Exemple #1
        public void AddOrIgnoreTest()
            var dic = new Dictionary <string, string>();

            dic.AddOrIgnore("test", "test");
            Assert.AreEqual("test", dic["test"]);
            dic.AddOrIgnore("test", "Jonas");
            Assert.AreEqual("test", dic["test"]);
            Assert.AreNotEqual("Jonas", dic["test"]);
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates the entity value lookups.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="metricID">The metric identifier.</param>
        private void CreateEntityValueLookups(int?metricID)
            Metric metric = new MetricService(new RockContext()).Get(metricID ?? 0);

            if (metric != null)
                var rockContext = new RockContext();
                _entityTypeEntityNameLookup = new Dictionary <int, Dictionary <int, string> >();
                _entityTypeEntityLookupQry  = new Dictionary <int, IQueryable <IEntity> >();

                foreach (var metricPartition in metric.MetricPartitions.Where(a => a.EntityTypeId.HasValue))
                    var entityTypeCache = EntityTypeCache.Get(metricPartition.EntityTypeId ?? 0);

                    _entityTypeEntityNameLookup.AddOrIgnore(entityTypeCache.Id, new Dictionary <int, string>());
                    _entityTypeEntityLookupQry.AddOrIgnore(entityTypeCache.Id, null);
                    if (entityTypeCache != null)
                        if (entityTypeCache.GetEntityType() == typeof(Rock.Model.Group))
                            _entityTypeEntityLookupQry[entityTypeCache.Id] = new GroupService(rockContext).Queryable();
                            Type[]     modelType          = { entityTypeCache.GetEntityType() };
                            Type       genericServiceType = typeof(Rock.Data.Service <>);
                            Type       modelServiceType   = genericServiceType.MakeGenericType(modelType);
                            var        serviceInstance    = Activator.CreateInstance(modelServiceType, new object[] { rockContext }) as IService;
                            MethodInfo qryMethod          = serviceInstance.GetType().GetMethod("Queryable", new Type[] { });
                            _entityTypeEntityLookupQry[entityTypeCache.Id] = qryMethod.Invoke(serviceInstance, new object[] { }) as IQueryable <IEntity>;
Exemple #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the device group types.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="deviceId">The device identifier.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private List <GroupType> GetDeviceGroupTypes(int deviceId, RockContext rockContext)
            var groupTypes = new Dictionary <int, GroupType>();

            var locationService = new LocationService(rockContext);

            // Get all locations (and their children) associated with device
            var locationIds = locationService
                              .GetByDevice(deviceId, true)
                              .Select(l => l.Id)

            // Requery using EF
            foreach (var groupType in locationService
                     .Where(l => locationIds.Contains(l.Id))
                     .SelectMany(l => l.GroupLocations)
                     .Where(gl => gl.Group.GroupType.TakesAttendance)
                     .Select(gl => gl.Group.GroupType)
                groupTypes.AddOrIgnore(groupType.Id, groupType);

                   .Select(g => g.Value)
                   .OrderBy(g => g.Order)
        /// <summary>
        /// Handles the ApplyFilterClick event of the gfMetricValues control.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender">The source of the event.</param>
        /// <param name="e">The <see cref="EventArgs"/> instance containing the event data.</param>
        protected void gfMetricValues_ApplyFilterClick(object sender, EventArgs e)
            gfMetricValues.SaveUserPreference("Date Range", drpDates.DelimitedValues);
            gfMetricValues.SaveUserPreference("Goal/Measure", ddlGoalMeasure.SelectedValue);

            var metric = new MetricService(new RockContext()).Get(hfMetricId.Value.AsInteger());

            var entityTypeEntityFilters = new Dictionary <int, int?>();

            foreach (var metricPartition in metric.MetricPartitions)
                var     metricPartitionEntityType = EntityTypeCache.Get(metricPartition.EntityTypeId ?? 0);
                var     controlId             = string.Format("metricPartition{0}_entityTypeEditControl", metricPartition.Id);
                Control entityTypeEditControl = phMetricValuePartitions.FindControl(controlId);


                if (metricPartitionEntityType != null && metricPartitionEntityType.SingleValueFieldType != null && metricPartitionEntityType.SingleValueFieldType.Field is IEntityFieldType)
                    entityId = (metricPartitionEntityType.SingleValueFieldType.Field as IEntityFieldType).GetEditValueAsEntityId(entityTypeEditControl, new Dictionary <string, ConfigurationValue>());

                    entityTypeEntityFilters.AddOrIgnore(metricPartitionEntityType.Id, entityId);

            var entityTypeEntityUserPreferenceValue = entityTypeEntityFilters
                                                      .Select(a => new { EntityTypeId = a.Key, EntityId = a.Value })
                                                      .Select(a => string.Format("{0}|{1}", a.EntityTypeId, a.EntityId))

            gfMetricValues.SaveUserPreference(this.EntityTypeEntityPreferenceKey, entityTypeEntityUserPreferenceValue);

Exemple #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the categorized actions.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private Dictionary <string, List <EntityTypeCache> > GetCategorizedActions()
            var categorizedActions = new Dictionary <string, List <EntityTypeCache> >();

            foreach (var action in ActionContainer.Instance.Dictionary.Select(d => d.Value.Value))
                string categoryName = "Uncategorized";

                var actionType = action.GetType();
                var obj        = actionType.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(ActionCategoryAttribute), true).FirstOrDefault();
                if (obj != null)
                    var actionCategory = obj as ActionCategoryAttribute;
                    if (actionCategory != null)
                        categoryName = actionCategory.CategoryName;

                // "HideFromUser" is a special category name that is used to hide
                // workflow actions from showing up to the user. System user only.
                if (!categoryName.Equals("HideFromUser", System.StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                    categorizedActions.AddOrIgnore(categoryName, new List <EntityTypeCache>());

Exemple #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Run any custom startup methods
        /// </summary>
        public void RunStartups()
                var startups = new Dictionary <int, List <IRockStartup> >();
                foreach (var startupType in Rock.Reflection.FindTypes(typeof(IRockStartup)).Select(a => a.Value).ToList())
                    var startup = Activator.CreateInstance(startupType) as IRockStartup;
                    startups.AddOrIgnore(startup.StartupOrder, new List <IRockStartup>());

                foreach (var startupList in startups.OrderBy(s => s.Key).Select(s => s.Value))
                    foreach (var startup in startupList)
            catch (Exception ex)
                ExceptionLogService.LogException(ex, null);
Exemple #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the custom block renderers registered in the system.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>A dictionary of <see cref="IStructuredContentBlockRenderer"/> instances.</returns>
        public virtual IReadOnlyDictionary <string, IStructuredContentBlockRenderer> GetCustomRenderers()
            if (_customRenderers == null)
                var blockRendererTypes = Reflection.FindTypes(typeof(IStructuredContentBlockRenderer))
                                         .Where(a => a.Value.Assembly != typeof(BlockTypes.ParagraphRenderer).Assembly)
                                         .Where(t => t.Value.GetCustomAttribute <StructuredContentBlockAttribute>() != null)
                                         .Select(a => a.Value);

                var blockRenderers = new Dictionary <string, IStructuredContentBlockRenderer>();

                foreach (var type in blockRendererTypes)
                        var renderer = ( IStructuredContentBlockRenderer )Activator.CreateInstance(type);

                        blockRenderers.AddOrIgnore(type.GetCustomAttribute <StructuredContentBlockAttribute>().BlockType, renderer);
                        /* Exception intentionally ignored. */

                _customRenderers = blockRenderers;

Exemple #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Handles the DataBinding event of the lOutputText control.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender">The source of the event.</param>
        /// <param name="e">The <see cref="EventArgs"/> instance containing the event data.</param>
        private void lOutputText_DataBinding(object sender, EventArgs e)
            Literal     lOutputText = sender as Literal;
            GridViewRow gridViewRow = lOutputText.NamingContainer as GridViewRow;

            if (gridViewRow.DataItem != null)
                Dictionary <string, object> mergeValues = new Dictionary <string, object>();

                if (LavaField.ConvertToItemDictionary)
                    // in the case of a Report, the MergeKeys are determined by the ColumnHeader, so add those as merge fields instead the Row object
                    foreach (var keyValue in this.ToGridItemsDictionary(gridViewRow, gridViewRow.DataItem))
                        mergeValues.AddOrIgnore(keyValue.Key, keyValue.Value);
                    mergeValues.Add("Row", gridViewRow.DataItem);

                lOutputText.Text = this.LavaField.LavaTemplate.ResolveMergeFields(mergeValues);

                // Resolve any dynamic url references
                string appRoot   = (( RockPage )lOutputText.Page).ResolveRockUrl("~/");
                string themeRoot = (( RockPage )lOutputText.Page).ResolveRockUrl("~~/");
                lOutputText.Text = lOutputText.Text.Replace("~~/", themeRoot).Replace("~/", appRoot);
Exemple #9
        /// <summary>
        /// Configurations the specified application.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="app">The application.</param>
        public void Configuration(IAppBuilder app)
            ReactSiteConfiguration.Configuration = new ReactSiteConfiguration()

            // Find any plugins that implement IRockOwinStartup
                var startups = new Dictionary <int, List <IRockOwinStartup> >();
                foreach (var startupType in Rock.Reflection.FindTypes(typeof(IRockOwinStartup)).Select(a => a.Value).ToList())
                    var startup = Activator.CreateInstance(startupType) as IRockOwinStartup;
                    startups.AddOrIgnore(startup.StartupOrder, new List <IRockOwinStartup>());

                foreach (var startupList in startups.OrderBy(s => s.Key).Select(s => s.Value))
                    foreach (var startup in startupList)
            catch (Exception ex)
                ExceptionLogService.LogException(ex, null);
Exemple #10
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets schedules associated with the group to be displayed in the filter selections.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private Dictionary <int, string> Getschedules(Dictionary <int, string> locations)
            var schedules = new Dictionary <int, string>();

            int?groupId = PageParameter(PageParameterKey.GroupId).AsIntegerOrNull();

            if (groupId != null)
                using (var rockContext = new RockContext())
                    var groupLocations = new GroupLocationService(rockContext).Queryable()
                                         .Where(l => l.GroupId == groupId)

                    groupLocations.SelectMany(l => l.Schedules).OrderBy(s => s.Name).ToList()
                    .ForEach(s => schedules.AddOrIgnore(s.Id, s.Name));
                    if (schedules.Any())
                        ddlSchedule.Visible    = true;
                        ddlSchedule.DataSource = schedules;
                        ddlSchedule.Visible = false;

Exemple #11
        protected string FormatRating(int ratings)
            var mergeValues = new Dictionary <string, object>();

            mergeValues.AddOrIgnore("Rating", ratings);
            return("{{ Rating | RatingMarkup }}".ResolveMergeFields(mergeValues));
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the categorized actions.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private Dictionary <string, List <EntityTypeCache> > GetCategorizedActions()
            var categorizedActions = new Dictionary <string, List <EntityTypeCache> >();

            foreach (var action in ActionContainer.Instance.Dictionary.Select(d => d.Value.Value))
                string categoryName = "Uncategorized";

                var actionType = action.GetType();
                var obj        = actionType.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(ActionCategoryAttribute), true).FirstOrDefault();
                if (obj != null)
                    var actionCategory = obj as ActionCategoryAttribute;
                    if (actionCategory != null)
                        categoryName = actionCategory.CategoryName;

                categorizedActions.AddOrIgnore(categoryName, new List <EntityTypeCache>());

Exemple #13
        /// <summary>
        /// Handles the Click event of the btnAddCampaignRequests control.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender">The source of the event.</param>
        /// <param name="e">The <see cref="EventArgs"/> instance containing the event data.</param>
        protected void btnAddCampaignRequests_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            var campaignConnectionItems = Rock.Web.SystemSettings.GetValue(CampaignConnectionKey.CAMPAIGN_CONNECTION_CONFIGURATION).FromJsonOrNull <List <CampaignItem> >() ?? new List <CampaignItem>();

            campaignConnectionItems = campaignConnectionItems.Where(c => c.IsActive).OrderBy(a => a.Name).ToList();
            var rockContext = new RockContext();

            // limit to campaigns that the current person is a connector in
            campaignConnectionItems = campaignConnectionItems.Where(a => CampaignConnectionHelper.GetConnectorCampusIds(a, CurrentPerson).Any()).ToList();


            var campaignConnectionItemsPendingCount = new Dictionary <CampaignItem, int>();

            foreach (var campaignConnectionItem in campaignConnectionItems)
                int pendingCount = CampaignConnectionHelper.GetPendingConnectionCount(campaignConnectionItem, CurrentPerson);
                campaignConnectionItemsPendingCount.AddOrIgnore(campaignConnectionItem, pendingCount);
                var listItem = new ListItem();
                listItem.Text  = string.Format("{0} ({1} pending connections)", campaignConnectionItem.Name, pendingCount);
                listItem.Value = campaignConnectionItem.Guid.ToString();

            nbAddConnectionRequestsMessage.Visible = false;
            nbNumberOfRequests.Visible             = true;

            if (campaignConnectionItems.Count() == 0)
                nbAddConnectionRequestsMessage.Text = "There are no campaigns available for you to request connections for.";
                nbAddConnectionRequestsMessage.NotificationBoxType = Rock.Web.UI.Controls.NotificationBoxType.Warning;
                nbAddConnectionRequestsMessage.Visible             = true;
                ddlCampaignConnectionItemsMultiple.Visible         = false;
                lCampaignConnectionItemSingle.Visible = false;
                nbNumberOfRequests.Visible            = false;
            else if (campaignConnectionItems.Count() == 1)
                var campaignConnectionItem = campaignConnectionItems[0];
                lCampaignConnectionItemSingle.Visible = true;
                int pendingCount = campaignConnectionItemsPendingCount.GetValueOrNull(campaignConnectionItem) ?? 0;
                lCampaignConnectionItemSingle.Text = string.Format("{0} ({1} pending connections)", campaignConnectionItem.Name, pendingCount);

                ddlCampaignConnectionItemsMultiple.Visible = false;
                lCampaignConnectionItemSingle.Visible      = false;
                ddlCampaignConnectionItemsMultiple.Visible = true;

            if (campaignConnectionItems.Count > 0)
                var firstCampaignConnectionItem = campaignConnectionItems.First();
                SetDefaultNumberOfRequests(firstCampaignConnectionItem.Guid, campaignConnectionItemsPendingCount.GetValueOrNull(firstCampaignConnectionItem) ?? 0);

Exemple #14
        /// <summary>
        /// Posts to gateway.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="financialGateway">The financial gateway.</param>
        /// <param name="data">The data.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        /// <exception cref="System.Exception"></exception>
        private Dictionary <string, string> PostToGateway(FinancialGateway financialGateway, XDocument data)
            var restClient  = new RestClient(GetAttributeValue(financialGateway, "APIUrl"));
            var restRequest = new RestRequest(Method.POST);

            restRequest.RequestFormat = DataFormat.Xml;
            restRequest.AddParameter("text/xml", data.ToString(), ParameterType.RequestBody);

                var response   = restClient.Execute(restRequest);
                var xdocResult = GetXmlResponse(response);
                if (xdocResult != null)
                    // Convert XML result to a dictionary
                    var result = new Dictionary <string, string>();
                    foreach (XElement element in xdocResult.Root.Elements())
                        if (element.HasElements)
                            string prefix = element.Name.LocalName;
                            foreach (XElement childElement in element.Elements())
                                result.AddOrIgnore(prefix + "_" + childElement.Name.LocalName, childElement.Value.Trim());
                            result.AddOrIgnore(element.Name.LocalName, element.Value.Trim());
            catch (WebException webException)
                string message = GetResponseMessage(webException.Response.GetResponseStream());
                throw new Exception(webException.Message + " - " + message);
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw ex;

Exemple #15
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the values.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="configurationValues">The configuration values.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static Dictionary<string, string> GetConfiguredValues( Dictionary<string, ConfigurationValue> configurationValues )
            var items = new Dictionary<string, string>();

            if ( configurationValues.ContainsKey( "values" ) )
                string listSource = configurationValues["values"].Value;

                var options = new Lava.CommonMergeFieldsOptions();
                options.GetLegacyGlobalMergeFields = false;
                var mergeFields = Rock.Lava.LavaHelper.GetCommonMergeFields( null, null, options );

                listSource = listSource.ResolveMergeFields( mergeFields );

                if ( listSource.ToUpper().Contains( "SELECT" ) && listSource.ToUpper().Contains( "FROM" ) )
                    var tableValues = new List<string>();
                    DataTable dataTable = Rock.Data.DbService.GetDataTable( listSource, CommandType.Text, null );
                    if ( dataTable != null && dataTable.Columns.Contains( "Value" ) && dataTable.Columns.Contains( "Text" ) )
                        foreach ( DataRow row in dataTable.Rows )
                            items.AddOrIgnore( row["value"].ToString(), row["text"].ToString() );

                    foreach ( string keyvalue in listSource.Split( new char[] { ',' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries ) )
                        var keyValueArray = keyvalue.Split( new char[] { '^' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries );
                        if ( keyValueArray.Length > 0 )
                            items.AddOrIgnore( keyValueArray[0].Trim(), keyValueArray.Length > 1 ? keyValueArray[1].Trim() : keyValueArray[0].Trim() );

            return items;
Exemple #16
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the values.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="configurationValues">The configuration values.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static Dictionary <string, string> GetConfiguredValues(Dictionary <string, ConfigurationValue> configurationValues)
            var items = new Dictionary <string, string>();

            if (configurationValues.ContainsKey("values"))
                string listSource = configurationValues["values"].Value;

                var options = new Lava.CommonMergeFieldsOptions();
                options.GetLegacyGlobalMergeFields = false;
                var mergeFields = Rock.Lava.LavaHelper.GetCommonMergeFields(null, null, options);

                listSource = listSource.ResolveMergeFields(mergeFields);

                if (listSource.ToUpper().Contains("SELECT") && listSource.ToUpper().Contains("FROM"))
                    var       tableValues = new List <string>();
                    DataTable dataTable   = Rock.Data.DbService.GetDataTable(listSource, CommandType.Text, null);
                    if (dataTable != null && dataTable.Columns.Contains("Value") && dataTable.Columns.Contains("Text"))
                        foreach (DataRow row in dataTable.Rows)
                            items.AddOrIgnore(row["value"].ToString(), row["text"].ToString());

                    foreach (string keyvalue in listSource.Split(new char[] { ',' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries))
                        var keyValueArray = keyvalue.Split(new char[] { '^' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                        if (keyValueArray.Length > 0)
                            items.AddOrIgnore(keyValueArray[0].Trim(), keyValueArray.Length > 1 ? keyValueArray[1].Trim() : keyValueArray[0].Trim());

        public void AddOrIgnoreTestIgnore()
            IDictionary <string, string> dic = new Dictionary <string, string>
                { "key1", "item1" }, { "key2", "item2" }, { "key3", "item3" }, { "key4", "item4" }

            dic.AddOrIgnore("key3", "item5");
            Assert.Equal("item3", dic["key3"]);
            Assert.Equal(4, dic.Count);
        protected void btnNext_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (Page.IsValid)
                if (CurrentPageIndex == 0)
                    string locationKey = GetLocationKey();
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(locationKey) && !_verifiedLocations.ContainsKey(locationKey))
                        using (var rockContext = new RockContext())
                            var location = new LocationService(rockContext).Get(acAddress.Street1, acAddress.Street2, acAddress.City, acAddress.State, acAddress.PostalCode, acAddress.Country);
                            _verifiedLocations.AddOrIgnore(locationKey, (location != null ? location.Id : (int?)null));

                if (CurrentPageIndex < (attributeControls.Count + 1))
                    if (FamilyMembers.Any())
                        if (CurrentPageIndex == (attributeControls.Count + 1) && FindDuplicates())
                            var rockContext = new RockContext();
                            rockContext.WrapTransaction(() =>
                                var familyGroup = GroupService.SaveNewFamily(rockContext, FamilyMembers, cpCampus.SelectedValueAsInt(), true);
                                if (familyGroup != null)
                                    string locationKey = GetLocationKey();
                                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(locationKey) && _verifiedLocations.ContainsKey(locationKey))
                                        GroupService.AddNewFamilyAddress(rockContext, familyGroup, GetAttributeValue("LocationType"), _verifiedLocations[locationKey]);

                            Response.Redirect(string.Format("~/Person/{0}", FamilyMembers[0].Person.Id), false);
        public Dictionary <string, string> GetParsedFeeOptionsWithNameAndValueString(int registrationTemplateFeeId)
            RegistrationTemplateFee registrationTemplateFee = this.Get(registrationTemplateFeeId);

            var options = new Dictionary <string, string>();

            string[] nameValues = registrationTemplateFee.CostValue.Split(new char[] { '|' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
            foreach (string nameValue in nameValues)
                string[] nameAndValue = nameValue.Split(new char[] { '^' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                if (nameAndValue.Length == 1)
                    options.AddOrIgnore(nameAndValue[0], nameAndValue[0]);
                else if (nameAndValue.Length == 2)
                    options.AddOrIgnore(nameAndValue[0], string.Format("{0} ({1})", nameAndValue[0], nameAndValue[1].AsDecimal().FormatAsCurrency()));

Exemple #20
        private void LoadCategories()
            var entityCategories = new List <MCategory>();

            var categoryIcons      = new Dictionary <string, string>();
            var categoryIconValues = GetAttributeValue("CategoryIcons");

            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(categoryIconValues))
                categoryIconValues = categoryIconValues.TrimEnd('|');
                foreach (var keyVal in categoryIconValues.Split('|')
                         .Select(s => s.Split('^'))
                         .Where(s => s.Length == 2))
                    categoryIcons.AddOrIgnore(keyVal[0], keyVal[1]);

            foreach (var entity in EntityTypeCache.All().Where(t => t.IsEntity))
                var type = entity.GetEntityType();
                if (type != null && type.InheritsOrImplements(typeof(Rock.Data.Entity <>)))
                    string category   = "Other";
                    var    domainAttr = type.GetCustomAttribute <RockDomainAttribute>(false);
                    if (domainAttr != null && domainAttr.Name.IsNotNullOrWhitespace())
                        category = domainAttr.Name;

                    var entityCategory = entityCategories
                                         .Where(c => c.Name == category)
                    if (entityCategory == null)
                        entityCategory = new MCategory {
                            Guid = Guid.NewGuid(), Name = category, RockEntities = new List <MEntity>()
                        entityCategory.IconCssClass = categoryIcons.ContainsKey(category) ? categoryIcons[category] : string.Empty;
                    entityCategory.RockEntities.Add(new MEntity {
                        Id = entity.Id, AssemblyName = entity.AssemblyName, FriendlyName = entity.FriendlyName

