protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (Session["IdMember"] == null) { FormsAuthentication.RedirectToLoginPage(); } else { using (UniversalEntities entity = new UniversalEntities()) { try { int idMember = int.Parse(Session["IdMember"].ToString()); Member member = (from i in entity.Members where i.IdMember == idMember select i).SingleOrDefault(); Dependant dependant = entity.Dependants.Where(i => i.IdMember == idMember && i.IdDependantType == 5).FirstOrDefault(); tbEmail.Text = dependant.EmailAddress != null ? dependant.EmailAddress : ""; tbEmail2.Text = dependant.EmailAddress != null ? dependant.EmailAddress : ""; } catch (Exception ex) { function.ReportError("", "statements.aspx", ex.ToString()); } } } }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /// <summary> /// Alters the internal structure of this Table-Structure Definition, optionally based on the supplied Previous Table-Structure Definition and compatible-values preservation indication. /// Plus, propagate the changes to the registered dependant Designators. /// </summary> public void AlterStructure(bool PreserveCompatibleValues = true, IList <FieldDefinition> OriginalStorageFieldDefs = null) { if (OriginalStorageFieldDefs == null) { OriginalStorageFieldDefs = this.StorageStructureFieldDefs; } // Update structure positions (only Delete and Add operations to mantain order and to avoid costly Move operations) // var PreviousStorageStructureFieldDefs = this.StorageStructureFieldDefs.CloneFor(null, ECloneOperationScope.Deep); this.StorageStructureFieldDefs.UpdateOnlyListContentFrom(this.FieldDefinitions); // Update the storage indexes var FieldIndex = 0; foreach (var StorageField in this.StorageStructureFieldDefs.OrderBy(fd => fd.StorageIndex)) { StorageField.StorageIndex = FieldIndex; FieldIndex++; } /*- for (int FieldDefIndex = 0; FieldDefIndex < this.StorageStructureFieldDefs.Count; FieldDefIndex++) * this.StorageStructureFieldDefs[FieldDefIndex].StorageIndex = FieldDefIndex; */ // Propagate the Alteration to dependants var Dependents = this.GetDefinedTables(); foreach (var Dependant in Dependents) { Dependant.ApplyStructuralAlter(OriginalStorageFieldDefs, this.StorageStructureFieldDefs, this.UniqueKeyFieldDefs, PreserveCompatibleValues); } }
// GET: Dependants/Edit/5 public async Task <ActionResult> Edit(int?id) { if (id == null) { return(new HttpStatusCodeResult(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest)); } Dependant dependant = await db.Dependants.FindAsync(id); if (dependant == null) { return(HttpNotFound()); } var gender = new List <SelectListItem> { new SelectListItem { Text = "Male", Value = "M" }, new SelectListItem { Text = "Female", Value = "F" } }; ViewBag.Gender = gender; //ViewBag.StaffId = new SelectList(db.Staffs, "StaffId", "FirstName", dependant.StaffId); return(View(dependant)); }
public async Task <IHttpActionResult> PUT(int id, [FromBody] Dependant dependant) { try { var query = await EmployeeDependant.GetItemAsync(id); if (query != null) { query = new Dependant { EmployeeID = dependant.EmployeeID, Firstname = dependant.Firstname, Lastname = dependant.Lastname, Gender = dependant.Gender, Relationship = dependant.Relationship }; await EmployeeDependant.UpdateItemAsync(query); return(Ok()); } else { return(NotFound()); } } catch (Exception) { //throw new HttpRequestException(); return(BadRequest()); } }
public async Task <ActionResult> Create([Bind(Include = "Id,FirstName,LastName,PolicyNumber,EffectiveDate,EndDate,Gender,Relationship,DateOfBirth,Description,Address,StaffId,CreatedBy,CreatedOn,ModifiedBy,ModifiedOn")] Dependant dependant) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { var user = User.Identity.Name; dependant.CreatedBy = user; dependant.CreatedOn = DateTime.Today; dependant.StaffId = LegalGuideUtility.StaffId; db.Dependants.Add(dependant); await db.SaveChangesAsync(); return(RedirectToAction("Create", "Dependants")); } var gender = new List <SelectListItem> { new SelectListItem { Text = "Male", Value = "M" }, new SelectListItem { Text = "Female", Value = "F" } }; ViewBag.Gender = gender; //ViewBag.StaffId = new SelectList(db.Staffs, "StaffId", "FirstName", dependant.StaffId); return(View(dependant)); }
public ActionResult DeleteConfirmed(int id) { Dependant dependant = db.Dependants.Find(id); db.Dependants.Remove(dependant); db.SaveChanges(); return(RedirectToAction("Index")); }
public async Task <ActionResult> DeleteConfirmed(int id) { Dependant dependant = await db.Dependants.FindAsync(id); db.Dependants.Remove(dependant); await db.SaveChangesAsync(); return(RedirectToAction("Index")); }
protected void btnSubmit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (Session["IdMember"] == null) { FormsAuthentication.RedirectToLoginPage(); } else { try { using (UniversalEntities entity = new UniversalEntities()) { int idMember = int.Parse(Session["IdMember"].ToString()); Member member = entity.Members.Where(p => p.IdMember == idMember).SingleOrDefault(); User user = entity.Users.Where(i => i.IdMember == idMember).SingleOrDefault(); Dependant dependant = entity.Dependants.Where(p => p.IdMember == idMember && p.IdDependantType == 5).SingleOrDefault(); if (tbNewPassword.Text == "" || tbConfirmPassword.Text == "" || tbOldPassword.Text == "") { lblStatus.Text = "Please provide a value for all three fields"; lblStatus.ForeColor = Color.Red; } else if (tbNewPassword.Text != tbConfirmPassword.Text) { lblStatus.Text = "Your new password and confirm password does not match"; lblStatus.ForeColor = Color.Red; } else if (user.Password != tbOldPassword.Text) { lblStatus.Text = "Your old password is different to what is saved in the database"; lblStatus.ForeColor = Color.Red; } else { user.Password = tbNewPassword.Text; entity.SaveChanges(); lblStatus.Text = "Password has been successfully changed"; lblStatus.ForeColor = Color.Blue; string toAddress = dependant.EmailAddress; string toAddress2 = @"*****@*****.