private DialogNode GenerateEntryPointNode() { var node = new DialogNode { title = "Start", GUID = System.Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), DialogText = "ENTRYPOINT", EntryPoint = true }; var generatePort = GeneratePort(node, Direction.Output); generatePort.portName = "Next"; node.outputContainer.Add(generatePort); var button = new Button(() => { AddChoicePort(node); }); button.text = "New Choice"; node.titleContainer.Add(button); node.RefreshExpandedState(); node.RefreshPorts(); node.SetPosition(new Rect(100, 200, 100, 150)); return(node); }
private void QuestNotAcceptedDialog() { if (state == State.greet) { node = new DialogNode("Hey there traveller. Would you be so kind as to find me a vial of cyanide?", "Sure, I'd love to help.", "Maybe later."); HandleNode(node); state = State.end; } else if (state == State.accept) { manager.ST("How wonderful! Be sure to come back with the cyanide."); state = State.end; } else if (state == State.decline) { manager.ST("Thats too bad. Well, I'm here if you change your mind!"); state = State.end; } else if (state == State.end) { if (!questAccepted) { slobodansHonorQuest = new SlobodansHonor(); QuestManager.Instance.AddQuest(slobodansHonorQuest); manager.endConvo(); state = State.greetAccepted; questAccepted = true; print("Quest accepted: " + slobodansHonorQuest.GetQuestName()); } } }
public void ReturnFromAction(bool useNextNode) { canContinueDialog = true; if (useNextNode) { currentNode = myDialogDefiniton.nodes[currentNode.child_id]; } if (currentlySpeakingIcon != null) { currentlySpeakingIcon.gameObject.SetActive(true); } textBox.SetActive(true); if (currentlySpeakingIcon.GetType() == typeof(MultipleDialogIconsManager) && characterName.text != currentNode.speakerName && currentNode.speakerName.Length > 1)//>2 check os for if the field is blank, which it is if the speaker is the same as previous { Debug.Log("NAMES DONT MATCHx-x-x-x--x-x-x-x-x-x-"); ((MultipleDialogIconsManager)currentlySpeakingIcon).ChangeSpeaker(currentNode.speakerName); characterName.text = currentNode.speakerName; } StartDisplay(); }
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Display the dialog node on the UI void DisplayDialog(DialogNode node) { currentNode = node; currentNodeID = (int); currentPage = 0; image.sprite = null; image.color = new Color(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f); responseNodes = FilterDialogNodes(currentNode.GetResponseNodes()); textField.text = ReplaceMacros(currentNode.text, false); if (scene != null) { if (log) { Debug.Log("Set Camera to " + currentNode.speaker); } scene.SetCamera(mainCam, currentNode.speaker); } if (responseNodes.Count == 0) { EndDialog(); } if (image.sprite != null) { image.color = new Color(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f); } DisplayResponses(currentPage); if (scriptFragments.CallFragment("action", == false) { EndDialog(); return; } }
public static Conversation load(String fileName) { Conversation conv = new Conversation(""); XmlDocument xmlDoc = new XmlDocument(); xmlDoc.Load(fileName); XmlNodeList xmlNL = xmlDoc.GetElementsByTagName("npcName"); XmlElement xmlEl; xmlEl = (XmlElement)xmlNL[0]; conv.npcName = xmlEl.GetAttribute("npcName"); xmlNL = xmlDoc.GetElementsByTagName("resetConversation"); xmlEl = (XmlElement)xmlNL[0]; bool resetConv = bool.Parse(xmlEl.GetAttribute("resetConversation")); conv.resetConversationOnEnd = resetConv; xmlNL = xmlDoc.SelectNodes("/conversation/dialog/dialogNode"); for (int i = 0; i < xmlNL.Count; i++) { xmlEl = (XmlElement)xmlNL[i]; DialogNode node = loadNode(xmlEl, ref conv); conv.addRootNode(node); } return(conv); }
public void DisplayConversation(DialogNode node) { ResetCanvas(); if (node != null) { GameObject.FindObjectOfType <GlobalVariables>().dialogueManager.dialogue.transform.parent.gameObject.SetActive(true); StartCoroutine(Type(node.message)); if (node.neighbours != null && node.neighbours.Count > 0) { int i = 0; foreach (int neighbor in node.neighbours) { if (simpleDialogGraph.GetNode(neighbor).descriptor.Equals("") || simpleDialogGraph.GetNode(neighbor).descriptor.Equals("shop") || (!simpleDialogGraph.GetNode(neighbor).itemTypeToGive.Equals("") && player.inventory.FindItemByType(simpleDialogGraph.GetNode(neighbor).itemTypeToGive) != null)) { GameObject.FindObjectOfType <GlobalVariables>().dialogueManager.playerOptions[i].transform.parent.gameObject.SetActive(true); GameObject.FindObjectOfType <GlobalVariables>().dialogueManager.playerOptions[i].text = simpleDialogGraph.GetNode(neighbor).message; activeNodes.AddLast(simpleDialogGraph.GetNode(neighbor)); i++; } } GameObject.FindObjectOfType <GlobalVariables>().dialogueManager.playerOptions[0].faceColor =; currentNode = activeNodes.First; } } }
