public void GetClinicById_WithValidId_ShouldReturnClinic()
            var options = new DbContextOptionsBuilder <DentHubContext>()
                          .UseInMemoryDatabase(databaseName: Guid.NewGuid().ToString())  // Give a Unique name to the DB
            var dbContext = new DentHubContext(options);
            var clinic    = new Clinic
                Id   = 10,
                Name = "Clinic 10"
            var clinic2 = new Clinic
                Id   = 11,
                Name = "clinic 11"


            var repository = new DbRepository <Clinic>(dbContext);
            var service    = new ClinicService(repository);
            var result     = service.GetClinicById(11);

            Assert.Same(clinic2, result);
        public async Task GetClinicById_WithInvalidId_ShouldReturnException()
            var options = new DbContextOptionsBuilder <DentHubContext>()
                          .UseInMemoryDatabase(databaseName: Guid.NewGuid().ToString())  // Give a Unique name to the DB
            var dbContext = new DentHubContext(options);
            var clinic    = new Clinic
                Id   = 20,
                Name = "Clinic 20"
            var clinic2 = new Clinic
                Id   = 21,
                Name = "Clinic 21"

            await dbContext.SaveChangesAsync();

            var repository = new DbRepository <Clinic>(dbContext);
            var service    = new ClinicService(repository);

            Assert.Throws <ArgumentException>(() => service.GetClinicById(22));
        public void GetAllRatingsForPatientByDentist_WithInvalidRatings_ShouldReturnEmptyRatingsCollection()
            var options = new DbContextOptionsBuilder <DentHubContext>()
                          .UseInMemoryDatabase(databaseName: Guid.NewGuid().ToString())  // Give a Unique name to the DB
            var dbContext = new DentHubContext(options);

            var rating = new Rating
                Id              = 1,
                DentistId       = "1",
                PatientId       = "2",
                RatingByDentist = 10

            var rating2 = new Rating
                Id              = 2,
                DentistId       = "1",
                PatientId       = "1",
                RatingByDentist = 0


            var ratingRepository = new DbRepository <Rating>(dbContext);
            var service          = new RatingService(ratingRepository);
            var result           = service.GetAllRatingsForDentistByPatient("1", "1");

        public void GetAllPatientDentists_WithValidIdAndNoDentists_ShouldReturnEmptyDentistCollection()
            var options = new DbContextOptionsBuilder <DentHubContext>()
                          .UseInMemoryDatabase(databaseName: Guid.NewGuid().ToString())  // Give a Unique name to the DB
            var dbContext   = new DentHubContext(options);
            var appointment = new Appointment
                PatientId = "1",
                DentistID = "1"
            var appointment2 = new Appointment
                PatientId = "1",
                DentistID = "2",
            var appointment3 = new Appointment
                PatientId = "1",
                DentistID = "2",
            var dentist1 = new DentHubUser
                Id          = "1",
                SpecialtyId = 1,
                Email       = "*****@*****.**",
                FirstName   = "Test",
                LastName    = "LastName",
                IsActive    = true,
                PhoneNumber = "1234",
                UserName    = "******",
            var dentist2 = new DentHubUser
                Id          = "2",
                SpecialtyId = 2,
                Email       = "*****@*****.**",
                FirstName   = "Test2",
                LastName    = "LastName2",
                IsActive    = true,
                PhoneNumber = "123456",
                UserName    = "******",


            var userRepository        = new DbRepository <DentHubUser>(dbContext);
            var appointmentRepository = new DbRepository <Appointment>(dbContext);
            var ratingRepository      = new DbRepository <Rating>(dbContext);
            var appointmentService    = new AppointmentService(appointmentRepository, ratingRepository);
            var service = new DentistService(userRepository, appointmentService);
            var result  = service.GetAllPatientDentists("5");

