private void FrmDailyBusEntry_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { ShowData(); // DataSet ds2 = Connection.GetDataSet("select EmpTypeId from tbl_EmployeeType where Detail='Teacher'"); DataSet ds3 = Connection.GetDataSet("select EmpName from tbl_EmployeeInfo where designation='Driver' select EmpName from tbl_EmployeeInfo where designation='Conductor' select EmpName from tbl_EmployeeInfo where EmpTypeId='1001' "); cmbDriverName.DataSource = ds3.Tables[0]; cmbDriverName.DisplayMember = "EmpName"; cmbConductorName.DataSource = ds3.Tables[1]; cmbConductorName.DisplayMember = "EmpName"; cmbTeacherName.DataSource = ds3.Tables[2]; cmbTeacherName.DisplayMember = "EmpName"; c.GetMdiParent(this).EnableAllEditMenuButtons(); dgv1.Enabled = false; DesignForm.fromDesign1(this); } catch { } }
private void FrmJournalVoucher_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { c.GetMdiParent(this).EnableAllEditMenuButtons(); c.getconnstr(); ds = new DataSet(); ds = c.GetDataSet("select accode,acname from tbl_account"); ds.WriteXmlSchema(@"" + Connection.GetAccessPathId() + @"Barcodes\a\DStbl_account.xsd"); c.FillcomboBox("select acname,accode from tbl_account order by acname", "acname", "accode", ref valcmbbank); //c.FillcomboBox("select * from tbl_account order by acname", "acname", "accode", ref valcmbaccountgroup); txtsession.Text = Convert.ToString(school.CurrentSessionCode); for (int i = 0; i <= 25; i++) { dtgbook.Rows.Add(); DataGridViewComboBoxCell ComboColumn = (DataGridViewComboBoxCell)(dtgbook.Rows[i].Cells[0]); ComboColumn.DisplayMember = "acname"; ComboColumn.ValueMember = "accode"; ComboColumn.DataSource = ds.Tables[0]; } DesignForm.fromDesign1(this); }
public override void btncancel_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { add_edit = false; DesignForm.fromDesign1(this); c.GetMdiParent(this).EnableAllEditMenuButtons(); }
public override void btnsave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (ATxtScholar.Text == "" || txthostelfee.Text == "" || txtmessdays.Text == "" || txtyear.Text == "" || txtmessfee.Text == "") { MessageBox.Show("Null Value Not Allowed"); } else { SqlTransaction trn; if (add_edit == true) { c.returnconn(c.myconn); SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand("select isnull(max(feeno),0) as maxfee from tbl_hostelfee", c.myconn); command.CommandTimeout = 120; Int32 mfeeno; mfeeno = 1001; if (command.ExecuteScalar() != System.DBNull.Value) { mfeeno = Convert.ToInt32(command.ExecuteScalar()) + 1; } textBox1.Text = mfeeno.ToString(); c.returnconn(c.myconn); trn = c.myconn.BeginTransaction(); try { if (txtmessdays.Text == "") { txtmessdays.Text = "0"; } if (txtmessfee.Text == "") { txtmessfee.Text = "0"; } mysql = "update tbl_hostelfee set rechostelfee=" + txthostelfee.Text + ",recmessfee=" + txtmessfee.Text + ",messdays=" + txtmessdays.Text + ", feeno=" + textBox1.Text + ",feedate= '" + dtpfee.Value.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy") + "' where studentno='" + lblstudentno.Text + "' and sessioncode=" + school.CurrentSessionCode + " and monthno=" + (cmbmonth.SelectedIndex + 1) + " and yearno=" + txtyear.Text; c.connectsql(mysql, c.myconn, trn); trn.Commit(); MessageBox.Show("Fee Saved.."); ShowFeeDetails(); DesignForm.fromDesign1(this); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); trn.Rollback(); } } if (add_edit == false) { c.returnconn(c.myconn); trn = c.myconn.BeginTransaction(); try { DataSet ds = Connection.GetDataSet("select feeno from tbl_hostelfee where monthno='" + (cmbmonth.SelectedIndex + 1) + "'"); int feeno = Convert.ToInt32(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0][0]); ATxtScholar.Text = feeno.ToString(); string mysql1; mysql1 = "update tbl_hostelfee set rechostelfee=" + txthostelfee.Text + ",recmessfee=" + txtmessfee.Text + ",messdays=" + txtmessdays.Text + ", feeno=" + textBox1.Text + ",feedate= '" + dtpfee.Value.