private void afterLabelEdit(object sender, LabelEditEventArgs e) { if (e.Label == null || e.Label.Length == 0) { e.CancelEdit = true; return; } if (treeListView.SelectedObject is DialogNode) { DialogNode node = (DialogNode)treeListView.SelectedObject; node.npcDialog = e.Label; } else { DialogResponse r = (DialogResponse)treeListView.SelectedObject; r.response = e.Label; } if (!changesMade) { this.Text = this.Text + "*"; } changesMade = true; }
public void AddOption(string text, DialogNode node, DialogNode dest) { if (!Nodes.Contains(dest)) { AddNode(dest); } if (!Nodes.Contains(node)) { AddNode(node); } DialogOption opt; if (dest == null) { opt = new DialogOption(text, -1); } else { opt = new DialogOption(text, dest.NodeID); } node.Options.Add(opt); }
public static DialogTextNode Parse(Dictionary <string, object> node) { long id = (long)node["id"]; string npcName = (string)node["npc"]; DialogNode[] children = null; if (node.ContainsKey("children") && node["children"] != null) { children = new DialogNode[((List <object>)node["children"]).Count]; } string[] requireItems = null; if (node.ContainsKey("require_items") && node["require_items"] != null) { requireItems = ((List <object>)node["require_items"]).Select(s => (string)s).ToArray(); } string[] addItems = null; if (node.ContainsKey("add_items") && node["add_items"] != null) { addItems = ((List <object>)node["add_items"]).Select(s => (string)s).ToArray(); } string[] dialogs = ((List <object>)node["dialogs"]).Select(s => (string)s).ToArray(); return(new DialogTextNode(id, npcName, children, requireItems, addItems, dialogs)); }
private static void saveNode(DialogNode node, ref XmlElement xmlEl, ref XmlDocument xmlDoc) { XmlElement xmlChildEl = xmlDoc.CreateElement("dialogNode"); xmlChildEl.SetAttribute("id",; xmlChildEl.SetAttribute("npcPhrase", node.npcDialog); xmlChildEl.SetAttribute("voiceFile", node.npcVoiceFile); DialogResponse[] responses = node.getResponses(); for (int j = 0; j < responses.Length; j++) { DialogResponse response = responses[j]; XmlElement responseXE = xmlDoc.CreateElement("response"); responseXE.SetAttribute("pcPhrase", response.response); responseXE.SetAttribute("link",; responseXE.SetAttribute("linkType", response.linkType.ToString()); responseXE.SetAttribute("switchConversation", response.switchConversation); responseXE.SetAttribute("onlyAllowOnce", response.onlyAllowOnce.ToString()); xmlChildEl.AppendChild(responseXE); if (response.childNode != null) { saveNode(response.childNode, ref responseXE, ref xmlDoc); } } xmlEl.AppendChild(xmlChildEl); }
private void AddLine(List <DialogNode> AddDialogNode, bool Copy = false, bool CopyFromOpening = false) { Undo.RegisterCompleteObjectUndo(dialog, "DefaultUndo"); DialogNode EmptyDialogNode = new DialogNode(Copy); if (CopyHelper) { if (CopyFromOpening) { EmptyDialogNode = new DialogNode(dialog.StartingOptions[CopyInt]); } else { EmptyDialogNode = new DialogNode(AddDialogNode[CopyInt]); } CopyHelper = false; } // Adding a new dialog node if (!Copy) { AddDialogNode.Add(EmptyDialogNode); EditArray()[EditedLine].NextOptionID.Add(AddDialogNode.Count - 1); } else if (Copy) { // copying an already existing line EditArray()[EditedLine].NextOptionID.Add(CopyInt); } EditArray()[EditedLine].EditorOpen = true; }
public void OnStartNode(DialogNode node) { if (WalkieTalkieController.Get()) { WalkieTalkieController.Get().OnStartNode(node); } }
private void SetDialogText(DialogNode dialogTree) { var responses = dialogTree.responses; EnableAllText(); // ensure all the text boxes will be seen NPCText.text = dialogTree.getNPCDialog(); PlayerTextOne.text = responses.responseOne.getResponse(); // the next two responses may not exist if (responses.responseTwo != null) { PlayerTextTwo.text = responses.responseTwo.getResponse(); } else { PlayerTextTwo.enabled = false; } if (responses.responseThree != null) { PlayerTextThree.text = responses.responseThree.getResponse(); } else { PlayerTextThree.enabled = false; } }