            EntityCategories = new List <MCategory>(entityCategories.Where(c => c.Name != "Other").OrderBy(c => c.Name));
            EntityCategories.AddRange(entityCategories.Where(c => c.Name == "Other"));
Exemple #21
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the options that should be available for additional registrants to specify the family they belong to
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="template">The template.</param>
        /// <param name="currentRegistrantIndex">Index of the current registrant.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public Dictionary <Guid, string> GetFamilyOptions(RegistrationTemplate template, int currentRegistrantIndex)
            // Return a dictionary of family group guid, and the formated name (i.e. "Ted & Cindy Decker" )
            var result = new Dictionary <Guid, string>();

            // Get all the registrants prior to the current registrant
            var familyRegistrants = new Dictionary <Guid, List <RegistrantInfo> >();

            for (int i = 0; i < currentRegistrantIndex; i++)
                if (Registrants != null && Registrants.Count > i)
                    var registrant = Registrants[i];
                    familyRegistrants.AddOrIgnore(registrant.FamilyGuid, new List <RegistrantInfo>());

            // Loop through those registrants
            foreach (var keyVal in familyRegistrants)
                // Find all the people and group them by same last name
                var lastNames = new Dictionary <string, List <string> >();
                foreach (var registrant in keyVal.Value)
                    string firstName = registrant.GetFirstName(template);
                    string lastName  = registrant.GetLastName(template);
                    lastNames.AddOrIgnore(lastName, new List <string>());

                // Build a formated output for each unique last name
                var familyNames = new List <string>();
                foreach (var lastName in lastNames)
                    familyNames.Add(string.Format("{0} {1}", lastName.Value.AsDelimited(" & "), lastName.Key));

                // Join each of the formated values for each unique last name for the current family
                result.Add(keyVal.Key, familyNames.AsDelimited(" and "));

Exemple #22
        /// <summary>
        /// Executes the specified workflow.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="rockContext">The rock context.</param>
        /// <param name="action">The action.</param>
        /// <param name="entity">The entity.</param>
        /// <param name="errorMessages">The error messages.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public override bool Execute(RockContext rockContext, WorkflowAction action, Object entity, out List <string> errorMessages)
            errorMessages = new List <string>();

            if (entity is Model.BinaryFile)
                var binaryFile = (Model.BinaryFile)entity;
                if (binaryFile.BinaryFileType.Guid != new Guid(SystemGuid.BinaryFiletype.CHECKIN_LABEL))
                    errorMessages.Add("Binary file is not a check-in label");
                    action.AddLogEntry("Binary file is not a check-in label", true);

                if (binaryFile.Attributes == null)

                // Get the existing merge fields
                var existingMergeFields = new Dictionary <string, string>();
                foreach (var keyAndVal in binaryFile.GetAttributeValue("MergeCodes").Split(new char[] { '|' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries))
                    var keyVal = keyAndVal.Split(new char[] { '^' });
                    if (keyVal.Length == 2)
                        existingMergeFields.AddOrIgnore(keyVal[0], keyVal[1]);

                // Build new merge fields
                var newMergeFields = new List <string>();
                foreach (Match match in Regex.Matches(binaryFile.ContentsToString(), @"(?<=\^FD)((?!\^FS).)*(?=\^FS)"))
                    string value = existingMergeFields.ContainsKey(match.Value) ? existingMergeFields[match.Value] : "";
                    newMergeFields.Add(string.Format("{0}^{1}", match.Value, value));

                // Save attribute value
                var attributeValue = new AttributeValueCache();
                attributeValue.Value = newMergeFields.AsDelimited("|");

                binaryFile.AttributeValues["MergeCodes"] = attributeValue;

Exemple #23
        /// <summary>
        /// Configurations the specified application.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="app">The application.</param>
        public void Configuration(IAppBuilder app)

            /* 02/18/2022 MDP
             * By default, Signal R will use reflection to find classes that inherit from Microsoft.AspNet.SignalR.
             * It looks in *all* DLLs in RockWeb/bin. It does this on the first page that includes <script src="/SignalR/hubs"></script>.
             * This initial hit can take 30-60 seconds, so we'll register our own assembly locator to only look in Rock and Rock Plugins.
             * RockWeb.RockMessageHub will be the only Hub. So it doesn't make sense to look in all DLL for any more.
            Microsoft.AspNet.SignalR.GlobalHost.DependencyResolver.Register(typeof(IAssemblyLocator), () => new RockHubAssemblyLocator());

                // This is for OIDC Connect
            catch (Exception ex)
                ExceptionLogService.LogException(ex, null);

                // Find any plugins that implement IRockOwinStartup
                var startups = new Dictionary <int, List <IRockOwinStartup> >();
                foreach (var startupType in Rock.Reflection.FindTypes(typeof(IRockOwinStartup)).Select(a => a.Value).ToList())
                    var startup = Activator.CreateInstance(startupType) as IRockOwinStartup;
                    startups.AddOrIgnore(startup.StartupOrder, new List <IRockOwinStartup>());

                foreach (var startupList in startups.OrderBy(s => s.Key).Select(s => s.Value))
                    foreach (var startup in startupList)
            catch (Exception ex)
                ExceptionLogService.LogException(ex, null);
Exemple #24
        /// <summary>
        /// Executes the specified workflow.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="rockContext">The rock context.</param>
        /// <param name="action">The action.</param>
        /// <param name="entity">The entity.</param>
        /// <param name="errorMessages">The error messages.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public override bool Execute( RockContext rockContext, WorkflowAction action, Object entity, out List<string> errorMessages )
            errorMessages = new List<string>();

            if ( entity is Model.BinaryFile )
               var binaryFile = (Model.BinaryFile) entity;
                if ( binaryFile.BinaryFileType.Guid != new Guid( SystemGuid.BinaryFiletype.CHECKIN_LABEL ) )
                    errorMessages.Add( "Binary file is not a check-in label" );
                    action.AddLogEntry( "Binary file is not a check-in label", true );
                    return false;


                // Get the existing merge fields
                var existingMergeFields = new Dictionary<string, string>();
                foreach ( var keyAndVal in binaryFile.GetAttributeValue( "MergeCodes" ).Split( new char[] { '|' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries ) )
                    var keyVal = keyAndVal.Split( new char[] { '^' } );
                    if ( keyVal.Length == 2 )
                        existingMergeFields.AddOrIgnore( keyVal[0], keyVal[1] );

                // Build new merge fields
                var newMergeFields = new List<string>();
                foreach ( Match match in Regex.Matches( binaryFile.ContentsToString(), @"(?<=\^FD)((?!\^FS).)*(?=\^FS)" ) )
                    string value = existingMergeFields.ContainsKey( match.Value ) ? existingMergeFields[match.Value] : "";
                    newMergeFields.Add( string.Format( "{0}^{1}", match.Value, value ) );

                // Save attribute value
                var attributeValue = new AttributeValueCache();
                attributeValue.Value = newMergeFields.AsDelimited( "|" );

                binaryFile.AttributeValues["MergeCodes"] = attributeValue;
                binaryFile.SaveAttributeValues( rockContext );

            return true;
Exemple #25
        /// <summary>
        /// Raises the <see cref="E:System.Web.UI.Control.Load" /> event.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="e">The <see cref="T:System.EventArgs" /> object that contains the event data.</param>
        protected override void OnLoad(EventArgs e)
            if (!Page.IsPostBack)
                var rockContext = new RockContext();

                OccurrenceId    = PageParameter("EventItemOccurrenceId").AsIntegerOrNull();
                ContentChannels = new List <ContentChannel>();
                ExpandedPanels  = new List <int>();

                if (OccurrenceId.HasValue && OccurrenceId.Value != 0)
                    var channels = new Dictionary <int, ContentChannel>();

                    var eventItemOccurrence = new EventItemOccurrenceService(rockContext).Get(OccurrenceId.Value);
                    if (eventItemOccurrence != null && eventItemOccurrence.EventItem != null && eventItemOccurrence.EventItem.EventCalendarItems != null)
                        .SelectMany(i => i.EventCalendar.ContentChannels)
                        .Select(c => c.ContentChannel)
                        .ForEach(c => channels.AddOrIgnore(c.Id, c));

                        ExpandedPanels = eventItemOccurrence.ContentChannelItems
                                         .Where(i => i.ContentChannelItem != null)
                                         .Select(i => i.ContentChannelItem.ContentChannelId)

                    foreach (var channel in channels)
                        if (channel.Value.IsAuthorized(Authorization.VIEW, CurrentPerson))


Exemple #26
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets an aggregated set of key/value pairs for variables in the current scope and outer scopes.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="scope"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private Dictionary <string, object> GetScopeAggregatedValues(Scope scope, bool includeInternalFields)
            var dictionary = new Dictionary <string, object>();

            while (scope != null)
                var properties = GetScopeDefinedValues(scope, includeInternalFields);

                foreach (var key in properties.Keys)
                    dictionary.AddOrIgnore(key, properties[key]);

                scope = scope.Parent;

        /// <summary>
        /// Gets an aggregated set of key/value pairs for variables in the current scope and outer scopes.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="scope"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private Dictionary <string, object> GetScopeAggregatedValues(Scope scope)
            var dictionary = new Dictionary <string, object>();

            while (scope != null)
                var properties = GetScopeDefinedValues(scope);

                foreach (var key in properties.Keys)
                    dictionary.AddOrIgnore(key, properties[key]);

                scope = _scopeParentInternalField.GetValue(scope) as Scope;

Exemple #28
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the queue types.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static List <Type> GetQueueTypes()
            var queueTypes = new Dictionary <string, Type>();
            var assemblies = Reflection.GetRockAndPluginAssemblies();
            var types      = assemblies
                             .SelectMany(a => a.GetTypesSafe()
                                         .Where(t => t.IsClass && !t.IsNestedPrivate && !t.IsAbstract));

            foreach (var type in types)
                if (IsRockQueue(type))
                    queueTypes.AddOrIgnore(type.FullName, type);

            var queueTypeList = queueTypes.Select(kvp => kvp.Value).ToList();

Exemple #29
        /// <summary>
        /// Configurations the specified application.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="app">The application.</param>
        public void Configuration(IAppBuilder app)

                // This is for OIDC Connect
            catch (Exception ex)
                ExceptionLogService.LogException(ex, null);

                // Find any plugins that implement IRockOwinStartup
                var startups = new Dictionary <int, List <IRockOwinStartup> >();
                foreach (var startupType in Rock.Reflection.FindTypes(typeof(IRockOwinStartup)).Select(a => a.Value).ToList())
                    var startup = Activator.CreateInstance(startupType) as IRockOwinStartup;
                    startups.AddOrIgnore(startup.StartupOrder, new List <IRockOwinStartup>());

                foreach (var startupList in startups.OrderBy(s => s.Key).Select(s => s.Value))
                    foreach (var startup in startupList)
            catch (Exception ex)
                ExceptionLogService.LogException(ex, null);
Exemple #30
        private void BindSchedules(int?locationId)
            var schedules = new Dictionary <int, string> {
                { 0, "" }

            if (_group != null && locationId.HasValue)
                .Where(l => l.LocationId == locationId.Value)
                .SelectMany(l => l.Schedules)
                .OrderBy(s => s.Name)
                .ForEach(s => schedules.AddOrIgnore(s.Id, s.Name));

            if (schedules.Any())
                ddlSchedule.DataSource = schedules;

            ddlSchedule.Visible = ddlSchedule.Items.Count > 1;
Exemple #31
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the name of the series.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="metricId">The metric identifier.</param>
        /// <param name="seriesId">The series identifier.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private string GetSeriesName(int?seriesId)
            if (_entityNameLookup != null && seriesId.HasValue)
                if (!_entityNameLookup.ContainsKey(seriesId.Value))
                    string value = string.Empty;
                    if (seriesId.HasValue)
                        var entityItem = entityLookupQry.Where(a => a.Id == seriesId.Value).FirstOrDefault();
                        if (entityItem != null)
                            value = entityItem.ToString();

                    _entityNameLookup.AddOrIgnore(seriesId.Value, value);


        /// <summary>
        /// Processes the payments.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="gateway">The gateway.</param>
        /// <param name="batchNamePrefix">The batch name prefix.</param>
        /// <param name="payments">The payments.</param>
        /// <param name="batchUrlFormat">The batch URL format.</param>
        /// <param name="receiptEmail">The receipt email.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static string ProcessPayments( FinancialGateway gateway, string batchNamePrefix, List<Payment> payments, string batchUrlFormat = "", Guid? receiptEmail = null )
            int totalPayments = 0;
            int totalAlreadyDownloaded = 0;
            int totalNoScheduledTransaction = 0;
            int totalAdded = 0;
            int totalReversals = 0;
            int totalStatusChanges = 0;

            var batches = new List<FinancialBatch>();
            var batchSummary = new Dictionary<Guid, List<Decimal>>();
            var initialControlAmounts = new Dictionary<Guid, decimal>();

            var txnPersonNames = new Dictionary<Guid, string>();

            var gatewayComponent = gateway.GetGatewayComponent();

            var newTransactions = new List<FinancialTransaction>();

            using ( var rockContext = new RockContext() )
                var accountService = new FinancialAccountService( rockContext );
                var txnService = new FinancialTransactionService( rockContext );
                var batchService = new FinancialBatchService( rockContext );
                var scheduledTxnService = new FinancialScheduledTransactionService( rockContext );

                var contributionTxnType = DefinedValueCache.Read( Rock.SystemGuid.DefinedValue.TRANSACTION_TYPE_CONTRIBUTION.AsGuid() );

                var defaultAccount = accountService.Queryable()
                    .Where( a =>
                        a.IsActive &&
                        !a.ParentAccountId.HasValue &&
                        ( !a.StartDate.HasValue || a.StartDate.Value <= RockDateTime.Now ) &&
                        ( !a.EndDate.HasValue || a.EndDate.Value >= RockDateTime.Now )
                    .OrderBy( a => a.Order )

                var batchTxnChanges = new Dictionary<Guid, List<string>>();
                var batchBatchChanges = new Dictionary<Guid, List<string>>();
                var scheduledTransactionIds = new List<int>();

                foreach ( var payment in payments.Where( p => p.Amount > 0.0M ) )

                    var scheduledTransaction = scheduledTxnService.GetByScheduleId( payment.GatewayScheduleId );
                    if ( scheduledTransaction != null )
                        // Find existing payments with same transaction code
                        var txns = txnService
                            .Queryable( "TransactionDetails" )
                            .Where( t => t.TransactionCode == payment.TransactionCode )

                        // Calculate whether a transaction needs to be added
                        var txnAmount = CalculateTransactionAmount( payment, txns );
                        if ( txnAmount != 0.0M )
                            scheduledTransactionIds.Add( scheduledTransaction.Id );
                            if ( payment.ScheduleActive.HasValue )
                                scheduledTransaction.IsActive = payment.ScheduleActive.Value;

                            var transaction = new FinancialTransaction();
                            transaction.FinancialPaymentDetail = new FinancialPaymentDetail();

                            transaction.Guid = Guid.NewGuid();
                            transaction.TransactionCode = payment.TransactionCode;
                            transaction.TransactionDateTime = payment.TransactionDateTime;
                            transaction.Status = payment.Status;
                            transaction.StatusMessage = payment.StatusMessage;
                            transaction.ScheduledTransactionId = scheduledTransaction.Id;
                            transaction.AuthorizedPersonAliasId = scheduledTransaction.AuthorizedPersonAliasId;
                            transaction.SourceTypeValueId = scheduledTransaction.SourceTypeValueId;
                            txnPersonNames.Add( transaction.Guid, scheduledTransaction.AuthorizedPersonAlias.Person.FullName );
                            transaction.FinancialGatewayId = gateway.Id;
                            transaction.TransactionTypeValueId = contributionTxnType.Id;

                            if ( txnAmount < 0.0M )
                                transaction.Summary = "Reversal for previous transaction that failed during processing." + Environment.NewLine;

                            var currencyTypeValue = payment.CurrencyTypeValue;
                            var creditCardTypevalue = payment.CreditCardTypeValue;

                            if ( scheduledTransaction.FinancialPaymentDetail != null )
                                if ( currencyTypeValue == null && scheduledTransaction.FinancialPaymentDetail.CurrencyTypeValueId.HasValue )
                                    currencyTypeValue = DefinedValueCache.Read( scheduledTransaction.FinancialPaymentDetail.CurrencyTypeValueId.Value );

                                if ( creditCardTypevalue == null && scheduledTransaction.FinancialPaymentDetail.CreditCardTypeValueId.HasValue )
                                    creditCardTypevalue = DefinedValueCache.Read( scheduledTransaction.FinancialPaymentDetail.CreditCardTypeValueId.Value );

                                transaction.FinancialPaymentDetail.AccountNumberMasked = scheduledTransaction.FinancialPaymentDetail.AccountNumberMasked;
                                transaction.FinancialPaymentDetail.NameOnCardEncrypted = scheduledTransaction.FinancialPaymentDetail.NameOnCardEncrypted;
                                transaction.FinancialPaymentDetail.ExpirationMonthEncrypted = scheduledTransaction.FinancialPaymentDetail.ExpirationMonthEncrypted;
                                transaction.FinancialPaymentDetail.ExpirationYearEncrypted = scheduledTransaction.FinancialPaymentDetail.ExpirationYearEncrypted;
                                transaction.FinancialPaymentDetail.BillingLocationId = scheduledTransaction.FinancialPaymentDetail.BillingLocationId;

                            if ( currencyTypeValue != null )
                                transaction.FinancialPaymentDetail.CurrencyTypeValueId = currencyTypeValue.Id;
                            if ( creditCardTypevalue != null )
                                transaction.FinancialPaymentDetail.CreditCardTypeValueId = creditCardTypevalue.Id;

                            // Try to allocate the amount of the transaction based on the current scheduled transaction accounts
                            decimal remainingAmount = Math.Abs( txnAmount );
                            foreach ( var detail in scheduledTransaction.ScheduledTransactionDetails.Where( d => d.Amount != 0.0M ) )
                                var transactionDetail = new FinancialTransactionDetail();
                                transactionDetail.AccountId = detail.AccountId;

                                if ( detail.Amount <= remainingAmount )
                                    // If the configured amount for this account is less than or equal to the remaining
                                    // amount, allocate the configured amount
                                    transactionDetail.Amount = detail.Amount;
                                    remainingAmount -= detail.Amount;
                                    // If the configured amount is greater than the remaining amount, only allocate
                                    // the remaining amount
                                    transaction.Summary += "Note: Downloaded transaction amount was less than the configured allocation amounts for the Scheduled Transaction.";
                                    transactionDetail.Amount = remainingAmount;
                                    transactionDetail.Summary = "Note: The downloaded amount was not enough to apply the configured amount to this account.";
                                    remainingAmount = 0.0M;

                                transaction.TransactionDetails.Add( transactionDetail );

                                if ( remainingAmount <= 0.0M )
                                    // If there's no amount left, break out of details

                            // If there's still amount left after allocating based on current config, add the remainder
                            // to the account that was configured for the most amount
                            if ( remainingAmount > 0.0M )
                                transaction.Summary += "Note: Downloaded transaction amount was greater than the configured allocation amounts for the Scheduled Transaction.";
                                var transactionDetail = transaction.TransactionDetails
                                    .OrderByDescending( d => d.Amount )
                                if ( transactionDetail == null && defaultAccount != null )
                                    transactionDetail = new FinancialTransactionDetail();
                                    transactionDetail.AccountId = defaultAccount.Id;
                                    transaction.TransactionDetails.Add( transactionDetail );
                                if ( transactionDetail != null )
                                    transactionDetail.Amount += remainingAmount;
                                    transactionDetail.Summary = "Note: Extra amount was applied to this account.";

                            // If the amount to apply was negative, update all details to be negative (absolute value was used when allocating to accounts)
                            if ( txnAmount < 0.0M )
                                foreach ( var txnDetail in transaction.TransactionDetails )
                                    txnDetail.Amount = 0 - txnDetail.Amount;

                            // Get the batch
                            var batch = batchService.Get(
                                batches );

                            var batchChanges = new List<string>();
                            if ( batch.Id != 0 )
                                initialControlAmounts.AddOrIgnore( batch.Guid, batch.ControlAmount );
                            batch.ControlAmount += transaction.TotalAmount;

                            batch.Transactions.Add( transaction );

                            if ( txnAmount > 0.0M && receiptEmail.HasValue )
                                newTransactions.Add( transaction );

                            // Add summary
                            if ( !batchSummary.ContainsKey( batch.Guid ) )
                                batchSummary.Add( batch.Guid, new List<Decimal>() );
                            batchSummary[batch.Guid].Add( txnAmount );

                            if ( txnAmount > 0.0M )

                            foreach ( var txn in txns.Where( t => t.Status != payment.Status || t.StatusMessage != payment.StatusMessage ) )
                                txn.Status = payment.Status;
                                txn.StatusMessage = payment.StatusMessage;


                // Queue a transaction to update the status of all affected scheduled transactions
                var updatePaymentStatusTxn = new Rock.Transactions.UpdatePaymentStatusTransaction( gateway.Id, scheduledTransactionIds );
                Rock.Transactions.RockQueue.TransactionQueue.Enqueue( updatePaymentStatusTxn );

                if ( receiptEmail.HasValue )
                    // Queue a transaction to send receipts
                    var newTransactionIds = newTransactions.Select( t => t.Id ).ToList();
                    var sendPaymentReceiptsTxn = new Rock.Transactions.SendPaymentReceipts( receiptEmail.Value, newTransactionIds );
                    Rock.Transactions.RockQueue.TransactionQueue.Enqueue( sendPaymentReceiptsTxn );

