public void CopyAllSelected(DiagramEntityContainer container)

        /* ============================================================
         *      Function :		CDiagramClipboardHandler::CopyAllSelected
         *      Description :	Clones all selected object to the paste
         *                                      array.
         *      Access :		Public
         *      Return :		void
         *      Parameters :	none
         *      Usage :			Call to copy all selected objects to the
         *                                      clipboard. "Paste" will put them on screen.
         * ============================================================*/
            List <object> arr = container.GetData();

            int max = arr.Count;

            for (int t = 0; t < max; t++)
                DiagramEntity obj = (DiagramEntity)(arr[t]);
                if (obj.Selected)
                    DiagramEntity newobj = obj.Clone();
                    newobj.Selected = (true);
                    newobj.MoveRect(10, 10);
                    newobj.GroupID = (obj.GroupID);
        public void Copy(DiagramEntity obj)

        /* ============================================================
         *      Function :		CDiagramClipboardHandler::Copy
         *      Description :	Copies the object "obj" to the 'clipboard'.
         *      Access :		Public
         *      Return :		void
         *      Parameters :	CDiagramEntity* obj	-	The object to copy.
         *      Usage :			Call in response to a Copy-command. Note
         *                                      that "obj" will only be copied to the
         *                                      clipboard, not the screen. See also the
         *                                      functions for copy/paste below.
         * ============================================================*/
            DiagramEntity newobj = obj.Clone();

            newobj.Selected = (true);
            newobj.MoveRect(10, 10);
        public List <DiagramEntity> Paste(DiagramEntityContainer container)

        /* ============================================================
         *      Function :		CDiagramClipboardHandler::Paste
         *      Description :	Clones the contents of the paste array
         *                                      into the container data array.
         *      Access :		Public
         *      Return :		void
         *      Parameters :	none
         *      Usage :			Call to paste the contents of the clipboard
         *                                      to screen.
         * ============================================================*/
            List <int> oldgroup = new List <int>();
            List <int> newgroup = new List <int>();

            int max = m_paste.Count;

            for (int t = 0; t < max; t++)
                DiagramEntity obj = (DiagramEntity)(m_paste[t]);
                if (obj.GroupID != 0)
                    int  size  = oldgroup.Count;
                    bool found = false;
                    for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
                        if (obj.GroupID == (int)(oldgroup[i]))
                            found = true;

                    if (!found)

            List <DiagramEntity> pastedObjs = new List <DiagramEntity>();

            for (int t = 0; t < max; t++)
                DiagramEntity obj   = ( DiagramEntity)(m_paste[t]);
                DiagramEntity clone = obj.Clone();

                int group = 0;
                if (obj.GroupID != 0)
                    int size = oldgroup.Count;
                    for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
                        if (obj.GroupID == (int)(oldgroup[i]))
                            group = newgroup[i];

                clone.GroupID = (group);