// public public DialogNode CreateDialogNode(string _name) { var node = new DialogNode { title = _name, text = _name, GUID = System.Guid.NewGuid().ToString() }; var input_port = GeneratePort(node, Direction.Input, Port.Capacity.Multi); input_port.portName = "Input"; node.inputContainer.Add(input_port); var new_branch_button = new Button(clickEvent: () => { AddChoicePort(node); }); new_branch_button.text = "New Branch"; node.titleButtonContainer.Add(new_branch_button); node.RefreshExpandedState(); node.RefreshPorts(); node.SetPosition(new Rect(position:, default_node_size)); return(node); }
void AddNewNode() { if (_newDKey == null || _newDKey == "" || _newStrKey == null || _newStrKey == "") { Debug.Log("Can't add new node. Invalid dialog ID key and/or string ID key."); return; } DialogNode newNode = new DialogNode(_newDKey, _newStrKey); if (dm.Graph.Contains(newNode)) { Debug.Log("Dialog ID key already exist! Please enter another key."); return; } dm.Graph.Add(newNode); LanguageController.Instance.AddWord(_newStrKey, _newdialog); DialogNodeGUI newNodeWindow = CreateInstance <DialogNodeGUI>(); int newWindowId = nodeWindows[nodeWindows.Count - 1].WindowId + 1; newNodeWindow.init(newNode, newWindowId, new Vector2(100, 100)); windows.Add(newNodeWindow.Shape); nodeWindows.Add(newNodeWindow); windows[windows.Count - 1] = GUILayout.Window(newNodeWindow.WindowId, windows[windows.Count - 1], newNodeWindow.DrawNodeWindow, newNodeWindow.Node.StrKey); }
public void ShowDialogScreen(DialogNode dialogTree) { currentNode = dialogTree; // this is the root dialogScreen.enabled = true; SetDialogText(dialogTree); }
void AddNewResponse() { int pnodeid = nodeWindows.FindIndex(x => x.WindowId == resToAdd); DialogNode parentNode = nodeWindows[pnodeid].Node; resToAdd = -1; if (_newDKey == null || _newDKey == "" || _newStrKey == null || _newStrKey == "") { Debug.Log("Error adding response: missing dialog key and/or string id key"); return; } ResponseNode newNode = new ResponseNode(_newDKey, _newStrKey); if (dm.Graph.Contains(newNode)) { Debug.Log("Key already exist! Please enter another key"); return; } dm.Graph.Add(newNode); dm.Graph.AddLink(parentNode, newNode); LanguageController.Instance.AddWord(_newStrKey, _newdialog); }
internal void addOption(string command, DialogNode node) { List <string> commands = new List <string>(); commands.Add(command); options.Add(new DialogOption(node, commands)); }
private void addPCPhraseMiClicked(Object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!(treeListView.SelectedObject != null && treeListView.SelectedObject is DialogNode)) { showError("Please select some NPC phrase.", "Error"); return; } DialogNode selectedNode = (DialogNode)treeListView.SelectedObject; DialogResponse pcResponse = new DialogResponse("", "", false); Form addPCPhraseForm = new AddPCPhrase(ref pcResponse); addPCPhraseForm.ShowDialog(this); if (pcResponse.response.Equals("")) { return; } selectedNode.addResponse(pcResponse); treeListView.RefreshObject(selectedNode); treeListView.Expand(selectedNode); if (!changesMade) { this.Text = this.Text + "*"; } changesMade = true; }
DialogNode NodeToDialogNode(Node _node) { DialogNode dn = CreateInstance <DialogNode>(); dn.m_dialogdata =; return(dn); }
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Begin a Dialog with the player // This is called from a external source to start a dialog happening public bool BeginDialog(System.Int64 entryPoint, DialogScene dialogScene) { if (dialogActive) { return(false); // We don't want to start a new dialog while one is active. } if (log) { UnityEngine.Debug.Log("Begin Dialog " + entryPoint + " scene " + dialogScene); } scene = dialogScene; story.GenerateRandom(); currentRootNodeID = (int)entryPoint; DialogNode node = new DialogNode(entryPoint, db); if (log) { UnityEngine.Debug.Log("Node Valid " + node.isValid); } if (node.isValid) { if (miniMap) { miniMap.SetActive(false); } player.BeginDialog(); dialogActive = true; dialogPanel.SetActive(true); DisplayDialog(node); } return(true); }
