private DialogGUIBase CreateMissionListDialog()
            DialogGUIContentSizer sizer      = new DialogGUIContentSizer(ContentSizeFitter.FitMode.Unconstrained, ContentSizeFitter.FitMode.PreferredSize, true);
            DialogGUIToggleGroup  toggle     = new DialogGUIToggleGroup(this.CreateMissionListItems());
            DialogGUIGridLayout   layout     = new DialogGUIGridLayout(new RectOffset(0, 4, 4, 4), new Vector2(320f, 64f), new Vector2(0f, 0f), GridLayoutGroup.Corner.UpperLeft, GridLayoutGroup.Axis.Horizontal, TextAnchor.UpperLeft, GridLayoutGroup.Constraint.FixedColumnCount, 1, sizer, toggle);
            DialogGUIScrollList   scrollList = new DialogGUIScrollList(new Vector2(344f, 425f), false, true, layout);

            DialogGUIButton deleteButton = new DialogGUIButton("Delete", delegate

            deleteButton.OptionInteractableCondition = (() => selectedMissionIndex >= 0);

            DialogGUIButton cancelButton = new DialogGUIButton("Cancel", delegate

            DialogGUIButton loadButton = new DialogGUIButton("Load", delegate

            loadButton.OptionInteractableCondition = (() => selectedMissionIndex >= 0);

            DialogGUIVerticalLayout dialogGUIVerticalLayout = new DialogGUIVerticalLayout(true, true);

            dialogGUIVerticalLayout.AddChild(new DialogGUIHorizontalLayout(deleteButton, cancelButton, loadButton));
Exemple #2
 private MultiOptionDialog CreateDialog()
     //Create Fields
     List<DialogGUIBase> dialogBase = new List<DialogGUIBase>();
     DialogGUIBase[] scrollList = new DialogGUIBase[bodylist.Count];
     scrollList[0] = new DialogGUIContentSizer(ContentSizeFitter.FitMode.Unconstrained, ContentSizeFitter.FitMode.PreferredSize, true);
     TechLevel tLev = new TechLevel();
        /// <summary>
        /// Get layout of the list of vessels
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        internal DialogGUIVerticalLayout GetVesselListLayout()
            // Count disabled controllers
            int disabledControllersCount = 0;
            int controllersCount         = BonVoyage.Instance.BVControllers.Count();

            foreach (BVController controller in BonVoyage.Instance.BVControllers.Values)
                if (controller.Shutdown)

            int listLength = 1;

            if (activeControllersChecked)
                listLength += controllersCount - disabledControllersCount;
            if (disabledControllersChecked)
                listLength += disabledControllersCount;

            DialogGUIBase[] list = new DialogGUIBase[listLength];
            list[0] = new DialogGUIContentSizer(UnityEngine.UI.ContentSizeFitter.FitMode.Unconstrained, UnityEngine.UI.ContentSizeFitter.FitMode.PreferredSize, true);

            if (listLength > 1) // anything is checked
                int counter = 1;
                foreach (BVController controller in BonVoyage.Instance.BVControllers.Values)
                    DialogGUIHorizontalLayout row = CreateListLayoutRow(controller);
                    if (row != null)
                        list[counter] = row;
                        if (counter >= listLength) // break if we are at the end of list

            vesselListLayout = new DialogGUIVerticalLayout(

Exemple #4
        public static DialogGUIContentSizer GUIContentSizer(ContentSizeFitter.FitMode widthMode, ContentSizeFitter.FitMode heightMode, Boolean useParentSize = false, Modifier <DialogGUIContentSizer> modifier = null)
            DialogGUIContentSizer element = new DialogGUIContentSizer(widthMode, heightMode, useParentSize);

            if (modifier != null)
                element = modifier(element);
Exemple #5
        protected override List <DialogGUIBase> drawContentComponents()
            List <DialogGUIBase> listComponments = new List <DialogGUIBase>();

            listComponments.Add(new DialogGUIHorizontalLayout(true, false, 0, new RectOffset(), TextAnchor.UpperCenter, new DialogGUIBase[] { new DialogGUILabel(this.description + "\n\n", false, false) }));

