public void ProcessData() { // Sumup Devices for (int index = 0; index < ReportLoaded; index++) { CrashData data = CrashDataRaw[index]; bool isAdded = false; foreach (Device device in DevicesList) { if (device.DeviceBrand == data.DeviceBrand) { if (device.DeviceName == data.DeviceName) { if (device.DeviceModel == data.DeviceModel) { isAdded = true; device.CrashLogIndex.Add(index); break; } } } } if (!isAdded) // Add this device to list { Device device = new Device(data.DeviceBrand, data.DeviceName, data.DeviceModel); device.CrashLogIndex.Add(index); DevicesList.Add(device); } } }
public User(int id, string name, GameObject avatar, DevicesList platform) { ID = id; Name = name; Avatar = avatar; Platform = platform; }
private void Quit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { BassAsio.BASS_ASIO_Free(); Functions.SetDefaultDevice(AudioEngine.ASIO_ENGINE, 0, DevicesList.GetItemText(DevicesList.SelectedItem)); Close(); Dispose(); }
private void CheckDeviceExecute(object obj) { DeviceNode node = obj as DeviceNode; if (node == null) { return; } //Check the same item, keep it. if (node.IsChecked == false) { node.IsChecked = true; return; } SelectedDevice = node; //unchecked other menuitem DeviceNode checkedItem = DevicesList.FirstOrDefault(x => x.IsChecked == true && x != node); if (checkedItem != null) { checkedItem.IsChecked = false; } //Check current node CheckDeviceView(node); _document.IsDirty = true; }
private void ButtonShow_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { if (combobox.SelectedIndex == 0) { foreach (var device in Devices) { TimeSpan timeOfDay = device.RadniSati.TimeOfDay; int hour = timeOfDay.Hours; int minute = timeOfDay.Minutes; if (Int32.Parse(textBoxLimitSati.Text) < hour) { DevicesList.Add(device); } } } else if (combobox.SelectedIndex == 1) { foreach (var device in Devices) { if (Int32.Parse(textBoxLimitPromene.Text) < device.BrPromjena) { DevicesList.Add(device); } } } }
private void OnStateChanged(object sender, object e) { switch (_viewModel.State) { case FlyoutViewState.Opening: var taskbar = WindowsTaskbar.Current; Show(); PositionWindowRelativeToTaskbar(taskbar); // Focus the first device if available. DevicesList.FindVisualChild <DeviceView>()?.FocusAndRemoveFocusVisual(); // Prevent showing stale adnorners. this.WaitForKeyboardVisuals(() => { LayoutRoot.Background = new SolidColorBrush(Themes.Manager.Current.ResolveRef(this, "AcrylicColor_Flyout")); WindowAnimationLibrary.BeginFlyoutEntranceAnimation(this, taskbar, () => { _viewModel.ChangeState(FlyoutViewState.Open); // Wait to apply acrylic, or the translate transform illusion will be spoiled. EnableAcrylicIfApplicable(taskbar); }); }); break; case FlyoutViewState.Closing_Stage1: DevicesList.FindVisualChild <DeviceView>()?.FocusAndRemoveFocusVisual(); if (_viewModel.IsExpandingOrCollapsing) { AccentPolicyLibrary.DisableAcrylic(this); WindowAnimationLibrary.BeginFlyoutExitanimation(this, () => { this.Cloak(); // Go directly to ViewState.Hidden to avoid the stage 2 hide delay (debounce for tray clicks), // we want to show again immediately. _viewModel.ChangeState(FlyoutViewState.Hidden); }); } else { // No animation for normal exit. this.Cloak(); AccentPolicyLibrary.DisableAcrylic(this); // Prevent de-queueing partially on show and showing stale adnorners. this.WaitForKeyboardVisuals(() => { Hide(); _viewModel.ChangeState(FlyoutViewState.Closing_Stage2); }); } break; } }