public override void OnInspectorGUI() { DialogNode myTarget = (DialogNode)target; Lang defaultLanguage; DrawDefaultInspector(); // once the variable name has been filled in provide the option to add text to the default language if (myTarget.NPCDialogVariable != null && myTarget.NPCDialogVariable != "") { defaultLanguage = myTarget.localizationController.defaultLanguage; // provides the ability to add a variable to the default messages file automatically EditorGUILayout.PrefixLabel("Add a new Variable:"); EditorGUI.indentLevel++; defaultText = EditorGUILayout.TextField("Default Lang Text", defaultText); EditorGUILayout.HelpBox( "The variable with name: " + myTarget.NPCDialogVariable + " and the provided text will be added to the default language: " + defaultLanguage.language, MessageType.Info ); if (GUILayout.Button("Add")) { LocalizedTextEditor.addVariableToDefaultLanguageFile( myTarget.localizationController, defaultLanguage, myTarget.NPCDialogVariable, defaultText ); } } }
private static DialogNode loadNode(XmlElement xmlEl, ref Conversation conversation, ref List <DialogResponse> respWithoutChildren, ref List <DialogResponse> respThatSwitchConv) { string id = xmlEl.GetAttribute("id"); string npcPhrase = xmlEl.GetAttribute("npcPhrase"); //string voiceFile = xmlEl.GetAttribute("voiceFile"); DialogNode node = new DialogNode(id, npcPhrase); XmlNodeList responsesXNL = xmlEl.ChildNodes; for (int j = 0; j < responsesXNL.Count; j++) { XmlElement responseXE = (XmlElement)responsesXNL[j]; string pcPhrase = responseXE.GetAttribute("pcPhrase"); string link = responseXE.GetAttribute("link"); ResponseLinkType linkType = ResponseLinkType.dialogNode; if (responseXE.GetAttribute("linkType"). Equals("dialogNode")) { linkType = ResponseLinkType.dialogNode; } else if (responseXE.GetAttribute("linkType"). Equals("endConversation")) { linkType = ResponseLinkType.endConversation; } else { linkType = ResponseLinkType.endAndChangeConversation; } string switchConv = responseXE. GetAttribute("switchConversation"); bool onlyAllowOnce = bool.Parse(responseXE. GetAttribute("onlyAllowOnce")); DialogResponse response = new DialogResponse(pcPhrase, link, onlyAllowOnce, linkType, switchConv); node.addResponse(response); if (responseXE.HasChildNodes) { XmlElement childNode = (XmlElement)responseXE.FirstChild; DialogNode dn = loadNode(childNode, ref conversation, ref respWithoutChildren, ref respThatSwitchConv); response.childNode = dn; conversation.addDialogNode(dn); } else if (linkType == ResponseLinkType.dialogNode) { respWithoutChildren.Add(response); } if (linkType == ResponseLinkType.endAndChangeConversation) { respThatSwitchConv.Add(response); } } return(node); }
public void OnSelectNode(DialogNode node) { if (this.m_CurrentDialog != null) { this.m_CurrentDialog.OnSelectNode(node); } }
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // A response was selected by either clicking, or one of the dialog buttons. public void ResponseClicked(int responseID) { int resID = responseID; if (currentPage > 0) { resID += (currentPage - 1); // subtract one for the previous entry. } DialogNode node = null; try { node = responseNodes[resID]; } catch (System.Exception) { Debug.LogError(" Could not find " + resID); } if (scriptFragments.CallFragment("action", == false) { EndDialog(); return; } List <DialogNode> counterResponses = FilterDialogNodes(responseNodes[resID].GetResponseNodes()); if (counterResponses.Count == 0) { EndDialog(); return; } DisplayDialog(counterResponses[0]); // always choose the first if there happens to be multiple }
//!Tworzy nowy węzeł. public void createNode() { DialogNode node = new DialogNode(); node.SetPosition(new Rect(200, 200, 200, 200)); AddElement(node); }
private void OnClickRemoveNode(DialogNode node) { if (connections != null) { Debug.Log("Clicking on click remove node"); List <Connections> connectionsToRemove = new List <Connections>(); Debug.Log(connections.Count); for (int i = 0; i < connections.Count; i++) { if (connections[i].inPoint == node.inPoint || connections[i].outPoint == node.outPoint) { connectionsToRemove.Add(connections[i]); connections[i].inPoint.node.inPointNode = null; connections[i].outPoint.node.outPointNode = null; } } for (int i = 0; i < connectionsToRemove.Count; i++) { connections.Remove(connectionsToRemove[i]); } connectionsToRemove = null; } nodes.Remove(node); nodes = RecalculateNodePos(); }