            DialogGUILabel nameLabel = new DialogGUILabel("<b>" + Localizer.Format("#CNC_Generic_nameLabel") + "</b>", 30, 12);//Name

            nameInput = new DialogGUITextInput(this.hostStation.stationName, false, CNCSettings.MaxLengthName, setNameInput, 145, 25);
            DialogGUIButton           defaultButton = new DialogGUIButton(Localizer.Format("#CNC_Generic_Resetbutton"), defaultNameClick, 40, 25, false);//"Reset"
            DialogGUIHorizontalLayout nameGroup     = new DialogGUIHorizontalLayout(true, false, 4, new RectOffset(), TextAnchor.MiddleCenter, new DialogGUIBase[] { nameLabel, nameInput, new DialogGUIFlexibleSpace(), defaultButton });


            DialogGUILabel freqLabel = new DialogGUILabel("<b>" + Localizer.Format("#CNC_GroundStationEdit_freqLabel") + "</b>", 85, 12);//New frequency

            frequencyInput = new DialogGUITextInput("", false, CNCSettings.MaxDigits, setFreqInput, 60, 25);
            DialogGUIButton addButton = new DialogGUIButton(Localizer.Format("#CNC_Generic_Addbutton"), addClick, 40, 25, false);//"Add"

            stationColorImage = new DialogGUIImage(new Vector2(16f, 16f),, this.hostStation.Color, CNCCommNetHome.getGroundStationTexture(this.hostStation.TechLevel));
            DialogGUIHorizontalLayout imageBtnLayout = new DialogGUIHorizontalLayout(true, true, 0f, new RectOffset(5, 5, 5, 5), TextAnchor.MiddleCenter, new DialogGUIBase[] { stationColorImage });
            DialogGUIButton           colorButton    = new DialogGUIButton("", colorEditClick, 26, 26, false, new DialogGUIBase[] { imageBtnLayout });

            DialogGUIHorizontalLayout freqGRoup = new DialogGUIHorizontalLayout(true, false, 4, new RectOffset(), TextAnchor.MiddleCenter, new DialogGUIBase[] { freqLabel, frequencyInput, addButton, new DialogGUISpace(50), colorButton });


            //Prepare a list container for the GUILayout rows
            DialogGUIBase[] rows = new DialogGUIBase[this.hostStation.getFrequencyList().Count + 1];
            rows[0] = new DialogGUIContentSizer(ContentSizeFitter.FitMode.Unconstrained, ContentSizeFitter.FitMode.PreferredSize, true);
            for (int i = 0; i < this.freqListShown.Count; i++)
                rows[i + 1] = createConstellationRow(this.freqListShown[i]);

            frequencyRowLayout = new DialogGUIVerticalLayout(10, 100, 0, new RectOffset(5, 25, 5, 5), TextAnchor.UpperLeft, rows);
            listComponments.Add(new CustomDialogGUIScrollList(new Vector2(240, 100), false, true, frequencyRowLayout));

            DialogGUIButton           updateButton = new DialogGUIButton(Localizer.Format("#CNC_Generic_UpdateButton"), updateAction, false);                 //"Update"
            DialogGUIButton           cancelButton = new DialogGUIButton(Localizer.Format("#CNC_Generic_CancelButton"), delegate { this.dismiss(); }, false); //"Cancel"
            DialogGUIHorizontalLayout actionGroup  = new DialogGUIHorizontalLayout(true, false, 4, new RectOffset(), TextAnchor.MiddleLeft, new DialogGUIBase[] { new DialogGUIFlexibleSpace(), updateButton, cancelButton, new DialogGUIFlexibleSpace() });


        private void showLabWindow()
            // This is a list of content items to add to the dialog
            List <DialogGUIBase> dialog = new List <DialogGUIBase>();

            dialog.Add(new DialogGUILabel("#ne_Chooose_Lab"));