            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
            sb.AppendFormat( "<li>{0} {1} downloaded.</li>", totalPayments.ToString( "N0" ),
                ( totalPayments == 1 ? "payment" : "payments" ) );

            if ( totalAlreadyDownloaded > 0 )
                sb.AppendFormat( "<li>{0} {1} previously downloaded and {2} already been added.</li>", totalAlreadyDownloaded.ToString( "N0" ),
                    ( totalAlreadyDownloaded == 1 ? "payment was" : "payments were" ),
                    ( totalAlreadyDownloaded == 1 ? "has" : "have" ) );

            if ( totalStatusChanges > 0 )
                sb.AppendFormat( "<li>{0} {1} previously downloaded but had a change of status.</li>", totalStatusChanges.ToString( "N0" ),
                ( totalStatusChanges == 1 ? "payment was" : "payments were" ) );

            if ( totalNoScheduledTransaction > 0 )
                sb.AppendFormat( "<li>{0} {1} could not be matched to an existing scheduled payment profile.</li>", totalNoScheduledTransaction.ToString( "N0" ),
                    ( totalNoScheduledTransaction == 1 ? "payment" : "payments" ) );

            sb.AppendFormat( "<li>{0} {1} successfully added.</li>", totalAdded.ToString( "N0" ),
                ( totalAdded == 1 ? "payment was" : "payments were" ) );

            if ( totalReversals > 0 )
                sb.AppendFormat( "<li>{0} {1} added as a reversal to a previous transaction.</li>", totalReversals.ToString( "N0" ),
                    ( totalReversals == 1 ? "payment was" : "payments were" ) );

            if ( totalStatusChanges > 0 )
                sb.AppendFormat( "<li>{0} {1} previously downloaded but had a change of status.</li>", totalStatusChanges.ToString( "N0" ),
                    ( totalStatusChanges == 1 ? "payment was" : "payments were" ) );

            foreach ( var batchItem in batchSummary )
                int items = batchItem.Value.Count;
                if ( items > 0 )
                    var batch = batches
                        .Where( b => b.Guid.Equals( batchItem.Key ) )

                    string batchName = string.Format( "'{0} ({1})'", batch.Name, batch.BatchStartDateTime.Value.ToString( "d" ) );
                    if ( !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace( batchUrlFormat ) )
                        batchName = string.Format( "<a href='{0}'>{1}</a>", string.Format( batchUrlFormat, batch.Id ), batchName );

                    decimal sum = batchItem.Value.Sum();

                    string summaryformat = items == 1 ?
                        "<li>{0} transaction of {1} was added to the {2} batch.</li>" :
                        "<li>{0} transactions totaling {1} were added to the {2} batch</li>";

                    sb.AppendFormat( summaryformat, items.ToString( "N0" ), sum.FormatAsCurrency(), batchName );

            return sb.ToString();
Exemple #33
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the templates.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="errors">The errors.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        /// <exception cref="System.NotImplementedException"></exception>
        public override Dictionary<string, string> GetTemplates( out List<string> errors )
            var templates = new Dictionary<string, string>();

            errors = new List<string>();

            // Get the access token
            string errorMessage = string.Empty;
            string accessToken = GetAccessToken( false, out errorMessage );
            if ( string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace( accessToken ) )
                errors.Add( errorMessage );
                return null;

            JObject folderListRes = CudaSign.Folder.List( accessToken );
            errors = ParseErrors( folderListRes );
            if ( errors.Any() )
                errorMessage = errors.AsDelimited( "; " );
                return null;

            JArray folders = folderListRes.Value<JArray>( "folders" );
            if ( folders != null )
                foreach ( JObject folder in folders )
                    if ( folder.Value<string>( "name" ) == "Templates" )
                        string folderId = folder.Value<string>( "id" );
                        if ( !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace( folderId ) )
                            JObject documentListRes = CudaSign.Folder.Get( accessToken, folderId );
                            errors = ParseErrors( documentListRes );
                            if ( errors.Any() )
                                errorMessage = errors.AsDelimited( "; " );
                                return null;

                            JArray documents = documentListRes.Value<JArray>( "documents" );
                            if ( documents != null )
                                foreach ( JObject document in documents )
                                        document.Value<string>( "id" ),
                                        document.Value<string>( "document_name" ) );

            return templates;
Exemple #34
        /// <summary>
        /// Parses the fee.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="fee">The fee.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private List<FeeInfo> ParseFee( RegistrationTemplateFee fee )
            string fieldId = string.Format( "fee_{0}", fee.Id );

            if ( fee.FeeType == RegistrationFeeType.Single )
                if ( fee.AllowMultiple )
                    // Single Option, Multi Quantity
                    var numUpDown = phFees.FindControl( fieldId ) as NumberUpDown;
                    if ( numUpDown != null && numUpDown.Value > 0 )
                        return new List<FeeInfo> { new FeeInfo( string.Empty, numUpDown.Value, fee.CostValue.AsDecimal() ) };
                    // Single Option, Single Quantity
                    var cb = phFees.FindControl( fieldId ) as RockCheckBox;
                    if ( cb != null && cb.Checked )
                        return new List<FeeInfo> { new FeeInfo( string.Empty, 1, fee.CostValue.AsDecimal() ) };
                // Parse the options to get name and cost for each
                var options = new Dictionary<string, string>();
                var optionCosts = new Dictionary<string, decimal>();

                string[] nameValues = fee.CostValue.Split( new char[] { '|' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries );
                foreach ( string nameValue in nameValues )
                    string[] nameAndValue = nameValue.Split( new char[] { '^' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries );
                    if ( nameAndValue.Length == 1 )
                        options.AddOrIgnore( nameAndValue[0], nameAndValue[0] );
                        optionCosts.AddOrIgnore( nameAndValue[0], 0.0m );
                    if ( nameAndValue.Length == 2 )
                        options.AddOrIgnore( nameAndValue[0], string.Format( "{0} ({1:C2})", nameAndValue[0], nameAndValue[1].AsDecimal() ) );
                        optionCosts.AddOrIgnore( nameAndValue[0], nameAndValue[1].AsDecimal() );

                if ( fee.AllowMultiple )
                    // Multi Option, Multi Quantity
                    var result = new List<FeeInfo>();

                    foreach ( var optionKeyVal in options )
                        string optionFieldId = string.Format( "{0}_{1}", fieldId, optionKeyVal.Key );
                        var numUpDown = phFees.FindControl( optionFieldId ) as NumberUpDown;
                        if ( numUpDown != null && numUpDown.Value > 0 )
                            result.Add( new FeeInfo( optionKeyVal.Key, numUpDown.Value, optionCosts[optionKeyVal.Key] ) );

                    if ( result.Any() )
                        return result;
                    // Multi Option, Single Quantity
                    var ddl = phFees.FindControl( fieldId ) as RockDropDownList;
                    if ( ddl != null && ddl.SelectedValue != "" )
                        return new List<FeeInfo> { new FeeInfo( ddl.SelectedValue, 1, optionCosts[ddl.SelectedValue] ) };

            return null;
Exemple #35
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the suggestions.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="followingSuggestionType">Type of the following suggestion.</param>
        /// <param name="followerPersonIds">The follower person ids.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public override List <PersonEntitySuggestion> GetSuggestions(FollowingSuggestionType followingSuggestionType, List <int> followerPersonIds)
            var suggestions           = new List <PersonEntitySuggestion>();
            var personAliasEntityType = EntityTypeCache.Read(typeof(Rock.Model.PersonAlias));

            bool isAutoFollow = GetAttributeValue(followingSuggestionType, "AutoFollow").AsBoolean();

            // Get the grouptype guid
            Guid?groupTypeGuid = GetAttributeValue(followingSuggestionType, "GroupType").AsGuidOrNull();

            if (groupTypeGuid.HasValue)
                using (var rockContext = new RockContext())
                    var groupMemberService = new GroupMemberService(rockContext);
                    var personAliasService = new PersonAliasService(rockContext);

                    // Get all the groupmember records for any follower and the selected group type
                    var followers = groupMemberService.Queryable().AsNoTracking()
                                    .Where(m =>
                                           m.GroupMemberStatus == GroupMemberStatus.Active &&
                                           m.Group != null &&
                                           m.Group.IsActive &&
                                           m.Group.GroupType.Guid.Equals(groupTypeGuid.Value) &&

                    // If a specific group or security role was specifed, limit groupmembers to only those of the selected group
                    Guid?groupGuid = GetAttributeValue(followingSuggestionType, "Group").AsGuidOrNull();
                    if (!groupGuid.HasValue)
                        groupGuid = GetAttributeValue(followingSuggestionType, "SecurityRole").AsGuidOrNull();
                    if (groupGuid.HasValue)
                        followers = followers.Where(m => m.Group.Guid.Equals(groupGuid.Value));

                    // If a specific role for the follower was specified, limit groupmembers to only those with the selected role
                    Guid?followerRoleGuid = GetAttributeValue(followingSuggestionType, "FollowerGroupType").AsGuidOrNull();
                    if (followerRoleGuid.HasValue)
                        followers = followers.Where(m => m.GroupRole.Guid.Equals(followerRoleGuid.Value));

                    // Run the query to get all the groups that follower is a member of with selected filters
                    var followerPersonGroup = followers
                                              .Select(f => new

                    // Get a unique list of any of the groups that followers belong to
                    var followedGroupIds = followerPersonGroup
                                           .Select(f => f.GroupId)

                    // Start building query to get the people to follow from any group that contains a follower
                    var followed = groupMemberService
                                   .Where(m => followedGroupIds.Contains(m.GroupId));

                    // If a specific role for the people being followed was specified, limit the query to only those with the selected role
                    Guid?followedRoleGuid = GetAttributeValue(followingSuggestionType, "FollowedGroupType").AsGuidOrNull();
                    if (followedRoleGuid.HasValue)
                        followed = followed.Where(m => m.GroupRole.Guid.Equals(followedRoleGuid.Value));

                    // Get all the people in any of the groups that contain a follower
                    var followedPersonGroup = followed
                                              .Select(f => new

                    // Get distinct list of people
                    var followedPersonIds = followedPersonGroup
                                            .Select(f => f.PersonId)

                    // Build a dictionary of the personid->personaliasid
                    var personAliasIds = new Dictionary <int, int>();
                    .Where(a =>
                           followedPersonIds.Contains(a.PersonId) &&
                           a.PersonId == a.AliasPersonId)
                    .ForEach(a => personAliasIds.AddOrIgnore(a.PersonId, a.Id));

                    // Loop through each follower/group combination
                    foreach (var followedGroup in followerPersonGroup)
                        // Loop through the other people in that group
                        foreach (int followedPersonId in followedPersonGroup
                                 .Where(f =>
                                        f.GroupId == followedGroup.GroupId &&
                                        f.PersonId != followedGroup.PersonId)
                                 .Select(f => f.PersonId))
                            // If the person has a valid personalias id
                            if (personAliasIds.ContainsKey(followedPersonId))
                                if (!isAutoFollow)
                                    // add them to the list of suggestions
                                    suggestions.Add(new PersonEntitySuggestion(followedGroup.PersonId, personAliasIds[followedPersonId]));
                                    // auto-add the follow

                                    var followingService = new FollowingService(rockContext);

                                    int followerPersonAliasId = personAliasIds[followedGroup.PersonId];
                                    int followeePersonAliasId = personAliasIds[followedPersonId];

                                    // if person is not already following the person
                                    bool isFollowing = followingService.Queryable().Where(f =>
                                                                                          f.EntityTypeId == personAliasEntityType.Id &&
                                                                                          f.EntityId == followeePersonAliasId &&
                                                                                          f.PersonAliasId == followerPersonAliasId).Any();
                                    if (!isFollowing)
                                        var following = new Following();
                                        following.EntityTypeId  = personAliasEntityType.Id;
                                        following.EntityId      = personAliasIds[followedPersonId];
                                        following.PersonAliasId = personAliasIds[followedGroup.PersonId];

        /// <summary>
        /// Shows the activity dialog.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="activityGuid">The activity unique identifier.</param>
        private void ShowActivityDialog( Guid activityGuid )
            ddlActivity.Items.Add( new ListItem( string.Empty, string.Empty ) );

            var connectors = new Dictionary<int, Person>();
            ConnectionRequestActivity activity = null;

            using ( var rockContext = new RockContext() )
                var connectionRequestService = new ConnectionRequestService( rockContext );
                var connectionRequest = connectionRequestService.Get( hfConnectionRequestId.ValueAsInt() );
                if ( connectionRequest != null &&
                    connectionRequest.ConnectionOpportunity != null &&
                    connectionRequest.ConnectionOpportunity.ConnectionType != null )
                    foreach ( var activityType in connectionRequest.ConnectionOpportunity.ConnectionType.ConnectionActivityTypes.OrderBy( a => a.Name ) )
                        if ( activityType.IsAuthorized( Authorization.VIEW, CurrentPerson ) )
                            ddlActivity.Items.Add( new ListItem( activityType.Name, activityType.Id.ToString() ) );

                        .Where( g =>
                            !g.CampusId.HasValue ||
                            !connectionRequest.CampusId.HasValue ||
                            g.CampusId.Value == connectionRequest.CampusId.Value )
                        .SelectMany( g => g.ConnectorGroup.Members )
                        .Select( m => m.Person )
                        .ForEach( p => connectors.AddOrIgnore( p.Id, p ) );

                if ( activityGuid != Guid.Empty )
                    activity = new ConnectionRequestActivityService( rockContext ).Get( activityGuid );
                    if ( activity != null && activity.ConnectorPersonAlias != null && activity.ConnectorPersonAlias.Person != null )
                        connectors.AddOrIgnore( activity.ConnectorPersonAlias.Person.Id, activity.ConnectorPersonAlias.Person );

            if ( CurrentPerson != null )
                connectors.AddOrIgnore( CurrentPerson.Id, CurrentPerson );

            ddlActivity.SetValue( activity != null ? activity.ConnectionActivityTypeId : 0 );

                .OrderBy( p => p.Value.LastName )
                .ThenBy( p => p.Value.NickName )
                .ForEach( c =>
                    ddlActivityConnector.Items.Add( new ListItem( c.Value.FullName, c.Key.ToString() ) ) );

                activity != null && activity.ConnectorPersonAlias != null ?
                activity.ConnectorPersonAlias.PersonId : CurrentPersonId ?? 0 );

            tbNote.Text = activity != null ? activity.Note : string.Empty;

            hfAddConnectionRequestActivityGuid.Value = activityGuid.ToString();
            if ( activityGuid == Guid.Empty )
                dlgConnectionRequestActivities.Title = "Add Activity";
                dlgConnectionRequestActivities.SaveButtonText = "Add";
                dlgConnectionRequestActivities.Title = "Edit Activity";
                dlgConnectionRequestActivities.SaveButtonText = "Save";

            ShowDialog( "ConnectionRequestActivities", true );
        private void BindSchedules( int? locationId )
            var schedules = new Dictionary<int, string> { { 0, "" } };

            if ( _group != null && locationId.HasValue )
                    .Where( l => l.LocationId == locationId.Value )
                    .SelectMany( l => l.Schedules )
                    .OrderBy( s => s.Name )
                    .ForEach( s => schedules.AddOrIgnore( s.Id, s.Name ) );

            if ( schedules.Any() )
                ddlSchedule.DataSource = schedules;

            ddlSchedule.Visible = ddlSchedule.Items.Count > 1;
        /// <summary>
        /// Rebinds the connectors.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="connectionRequest">The connection request.</param>
        /// <param name="campusId">The campus identifier.</param>
        /// <param name="rockContext">The rock context.</param>
        public void RebindConnectors( ConnectionRequest connectionRequest, int? campusId, RockContext rockContext )
            int? currentValue = ddlConnectorEdit.SelectedValueAsInt();

            var connectors = new Dictionary<int, Person>();

            if ( connectionRequest != null )
                if ( !currentValue.HasValue && connectionRequest.ConnectorPersonAlias != null )
                    currentValue = connectionRequest.ConnectorPersonAlias.PersonId;

                if ( connectionRequest.ConnectionOpportunity != null )
                    // Get the connectors from the connector groups
                    if ( connectionRequest.ConnectionOpportunity.ConnectionType != null )
                            .Where( g =>
                                !g.CampusId.HasValue ||
                                !campusId.HasValue ||
                                g.CampusId.Value == campusId.Value )
                            .SelectMany( g => g.ConnectorGroup.Members )
                            .Where( m => m.GroupMemberStatus == GroupMemberStatus.Active )
                            .Select( m => m.Person )
                            .ForEach( p => connectors.AddOrIgnore( p.Id, p ) );

                    if ( !currentValue.HasValue && campusId.HasValue )
                        currentValue = connectionRequest.ConnectionOpportunity.GetDefaultConnectorPersonId( campusId.Value );

            // Add the current person as possible connector
            if ( CurrentPerson != null )
                connectors.AddOrIgnore( CurrentPerson.Id, CurrentPerson );

            // Make sure the current value is an option
            if ( currentValue.HasValue && !connectors.ContainsKey( currentValue.Value ) )
                var person = new PersonService( rockContext ).Get( currentValue.Value );
                if ( person != null )
                    connectors.AddOrIgnore( person.Id, person );

            // Add connectors to dropdown list
            ddlConnectorEdit.Items.Add( new ListItem( "", "" ) );
                .OrderBy( p => p.Value.LastName )
                .ThenBy( p => p.Value.NickName )
                .ForEach( c =>
                    ddlConnectorEdit.Items.Add( new ListItem( c.Value.FullName, c.Key.ToString() ) ) );

            if ( currentValue.HasValue )
                ddlConnectorEdit.SetValue( currentValue.Value );
        private void RebindGroupRole( ConnectionRequest connectionRequest, RockContext rockContext )
            int? currentRoleId = ddlPlacementGroupRole.SelectedValueAsInt();
            ddlPlacementGroupRole.SelectedValue = null;

            if ( !currentRoleId.HasValue && connectionRequest.AssignedGroupMemberRoleId.HasValue )
                currentRoleId = connectionRequest.AssignedGroupMemberRoleId.Value;

            var roles = new Dictionary<int, string>();

            int? groupId = ddlPlacementGroup.SelectedValueAsInt();
            if ( groupId.HasValue )
                var group = new GroupService( rockContext ).Get( groupId.Value );
                if ( group != null )
                    foreach ( var groupConfig in new ConnectionOpportunityGroupConfigService( rockContext )
                        .Where( c =>
                            c.ConnectionOpportunityId == connectionRequest.ConnectionOpportunityId &&
                            c.GroupTypeId == group.GroupTypeId ) )
                        if ( groupConfig.GroupMemberRole != null )
                            roles.AddOrIgnore( groupConfig.GroupMemberRole.Id, groupConfig.GroupMemberRole.Name );

            foreach ( var roleItem in roles )
                var listItem = new ListItem( roleItem.Value, roleItem.Key.ToString() );
                listItem.Selected = currentRoleId.HasValue && currentRoleId.Value == roleItem.Key;
                ddlPlacementGroupRole.Items.Add( listItem );

            ddlPlacementGroupRole.Visible = ddlPlacementGroupRole.Items.Count > 1;

            RebindGroupStatus( connectionRequest, rockContext );
        /// <summary>
        /// Saves the registration.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="rockContext">The rock context.</param>
        /// <param name="hasPayment">if set to <c>true</c> [has payment].</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private Registration SaveRegistration( RockContext rockContext, bool hasPayment )
            var registrationService = new RegistrationService( rockContext );
            var registrantService = new RegistrationRegistrantService( rockContext );
            var registrantFeeService = new RegistrationRegistrantFeeService( rockContext );
            var personService = new PersonService( rockContext );
            var groupService = new GroupService( rockContext );

            // variables to keep track of the family that new people should be added to
            int? singleFamilyId = null;
            var multipleFamilyGroupIds = new Dictionary<Guid, int>();

            var dvcConnectionStatus = DefinedValueCache.Read( GetAttributeValue( "ConnectionStatus" ).AsGuid() );
            var dvcRecordStatus = DefinedValueCache.Read( GetAttributeValue( "RecordStatus" ).AsGuid() );
            var familyGroupType = GroupTypeCache.Read( Rock.SystemGuid.GroupType.GROUPTYPE_FAMILY );
            var adultRoleId = familyGroupType.Roles
                .Where( r => r.Guid.Equals( Rock.SystemGuid.GroupRole.GROUPROLE_FAMILY_MEMBER_ADULT.AsGuid() ) )
                .Select( r => r.Id )
            var childRoleId = familyGroupType.Roles
                .Where( r => r.Guid.Equals( Rock.SystemGuid.GroupRole.GROUPROLE_FAMILY_MEMBER_CHILD.AsGuid() ) )
                .Select( r => r.Id )

            bool newRegistration = false;
            Registration registration = null;
            Person registrar = null;
            var registrationChanges = new List<string>();

            if ( RegistrationState.RegistrationId.HasValue )
                registration = registrationService.Get( RegistrationState.RegistrationId.Value );

            if ( registration == null )
                newRegistration = true;
                registration = new Registration();
                registrationService.Add( registration );
                registrationChanges.Add( "Created Registration" );
                if ( registration.PersonAlias != null && registration.PersonAlias.Person != null )
                    registrar = registration.PersonAlias.Person;

            registration.RegistrationInstanceId = RegistrationInstanceState.Id;

            // If the Registration Instance linkage specified a group, load it now
            Group group = null;
            if ( GroupId.HasValue )
                group = new GroupService( rockContext ).Get( GroupId.Value );
                if ( group != null && ( !registration.GroupId.HasValue || registration.GroupId.Value != group.Id ) )
                    registration.GroupId = group.Id;
                    History.EvaluateChange( registrationChanges, "Group", string.Empty, group.Name );

            bool newRegistrar = newRegistration ||
                registration.FirstName == null || !registration.FirstName.Equals( RegistrationState.FirstName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase ) ||
                registration.LastName == null || !registration.LastName.Equals( RegistrationState.LastName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase );

            History.EvaluateChange( registrationChanges, "First Name", registration.FirstName, RegistrationState.FirstName );
            registration.FirstName = RegistrationState.FirstName;

            History.EvaluateChange( registrationChanges, "Last Name", registration.LastName, RegistrationState.LastName );
            registration.LastName = RegistrationState.LastName;

            History.EvaluateChange( registrationChanges, "Confirmation Email", registration.ConfirmationEmail, RegistrationState.ConfirmationEmail );
            registration.ConfirmationEmail = RegistrationState.ConfirmationEmail;

            History.EvaluateChange( registrationChanges, "Discount Code", registration.DiscountCode, RegistrationState.DiscountCode );
            registration.DiscountCode = RegistrationState.DiscountCode;

            History.EvaluateChange( registrationChanges, "Discount Percentage", registration.DiscountPercentage, RegistrationState.DiscountPercentage );
            registration.DiscountPercentage = RegistrationState.DiscountPercentage;

            History.EvaluateChange( registrationChanges, "Discount Amount", registration.DiscountAmount, RegistrationState.DiscountAmount );
            registration.DiscountAmount = RegistrationState.DiscountAmount;

            if ( newRegistrar )
                if ( CurrentPerson != null && CurrentPerson.NickName == null )
                    CurrentPerson.NickName = CurrentPerson.FirstName;

                // If the 'your name' value equals the currently logged in person, use their person alias id
                if ( CurrentPerson != null &&
                ( CurrentPerson.NickName.Trim().Equals( registration.FirstName.Trim(), StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase ) ||
                    CurrentPerson.FirstName.Trim().Equals( registration.FirstName.Trim(), StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase ) ) &&
                CurrentPerson.LastName.Trim().Equals( registration.LastName.Trim(), StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase ) )
                    registrar = CurrentPerson;
                    registration.PersonAliasId = CurrentPerson.PrimaryAliasId;