private void ViewModel_OnStateChanged(object sender, object e) { switch (_viewModel.State) { case FlyoutViewModel.ViewState.Opening: if (_viewModel.ShowOptions == FlyoutShowOptions.Pointer) { _rawListener.Start(); } Show(); // We need the theme to be updated on show because the window borders will be set based on taskbar position. ThemeChanged(); UpdateWindowBounds(); // Update layout otherwise we may display queued state changes UpdateLayout(); DevicesList.Focus(); WindowAnimationLibrary.BeginFlyoutEntranceAnimation(this, () => _viewModel.ChangeState(FlyoutViewModel.ViewState.Open)); break; case FlyoutViewModel.ViewState.Closing_Stage1: _rawListener.Stop(); if (_needsExpandOrCollapse) { WindowAnimationLibrary.BeginFlyoutExitanimation(this, () => { this.Cloak(); Hide(); // NB: Hidden to avoid the stage 2 hide delay, we want to show again immediately. _viewModel.ChangeState(FlyoutViewModel.ViewState.Hidden); }); } else { this.Cloak(); Hide(); DisableAcrylic(); _viewModel.ChangeState(FlyoutViewModel.ViewState.Closing_Stage2); } break; case FlyoutViewModel.ViewState.Hidden: if (_needsExpandOrCollapse) { _needsExpandOrCollapse = false; _viewModel.DoExpandCollapse(); _viewModel.BeginOpen(); } break; } }
/**<summary>鼠标点击数据表事件</summary>**/ private void DevicesList_MouseDown(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e) { DevicesList.Focus(); /* 获取鼠标点击的内容 */ IInputElement CilckedControl = DevicesList.InputHitTest(e.GetPosition(DevicesList)); /* 点击空白处则取消选中状态 */ if (CilckedControl is ScrollViewer || CilckedControl is Border) { CancelSelect(); } }
public ChoosePageViewModel(IDataService dataService) { this.dataService = dataService; dataService.GetDevicesCollections( (devicesCollections, error) => { if (error != null) { // Report error here return; } foreach (var devicesCollection in devicesCollections) { DevicesList.Add(devicesCollection); } }); }
public async Task ExecuteAsync(TextReader reader, byte systemType, ushort deviceType, byte hubId, byte portId, Version hw, Version sw) { var knowledge = _protocol.Knowledge; // override cached data using var disposable = _protocol.UpstreamRawMessages .Subscribe(tuple => KnowledgeManager.ApplyStaticProtocolKnowledge(tuple.message, knowledge)); await _protocol.ConnectAsync((SystemType)systemType); // registering to bluetooth notification if (systemType != 0) { Console.Error.WriteLine("Command Line provided Device Type, hubId, portId and versions hw/sw"); await _mock.MockCharacteristic.AttachIO((DeviceType)deviceType, hubId, portId, hw, sw); } var foundSystemType = false; var foundAttachedIO = false; var line = await reader.ReadLineAsync(); while (line is not null) { if (line.Substring(6, 8) == "01-0B-06") // property msg - systemtype - update { foundSystemType = true; } if (line.Substring(6, 2) == "04" && line.Substring(12, 2) == "01") // attached io msg (04) - port - attach event { foundAttachedIO = true; } await _mock.MockCharacteristic.WriteUpstreamAsync(line); line = await reader.ReadLineAsync(); } if (systemType == 0 && (foundSystemType == false || foundAttachedIO == false)) { Console.Error.WriteLine("#############################"); Console.Error.WriteLine("SystemType and/or attached IO message not found in data or command line arguments"); Console.Error.WriteLine("#############################"); } DevicesList.PrettyPrintKnowledge(System.Console.Out, _protocol.Knowledge); }
public void CheckDevices() { //_deviceModel.LoadDevices(); DeviceNode selectedItem = DevicesList.FirstOrDefault(x => x.IsChecked == true); //Current select is null, select off item. if (selectedItem == null) { selectedItem = DevicesList.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == CommonDefine.PresetOff); if (selectedItem != null) { selectedItem.IDevice.IsChecked = true; } } FirePropertyChanged("IsDeviceOn"); CheckDeviceView(selectedItem); }
private void OpenComputersTable()//funkcja która otwiera tabelkę urządzeń { Computers computers = new Computers(); computers.ShowDialog(); // nie można kożystać z głównego okna puki to jest otwarty (Dialog) using (var db = new PingDataContext()) // wyczyszczenie i wpisanie danych na nowo (można w tym oknie usuwać dane więc po zamknięciu trzeba zaktualizować) { DevicesIP.Clear(); IdControl.Clear(); DevicesList.Clear(); var devicesAll = db.Devices.ToList(); foreach (var item in devicesAll) { DevicesIP.Add(item.IP); IdControl.Add(item.Id); DevicesList.Add(item.Name + " " + item.IP); } } }