**"; string title = "Password Changed on CompCare Website"; string mailBody = string.Format("Dear {0}, you have successfully changed your website password on the CompCare Wellness Website.", dependant.DependantName); string mailBody2 = string.Format("Dependant {0} changed password to {1}", member.MAMembershipNumber, tbNewPassword.Text); SendEmail(toAddress2, title, mailBody2, member.MAMembershipNumber); SendEmail(toAddress, title, mailBody, member.MAMembershipNumber); ClearTextBoxes(); } } } catch (Exception ex) { lblStatus.Text = @"The system was unable to change your password. The <a href='mailto:[email protected]'>webmaster</a> has been notified of this error."; lblStatus.ForeColor = Color.Red; SendEmailToWebmaster("*****@*****.**", @"Error encountered on the ExistingMembers/ChangePassword page", ex.ToString()); } } }
public ActionResult Edit([Bind(Include = "depNo,coveredby,fName,lName,IdNo,dOb,age,relationship,amount,policyPlan,asBeneficiary,addAnotherDep,policyNo")] Dependant dependant) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { //dependant.addAnotherDep = false; db.Entry(dependant).State = EntityState.Modified; db.SaveChanges(); return(RedirectToAction("Index")); } return(View(dependant)); }
protected void btnSubmit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { using (UniversalEntities entity = new UniversalEntities()) { Member member = entity.Members.Where(i => i.MAMembershipNumber == tbMembershipNumber.Text).SingleOrDefault(); if (member == null) { lblChangePasswordError.Text = "Membership Number does not exist in database."; } else { Dependant dependant = entity.Dependants.Where(i => i.IdMember == member.IdMember && i.IdDependantType == 5).SingleOrDefault(); User user = entity.Users.Where(i => i.IdMember == member.IdMember).SingleOrDefault(); if (dependant.IdentityNumber != tbIdnumber.Text) { lblChangePasswordError.Text = "ID Number you provided does not match with the ID Number associated with the Membership Number in the database."; } else if (tbPassword1.Text == "") { lblChangePasswordError.Text = "Please provide a value for the password field."; } else if (tbPassword1.Text != tbPassword2.Text) { lblChangePasswordError.Text = "Your passwords doesn't match"; } else { user.Password = tbPassword1.Text; entity.SaveChanges(); lblChangePasswordError.Text = "Your password has been changed. Click here to return to the <a href='Default.aspx'>login page</a>."; lblChangePasswordError.ForeColor = Color.Blue; string toAddress = dependant.EmailAddress; string toAddress2 = @"*****@*****.**"; string title = "Password Changed on CompCare Website"; string mailBody = string.Format(" Dear {0}, you have successfully changed your website password.", dependant.DependantName); string mailBody2 = string.Format("Member {0} changed password on the CompCare website to {1}", member.MAMembershipNumber, tbPassword1.Text); SendEmail(toAddress2, title, mailBody2); ClearFields(); try { SendEmail(toAddress, title, mailBody); } catch (Exception ex) { lblChangePasswordError.Text = string.Format(@"Your password has been changed, however, we encountered a problem sending confirmation of this transaction to your email address. In case your address has changed, please update your profile at the membership department <a href='mailto:[email protected]?subject=Please update my profile, membership number {0}'", member.MAMembershipNumber); } } } } }
// GET: Dependants/Details/5 public async Task <ActionResult> Details(int?id) { if (id == null) { return(new HttpStatusCodeResult(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest)); } Dependant dependant = await db.Dependants.FindAsync(id); if (dependant == null) { return(HttpNotFound()); } return(View(dependant)); }
// GET: Dependants/Details/5 public ActionResult Details(int?id) { if (id == null) { return(new HttpStatusCodeResult(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest)); } Dependant dependant = db.Dependants.Find(id); if (dependant == null) { return(HttpNotFound()); } return(View(dependant)); }
protected void btnSubmit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (tbMembershipNumber.Text == "" || tbDateOfBirth.Text == "") { lblError.Text = "Please provide values for both fields in the form."; } else { Member member = (from i in entity.Members where i.MAMembershipNumber == tbMembershipNumber.Text select i).SingleOrDefault(); if (member == null) { lblError.Text = "Membership number does not exist in the database."; } else { List <Dependant> dependants = (from i in entity.Dependants where i.IdMember == member.IdMember select i).ToList(); List <string> birthdays = new List <string>(); foreach (var item in dependants) { birthdays.Add(item.DateOfBirth.Value.ToShortDateString()); } if (!birthdays.Contains(tbDateOfBirth.Text)) { lblError.Text = "Date of Birth value incorrect."; } else { DateTime dob = DateTime.Parse(tbDateOfBirth.Text); Dependant dependant = dependants.Where(p => p.DateOfBirth == dob).SingleOrDefault(); if (dependant.ResignationDate == null) { lblError.Text = "Member is active"; } else { lblError.Text = "Member has resigned from the medical aid"; } } } } }