public static DialogOptionNode Parse(Dictionary <string, object> node) { long id = (long)node["id"]; string npcName = (string)node["npc"]; DialogNode[] children = null; if (node.ContainsKey("children") && node["children"] != null) { children = new DialogNode[((List <object>)node["children"]).Count]; } List <object> optionNodes = (List <object>)node["options"]; DialogOption[] options = new DialogOption[optionNodes.Count]; for (int i = 0; i < options.Length; i++) { Dictionary <string, object> optinoNode = (Dictionary <string, object>)optionNodes[i]; string[] requireItems = null; if (optinoNode.ContainsKey("require_items") && optinoNode["require_items"] != null) { requireItems = ((List <object>)optinoNode["require_items"]).Select(s => (string)s).ToArray(); } string text = (string)optinoNode["text"]; options[i] = new DialogOption(requireItems, text); } return(new DialogOptionNode(id, npcName, children, options)); }
public void OneOfParamIsNull_Should_Throw( bool contetIsNull, bool nextNodeIsNull ) { // Arrange TestContent content = new TestContent(); DialogNode <TestContent> nextDialogNode = DialogNode <TestContent> .CreateNew(content : new TestContent(), dialogOptions : new List <DialogOptionNext <TestContent> > { }); if (contetIsNull) { content = null; } if (nextNodeIsNull) { nextDialogNode = null; } // Act Action action = () => new DialogOptionNext <TestContent>(content: content, nextNode: nextDialogNode); // Assert Assert.Throws <ArgumentNullException>(action); }
public override void OnCreateConnection(NodePort from, NodePort to) { DialogNode dN = from.node as DialogNode; DialogNode dN2 = to.node as DialogNode; System.Type portType = from.ValueType; //string tooltip = ""; //tooltip = portType.PrettyName(); if (from.IsOutput) { object obj = from.node.GetValue(from); Debug.Log(obj); if (from.node is DialogNode && to.node is DialogNode) { (from.node as DialogNode).SetResponse((int)obj, (to.node as DialogNode).dialogID); } else if (from.node is DialogEventNode && to.node is DialogNode) { (from.node as DialogEventNode).dialogEvent.nextDialogID = (to.node as DialogNode).dialogID; } else if (to.node is DialogEventNode && from.node is DialogNode) { (from.node as DialogNode).SetEvent((int)obj, (to.node as DialogEventNode).dialogEventID); } } base.OnCreateConnection(from, to); }
public override void Load(XmlNode xnode) { name = MyXml.GetString(xnode, "name"); isUnique = MyXml.GetBool(xnode, "unique"); picture = MyXml.GetString(xnode, "picture"); XmlNode node = xnode.FirstChild; while (node != null) { DialogNode temp = new DialogNode(node); nodes.Add(, temp); node = node.NextSibling; } }
private static DialogNode loadNode(XmlElement xmlEl, ref Conversation conversation, ref List<DialogResponse> respWithoutChildren, ref List<DialogResponse> respThatSwitchConv) { string id = xmlEl.GetAttribute("id"); string npcPhrase = xmlEl.GetAttribute("npcPhrase"); //string voiceFile = xmlEl.GetAttribute("voiceFile"); DialogNode node = new DialogNode(id, npcPhrase); XmlNodeList responsesXNL = xmlEl.ChildNodes; for (int j = 0; j < responsesXNL.Count; j++) { XmlElement responseXE = (XmlElement)responsesXNL[j]; string pcPhrase = responseXE.GetAttribute("pcPhrase"); string link = responseXE.GetAttribute("link"); ResponseLinkType linkType = ResponseLinkType.dialogNode; if (responseXE.GetAttribute("linkType"). Equals("dialogNode")) linkType = ResponseLinkType.dialogNode; else if (responseXE.GetAttribute("linkType"). Equals("endConversation")) linkType = ResponseLinkType.endConversation; else linkType = ResponseLinkType.endAndChangeConversation; string switchConv = responseXE. GetAttribute("switchConversation"); bool onlyAllowOnce = bool.Parse(responseXE. GetAttribute("onlyAllowOnce")); DialogResponse response = new DialogResponse(pcPhrase, link, onlyAllowOnce, linkType, switchConv); node.addResponse(response); if (responseXE.HasChildNodes) { XmlElement childNode = (XmlElement)responseXE.FirstChild; DialogNode dn = loadNode(childNode, ref conversation, ref respWithoutChildren, ref respThatSwitchConv); response.childNode = dn; conversation.addDialogNode(dn); } else if (linkType == ResponseLinkType.dialogNode) respWithoutChildren.Add(response); if (linkType == ResponseLinkType.endAndChangeConversation) respThatSwitchConv.Add(response); } return node; }
