public static void StartInstallation(SPSite Site, SPWeb Web, Label LblStatus)
            if (Web != null)
                Web.AllowUnsafeUpdates = true;

            MyUtilities.UpdateStatus(" Copying required files  ", LblStatus);
            Deployment.CopyFilesAndFolders(Application.StartupPath + "\\layouts", MyUtilities.LayoutsFolderPath, true);
            //Deployment.CopyFilesAndFolders(Application.StartupPath + "\\Features", MyUtilities.FeaturesFolderPath, true);

            //Deployment.CreateGenericList(Site.RootWeb, "Project Governance Report", "For Project Governance Report.", true);

            //Deployment.InsertWebPart(Site.RootWeb, "Project Governance Report", true, "MSPageViewer.dwp", "Link",
            //                               "/_layouts/ITXCloseTasksUpdate/LockProjectTasks.ascx", "", 0, true);

             * {
             *  var navigationnode = new SPNavigationNode("Project Governance Report", "/" + Site.RootWeb.ServerRelativeUrl + "/_layouts/ITXProjectGovernanceReport/ITXPGReport.aspx", true);
             *  Site.RootWeb.Navigation.QuickLaunch.AddAsLast(navigationnode);
             *  Site.RootWeb.Update();
             * }
             * catch (Exception)
             * {
             * }
             * MyUtilities.UpdateStatus(" Installing required feature ", LblStatus);
             * // Creating an Batch file to install the Feature
             * string WebPartInstallerPath = Application.StartupPath + "\\Install2.bat";
             * if (File.Exists(WebPartInstallerPath))
             * File.Delete(WebPartInstallerPath);
             * try
             * {
             * var Writer = new StreamWriter(WebPartInstallerPath);
             * Writer.WriteLine("@ echo off");
             * Writer.WriteLine(@"stsadm -o installfeature -filename ITXProjectGovernanceReport\feature.xml");
             * Writer.Flush();
             * Writer.Close();
             * Writer.Dispose();
             * }
             * catch (Exception)
             * {
             * }
             * Deployment.ExecuteProcess(WebPartInstallerPath, ProcessWindowStyle.Hidden, true);
             * try
             * {
             * MyUtilities.UpdateStatus(" Creatng configuration list and adding project records ", LblStatus);
             * // define project server web service
             * var Project_Svc = new Project
             * {
             *     Url = Site.Url + "/_vti_bin/psi/project.asmx",
             *     UseDefaultCredentials = true,
             *     AllowAutoRedirect = true
             * };
             * SPList configurationList = ITXPGReportUtilities.MyUtilities.GetConfigurationList(Site);
             * if (configurationList != null)
             * {
             *     ProjectDataSet ProjectList = Project_Svc.ReadProjectList();
             *     foreach (ProjectDataSet.ProjectRow PRow in ProjectList.Project.Rows)
             *     {
             *         ITXPGReportUtilities.MyUtilities.CheckandAddEntry(configurationList, PRow.PROJ_UID, Project_Svc);
             *     }
             * }
             * }
             * catch (Exception ex)
             * {
             * ITXPGReportUtilities.MyUtilities.ErrorLog("Error at populating the project records in the list due to " + ex.Message, EventLogEntryType.Error);
             * }

