), _pixels.Min(p => p.Key.Y));
            var rightBottom = new Point(_pixels.Max(p => p.Key.X), _pixels.Max(p => p.Key.Y));

            var boundBitmap = new Bitmap(rightBottom.X - leftTop.X + 1, rightBottom.Y - leftTop.Y + 1);

            foreach (var pixel in _pixels)
                boundBitmap.SetPixel(pixel.Key.X - leftTop.X, pixel.Key.Y - leftTop.Y, pixel.Value);

            var stretchX = boundBitmap.Width / (float)pictureBox.Width;
            var stretchY = boundBitmap.Height / (float)pictureBox.Height;

            var stretchedBitmap = new Bitmap(100, 100);

            for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < 100; j++)
                    var color = boundBitmap.GetPixel((int)(i * stretchX), (int)(j * stretchY));
                    stretchedBitmap.SetPixel(i, j, color);

            var cellValues = new int[_rowCellsCount * _rowCellsCount];

            for (int i = 0; i < stretchedBitmap.Width; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < stretchedBitmap.Height; j++)
                    var color = stretchedBitmap.GetPixel(i, j);
                    if (color.A == 255 && color.R == 0 && color.G == 0 && color.B == 0)
                        cellValues[(i / _splitValue) * _rowCellsCount + j / _splitValue]++;

            for (int i = 0; i < _rowCellsCount * _rowCellsCount; i++)
                if (cellValues[i] > 5)
                    _cells[i] = 1;
        public void demoDict1()
            //Add Elements to dictionary
            dictObj1.Add(1, "prathmesh");
            dictObj1.Add(2, "rahul");
            dictObj1.Add(3, "aayan");

            //find key value pair at location
            KeyValuePair <int, string> pair = dictObj1.ElementAt(1);

            Console.WriteLine(pair.Key + "***" + pair.Value);

            //find key value pair at first position
            KeyValuePair <int, string> pair2 = dictObj1.First();

            Console.WriteLine(pair2.Key + "***" + pair2.Value);

            //find key value pair at first position
            KeyValuePair <int, string> pair3 = dictObj1.Last();

            Console.WriteLine(pair3.Key + "***" + pair3.Value);

            //Find if key is present in dictionary
            if (dictObj1.ContainsKey(3))
                Console.WriteLine("Key present");
                Console.WriteLine("Key Not present");

            //Find if value present in dictionary
            if (dictObj1.ContainsValue("aayan"))
                Console.WriteLine("Value Present");
                Console.WriteLine("Value Not Present");

            //loop through dictionary as key value pairs
            foreach (var item in dictObj1)
                Console.WriteLine(item.Key + " " + item.Value);

            //number of elements in dict
            Console.WriteLine("No of elements::" + dictObj1.Count);

            //Remove with key

            // order by keys in ascending order
            //dictObj1 = dictObj1.OrderBy(x=> x).ToDictionary((keyItem) => keyItem.Key, (valueItem) => valueItem.Value);

            //order by keys in desc order
            //dictObj1 = dictObj1.OrderByDescending(x => x).ToDictionary((keyItem) => keyItem.Key, (valueItem) => valueItem.Value);

            //return maximum value in key
            Console.WriteLine(dictObj1.Max(x => x.Key));

            //return minimum value in value
            Console.WriteLine(dictObj1.Min(x => x.Value));

            //convet dictionary to list
            List <KeyValuePair <int, string> > myList = dictObj1.ToList();
Exemple #51
        private static Row[] RemoveExtents(int testStage, Row rowmask, Row[] rows, out bool distinct)
            testStage = 5;
            int position     = 5;
            int extentLength = (int)Stage.GetFactorial(testStage);
            var rowGrps      = rows.GroupBy(x => x[position]).OrderBy(y => y.Key);
            var newRows      = new List <Row>();

            foreach (var grp in rowGrps)
                if (grp.Count() >= extentLength)
                    var    ptable     = new Dictionary <int, int>();
                    byte[] fixedbells = grp.First().ToArray();
                    foreach (var row in grp)
                        var hash = row.GetHashCode();
                        if (!ptable.TryAdd(hash, 1))
                        // Determine fixed bells
                        for (int i = 0; i < rows[0].Stage; i++)
                            if (row[i] != fixedbells[i])
                                fixedbells[i] = 255;
                    // How many extents in the group
                    int numExtents = ptable.Count < extentLength ? 0 : ptable.Min(x => x.Value);
                    if (numExtents > 0)
                        // Use dictionary to control removal of the right number of rows
                        ptable = ptable.ToDictionary(p => p.Key, p => numExtents);
                        // Remove extents
                        foreach (var row in grp)
                            var hash = row.GetHashCode();
                            if (ptable[hash] > 0)
                    Console.WriteLine($"Contains {numExtents} {Stage.GetName(testStage)} {Pluralise("extent", numExtents)} with {new Row(fixedbells)} as fixed bell(s).");

            // Check whether remaining rows are distinct
            distinct = true;
            var pt = new HashSet <int>();

            foreach (var row in newRows)
                var hash = row.GetHashCode();
                if (!pt.Add(hash))
                    distinct = false;
            if (distinct)
                Console.WriteLine($"The remaining {newRows.Count} {Stage.GetName(testStage)} rows are distinct.");

        async Task DownloadLeafAsync(
            ICursor cursor,
            Dictionary <DateTimeOffset, int> commitTimestampCount,
            BaseCatalogItem leafItem)
            _logger.LogInformation("Downloading catalog leaf: {Url}", leafItem.Url);
            await DownloadAndParseAsync <JObject>(leafItem.Url);

            lock (commitTimestampCount)
                var newCount = --commitTimestampCount[leafItem.CommitTimestamp];
                if (newCount == 0)

                    // Only write the timestamp if it's the last item in the commit and
                    // it's the lowest commit timestamp of all pending leaves.
                    if (commitTimestampCount.Count == 0 || leafItem.CommitTimestamp < commitTimestampCount.Min(x => x.Key))
            private void UpdatePixelMapping(Dictionary<int, Utility.PixelMap[]> input)
                for (int i = 0; i < this.pixelMapping.Length; i++)
                    this.pixelMapping[i] = -1;

                if (!input.Any())

                int minUniverse = input.Min(x => x.Key);
                int maxUniverse = input.Max(x => x.Key);

                for (int universe = minUniverse; universe <= maxUniverse; universe++)
                    Utility.PixelMap[] mapping;
                    if (!input.TryGetValue(universe, out mapping))

                    for (int i = 0; i < mapping.Length; i++)
                        Utility.PixelMap map = mapping[i];

                        int rgbOffset = -1;
                        switch (map.ColorComponent)
                            case Utility.ColorComponent.R:
                                rgbOffset = 2;

                            case Utility.ColorComponent.G:
                                rgbOffset = 1;

                            case Utility.ColorComponent.B:
                                rgbOffset = 0;
                        if (rgbOffset == -1)

                        int sourcePos = map.Y * this.stride + map.X * 3 + rgbOffset;
                        if (sourcePos >= 0 && sourcePos <= this.pixelMapping.Length)
                            this.pixelMapping[sourcePos] = i + (universe - minUniverse) * 510;