Exemple #1
 protected void SafeCall(curandStatus status, DevicePtrEx ptrEx = null)
     if(ptrEx != null)
     if (status != curandStatus.CURAND_STATUS_SUCCESS)
         throw new CudafyMathException(CudafyMathException.csRAND_ERROR_X, status.ToString());
        protected override DevicePtrEx GetDevicePtr(Array array, ref int n)
            DevicePtrEx ptrEx = _gpu.GetDeviceMemory(array) as DevicePtrEx;

            if (n == 0)
                n = ptrEx.TotalSize;
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a version of hostObject on the device with any fields which are reference types converted
        /// to pointers to device memory (IntPtrs) and any arrays copied to the device.
        /// </summary>
        /// <typeparam name="T"></typeparam>
        /// <param name="gpu"></param>
        /// <param name="hostObject"></param>
        /// <returns>THe device object (that can then be used in kernal calls).</returns>
        public static object CreateDeviceObject <T>(GPGPU gpu, T hostObject)
            if (!deviceObjectFromHostObject.ContainsKey(gpu))
                deviceObjectFromHostObject.Add(gpu, new Dictionary <object, object>());

            Type hostObjectType = hostObject.GetType();
            Type newTypeToCreate;

            if (hostObjectType.IsArray)
                newTypeToCreate = hostObjectType.GetElementType();
                // if this is a value type array
                if (newTypeToCreate.IsValueType)
                    return(CopyArrayToDevice(gpu, hostObject as Array));
                    return(CopyArrayOfReferenceTypeToDevice(gpu, hostObject as Array));
                newTypeToCreate = hostObjectType;

            // if reference type fields are not on the device already we must copy them to the device and overwrite these fields with
            // pointers to the device memory.
            CopyReferenceTypeFieldsToDevice <T>(gpu, hostObject);

            var deviceTypeInfo = CreateDeviceType(newTypeToCreate);

            var deviceObject = Activator.CreateInstance(deviceTypeInfo.DeviceType);

            // For each element of the array, we need to do this:
            AssignPointerFields(gpu, hostObject, deviceObject, deviceTypeInfo.PointerFields);
            AssignNonPointerFields(hostObject, deviceObject, deviceTypeInfo.NonPointerFields);

            var deviceObjectArray = Array.CreateInstance(deviceTypeInfo.DeviceType, 1);

            deviceObjectArray.SetValue(deviceObject, 0);
            var    copy1DArrayToDevice      = CopyArrayToDevice(deviceTypeInfo.DeviceType, 1);
            object deviceObjectArrayPointer = copy1DArrayToDevice.Invoke(gpu, new object[] { deviceObjectArray });

            MapDeviceMemoryToObject(gpu, deviceObjectArrayPointer, hostObject);

            // this is not really an array, but it is a reference type, so make 0D to avoid addition of array length in kernel call.
            DevicePtrEx deviceObjectPointer = gpu.TryGetDeviceMemory(deviceObjectArrayPointer);

            typeof(DevicePtrEx).GetProperty("Dimensions").SetValue(deviceObjectPointer, 0, null);
Exemple #4
 protected void SafeCall(curandStatus status, DevicePtrEx ptrEx = null)
     if (ptrEx != null)
     if (status != curandStatus.CURAND_STATUS_SUCCESS)
         throw new CudafyMathException(CudafyMathException.csRAND_ERROR_X, status.ToString());
        /// <summary>
        /// Does the copy from device async.
        /// </summary>
        /// <typeparam name="T"></typeparam>
        /// <param name="devArray">The dev array.</param>
        /// <param name="devOffset">The dev offset.</param>
        /// <param name="hostArray">The host array.</param>
        /// <param name="hostOffset">The host offset.</param>
        /// <param name="count">The count.</param>
        /// <param name="streamId">The stream id.</param>
        protected override void DoCopyFromDeviceAsync <T>(DevicePtrEx devArray, int devOffset, IntPtr hostArray, int hostOffset, int count, int streamId)
            var ptrEx = devArray as EmuDevicePtrEx;
            int size  = MSizeOf(typeof(T));
            //if (!_hostHandles.ContainsKey(hostArray))
            //    throw new CudafyHostException(CudafyHostException.csDATA_IS_NOT_HOST_ALLOCATED);
            GCHandle handle        = _hostHandles[hostArray];
            IntPtr   hostArrayPtr  = handle.AddrOfPinnedObject();
            IntPtr   devOffsetPtr  = new IntPtr(ptrEx.Pointer.ToInt64() + devOffset * size);
            IntPtr   hostOffsetPtr = new IntPtr(hostArrayPtr.ToInt64() + hostOffset * size);

                CopyMemory(hostOffsetPtr, devOffsetPtr, (uint)(count * MSizeOf(typeof(T))));
    private unsafe static void Main(string[] args)
        GPGPU        gpuCuda = CudafyHost.GetDevice(eGPUType.Cuda, 0);
        CudafyModule km      = CudafyTranslator.Cudafy();

        TestStruct[] host_array = new TestStruct[1];
        host_array[0] = new TestStruct();
        int[]       host_intArray = new[] { 1, 8, 3 };
        int[]       dev_intArray  = gpuCuda.CopyToDevice(host_intArray);
        DevicePtrEx p             = gpuCuda.GetDeviceMemory(dev_intArray);
        IntPtr      pointer       = p.Pointer;

        host_array[0].dataPointer = pointer.ToInt64();
        TestStruct[] dev_array = gpuCuda.Allocate(host_array);
        gpuCuda.CopyToDevice(host_array, dev_array);
        gpuCuda.Launch().kernelTest(dev_array, dev_intArray);

        gpuCuda.CopyFromDevice(dev_array, host_array);
 protected override void DoCopyOnDeviceAsync <T>(DevicePtrEx srcDevArray, int srcOffset, DevicePtrEx dstDevArray, int dstOffet, int count, int streamId)
     throw new NotImplementedException();
 protected override void Free(DevicePtrEx ptrEx)
     Debug.Assert(ptrEx is EmuDevicePtrEx);
     (ptrEx as EmuDevicePtrEx).FreeHandle();
Exemple #9
 protected abstract void Free(DevicePtrEx ptrEx);
 protected override void Free(DevicePtrEx ptrEx)
     // Nothing to do
 protected override void Free(DevicePtrEx ptrEx)
     Debug.Assert(ptrEx is EmuDevicePtrEx);
     (ptrEx as EmuDevicePtrEx).FreeHandle();
Exemple #12
 protected override void Free(DevicePtrEx ptrEx)
     // Nothing to do
Exemple #13
        public override void GenerateUniform(double[] array, int n = 0)
            DevicePtrEx ptrEx = GetDevicePtr(array, ref n);

            SafeCall(_driver.GenerateUniformDouble(_gen, ptrEx.Pointer, n), ptrEx);
Exemple #14
 protected abstract void Free(DevicePtrEx ptrEx);
Exemple #15
        public override void GenerateNormal(double[] array, float mean, float stddev, int n = 0)
            DevicePtrEx ptrEx = GetDevicePtr(array, ref n);

            SafeCall(_driver.GenerateNormalDouble(_gen, ptrEx.Pointer, n, mean, stddev), ptrEx);
Exemple #16
        public override void Generate(ulong[] array, int n = 0)
            DevicePtrEx ptrEx = GetDevicePtr(array, ref n);

            SafeCall(_driver.Generate(_gen, ptrEx.Pointer, n), ptrEx);