            // Build a button list of all available experiments with their descriptions
            int numLabs = availableLabs.Count;

            DialogGUIBase[] scrollList = new DialogGUIBase[numLabs + 1];
            scrollList[0] = new DialogGUIContentSizer(ContentSizeFitter.FitMode.Unconstrained, ContentSizeFitter.FitMode.PreferredSize, true);
            for (int idx = 0; idx < numLabs; idx++)
                var lab    = availableLabs[idx];
                var button = new DialogGUIButton <Lab>(lab.abbreviation, installExperimentInLab, lab, true);
                button.size = new Vector2(60, 30);
                var label = new DialogGUILabel(lab.GetInfo(), true, true);
                var h     = new DialogGUIHorizontalLayout(true, false, 4, new RectOffset(), TextAnchor.UpperLeft, new DialogGUIBase[] { button, label });

                scrollList[idx + 1] = h;

#if true
            dialog.Add(new DialogGUIScrollList(new Vector2(200, 300), false, true, //, false, true,
                                               new DialogGUIVerticalLayout(10, 100, 4, new RectOffset(6, 24, 10, 10), TextAnchor.UpperLeft, scrollList)
            dialog.Add(new DialogGUIVerticalLayout(10, 100, 4, new RectOffset(6, 24, 10, 10), TextAnchor.MiddleLeft, scrollList));

            // Add a centered "Cancel" button
            dialog.Add(new DialogGUIHorizontalLayout(new DialogGUIBase[]
                new DialogGUIFlexibleSpace(),
                new DialogGUIButton("#ne_Cancel", null, true),
                new DialogGUIFlexibleSpace(),

            // Actually create and show the dialog
                new MultiOptionDialog("", "", "#ne_Install_Experiment", HighLogic.UISkin, dialog.ToArray()),
                false, HighLogic.UISkin);
Exemple #7
        protected override List <DialogGUIBase> drawContentComponents()
            List <DialogGUIBase> listComponments = new List <DialogGUIBase>();

            CNCCommNetVessel cncVessel           = (CNCCommNetVessel)this.hostVessel.Connection;
            List <short>     vesselFrequencyList = cncVessel.getFrequencyList();


            listComponments.Add(new DialogGUIHorizontalLayout(true, false, 0, new RectOffset(), TextAnchor.UpperCenter, new DialogGUIBase[] { new DialogGUILabel(this.description + "\n\n", false, false) }));

            //frequency list
            listComponments.Add(new DialogGUILabel("<b>Active frequencies</b>", false, false));
            DialogGUIBase[] frequencyRows;
            if (vesselFrequencyList.Count == 0)
                frequencyRows    = new DialogGUIBase[2];
                frequencyRows[0] = new DialogGUIContentSizer(ContentSizeFitter.FitMode.Unconstrained, ContentSizeFitter.FitMode.PreferredSize, true);
                frequencyRows[1] = new DialogGUILabel(nofreqMessage, nofreqMessageStyle, true, false);
                frequencyRows    = new DialogGUIBase[vesselFrequencyList.Count + 1];
                frequencyRows[0] = new DialogGUIContentSizer(ContentSizeFitter.FitMode.Unconstrained, ContentSizeFitter.FitMode.PreferredSize, true);
                for (int i = 0; i < vesselFrequencyList.Count; i++)
                    frequencyRows[i + 1] = createFrequencyRow(vesselFrequencyList[i]);
            frequencyRowLayout = new DialogGUIVerticalLayout(10, 100, 4, new RectOffset(5, 25, 5, 5), TextAnchor.UpperLeft, frequencyRows);
            scrollArea         = new CustomDialogGUIScrollList(new Vector2(450, 100), false, true, frequencyRowLayout);


        private PopupDialog spawnDialog(ExperimentResultDialogPage page)
            List <DialogGUIBase> dialog = new List <DialogGUIBase>();

            dialog.Add(new DialogGUILabel(Localizer.Format("#autoLOC_ScienceRelay_Transmit", page.pageData.title), false, false));

            transferAll = false;

            if (resultsDialog.pages.Count > 1)
                dialog.Add(new DialogGUIToggle(false,
                                               delegate(bool b)
                    transferAll = !transferAll;

