private void updateGroundStationGUIRow(string stationID) { if (this.currentContentType != ContentType.GROUNDSTATIONS) { return; } List <DialogGUIBase> rows = contentLayout.children; for (int i = 1; i < rows.Count; i++) { DialogGUIBase thisRow = rows[i]; if (thisRow.OptionText.Equals(stationID)) { DialogGUIImage colorImage = thisRow.children[0] as DialogGUIImage; DialogGUILabel nameLabel = thisRow.children[1] as DialogGUILabel; DialogGUILabel freqsLabel = thisRow.children[3] as DialogGUILabel; CNCCommNetHome station = CNCCommNetScenario.Instance.groundStations.Find(x => x.ID.Equals(stationID)); colorImage.uiItem.GetComponent <RawImage>().color = station.Color; nameLabel.SetOptionText(station.stationName); freqsLabel.SetOptionText(getFreqString(station.getFrequencyList())); break; } } }
private void updateConstellationGUIRow(short updatedfrequency, short previousFrequency) { if (this.currentContentType != ContentType.CONSTELLATIONS) { return; } List <DialogGUIBase> rows = contentLayout.children; for (int i = 2; i < rows.Count; i++) { DialogGUIBase thisRow = rows[i]; if (thisRow.OptionText.Equals(updatedfrequency.ToString()) || thisRow.OptionText.Equals(previousFrequency.ToString())) { DialogGUIImage colorImage = thisRow.children[0] as DialogGUIImage; DialogGUILabel nameLabel = thisRow.children[1] as DialogGUILabel; DialogGUILabel freqLabel = thisRow.children[2] as DialogGUILabel; DialogGUILabel vesselLabel = thisRow.children[3] as DialogGUILabel; Constellation updatedConstellation = CNCCommNetScenario.Instance.constellations.Find(x => x.frequency == updatedfrequency); colorImage.uiItem.GetComponent <RawImage>().color = updatedConstellation.color; nameLabel.SetOptionText(; freqLabel.SetOptionText(Localizer.Format("#CNC_Generic_FrequencyLabel") + string.Format(": <color={0}>{1}</color>", UIUtils.colorToHex(updatedConstellation.color), updatedConstellation.frequency)); //Frequency vesselLabel.SetOptionText(Localizer.Format("#CNC_ConstellationControl_numSatsLabel", Constellation.countVessels(updatedConstellation))); // + " vessels" thisRow.SetOptionText(updatedConstellation.frequency.ToString()); break; } } }
private void SetStatus(string status) { this.status = status; if (dialogStatus != null) { dialogStatus.SetOptionText(status); } }
private void updateVesselGUIRow(Vessel updatedVessel) { if (this.currentContentType != ContentType.VESSELS) { return; } CNCCommNetVessel thisVessel = (CNCCommNetVessel)updatedVessel.Connection; List <DialogGUIBase> rows = contentLayout.children; for (int i = 0; i < rows.Count; i++) { DialogGUIBase thisRow = rows[i]; if (thisRow.OptionText.Equals( { DialogGUILabel freqLabel = thisRow.children[2] as DialogGUILabel; freqLabel.SetOptionText(getFreqString(thisVessel.getFrequencyList(), thisVessel.getStrongestFrequency())); return; } } }
public void Update() { if (!KerbalHealthGeneralSettings.Instance.modEnabled) { if (reportWindow != null) { reportWindow.Dismiss(); } return; } if ((reportWindow != null) && dirty) { if (gridContents == null) { Core.Log("gridContents is null.", LogLevel.Error); return; } // # of tracked kerbals has changed => close & reopen the window if (gridContents.Count != (ShipConstruction.ShipManifest.CrewCount + 1) * colNum) { Core.Log("Kerbals' number has changed. Recreating the Health Report window.", LogLevel.Important); UndisplayData(); DisplayData(); } // Fill the Health Report's grid with kerbals' health