public void Press(DialogResponse r) { if (r.action == "FIGHT") World.Instance.battlefield.StartBattle(global); else if (r.action == "TRADE") P.barter = global; if ( == "The First Dialog") { if (r.action == "Boo-Boo") LocalObject(LocalShape.Get("Krokar"), "Boo-Boo")); else if (r.action == "escherian shard") { } } /*else if ( == "Wild Dogs Encounter") { int threshold = global.Name == "Wild Dogs Large Pack" ? 6 : 1; if ( == "condition1") nextNode = <= threshold ? "1positive" : "1negative"; else if ( == "condition2") nextNode = <= threshold + 1 ? "2positive" : "2negative"; }*/ string nextNode = r.jump; bool condition = false; int advantage = -; if (r.condition == "STRONGER") condition = advantage >= 2; else if (r.condition == "SAMESTRENGTH") condition = advantage < 2 && advantage > -2; if (r.condition != "") nextNode = nextNode + "_" + condition.ToString(); if (nextNode != "") dialogNode = dialog.nodes[nextNode]; else MyGame.Instance.dialog = false; MouseTriggerKeyword.Clear("dialog"); }
public Conversation(String npcName, DialogNode[] dialogNodes): this(npcName) { rootNodes.AddRange(dialogNodes); }
//****************************************************************** private void Talk(DialogNode d) { jumped = false; //if (d.speaker == Speakers.Player) //{ // Talking = false; // branching = true; //} //if (d.speaker == Speakers.NPC) //{ // branching = false; // Talking = true; //} //check thos if(currentPlayingClip != null)Destroy(currentPlayingClip); focusedNode = d; //Debug.Log("Talking"); //RunNodeAction(d, NodeActionType.OnDialogFocused); //float WaitTime = 0f; //if(d.is_branch)return; switch (d.wait) { case Waits.Audio: currentPlayingClip = SoundManager.Play3DSoundWithCallback(gameObject, d.spoken, new SoundCallBack(IncrementNode)); ; break; case Waits.Time: WaitTimer.StartTimer(d.waitTime); break; } }
public void addRootNode(DialogNode dialogNode) { rootNodes.Add(dialogNode); dialog.Add(dialogNode); }
public void addDialogNode(DialogNode dialogNode) { dialog.Add(dialogNode); }
public void removeRootNode(DialogNode dialogNode) { rootNodes.Remove(dialogNode); dialog.Remove(dialogNode); }
public void removeNode(DialogNode dialogNode) { dialog.Remove(dialogNode); }
public void StartDialog(Dialog d, GlobalObject g) { dialog = d; if (d.isUnique && d.happened) return; dialogNode = d.nodes["entry"]; global = g; d.happened = true; MyGame.Instance.dialog = true; }
public static void PlayConversation(string id) { if (xmld == null) { Init(); } string query = string.Format("//*[@id='{0}']", id); XmlElement conv = (XmlElement)xmld.SelectSingleNode(query); XmlNodeList nodes = conv.SelectNodes("*"); Conversation convModel = new Conversation(); convModel.nodes = new Node[nodes.Count]; for (int i = 0; i < nodes.Count; ++i) { XmlNode node = nodes[i]; string name = node.Name; Node nodeModel = null; if (name == "dialogue-node") { DialogNode dialogNodeModel = new DialogNode(); XmlNodeList dialogSpeaks = node.SelectNodes("*"); dialogNodeModel.speaks = new Speak[node.SelectNodes("speak-player").Count + node.SelectNodes("speak-char").Count]; int z = 0; for (int j = 0; j < dialogSpeaks.Count; ++j) { XmlNode speakNode = dialogSpeaks[j]; string speakName = speakNode.Name; if (speakName == "speak-player") { Speak speakModel = new Speak(); speakModel.text = speakNode.InnerText; dialogNodeModel.speaks[z] = speakModel; ++z; } else if (speakName == "speak-char") { Speak speakModel = new Speak(); speakModel.text = speakNode.InnerText; speakModel.isPhone = true; dialogNodeModel.speaks[z] = speakModel; ++z; } else if (speakName == "condition") { Condition conditionModel = new Condition(); XmlNodeList activesList = speakNode.SelectNodes("active"); conditionModel.actives = new string[activesList.Count]; for (int y = 0; y < activesList.Count; y++) { conditionModel.actives[y] = activesList[y].Attributes["flag"].Value; } XmlNodeList inactivesList = speakNode.SelectNodes("inactive"); conditionModel.inactives = new string[inactivesList.Count]; for (int y = 0; y < inactivesList.Count; y++) { conditionModel.inactives[y] = inactivesList[y].Attributes["flag"].Value; } dialogNodeModel.speaks[z - 1].condition = conditionModel; } else if (speakName == "child") { dialogNodeModel.nextIndex = Utils.IntParseFast(speakNode.Attributes["nodeindex"].Value); } else if (speakName == "end-conversation") { XmlNode effect = speakNode.SelectSingleNode("effect"); if (effect != null) { XmlNodeList effectsList = effect.SelectNodes("*"); dialogNodeModel.effects = new EndConvEffect[ effectsList.Count - effect.SelectNodes("condition").Count]; int m = 0; for (int x = 