                    // If email that logged in user used is different than their stored email address, update their stored value
                    if ( !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace( registration.ConfirmationEmail ) &&
                        !registration.ConfirmationEmail.Trim().Equals( CurrentPerson.Email.Trim(), StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase ) &&
                        ( !cbUpdateEmail.Visible || cbUpdateEmail.Checked ) )
                        var person = personService.Get( CurrentPerson.Id );
                        if ( person != null )
                            var personChanges = new List<string>();
                            History.EvaluateChange( personChanges, "Email", person.Email, registration.ConfirmationEmail );
                            person.Email = registration.ConfirmationEmail;

                                new RockContext(),
                                typeof( Person ),
                                personChanges, true, CurrentPersonAliasId );
                    // otherwise look for one and one-only match by name/email
                    var personMatches = personService.GetByMatch( registration.FirstName, registration.LastName, registration.ConfirmationEmail );
                    if ( personMatches.Count() == 1 )
                        registrar = personMatches.First();
                        registration.PersonAliasId = registrar.PrimaryAliasId;
                        registrar = null;
                        registration.PersonAlias = null;
                        registration.PersonAliasId = null;

            // Set the family guid for any other registrants that were selected to be in the same family
            if ( registrar != null )
                var family = registrar.GetFamilies( rockContext ).FirstOrDefault();
                if ( family != null )
                    multipleFamilyGroupIds.AddOrIgnore( RegistrationState.FamilyGuid, family.Id );
                    if ( !singleFamilyId.HasValue )
                        singleFamilyId = family.Id;

            // Make sure there's an actual person associated to registration
            if ( !registration.PersonAliasId.HasValue )
                // If a match was not found, create a new person
                var person = new Person();
                person.FirstName = registration.FirstName;
                person.LastName = registration.LastName;
                person.IsEmailActive = true;
                person.Email = registration.ConfirmationEmail;
                person.EmailPreference = EmailPreference.EmailAllowed;
                person.RecordTypeValueId = DefinedValueCache.Read( Rock.SystemGuid.DefinedValue.PERSON_RECORD_TYPE_PERSON.AsGuid() ).Id;
                if ( dvcConnectionStatus != null )
                    person.ConnectionStatusValueId = dvcConnectionStatus.Id;
                if ( dvcRecordStatus != null )
                    person.RecordStatusValueId = dvcRecordStatus.Id;

                registrar = SavePerson( rockContext, person, RegistrationState.FamilyGuid, CampusId, null, adultRoleId, childRoleId, multipleFamilyGroupIds, ref singleFamilyId );
                registration.PersonAliasId = registrar != null ? registrar.PrimaryAliasId : (int?)null;

                History.EvaluateChange( registrationChanges, "Registrar", string.Empty, registrar.FullName );
                if ( newRegistration )
                    History.EvaluateChange( registrationChanges, "Registrar", string.Empty, registration.ToString() );


            // if this registration was marked as temporary (started from another page, then specified in the url), set IsTemporary to False now that we are done
            if ( registration.IsTemporary )
                registration.IsTemporary = false;

            // Save the registration ( so we can get an id )
            RegistrationState.RegistrationId = registration.Id;


                Task.Run( () =>
                        new RockContext(),
                        typeof( Registration ),
                        registrationChanges, true, CurrentPersonAliasId )

                // Get each registrant
                foreach ( var registrantInfo in RegistrationState.Registrants.ToList() )
                    var registrantChanges = new List<string>();
                    var personChanges = new List<string>();
                    var familyChanges = new List<string>();

                    RegistrationRegistrant registrant = null;
                    Person person = null;

                    string firstName = registrantInfo.GetFirstName( RegistrationTemplate );
                    string lastName = registrantInfo.GetLastName( RegistrationTemplate );
                    string email = registrantInfo.GetEmail( RegistrationTemplate );

                    if ( registrantInfo.Id > 0 )
                        registrant = registration.Registrants.FirstOrDefault( r => r.Id == registrantInfo.Id );
                        if ( registrant != null )
                            person = registrant.Person;
                            if ( person != null && (
                                ( registrant.Person.FirstName.Equals( firstName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase ) || registrant.Person.NickName.Equals( firstName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase ) ) &&
                                registrant.Person.LastName.Equals( lastName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase ) ) )
                                person = null;
                                registrant.PersonAlias = null;
                                registrant.PersonAliasId = null;

                    if ( person == null )
                        // Try to find a matching person based on name and email address
                        var personMatches = personService.GetByMatch( firstName, lastName, email );
                        if ( personMatches.Count() == 1 )
                            person = personMatches.First();

                        // Try to find a matching person based on name within same family as registrar
                        if ( person == null && registrar != null && registrantInfo.FamilyGuid == RegistrationState.FamilyGuid )
                            var familyMembers = registrar.GetFamilyMembers( true, rockContext )
                                .Where( m =>
                                    ( m.Person.FirstName == firstName || m.Person.NickName == firstName ) &&
                                    m.Person.LastName == lastName )
                                .Select( m => m.Person )

                            if ( familyMembers.Count() == 1 )
                                person = familyMembers.First();
                                if ( !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace( email ) )
                                    person.Email = email;

                            if ( familyMembers.Count() > 1 && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace( email ) )
                                familyMembers = familyMembers
                                    .Where( m =>
                                        m.Email != null &&
                                        m.Email.Equals( email, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase ) )
                                if ( familyMembers.Count() == 1 )
                                    person = familyMembers.First();

                    if ( person == null )
                        // If a match was not found, create a new person
                        person = new Person();
                        person.FirstName = firstName;
                        person.LastName = lastName;
                        person.IsEmailActive = true;
                        person.Email = email;
                        person.EmailPreference = EmailPreference.EmailAllowed;
                        person.RecordTypeValueId = DefinedValueCache.Read( Rock.SystemGuid.DefinedValue.PERSON_RECORD_TYPE_PERSON.AsGuid() ).Id;
                        if ( dvcConnectionStatus != null )
                            person.ConnectionStatusValueId = dvcConnectionStatus.Id;

                        if ( dvcRecordStatus != null )
                            person.RecordStatusValueId = dvcRecordStatus.Id;

                    int? campusId = CampusId;
                    Location location = null;

                    // Set any of the template's person fields
                    foreach ( var field in RegistrationTemplate.Forms
                        .SelectMany( f => f.Fields
                            .Where( t => t.FieldSource == RegistrationFieldSource.PersonField ) ) )
                        // Find the registrant's value
                        var fieldValue = registrantInfo.FieldValues
                            .Where( f => f.Key == field.Id )
                            .Select( f => f.Value.FieldValue )

                        if ( fieldValue != null )
                            switch ( field.PersonFieldType )
                                case RegistrationPersonFieldType.Campus:
                                        if ( fieldValue != null )
                                            campusId = fieldValue.ToString().AsIntegerOrNull();

                                case RegistrationPersonFieldType.Address:
                                        location = fieldValue as Location;

                                case RegistrationPersonFieldType.Birthdate:
                                        var birthMonth = person.BirthMonth;
                                        var birthDay = person.BirthDay;
                                        var birthYear = person.BirthYear;

                                        person.SetBirthDate( fieldValue as DateTime? );

                                        History.EvaluateChange( personChanges, "Birth Month", birthMonth, person.BirthMonth );
                                        History.EvaluateChange( personChanges, "Birth Day", birthDay, person.BirthDay );
                                        History.EvaluateChange( personChanges, "Birth Year", birthYear, person.BirthYear );


                                case RegistrationPersonFieldType.Grade:
                                        var newGraduationYear = fieldValue.ToString().AsIntegerOrNull();
                                        History.EvaluateChange( personChanges, "Graduation Year", person.GraduationYear, newGraduationYear );
                                        person.GraduationYear = newGraduationYear;


                                case RegistrationPersonFieldType.Gender:
                                        var newGender = fieldValue.ToString().ConvertToEnumOrNull<Gender>() ?? Gender.Unknown;
                                        History.EvaluateChange( personChanges, "Gender", person.Gender, newGender );
                                        person.Gender = newGender;

                                case RegistrationPersonFieldType.MaritalStatus:
                                        if ( fieldValue != null )
                                            int? newMaritalStatusId = fieldValue.ToString().AsIntegerOrNull();
                                            History.EvaluateChange( personChanges, "Marital Status", DefinedValueCache.GetName( person.MaritalStatusValueId ), DefinedValueCache.GetName( newMaritalStatusId ) );
                                            person.MaritalStatusValueId = newMaritalStatusId;

                                case RegistrationPersonFieldType.MobilePhone:
                                        SavePhone( fieldValue, person, Rock.SystemGuid.DefinedValue.PERSON_PHONE_TYPE_MOBILE.AsGuid(), personChanges );

                                case RegistrationPersonFieldType.HomePhone:
                                        SavePhone( fieldValue, person, Rock.SystemGuid.DefinedValue.PERSON_PHONE_TYPE_HOME.AsGuid(), personChanges );

                                case RegistrationPersonFieldType.WorkPhone:
                                        SavePhone( fieldValue, person, Rock.SystemGuid.DefinedValue.PERSON_PHONE_TYPE_WORK.AsGuid(), personChanges );

                    // Save the person ( and family if needed )
                    SavePerson( rockContext, person, registrantInfo.FamilyGuid, campusId, location, adultRoleId, childRoleId, multipleFamilyGroupIds, ref singleFamilyId );

                    // Load the person's attributes

                    // Set any of the template's person fields
                    foreach ( var field in RegistrationTemplate.Forms
                        .SelectMany( f => f.Fields
                            .Where( t =>
                                t.FieldSource == RegistrationFieldSource.PersonAttribute &&
                                t.AttributeId.HasValue ) ) )
                        // Find the registrant's value
                        var fieldValue = registrantInfo.FieldValues
                            .Where( f => f.Key == field.Id )
                            .Select( f => f.Value.FieldValue )

                        if ( fieldValue != null )
                            var attribute = AttributeCache.Read( field.AttributeId.Value );
                            if ( attribute != null )
                                string originalValue = person.GetAttributeValue( attribute.Key );
                                string newValue = fieldValue.ToString();
                                person.SetAttributeValue( attribute.Key, fieldValue.ToString() );

                                // DateTime values must be stored in ISO8601 format as http://www.rockrms.com/Rock/Developer/BookContent/16/16#datetimeformatting
                                if ( attribute.FieldType.Guid.Equals( Rock.SystemGuid.FieldType.DATE.AsGuid() ) ||
                                    attribute.FieldType.Guid.Equals( Rock.SystemGuid.FieldType.DATE_TIME.AsGuid() ) )
                                    DateTime aDateTime;
                                    if ( DateTime.TryParse( newValue, out aDateTime ) )
                                        newValue = aDateTime.ToString( "o" );

                                if ( ( originalValue ?? string.Empty ).Trim() != ( newValue ?? string.Empty ).Trim() )
                                    string formattedOriginalValue = string.Empty;
                                    if ( !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace( originalValue ) )
                                        formattedOriginalValue = attribute.FieldType.Field.FormatValue( null, originalValue, attribute.QualifierValues, false );

                                    string formattedNewValue = string.Empty;
                                    if ( !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace( newValue ) )
                                        formattedNewValue = attribute.FieldType.Field.FormatValue( null, newValue, attribute.QualifierValues, false );

                                    Helper.SaveAttributeValue( person, attribute, newValue, rockContext );
                                    History.EvaluateChange( personChanges, attribute.Name, formattedOriginalValue, formattedNewValue );


                    string registrantName = person.FullName + ": ";

                    personChanges.ForEach( c => registrantChanges.Add( c ) );

                    if ( registrant == null )
                        registrant = new RegistrationRegistrant();
                        registrant.Guid = registrantInfo.Guid;
                        registrantService.Add( registrant );
                        registrant.RegistrationId = registration.Id;

                    registrant.PersonAliasId = person.PrimaryAliasId;
                    registrant.Cost = registrantInfo.Cost;

                    // Remove fees
                    // Remove/delete any registrant fees that are no longer in UI with quantity
                    foreach ( var dbFee in registrant.Fees.ToList() )
                        if ( !registrantInfo.FeeValues.Keys.Contains( dbFee.RegistrationTemplateFeeId ) ||
                            registrantInfo.FeeValues[dbFee.RegistrationTemplateFeeId] == null ||
                                .Any( f =>
                                    f.Option == dbFee.Option &&
                                    f.Quantity > 0 ) )
                            registrantChanges.Add( string.Format( "Removed '{0}' Fee (Quantity:{1:N0}, Cost:{2:C2}, Option:{3}",
                                dbFee.RegistrationTemplateFee.Name, dbFee.Quantity, dbFee.Cost, dbFee.Option ) );

                            registrant.Fees.Remove( dbFee );
                            registrantFeeService.Delete( dbFee );

                    // Add or Update fees
                    foreach ( var uiFee in registrantInfo.FeeValues.Where( f => f.Value != null ) )
                        foreach ( var uiFeeOption in uiFee.Value )
                            var dbFee = registrant.Fees
                                .Where( f =>
                                    f.RegistrationTemplateFeeId == uiFee.Key &&
                                    f.Option == uiFeeOption.Option )

                            if ( dbFee == null )
                                dbFee = new RegistrationRegistrantFee();
                                dbFee.RegistrationTemplateFeeId = uiFee.Key;
                                dbFee.Option = uiFeeOption.Option;
                                registrant.Fees.Add( dbFee );

                            var templateFee = dbFee.RegistrationTemplateFee;
                            if ( templateFee == null )
                                templateFee = RegistrationTemplate.Fees.Where( f => f.Id == uiFee.Key ).FirstOrDefault();

                            string feeName = templateFee != null ? templateFee.Name : "Fee";
                            if ( !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace( uiFeeOption.Option ) )
                                feeName = string.Format( "{0} ({1})", feeName, uiFeeOption.Option );

                            if ( dbFee.Id <= 0 )
                                registrantChanges.Add( feeName + " Fee Added" );

                            History.EvaluateChange( registrantChanges, feeName + " Quantity", dbFee.Quantity, uiFeeOption.Quantity );
                            dbFee.Quantity = uiFeeOption.Quantity;

                            History.EvaluateChange( registrantChanges, feeName + " Cost", dbFee.Cost, uiFeeOption.Cost );
                            dbFee.Cost = uiFeeOption.Cost;

                    registrantInfo.Id = registrant.Id;

                    // Set any of the templat's registrant attributes
                    foreach ( var field in RegistrationTemplate.Forms
                        .SelectMany( f => f.Fields
                            .Where( t =>
                                t.FieldSource == RegistrationFieldSource.RegistrationAttribute &&
                                t.AttributeId.HasValue ) ) )
                        // Find the registrant's value
                        var fieldValue = registrantInfo.FieldValues
                            .Where( f => f.Key == field.Id )
                            .Select( f => f.Value.FieldValue )

                        if ( fieldValue != null )
                            var attribute = AttributeCache.Read( field.AttributeId.Value );
                            if ( attribute != null )
                                string originalValue = registrant.GetAttributeValue( attribute.Key );
                                string newValue = fieldValue.ToString();
                                registrant.SetAttributeValue( attribute.Key, fieldValue.ToString() );

                                // DateTime values must be stored in ISO8601 format as http://www.rockrms.com/Rock/Developer/BookContent/16/16#datetimeformatting
                                if ( attribute.FieldType.Guid.Equals( Rock.SystemGuid.FieldType.DATE.AsGuid() ) ||
                                    attribute.FieldType.Guid.Equals( Rock.SystemGuid.FieldType.DATE_TIME.AsGuid() ) )
                                    DateTime aDateTime;
                                    if ( DateTime.TryParse( fieldValue.ToString(), out aDateTime ) )
                                        newValue = aDateTime.ToString( "o" );

                                if ( ( originalValue ?? string.Empty ).Trim() != ( newValue ?? string.Empty ).Trim() )
                                    string formattedOriginalValue = string.Empty;
                                    if ( !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace( originalValue ) )
                                        formattedOriginalValue = attribute.FieldType.Field.FormatValue( null, originalValue, attribute.QualifierValues, false );

                                    string formattedNewValue = string.Empty;
                                    if ( !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace( newValue ) )
                                        formattedNewValue = attribute.FieldType.Field.FormatValue( null, newValue, attribute.QualifierValues, false );

                                    Helper.SaveAttributeValue( registrant, attribute, newValue, rockContext );
                                    History.EvaluateChange( registrantChanges, attribute.Name, formattedOriginalValue, formattedNewValue );

                    Task.Run( () =>
                            new RockContext(),
                            typeof( Registration ),
                            "Registrant: " + person.FullName,
                            null, null, true, CurrentPersonAliasId )

                    // Clear this registran't family guid so it's not updated again
                    registrantInfo.FamilyGuid = Guid.Empty;



            catch ( Exception ex )
                using ( var newRockContext = new RockContext() )
                    if ( newRegistration )
                        var newRegistrationService = new RegistrationService( newRockContext );
                        var savedRegistration = new RegistrationService( newRockContext ).Get( registration.Id );
                        if ( savedRegistration != null )
                            HistoryService.DeleteChanges( newRockContext, typeof( Registration ), savedRegistration.Id );

                            newRegistrationService.Delete( savedRegistration );

                throw ex;

            return registration;
        /// <summary>
        /// Saves the person.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="rockContext">The rock context.</param>
        /// <param name="person">The person.</param>
        /// <param name="familyGuid">The family unique identifier.</param>
        /// <param name="campusId">The campus identifier.</param>
        /// <param name="location">The location.</param>
        /// <param name="adultRoleId">The adult role identifier.</param>
        /// <param name="childRoleId">The child role identifier.</param>
        /// <param name="multipleFamilyGroupIds">The multiple family group ids.</param>
        /// <param name="singleFamilyId">The single family identifier.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private Person SavePerson( RockContext rockContext, Person person, Guid familyGuid, int? campusId, Location location, int adultRoleId, int childRoleId,
            Dictionary<Guid, int> multipleFamilyGroupIds, ref int? singleFamilyId )
            int? familyId = null;

            if ( person.Id > 0 )

                // Set the family guid for any other registrants that were selected to be in the same family
                var family = person.GetFamilies( rockContext ).FirstOrDefault();
                if ( family != null )
                    familyId = family.Id;
                    multipleFamilyGroupIds.AddOrIgnore( familyGuid, family.Id );
                    if ( !singleFamilyId.HasValue )
                        singleFamilyId = family.Id;
                // If we've created the family aready for this registrant, add them to it
                if (
                        ( RegistrationTemplate.RegistrantsSameFamily == RegistrantsSameFamily.Ask && multipleFamilyGroupIds.ContainsKey( familyGuid ) ) ||
                        ( RegistrationTemplate.RegistrantsSameFamily == RegistrantsSameFamily.Yes && singleFamilyId.HasValue )

                    // Add person to existing family
                    var age = person.Age;
                    int familyRoleId = age.HasValue && age < 18 ? childRoleId : adultRoleId;

                    familyId = RegistrationTemplate.RegistrantsSameFamily == RegistrantsSameFamily.Ask ?
                        multipleFamilyGroupIds[familyGuid] :
                    PersonService.AddPersonToFamily( person, true, multipleFamilyGroupIds[familyGuid], familyRoleId, rockContext );


                // otherwise create a new family
                    // Create Person/Family
                    var familyGroup = PersonService.SaveNewPerson( person, rockContext, campusId, false );
                    if ( familyGroup != null )
                        familyId = familyGroup.Id;

                        // Store the family id for next person
                        multipleFamilyGroupIds.AddOrIgnore( familyGuid, familyGroup.Id );
                        if ( !singleFamilyId.HasValue )
                            singleFamilyId = familyGroup.Id;

            if ( familyId.HasValue && location != null )
                var homeLocationType = DefinedValueCache.Read( Rock.SystemGuid.DefinedValue.GROUP_LOCATION_TYPE_HOME.AsGuid() );
                if ( homeLocationType != null )
                    var familyGroup = new GroupService( rockContext ).Get( familyId.Value );
                    if ( familyGroup != null )
                            location.Street1, location.Street2, location.City, location.State, location.PostalCode, location.Country, true );

            return new PersonService( rockContext ).Get( person.Id );
        /// <summary>
        /// Handles the Click event of the lbPlaceInGroup control.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender">The source of the event.</param>
        /// <param name="e">The <see cref="EventArgs"/> instance containing the event data.</param>
        protected void lbPlaceInGroup_Click( object sender, EventArgs e )
            var col = gGroupPlacements.Columns.OfType<GroupPickerField>().FirstOrDefault();
            if ( col != null )
                var placements = new Dictionary<int, List<int>>();

                var colIndex = gGroupPlacements.Columns.IndexOf( col ).ToString();
                foreach ( GridViewRow row in gGroupPlacements.Rows )
                    GroupPicker gp = row.FindControl( "groupPicker_" + colIndex.ToString() ) as GroupPicker;
                    if ( gp != null )
                        int? groupId = gp.SelectedValueAsInt();
                        if ( groupId.HasValue )
                            int registrantId = (int)gGroupPlacements.DataKeys[row.RowIndex].Value;
                            placements.AddOrIgnore( groupId.Value, new List<int>() );
                            placements[groupId.Value].Add( registrantId );

                using ( var rockContext = new RockContext() )
                    var groupMemberService = new GroupMemberService( rockContext );

                    // Get all the registrants that were selected
                    var registrantIds = placements.SelectMany( p => p.Value ).ToList();
                    var registrants = new RegistrationRegistrantService( rockContext )
                        .Queryable( "PersonAlias" ).AsNoTracking()
                        .Where( r => registrantIds.Contains( r.Id ) )

                    // Get any groups that were selected
                    var groupIds = placements.Keys.ToList();
                    foreach ( var group in new GroupService( rockContext )
                        .Queryable( "GroupType" ).AsNoTracking()
                        .Where( g => groupIds.Contains( g.Id ) ) )
                        foreach ( int registrantId in placements[group.Id] )
                            int? roleId = group.GroupType.DefaultGroupRoleId;
                            if ( !roleId.HasValue )
                                roleId = group.GroupType.Roles
                                    .OrderBy( r => r.Order )
                                    .Select( r => r.Id )

                            var registrant = registrants.FirstOrDefault( r => r.Id == registrantId );
                            if ( registrant != null && roleId.HasValue && roleId.Value > 0 )
                                var groupMember = new GroupMember();
                                groupMember.PersonId = registrant.PersonAlias.PersonId;
                                groupMember.GroupId = group.Id;
                                groupMember.GroupRoleId = roleId.Value;
                                groupMember.GroupMemberStatus = GroupMemberStatus.Active;
                                groupMemberService.Add( groupMember );