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy") + "' where feeno='" + feeno + "'"; c.connectsql(mysql1, c.myconn, trn); trn.Commit(); MessageBox.Show("Fee Saved.."); ShowFeeDetails(); DesignForm.fromDesign1(this); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); trn.Rollback(); } } c.GetMdiParent(this).EnableAllEditMenuButtons(); } }
public override void btnsave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { int bank1; int bank2; bank1 = Convert.ToInt16(valcmbaccountgroup.SelectedValue); bank2 = Convert.ToInt16(valcmbbank.SelectedValue); if (bank1 == bank2) { MessageBox.Show("Both Accounts are same..."); goto mline; } txtvchtype.Text = "BR"; txtsession.Text = Convert.ToString(school.CurrentSessionCode); if (add_edit == true) { c.returnconn(c.myconn); SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand("select max(vchno) from tbl_voucher where sessioncode=" + txtsession.Text + " and vchtype='" + txtvchtype.Text + "'", c.myconn); command.CommandTimeout = 120; Int32 mstudentno; mstudentno = 1000001; if (command.ExecuteScalar() != System.DBNull.Value) { mstudentno = Convert.ToInt32(command.ExecuteScalar()) + 1; } txtvoucherno.Text = mstudentno.ToString(); c.insertdata("tbl_voucher", c.myconn, this); SqlTransaction trn; trn = c.myconn.BeginTransaction(); string mysql; int i = 0; mysql = "insert into tbl_voucherdet (sessioncode,vchtype,vchno,accode,vchamt,vchdate,amttype) values ('" + txtsession.Text + "','" + txtvchtype.Text + "'," + txtvoucherno.Text + "," + valcmbbank.SelectedValue + "," + textBox1.Text + ",'" + dtp.Value.Date + "','Dr')"; c.connectsql(mysql, c.myconn, trn); mysql = "insert into tbl_voucherdet (sessioncode,vchtype,vchno,accode,vchamt,vchdate,amttype) values ('" + txtsession.Text + "','" + txtvchtype.Text + "'," + txtvoucherno.Text + "," + valcmbaccountgroup.SelectedValue + "," + textBox1.Text + ",'" + dtp.Value.Date + "','Cr')"; c.connectsql(mysql, c.myconn, trn); if (dtgbook.Rows.Count > 0) { while (i <= dtgbook.Rows.Count - 1) { double mval = Convert.ToDouble(dtgbook.Rows[i].Cells[2].Value); if (mval > 0) { mysql = "insert into tbl_subledger (sessioncode,vchtype,vchno,accode,subledgercode,subledgamt,vchdate,amttype,narration) values ('" + txtsession.Text + "','" + txtvchtype.Text + "'," + txtvoucherno.Text + "," + valcmbaccountgroup.SelectedValue + "," + dtgbook.Rows[i].Cells[0].Value + "," + mval + ",'" + dtp.Value.Date + "','Cr','" + dtgbook.Rows[i].Cells[3].Value + "')"; c.connectsql(mysql, c.myconn, trn); } i++; } } trn.Commit(); DesignForm.fromDesign1(this); } if (add_edit == false) { c.returnconn(c.myconn); SqlTransaction trn; trn = c.myconn.BeginTransaction(); //*--delete prvious voucher------------- c.connectsql("delete from tbl_voucher where sessioncode=" + txtsession.Text + " and vchtype='BR' and vchno=" + txtvoucherno.Text, c.myconn, trn); trn.Commit(); c.insertdata("tbl_voucher", c.myconn, this); trn = c.myconn.BeginTransaction(); //*--delete prvious voucher------------- c.connectsql("delete from tbl_voucherdet where sessioncode=" + txtsession.Text + " and vchtype='BR' and amttype='Dr' and vchno=" + txtvoucherno.Text, c.myconn, trn); c.connectsql("delete