            List <DialogGUIHorizontalLayout> vessels = new List <DialogGUIHorizontalLayout>();

            for (int i = connectedVessels.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                KeyValuePair <Vessel, double> pair = connectedVessels[i];

                Vessel v = pair.Key;

                float boost = signalBoost((float)pair.Value, v, page.pageData, page.xmitDataScalar);

                DialogGUILabel label = null;

                if (settings.transmissionBoost)
                    string transmit = string.Format("Xmit: {0:P0}", page.xmitDataScalar * (1 + boost));

                    if (boost > 0)
                        transmit += string.Format("(+{0:P0})", boost);

                    label = new DialogGUILabel(transmit, 130, 25);

                DialogGUIBase button = null;

                if (settings.showTransmitWarning && page.showTransmitWarning)
                    button = new DialogGUIButton(
                            new ScienceRelayData()
                            _data   = page.pageData,
                            _host   =,
                            _boost  = boost,
                            _source = FlightGlobals.ActiveVessel,
                            _target = v,
                    button = new DialogGUIButton <ScienceRelayData>(
                        new ScienceRelayData()
                        _data   = page.pageData,
                        _host   =,
                        _boost  = boost,
                        _source = FlightGlobals.ActiveVessel,
                        _target = v,

                    button.size = new Vector2(160, 30);

                DialogGUIHorizontalLayout h = new DialogGUIHorizontalLayout(true, false, 4, new RectOffset(), TextAnchor.MiddleCenter, new DialogGUIBase[] { button });

                if (label != null)


            DialogGUIBase[] scrollList = new DialogGUIBase[vessels.Count + 1];

            scrollList[0] = new DialogGUIContentSizer(ContentSizeFitter.FitMode.Unconstrained, ContentSizeFitter.FitMode.PreferredSize, true);

            for (int i = 0; i < vessels.Count; i++)
                scrollList[i + 1] = vessels[i];

            dialog.Add(new DialogGUIScrollList(new Vector2(270, 200), false, true,
                                               new DialogGUIVerticalLayout(10, 100, 4, new RectOffset(6, 24, 10, 10), TextAnchor.MiddleLeft, scrollList)

            dialog.Add(new DialogGUISpace(4));

            dialog.Add(new DialogGUIHorizontalLayout(new DialogGUIBase[]
                new DialogGUIFlexibleSpace(),
                new DialogGUIButton(Localizer.Format("#autoLOC_190768"), popupDismiss),
                new DialogGUIFlexibleSpace(),
                new DialogGUILabel(version, false, false)

            RectTransform resultRect = resultsDialog.GetComponent <RectTransform>();

            Rect pos = new Rect(0.5f, 0.5f, 300, 300);

            if (resultRect != null)
                Vector2 resultPos = resultRect.position;

                float scale = GameSettings.UI_SCALE;

                int width  = Screen.width;
                int height = Screen.height;

                float xpos = (resultPos.x / scale) + width / 2;
                float ypos = (resultPos.y / scale) + height / 2;

                float yNorm = ypos / height;

                pos.y = yNorm;

                pos.x = xpos > (width - (550 * scale)) ? (xpos - 360) / width : (xpos + 360) / width;

            return(PopupDialog.SpawnPopupDialog(new Vector2(0.5f, 0.5f), new Vector2(0.5f, 0.5f), new MultiOptionDialog(
                                                    dialog.ToArray()), false, UISkinManager.defaultSkin));
Exemple #9
        /* +---------------------------------------------------+
         * |              Storage Manifest                     |
         * +---------------------------------------------------+
         * | OMS ESC 4/1                                    |^||
         * |         Material Exposure Experiment 1         | ||
         * |         Needs: MEP-825 and MPL-600 or MSL-1000 | ||
         * |         State: Finished                        | ||
         * |                                                | ||
         * | OMS ESC 4/2                                    | ||
         * |         empty                                  | ||
         * |                                                | ||
         * | OMS ESC 4/3                                    | ||
         * |         3D Printer Demonstration Test          |v||
         * |                  [Close]                          |
         * +---------------------------------------------------+
        private void showManifestWindow()
            // This is a list of content items to add to the dialog
            List <DialogGUIBase> dialog = new List <DialogGUIBase>();