        /// <summary>
        /// Binds the group placement grid.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="isExporting">if set to <c>true</c> [is exporting].</param>
        private void BindGroupPlacementGrid( bool isExporting = false )
            int? groupId = gpGroupPlacementParentGroup.SelectedValueAsInt();
            int? instanceId = hfRegistrationInstanceId.Value.AsIntegerOrNull();
            if ( instanceId.HasValue )
                using ( var rockContext = new RockContext() )
                    // Start query for registrants
                    var qry = new RegistrationRegistrantService( rockContext )
                        .Queryable( "PersonAlias.Person.PhoneNumbers.NumberTypeValue,Fees.RegistrationTemplateFee,GroupMember.Group" ).AsNoTracking()
                        .Where( r =>
                            r.Registration.RegistrationInstanceId == instanceId.Value &&
                            r.PersonAlias != null &&
                            r.PersonAlias.Person != null );

                    if ( groupId.HasValue )
                        var validGroupIds = new GroupService( rockContext ).GetAllDescendents( groupId.Value )
                            .Select( g => g.Id )

                        var existingPeopleInGroups = new GroupMemberService( rockContext )
                            .Where( m => validGroupIds.Contains( m.GroupId ) )
                            .Select( m => m.PersonId )

                        qry = qry.Where( r => !existingPeopleInGroups.Contains( r.PersonAlias.PersonId ) );

                    bool preloadCampusValues = false;
                    var registrantAttributeIds = new List<int>();
                    var personAttributesIds = new List<int>();
                    var groupMemberAttributesIds = new List<int>();

                    if ( RegistrantFields != null )
                        // Check if campus is used
                        preloadCampusValues = RegistrantFields
                            .Any( f =>
                                f.FieldSource == RegistrationFieldSource.PersonField &&
                                f.PersonFieldType.HasValue &&
                                f.PersonFieldType.Value == RegistrationPersonFieldType.Campus );

                        // Get all the registrant attributes selected
                        var registrantAttributes = RegistrantFields
                            .Where( f =>
                                f.Attribute != null &&
                                f.FieldSource == RegistrationFieldSource.RegistrationAttribute )
                            .Select( f => f.Attribute )
                        registrantAttributeIds = registrantAttributes.Select( a => a.Id ).Distinct().ToList();

                        // Get all the person attributes selected
                        var personAttributes = RegistrantFields
                            .Where( f =>
                                f.Attribute != null &&
                                f.FieldSource == RegistrationFieldSource.PersonAttribute )
                            .Select( f => f.Attribute )
                        personAttributesIds = personAttributes.Select( a => a.Id ).Distinct().ToList();

                        // Get all the group member attributes selected to be on grid
                        var groupMemberAttributes = RegistrantFields
                            .Where( f =>
                                f.Attribute != null &&
                                f.FieldSource == RegistrationFieldSource.GroupMemberAttribute )
                            .Select( f => f.Attribute )
                        groupMemberAttributesIds = groupMemberAttributes.Select( a => a.Id ).Distinct().ToList();

                    // Sort the query
                    IOrderedQueryable<RegistrationRegistrant> orderedQry = null;
                    SortProperty sortProperty = gGroupPlacements.SortProperty;
                    if ( sortProperty != null )
                        orderedQry = qry.Sort( sortProperty );
                        orderedQry = qry
                            .OrderBy( r => r.PersonAlias.Person.LastName )
                            .ThenBy( r => r.PersonAlias.Person.NickName );

                    // Set the grids LinqDataSource which will run query and set results for current page
                    gGroupPlacements.SetLinqDataSource<RegistrationRegistrant>( orderedQry );

                    if ( RegistrantFields != null )
                        // Get the query results for the current page
                        var currentPageRegistrants = gGroupPlacements.DataSource as List<RegistrationRegistrant>;
                        if ( currentPageRegistrants != null )
                            // Get all the registrant ids in current page of query results
                            var registrantIds = currentPageRegistrants
                                .Select( r => r.Id )

                            // Get all the person ids in current page of query results
                            var personIds = currentPageRegistrants
                                .Select( r => r.PersonAlias.PersonId )

                            // Get all the group member ids and the group id in current page of query results
                            var groupMemberIds = new List<int>();
                            GroupLinks = new Dictionary<int, string>();
                            foreach ( var groupMember in currentPageRegistrants
                                .Where( m =>
                                    m.GroupMember != null &&
                                    m.GroupMember.Group != null )
                                .Select( m => m.GroupMember ) )
                                groupMemberIds.Add( groupMember.Id );
                                GroupLinks.AddOrIgnore( groupMember.GroupId,
                                    isExporting ? groupMember.Group.Name :
                                        string.Format( "<a href='{0}'>{1}</a>",
                                            LinkedPageUrl( "GroupDetailPage", new Dictionary<string, string> { { "GroupId", groupMember.GroupId.ToString() } } ),
                                            groupMember.Group.Name ) );

                            // If the campus column was selected to be displayed on grid, preload all the people's
                            // campuses so that the databind does not need to query each row
                            if ( preloadCampusValues )
                                PersonCampusIds = new Dictionary<int, List<int>>();

                                Guid familyGroupTypeGuid = Rock.SystemGuid.GroupType.GROUPTYPE_FAMILY.AsGuid();
                                foreach ( var personCampusList in new GroupMemberService( rockContext )
                                    .Where( m =>
                                        m.Group.GroupType.Guid == familyGroupTypeGuid &&
                                        personIds.Contains( m.PersonId ) )
                                    .GroupBy( m => m.PersonId )
                                    .Select( m => new
                                        PersonId = m.Key,
                                        CampusIds = m
                                            .Where( g => g.Group.CampusId.HasValue )
                                            .Select( g => g.Group.CampusId.Value )
                                    } ) )
                                    PersonCampusIds.Add( personCampusList.PersonId, personCampusList.CampusIds );

                            // If there are any attributes that were selected to be displayed, we're going
                            // to try and read all attribute values in one query and then put them into a
                            // custom grid ObjectList property so that the AttributeField columns don't need
                            // to do the LoadAttributes and querying of values for each row/column
                            if ( personAttributesIds.Any() || groupMemberAttributesIds.Any() || registrantAttributeIds.Any() )
                                // Query the attribute values for all rows and attributes
                                var attributeValues = new AttributeValueService( rockContext )
                                    .Queryable( "Attribute" ).AsNoTracking()
                                    .Where( v =>
                                        v.EntityId.HasValue &&
                                                personAttributesIds.Contains( v.AttributeId ) &&
                                                personIds.Contains( v.EntityId.Value )
                                            ) ||
                                                groupMemberAttributesIds.Contains( v.AttributeId ) &&
                                                groupMemberIds.Contains( v.EntityId.Value )
                                            ) ||
                                                registrantAttributeIds.Contains( v.AttributeId ) &&
                                                registrantIds.Contains( v.EntityId.Value )

                                // Get the attributes to add to each row's object
                                var attributes = new Dictionary<string, AttributeCache>();
                                        .Where( f => f.Attribute != null )
                                        .Select( f => f.Attribute )
                                    .ForEach( a => attributes
                                        .Add( a.Id.ToString() + a.Key, a ) );

                                // Initialize the grid's object list
                                gGroupPlacements.ObjectList = new Dictionary<string, object>();

                                // Loop through each of the current page's registrants and build an attribute
                                // field object for storing attributes and the values for each of the registrants
                                foreach ( var registrant in currentPageRegistrants )
                                    // Create a row attribute object
                                    var attributeFieldObject = new AttributeFieldObject();

                                    // Add the attributes to the attribute object
                                    attributeFieldObject.Attributes = attributes;

                                    // Add any person attribute values to object
                                        .Where( v =>
                                            personAttributesIds.Contains( v.AttributeId ) &&
                                            v.EntityId.Value == registrant.PersonAlias.PersonId )
                                        .ForEach( v => attributeFieldObject.AttributeValues
                                            .Add( v.AttributeId.ToString() + v.Attribute.Key, new AttributeValueCache( v ) ) );

                                    // Add any group member attribute values to object
                                    if ( registrant.GroupMemberId.HasValue )
                                            .Where( v =>
                                                groupMemberAttributesIds.Contains( v.AttributeId ) &&
                                                v.EntityId.Value == registrant.GroupMemberId.Value )
                                            .ForEach( v => attributeFieldObject.AttributeValues
                                                .Add( v.AttributeId.ToString() + v.Attribute.Key, new AttributeValueCache( v ) ) );

                                    // Add any registrant attribute values to object
                                        .Where( v =>
                                            registrantAttributeIds.Contains( v.AttributeId ) &&
                                            v.EntityId.Value == registrant.Id )
                                        .ForEach( v => attributeFieldObject.AttributeValues
                                            .Add( v.AttributeId.ToString() + v.Attribute.Key, new AttributeValueCache( v ) ) );

                                    // Add row attribute object to grid's object list
                                    gGroupPlacements.ObjectList.Add( registrant.Id.ToString(), attributeFieldObject );

Exemple #44
        /// <summary>
        /// Raises the <see cref="E:System.Web.UI.Control.Load" /> event.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="e">The <see cref="T:System.EventArgs" /> object that contains the event data.</param>
        protected override void OnLoad( EventArgs e )
            if ( !Page.IsPostBack )
                var rockContext = new RockContext();

                OccurrenceId = PageParameter( "EventItemOccurrenceId" ).AsIntegerOrNull();
                ContentChannels = new List<ContentChannel>();
                ExpandedPanels = new List<int>();

                if ( OccurrenceId.HasValue && OccurrenceId.Value != 0 )
                    var channels = new Dictionary<int, ContentChannel>();

                    var eventItemOccurrence = new EventItemOccurrenceService( rockContext ).Get( OccurrenceId.Value );
                    if ( eventItemOccurrence != null && eventItemOccurrence.EventItem != null && eventItemOccurrence.EventItem.EventCalendarItems != null )
                            .SelectMany( i => i.EventCalendar.ContentChannels )
                            .Select( c => c.ContentChannel )
                            .ForEach( c => channels.AddOrIgnore( c.Id, c ) );

                        ExpandedPanels = eventItemOccurrence.ContentChannelItems
                            .Where( i => i.ContentChannelItem != null )
                            .Select( i => i.ContentChannelItem.ContentChannelId )

                    ContentChannels = channels.Select( c => c.Value ).ToList();

                CreateGrids( rockContext );

            base.OnLoad( e );
        /// <summary>
        /// Processes the payments.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="gateway">The gateway.</param>
        /// <param name="batchNamePrefix">The batch name prefix.</param>
        /// <param name="payments">The payments.</param>
        /// <param name="batchUrlFormat">The batch URL format.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static string ProcessPayments( FinancialGateway gateway, string batchNamePrefix, List<Payment> payments, string batchUrlFormat = "" )
            int totalPayments = 0;
            int totalAlreadyDownloaded = 0;
            int totalNoScheduledTransaction = 0;
            int totalAdded = 0;

            var batches = new List<FinancialBatch>();
            var batchSummary = new Dictionary<Guid, List<Payment>>();
            var initialControlAmounts = new Dictionary<Guid, decimal>();

            var allBatchChanges = new Dictionary<Guid, List<string>>();
            var allTxnChanges = new Dictionary<Guid, List<string>>();
            var txnPersonNames = new Dictionary<Guid, string>();

            using ( var rockContext = new RockContext() )
                var accountService = new FinancialAccountService( rockContext );
                var txnService = new FinancialTransactionService( rockContext );
                var batchService = new FinancialBatchService( rockContext );
                var scheduledTxnService = new FinancialScheduledTransactionService( rockContext );

                var contributionTxnType = DefinedValueCache.Read( Rock.SystemGuid.DefinedValue.TRANSACTION_TYPE_CONTRIBUTION.AsGuid() );

                var defaultAccount = accountService.Queryable()
                    .Where( a =>
                        a.IsActive &&
                        !a.ParentAccountId.HasValue &&
                        ( !a.StartDate.HasValue || a.StartDate.Value <= RockDateTime.Now ) &&
                        ( !a.EndDate.HasValue || a.EndDate.Value >= RockDateTime.Now )
                    .OrderBy( a => a.Order )

                var batchTxnChanges = new Dictionary<Guid, List<string>>();
                var batchBatchChanges = new Dictionary<Guid, List<string>>();

                foreach ( var payment in payments.Where( p => p.Amount > 0.0M ) )

                    // Only consider transactions that have not already been added
                    if ( txnService.GetByTransactionCode( payment.TransactionCode ) == null )
                        var scheduledTransaction = scheduledTxnService.GetByScheduleId( payment.GatewayScheduleId );
                        if ( scheduledTransaction != null )
                            scheduledTransaction.IsActive = payment.ScheduleActive;

                            var txnChanges = new List<string>();

                            var transaction = new FinancialTransaction();
                            transaction.FinancialPaymentDetail = new FinancialPaymentDetail();

                            transaction.Guid = Guid.NewGuid();
                            allTxnChanges.Add( transaction.Guid, txnChanges );
                            txnChanges.Add( "Created Transaction (Downloaded from Gateway)" );

                            transaction.TransactionCode = payment.TransactionCode;
                            History.EvaluateChange( txnChanges, "Transaction Code", string.Empty, transaction.TransactionCode );

                            transaction.TransactionDateTime = payment.TransactionDateTime;
                            History.EvaluateChange( txnChanges, "Date/Time", null, transaction.TransactionDateTime );

                            transaction.ScheduledTransactionId = scheduledTransaction.Id;

                            transaction.AuthorizedPersonAliasId = scheduledTransaction.AuthorizedPersonAliasId;
                            History.EvaluateChange( txnChanges, "Person", string.Empty, scheduledTransaction.AuthorizedPersonAlias.Person.FullName );
                            txnPersonNames.Add( transaction.Guid, scheduledTransaction.AuthorizedPersonAlias.Person.FullName );

                            transaction.FinancialGatewayId = gateway.Id;
                            History.EvaluateChange( txnChanges, "Gateway", string.Empty, gateway.Name );

                            transaction.TransactionTypeValueId = contributionTxnType.Id;
                            History.EvaluateChange( txnChanges, "Type", string.Empty, contributionTxnType.Value );

                            var currencyTypeValue = payment.CurrencyTypeValue;
                            var creditCardTypevalue = payment.CreditCardTypeValue;

                            if ( scheduledTransaction.FinancialPaymentDetail != null )
                                if ( currencyTypeValue == null && scheduledTransaction.FinancialPaymentDetail.CurrencyTypeValueId.HasValue )
                                    currencyTypeValue = DefinedValueCache.Read( scheduledTransaction.FinancialPaymentDetail.CurrencyTypeValueId.Value );

                                if ( creditCardTypevalue == null && scheduledTransaction.FinancialPaymentDetail.CreditCardTypeValueId.HasValue )
                                    creditCardTypevalue = DefinedValueCache.Read( scheduledTransaction.FinancialPaymentDetail.CreditCardTypeValueId.Value );

                                transaction.FinancialPaymentDetail.AccountNumberMasked = scheduledTransaction.FinancialPaymentDetail.AccountNumberMasked;
                                transaction.FinancialPaymentDetail.NameOnCardEncrypted = scheduledTransaction.FinancialPaymentDetail.NameOnCardEncrypted;
                                transaction.FinancialPaymentDetail.ExpirationMonthEncrypted = scheduledTransaction.FinancialPaymentDetail.ExpirationMonthEncrypted;
                                transaction.FinancialPaymentDetail.ExpirationYearEncrypted = scheduledTransaction.FinancialPaymentDetail.ExpirationYearEncrypted;

                            if ( currencyTypeValue != null )
                                transaction.FinancialPaymentDetail.CurrencyTypeValueId = currencyTypeValue.Id;
                                History.EvaluateChange( txnChanges, "Currency Type", string.Empty, currencyTypeValue.Value );
                            if ( creditCardTypevalue != null )
                                transaction.FinancialPaymentDetail.CreditCardTypeValueId = creditCardTypevalue.Id;
                                History.EvaluateChange( txnChanges, "Credit Card Type", string.Empty, creditCardTypevalue.Value );

                            //transaction.SourceTypeValueId = DefinedValueCache.Read( sourceGuid ).Id;

                            // Try to allocate the amount of the transaction based on the current scheduled transaction accounts
                            decimal remainingAmount = payment.Amount;
                            foreach ( var detail in scheduledTransaction.ScheduledTransactionDetails.Where( d => d.Amount != 0.0M ) )
                                var transactionDetail = new FinancialTransactionDetail();
                                transactionDetail.AccountId = detail.AccountId;

                                if ( detail.Amount <= remainingAmount )
                                    // If the configured amount for this account is less than or equal to the remaining
                                    // amount, allocate the configured amount
                                    transactionDetail.Amount = detail.Amount;
                                    remainingAmount -= detail.Amount;
                                    // If the configured amount is greater than the remaining amount, only allocate
                                    // the remaining amount
                                    transaction.Summary = "Note: Downloaded transaction amount was less than the configured allocation amounts for the Scheduled Transaction.";
                                    detail.Amount = remainingAmount;
                                    detail.Summary = "Note: The downloaded amount was not enough to apply the configured amount to this account.";
                                    remainingAmount = 0.0M;

                                transaction.TransactionDetails.Add( transactionDetail );

                                History.EvaluateChange( txnChanges, detail.Account.Name, 0.0M.ToString( "C2" ), transactionDetail.Amount.ToString( "C2" ) );
                                History.EvaluateChange( txnChanges, "Summary", string.Empty, transactionDetail.Summary );

                                if ( remainingAmount <= 0.0M )
                                    // If there's no amount left, break out of details

                            // If there's still amount left after allocating based on current config, add the remainder
                            // to the account that was configured for the most amount
                            if ( remainingAmount > 0.0M )
                                transaction.Summary = "Note: Downloaded transaction amount was greater than the configured allocation amounts for the Scheduled Transaction.";
                                var transactionDetail = transaction.TransactionDetails
                                    .OrderByDescending( d => d.Amount )
                                if ( transactionDetail == null && defaultAccount != null )
                                    transactionDetail = new FinancialTransactionDetail();
                                    transactionDetail.AccountId = defaultAccount.Id;
                                if ( transactionDetail != null )
                                    transactionDetail.Amount += remainingAmount;
                                    transactionDetail.Summary = "Note: Extra amount was applied to this account.";

                                History.EvaluateChange( txnChanges, defaultAccount.Name, 0.0M.ToString( "C2" ), transactionDetail.Amount.ToString( "C2" ) );
                                History.EvaluateChange( txnChanges, "Summary", string.Empty, transactionDetail.Summary );

                            // Get the batch
                            var batch = batchService.Get(
                                batches );

                            var batchChanges = new List<string>();
                            if ( batch.Id != 0 )
                                initialControlAmounts.AddOrIgnore( batch.Guid, batch.ControlAmount );
                            batch.ControlAmount += transaction.TotalAmount;

                            batch.Transactions.Add( transaction );

                            // Add summary
                            if ( !batchSummary.ContainsKey( batch.Guid ) )
                                batchSummary.Add( batch.Guid, new List<Payment>() );
                            batchSummary[batch.Guid].Add( payment );


                foreach ( var batch in batches )
                    var batchChanges = new List<string>();
                    allBatchChanges.Add( batch.Guid, batchChanges );

                    if ( batch.Id == 0 )
                        batchChanges.Add( "Generated the batch" );
                        History.EvaluateChange( batchChanges, "Batch Name", string.Empty, batch.Name );
                        History.EvaluateChange( batchChanges, "Status", null, batch.Status );
                        History.EvaluateChange( batchChanges, "Start Date/Time", null, batch.BatchStartDateTime );
                        History.EvaluateChange( batchChanges, "End Date/Time", null, batch.BatchEndDateTime );

                    if ( initialControlAmounts.ContainsKey( batch.Guid ) )
                        History.EvaluateChange( batchChanges, "Control Amount", initialControlAmounts[batch.Guid].ToString( "C2" ), batch.ControlAmount.ToString( "C2" ) );

                rockContext.WrapTransaction( () =>

                    foreach ( var batch in batches )
                            typeof( FinancialBatch ),

                        foreach ( var transaction in batch.Transactions )
                            if ( allTxnChanges.ContainsKey( transaction.Guid ) )
                                    typeof( FinancialBatch ),
                                    typeof( FinancialTransaction ),

                } );

            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
            sb.AppendFormat( "<li>{0} {1} downloaded.</li>", totalPayments.ToString( "N0" ),
                ( totalPayments == 1 ? "payment" : "payments" ) );

            if ( totalAlreadyDownloaded > 0 )
                sb.AppendFormat( "<li>{0} {1} previously downloaded and {2} already been added.</li>", totalAlreadyDownloaded.ToString( "N0" ),
                    ( totalAlreadyDownloaded == 1 ? "payment was" : "payments were" ),
                    ( totalAlreadyDownloaded == 1 ? "has" : "have" ) );

            if ( totalNoScheduledTransaction > 0 )
                sb.AppendFormat( "<li>{0} {1} could not be matched to an existing scheduled payment profile.</li>", totalNoScheduledTransaction.ToString( "N0" ),
                    ( totalNoScheduledTransaction == 1 ? "payment" : "payments" ) );

            sb.AppendFormat( "<li>{0} {1} successfully added.</li>", totalAdded.ToString( "N0" ),
                ( totalAdded == 1 ? "payment was" : "payments were" ) );

            foreach ( var batchItem in batchSummary )
                int items = batchItem.Value.Count;
                if (items > 0)
                    var batch = batches
                        .Where( b => b.Guid.Equals( batchItem.Key ) )

                    string batchName = string.Format("'{0} ({1})'", batch.Name, batch.BatchStartDateTime.Value.ToString("d"));
                    if ( !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace( batchUrlFormat ) )
                        batchName = string.Format( "<a href='{0}'>{1}</a>", string.Format( batchUrlFormat, batch.Id ), batchName );

                    decimal sum = batchItem.Value.Select( p => p.Amount ).Sum();

                    string summaryformat = items == 1 ?
                        "<li>{0} transaction of {1} was added to the {2} batch.</li>" :
                        "<li>{0} transactions totaling {1} were added to the {2} batch</li>";

                    sb.AppendFormat( summaryformat, items.ToString( "N0" ), sum.ToString( "C2" ), batchName );

            return sb.ToString();
        /// <summary>
        /// Handles the ApplyFilterClick event of the gfMetricValues control.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender">The source of the event.</param>
        /// <param name="e">The <see cref="EventArgs"/> instance containing the event data.</param>
        protected void gfMetricValues_ApplyFilterClick( object sender, EventArgs e )
            gfMetricValues.SaveUserPreference( "Date Range", drpDates.DelimitedValues );
            gfMetricValues.SaveUserPreference( "Goal/Measure", ddlGoalMeasure.SelectedValue );

            var metric = new MetricService( new RockContext() ).Get( hfMetricId.Value.AsInteger() );

            var entityTypeEntityFilters = new Dictionary<int, int?>();
            foreach ( var metricPartition in metric.MetricPartitions )
                var metricPartitionEntityType = EntityTypeCache.Read( metricPartition.EntityTypeId ?? 0 );
                var controlId = string.Format( "metricPartition{0}_entityTypeEditControl", metricPartition.Id );
                Control entityTypeEditControl = phMetricValuePartitions.FindControl( controlId );

                int? entityId;

                if ( metricPartitionEntityType != null && metricPartitionEntityType.SingleValueFieldType != null && metricPartitionEntityType.SingleValueFieldType.Field is IEntityFieldType )
                    entityId = ( metricPartitionEntityType.SingleValueFieldType.Field as IEntityFieldType ).GetEditValueAsEntityId( entityTypeEditControl, new Dictionary<string, ConfigurationValue>() );

                    entityTypeEntityFilters.AddOrIgnore( metricPartitionEntityType.Id, entityId );

            var entityTypeEntityUserPreferenceValue = entityTypeEntityFilters
                .Select( a => new { EntityTypeId = a.Key, EntityId = a.Value } )
                .Select( a => string.Format( "{0}|{1}", a.EntityTypeId, a.EntityId ) )
                .ToList().AsDelimited( "," );

            gfMetricValues.SaveUserPreference( this.EntityTypeEntityPreferenceKey, entityTypeEntityUserPreferenceValue );