from tbl_voucherdet where sessioncode=" + txtsession.Text + " and vchtype='BR' and amttype='Cr' and vchno=" + txtvoucherno.Text, c.myconn, trn); c.connectsql("delete from tbl_subledger where sessioncode=" + txtsession.Text + " and vchtype='BR' and amttype='Cr' and vchno=" + txtvoucherno.Text, c.myconn, trn); //*------------------ string mysql; int i = 0; mysql = "insert into tbl_voucherdet (sessioncode,vchtype,vchno,accode,vchamt,vchdate,amttype) values ('" + txtsession.Text + "','" + txtvchtype.Text + "'," + txtvoucherno.Text + "," + valcmbbank.SelectedValue + "," + textBox1.Text + ",'" + dtp.Value.Date + "','Dr')"; c.connectsql(mysql, c.myconn, trn); mysql = "insert into tbl_voucherdet (sessioncode,vchtype,vchno,accode,vchamt,vchdate,amttype) values ('" + txtsession.Text + "','" + txtvchtype.Text + "'," + txtvoucherno.Text + "," + valcmbaccountgroup.SelectedValue + "," + textBox1.Text + ",'" + dtp.Value.Date + "','Cr')"; c.connectsql(mysql, c.myconn, trn); if (dtgbook.Rows.Count > 0) { while (i <= dtgbook.Rows.Count - 1) { double mval = Convert.ToDouble(dtgbook.Rows[i].Cells[2].Value); if (mval > 0) { mysql = "insert into tbl_subledger (sessioncode,vchtype,vchno,accode,subledgercode,subledgamt,vchdate,amttype,narration) values ('" + txtsession.Text + "','" + txtvchtype.Text + "'," + txtvoucherno.Text + "," + valcmbaccountgroup.SelectedValue + "," + dtgbook.Rows[i].Cells[0].Value + "," + mval + ",'" + dtp.Value.Date + "','Cr','" + dtgbook.Rows[i].Cells[3].Value + "')"; c.connectsql(mysql, c.myconn, trn); } i++; } } trn.Commit(); DesignForm.fromDesign1(this); } MessageBox.Show("Record Saved...", "School"); mline: c.GetMdiParent(this).EnableAllEditMenuButtons(); }
public override void btnsave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (textBox1.Text == "" && textBox2.Text == "") { MessageBox.Show("Null Value Not Allowed "); } else { //----------- int cactype = 0; SqlCommand command2 = new SqlCommand("select dbo.GetAccountCode('C') as CCode", c.myconn); SqlDataReader reader2 = command2.ExecuteReader(); if (reader2.HasRows) { reader2.Read(); cactype = Convert.ToInt16(reader2["CCode"]); reader2.Close(); } else { reader2.Close(); } //----------- SqlCommand command1 = new SqlCommand("select actype from tbl_account where accode='" + valcmbaccountgroup.SelectedValue + "'", c.myconn); SqlDataReader reader1 = command1.ExecuteReader(); int i = 0; if (reader1.HasRows) { reader1.Read(); int actype; actype = Convert.ToInt16(reader1["actype"]); if (actype == cactype) { MessageBox.Show("Cannot Select Cash Account.."); reader1.Close(); goto mline; } } txtvchtype.Text = "CP"; txtsession.Text = Convert.ToString(school.CurrentSessionCode); if (add_edit == true) { c.returnconn(c.myconn); SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand("select max(vchno) from tbl_voucher where sessioncode=" + txtsession.Text + " and vchtype='" + txtvchtype.Text + "' and RefNo='JV'", c.myconn); command.CommandTimeout = 120; Int32 mstudentno; mstudentno = 10001; if (command.ExecuteScalar() != System.DBNull.Value) { mstudentno = Convert.ToInt32(command.ExecuteScalar()) + 1; } txtRefNo.Text = "JV"; txtvoucherno.Text = mstudentno.ToString(); c.insertdata("tbl_voucher", c.myconn, this); SqlTransaction trn; trn = c.myconn.BeginTransaction(); string mysql; mysql = "insert into tbl_voucherdet (sessioncode,vchtype,vchno,accode,vchamt,vchdate,amttype) values ('" + txtsession.Text + "','" + txtvchtype.Text + "'," + txtvoucherno.Text + ",(dbo.GetCashAccountCode('C'))," + textBox1.Text + ",'" + dtp.Value.Date + "','Cr')"; c.connectsql(mysql, c.myconn, trn); mysql = "insert into tbl_voucherdet (sessioncode,vchtype,vchno,accode,vchamt,vchdate,amttype) values ('" + txtsession.Text + "','" + txtvchtype.Text + "'," + txtvoucherno.Text + "," + valcmbaccountgroup.SelectedValue + "," + textBox1.Text + ",'" + dtp.Value.Date + "','Dr')"; c.connectsql(mysql, c.myconn, trn); if (dtgbook.Rows.Count > 0) { while (i <= dtgbook.Rows.Count - 1) { double mval = Convert.ToDouble(dtgbook.Rows[i].Cells[2].Value); if (mval > 0) { mysql = "insert into tbl_subledger (sessioncode,vchtype,vchno,accode,subledgercode,subledgamt,vchdate,amttype,narration) values ('" + txtsession.Text + "','" + txtvchtype.Text + "'," + txtvoucherno.Text + "," + valcmbaccountgroup.SelectedValue + "," + dtgbook.Rows[i].Cells[0].Value + "," + mval + ",'" + dtp.Value.Date + "','Dr','" + dtgbook.Rows[i].Cells[3].Value + "')"; c.connectsql(mysql, c.myconn, trn); } i++; } } trn.Commit(); DesignForm.fromDesign1(this); } if (add_edit == false) { c.returnconn(c.myconn); SqlTransaction trn; trn = c.myconn.BeginTransaction(); //*--delete prvious voucher------------- c.connectsql("delete from tbl_voucher where sessioncode=" + txtsession.Text + " and vchtype='CP' and vchno=" + txtvoucherno.Text, c.myconn, trn); trn.Commit(); c.insertdata("tbl_voucher", c.myconn, this); trn = c.myconn.BeginTransaction(); //*--delete prvious voucher details------------- c.connectsql("delete from tbl_voucherdet where sessioncode=" + txtsession.Text + " and vchtype='CP' and amttype='Cr' and vchno=" + txtvoucherno.Text, c.myconn, trn); c.connectsql("delete from tbl_voucherdet where sessioncode=" + txtsession.Text + " and vchtype='CP' and amttype='Dr' and vchno=" + txtvoucherno.Text, c.myconn, trn); c.connectsql("delete from tbl_subledger where sessioncode=" + txtsession.Text + " and vchtype='CP' and amttype='Dr' and vchno=" + txtvoucherno.Text, c.myconn, trn); //*------------------ string mysql; mysql = "insert into tbl_voucherdet (sessioncode,vchtype,vchno,accode,vchamt,vchdate,amttype) values ('" + txtsession.Text + "','" + txtvchtype.Text + "'," + txtvoucherno.Text + ",(dbo.GetCashAccountCode('C'))," + textBox1.Text + ",'" + dtp.Value.Date + "','Cr')"; c.connectsql(mysql, c.myconn, trn); mysql = "insert into tbl_voucherdet (sessioncode,vchtype,vchno,accode,vchamt,vchdate,amttype) values ('" + txtsession.Text + "','" + txtvchtype.Text + "'," + txtvoucherno.Text + "," + valcmbaccountgroup.SelectedValue + "," + textBox1.Text + ",'" + dtp.Value.Date + "','Dr')"; c.connectsql(mysql, c.myconn, trn); if (dtgbook.Rows.Count > 0) { while (i <= dtgbook.Rows.Count - 1) { double mval = Convert.ToDouble(dtgbook.Rows[i].Cells[2].Value); if (mval > 0) { mysql = "insert into tbl_subledger (sessioncode,vchtype,vchno,accode,subledgercode,subledgamt,vchdate,amttype,narration) values ('" + txtsession.Text + "','" + txtvchtype.Text + "'," + txtvoucherno.Text + "," + valcmbaccountgroup.SelectedValue + "," + dtgbook.Rows[i].Cells[0].Value + "," + mval + ",'" + dtp.Value.Date + "','Dr','" + dtgbook.Rows[i].Cells[3].Value + "')"; c.connectsql(mysql, c.myconn, trn); } i++; } } trn.Commit(); DesignForm.fromDesign1(this); } MessageBox.Show("Record Saved...", "School"); mline: c.GetMdiParent(this).EnableAllEditMenuButtons(); } }
private void btncancel_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { add_edit = false; c.btnenable(btnnew, btnedit, btndelete, btnsave, btncancel, btnprint, btnexit); DesignForm.fromDesign1(this); }