data int i = 0; KerbalHealthStatus khs = null; HealthModifierSet.VesselCache.Clear(); List <ModuleKerbalHealth> trainingParts = Core.GetTrainingCapableParts(EditorLogic.SortedShipList); foreach (ProtoCrewMember pcm in ShipConstruction.ShipManifest.GetAllCrew(false).Where(pcm => pcm != null)) { khs = Core.KerbalHealthList[pcm]?.Clone(); if (khs == null) { Core.Log("Could not create a clone of KerbalHealthStatus for " + + ". It is " + ((Core.KerbalHealthList[pcm] == null) ? "not " : "") + "found in KerbalHealthList, which contains " + Core.KerbalHealthList.Count + " records.", LogLevel.Error); i++; continue; } gridContents[(i + 1) * colNum].SetOptionText(khs.FullName); khs.HP = khs.MaxHP; // Making this call here, so that GetBalanceHP doesn't have to: double changePerDay = khs.HealthChangePerDay(); double balanceHP = khs.GetBalanceHP(); string s = balanceHP > 0 ? "-> " + balanceHP.ToString("F0") + " HP (" + (balanceHP / khs.MaxHP * 100).ToString("F0") + "%)" : Localizer.Format("#KH_ER_HealthPerDay", changePerDay.ToString("F1")); // + " HP/day" gridContents[(i + 1) * colNum + 1].SetOptionText(s); s = balanceHP > khs.NextConditionHP() ? "—" : ((khs.LastRecuperation > khs.LastDecay) ? "> " : "") + Core.ParseUT(khs.TimeToNextCondition(), false, 100); gridContents[(i + 1) * colNum + 2].SetOptionText(s); gridContents[(i + 1) * colNum + 3].SetOptionText(KerbalHealthFactorsSettings.Instance.TrainingEnabled ? Core.ParseUT(TrainingTime(khs, trainingParts), false, 100) : "N/A"); i++; } spaceLbl.SetOptionText("<color=\"white\">" + khs.VesselModifiers.Space.ToString("F1") + "</color>"); recupLbl.SetOptionText("<color=\"white\">" + khs.VesselModifiers.Recuperation.ToString("F1") + "%</color>"); shieldingLbl.SetOptionText("<color=\"white\">" + khs.VesselModifiers.Shielding.ToString("F1") + "</color>"); exposureLbl.SetOptionText("<color=\"white\">" + khs.LastExposure.ToString("P1") + "</color>"); shelterExposureLbl.SetOptionText("<color=\"white\">" + khs.VesselModifiers.ShelterExposure.ToString("P1") + "</color>"); dirty = false; } }
public void Update() { if (!Core.ModEnabled) { if (reportWindow != null) { reportWindow.Dismiss(); } return; } if ((reportWindow != null) && dirty) { if (gridContents == null) { Core.Log("gridContents is null.", Core.LogLevel.Error); return; } if (gridContents.Count != (ShipConstruction.ShipManifest.CrewCount + 1) * colNum) // # of tracked kerbals has changed => close & reopen the window { Core.Log("Kerbals' number has changed. Recreating the Health Report window.", Core.LogLevel.Important); UndisplayData(); DisplayData(); } // Fill the Health Report's grid with kerbals' health data int i = 0; KerbalHealthStatus khs = null; VesselHealthInfo.Cache.Clear(); foreach (ProtoCrewMember pcm in ShipConstruction.ShipManifest.GetAllCrew(false)) { if (pcm == null) { continue; } gridContents[(i + 1) * colNum].SetOptionText(; khs = Core.KerbalHealthList?.Find(pcm)?.Clone(); if (khs == null) { Core.Log("Could not create a clone of KerbalHealthStatus for " + + ". It is " + ((Core.KerbalHealthList?.Find(pcm) == null) ? "not " : "") + "found in KerbalHealthList, which contains " + Core.KerbalHealthList.Count + " records.", Core.LogLevel.Error); i++; continue; } khs.HP = khs.MaxHP; double ch = khs.HealthChangePerDay(); double b = khs.GetBalanceHP(); string s = ""; if (b > 0) { s = "-> " + b.ToString("F0") + " HP (" + (b / khs.MaxHP * 