        /// <summary>
        /// Rebinds the connectors.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="connectionRequest">The connection request.</param>
        /// <param name="campusId">The campus identifier.</param>
        /// <param name="rockContext">The rock context.</param>
        public void RebindGroupsAndConnectors( ConnectionRequest connectionRequest, RockContext rockContext )
            int? currentGroupId = ddlPlacementGroup.SelectedValueAsInt();
            int? currentConnectorId = ddlConnectorEdit.SelectedValueAsInt();

            ddlPlacementGroup.Items.Add( new ListItem( String.Empty, String.Empty ) );

            ddlConnectorEdit.Items.Add( new ListItem( String.Empty, String.Empty ) );

            var connectors = new Dictionary<int, Person>();

            if ( connectionRequest != null )
                int? campusId = ddlCampus.SelectedValueAsInt();

                // Set Group
                if ( !currentGroupId.HasValue && connectionRequest.AssignedGroupId.HasValue )
                    currentGroupId = connectionRequest.AssignedGroupId.Value;

                // Build list of groups
                var groups = new List<Group>();

                // First add any groups specifically configured for the opportunity
                var opportunityGroupIds = connectionRequest.ConnectionOpportunity.ConnectionOpportunityGroups.Select( o => o.Id ).ToList();
                if ( opportunityGroupIds.Any() )
                    groups = connectionRequest.ConnectionOpportunity.ConnectionOpportunityGroups
                        .Where( g =>
                            g.Group != null &&
                            g.Group.IsActive &&
                            ( !campusId.HasValue || !g.Group.CampusId.HasValue || campusId.Value == g.Group.CampusId.Value ) )
                        .Select( g => g.Group )

                // Then get any groups that are configured with 'all groups of type'
                foreach ( var groupConfig in connectionRequest.ConnectionOpportunity.ConnectionOpportunityGroupConfigs )
                    if ( groupConfig.UseAllGroupsOfType )
                        var existingGroupIds = groups.Select( g => g.Id ).ToList();

                        groups.AddRange( new GroupService( new RockContext() )
                            .Where( g =>
                                !existingGroupIds.Contains( g.Id ) &&
                                g.IsActive &&
                                g.GroupTypeId == groupConfig.GroupTypeId &&
                                ( !campusId.HasValue || !g.CampusId.HasValue || campusId.Value == g.CampusId.Value ) )
                            .ToList() );

                // Add the currently assigned group if it hasn't been added already
                if ( connectionRequest.AssignedGroup != null &&
                    !groups.Any( g => g.Id == connectionRequest.AssignedGroup.Id ) )
                    groups.Add( connectionRequest.AssignedGroup );

                foreach ( var g in groups.OrderBy( g => g.Name ) )
                    ddlPlacementGroup.Items.Add( new ListItem( String.Format( "{0} ({1})", g.Name, g.Campus != null ? g.Campus.Name : "No Campus" ), g.Id.ToString().ToUpper() ) );

                ddlPlacementGroup.SetValue( currentGroupId );

                // Set Connector
                if ( !currentConnectorId.HasValue && connectionRequest.ConnectorPersonAlias != null )
                    currentConnectorId = connectionRequest.ConnectorPersonAlias.PersonId;

                if ( connectionRequest.ConnectionOpportunity != null )
                    // Get the connectors from the connector groups
                    if ( connectionRequest.ConnectionOpportunity.ConnectionType != null )
                            .Where( g =>
                                ( !campusId.HasValue || !g.CampusId.HasValue || g.CampusId.Value == campusId.Value ) )
                            .SelectMany( g => g.ConnectorGroup.Members )
                            .Where( m => m.GroupMemberStatus == GroupMemberStatus.Active )
                            .Select( m => m.Person )
                            .ForEach( p => connectors.AddOrIgnore( p.Id, p ) );

                    if ( !currentConnectorId.HasValue && campusId.HasValue )
                        currentConnectorId = connectionRequest.ConnectionOpportunity.GetDefaultConnectorPersonId( campusId.Value );

            // Add the current person as possible connector
            if ( CurrentPerson != null )
                connectors.AddOrIgnore( CurrentPerson.Id, CurrentPerson );

            // Make sure the current value is an option
            if ( currentConnectorId.HasValue && !connectors.ContainsKey( currentConnectorId.Value ) )
                var person = new PersonService( rockContext ).Get( currentConnectorId.Value );
                if ( person != null )
                    connectors.AddOrIgnore( person.Id, person );

            // Add connectors to dropdown list
                .OrderBy( p => p.Value.LastName )
                .ThenBy( p => p.Value.NickName )
                .ForEach( c =>
                    ddlConnectorEdit.Items.Add( new ListItem( c.Value.FullName, c.Key.ToString() ) ) );

            if ( currentConnectorId.HasValue )
                ddlConnectorEdit.SetValue( currentConnectorId.Value );

            RebindGroupRole( connectionRequest, rockContext );
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates the entity value lookups.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="metricID">The metric identifier.</param>
        private void CreateEntityValueLookups( int? metricID )
            Metric metric = new MetricService( new RockContext() ).Get( metricID ?? 0 );
            if ( metric != null )
                var rockContext = new RockContext();
                _entityTypeEntityNameLookup = new Dictionary<int, Dictionary<int, string>>();
                _entityTypeEntityLookupQry = new Dictionary<int, IQueryable<IEntity>>();

                foreach ( var metricPartition in metric.MetricPartitions.Where( a => a.EntityTypeId.HasValue ) )
                    var entityTypeCache = EntityTypeCache.Read( metricPartition.EntityTypeId ?? 0 );

                    _entityTypeEntityNameLookup.AddOrIgnore( entityTypeCache.Id, new Dictionary<int, string>() );
                    _entityTypeEntityLookupQry.AddOrIgnore( entityTypeCache.Id, null );
                    if ( entityTypeCache != null )
                        if ( entityTypeCache.GetEntityType() == typeof( Rock.Model.Group ) )
                            _entityTypeEntityLookupQry[entityTypeCache.Id] = new GroupService( rockContext ).Queryable();
                            Type[] modelType = { entityTypeCache.GetEntityType() };
                            Type genericServiceType = typeof( Rock.Data.Service<> );
                            Type modelServiceType = genericServiceType.MakeGenericType( modelType );
                            var serviceInstance = Activator.CreateInstance( modelServiceType, new object[] { rockContext } ) as IService;
                            MethodInfo qryMethod = serviceInstance.GetType().GetMethod( "Queryable", new Type[] { } );
                            _entityTypeEntityLookupQry[entityTypeCache.Id] = qryMethod.Invoke( serviceInstance, new object[] { } ) as IQueryable<IEntity>;
        private void RebindGroupStatus( ConnectionRequest connectionRequest, RockContext rockContext )
            int? groupId = null;
            int? roleId = null;
            GroupMemberStatus? currentStatus = ddlPlacementGroupStatus.SelectedValueAsEnumOrNull<GroupMemberStatus>();

            ddlPlacementGroupStatus.SelectedValue = null;

            if ( connectionRequest != null )
                if ( !currentStatus.HasValue && connectionRequest.AssignedGroupMemberStatus.HasValue )
                    currentStatus = connectionRequest.AssignedGroupMemberStatus.Value;

                var statuses = new Dictionary<int, string>();

                groupId = ddlPlacementGroup.SelectedValueAsInt();
                roleId = ddlPlacementGroupRole.SelectedValueAsInt();

                if ( groupId.HasValue && roleId.HasValue )
                    var group = new GroupService( rockContext ).Get( groupId.Value );
                    if ( group != null )
                        foreach ( var groupConfig in new ConnectionOpportunityGroupConfigService( rockContext )
                            .Where( c =>
                                c.ConnectionOpportunityId == connectionRequest.ConnectionOpportunityId &&
                                c.GroupTypeId == group.GroupTypeId &&
                                c.GroupMemberRoleId == roleId.Value ) )
                            statuses.AddOrIgnore( groupConfig.GroupMemberStatus.ConvertToInt(), groupConfig.GroupMemberStatus.ConvertToString() );

                foreach ( var statusItem in statuses )
                    var listItem = new ListItem( statusItem.Value, statusItem.Key.ToString() );
                    listItem.Selected = currentStatus.HasValue && currentStatus.Value.ConvertToInt() == statusItem.Key;
                    ddlPlacementGroupStatus.Items.Add( listItem );

                ddlPlacementGroupStatus.Visible = ddlPlacementGroupStatus.Items.Count > 1;

            BuildGroupMemberAttributes( groupId, roleId, ddlPlacementGroupStatus.SelectedValueAsEnumOrNull<GroupMemberStatus>(), true );
        /// <summary>
        /// Binds the filter.
        /// </summary>
        protected void BindFilter()
            string dateRangePreference = rFilter.GetUserPreference( MakeKeyUniqueToGroup( "Date Range" ) );
            if ( string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace( dateRangePreference ) )
                // set the dateRangePreference to force rFilter_DisplayFilterValue to show our default three month limit
                dateRangePreference = ",";
                rFilter.SaveUserPreference( MakeKeyUniqueToGroup( "Date Range" ), "Date Range", dateRangePreference );

            var dateRange = DateRangePicker.CalculateDateRangeFromDelimitedValues( dateRangePreference );

            // if there is no start date, default to three months ago to minimize the chance of loading too much data
            drpDates.LowerValue = dateRange.Start ?? RockDateTime.Today.AddMonths( -3 );
            drpDates.UpperValue = dateRange.End;

            if ( _group != null )
                var grouplocations = _group.GroupLocations
                    .Where( l =>
                        l.Location.Name != null &&
                        l.Location.Name != string.Empty )

                var locations = new Dictionary<string, string> { { string.Empty, string.Empty } };

                var locationService = new LocationService( _rockContext );
                foreach ( var location in grouplocations.Select( l => l.Location ) )
                    if ( !locations.ContainsKey( location.Id.ToString() ) )
                        locations.Add( location.Id.ToString(), locationService.GetPath( location.Id ) );

                    var parentLocation = location.ParentLocation;
                    while ( parentLocation != null )
                        string key = string.Format( "P{0}", parentLocation.Id );
                        if ( !locations.ContainsKey( key ) )
                            locations.Add( key, locationService.GetPath( parentLocation.Id ) );

                        parentLocation = parentLocation.ParentLocation;

                if ( locations.Any() )
                    ddlLocation.Visible = true;
                    gOccurrences.Columns[2].Visible = true;
                    ddlLocation.DataSource = locations.OrderBy( l => l.Value );
                    ddlLocation.SetValue( rFilter.GetUserPreference( MakeKeyUniqueToGroup( "Location" ) ) );
                    ddlLocation.Visible = false;
                    gOccurrences.Columns[2].Visible = false;

                var schedules = new Dictionary<int, string> { { 0, string.Empty } };
                grouplocations.SelectMany( l => l.Schedules ).OrderBy( s => s.Name ).ToList()
                    .ForEach( s => schedules.AddOrIgnore( s.Id, s.Name ) );

                if ( schedules.Any() )
                    ddlSchedule.Visible = true;
                    gOccurrences.Columns[1].Visible = true;
                    ddlSchedule.DataSource = schedules;
                    ddlSchedule.SetValue( rFilter.GetUserPreference( MakeKeyUniqueToGroup( "Schedule" ) ) );
                    ddlSchedule.Visible = false;
                    gOccurrences.Columns[1].Visible = false;
        /// <summary>
        /// Handles the Click event of the lbPrintAttendanceRoster control.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender">The source of the event.</param>
        /// <param name="e">The <see cref="EventArgs"/> instance containing the event data.</param>
        protected void lbPrintAttendanceRoster_Click( object sender, EventArgs e )
            // NOTE: lbPrintAttendanceRoster is a full postback since we are returning a download of the roster

            nbPrintRosterWarning.Visible = false;
            var rockContext = new RockContext();

            Dictionary<int, object> mergeObjectsDictionary = new Dictionary<int, object>();
            if ( _attendees != null )
                var personIdList = _attendees.Select( a => a.PersonId ).ToList();
                var personList = new PersonService( rockContext ).GetByIds( personIdList );
                foreach ( var person in personList.OrderBy( a => a.LastName ).ThenBy( a => a.NickName ) )
                    mergeObjectsDictionary.AddOrIgnore( person.Id, person );

            var mergeFields = Rock.Lava.LavaHelper.GetCommonMergeFields( this.RockPage, this.CurrentPerson );
            mergeFields.Add( "Group", this._group );

            var mergeTemplate = new MergeTemplateService( rockContext ).Get( this.GetAttributeValue( "AttendanceRosterTemplate" ).AsGuid() );

            if ( mergeTemplate == null )
                this.LogException( new Exception( "No Merge Template specified in block settings" ) );
                nbPrintRosterWarning.Visible = true;
                nbPrintRosterWarning.Text = "Unable to print Attendance Roster";

            MergeTemplateType mergeTemplateType = mergeTemplate.GetMergeTemplateType();
            if ( mergeTemplateType == null )
                this.LogException( new Exception( "Unable to determine Merge Template Type" ) );
                nbPrintRosterWarning.Visible = true;
                nbPrintRosterWarning.Text = "Error printing Attendance Roster";

            BinaryFile outputBinaryFileDoc = null;

            var mergeObjectList = mergeObjectsDictionary.Select( a => a.Value ).ToList();

            outputBinaryFileDoc = mergeTemplateType.CreateDocument( mergeTemplate, mergeObjectList, mergeFields );

            // set the name of the output doc
            outputBinaryFileDoc = new BinaryFileService( rockContext ).Get( outputBinaryFileDoc.Id );
            outputBinaryFileDoc.FileName = _group.Name + " Attendance Roster" + Path.GetExtension( outputBinaryFileDoc.FileName ?? "" ) ?? ".docx";

            if ( mergeTemplateType.Exceptions != null && mergeTemplateType.Exceptions.Any() )
                if ( mergeTemplateType.Exceptions.Count == 1 )
                    this.LogException( mergeTemplateType.Exceptions[0] );
                else if ( mergeTemplateType.Exceptions.Count > 50 )
                    this.LogException( new AggregateException( string.Format( "Exceptions merging template {0}. See InnerExceptions for top 50.", mergeTemplate.Name ), mergeTemplateType.Exceptions.Take( 50 ).ToList() ) );
                    this.LogException( new AggregateException( string.Format( "Exceptions merging template {0}. See InnerExceptions", mergeTemplate.Name ), mergeTemplateType.Exceptions.ToList() ) );

            var uri = new UriBuilder( outputBinaryFileDoc.Url );
            var qry = System.Web.HttpUtility.ParseQueryString( uri.Query );
            qry["attachment"] = true.ToTrueFalse();
            uri.Query = qry.ToString();
            Response.Redirect( uri.ToString(), false );
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the merge object list for the current EntitySet
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="rockContext">The rock context.</param>
        /// <param name="fetchCount">The fetch count.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private List<object> GetMergeObjectList( RockContext rockContext, int? fetchCount = null )
            int entitySetId = hfEntitySetId.Value.AsInteger();
            var entitySetService = new EntitySetService( rockContext );
            var entitySet = entitySetService.Get( entitySetId );
            Dictionary<int, object> mergeObjectsDictionary = new Dictionary<int, object>();

            // If this EntitySet contains IEntity Items, add those first
            if ( entitySet.EntityTypeId.HasValue )
                var qryEntity = entitySetService.GetEntityQuery( entitySetId );

                if ( fetchCount.HasValue )
                    qryEntity = qryEntity.Take( fetchCount.Value );

                var entityTypeCache = EntityTypeCache.Read( entitySet.EntityTypeId.Value );
                bool isPersonEntityType = entityTypeCache != null && entityTypeCache.Guid == Rock.SystemGuid.EntityType.PERSON.AsGuid();
                bool isGroupMemberEntityType = entityTypeCache != null && entityTypeCache.Guid == Rock.SystemGuid.EntityType.GROUP_MEMBER.AsGuid();
                bool combineFamilyMembers = cbCombineFamilyMembers.Visible && cbCombineFamilyMembers.Checked;

                if ( ( isGroupMemberEntityType || isPersonEntityType ) && combineFamilyMembers )
                    IQueryable<IEntity> qryPersons;
                    if ( isGroupMemberEntityType )
                        qryPersons = qryEntity.OfType<GroupMember>().Select( a => a.Person ).Distinct();
                        qryPersons = qryEntity;

                    Guid familyGroupType = Rock.SystemGuid.GroupType.GROUPTYPE_FAMILY.AsGuid();
                    var qryFamilyGroupMembers = new GroupMemberService( rockContext ).Queryable()
                        .Where( a => a.Group.GroupType.Guid == familyGroupType )
                        .Where( a => qryPersons.Any( aa => aa.Id == a.PersonId ) );

                    var qryCombined = qryFamilyGroupMembers.Join(
                        m => m.PersonId,
                        p => p.Id,
                        ( m, p ) => new { GroupMember = m, Person = p } )
                        .GroupBy( a => a.GroupMember.GroupId )
                        .Select( x => new
                            GroupId = x.Key,
                            Persons = x.Select( xx => xx.Person ).Distinct()
                        } );

                    foreach ( var combinedFamilyItem in qryCombined )
                        object mergeObject;

                        string commaPersonIds = combinedFamilyItem.Persons.Select( a => a.Id ).Distinct().ToList().AsDelimited( "," );

                        var primaryGroupPerson = combinedFamilyItem.Persons.FirstOrDefault() as Person;

                        if ( mergeObjectsDictionary.ContainsKey( primaryGroupPerson.Id ) )
                            foreach ( var person in combinedFamilyItem.Persons )
                                if ( !mergeObjectsDictionary.ContainsKey( person.Id ) )
                                    primaryGroupPerson = person as Person;

                        // if we are combining from a GroupMemberEntityType list add the GroupMember attributes of the primary person in the combined list
                        if ( isGroupMemberEntityType )
                            var groupMember = qryEntity.OfType<GroupMember>().Where( a => a.PersonId == primaryGroupPerson.Id ).FirstOrDefault();
                            primaryGroupPerson.AdditionalLavaFields = primaryGroupPerson.AdditionalLavaFields ?? new Dictionary<string, object>();
                            if ( groupMember != null )
                                primaryGroupPerson.AdditionalLavaFields.Add( "GroupMember", groupMember );

                        if ( combinedFamilyItem.Persons.Count() > 1 )
                            var combinedPerson = primaryGroupPerson.ToJson().FromJsonOrNull<MergeTemplateCombinedPerson>();

                            var familyTitle = RockUdfHelper.ufnCrm_GetFamilyTitle( rockContext, null, combinedFamilyItem.GroupId, commaPersonIds, true );
                            combinedPerson.FullName = familyTitle;

                            var firstNameList = combinedFamilyItem.Persons.Select( a => ( a as Person ).FirstName ).ToList();
                            var nickNameList = combinedFamilyItem.Persons.Select( a => ( a as Person ).NickName ).ToList();

                            combinedPerson.FirstName = firstNameList.AsDelimited( ", ", " & " );
                            combinedPerson.NickName = nickNameList.AsDelimited( ", ", " & " );
                            combinedPerson.LastName = primaryGroupPerson.LastName;
                            combinedPerson.SuffixValueId = null;
                            combinedPerson.SuffixValue = null;
                            mergeObject = combinedPerson;
                            mergeObject = primaryGroupPerson;

                        mergeObjectsDictionary.AddOrIgnore( primaryGroupPerson.Id, mergeObject );
                else if ( isGroupMemberEntityType )
                    foreach ( var groupMember in qryEntity.AsNoTracking().OfType<GroupMember>() )
                        var person = groupMember.Person;
                        person.AdditionalLavaFields = new Dictionary<string, object>();
                        person.AdditionalLavaFields.Add( "GroupMember", groupMember );
                        mergeObjectsDictionary.AddOrIgnore( groupMember.PersonId, person );
                    foreach ( var item in qryEntity.AsNoTracking() )
                        mergeObjectsDictionary.AddOrIgnore( item.Id, item );

            var entitySetItemService = new EntitySetItemService( rockContext );
            string[] emptyJson = new string[] { string.Empty, "{}" };
            var entitySetItemMergeValuesQry = entitySetItemService.GetByEntitySetId( entitySetId, true ).Where( a => !emptyJson.Contains( a.AdditionalMergeValuesJson ) );

            if ( fetchCount.HasValue )
                entitySetItemMergeValuesQry = entitySetItemMergeValuesQry.Take( fetchCount.Value );

            // the entityId to use for NonEntity objects
            int nonEntityId = 1;

            // now, add the additional MergeValues regardless of if the EntitySet contains IEntity items or just Non-IEntity items
            foreach ( var additionalMergeValuesItem in entitySetItemMergeValuesQry.AsNoTracking() )
                object mergeObject;
                int entityId;
                if ( additionalMergeValuesItem.EntityId > 0 )
                    entityId = additionalMergeValuesItem.EntityId;
                    // not pointing to an actual EntityId, so use the nonEntityId for ti
                    entityId = nonEntityId++;

                if ( mergeObjectsDictionary.ContainsKey( entityId ) )
                    mergeObject = mergeObjectsDictionary[entityId];
                    if ( entitySet.EntityTypeId.HasValue )
                        // if already have real entities in our list, don't add additional items to the mergeObjectsDictionary