public override void btnsave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { int bank1 = 0; int bank2 = 0; //bank1 = Convert.ToInt16(valcmbaccountgroup.SelectedValue); bank2 = Convert.ToInt16(valcmbbank.SelectedValue); if (bank1 == bank2) { MessageBox.Show("Both Accounts are same..."); goto mline; } txtRefNo.Text = txtvchtype.Text = "JV"; txtsession.Text = Convert.ToString(school.CurrentSessionCode); if (add_edit == true) { c.returnconn(c.myconn); SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand("select max(vchno) from tbl_voucher where sessioncode=" + txtsession.Text + " and vchtype='" + txtvchtype.Text + "' and RefNo='JV'", c.myconn); command.CommandTimeout = 120; Int32 mstudentno; mstudentno = 10001; if (command.ExecuteScalar() != System.DBNull.Value) { mstudentno = Convert.ToInt32(command.ExecuteScalar()) + 1; } txtvoucherno.Text = mstudentno.ToString(); c.insertdata("tbl_voucher", c.myconn, this); SqlTransaction trn; trn = c.myconn.BeginTransaction(); string mysql; mysql = "insert into tbl_voucherdet (sessioncode,vchtype,vchno,accode,vchamt,vchdate,amttype,type) values ('" + txtsession.Text + "','" + txtvchtype.Text + "'," + txtvoucherno.Text + "," + valcmbbank.SelectedValue + "," + txtvchamt.Text + ",'" + dtp.Value.Date + "','" + strcmbdrcr.Text + "','S')"; c.connectsql(mysql, c.myconn, trn); //---------------------------- string amttype = strcmbdrcr.Text; if (amttype == "Cr") { amttype = "Dr"; } else { amttype = "Cr"; } for (int i = 0; i <= dtgbook.Rows.Count - 1; i++) { if (Convert.ToDecimal(dtgbook.Rows[i].Cells[1].Value) > 0) { mysql = "insert into tbl_voucherdet (sessioncode,vchtype,vchno,accode,vchamt,vchdate,amttype,type) values ('" + txtsession.Text + "','" + txtvchtype.Text + "'," + txtvoucherno.Text + "," + dtgbook.Rows[i].Cells[0].Value + "," + Convert.ToDecimal(dtgbook.Rows[i].Cells[1].Value) + ",'" + dtp.Value.Date + "','" + amttype + "','M')"; c.connectsql(mysql, c.myconn, trn); } } trn.Commit(); DesignForm.fromDesign1(this); } if (add_edit == false) { c.updatedata("tbl_voucher", c.myconn, this, "vchno", txtvoucherno.Text); SqlTransaction trn; trn = c.myconn.BeginTransaction(); //*--delete prvious voucher------------- c.connectsql("delete from tbl_voucherdet where sessioncode=" + txtsession.Text + " and vchtype='JV' and amttype='Cr' and vchno=" + txtvoucherno.Text, c.myconn, trn); c.connectsql("delete from tbl_voucherdet where sessioncode=" + txtsession.Text + " and vchtype='JV' and amttype='Dr' and vchno=" + txtvoucherno.Text, c.myconn, trn); //*------------------ string mysql; mysql = "insert into tbl_voucherdet (sessioncode,vchtype,vchno,accode,vchamt,vchdate,amttype,type) values ('" + txtsession.Text + "','" + txtvchtype.Text + "'," + txtvoucherno.Text + "," + valcmbbank.SelectedValue + "," + txtvchamt.Text + ",'" + dtp.Value.Date + "','" + strcmbdrcr.Text + "','S')"; c.connectsql(mysql, c.myconn, trn); //---------------------------- string amttype = strcmbdrcr.Text; if (amttype == "Cr") { amttype = "Dr"; } else { amttype = "Cr"; } for (int i = 0; i <= dtgbook.Rows.Count - 1; i++) { if (Convert.ToDecimal(dtgbook.Rows[i].Cells[1].Value) > 0) { mysql = "insert into tbl_voucherdet (sessioncode,vchtype,vchno,accode,vchamt,vchdate,amttype,type) values ('" + txtsession.Text + "','" + txtvchtype.Text + "'," + txtvoucherno.Text + "," + dtgbook.Rows[i].Cells[0].Value + "," + Convert.ToDecimal(dtgbook.Rows[i].Cells[1].Value) + ",'" + dtp.Value.Date + "','" + amttype + "','M')"; c.connectsql(mysql, c.myconn, trn); } } //c.connectsql(mysql, c.myconn, trn); trn.Commit(); DesignForm.fromDesign1(this); } MessageBox.Show("Record Saved...", "School"); mline: c.GetMdiParent(this).EnableAllEditMenuButtons(); }