            // TODO? Add description of part for which we're displaying the manifest
            //dialog.Add(new DialogGUILabel("Chooose lab"));
            //dialog.Add(new DialogGUISpace(4));

            // Build a button list of all available experiments with their descriptions
            int numSlots = storageSlots.Count;

            DialogGUIBase[] scrollList = new DialogGUIBase[numSlots + 1];
            scrollList[0] = new DialogGUIContentSizer(ContentSizeFitter.FitMode.Unconstrained, ContentSizeFitter.FitMode.PreferredSize, true);
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

            for (int i = 0; i < numSlots; i++)
                var e = storageSlots[i];
                if (e.isEmpty())
                    sb.Append("\t ").Append(Localizer.Format("#ne_empty")).AppendLine();
                    ExperimentData exp = e.getStoredExperimentData();
                    sb.Append(exp.getDescription("\t ")).AppendLine();
                    sb.Append("\t ").Append(Localizer.Format("#ne_Status")).Append(": ").Append(exp.displayStateString()).AppendLine();

                var label = new DialogGUILabel(sb.ToString(), true, true);
                var h     = new DialogGUIHorizontalLayout(true, false, 4, new RectOffset(), TextAnchor.MiddleCenter, label);
                scrollList[i + 1] = h;
                sb.Length         = 0;

            // NB: Specify a minimum size; the scroll-list will automatically expand to fill available space in the parent form.
                new DialogGUIScrollList(new Vector2(300, 300), false, true,
                                        //new DialogGUIScrollList(, false, true,
                                        new DialogGUIVerticalLayout(10, 100, 4, new RectOffset(6, 24, 10, 10), TextAnchor.UpperLeft, scrollList)

            dialog.Add(new DialogGUISpace(4));

            // Add a centered "Close" button
            dialog.Add(new DialogGUIHorizontalLayout(new DialogGUIBase[]
                new DialogGUIFlexibleSpace(),
                new DialogGUIButton(Localizer.Format("#ne_Close"), null, true),
                new DialogGUIFlexibleSpace(),

            // Calculate size of dialog window
            Rect pos = new Rect(0.5f, 0.5f, width, fixedHeight + numSlots * slotHeight);

            if (pos.height > maxHeight)
                pos.height = maxHeight;

            // Actually create and show the dialog
                new MultiOptionDialog("", "", Localizer.Format("#ne_Storage_Manifest"), HighLogic.UISkin, pos, dialog.ToArray()),
                false, HighLogic.UISkin);
Exemple #10
        private void ToggleDialog()
            if (DismissDialog())

            DialogGUILabel          title       = new DialogGUILabel("Physics Hold", true);
            DialogGUILabel          subTitle    = new DialogGUILabel("Keep physics in check for landed vessels !", true);
            DialogGUIVerticalLayout titleLayout = new DialogGUIVerticalLayout(true, false);


            DialogGUIButton           closeButton  = new DialogGUIButton(string.Empty, () => DismissDialog(), 24f, 24f, false);
            DialogGUIHorizontalLayout headerLayout = new DialogGUIHorizontalLayout(titleLayout, closeButton);

            List <DialogGuiVesselWidget> widgets = new List <DialogGuiVesselWidget>();

            for (int i = 0; i < physicsHoldInstances.Count; i++)
                DialogGuiVesselWidget widget = new DialogGuiVesselWidget(physicsHoldInstances[i]);