            // executing database schema for Group Configurations

                string QRY     = @"
                CREATE TABLE [groups] (
                [groups_id] INT NOT NULL,
                [<_u_i_d>k___backing_field] VARCHAR(255) NULL,
                [<name>k___backing_field] VARCHAR(255) NULL,
                [voa_version] SMALLINT NOT NULL,
                CONSTRAINT [pk_groups] PRIMARY KEY ([groups_id])
            CREATE TABLE [groups_projects] (
                [groups_id] INT NOT NULL,
                [seq] INT NOT NULL,
                [projects_id] INT NULL,
                CONSTRAINT [pk_groups_projects] PRIMARY KEY ([groups_id], [seq])
            CREATE TABLE [projects] (
                [projects_id] INT NOT NULL,
                [<name>k___backing_field] VARCHAR(255) NULL,
                [<uid>k___backing_field] VARCHAR(255) NULL,
                [voa_version] SMALLINT NOT NULL,
                CONSTRAINT [pk_projects] PRIMARY KEY ([projects_id])
            CREATE TABLE [users] (
                [users_id] INT NOT NULL,
                [<_rsrc_u_i_d>k___backing_field] VARCHAR(255) NULL,
                [voa_version] SMALLINT NOT NULL,
                CONSTRAINT [pk_users] PRIMARY KEY ([users_id])
            CREATE TABLE [users_groups] (
                [users_id] INT NOT NULL,
                [seq] INT NOT NULL,
                [groups_id] INT NULL,
                CONSTRAINT [pk_users_groups] PRIMARY KEY ([users_id], [seq])
            CREATE TABLE [voa_keygen] (
                [table_name] VARCHAR(64) NOT NULL,
                [last_used_id] INT NOT NULL,
                CONSTRAINT [pk_voa_keygen] PRIMARY KEY ([table_name])
            ALTER TABLE [groups_projects] ADD CONSTRAINT [ref_groups_projects_groups] FOREIGN KEY ([groups_id]) REFERENCES [groups]([groups_id]);
            ALTER TABLE [groups_projects] ADD CONSTRAINT [ref_groups_projects_projects] FOREIGN KEY ([projects_id]) REFERENCES [projects]([projects_id]);
            ALTER TABLE [users_groups] ADD CONSTRAINT [ref_users_groups_users] FOREIGN KEY ([users_id]) REFERENCES [users]([users_id]);
            ALTER TABLE [users_groups] ADD CONSTRAINT [ref_users_groups_groups] FOREIGN KEY ([groups_id]) REFERENCES [groups]([groups_id]);";
                string connstr = Utilities.GetProjectServerSQLDatabaseConnectionString(Site.ID,
                var builder = new SqlConnectionStringBuilder(connstr);
                builder.InitialCatalog = MyUtilities.GovernanceReportGroupConfigDBname;
                using (var connection = new SqlConnection(builder.ConnectionString))
                    var command = new SqlCommand(QRY, connection);
            catch (Exception ex)

                MyUtilities.UpdateStatus(" Updating web.config file ", LblStatus);
                //To Get Port from Siteurl
                Uri uri  = new Uri(Site.Url);
                int Port = uri.Port;
                if (Port != 80)
                    string Wss80Path = Deployment.GetWssVirtualDirectoryPath("80");
                    if (Wss80Path != string.Empty)
                        // Moving files from Current Application Path to Virtual directory
                        Deployment.CopyFilesAndFolders(Application.StartupPath + @"\bin", Wss80Path + @"\bin", true);
                        Wss80Path += @"\web.config";
                        Utilities.SetAttributeValueInWebConfig(Wss80Path, "configuration/system.web/trust", "level", "Full");
                var ExtendedUrlList = new List <string>();
                foreach (int zoneindex in Enum.GetValues(typeof(SPUrlZone)))
                    string ExtendedUrl = Deployment.GetVirtualDirectoryPath((SPUrlZone)zoneindex, Site);
                    bool   Found       = false;
                    foreach (string s in ExtendedUrlList)
                        if (s.ToLower().Trim() == ExtendedUrl.ToLower().Trim())
                            Found = true;
                    if (!Found)
                foreach (string Urls in ExtendedUrlList)
                        // Moving files from Current Application Path to Virtual directory
                        Deployment.CopyFilesAndFolders(Application.StartupPath + @"\bin", Urls + @"\bin", true);
                        Utilities.SetAttributeValueInWebConfig(Urls + @"\web.config", "configuration/system.web/trust", "level", "Full");
                    catch (Exception)
            catch (Exception)

            // Restart IIS
            MyUtilities.UpdateStatus("Restart IIS started ...", LblStatus);
            if (MyUtilities.ShowDialog("This will Reset the IIS. Are you sure? \r\n Recommended Yes", Telerik.WinControls.RadMessageIcon.Question) == DialogResult.Yes)