public override void Execute(StateObject s)
        Homebase           h     = (Homebase)s;
        DesireabilityBrain Brain = new DesireabilityBrain();

        if (h.Miners.Count == h.MaxMiners)  //Put limits on whether these units can be built currently
            h.BuildMiners = false;
        else if (h.Miners.Count < h.MaxMiners)
            h.BuildMiners = true;

        if (h.Fighters.Count == h.MaxFighters)
            h.BuildMiners = false;
        else if (h.Fighters.Count < h.MaxFighters)
            h.BuildMiners = true;

        Brain.Check(h); //Based on the above conditions build units if the funds are available

        if (Brain.MinerDesire != 0 && Brain.MinerDesire > Brain.FighterDesire && h.BuildMiners == true) //Spawn the appropriate vehicle if it is currently desirable
            h.StoredResources -= h.MinerCost;
        else if (Brain.FighterDesire != 0)
            h.StoredResources -= h.FighterCost;
    public override void Execute(StateObject s)
        DesireabilityBrain Brain = new DesireabilityBrain();

        Fighter F = (Fighter)s;

        F.AttachedVehicle.Scan();                                         //Look for enemys within the ship's scan range

        Brain.Set(F.AttachedVehicle, F.Enemy, F.FriendlyBase.BaseObject); //Assign these values to the brain

        List <Largest> Value = new List <Largest>();

        Brain.Check(); //Check what current state is most suitable considering the ship's surroundings

        Value.Add(new Largest(0, Brain.GetAmmoDesire));
        Value.Add(new Largest(1, Brain.GetPowerfulness));
        Value.Add(new Largest(2, Brain.GetHealthDesire));
        bool change = false;

        for (int i = 0; i < Value.Count - 1; i++) //Work out which state is most ideal
            if (Value[i].Size < Value[i + 1].Size)
                Largest temp = Value[i + 1];
                Value[i + 1] = Value[i];
                Value[i]     = temp;
                change       = true;
                i            = -1; //Reset

        if (change == true)
            switch (Value[0].Index) //Execute the appropriate state
            case 0:                 //Ammo
                if (F.CanIHeal() == true)
                    F.CurrentState = new ReturnHome();
                    F.CurrentState = new Attack();

            case 2:     //Heal
                if (F.CanIHeal() == true)
                    F.CurrentState = new ReturnHome();
                    F.CurrentState = new Attack();

            case 1:     //Powerfulness
                F.CurrentState = new Attack();

        if (F.Enemy == null && F.EnemyBase.BaseObject != null) //If no target has been found, attack the base object
            F.Enemy = F.EnemyBase.BaseObject;
            F.AttachedVehicle.TargetVehicle = F.EnemyBase.BaseObject;