0; x < effectsList.Count; ++x) { XmlNode effectNode = effectsList[x]; string effectNodeName = effectNode.Name; if (effectNodeName == "activate") { ActivateFlagEffect activateFlageffect = new ActivateFlagEffect(); activateFlageffect.flag = effectNode.Attributes["flag"].Value; dialogNodeModel.effects[m] = activateFlageffect; ++m; } else if (effectNodeName == "deactivate") { DeactivateFlagEffect deactivateFlageffect = new DeactivateFlagEffect(); deactivateFlageffect.flag = effectNode.Attributes["flag"].Value; dialogNodeModel.effects[m] = deactivateFlageffect; ++m; } else if (effectNodeName == "increment") { IncrementFlagEffect eff = new IncrementFlagEffect(); eff.val = Utils.IntParseFast( effectNode.Attributes["value"].Value); eff.var = effectNode.Attributes["var"].Value; dialogNodeModel.effects[m] = eff; ++m; } else if (effectNodeName == "decrement") { DecrementFlagEffect eff = new DecrementFlagEffect(); eff.val = Utils.IntParseFast( effectNode.Attributes["value"].Value); eff.var = effectNode.Attributes["var"].Value; dialogNodeModel.effects[m] = eff; ++m; } else if (effectNodeName == "trigger-conversation") { TriggerConvEffect eff = new TriggerConvEffect(); eff.idTarget = effectNode.Attributes["idTarget"].Value; dialogNodeModel.effects[m] = eff; ++m; } else if (effectNodeName == "trigger-scene") { TriggerSceneEffect eff = new TriggerSceneEffect(); eff.idTarget = effectNode.Attributes["idTarget"].Value; dialogNodeModel.effects[m] = eff; ++m; } else if (effectNodeName == "trigger-cutscene") { TriggerCutSceneEffect eff = new TriggerCutSceneEffect(); eff.idTarget = effectNode.Attributes["idTarget"].Value; dialogNodeModel.effects[m] = eff; ++m; } else if (effectNodeName == "condition") { Condition conditionModel = new Condition(); XmlNodeList activesList = effectNode.SelectNodes("active"); conditionModel.actives = new string[activesList.Count]; for (int y = 0; y < activesList.Count; y++) { conditionModel.actives[y] = activesList[y].Attributes["flag"].Value; } XmlNodeList inactivesList = effectNode.SelectNodes("inactive"); conditionModel.inactives = new string[inactivesList.Count]; for (int y = 0; y < inactivesList.Count; y++) { conditionModel.inactives[y] = inactivesList[y].Attributes["flag"].Value; } dialogNodeModel.effects[m - 1].condition = conditionModel; } } } } else if (speakName == "effect") { XmlNodeList effectsList = speakNode.SelectNodes("*"); dialogNodeModel.effects = new EndConvEffect[ effectsList.Count - speakNode.SelectNodes("condition").Count]; int m = 0; for (int x = 0; x < effectsList.Count; ++x) { XmlNode effectNode = effectsList[x]; string effectNodeName = effectNode.Name; if (effectNodeName == "activate") { ActivateFlagEffect activateFlageffect = new ActivateFlagEffect(); activateFlageffect.flag = effectNode.Attributes["flag"].Value; dialogNodeModel.effects[m] = activateFlageffect; ++m; } else if (effectNodeName == "deactivate") { DeactivateFlagEffect deactivateFlageffect = new DeactivateFlagEffect(); deactivateFlageffect.flag = effectNode.Attributes["flag"].Value; dialogNodeModel.effects[m] = deactivateFlageffect; ++m; } else if (effectNodeName == "increment") { IncrementFlagEffect eff = new IncrementFlagEffect(); eff.val = Utils.IntParseFast( effectNode.Attributes["value"].Value); eff.var = effectNode.Attributes["var"].Value; dialogNodeModel.effects[m] = eff; ++m; } else if (effectNodeName == "decrement") { DecrementFlagEffect eff = new DecrementFlagEffect(); eff.val = Utils.IntParseFast( effectNode.Attributes["value"].Value); eff.var = effectNode.Attributes["var"].Value; dialogNodeModel.effects[m] = eff; ++m; } else if (effectNodeName == "trigger-conversation") { TriggerConvEffect eff = new TriggerConvEffect(); eff.idTarget = effectNode.Attributes["idTarget"].Value; dialogNodeModel.effects[m] = eff; ++m; } else if (effectNodeName == "trigger-scene") { TriggerSceneEffect eff = new TriggerSceneEffect(); eff.idTarget = effectNode.Attributes["idTarget"].Value; dialogNodeModel.effects[m] = eff; ++m; } else if (effectNodeName == "trigger-cutscene") { TriggerCutSceneEffect eff = new TriggerCutSceneEffect(); eff.idTarget = effectNode.Attributes["idTarget"].Value; dialogNodeModel.effects[m] = eff; ++m; } else if (effectNodeName == "condition") { Condition conditionModel = new Condition(); XmlNodeList activesList = effectNode.SelectNodes("active"); conditionModel.actives = new string[activesList.Count]; for (int y = 0; y < activesList.Count; y++) { conditionModel.actives[y] = activesList[y].Attributes["flag"].Value; } XmlNodeList inactivesList = effectNode.SelectNodes("inactive"); conditionModel.inactives = new string[inactivesList.Count]; for (int y = 0; y < inactivesList.Count; y++) { conditionModel.inactives[y] = inactivesList[y].Attributes["flag"].Value; } dialogNodeModel.effects[m - 1].condition = conditionModel; } } } } nodeModel = dialogNodeModel; } else if (name == "option-node") { OptionNode optionNodeModel = new OptionNode(); XmlAttribute randomAttr = node.Attributes["random"]; if (randomAttr != null && randomAttr.Value == "yes") { optionNodeModel.isRandom = true; } XmlNodeList optionSpeaks = node.SelectNodes("*"); optionNodeModel.options = new Option[node.SelectNodes("speak-player").Count]; int z = 0; for (int j = 0; j < optionSpeaks.Count; ++j) { XmlNode optionNode = optionSpeaks[j]; string optionName = optionNode.Name; if (optionName == "speak-player") { Option speakModel = new Option(); speakModel.text = optionNode.InnerText; optionNodeModel.options[z] = speakModel; ++z; } else if (optionName == "condition") { Condition conditionModel = new Condition(); XmlNodeList activesList = optionNode.SelectNodes("active"); conditionModel.actives = new string[activesList.Count]; for (int y = 0; y < activesList.Count; y++) { conditionModel.actives[y] = activesList[y].Attributes["flag"].Value; } XmlNodeList inactivesList = optionNode.SelectNodes("inactive"); conditionModel.inactives = new string[inactivesList.Count]; for (int y = 0; y < inactivesList.Count; y++) { conditionModel.inactives[y] = inactivesList[y].Attributes["flag"].Value; } optionNodeModel.options[z - 1].condition = conditionModel; } else if (optionName == "child") { optionNodeModel.options[z - 1].nextIndex = Utils.IntParseFast(optionNode.Attributes["nodeindex"].Value); } } nodeModel = optionNodeModel; } convModel.nodes[i] = nodeModel; } convModel.exec(); }
void drawDialog() { GUI.Box(boxDimensions, ""); GUILayout.BeginArea(contentDimensions); if (justStarted) { curNode = conversation.curNode; npcPhraseStyle = new GUIStyle("label"); npcPhraseStyle.wordWrap = true; pcPhraseStyle = new GUIStyle("button"); pcPhraseStyle.wordWrap = true; responses = curNode.getResponses(); responseHeight = 0; foreach (DialogResponse response in responses) { string msg = response.response; responseHeight += pcPhraseStyle.CalcHeight(new GUIContent(msg), boxDimensions.width); responseHeight += * 2; } availableSpace = boxDimensions.height - responseHeight; actualNPCHeight = npcPhraseStyle.CalcHeight(new GUIContent( curNode.npcDialog), contentDimensions.width); actualNPCHeight += + npcPhraseStyle.padding.bottom; if (availableSpace > maxNpcPhraseHeight) availableSpace = maxNpcPhraseHeight; ratio = availableSpace / actualNPCHeight; if (ratio < 1f) npcPhrasePieces = Helper.cutPhrase(availableSpace, contentDimensions.width, curNode.npcDialog, npcPhraseStyle); else npcPhrasePieces[0] = curNode.npcDialog; justStarted = false; } if (GUILayout.Button(npcPhrasePieces[curPiece], npcPhraseStyle, GUILayout.MaxWidth(contentDimensions.width))) { curPiece++; curPiece = curPiece % npcPhrasePieces.Length; } for (int i = 0; i < responses.Length; i++) { DialogResponse response = responses[i]; if (response.enabled) { if (GUILayout.Button(response.response, pcPhraseStyle, GUILayout.ExpandWidth(false))) { if (response.onlyAllowOnce) response.enabled = false; linkToNode(response); curNode = conversation.curNode; responses = curNode.getResponses(); responseHeight = 0; foreach (DialogResponse r in responses) { string msg = r.response; responseHeight += pcPhraseStyle. CalcHeight(new GUIContent(msg), boxDimensions.width); responseHeight += * 2; } availableSpace = boxDimensions.height - responseHeight; actualNPCHeight = npcPhraseStyle. CalcHeight(new GUIContent(curNode.npcDialog), contentDimensions.width); actualNPCHeight += + npcPhraseStyle.padding.bottom; if (availableSpace > maxNpcPhraseHeight) availableSpace = maxNpcPhraseHeight; ratio = availableSpace / actualNPCHeight; if (ratio < 1f) npcPhrasePieces = Helper.cutPhrase(availableSpace, contentDimensions.width, curNode.npcDialog, npcPhraseStyle); else npcPhrasePieces = new string[] { curNode.npcDialog }; curPiece = 0; } } } GUILayout.EndArea(); }