public async Task <KegIDResponse> DeviceCheckinAsync(DeviceCheckinRequestModel inModel, string sessionId, string RequestType)
            string url     = string.Format(Configuration.DeviceCheckinUrl, sessionId);
            string content = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(inModel);
            var    value   = await App.kegIDClient.ExecuteServiceCall <KegIDResponse>(url, HttpMethodType.Send, content, RequestType : RequestType);

Exemple #2
        public async Task <HttpResponseMessage> PostDeviceCheckin(DeviceCheckinRequestModel model, string sessionId)
            var cts  = new CancellationTokenSource();
            var task = RemoteRequestAsync(_accountApi.GetApi(Priority.UserInitiated).PostDeviceCheckin(model, sessionId, cts.Token));

            runningTasks.Add(task.Id, cts);

            return(await task);
        public async Task DeviceCheckInAync()
            DeviceCheckinRequestModel deviceModel = new DeviceCheckinRequestModel
                AppVersion  = AppInfo.VersionString,
                DeviceId    = DeviceInfo.Manufacturer,
                DeviceModel = DeviceInfo.Model,
                OS          = DeviceInfo.VersionString,
                PushToken   = "",
                UserId      = AppSettings.UserId

            var value = await _accountService.DeviceCheckinAsync(deviceModel, AppSettings.SessionId, Configuration.DeviceCheckin);

            if (value.StatusCode != HttpStatusCode.NoContent.ToString())
                var param = new NavigationParameters
                    { "IsLogOut", true }
                await _navigationService.NavigateAsync("/NavigationPage/LoginView", param);
Exemple #4
        private async Task DeviceCheckIn()
            Device.StartTimer(TimeSpan.FromDays(1), () =>
#pragma warning disable IDE0039 // Use local function
                Func <Task> value = async() => await RunSafe(DeviceCheckIn());
#pragma warning restore IDE0039 // Use local function
                return(true);   // True = Repeat again, False = Stop the timer

            var current = Connectivity.NetworkAccess;
            if (current == NetworkAccess.Internet)
                DeviceCheckinRequestModel deviceModel = new DeviceCheckinRequestModel
                    AppVersion  = AppInfo.VersionString,
                    DeviceId    = DeviceInfo.Manufacturer,
                    DeviceModel = DeviceInfo.Model,
                    OS          = DeviceInfo.VersionString,
                    PushToken   = "",
                    UserId      = Settings.UserId
                var deviceCheckInResponse = await ApiManager.PostDeviceCheckin(deviceModel, Settings.SessionId);

                if (!deviceCheckInResponse.IsSuccessStatusCode)
                    var param = new NavigationParameters
                        { "IsLogOut", true }
                    await NavigationService.NavigateAsync("LoginView", param);

                Device.StartTimer(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(KegRefresh), () =>
                    var model = new KegRequestModel
                        KegId               = string.Empty,
                        Barcode             = string.Empty,
                        OwnerId             = ConstantManager.Partner?.PartnerId,
                        AltBarcode          = string.Empty,
                        Notes               = "",
                        ReferenceKey        = "",
                        ProfileId           = "",
                        AssetType           = string.Empty,
                        AssetSize           = string.Empty,
                        AssetVolume         = "",
                        AssetDescription    = "",
                        OwnerSkuId          = "",
                        FixedContents       = "",
                        Tags                = new List <Tag>(),
                        MaintenanceAlertIds = new List <string>(),
                        LessorId            = "",
                        PurchaseDate        = DateTimeOffset.Now,
                        PurchasePrice       = 0,
                        PurchaseOrder       = "",
                        ManufacturerName    = "",
                        ManufacturerId      = "",
                        ManufactureLocation = "",
                        ManufactureDate     = DateTimeOffset.Now,
                        Material            = "",
                        Markings            = "",
                        Colors              = ""

                    Task.Factory.StartNew(async() =>
                        var value = await ApiManager.PostKeg(model, string.Empty, Settings.SessionId);
                    return(false); // True = Repeat again, False = Stop the timer