Exemple #5
        public async Task GetAppointmentById_WithInvalidId_ShouldReturnException()
            var options = new DbContextOptionsBuilder <DentHubContext>()
                          .UseInMemoryDatabase(databaseName: Guid.NewGuid().ToString())  // Give a Unique name to the DB
            var dbContext   = new DentHubContext(options);
            var appointment = new Appointment
                Id        = 7,
                ClinicId  = 1,
                DentistID = "2",
                PatientId = "3",
                Status    = Status.Booked
            var appointment2 = new Appointment
                Id        = 8,
                ClinicId  = 1,
                DentistID = "2",
                PatientId = "3",
                Status    = Status.Booked

            await dbContext.SaveChangesAsync();

            var repository       = new DbRepository <Appointment>(dbContext);
            var ratingRepository = new DbRepository <Rating>(dbContext);
            var service          = new AppointmentService(repository, ratingRepository);

            Assert.Throws <ArgumentException>(() => service.GetAppointmentById(9));
Exemple #6
        public async Task CancelAppointmentAsync_WithValidId_ShouldDeleteAppointment()
            var options = new DbContextOptionsBuilder <DentHubContext>()
                          .UseInMemoryDatabase(databaseName: Guid.NewGuid().ToString())  // Give a Unique name to the DB
            var dbContext = new DentHubContext(options);

            var repository       = new DbRepository <Appointment>(dbContext);
            var ratingRepository = new DbRepository <Rating>(dbContext);
            var service          = new AppointmentService(repository, ratingRepository);

            var appointment = new Appointment
                Id        = 41,
                ClinicId  = 1,
                DentistID = "1",


            await service.CancelAppointmentAsync(41);

            var result = dbContext.Appointments

            Assert.Equal(0, result);
        public void GetRatingForAppointment_WithInValidAppointmentAndRating_ShouldReturnRating()
            var options = new DbContextOptionsBuilder <DentHubContext>()
                          .UseInMemoryDatabase(databaseName: Guid.NewGuid().ToString())  // Give a Unique name to the DB
            var dbContext = new DentHubContext(options);

            var rating1 = new Rating
                Id              = 1,
                AppointmentId   = 1,
                RatingByDentist = 6

            var rating2 = new Rating
                Id              = 2,
                AppointmentId   = 2,
                RatingByDentist = 10


            var ratingRepository = new DbRepository <Rating>(dbContext);
            var service          = new RatingService(ratingRepository);
            var result           = service.GetRatingForAppointment(1);

            Assert.Equal(rating1, result);
        public void GetRatingForAppointment_WithNonExistingRatingRecord_ShouldThrowException()
            var options = new DbContextOptionsBuilder <DentHubContext>()
                          .UseInMemoryDatabase(databaseName: Guid.NewGuid().ToString())  // Give a Unique name to the DB
            var dbContext = new DentHubContext(options);

            var rating1 = new Rating
                Id              = 1,
                AppointmentId   = 1,
                RatingByDentist = 6

            var rating2 = new Rating
                Id              = 2,
                AppointmentId   = 2,
                RatingByDentist = 10


            var ratingRepository = new DbRepository <Rating>(dbContext);
            var service          = new RatingService(ratingRepository);

            Assert.Throws <InvalidOperationException>(() => service.GetRatingForAppointment(3));
Exemple #9
        public async Task CreateAppointment_WithParameters_ShouldCreateAppointment()
            var options = new DbContextOptionsBuilder <DentHubContext>()
                          .UseInMemoryDatabase(databaseName: Guid.NewGuid().ToString())  // Give a Unique name to the DB
            var dbContext = new DentHubContext(options);

            var repository       = new DbRepository <Appointment>(dbContext);
            var ratingRepository = new DbRepository <Rating>(dbContext);
            var service          = new AppointmentService(repository, ratingRepository);

            var user = new DentHubUser()
                Id        = "1",
                ClinicId  = 1,
                FirstName = "Test",
                LastName  = "Dentist",
            var timeStart = new DateTime(2019, 05, 05, 10, 0, 0);
            var timeEnd   = new DateTime(2019, 05, 05, 10, 30, 0);