protected void btnSubmit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { using (UniversalEntities entity = new UniversalEntities()) { Member member = entity.Members.Where(i => i.MAMembershipNumber == tbMembershipNumber.Text).SingleOrDefault(); if (member == null) { lblStatus.Text = "Membership Number does not exist in database."; lblStatus.ForeColor = Color.Red; } else { Dependant dependant = entity.Dependants.Where(i => i.IdMember == member.IdMember && i.IdDependantType == 5).SingleOrDefault(); User user = entity.Users.Where(i => i.IdMember == member.IdMember).SingleOrDefault(); if (dependant.IdentityNumber != tbIdnumber.Text) { lblStatus.Text = "ID Number you provided does not match with the ID Number associated with the Membership Number in the database."; lblStatus.ForeColor = Color.Red; } else if (dependant.EmailAddress == "" || dependant.EmailAddress == null) { lblStatus.Text = string.Format(@"We do not have an email address for you in our system. Have you supplied us a valid Email Address? Please update your details with the <a href='mailto:[email protected]?subject=Please update my profile, membership number: {0}'>membership department</a>.", member.MAMembershipNumber); lblStatus.ForeColor = Color.Red; ClearTextInputs(); } else { string toAddress = dependant.EmailAddress; string title = "Your CompCare Wellness Username"; string mailBody = string.Format("<p>Dear {0}, </p><p>You or someone on your behalf, requested that your username be sent to your email address.</p><p>Your username has been saved in the database as {1}.</p><p>.", dependant.DependantName, user.Username); try { SendEmail(toAddress, title, mailBody); lblStatus.Text = "Your username has been sent to the email address on record. Click here to return to the <a href='Default.aspx'>login page</a>."; lblStatus.ForeColor = Color.Blue; ClearTextInputs(); } catch (Exception ex) { lblStatus.Text = string.Format(@"We encountered a problem sending confirmation of this transaction to your email address. Have you supplied us a valid Email Address? Please update your details with the <a href='mailto:[email protected]?subject=Please update my profile, membership number: {0}'>membership department</a>.", member.MAMembershipNumber); lblStatus.ForeColor = Color.Red; ClearTextInputs(); } } } } }
public async Task <IActionResult> PostDependent([FromBody] PostDependents postDependents) { if (postDependents == null) { return(Json(new { msg = "No Data" } )); } var orgId = getOrg(); var userId = User.FindFirst(ClaimTypes.NameIdentifier).Value; var employeeDetails = _context.EmployeeDetails.Where(x => x.UserId == Guid.Parse(userId)).FirstOrDefault(); try { Dependant dependant = new Dependant() { Id = Guid.NewGuid(), Name = postDependents.Name, Relationship = postDependents.Relationship, Address = postDependents.Address, OrganisationId = orgId, EmployeeDetailId = employeeDetails.Id, }; _context.Add(dependant); _context.SaveChanges(); return(Json(new { msg = "Success" } )); } catch (Exception ee) { } return(Json( new { msg = "Fail" })); }
public async Task <IHttpActionResult> POST([FromBody] Dependant dependant) { try { if (ModelState.IsValid) { var result = await EmployeeDependant.AddItemAsync(dependant); return(Ok(dependant)); } else { return(BadRequest(ModelState)); } } catch (Exception) { //throw new HttpRequestException(); return(BadRequest()); } }
// GET: Dependants public ActionResult Index(string searchString) { var dependants = from m in db.Dependants select m; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(searchString)) { dependants = dependants.Where(s => s.policyNo.Contains(searchString)); Dependant d = db.Dependants.ToList().Find(r => r.policyNo == searchString); Session["First Name"] = d.fName; Session["Last Name"] = d.lName; Session["ID Number"] = d.IdNo; Session["Age"] = d.age; Session["PolicyNo"] = d.policyNo; RedirectToAction("Create", "Deceaseds"); } return(View(dependants)); }
public void DeleteRecord(string index) { try { //Step 1 Code to delete the object from the database Dependant n = new Dependant(); n.seqNo = index; n.employeeId = Request.QueryString["employeeId"]; PostRequest <Dependant> req = new PostRequest <Dependant>(); req.entity = n; PostResponse <Dependant> resp = _employeeService.ChildDelete <Dependant>(req); if (!resp.Success) { //Show an error saving... X.MessageBox.ButtonText.Ok = Resources.Common.Ok; Common.errorMessage(resp); return; } else { //Step 2 : remove the object from the store dependandtsStore.Remove(index); //Step 3 : Showing a notification for the user Notification.Show(new NotificationConfig { Title = Resources.Common.Notification, Icon = Icon.Information, Html = Resources.Common.RecordDeletedSucc }); } } catch (Exception ex) { //In case of error, showing a message box to the user X.MessageBox.ButtonText.Ok = Resources.Common.Ok; X.Msg.Alert(Resources.Common.Error, Resources.Common.ErrorDeletingRecord).Show(); } }
protected void btnSubmit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (entity.Connection.State != System.Data.ConnectionState.Open) { entity.Connection.Open(); } try { Member member = entity.Members.Where(p => p.IdMember == idMember).SingleOrDefault(); Dependant dependant = entity.Dependants.Where(i => i.IdMember == idMember && i.IdDependantType == 5).FirstOrDefault(); string toAddress = @"*****@*****.**"; string title = "Member requests change of details on website"; string mailBody = string.Format("A member requested that their details be updated. The new details provided is as follows (please update where values are given): Membership Number - {0} Email - {1}, Telephone - {2}, Cellular - {3}, Postal Address Line 1 - {4}, Postal Address Line 2 - {5}, Postal Address Line 3 - {6}, Postal Address Line 4 - {13}, Postal Code - {7}, Fax Number: - {8}, Physical Address Line 1 - {9}, Physical Address Line 2 - {10}, Physical Address Line 3 - {11}, Physical Address Line 4 - {14}, Province - {15}, Physical Address Postal Code - {12}", member.MAMembershipNumber, tbEmail.Text, tbTelephone.Text, tbCellular.Text, tbAdddress1.Text, tbAddress2.Text, tbAddress3.Text, tbPostalCode.Text, tbFaxNumber.Text, tbPhysical1.Text, tbPhysical2.Text, tbPhysical3.Text, tbPhysicalCode.Text, tbAddress4.Text, tbPhysical4.Text, ddlProvince.Text); SendEmail(toAddress, title, mailBody); lblError.Text = "Request successfully processed."; } catch (Exception ex) { lblError.Text = @"Error processing your request. Please try again later or report this problem to [email protected]"; } finally { entity.Dispose(); } try { string toAddress2 = tbEmail.Text != "" ? tbEmail.Text : lblEmail.Text; string title2 = "Update of Personal Details Request submitted on the CompCare Wellness Website"; string mailBody2 = @"Dear Member, your request to have your details updated was successfully captured on the CompCare Wellness Website and forwarded to the Administration Department for update."; SendEmail(toAddress2, title2, mailBody2); } catch (Exception) { lblError.Text = "We were unable to send you a confirmation email."; } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (Session["IdMember"] == null) { FormsAuthentication.RedirectToLoginPage(); } else { idMember = int.Parse(Session["IdMember"].ToString()); using (UniversalEntities entity = new UniversalEntities()) { try { Member member = entity.Members.Where(p => p.IdMember == idMember).SingleOrDefault(); Dependant dependant = entity.Dependants.Where(i => i.IdMember == idMember && i.IdDependantType == 0).SingleOrDefault(); LifestylePlan plan = entity.LifestylePlans.Where(i => i.IdLifestylePlan == member.IdLifestylePlan).SingleOrDefault(); lbl360MemberhipNumber.Text = member.LifestyleMembershipNumber != null ? member.LifestyleMembershipNumber : "Not Available"; lbl360Plan.Text = plan != null ? plan.LifestylePlanName : "Not Available"; lblDiabeticStartDate.Text = dependant.DiabeticStartDate != null?dependant.DiabeticStartDate.Value.ToShortDateString() : "n/a"; lblDiabeticEndDate.Text = dependant.DiabeticEndDate != null?dependant.DiabeticEndDate.Value.ToShortDateString() : "n/a"; lblHeight.Text = dependant.Height != null?dependant.Height.ToString() + "m" : "Not Available"; lblWeight.Text = dependant.Weight != null?dependant.Weight.ToString() + "kg" : "Not Available"; lblIsDiabetic.Text = dependant.IsDiabetic != null ? (dependant.IsDiabetic.Value ? "Yes" : "No") : "Not Available"; lblIsSmoker.Text = dependant.IsSmoking != null ? (dependant.IsSmoking.Value ? "Yes" : "no") : "Not Available"; } catch { lblError.Text = @"The website encountered a problem retrieving your health related information. Please report this error to the <a href='mailto:[email protected]'>Webmaster</a>"; } } } }
public ActionResult Create([Bind(Include = "depNo,coveredby,fName,lName,IdNo,dOb,age,relationship,amount,policyPlan,asBeneficiary,addAnotherDep,policyNo")] Dependant dependant) { Dependant idno = db.Dependants.ToList().Find(x => x.IdNo == dependant.IdNo); if (idno != null) { Session["responce4"] = "Dependant Already Exists, Check ID Number! Covered under: " + idno.coveredby; return(RedirectToAction("Create")); } //if (ModelState.IsValid) //{ else if (Session["owner"] != null) { dependant.coveredby = (Session["owner"]).ToString(); } if (Session["polplan"] != null) { dependant.policyPlan = (Session["polplan"]).ToString(); } if (Session["PolicyNo"] != null) { dependant.policyNo = (Session["PolicyNo"]).ToString(); } if (dependant.IdNo != null) { int year = Convert.ToInt16(dependant.IdNo.Substring(0, 2)); int month = Convert.ToInt16(dependant.IdNo.Substring(2, 2)); int day = Convert.ToInt16(dependant.IdNo.Substring(4, 2)); int gender = Convert.ToInt16(dependant.IdNo.Substring(7, 1)); dependant.dOb = Convert.ToDateTime(day + "-" + month + "-" + year); } if (dependant.dOb != null) { dependant.age = (DateTime.Now.Year) - (dependant.dOb.Year); } if (dependant.policyPlan == "Plan A") { if (dependant.age <= 64) { dependant.amount = 80; } else if (dependant.age <= 74) { dependant.amount = 160; } else if (dependant.age <= 84) { dependant.amount = 310; } else { Session["responce4"] = "Cannot add person over 84 years from this plan!"; return(View("Create")); } } if (dependant.policyPlan == "Plan B") { if (dependant.age <= 64) { dependant.amount = 60; } else if (dependant.age <= 74) { dependant.amount = 130; } else if (dependant.age <= 84) { dependant.amount = 170; } else { dependant.amount = 280; } } if (dependant.policyPlan == "Plan C1") { if (dependant.age <= 64) { dependant.amount = 46; } else if (dependant.age <= 74) { dependant.amount = 82; } else if (dependant.age <= 84) { dependant.amount = 109; } else { dependant.amount = 200; } } if (dependant.policyPlan == "Plan C2") { if (dependant.age <= 64) { dependant.amount = 64; } else if (dependant.age <= 74) { dependant.amount = 117; } else if (dependant.age <= 84) { dependant.amount = 158; } else { dependant.amount = 234; } } if (dependant.policyPlan == "Plan C3") { if (dependant.age <= 64) { dependant.amount = 82; } else if (dependant.age <= 74) { dependant.amount = 153; } else if (dependant.age <= 84) { dependant.amount = 207; } else { Session["responce4"] = "Cannot add person over 84 years from this plan!"; return(View("Create")); } } else if (dependant.age <= 18 || dependant.relationship == "Spouse") { dependant.amount = 0; } db.Dependants.Add(dependant); db.SaveChanges(); if (dependant != null) { Session["Dep"] = dependant; } if (dependant.asBeneficiary == true) { Session["finame"] = dependant.fName; Session["laname"] = dependant.lName; Session["Id"] = dependant.IdNo; Session["relation"] = dependant.relationship; } if (dependant.asBeneficiary == false) { Session["finame"] = null; Session["laname"] = null; Session["Id"] = null; Session["relation"] = null; } if (dependant.addAnotherDep == true) { return(RedirectToAction("Create", "Dependants")); } else if (dependant.addAnotherDep == false) { return(RedirectToAction("Create", "Beneficiaries")); } //} return(RedirectToAction("Create", "Beneficiaries")); }