                    // non-Entity merge object, so just use Dictionary
                    mergeObject = new Dictionary<string, object>();
                    mergeObjectsDictionary.AddOrIgnore( entityId, mergeObject );

                foreach ( var additionalMergeValue in additionalMergeValuesItem.AdditionalMergeValues )
                    if ( mergeObject is IEntity )
                        // add the additional fields to AdditionalLavaFields
                        IEntity mergeEntity = ( mergeObject as IEntity );
                        mergeEntity.AdditionalLavaFields = mergeEntity.AdditionalLavaFields ?? new Dictionary<string, object>();
                        object mergeValueObject = additionalMergeValue.Value;
                        mergeEntity.AdditionalLavaFields.AddOrIgnore( additionalMergeValue.Key, mergeValueObject );
                    else if ( mergeObject is IDictionary<string, object> )
                        // anonymous object with no fields yet
                        IDictionary<string, object> nonEntityObject = mergeObject as IDictionary<string, object>;
                        nonEntityObject.AddOrIgnore( additionalMergeValue.Key, additionalMergeValue.Value );
                        throw new Exception( string.Format( "Unexpected MergeObject Type: {0}", mergeObject ) );

            var result = mergeObjectsDictionary.Select( a => a.Value );
            if ( fetchCount.HasValue )
                // make sure the result is limited to fetchCount (even though the above queries are also limited to fetch count)
                result = result.Take( fetchCount.Value );

            return result.ToList();
Exemple #53
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the suggestions.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="followingSuggestionType">Type of the following suggestion.</param>
        /// <param name="followerPersonIds">The follower person ids.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public override List<PersonEntitySuggestion> GetSuggestions( FollowingSuggestionType followingSuggestionType, List<int> followerPersonIds )
            var suggestions = new List<PersonEntitySuggestion>();
            var personAliasEntityType = EntityTypeCache.Read( typeof( Rock.Model.PersonAlias ) );

            bool isAutoFollow = GetAttributeValue( followingSuggestionType, "AutoFollow" ).AsBoolean();

            // Get the grouptype guid
            Guid? groupTypeGuid = GetAttributeValue( followingSuggestionType, "GroupType" ).AsGuidOrNull();
            if ( groupTypeGuid.HasValue )
                using ( var rockContext = new RockContext() )
                    var groupMemberService = new GroupMemberService( rockContext );
                    var personAliasService = new PersonAliasService( rockContext );

                    // Get all the groupmember records for any follower and the selected group type
                    var followers = groupMemberService.Queryable().AsNoTracking()
                        .Where( m =>
                            m.GroupMemberStatus == GroupMemberStatus.Active &&
                            m.Group != null &&
                            m.Group.IsActive &&
                            m.Group.GroupType.Guid.Equals( groupTypeGuid.Value ) &&
                            followerPersonIds.Contains( m.PersonId ) );

                    // If a specific group or security role was specifed, limit groupmembers to only those of the selected group
                    Guid? groupGuid = GetAttributeValue( followingSuggestionType, "Group" ).AsGuidOrNull();
                    if ( !groupGuid.HasValue )
                        groupGuid = GetAttributeValue( followingSuggestionType, "SecurityRole" ).AsGuidOrNull();
                    if ( groupGuid.HasValue )
                        followers = followers.Where( m => m.Group.Guid.Equals( groupGuid.Value ) );

                    // If a specific role for the follower was specified, limit groupmembers to only those with the selected role
                    Guid? followerRoleGuid = GetAttributeValue( followingSuggestionType, "FollowerGroupType" ).AsGuidOrNull();
                    if ( followerRoleGuid.HasValue )
                        followers = followers.Where( m => m.GroupRole.Guid.Equals( followerRoleGuid.Value ) );

                    // Run the query to get all the groups that follower is a member of with selected filters
                    var followerPersonGroup = followers
                        .Select( f => new
                        } )

                    // Get a unique list of any of the groups that followers belong to
                    var followedGroupIds = followerPersonGroup
                        .Select( f => f.GroupId )

                    // Start building query to get the people to follow from any group that contains a follower
                    var followed = groupMemberService
                        .Where( m => followedGroupIds.Contains( m.GroupId ) );

                    // If a specific role for the people being followed was specified, limit the query to only those with the selected role
                    Guid? followedRoleGuid = GetAttributeValue( followingSuggestionType, "FollowedGroupType" ).AsGuidOrNull();
                    if ( followedRoleGuid.HasValue )
                        followed = followed.Where( m => m.GroupRole.Guid.Equals( followedRoleGuid.Value ) );

                    // Get all the people in any of the groups that contain a follower
                    var followedPersonGroup = followed
                        .Select( f => new
                        } )

                    // Get distinct list of people
                    var followedPersonIds = followedPersonGroup
                        .Select( f => f.PersonId )

                    // Build a dictionary of the personid->personaliasid
                    var personAliasIds = new Dictionary<int, int>();
                        .Where( a =>
                            followedPersonIds.Contains( a.PersonId ) &&
                            a.PersonId == a.AliasPersonId )
                        .ForEach( a => personAliasIds.AddOrIgnore( a.PersonId, a.Id ) );

                    // Loop through each follower/group combination
                    foreach ( var followedGroup in followerPersonGroup )
                        // Loop through the other people in that group
                        foreach ( int followedPersonId in followedPersonGroup
                            .Where( f =>
                                f.GroupId == followedGroup.GroupId &&
                                f.PersonId != followedGroup.PersonId )
                            .Select( f => f.PersonId ) )
                            // If the person has a valid personalias id
                            if ( personAliasIds.ContainsKey( followedPersonId ) )
                                if ( !isAutoFollow )
                                    // add them to the list of suggestions
                                    suggestions.Add( new PersonEntitySuggestion( followedGroup.PersonId, personAliasIds[followedPersonId] ) );
                                    // auto-add the follow

                                    var followingService = new FollowingService( rockContext );

                                    int followerPersonAliasId = personAliasIds[followedGroup.PersonId];
                                    int followeePersonAliasId = personAliasIds[followedPersonId];

                                    // if person is not already following the person
                                    bool isFollowing = followingService.Queryable().Where( f =>
                                                            f.EntityTypeId == personAliasEntityType.Id
                                                            && f.EntityId == followeePersonAliasId
                                                            && f.PersonAliasId == followerPersonAliasId ).Any();
                                    if ( !isFollowing )
                                        var following = new Following();
                                        following.EntityTypeId = personAliasEntityType.Id;
                                        following.EntityId = personAliasIds[followedPersonId];
                                        following.PersonAliasId = personAliasIds[followedGroup.PersonId];
                                        followingService.Add( following );


            return suggestions;
        /// <summary>
        /// Binds the grid.
        /// </summary>
        protected void BindGrid()
            var rockContext = new RockContext();
            var attendanceService = new AttendanceService( rockContext );
            var qryAttendance = attendanceService.Queryable();

            var personField = gHistory.Columns.OfType<PersonField>().FirstOrDefault();
            if ( personField != null )
                personField.Visible = _person == null;

            var groupField = gHistory.Columns.OfType<RockBoundField>().FirstOrDefault( a => a.HeaderText == "Group" );
            if ( groupField != null )
                groupField.Visible = _group == null;

            if ( _person != null )
                qryAttendance = qryAttendance.Where( a => a.PersonAlias.PersonId == _person.Id );

                if ( _group != null )
                    qryAttendance = qryAttendance.Where( a => a.GroupId == _group.Id );
                    int? groupId = ddlAttendanceGroup.SelectedValueAsInt();
                    if ( groupId.HasValue )
                        qryAttendance = qryAttendance.Where( a => a.GroupId == groupId.Value );
                int? personId = ppPerson.SelectedValue;
                if ( personId.HasValue )
                    qryAttendance = qryAttendance.Where( a => a.PersonAlias.PersonId == personId.Value );

            // Filter by Date Range
            if ( drpDates.LowerValue.HasValue )
                qryAttendance = qryAttendance.Where( t => t.StartDateTime >= drpDates.LowerValue.Value );
            if ( drpDates.UpperValue.HasValue )
                DateTime upperDate = drpDates.UpperValue.Value.Date.AddDays( 1 );
                qryAttendance = qryAttendance.Where( t => t.StartDateTime < upperDate );

            // Filter by Schedule
            int? scheduleId = spSchedule.SelectedValue.AsIntegerOrNull();
            if ( scheduleId.HasValue && scheduleId.Value > 0 )
                qryAttendance = qryAttendance.Where( h => h.ScheduleId == scheduleId.Value );

            // Filter by DidAttend
            int? didAttend = ddlDidAttend.SelectedValueAsInt( false );
            if ( didAttend.HasValue )
                if ( didAttend.Value == 1 )
                    qryAttendance = qryAttendance.Where( a => a.DidAttend == true );
                    qryAttendance = qryAttendance.Where( a => a.DidAttend == false );

            var qry = qryAttendance
                .Select( a => new
                    LocationId = a.LocationId,
                    LocationName = a.Location.Name,
                    CampusId = a.CampusId,
                    CampusName = a.Campus.Name,
                    ScheduleName = a.Schedule.Name,
                    Person = a.PersonAlias.Person,
                    GroupName = a.Group.Name,
                    GroupTypeId = a.Group.GroupTypeId,
                    StartDateTime = a.StartDateTime,
                    EndDateTime = a.EndDateTime,
                    DidAttend = a.DidAttend
                } );

            SortProperty sortProperty = gHistory.SortProperty;
            if ( sortProperty != null )
                qry = qry.Sort( sortProperty );
                qry = qry.OrderByDescending( p => p.StartDateTime );

            // build a lookup for _groupTypePaths for OnRowDatabound
            _groupTypePaths = new GroupTypeService( rockContext ).GetAllCheckinGroupTypePaths().ToList();

            // build a lookup for _locationpaths for OnRowDatabound
            _locationPaths = new Dictionary<int, string>();
            var qryLocations = new LocationService( rockContext ).Queryable().Where( a => qry.Any( b => b.LocationId == a.Id ) );
            foreach (var location in qryLocations)
                var parentLocation = location.ParentLocation;
                var locationNames = new List<string>();
                while (parentLocation != null)
                    locationNames.Add( parentLocation.Name );
                    parentLocation = parentLocation.ParentLocation;

                string locationPath = string.Empty;
                if ( locationNames.Any() )
                    locationPath = locationNames.AsDelimited( " > " );

                _locationPaths.AddOrIgnore( location.Id, locationPath );

            gHistory.EntityTypeId = EntityTypeCache.Read<Attendance>().Id;
            gHistory.DataSource = qry.ToList();
Exemple #55
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates the fee field.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="fee">The fee.</param>
        /// <param name="setValues">if set to <c>true</c> [set values].</param>
        /// <param name="feeValues">The fee values.</param>
        private void CreateFeeField( RegistrationTemplateFee fee, bool setValues, List<FeeInfo> feeValues )
            if ( fee.FeeType == RegistrationFeeType.Single )
                string label = fee.Name;
                var cost = fee.CostValue.AsDecimalOrNull();
                if ( cost.HasValue && cost.Value != 0.0M )
                    label = string.Format( "{0} ({1})", fee.Name, cost.Value.ToString("C2"));

                if ( fee.AllowMultiple )
                    // Single Option, Multi Quantity
                    var numUpDown = new NumberUpDown();
                    numUpDown.ID = "fee_" + fee.Id.ToString();
                    numUpDown.Label = label;
                    numUpDown.Minimum = 0;
                    phFees.Controls.Add( numUpDown );

                    if ( setValues && feeValues != null && feeValues.Any() )
                        numUpDown.Value = feeValues.First().Quantity;
                    // Single Option, Single Quantity
                    var cb = new RockCheckBox();
                    cb.ID = "fee_" + fee.Id.ToString();
                    cb.Label = label;
                    cb.SelectedIconCssClass = "fa fa-check-square-o fa-lg";
                    cb.UnSelectedIconCssClass = "fa fa-square-o fa-lg";
                    phFees.Controls.Add( cb );

                    if ( setValues && feeValues != null && feeValues.Any() )
                        cb.Checked = feeValues.First().Quantity > 0;
                // Parse the options to get name and cost for each
                var options = new Dictionary<string, string>();
                string[] nameValues = fee.CostValue.Split( new char[] { '|' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries );
                foreach ( string nameValue in nameValues )
                    string[] nameAndValue = nameValue.Split( new char[] { '^' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries );
                    if ( nameAndValue.Length == 1)
                        options.AddOrIgnore( nameAndValue[0], nameAndValue[0] );
                    if ( nameAndValue.Length == 2 )
                        options.AddOrIgnore( nameAndValue[0], string.Format( "{0} ({1:C2})", nameAndValue[0], nameAndValue[1].AsDecimal() ) );

                if ( fee.AllowMultiple )
                    HtmlGenericControl feeAllowMultiple = new HtmlGenericControl( "div" );
                    phFees.Controls.Add( feeAllowMultiple );

                    feeAllowMultiple.AddCssClass( "feetype-allowmultiples" );

                    Label titleLabel = new Label();
                    feeAllowMultiple.Controls.Add( titleLabel );
                    titleLabel.CssClass = "control-label";
                    titleLabel.Text = fee.Name;

                    foreach( var optionKeyVal in options )
                        var numUpDown = new NumberUpDown();
                        numUpDown.ID = string.Format( "fee_{0}_{1}", fee.Id, optionKeyVal.Key );
                        numUpDown.Label = string.Format( "{0}", optionKeyVal.Value );
                        numUpDown.Minimum = 0;
                        numUpDown.CssClass = "fee-allowmultiple";
                        feeAllowMultiple.Controls.Add( numUpDown );

                        if ( setValues && feeValues != null && feeValues.Any() )
                            numUpDown.Value = feeValues
                                .Where( f => f.Option == optionKeyVal.Key )
                                .Select( f => f.Quantity )
                    // Multi Option, Single Quantity
                    var ddl = new RockDropDownList();
                    ddl.ID = "fee_" + fee.Id.ToString();
                    ddl.AddCssClass( "input-width-md" );
                    ddl.Label = fee.Name;
                    ddl.DataValueField = "Key";
                    ddl.DataTextField = "Value";
                    ddl.DataSource = options;
                    ddl.Items.Insert( 0, "");
                    phFees.Controls.Add( ddl );

                    if ( setValues && feeValues != null && feeValues.Any() )
                        ddl.SetValue( feeValues
                            .Where( f => f.Quantity > 0 )
                            .Select( f => f.Option )
                            .FirstOrDefault() );
 public void AddOrIgnoreTest()
     var dic=new Dictionary<string, string>();
     Assert.AreEqual("test", dic["test"]);
     Assert.AreNotEqual("Jonas", dic["test"]);
Exemple #57
        /// <summary>
        /// Shows the edit details.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="registration">The group.</param>
        private void ShowEditDetails( Registration registration )
            SetCostLabels( registration );
            SetEditMode( true );

            if ( registration.PersonAlias != null )
                ppPerson.SetValue( registration.PersonAlias.Person );
                ppPerson.SetValue( null );

            tbFirstName.Text = registration.FirstName;
            tbLastName.Text = registration.LastName;
            ebConfirmationEmail.Text = registration.ConfirmationEmail;

            var discountCodes = new Dictionary<string, string>();
            if ( RegistrationTemplateState != null )
                foreach( var discount in RegistrationTemplateState.Discounts.OrderBy( d => d.Code ) )
                    discountCodes.AddOrIgnore( discount.Code, discount.Code + ( string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace( discount.DiscountString ) ? "" :
                        string.Format( " ({0})", discount.DiscountString ) ) );

            if ( !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace( registration.DiscountCode ))
                discountCodes.AddOrIgnore( registration.DiscountCode, registration.DiscountCode );

            ddlDiscountCode.DataSource = discountCodes;
            ddlDiscountCode.Items.Insert( 0, new ListItem( "", "" ) );
            ddlDiscountCode.SetValue( registration.DiscountCode );

            nbDiscountPercentage.Text = registration.DiscountPercentage != 0.0m ? ( registration.DiscountPercentage * 100.0m ).ToString( "N0" ) : "";
            cbDiscountAmount.Text = registration.DiscountAmount != 0.0m ? registration.DiscountAmount.ToString( "N2" ) : "";

            RegistrantsState = null;
            BuildRegistrationControls( true );

            lbAddRegistrant.Visible = false;
Exemple #58
        /// <summary>
        /// Binds the registrants grid.
        /// </summary>
        private void BindRegistrantsGrid()
            int? instanceId = hfRegistrationInstanceId.Value.AsIntegerOrNull();
            if ( instanceId.HasValue )
                using ( var rockContext = new RockContext() )
                    // Start query for registrants
                    var qry = new RegistrationRegistrantService( rockContext )
                        .Queryable( "PersonAlias.Person.PhoneNumbers.NumberTypeValue,Fees.RegistrationTemplateFee,GroupMember.Group" ).AsNoTracking()
                        .Where( r =>
                            r.Registration.RegistrationInstanceId == instanceId.Value &&
                            r.PersonAlias != null &&
                            r.PersonAlias.Person != null );

                    // Filter by daterange
                    if ( drpRegistrantDateRange.LowerValue.HasValue )
                        qry = qry.Where( r =>
                            r.CreatedDateTime.HasValue &&
                            r.CreatedDateTime.Value >= drpRegistrantDateRange.LowerValue.Value );
                    if ( drpRegistrantDateRange.UpperValue.HasValue )
                        qry = qry.Where( r =>
                            r.CreatedDateTime.HasValue &&
                            r.CreatedDateTime.Value <= drpRegistrantDateRange.UpperValue.Value );

                    // Filter by first name
                    if ( !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace( tbRegistrantFirstName.Text ) )
                        string rfname = tbRegistrantFirstName.Text;
                        qry = qry.Where( r =>
                            r.PersonAlias.Person.NickName.StartsWith( rfname ) ||
                            r.PersonAlias.Person.FirstName.StartsWith( rfname ) );

                    // Filter by last name
                    if ( !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace( tbRegistrantLastName.Text ) )
                        string rlname = tbRegistrantLastName.Text;
                        qry = qry.Where( r =>
                            r.PersonAlias.Person.LastName.StartsWith( rlname ) );

                    bool preloadCampusValues = false;
                    var registrantAttributes = new List<AttributeCache>();
                    var personAttributes = new List<AttributeCache>();
                    var groupMemberAttributes = new List<AttributeCache>();
                    var registrantAttributeIds = new List<int>();
                    var personAttributesIds = new List<int>();
                    var groupMemberAttributesIds = new List<int>();

                    if ( RegistrantFields != null )
                        // Filter by any selected
                        foreach ( var personFieldType in RegistrantFields
                            .Where( f =>
                                f.FieldSource == RegistrationFieldSource.PersonField &&
                                f.PersonFieldType.HasValue )
                            .Select( f => f.PersonFieldType.Value ) )
                            switch ( personFieldType )
                                case RegistrationPersonFieldType.Campus:
                                        preloadCampusValues = true;

                                        var ddlCampus = phRegistrantFormFieldFilters.FindControl( "ddlCampus" ) as RockDropDownList;
                                        if ( ddlCampus != null )
                                            var campusId = ddlCampus.SelectedValue.AsIntegerOrNull();
                                            if ( campusId.HasValue )
                                                var familyGroupTypeGuid = Rock.SystemGuid.GroupType.GROUPTYPE_FAMILY.AsGuid();
                                                qry = qry.Where( r =>
                                                    r.PersonAlias.Person.Members.Any( m =>
                                                        m.Group.GroupType.Guid == familyGroupTypeGuid &&
                                                        m.Group.CampusId.HasValue &&
                                                        m.Group.CampusId.Value == campusId ) );


                                case RegistrationPersonFieldType.Email:
                                        var tbEmailFilter = phRegistrantFormFieldFilters.FindControl( "tbEmailFilter" ) as RockTextBox;
                                        if ( tbEmailFilter != null && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace( tbEmailFilter.Text ) )
                                            qry = qry.Where( r =>
                                                r.PersonAlias.Person.Email != null &&
                                                r.PersonAlias.Person.Email.Contains( tbEmailFilter.Text ) );


                                case RegistrationPersonFieldType.Birthdate:
                                        var drpBirthdateFilter = phRegistrantFormFieldFilters.FindControl( "drpBirthdateFilter" ) as DateRangePicker;
                                        if ( drpBirthdateFilter != null )
                                            if ( drpBirthdateFilter.LowerValue.HasValue )
                                                qry = qry.Where( r =>
                                                    r.PersonAlias.Person.BirthDate.HasValue &&
                                                    r.PersonAlias.Person.BirthDate.Value >= drpBirthdateFilter.LowerValue.Value );
                                            if ( drpBirthdateFilter.UpperValue.HasValue )
                                                qry = qry.Where( r =>
                                                    r.PersonAlias.Person.BirthDate.HasValue &&
                                                    r.PersonAlias.Person.BirthDate.Value <= drpBirthdateFilter.UpperValue.Value );

                                case RegistrationPersonFieldType.Gender:
                                        var ddlGenderFilter = phRegistrantFormFieldFilters.FindControl( "ddlGenderFilter" ) as RockDropDownList;
                                        if ( ddlGenderFilter != null )
                                            var gender = ddlGenderFilter.SelectedValue.ConvertToEnumOrNull<Gender>();
                                            if ( gender.HasValue )
                                                qry = qry.Where( r =>
                                                    r.PersonAlias.Person.Gender == gender );


                                case RegistrationPersonFieldType.MaritalStatus:
                                        var ddlMaritalStatusFilter = phRegistrantFormFieldFilters.FindControl( "ddlMaritalStatusFilter" ) as RockDropDownList;
                                        if ( ddlMaritalStatusFilter != null )
                                            var maritalStatusId = ddlMaritalStatusFilter.SelectedValue.AsIntegerOrNull();
                                            if ( maritalStatusId.HasValue )
                                                qry = qry.Where( r =>
                                                    r.PersonAlias.Person.MaritalStatusValueId.HasValue &&
                                                    r.PersonAlias.Person.MaritalStatusValueId.Value == maritalStatusId.Value );

                                case RegistrationPersonFieldType.MobilePhone:
                                        var tbPhoneFilter = phRegistrantFormFieldFilters.FindControl( "tbPhoneFilter" ) as RockTextBox;
                                        if ( tbPhoneFilter != null && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace( tbPhoneFilter.Text ) )
                                            string numericPhone = tbPhoneFilter.Text.AsNumeric();

                                            qry = qry.Where( r =>
                                                r.PersonAlias.Person.PhoneNumbers != null &&
                                                r.PersonAlias.Person.PhoneNumbers.Any( n => n.Number.Contains( numericPhone ) ) );


                        // Get all the registrant attributes selected to be on grid
                        registrantAttributes = RegistrantFields
                            .Where( f =>
                                f.Attribute != null &&
                                f.FieldSource == RegistrationFieldSource.RegistrationAttribute )
                            .Select( f => f.Attribute )
                        registrantAttributeIds = registrantAttributes.Select( a => a.Id ).Distinct().ToList();