                                                     timeStart, timeEnd));
            var result = await dbContext.Appointments.CountAsync();

            Assert.Equal(1, result);
        public static void Seed(DentHubContext dbContext, IServiceProvider serviceProvider)
            if (dbContext == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(dbContext));

            if (serviceProvider == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(serviceProvider));

            var roleManager = serviceProvider.GetRequiredService <RoleManager <IdentityRole> >();
            var userManager = serviceProvider.GetRequiredService <UserManager <DentHubUser> >();

            Seed(dbContext, roleManager, userManager);

            SeedAdmin(GlobalConstants.AdminUserName, GlobalConstants.AdministratorRoleName, userManager, roleManager);

            SeedSpecialties(dbContext, GlobalConstants.Specialties);

            SeedClinics(dbContext, GlobalConstants.Clinics);

            SeedDentists(dbContext, GlobalConstants.Dentists, userManager, roleManager);

            SeedPatients(dbContext, GlobalConstants.Patients, userManager, roleManager);
        public void GetAllActiveDentists_WithValidDentists_ShouldReturnDentistsCollection()
            var options = new DbContextOptionsBuilder <DentHubContext>()
                          .UseInMemoryDatabase(databaseName: Guid.NewGuid().ToString())  // Give a Unique name to the DB
            var dbContext = new DentHubContext(options);

            var dentist = new DentHubUser
                Id          = "1",
                IsActive    = true,
                FirstName   = "Dentist 1",
                LastName    = "Test",
                SpecialtyId = 1,

            var dentist2 = new DentHubUser
                Id          = "2",
                IsActive    = true,
                FirstName   = "Dentist 2",
                LastName    = "Test2",
                SpecialtyId = 2,

            var dentist3 = new DentHubUser
                Id          = "3",
                IsActive    = false,
                FirstName   = "Dentist 3",
                LastName    = "Test3",
                SpecialtyId = 3,

            var dentist4 = new DentHubUser
                Id          = "4",
                IsActive    = true,
                FirstName   = "Dentist 4",
                LastName    = "Test4",
                SpecialtyId = 44,


            var userRepository        = new DbRepository <DentHubUser>(dbContext);
            var appointmentRepository = new DbRepository <Appointment>(dbContext);
            var ratingRepository      = new DbRepository <Rating>(dbContext);
            var appointmentService    = new AppointmentService(appointmentRepository, ratingRepository);
            var service = new DentistService(userRepository, appointmentService);
            var result  = service.GetAllActiveDentists();

            Assert.Equal(new DentHubUser[] { dentist, dentist2, dentist4 }, result);
Exemple #12
        public void GetPatientFiles_WithInvalidFiles_ShouldReturnEmptyPatientFileCollection()
            var options = new DbContextOptionsBuilder <DentHubContext>()
                          .UseInMemoryDatabase(databaseName: Guid.NewGuid().ToString()) // Give a Unique name to the DB
            var dbContext = new DentHubContext(options);

            var patient = new DentHubUser
                Id        = "1",
                IsActive  = true,
                FirstName = "Patient 1",
                LastName  = "Test",

            var patient2 = new DentHubUser
                Id        = "2",
                IsActive  = true,
                FirstName = "Patient 2",
                LastName  = "Test2"

            var file1 = new PatientFile
                Id        = 1,
                PatientId = "1"

            var file2 = new PatientFile
                Id        = 2,
                PatientId = "1"

            var file3 = new PatientFile
                Id        = 3,
                PatientId = "2"


            var patuientFilesRepository = new DbRepository <PatientFile>(dbContext);
            var service = new PatientFileService(patuientFilesRepository);
            var result  = service.GetPatientFiles("3");