private void OnStateChanged(object sender, object e) { switch (_viewModel.State) { case FlyoutViewModel.ViewState.Opening: Show(); ThemeChanged(); UpdateWindowBounds(); // Focus the first device if available. DevicesList.FindVisualChild <DeviceView>()?.FocusAndRemoveFocusVisual(); WaitForKeyboardVisuals(() => { WindowAnimationLibrary.BeginFlyoutEntranceAnimation(this, () => _viewModel.ChangeState(FlyoutViewModel.ViewState.Open)); }); break; case FlyoutViewModel.ViewState.Closing_Stage1: DevicesList.FindVisualChild <DeviceView>()?.FocusAndRemoveFocusVisual(); if (_viewModel.IsExpandingOrCollapsing) { WindowAnimationLibrary.BeginFlyoutExitanimation(this, () => { this.Cloak(); // NB: Hidden to avoid the stage 2 hide delay, we want to show again immediately. _viewModel.ChangeState(FlyoutViewModel.ViewState.Hidden); }); } else { this.Cloak(); DisableAcrylic(); WaitForKeyboardVisuals(() => { Hide(); _viewModel.ChangeState(FlyoutViewModel.ViewState.Closing_Stage2); }); } break; } }
public async void SearchDevices() { CheckScanningStatus(); DevicesList.Clear(); Adapter.ScanTimeout = Constants.SCAN_TIMEOUT; Adapter.ScanMode = ScanMode.Balanced; Adapter.DeviceDiscovered += (s, a) => { var device = a.Device; if (!DevicesList.Contains(device) && device.Name != null) { DevicesList.Add(device); } }; await Adapter.StartScanningForDevicesAsync(); }
public MainWindowViewModel() //ustawienie początkowych wartości elementów { OpenComputersTableCommand = new RelayCommand(OpenComputersTable); //stworzenie relaycommand tak by można było przypiosać funkcje do elementów okna (naciśnięcie przycisku itp. OpenResponsesTableCommand = new RelayCommand(OpenResponsesTable); AddDeviceCommand = new RelayCommand(AddDevice); PingCommand = new RelayCommand(PingDevice); CanPing = false; CanAdd = false; using (var db = new PingDataContext()) // operowanie na bazie { db.Database.CreateIfNotExists(); // stworzenie bazy jeśli nie istnieje var devicesAll = db.Devices.ToList(); // wpisanie wszyskich urządzeń do listy by potem poszczególne elementy dodać do właściwości ViewModelu foreach (var item in devicesAll) { DevicesIP.Add(item.IP); IdControl.Add(item.Id); DevicesList.Add(item.Name + " " + item.IP); } } }
private void AddDevice() // dodawanie urządzenia { using (var db = new PingDataContext()) { db.Devices.Add(new Devices() { IP = _IPAddress, Name = _Name, Description = _Description }); db.SaveChanges(); DevicesList.Add(_Name + " " + _IPAddress); //dodanie nowego urządzenia do listy DevicesIP.Add(_IPAddress); //dodanie ip IdControl.Add(db.Devices.ToList().Last().Id); //dodanie id nowego elementu (bierze ostatnie id z bazy - to dodane) Name = ""; IPAddress = ""; Description = ""; } }
public async Task GetDevices() { DeviceScanning = true; DevicesList.Clear(); try { var list = await DependencyService.Get <IBLEAdapter>().ScanForDevicesAsync(); foreach (var device in list) { DevicesList.Add(device); } } catch (Exception ey) { } DeviceScanning = false; }
public IDevice GetDevice(Func <IDevice, bool> searchFunc) => DevicesList.FirstOrDefault(searchFunc);
private void SetConfigToStandalone() { device = DevicesList.Standalone; configOnStandalone.Invoke(); }
private void SetConfigToWindowsVive() { device = DevicesList.HTCVive; configOnWindowsVive.Invoke(); }
private void SetConfigToWindowsRift() { device = DevicesList.OculusRift; configOnWindowsRift.Invoke(); }
private void SetConfigToQuest() { Debug.Log("aljkfhsfgilug"); device = DevicesList.OculusQuest; configOnQuest.Invoke(); }
private void SetConfigToAndroid() { device = DevicesList.Android; configOnAndroid.Invoke(); }
public IEnumerable <IDevice> SearchDevices(Func <IDevice, bool> searchFunc) => DevicesList.Where(searchFunc);
public Broker() { Publishers = new DevicesList(); Subscribers = new SubscribersList(); }
public void AddDevice(IDevice device) => DevicesList.Add(device);