public override void btnsave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (txtaccountname.Text == string.Empty) { MessageBox.Show("Null Value Not Allowed "); } else { //c.datasave("tbl_account", c.myconn, this); //c.datasave ("insert into tbl_account values ('" +txtaccountname + "','" + cmbaccountgroup.Text + "','" + txtaddress.Text + "','" + txtpanno.Text + "','" + txtopenbalance.Text + "')"); if (add_edit == true) { c.returnconn(c.myconn); //SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand("select max(accode) from tbl_account where actype not in (dbo.GetAccountCode('F'),dbo.GetAccountCode('S'))", c.myconn); SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand("select max(accode) from tbl_account ", c.myconn); command.CommandTimeout = 120; Int32 mstudentno; mstudentno = 10001; if (command.ExecuteScalar() != System.DBNull.Value) { mstudentno = Convert.ToInt32(command.ExecuteScalar()) + 1; } DataSet ds = Connection.GetDataSet("select count(* ) from tbl_account where acname='" + txtaccountname.Text + "'"); int i = Convert.ToInt32(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0][0]); if (i == 0) { txtacno.Text = mstudentno.ToString(); c.insertdata("tbl_account", c.myconn, this); } else { MessageBox.Show("Duplicate data not allowed"); } if (chksubledger.Checked == true) { SqlTransaction trn; trn = c.myconn.BeginTransaction(); c.connectsql("insert into tbl_subledger_account (subledgercode,accode) values (" + txtacno.Text + "," + valcmbparent.SelectedValue + ")", c.myconn, trn); trn.Commit(); BtnSearch.Visible = false; } DesignForm.fromDesign1(this); } if (add_edit == false) { c.updatedata("tbl_account", c.myconn, this, "accode", txtacno.Text); SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand("select count(accode) from tbl_subledger_account where subledgercode=" + txtacno.Text, c.myconn); command.CommandTimeout = 120; Int32 mstudentno; mstudentno = 10001; if (command.ExecuteScalar() != System.DBNull.Value) { mstudentno = Convert.ToInt32(command.ExecuteScalar()); } if (mstudentno != 0) { command = new SqlCommand("select count(accode) from tbl_subledger where subledgercode=" + txtacno.Text, c.myconn); command.CommandTimeout = 120; Int32 mstudentno1; mstudentno1 = 0; if (command.ExecuteScalar() != System.DBNull.Value) { mstudentno1 = Convert.ToInt32(command.ExecuteScalar()); } if (chksubledger.Checked == false) { if (mstudentno1 != 0) { MessageBox.Show("Cannot Delete , Records already Exists in Sub Ledger file.."); } else { c.getconnstr(); SqlTransaction trn; trn = c.myconn.BeginTransaction(); c.connectsql("delete from tbl_subledger_account where subledgercode=" + txtacno.Text, c.myconn, trn); trn.Commit(); } } } if (chksubledger.Checked == true) { SqlTransaction trn; trn = c.myconn.BeginTransaction(); c.connectsql("delete from tbl_subledger_account where subledgercode=" + txtacno.Text, c.myconn, trn); c.connectsql("insert into tbl_subledger_account (subledgercode,accode) values ('" + txtacno.Text + "','" + valcmbparent.SelectedValue + "')", c.myconn, trn); trn.Commit(); } BtnSearch.Visible = false; DesignForm.fromDesign1(this); } MessageBox.Show("Record Saved...", "School"); c.FillListBox("select * from tbl_account", "acname", "accode", ref listBox1); c.FillcomboBox("select * from tbl_account", "acname", "accode", ref valcmbparent); c.GetMdiParent(this).EnableAllEditMenuButtons(); } }