            Vector3 activeVesselPos = FlightGlobals.ActiveVessel.transform.position;

            widgets.Sort((x, y) => Vector3.Distance(activeVesselPos, x.instance.Vessel.transform.position) < Vector3.Distance(activeVesselPos, y.instance.Vessel.transform.position) ? -1 : 1);

            DialogGUIBase[] scrollList = new DialogGUIBase[widgets.Count + 1];

            scrollList[0] = new DialogGUIContentSizer(ContentSizeFitter.FitMode.Unconstrained, ContentSizeFitter.FitMode.PreferredSize, true);

            for (int i = 0; i < widgets.Count; i++)
                scrollList[i + 1] = widgets[i].widgetBox;

            DialogGUIScrollList scrollListItem = new DialogGUIScrollList(, false, true,
                                                                         new DialogGUIVerticalLayout(10, 100, 4, new RectOffset(6, 24, 10, 10), TextAnchor.UpperLeft, scrollList));

            List <DialogGUIBase> dialog = new List <DialogGUIBase>();


            DialogGUILabel kasInstalledLabel = null;

            if (isKASInstalled)
                kasInstalledLabel = new DialogGUILabel("<color=orange><b>WARNING</b></color> : KAS is installed. \nHaving a KAS connection on a on-hold vessel <b>won't work</b> and will cause it to disappear from the game", true, false);

            Rect posAndSize = new Rect(lastPopupPos.x, lastPopupPos.y, 320f, isKASInstalled ? 365f : 320f);

            currentDialog = PopupDialog.SpawnPopupDialog(new Vector2(0f, 1f), new Vector2(0f, 1f),
                                                         new MultiOptionDialog("PhysicsHoldDialog", "", "", UISkinManager.defaultSkin, posAndSize, dialog.ToArray()), true, UISkinManager.defaultSkin, false);

            // wteak title text style
            TextMeshProUGUI titleText = title.uiItem.GetComponent <TextMeshProUGUI>();

            titleText.alignment = TextAlignmentOptions.Top;
            titleText.color     = Color.white;
            titleText.fontSize  = 16f;
            titleText.fontStyle = FontStyles.Bold;

            TextMeshProUGUI subTitleText = subTitle.uiItem.GetComponent <TextMeshProUGUI>();

            subTitleText.alignment = TextAlignmentOptions.Top;

            // top-left align widgets in the scroll area
            ScrollRect scrollRect = scrollListItem.uiItem.GetComponentInChildren <ScrollRect>();

            scrollRect.content.pivot = new Vector2(0f, 1f);

            foreach (DialogGuiVesselWidget widget in widgets)

            // close button use custom sprite
            ColorBlock buttonColorTintColors = new ColorBlock()
                colorMultiplier  = 1f,
                normalColor      = Color.white,
                selectedColor    = Color.white,
                highlightedColor = new Color(0.75f, 1f, 0.65f, 1f),
                pressedColor     = new Color(0.75f, 1f, 0.65f, 1f),
                disabledColor    = new Color(1f, 1f, 1f, 1f)

            Image imgCpnt = closeButton.uiItem.GetComponent <Image>();

            imgCpnt.type           = Image.Type.Simple;
            imgCpnt.preserveAspect = true;
            imgCpnt.color          = Color.white;
            imgCpnt.sprite         = Lib.CloseSprite;

            Button btnCpnt = closeButton.uiItem.GetComponent <Button>();

            btnCpnt.transition = Selectable.Transition.ColorTint;
            btnCpnt.navigation = new Navigation()
                mode = Navigation.Mode.None
            btnCpnt.colors = buttonColorTintColors;
            btnCpnt.image  = imgCpnt;

            if (kasInstalledLabel != null)
                kasInstalledLabel.uiItem.GetComponent <TextMeshProUGUI>().alignment = TextAlignmentOptions.Top;
        /// <summary>
        /// Generates and spawns the Upgrade Editor UI.
        /// </summary>
        public PopupDialog GenerateUpgradeEditorUI()
            upgrade_editor.Add(new DialogGUIHorizontalLayout(new DialogGUISpace(50), new DialogGUILabel("Upgrade"), new DialogGUISpace(150), new DialogGUILabel("Changes"), new DialogGUISpace(250), new DialogGUILabel("Description")));
            upgrade_editor.Add(new DialogGUISpace(4));