private void creationAbonnement(int idAjout, object sender, EventArgs e) { if (this.ValidateChildren(ValidationConstraints.Enabled)) { if (idAjout == 1) { booPrincipalAjoute = true; var tousLesAbonnements = from abonnement in dataClasses1DataContext.Abonnements select abonnement.Id; int idAbonnement = tousLesAbonnements.Count() + 1; string strIdAbonnement = ""; if (nomTextBox.Text.Length > 0) { strIdAbonnement = char.ToUpper(nomTextBox.Text[0]) + nomTextBox.Text.ToLower().Substring(1) + idAbonnement; } string strProvince = cmbProvince.SelectedValue.ToString(); strIDAbonnementPrincipal = strIdAbonnement + "P"; DateTime dateAbonnement = Convert.ToDateTime(lblDateAbonnement.Text); var nouvelAbonnerPrincipal = new Abonnement { Id = strIDAbonnementPrincipal, DateAbonnement = dateAbonnement, Nom = nomTextBox.Text, Prenom = prenomTextBox.Text, Sexe = Convert.ToChar(cmbSexe.SelectedValue), DateNaissance = Convert.ToDateTime(dateNaissanceDateTimePicker.Value), NoCivique = noCiviqueTextBox.Text, Rue = rueTextBox.Text, Ville = villeTextBox.Text, IdProvince = cmbProvince.SelectedValue.ToString(), CodePostal = codePostalTextBox.Text, Telephone = telephoneTextBox.Text, Cellulaire = cellulaireTextBox.Text, Courriel = courrielTextBox.Text, NoTypeAbonnement = Convert.ToInt32(cmbTypeAbonnement.SelectedValue), Remarque = remarqueTextBox.Text }; dataClasses1DataContext.Abonnements.InsertOnSubmit(nouvelAbonnerPrincipal); try { dataClasses1DataContext.SubmitChanges(ConflictMode.ContinueOnConflict); MessageBox.Show($"L'abonnennement {strIdAbonnement} a été ajouté", "Enregistrement de l'abonné principal", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); foreach (Control ctrl in panelAbonnePrincipal.Controls) { TextBox txtboxAbonnement = ctrl as TextBox; if (txtboxAbonnement != null) { txtboxAbonnement.ReadOnly = true; } MaskedTextBox maskedtxtBox = ctrl as MaskedTextBox; if (maskedtxtBox != null) { maskedtxtBox.ReadOnly = true; } Button btnAjoute = ctrl as Button; if (btnAjoute != null) { btnAjoute.Enabled = false; } ComboBox combo = ctrl as ComboBox; if (combo != null) { combo.Enabled = false; } } dateNaissanceDateTimePicker.Enabled = false; // Devrait juste enable selon le combo ? // Parce que sinon ça enable dès le clique foreach (Control ctrl in panelDependant.Controls) { ctrl.Enabled = true; } cmbTypeAbonnement_SelectedIndexChanged(this, new EventArgs()); if (Convert.ToInt32(cmbTypeAbonnement.SelectedValue) == 1 || Convert.ToInt32(cmbTypeAbonnement.SelectedValue) == 2) { resetForm(sender, e); btnEnregistrerAbonnement.Enabled = false; } } catch (ChangeConflictException) { dataClasses1DataContext.ChangeConflicts.ResolveAll(RefreshMode.KeepCurrentValues); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("L'abonnennement a échoué " + ex, "Enregistrement de l'abonné principal", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); } } else if (idAjout == 2) { if (!booPrincipalAjoute) { MessageBox.Show("L'abonné principal n'a pas été ajouté", "Avertissement", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); } else if (dateNaissanceDateTimePicker1.Value > DateTime.Now.Date.AddYears(-18)) { MessageBox.Show("Le/La conjoint(e) doit avoir plus de 18 ans", "Avertissement", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); } else { string strIDConjoint = strIDAbonnementPrincipal.Substring(0, strIDAbonnementPrincipal.Length - 1) + cmbSexe.SelectedValue + "0"; var nouveauDependant = new Dependant { Id = strIDConjoint, Nom = nomTextBox1.Text, Prenom = prenomTextBox1.Text, Sexe = Convert.ToChar(cmbSexeDependant.SelectedValue), DateNaissance = Convert.ToDateTime(dateNaissanceDateTimePicker1.Value), IdAbonnement = strIDAbonnementPrincipal, Remarque = remarqueTextBox1.Text }; dataClasses1DataContext.Dependants.InsertOnSubmit(nouveauDependant); try { dataClasses1DataContext.SubmitChanges(ConflictMode.ContinueOnConflict); MessageBox.Show($"Le dépendant (Conjoint) {strIDConjoint} a été ajouté", "Enregistrement du conjoint", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); btnConjoint.Enabled = false; booConjointAjoute = true; if (Convert.ToInt32(cmbTypeAbonnement.SelectedValue) == 3) { resetForm(sender, e); btnEnregistrerAbonnement.Enabled = false; } } catch (ChangeConflictException) { dataClasses1DataContext.ChangeConflicts.ResolveAll(RefreshMode.KeepCurrentValues); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("L'ajout du dépendant a échoué", "Enregistrement du conjoint", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); } } } else if (idAjout == 3) { if (!booPrincipalAjoute) { MessageBox.Show("L'abonné principal n'a pas été ajouté", "Avertissement", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); } else if (!booConjointAjoute) { MessageBox.Show("Le/La conjoint(e) n'a pas été ajouté(e)", "Avertissement", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); } else if (dateNaissanceDateTimePicker1.Value <= DateTime.Now.Date.AddYears(-18) || dateNaissanceDateTimePicker1.Value >= DateTime.Now.Date) { MessageBox.Show("L'enfant doit avoir entre 0 et 18 ans", "Avertissement", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); } else { int intNbEnfants = 0; switch (Int32.Parse(cmbTypeAbonnement.SelectedValue.ToString())) { case 4: intNbEnfants = 1; break; case 5: intNbEnfants = 2; break; case 6: intNbEnfants = 3; break; } if (nbEnfantsAjoute == 9) { MessageBox.Show("Vous ne pouvez pas ajouter plus de 9 enfants", "Avertissement", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); btnEnfant.Enabled = false; } else if ((nbEnfantsAjoute <= intNbEnfants) || intNbEnfants == 3) { if (intNbEnfants != 3 && nbEnfantsAjoute == intNbEnfants) { btnEnfant.Enabled = false; booEnfantAjoute = true; MessageBox.Show("Vous avez enregistré le nombre maximal d'enfant pour ce type d'abonnement \n\nVeuillez confirmer l'ajout des enfants.", "Avertissement", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); } else { nbEnfantsAjoute++; if (intNbEnfants == 3 && intNbEnfants == nbEnfantsAjoute) { booEnfantAjoute = true; } string strIDEnfant = strIDAbonnementPrincipal.Substring(0, strIDAbonnementPrincipal.Length - 1) + "E" + nbEnfantsAjoute; var nouveauDependant = new Dependant { Id = strIDEnfant, Nom = nomTextBox1.Text, Prenom = prenomTextBox1.Text, Sexe = Convert.ToChar(cmbSexeDependant.SelectedValue), DateNaissance = Convert.ToDateTime(dateNaissanceDateTimePicker1.Value), IdAbonnement = strIDAbonnementPrincipal, Remarque = remarqueTextBox1.Text }; lstDependants.Add(nouveauDependant); lblEnfantsEnreg.Text = nbEnfantsAjoute + " enfant(s) ajouté(s)"; foreach (Control ctrl in panelDependant.Controls) { TextBox txtbox = ctrl as TextBox; if (txtbox != null) { txtbox.Text = ""; } } } } } } } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (Session["IdMember"] == null) { FormsAuthentication.RedirectToLoginPage(); } else { using (UniversalEntities entity = new UniversalEntities()) { try { int idMember = int.Parse(Session["IdMember"].ToString()); Member member = (from i in entity.Members where i.IdMember == idMember select i).SingleOrDefault(); Dependant dependant = entity.Dependants.Where(i => i.IdMember == idMember && i.IdDependantType == 5).FirstOrDefault(); SchemeOption option = (from i in entity.SchemeOptions where i.IdSchemeOption == member.IdSchemeOption select i).SingleOrDefault(); User user = entity.Users.Where(i => i.IdMember == idMember).FirstOrDefault(); MemberAddress postalAddress = entity.MemberAddresses.Where(p => p.IdMember == idMember && p.IsPostalAddress == true).FirstOrDefault(); MemberAddress physicalAddress = entity.MemberAddresses.Where(p => p.IdMember == idMember && p.IsPostalAddress == false).FirstOrDefault(); Gender gender = entity.Genders.Where(p => p.IdGender == dependant.IdGender).SingleOrDefault(); lblEmail.Text = dependant.EmailAddress != null ? dependant.EmailAddress : "Not Available"; lblAddress2.Text = postalAddress != null ? postalAddress.Address2 : "Not Available"; lblAddress3.Text = postalAddress != null ? postalAddress.Address3 : "Not Available"; lblAddress4.Text = postalAddress != null ? postalAddress.Address4 : "Not Available"; lblAddress1.Text = postalAddress != null ? postalAddress.Address1 : "Not Available"; lblPostalCode.Text = postalAddress != null ? postalAddress.PostalCode : "Not Available"; lblPhysical1.Text = physicalAddress != null ? physicalAddress.Address1 : "Not Available"; lblPhysical2.Text = physicalAddress != null ? physicalAddress.Address2 : "Not Available"; lblPhysical3.Text = physicalAddress != null ? physicalAddress.Address3 : "Not Available"; lblPhysical4.Text = physicalAddress != null ? physicalAddress.Address4 : "Not Available"; lblPhysicalCode.Text = physicalAddress != null ? physicalAddress.PostalCode : "Not Available"; lblTelephone.Text = dependant.TelephoneNumber != null ? dependant.TelephoneNumber : "Not Available"; lblCellular.Text = dependant.CellularNumber != null ? dependant.CellularNumber : "Not Available"; lblFaxNumber.Text = dependant.FaxNumber != null || dependant.FaxNumber != "" ? dependant.FaxNumber : "Not Available"; lblWorkNumber.Text = dependant.WorkNumber != null ? dependant.WorkNumber : "Not Available"; lblDOB.Text = dependant.DateOfBirth != null?dependant.DateOfBirth.Value.ToShortDateString() : "Not Available"; //lblGender.Text = gender.GenderDescription; lblGender.Text = dependant.Gender.GenderDescription; lblIdNo.Text = dependant.IdentityNumber; lblInitials.Text = dependant.Initials; lblJoiningDate.Text = dependant.JoiningDate != null?dependant.JoiningDate.Value.ToShortDateString() : "Not Available"; lblSurname.Text = dependant.DependantSurname; lblName.Text = dependant.DependantName; lblMemberName.Text = dependant.DependantName; lblBenefitDate.Text = dependant.JoiningDate != null?dependant.JoiningDate.Value.ToShortDateString() : "Not Available"; lblMembershipNumber.Text = member.MAMembershipNumber; lblResignationDate.Text = dependant.ResignationDate != null?dependant.ResignationDate.Value.ToShortDateString() : @"n/a"; lblSchemeOption.Text = option.SchemeOptionDescription; lblSuspendedDate.Text = dependant.SuspendedFrom != null?dependant.SuspendedFrom.Value.ToShortDateString() : @"n/a"; lblSuspendedTo.Text = dependant.SuspendedTo != null?dependant.SuspendedTo.Value.ToShortDateString() : @"n/a"; } catch { lblError.Text = @"The website encountered a problem retrieving all of your data. Please report this problem to the CompCare <a href='mailto:[email protected]'>Webmaster</a>."; } } } }
protected void PoPuP(object sender, DirectEventArgs e) { int id = Convert.ToInt32(e.ExtraParams["id"]); string type = e.ExtraParams["type"]; switch (type) { case "imgEdit": //Step 1 : get the object from the Web Service Dependant entity = GetDEById(id.ToString()); //Step 2 : call setvalues with the retrieved object this.infoForm.Reset(); this.addressForm.Reset(); this.infoForm.SetValues(entity); street1.Text = entity.address.street1; street2.Text = entity.address.street2; postalCode.Text = entity.address.postalCode; city.Text =; address.Text = entity.address.recordId; FillState(); stateId.Select(entity.address.stateId); phone.Text =; if (entity.gender == "1") { gender0.Checked = true; } else { gender1.Checked = true; } if (entity.hasSpecialNeeds == true) { hasSpecialNeeds.Checked = true; } else { hasSpecialNeeds.Checked = false; } if (entity.isEmployed == true) { isEmployed.Checked = true; } else { isEmployed.Checked = false; } if (entity.isStudent == true) { isStudent.Checked = true; } else { isStudent.Checked = false; } if (entity.isCitizen == true) { isCitizen.Checked = true; } else { isCitizen.Checked = false; } FillNationality(); countryId.Select(entity.address.countryId); dependencyType.Select(entity.dependencyType); recordId.Text = id.ToString(); this.EditContactWindow.Title = Resources.Common.EditWindowsTitle; this.EditContactWindow.Show(); break; case "imgDelete": X.Msg.Confirm(Resources.Common.Confirmation, Resources.Common.DeleteOneRecord, new MessageBoxButtonsConfig { Yes = new MessageBoxButtonConfig { //We are call a direct request metho for deleting a record Handler = String.Format("{0})", id), Text = Resources.Common.Yes }, No = new MessageBoxButtonConfig { Text = Resources.Common.No } }).Show(); break; default: break; } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (Session["IdMember"] == null) { FormsAuthentication.RedirectToLoginPage(); } else { idMember = int.Parse(Session["IdMember"].ToString()); } if (!IsPostBack) { btnSubmit.Enabled = false; using (UniversalEntities entity = new UniversalEntities()) { try { int idMember = int.Parse(Session["IdMember"].ToString()); Member member = (from i in entity.Members where i.IdMember == idMember select i).SingleOrDefault(); Dependant dependant = entity.Dependants.Where(i => i.IdMember == idMember && i.IdDependantType == 5).FirstOrDefault(); SchemeOption option = (from i in entity.SchemeOptions where i.IdSchemeOption == member.IdSchemeOption select i).SingleOrDefault(); User user = entity.Users.Where(i => i.IdMember == idMember).FirstOrDefault(); MemberAddress postalAddress = entity.MemberAddresses.Where(p => p.IdMember == idMember && p.IsPostalAddress == true).FirstOrDefault(); MemberAddress physicalAddress = entity.MemberAddresses.Where(p => p.IdMember == idMember && p.IsPostalAddress == false).FirstOrDefault(); Gender gender = entity.Genders.Where(p => p.IdGender == dependant.IdGender).SingleOrDefault(); ddlProvince.DataSource = entity.Provinces.ToList(); ddlProvince.DataBind(); Province physProvince = entity.Provinces.Where(p => p.IdProvince == physicalAddress.IdProvince).FirstOrDefault(); lblEmail.Text = dependant.EmailAddress != null ? dependant.EmailAddress : "Not Available"; lblAddress2.Text = postalAddress != null ? postalAddress.Address2 : "Not Available"; lblAddress3.Text = postalAddress != null ? postalAddress.Address3 : "Not Available"; lblAddress4.Text = postalAddress != null ? postalAddress.Address4 : "Not Available"; lblAddress1.Text = postalAddress != null ? postalAddress.Address1 : "Not Available"; lblPostalCode.Text = postalAddress != null ? postalAddress.PostalCode : "Not Available"; lblPhysical1.Text = physicalAddress != null ? physicalAddress.Address1 : "Not Available"; lblPhysical2.Text = physicalAddress != null ? physicalAddress.Address2 : "Not Available"; lblPhysical3.Text = physicalAddress != null ? physicalAddress.Address3 : "Not Available"; lblPhysical4.Text = physicalAddress != null ? physicalAddress.Address4 : "Not Available"; lblProvince.Text = physProvince != null ? physProvince.Name : "Not Available"; lblPhysicalCode.Text = physicalAddress != null ? physicalAddress.PostalCode : "Not Available"; lblTelephone.Text = dependant.TelephoneNumber != null ? dependant.TelephoneNumber : "Not Available"; lblCellular.Text = dependant.CellularNumber != null ? dependant.CellularNumber : "Not Available"; lblFaxNumber.Text = dependant.FaxNumber != null || dependant.FaxNumber != "" ? dependant.FaxNumber : "Not Available"; lblWorkNumber.Text = dependant.WorkNumber != null ? dependant.WorkNumber : "Not Available"; } catch { lblError.Text = @"The website encountered a problem retrieving all of your data. Please report this problem to the CompCare <a href='mailto:[email protected]'>Webmaster</a>."; } tbEmail.Visible = false; tbFaxNumber.Visible = false; groupPhysicalTB.Visible = false; groupPostalTB.Visible = false; tbCellular.Visible = false; tbTelephone.Visible = false; tbWorkNumber.Visible = false; groupPhysicalLB.Visible = true; groupPostalLB.Visible = true; lblCellular.Visible = true; lblEmail.Visible = true; lblFaxNumber.Visible = true; lblTelephone.Visible = true; lblWorkNumber.Visible = true; } } }
protected void SaveNewRecord(object sender, DirectEventArgs e) { //Getting the id to check if it is an Add or an edit as they are managed within the same form. string id = e.ExtraParams["id"]; string obj = e.ExtraParams["info"]; string address = e.ExtraParams["address"]; string addressId = e.ExtraParams["addressId"]; Dependant b = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Dependant>(obj); b.employeeId = CurrentEmployee.Text; b.seqNo = id; AddressBook add = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <AddressBook>(address); // Define the object to add or edit as null if (!b.isCitizen.HasValue) { b.isCitizen = false; } if (!b.isStudent.HasValue) { b.isStudent = false; } if (!b.isEmployed.HasValue) { b.isEmployed = false; } if (!b.hasSpecialNeeds.HasValue) { b.hasSpecialNeeds = false; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty( && string.IsNullOrEmpty(add.countryId) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(add.street1) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(add.stateId) && string.IsNullOrEmpty( { b.address = null; } else { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty( || string.IsNullOrEmpty(add.countryId) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(add.street1) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(add.stateId)) { X.MessageBox.ButtonText.Ok = Resources.Common.Ok; X.Msg.Alert(Resources.Common.Error, GetLocalResourceObject("ErrorAddressMissing")).Show(); return; } b.address = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <AddressBook>(address); b.address.recordId = addressId; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(id)) { try { //New Mode PostRequest <Dependant> request = new PostRequest <Dependant>(); request.entity = b; PostResponse <Dependant> r = _employeeService.ChildAddOrUpdate <Dependant>(request); b.seqNo = r.recordId; //check if the insert failed if (!r.Success)//it maybe be another condition { //Show an error saving... X.MessageBox.ButtonText.Ok = Resources.Common.Ok; Common.errorMessage(r); return; } else { //Add