Exemple #13
        public void GetClinicById_WithEmptyClinicSet_ShouldReturnException()
            var options = new DbContextOptionsBuilder <DentHubContext>()
                          .UseInMemoryDatabase(databaseName: Guid.NewGuid().ToString())  // Give a Unique name to the DB
            var dbContext = new DentHubContext(options);

            var repository = new DbRepository <Clinic>(dbContext);
            var service    = new ClinicService(repository);

            Assert.Throws <ArgumentException>(() => service.GetClinicById(7));
 private static void SeedSpecialties(DentHubContext dbContext, string[][] specialties)
     foreach (var specialty in specialties)
         var newSpecialty = new Specialty
             Name        = specialty[0],
             Description = specialty[1]
Exemple #15
        public void GetAverageDentistRating_WithValidDentistIdAndNoRatings_ShouldReturnNotRated()
            var options = new DbContextOptionsBuilder <DentHubContext>()
                          .UseInMemoryDatabase(databaseName: Guid.NewGuid().ToString()) // Give a Unique name to the DB
            var dbContext = new DentHubContext(options);

            var rating1 = new Rating
                Id              = 1,
                PatientId       = "1",
                DentistId       = "2",
                RatingByPatient = 6

            var rating2 = new Rating
                Id              = 2,
                PatientId       = "1",
                DentistId       = "3",
                RatingByPatient = 10
            var rating3 = new Rating
                Id              = 3,
                PatientId       = "1",
                DentistId       = "4",
                RatingByPatient = 8
            var rating4 = new Rating
                Id              = 4,
                PatientId       = "1",
                DentistId       = "5",
                RatingByPatient = 6


            var ratingRepository = new DbRepository <Rating>(dbContext);
            var service          = new RatingService(ratingRepository);
            var result           = service.GetAverageDentistRating("1");

            Assert.Equal("Not Rated", result);
Exemple #16
        public void GetPatientById_WithEmptyPatientSet_ShouldReturnException()
            var options = new DbContextOptionsBuilder <DentHubContext>()
                          .UseInMemoryDatabase(databaseName: Guid.NewGuid().ToString())  // Give a Unique name to the DB
            var dbContext = new DentHubContext(options);

            var userRepository        = new DbRepository <DentHubUser>(dbContext);
            var appointmentRepository = new DbRepository <Appointment>(dbContext);
            var ratingRepository      = new DbRepository <Rating>(dbContext);
            var appointmentService    = new AppointmentService(appointmentRepository, ratingRepository);
            var service = new PatientService(userRepository, appointmentService);

            Assert.Throws <ArgumentException>(() => service.GetPatientById("7"));
        public static void Seed(DentHubContext dbContext, RoleManager <IdentityRole> roleManager, UserManager <DentHubUser> userManager)
            if (dbContext == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(dbContext));

            if (roleManager == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(roleManager));

            //SeedAdmin(DentHub.Common.GlobalConstants.AdminUserName, "Administrator", userManager, roleManager);
Exemple #18
        public void GetAppointmentPatient_WithValidAppointmentIdAndPatient_ShouldReturnPatient()
            var options = new DbContextOptionsBuilder <DentHubContext>()
                          .UseInMemoryDatabase(databaseName: Guid.NewGuid().ToString()) // Give a Unique name to the DB
            var dbContext   = new DentHubContext(options);
            var appointment = new Appointment
                Id        = 1,
                PatientId = "1",
                DentistID = "1"

            var patient1 = new DentHubUser
                Id          = "1",
                Email       = "*****@*****.**",
                FirstName   = "Test",
                LastName    = "LastName",
                IsActive    = true,
                PhoneNumber = "1234",
                UserName    = "******",
            var patient2 = new DentHubUser
                Id          = "2",
                Email       = "*****@*****.**",
                FirstName   = "Test2",
                LastName    = "LastName2",
                IsActive    = true,
                PhoneNumber = "123456",
                UserName    = "******",


            var userRepository        = new DbRepository <DentHubUser>(dbContext);
            var appointmentRepository = new DbRepository <Appointment>(dbContext);
            var ratingRepository      = new DbRepository <Rating>(dbContext);
            var appointmentService    = new AppointmentService(appointmentRepository, ratingRepository);
            var service = new PatientService(userRepository, appointmentService);
            var result  = service.GetAppointmentPatient(1);