100).ToString("F0") + "%)"; } else { s = ch.ToString("F1") + " HP/day"; } gridContents[(i + 1) * colNum + 1].SetOptionText(s); if (b > khs.NextConditionHP()) { s = "—"; } else { s = ((khs.LastRecuperation > khs.LastDecay) ? "> " : "") + Core.ParseUT(khs.TimeToNextCondition()); } gridContents[(i + 1) * colNum + 2].SetOptionText(s); i++; } spaceLbl.SetOptionText(khs.VesselHealthInfo.Space.ToString("F1")); recupLbl.SetOptionText(khs.VesselHealthInfo.Recuperation.ToString("F1") + "%"); shieldingLbl.SetOptionText(khs.VesselHealthInfo.Shielding.ToString("F1")); exposureLbl.SetOptionText(khs.Exposure.ToString("P1")); dirty = false; } }
private void UpdateGUI() { drewgui = true; Vessel vessel = FlightGlobals.ActiveVessel; int crewCount = vessel.GetCrewCount(); var parts = vessel.FindPartModulesImplementing <LifeSupportReportable>(); // Update live Kerbal numbers foreach (LifeSupportReportable module in parts) { bool empty; string timestr = module.ReportLifeSupport(out empty); if (emptyPartLabels.ContainsKey(module.part)) { emptyPartLabels[module.part].SetOptionText($"{ORANGE}{timestr}</color>"); continue; } foreach (ProtoCrewMember kerbal in module.part.protoModuleCrew) { double evaLS = EVALifeSupportTracker.GetEVALSInfo(; if (compress) { if (!vessel.isEVA && !empty) { labelMap[].nameLabel.SetOptionText(labelMap[].compressNames[0]); labelMap[].shipLS.SetOptionText(timestr); } else { labelMap[].nameLabel.SetOptionText(labelMap[].compressNames[1]); string evastr = Util.DaysToString(evaLS / C.EVA_LS_DRAIN_PER_DAY); labelMap[].shipLS.SetOptionText(evastr); } } else { string evastr = Util.DaysToString(evaLS / C.EVA_LS_DRAIN_PER_DAY); labelMap[].shipLS.SetOptionText(timestr); labelMap[].evaLS.SetOptionText(evastr); } if (Config.DEBUG_SHOW_EVA) { var info = EVALifeSupportTracker.GetEVALSInfo(; labelMap[].evaLS_Value.SetOptionText(info.ls_current.ToString()); labelMap[].evaProp.SetOptionText(info.prop_current.ToString()); } } } // Any Kerbals not found above are assumed KIA // Would be great to move this to a GameEvent // such as GameEvents.onKerbalRemoved() if (crewCount < labelMap.Count) { List <string> fullcrew = vessel.GetVesselCrew().ConvertAll(a =>; foreach (string name in labelMap.Keys.ToArray()) { if (!fullcrew.Contains(name)) { labelMap[name].shipLS.SetOptionText("KIA"); labelMap[name].evaLS.SetOptionText("KIA"); labelMap.Remove(name); } } } // Update status double curr, max; vessel.GetConnectedResourceTotals(lsID, out curr, out max); string statusOne; // Status (no crew/breathable/active) string statusTwo; // Remaining Consumables/EVA Life Support string lsActive; if (crewCount == 0) { lsActive = "No crew"; } else if (Util.BreathableAir(vessel)) { lsActive = "Breathable air"; } else { lsActive = "ACTIVE"; } statusOne = $"{(compress ? "" : "Status: ")}{lsActive}"; if (FlightGlobals.ActiveVessel.isEVA) { vessel.GetConnectedResourceTotals(evapropID, out curr, out max); string prefix = ""; string suffix = "</color>"; if (curr < 0.5) { prefix = C.GUI_HARDWARN_COLOR; } else if (curr < 1.0) { prefix = C.GUI_LITEWARN_COLOR; } else { suffix = ""; } statusTwo = $"Propellant: {prefix}{string.Format("{0:0.00}", curr)}{suffix}"; } else { vessel.GetConnectedResourceTotals(consID, out curr, out max); double consDays = curr / C.CONS_PER_LS; statusTwo = $"{(compress ? "" : "Consumables: ")}{Util.DaysToString(consDays)}"; } statusLabel.SetOptionText($"{statusOne}\n{statusTwo}"); }