this record to the store //this.dependandtsStore.Insert(0, b); //Display successful notification Notification.Show(new NotificationConfig { Title = Resources.Common.Notification, Icon = Icon.Information, Html = Resources.Common.RecordSavingSucc, HideDelay = 250 }); this.EditContactWindow.Close(); //RowSelectionModel sm = this.dependandtsGrid.GetSelectionModel() as RowSelectionModel; //sm.DeselectAll(); //sm.Select(b.seqNo.ToString()); dependandtsStore.Reload(); } } catch (Exception ex) { //Error exception displaying a messsage box X.MessageBox.ButtonText.Ok = Resources.Common.Ok; X.Msg.Alert(Resources.Common.Error, Resources.Common.ErrorSavingRecord).Show(); } } else { //Update Mode try { int index = Convert.ToInt32(id);//getting the id of the record PostRequest <Dependant> request = new PostRequest <Dependant>(); request.entity = b; b.seqNo = index.ToString(); PostResponse <Dependant> r = _employeeService.ChildAddOrUpdate <Dependant>(request); //Step 3 : Check if request fails if (!r.Success)//it maybe another check { X.MessageBox.ButtonText.Ok = Resources.Common.Ok; Common.errorMessage(r); return; } else { dependandtsStore.Reload(); Notification.Show(new NotificationConfig { Title = Resources.Common.Notification, Icon = Icon.Information, Html = Resources.Common.RecordUpdatedSucc, HideDelay = 250 }); this.EditContactWindow.Close(); } } catch (Exception ex) { X.MessageBox.ButtonText.Ok = Resources.Common.Ok; X.Msg.Alert(Resources.Common.Error, Resources.Common.ErrorUpdatingRecord).Show(); } } }
public ActionResult AddDependant(Dependant dependant) { _context.Dependants.Add(dependant); _context.SaveChanges(); return(RedirectToAction("/", "Dependant")); }
protected void btnSubmit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Member member = entity.Members.Where(i => i.MAMembershipNumber == tbMembershipNumber.Text).SingleOrDefault(); if (member == null) { lblMembershipNumber.Text = "Membership Number does not exist in database."; } else { Dependant dependant = entity.Dependants.Where(p => p.IdMember == member.IdMember && p.IdDependantType == 5).FirstOrDefault(); User user = entity.Users.Where(i => i.IdMember == member.IdMember).FirstOrDefault(); if (dependant.IdentityNumber != tbIdNumber.Text) { lblError.Text = "Please provide a valid ID Number"; } else if (user != null && user.Password != "") { lblError.Text = "You have already been registered on the website"; } else if (user != null && user.Password == "") { user.UserEmail = dependant.EmailAddress; user.IsCompCare = true; user.IdMember = member.IdMember; user.IsActive = true; user.Username = tbUsername.Text; user.Password = tbPassword.Text; user.RegistrationDate = DateTime.Today; user.UserLevel = 0; user.DateCreated = DateTime.Today; entity.SaveChanges(); string toAddress = dependant.EmailAddress; string toAddress2 = @"*****@*****.**"; string title = "Member Registration on CompCare Website"; string mailBody = string.Format("Dear {0}, you have been successfully registered on the CompCare website. Your email address has been registered in the database as being {1}", dependant.DependantName, dependant.EmailAddress); string mailBody2 = string.Format("CompCare user dependant ID {0} registered. username {1} password {2}", dependant.IdDependant, user.Username, user.Password); SendEmail(toAddress2, title, mailBody2); SendEmail(toAddress, title, mailBody); lblSuccess.Text = @"You have been successfully registered. Please use your credentials to log onto the website. Please <a href='Default.aspx'>click here</a> to return to the login page."; tbMembershipNumber.Text = member.MAMembershipNumber; tbMembershipNumber.Enabled = false; tbIdNumber.Text = dependant.IdentityNumber; tbIdNumber.Enabled = false; trName.Visible = true; trSurname.Visible = true; trEmail.Visible = true; lblName.Text = dependant.DependantName; lblName.Enabled = false; lblSurname.Text = dependant.DependantSurname; lblSurname.Enabled = false; tbEmail.Text = dependant.EmailAddress; tbEmail.Enabled = false; trButton.Visible = false; btnSubmit.Enabled = false; trPsword.Visible = false; trPsword2.Visible = false; tbUsername.Enabled = false; } else { User newUser = new User { UserEmail = dependant.EmailAddress, IsCompCare = true, IdMember = member.IdMember, IsActive = true, Username = tbUsername.Text, Password = tbPassword.Text, RegistrationDate = DateTime.Today, UserLevel = 0, DateCreated = DateTime.Today }; entity.AddToUsers(newUser); entity.SaveChanges(); string toAddress2 = @"*****@*****.**"; string toAddress = dependant.EmailAddress; string title = "Member Registration on CompCare Website"; string mailBody = string.Format(" Dear {0}, you have been successfully registered on the CompCare website. Your email address has been registered in the database as being {1}", dependant.DependantName, dependant.EmailAddress); string mailBody2 = string.Format("CompCare user dependant ID {0} registered. username {1} password {2}", dependant.IdDependant, user.Username, user.Password); SendEmail(toAddress2, title, mailBody2); SendEmail(toAddress, title, mailBody); lblSuccess.Text = @"You have been successfully registered. Please use your credentials to log onto the website. Please <a href='Default.aspx'>click here</a> to return to the login page."; tbMembershipNumber.Text = member.MAMembershipNumber; tbMembershipNumber.Enabled = false; tbIdNumber.Text = dependant.IdentityNumber; tbIdNumber.Enabled = false; trName.Visible = true; trSurname.Visible = true; trEmail.Visible = true; lblName.Text = dependant.DependantName; lblName.Enabled = false; lblSurname.Text = dependant.DependantSurname; lblSurname.Enabled = false; tbEmail.Text = dependant.EmailAddress; tbEmail.Enabled = false; trButton.Visible = false; btnSubmit.Enabled = false; trPsword.Visible = false; trPsword2.Visible = false; tbUsername.Enabled = false; } } }