Exemple #1
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes an instance of <see cref="DicomClient"/>.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="host">DICOM host.</param>
 /// <param name="port">Port.</param>
 /// <param name="useTls">True if TLS security should be enabled, false otherwise.</param>
 /// <param name="callingAe">Calling Application Entity Title.</param>
 /// <param name="calledAe">Called Application Entity Title.</param>
 /// <param name="clientOptions">The options that further modify the behavior of this DICOM client</param>
 /// <param name="serviceOptions">The options that modify the behavior of the base DICOM service</param>
 /// <param name="networkManager">The network manager that will be used to connect to the DICOM server</param>
 /// <param name="logManager">The log manager that will be used to extract a default logger</param>
 /// <param name="transcoderManager">The transcoder manager that will be used to transcode incoming or outgoing DICOM files</param>
 public DicomClient(string host, int port, bool useTls, string callingAe, string calledAe,
                    DicomClientOptions clientOptions,
                    DicomServiceOptions serviceOptions,
                    INetworkManager networkManager,
                    ILogManager logManager,
                    ITranscoderManager transcoderManager)
     Host           = host;
     Port           = port;
     UseTls         = useTls;
     CallingAe      = callingAe;
     CalledAe       = calledAe;
     ClientOptions  = clientOptions;
     ServiceOptions = serviceOptions;
     QueuedRequests = new ConcurrentQueue <StrongBox <DicomRequest> >();
     AdditionalPresentationContexts = new List <DicomPresentationContext>();
     AdditionalExtendedNegotiations = new List <DicomExtendedNegotiation>();
     AsyncInvoked      = 1;
     AsyncPerformed    = 1;
     State             = new DicomClientIdleState(this);
     NetworkManager    = networkManager ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(networkManager));
     TranscoderManager = transcoderManager ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(transcoderManager));
     LogManager        = logManager ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(logManager));
     Logger            = logManager.GetLogger("FellowOakDicom.Network");
Exemple #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes an instance of <see cref="DicomServer{T}"/>, that starts listening for connections in the background.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="port">Port to listen to.</param>
        /// <param name="certificateName">Certificate name for authenticated connections.</param>
        /// <param name="options">Service options.</param>
        /// <param name="logger">Logger.</param>
        public JpDicomServer(int port, string certificateName = null, DicomServiceOptions options = null, Logger logger = null)
            this.port            = port;
            this.certificateName = certificateName;
            this.clients         = new List <T>();

            this.Options     = options;
            this.Logger      = logger ?? LogManager.GetLogger("Dicom.Network");
            this.IsListening = false;
            this.Exception   = null;
            this.disposed    = false;
Exemple #3
        public IDicomServer CreateListener(List <IDicomServer> dicomListeners)
            var taskStatus = $"{Connection.name}:";

            // will need to handle a change at some point
            var result = dicomListeners.Find(a => a.Port == Connection.localPort);

            if (result != null)
                // already exist!

            DicomServiceOptions dsoptions = new DicomServiceOptions
                IgnoreSslPolicyErrors = Connection.IgnoreSslPolicyErrors,
                IgnoreUnsupportedTransferSyntaxChange = Connection.IgnoreUnsupportedTransferSyntaxChange,
                LogDataPDUs           = Connection.LogDataPDUs,
                LogDimseDatasets      = Connection.LogDimseDatasets,
                MaxClientsAllowed     = Connection.MaxClientsAllowed,
                MaxCommandBuffer      = Connection.MaxCommandBuffer,
                MaxDataBuffer         = Connection.MaxDataBuffer,
                MaxPDVsPerPDU         = Connection.MaxPDVsPerPDU,
                TcpNoDelay            = Connection.TcpNoDelay,
                UseRemoteAEForLogName = Connection.UseRemoteAEForLogName

            var    hostEntry = Dns.GetHostEntry(Connection.localHostname);
            string ipaddress = null;

            foreach (var ip in hostEntry.AddressList)
                //                    if (ip.AddressFamily == AddressFamily.InterNetworkV6)
                //                  {
                ipaddress += ip.ToString() + ",";
                //                    }

            _logger.Log(LogLevel.Information, $"{taskStatus} Attempting to create DICOM listener on ip {ipaddress} port {Connection.localPort}");

            //todo: send DICOM logger. WHY???
            //var dicomServer = DicomServer.Create<DicomListener>(ipaddress.TrimEnd(','), Convert.ToInt32(Connection.localPort), this, null, dsoptions, null, logger: Logger.logger);
            var dicomServer = DicomServer.Create <DicomListener>(ipaddress.TrimEnd(','), Convert.ToInt32(Connection.localPort), this, null, dsoptions, null);

        public void SetupDicomServiceOptions()
            dicomClient.Linger = Connection.Linger;

            //todo: send DICOM logger. WHY???
            //dicomClient.Logger = Logger.logger;
            dicomClient.NegotiateAsyncOps(Connection.asyncInvoked, Connection.asyncPerformed);

            DicomServiceOptions dsoptions = new DicomServiceOptions
                IgnoreSslPolicyErrors = Connection.IgnoreSslPolicyErrors,
                IgnoreUnsupportedTransferSyntaxChange = Connection.IgnoreUnsupportedTransferSyntaxChange,
                LogDataPDUs           = Connection.LogDataPDUs,
                LogDimseDatasets      = Connection.LogDimseDatasets,
                MaxClientsAllowed     = Connection.MaxClientsAllowed,
                MaxCommandBuffer      = Connection.MaxCommandBuffer,
                MaxDataBuffer         = Connection.MaxDataBuffer,
                MaxPDVsPerPDU         = Connection.MaxPDVsPerPDU,
                TcpNoDelay            = Connection.TcpNoDelay,
                UseRemoteAEForLogName = Connection.UseRemoteAEForLogName

            dicomClient.Options = dsoptions;