                        // Filter query by any configured registrant attribute filters
                        if ( registrantAttributes != null && registrantAttributes.Any() )
                            var attributeValueService = new AttributeValueService( rockContext );
                            var parameterExpression = attributeValueService.ParameterExpression;
                            foreach ( var attribute in registrantAttributes )
                                var filterControl = phRegistrantFormFieldFilters.FindControl( "filter_" + attribute.Id.ToString() );
                                if ( filterControl != null )
                                    var filterValues = attribute.FieldType.Field.GetFilterValues( filterControl, attribute.QualifierValues, Rock.Reporting.FilterMode.SimpleFilter );
                                    var expression = attribute.FieldType.Field.AttributeFilterExpression( attribute.QualifierValues, filterValues, parameterExpression );
                                    if ( expression != null )
                                        var attributeValues = attributeValueService
                                            .Where( v => v.Attribute.Id == attribute.Id );
                                        attributeValues = attributeValues.Where( parameterExpression, expression, null );
                                        qry = qry
                                            .Where( r => attributeValues.Select( v => v.EntityId ).Contains( r.Id ) );

                        // Get all the person attributes selected to be on grid
                        personAttributes = RegistrantFields
                            .Where( f =>
                                f.Attribute != null &&
                                f.FieldSource == RegistrationFieldSource.PersonAttribute )
                            .Select( f => f.Attribute )
                        personAttributesIds = personAttributes.Select( a => a.Id ).Distinct().ToList();

                        // Filter query by any configured person attribute filters
                        if ( personAttributes != null && personAttributes.Any() )
                            var attributeValueService = new AttributeValueService( rockContext );
                            var parameterExpression = attributeValueService.ParameterExpression;
                            foreach ( var attribute in personAttributes )
                                var filterControl = phRegistrantFormFieldFilters.FindControl( "filter_" + attribute.Id.ToString() );
                                if ( filterControl != null )
                                    var filterValues = attribute.FieldType.Field.GetFilterValues( filterControl, attribute.QualifierValues, Rock.Reporting.FilterMode.SimpleFilter );
                                    var expression = attribute.FieldType.Field.AttributeFilterExpression( attribute.QualifierValues, filterValues, parameterExpression );
                                    if ( expression != null )
                                        var attributeValues = attributeValueService
                                            .Where( v => v.Attribute.Id == attribute.Id );
                                        attributeValues = attributeValues.Where( parameterExpression, expression, null );
                                        qry = qry
                                            .Where( r => attributeValues.Select( v => v.EntityId ).Contains( r.PersonAlias.PersonId ) );

                        // Get all the group member attributes selected to be on grid
                        groupMemberAttributes = RegistrantFields
                            .Where( f =>
                                f.Attribute != null &&
                                f.FieldSource == RegistrationFieldSource.GroupMemberAttribute )
                            .Select( f => f.Attribute )
                        groupMemberAttributesIds = groupMemberAttributes.Select( a => a.Id ).Distinct().ToList();

                        // Filter query by any configured person attribute filters
                        if ( groupMemberAttributes != null && groupMemberAttributes.Any() )
                            var attributeValueService = new AttributeValueService( rockContext );
                            var parameterExpression = attributeValueService.ParameterExpression;
                            foreach ( var attribute in groupMemberAttributes )
                                var filterControl = phRegistrantFormFieldFilters.FindControl( "filter_" + attribute.Id.ToString() );
                                if ( filterControl != null )
                                    var filterValues = attribute.FieldType.Field.GetFilterValues( filterControl, attribute.QualifierValues, Rock.Reporting.FilterMode.SimpleFilter );
                                    var expression = attribute.FieldType.Field.AttributeFilterExpression( attribute.QualifierValues, filterValues, parameterExpression );
                                    if ( expression != null )
                                        var attributeValues = attributeValueService
                                            .Where( v => v.Attribute.Id == attribute.Id );
                                        attributeValues = attributeValues.Where( parameterExpression, expression, null );
                                        qry = qry
                                            .Where( r => r.GroupMemberId.HasValue &&
                                            attributeValues.Select( v => v.EntityId ).Contains( r.GroupMemberId.Value ) );

                    // Sort the query
                    IOrderedQueryable<RegistrationRegistrant> orderedQry = null;
                    SortProperty sortProperty = gRegistrants.SortProperty;
                    if ( sortProperty != null )
                        orderedQry = qry.Sort( sortProperty );
                        orderedQry = qry
                            .OrderBy( r => r.PersonAlias.Person.LastName )
                            .ThenBy( r => r.PersonAlias.Person.NickName );

                    // Set the grids LinqDataSource which will run query and set results for current page
                    gRegistrants.SetLinqDataSource<RegistrationRegistrant>( orderedQry );

                    if ( RegistrantFields != null )
                        // Get the query results for the current page
                        var currentPageRegistrants = gRegistrants.DataSource as List<RegistrationRegistrant>;
                        if ( currentPageRegistrants != null )
                            // Get all the registrant ids in current page of query results
                            var registrantIds = currentPageRegistrants
                                .Select( r => r.Id )

                            // Get all the person ids in current page of query results
                            var personIds = currentPageRegistrants
                                .Select( r => r.PersonAlias.PersonId )

                            // Get all the group member ids and the group id in current page of query results
                            var groupMemberIds = new List<int>();
                            GroupLinks = new Dictionary<int,string>();
                            foreach( var groupMember in currentPageRegistrants
                                .Where( m =>
                                    m.GroupMember != null &&
                                    m.GroupMember.Group != null )
                                .Select( m => m.GroupMember ) )
                                groupMemberIds.Add( groupMember.Id );
                                GroupLinks.AddOrIgnore( groupMember.GroupId,
                                    string.Format( "<a href='{0}'>{1}</a>",
                                        LinkedPageUrl( "GroupDetailPage", new Dictionary<string, string> { { "GroupId", groupMember.GroupId.ToString() } } ),
                                        groupMember.Group.Name ) );

                            // If the campus column was selected to be displayed on grid, preload all the people's
                            // campuses so that the databind does not need to query each row
                            if ( preloadCampusValues )
                                PersonCampusIds = new Dictionary<int, List<int>>();

                                Guid familyGroupTypeGuid = Rock.SystemGuid.GroupType.GROUPTYPE_FAMILY.AsGuid();
                                foreach ( var personCampusList in new GroupMemberService( rockContext )
                                    .Where( m =>
                                        m.Group.GroupType.Guid == familyGroupTypeGuid &&
                                        personIds.Contains( m.PersonId ) )
                                    .GroupBy( m => m.PersonId )
                                    .Select( m => new
                                        PersonId = m.Key,
                                        CampusIds = m
                                            .Where( g => g.Group.CampusId.HasValue )
                                            .Select( g => g.Group.CampusId.Value )
                                    } ) )
                                    PersonCampusIds.Add( personCampusList.PersonId, personCampusList.CampusIds );

                            // If there are any attributes that were selected to be displayed, we're going
                            // to try and read all attribute values in one query and then put them into a
                            // custom grid ObjectList property so that the AttributeField columns don't need
                            // to do the LoadAttributes and querying of values for each row/column
                            if ( personAttributesIds.Any() || groupMemberAttributesIds.Any() || registrantAttributeIds.Any() )

                                // Query the attribute values for all rows and attributes
                                var attributeValues = new AttributeValueService( rockContext )
                                    .Queryable( "Attribute" ).AsNoTracking()
                                    .Where( v =>
                                        v.EntityId.HasValue &&
                                                personAttributesIds.Contains( v.AttributeId ) &&
                                                personIds.Contains( v.EntityId.Value )
                                            ) ||
                                                groupMemberAttributesIds.Contains( v.AttributeId ) &&
                                                groupMemberIds.Contains( v.EntityId.Value )
                                            ) ||
                                                registrantAttributeIds.Contains( v.AttributeId ) &&
                                                registrantIds.Contains( v.EntityId.Value )

                                // Get the attributes to add to each row's object
                                var attributes = new Dictionary<string, AttributeCache>();
                                        .Where( f => f.Attribute != null )
                                        .Select( f => f.Attribute )
                                    .ForEach( a => attributes
                                        .Add( a.Id.ToString() + a.Key, a ) );

                                // Initialize the grid's object list
                                gRegistrants.ObjectList = new Dictionary<string, object>();

                                // Loop through each of the current page's registrants and build an attribute
                                // field object for storing attributes and the values for each of the registrants
                                foreach ( var registrant in currentPageRegistrants )
                                    // Create a row attribute object
                                    var attributeFieldObject = new AttributeFieldObject();

                                    // Add the attributes to the attribute object
                                    attributeFieldObject.Attributes = attributes;

                                    // Add any person attribute values to object
                                        .Where( v =>
                                            personAttributesIds.Contains( v.AttributeId ) &&
                                            v.EntityId.Value == registrant.PersonAlias.PersonId )
                                        .ForEach( v => attributeFieldObject.AttributeValues
                                            .Add( v.AttributeId.ToString() + v.Attribute.Key, v ) );

                                    // Add any group member attribute values to object
                                    if ( registrant.GroupMemberId.HasValue )
                                            .Where( v =>
                                                groupMemberAttributesIds.Contains( v.AttributeId ) &&
                                                v.EntityId.Value == registrant.GroupMemberId.Value )
                                            .ForEach( v => attributeFieldObject.AttributeValues
                                                .Add( v.AttributeId.ToString() + v.Attribute.Key, v ) );

                                    // Add any registrant attribute values to object
                                        .Where( v =>
                                            registrantAttributeIds.Contains( v.AttributeId ) &&
                                            v.EntityId.Value == registrant.PersonAlias.PersonId )
                                        .ForEach( v => attributeFieldObject.AttributeValues
                                            .Add( v.AttributeId.ToString() + v.Attribute.Key, v ) );

                                    // Add row attribute object to grid's object list
                                    gRegistrants.ObjectList.Add( registrant.Id.ToString(), attributeFieldObject );

        /// <summary>
        /// Executes this instance.
        /// </summary>
        public void Execute()
            using ( var rockContext = new RockContext() )
                var registration = new RegistrationService( rockContext )
                    .Queryable( "RegistrationInstance.RegistrationTemplate" ).AsNoTracking()
                    .FirstOrDefault( r => r.Id == RegistrationId );

                if ( registration != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty( registration.ConfirmationEmail ) &&
                    registration.RegistrationInstance != null && registration.RegistrationInstance.RegistrationTemplate != null )
                    var template = registration.RegistrationInstance.RegistrationTemplate;

                    var mergeFields = new Dictionary<string, object>();
                    mergeFields.Add( "RegistrationInstance", registration.RegistrationInstance );
                    mergeFields.Add( "Registration", registration );

                    var recipients = new Dictionary<string, Dictionary<string, object>>();

                    // Contact
                    if ( !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace( registration.RegistrationInstance.ContactEmail ) &&
                        ( template.Notify & RegistrationNotify.RegistrationContact ) == RegistrationNotify.RegistrationContact )
                        recipients.AddOrIgnore( registration.RegistrationInstance.ContactEmail, mergeFields );

                    // Group Followers
                    if ( registration.GroupId.HasValue &&
                        ( template.Notify & RegistrationNotify.GroupFollowers ) == RegistrationNotify.GroupFollowers )
                        new GroupService( rockContext ).GetFollowers( registration.GroupId.Value )
                            .Where( f =>
                                f.Email != null &&
                                f.Email != "" )
                            .Select( f => f.Email )
                            .ForEach( f => recipients.AddOrIgnore( f, mergeFields ) );

                    // Group Leaders
                    if ( ( template.Notify & RegistrationNotify.GroupLeaders ) == RegistrationNotify.GroupLeaders )
                        new GroupMemberService( rockContext ).GetLeaders( registration.GroupId.Value )
                            .Where( m =>
                                m.Person != null &&
                                m.Person.Email != null &&
                                m.Person.Email != "" )
                            .Select( m => m.Person.Email )
                            .ForEach( m => recipients.AddOrIgnore( m, mergeFields ) );

                    if ( recipients.Any() )
                        var recipientList = new List<RecipientData>();
                        recipients.ToList().ForEach( r => recipientList.Add( new RecipientData( r.Key, r.Value ) ) );
                        Email.Send( Rock.SystemGuid.SystemEmail.REGISTRATION_NOTIFICATION.AsGuid(), recipientList, AppRoot, ThemeRoot );

        /// <summary>
        /// Executes the specified context.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="context">The context.</param>
        public void Execute( IJobExecutionContext context )
            JobDataMap dataMap = context.JobDetail.JobDataMap;
            Guid? groupGuid = dataMap.GetString( "EligibleFollowers" ).AsGuidOrNull();
            Guid? systemEmailGuid = dataMap.GetString( "EmailTemplate" ).AsGuidOrNull();
            int followingEventsSent = 0;

            if ( groupGuid.HasValue && systemEmailGuid.HasValue )
                var exceptionMsgs = new List<string>();

                using ( var rockContext = new RockContext() )
                    var followingService = new FollowingService( rockContext );
                    var followingEventTypeService = new FollowingEventTypeService( rockContext );
                    var followingEventNotificationService = new FollowingEventNotificationService( rockContext );

                    // Get all the active event types
                    var eventTypes = followingEventTypeService
                        .Where( e =>
                            e.EntityTypeId.HasValue &&
                            e.IsActive )
                        .OrderBy( e => e.Order )

                    // Get the required event types
                    var requiredEventTypes = eventTypes
                        .Where( e => e.IsNoticeRequired )

                    // The people who are eligible to get following event notices based on the group type setting for this job
                    var eligiblePersonIds = new GroupMemberService( rockContext )
                        .Where( m =>
                            m.Group != null &&
                            m.Group.Guid.Equals( groupGuid.Value ) &&
                            m.GroupMemberStatus == GroupMemberStatus.Active &&
                            m.Person != null &&
                            m.Person.Email != null &&
                            m.Person.Email != "" )
                        .Select( m => m.PersonId )

                    // Get all the subscriptions for the eligible people
                    var eventSubscriptions = new FollowingEventSubscriptionService( rockContext )
                        .Queryable( "PersonAlias" ).AsNoTracking()
                        .Where( f => eligiblePersonIds.Contains( f.PersonAlias.PersonId ) )

                    // Dictionaries used to store information that will be used to create notification
                    var personSubscriptions = new Dictionary<int, List<int>>();                     // Key: personId, Value: list of event type ids that person subscribes to
                    var personFollowings = new Dictionary<int, List<int>>();                        // Key: personId, Value: list of following ids that person follows
                    var eventsThatHappened = new Dictionary<int, Dictionary<int, string>>();        // Key: event type id Value: Dictionary of entity id and formatted event notice for the entity

                    //Get the subscriptions for each person
                    foreach ( int personId in eligiblePersonIds )
                        var personEventTypes = eventSubscriptions
                            .Where( s => s.PersonAlias.PersonId == personId )
                            .Select( s => s.EventType )
                        personEventTypes.AddRange( requiredEventTypes );
                        if ( personEventTypes.Any() )
                            personSubscriptions.AddOrIgnore( personId, personEventTypes
                                .OrderBy( e => e.Order )
                                .ThenBy( e => e.Name )
                                .Select( e => e.Id )
                                .ToList() );

                    // Get a distinct list of each entitytype/entity that is being followed by anyone that subscribes to events
                    var followings = followingService
                        .Queryable( "PersonAlias" ).AsNoTracking()
                        .Where( f => personSubscriptions.Keys.Contains( f.PersonAlias.PersonId ) )

                    // group the followings by their type
                    var followedEntityIds = new Dictionary<int, List<int>>();
                    foreach ( var followedEntity in followings
                        .Select( f => new
                        } )
                        .Distinct() )
                        followedEntityIds.AddOrIgnore( followedEntity.EntityTypeId, new List<int>() );
                        followedEntityIds[followedEntity.EntityTypeId].Add( followedEntity.EntityId );

                    // group the followings by the follower
                    foreach ( int personId in personSubscriptions.Select( s => s.Key ) )
                        var personFollowing = followings
                            .Where( f => f.PersonAlias.PersonId == personId )
                            .Select( f => f.Id )

                        personFollowings.Add( personId, personFollowing );

                    var timestamp = RockDateTime.Now;

                    // foreach followed entitytype
                    foreach ( var keyVal in followedEntityIds )
                        // Get the entitytype
                        EntityTypeCache itemEntityType = EntityTypeCache.Read( keyVal.Key );
                        if ( itemEntityType.AssemblyName != null )
                            // get the actual type of what is being followed
                            Type entityType = itemEntityType.GetEntityType();
                            if ( entityType != null )
                                var dbContext = Reflection.GetDbContextForEntityType( entityType );
                                if ( dbContext != null )
                                    var serviceInstance = Reflection.GetServiceForEntityType( entityType, dbContext );
                                    if ( serviceInstance != null )
                                        MethodInfo qryMethod = serviceInstance.GetType().GetMethod( "Queryable", new Type[] { } );
                                        var entityQry = qryMethod.Invoke( serviceInstance, new object[] { } ) as IQueryable<IEntity>;

                                        // If looking at person alias following, make sure to exclude deceased people
                                        if ( entityType == typeof( Rock.Model.PersonAlias ) )
                                            var personAliasQry = entityQry as IQueryable<PersonAlias>;
                                            if ( personAliasQry != null )
                                                entityQry = personAliasQry.Where( p => !p.Person.IsDeceased );

                                        var entityList = entityQry.Where( q => keyVal.Value.Contains( q.Id ) ).ToList();

                                        // If there are any followed entities of this type
                                        if ( entityList.Any() )
                                            // Get the active event types for this entity type
                                            foreach ( var eventType in eventTypes.Where( e => e.FollowedEntityTypeId == keyVal.Key ) )
                                                    // Get the component
                                                    var eventComponent = eventType.GetEventComponent();
                                                    if ( eventComponent != null )
                                                        // Get the previous notificatoins for this event type
                                                        var previousNotifications = followingEventNotificationService
                                                            .Where( n => n.FollowingEventTypeId == eventType.Id )

                                                        // check each entity that is followed (by anyone)
                                                        foreach ( IEntity entity in entityList )
                                                            var previousNotification = previousNotifications
                                                                .Where( n => n.EntityId == entity.Id )
                                                            DateTime? lastNotification = previousNotification != null ? previousNotification.LastNotified : (DateTime?)null;

                                                            // if the event happened
                                                            if ( eventComponent.HasEventHappened( eventType, entity, lastNotification ) )
                                                                // Store the event type id and the entity for later processing of notifications
                                                                eventsThatHappened.AddOrIgnore( eventType.Id, new Dictionary<int, string>() );
                                                                eventsThatHappened[eventType.Id].Add( entity.Id, eventComponent.FormatEntityNotification( eventType, entity ) );

                                                                if ( previousNotification == null )
                                                                    previousNotification = new FollowingEventNotification();
                                                                    previousNotification.FollowingEventTypeId = eventType.Id;
                                                                    previousNotification.EntityId = entity.Id;
                                                                    followingEventNotificationService.Add( previousNotification );
                                                                previousNotification.LastNotified = timestamp;


                                                    eventType.LastCheckDateTime = RockDateTime.Now;

                                                catch ( Exception ex )
                                                    exceptionMsgs.Add( string.Format( "An exception occurred calculating events for the '{0}' suggestion type:{1}    {2}", eventType.Name, Environment.NewLine, ex.Messages().AsDelimited( Environment.NewLine + "   " ) ) );
                                                    ExceptionLogService.LogException( ex, System.Web.HttpContext.Current );

                    // send notificatons
                    var appRoot = Rock.Web.Cache.GlobalAttributesCache.Read( rockContext ).GetValue( "ExternalApplicationRoot" );

                    var possibleRecipients = new PersonService( rockContext )
                        .Where( p => personSubscriptions.Keys.Contains( p.Id ) )

                    // Loop through the possible recipients that actually subscribe to events
                    foreach ( var personSubscription in personSubscriptions )
                        // Get the recipient person
                        int personId = personSubscription.Key;
                        var person = possibleRecipients.Where( p => p.Id == personId ).FirstOrDefault();
                        if ( person != null )

                                // Make sure person is actually following anything
                                if ( personFollowings.ContainsKey( personId ) )
                                    // Dictionary to store the entities that had an event for each event type
                                    var personEventTypeNotices = new List<FollowingEventTypeNotices>();

                                    // Get the event types that person subscribes to
                                    foreach ( var eventType in eventsThatHappened.Where( e => personSubscription.Value.Contains( e.Key ) ) )
                                        // Get the EntityTypeId for this event type
                                        int entityTypeId = eventTypes
                                            .Where( e => e.Id == eventType.Key )
                                            .Select( e => e.FollowedEntityTypeId.Value )

                                        // Find all the entities with this event type that the person follows
                                        var personFollowedEntityIds = followings
                                            .Where( f =>
                                                personFollowings[personId].Contains( f.Id ) &&
                                                f.EntityTypeId == entityTypeId )
                                            .Select( f => f.EntityId )

                                        // Get any of those entities that had an event happen
                                        var personFollowedEntities = eventType.Value
                                            .Where( e => personFollowedEntityIds.Contains( e.Key ) )

                                        // If any were found
                                        if ( personFollowedEntities.Any() )
                                            // Add the entry
                                            var eventTypeObj = eventTypes.Where( e => e.Id == eventType.Key ).FirstOrDefault();
                                            if ( eventTypeObj != null )
                                                personEventTypeNotices.Add( new FollowingEventTypeNotices( eventTypeObj, personFollowedEntities.Select( e => e.Value ).ToList() ) );

                                    // If there are any events for any of the entities that this person follows, send a notification
                                    if ( personEventTypeNotices.Any() )
                                        // Send the notice
                                        var recipients = new List<RecipientData>();
                                        var mergeFields = new Dictionary<string, object>();
                                        mergeFields.Add( "Person", person );
                                        mergeFields.Add( "EventTypes", personEventTypeNotices.OrderBy( e => e.EventType.Order ).ToList() );
                                        recipients.Add( new RecipientData( person.Email, mergeFields ) );
                                        Email.Send( systemEmailGuid.Value, recipients, appRoot );
                            catch ( Exception ex )
                                exceptionMsgs.Add( string.Format( "An exception occurred sending event notice to '{0}':{1}    {2}", person.FullName, Environment.NewLine, ex.Messages().AsDelimited( Environment.NewLine + "   " ) ) );
                                ExceptionLogService.LogException( ex, System.Web.HttpContext.Current );

                context.Result = string.Format( "{0} following events emails sent", followingEventsSent );

                if ( exceptionMsgs.Any() )
                    throw new Exception( "One or more exceptions occurred calculating following events..." + Environment.NewLine + exceptionMsgs.AsDelimited( Environment.NewLine ) );