            // create one line with toggle upgrade button, all modules affected and description for every upgrade in the selected part
            for (int cns = 0; cns < allupgrades.Count; cns++)
                var affected_modules = new List <string>();
                foreach (PartModule yapm in part.Modules)
                    if (yapm.HasUpgrades())
                        foreach (ConfigNode ymup in yapm.upgrades)
                            if (ymup.GetValue("name__") == allupgrades[cns].GetValue("name__"))
                                affected_modules.Add(yapm.GetModuleDisplayName() + " => " + ymup.GetValue("description__"));

                // Using PartUpgradeManager.Handler to access the Upgrade as located in the Tech Tree referred
                // in the PartModules and find out its in-game name and description.
                var nameforcurrentupgrade = allupgrades[cns].GetValue("name__");
                var currentupgrade        = PartUpgradeManager.Handler.GetUpgrade(nameforcurrentupgrade);

                if (affected_modules[0] == " => ")
                    affected_modules[0] = "See general description for details";

                var single_upgrade_button = new DialogGUIToggleButton(() => !ListOfTemporarilyDisabledUpgrades.Contains(, currentupgrade.title, OnButtonClick_Upgrade(currentupgrade), button_width, button_height); //PartUpgradeManager.Handler.IsEnabled(
                var single_modules_button = new DialogGUIBox(string.Join("\n", affected_modules.ToArray()), 250, button_height);
                var single_desc_button    = new DialogGUIBox(currentupgrade.description, 340, button_height);

                var h = new DialogGUIHorizontalLayout(true, false, 4, new RectOffset(), TextAnchor.MiddleCenter, new DialogGUIBase[] { single_upgrade_button, single_modules_button, single_desc_button });

            scrollList = null;
            scrollList = new DialogGUIBase[upgrade_line.Count + 1];

            scrollList[0] = new DialogGUIContentSizer(ContentSizeFitter.FitMode.Unconstrained, ContentSizeFitter.FitMode.PreferredSize, true);

            for (int i = 0; i < upgrade_line.Count; i++)
                scrollList[i + 1] = upgrade_line[i];
            upgrade_editor.Add(new DialogGUIScrollList(new Vector2(270, 200), false, true,
                                                       new DialogGUIVerticalLayout(10, 100, 4, new RectOffset(6, 24, 10, 10), TextAnchor.UpperLeft, scrollList)
            upgrade_editor.Add(new DialogGUISpace(4));

            upgrade_editor.Add(new DialogGUIHorizontalLayout(new DialogGUIBase[]
                new DialogGUIFlexibleSpace(),
                new DialogGUIButton("Reset & Close", ResetUnlockedUpgrades),
                new DialogGUIFlexibleSpace(),
                new DialogGUIToggleButton(() => EnableAllUpgrades, "Toggle All", OnButtonClick_EnableAllUpgrades, -1, 30),
                new DialogGUIFlexibleSpace(),
                new DialogGUIToggleButton(() => PartUpgradeHandler.AllEnabled, "Always Enable", OnButtonClick_ToggleAllUpgrades, -1, 30),
                new DialogGUIFlexibleSpace(),
                new DialogGUIButton("Close", Dismiss)
            return(PopupDialog.SpawnPopupDialog(new Vector2(0.5f, 0.5f), new Vector2(0.5f, 0.5f), new MultiOptionDialog(
                                                    "Upgrade Editor",
                                                    "", "Upgrade Editor",
                                                    // window origin is center of rect, position is offset from lower left corner of screen and normalized i.e (0.5, 0.5 is screen center)
                                                    new Rect(0.5f, 0.5f, width, height), upgrade_editor.ToArray()), false, HighLogic.UISkin));