            Assert.Equal(patient1, result);
Exemple #19
        public async Task BookAppointmentAsync_WithValidId_ShouldMakeAppointmentStatusBooked()
            var options = new DbContextOptionsBuilder <DentHubContext>()
                          .UseInMemoryDatabase(databaseName: Guid.NewGuid().ToString())  // Give a Unique name to the DB
            var dbContext = new DentHubContext(options);

            var repository       = new DbRepository <Appointment>(dbContext);
            var ratingRepository = new DbRepository <Rating>(dbContext);
            var service          = new AppointmentService(repository, ratingRepository);

            var user = new DentHubUser()
                Id        = "1",
                SSN       = "123456",
                FirstName = "Test",
                LastName  = "Patient",

            var appointment = new Appointment
                Id        = 20,
                ClinicId  = 1,
                DentistID = "1",
                PatientId = null,
                Status    = Status.Offering,

            await dbContext.SaveChangesAsync();

            await service
            .BookAppointmentAsync(20, user);

            var result = dbContext.Appointments
                         .FirstOrDefaultAsync(a => a.Id == 20)

            Assert.Equal("Booked", result
            Assert.Equal("1", result
Exemple #20
        public void GetAllActive_WithInvalidClinics_ShouldReturnEmptyClinicsCollection()
            var options = new DbContextOptionsBuilder <DentHubContext>()
                          .UseInMemoryDatabase(databaseName: Guid.NewGuid().ToString())  // Give a Unique name to the DB
            var dbContext = new DentHubContext(options);

            var clinic = new Clinic
                Id       = 10,
                IsActive = true,
                Name     = "Clinic 1",
            var dentist = new DentHubUser
                Id       = "1",
                IsActive = false,
                ClinicId = 1

            var clinic2 = new Clinic
                Id       = 2,
                IsActive = false,
                Name     = "Clinic 2",
            var dentist2 = new DentHubUser
                Id       = "2",
                IsActive = true,
                ClinicId = 2


            var repository = new DbRepository <Clinic>(dbContext);
            var service    = new ClinicService(repository);
            var result     = service.GetAllActive();

        private static void SeedDentists(DentHubContext dbContext, string[][] dentists, UserManager <DentHubUser> userManager, RoleManager <IdentityRole> roleManager)
            foreach (var dentist in dentists)
                var user = new DentHubUser
                    UserName    = dentist[1],
                    FirstName   = dentist[3],
                    LastName    = dentist[4],
                    Email       = dentist[1],
                    Clinic      = dbContext.Clinics.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Name == dentist[5]),
                    SpecialtyId = dbContext.Specialties.FirstOrDefault(s => s.Name == dentist[6]).Id

                var userResult = userManager.CreateAsync(user, dentist[2]).GetAwaiter().GetResult();
                var role       = roleManager.FindByNameAsync(dentist[0]).GetAwaiter().GetResult();

                //if (role == null)
                //    var result = roleManager.CreateAsync(new IdentityRole(roleName)).GetAwaiter().GetResult();

                //    if (!result.Succeeded)
                //    {
                //        throw new Exception(string.Join(Environment.NewLine, result.Errors.Select(e => e.Description)));
                //    }

                //if (user == null)
                //	var result = userManager.CreateAsync(new DentHubUser(GlobalConstants.AdminUserName)).GetAwaiter().GetResult();

                //	if (!result.Succeeded)
                //	{
                //		throw new Exception(string.Join(Environment.NewLine, result.Errors.Select(e => e.Description)));
                //	}

                if (userResult.Succeeded)
                    var resultRole      = userManager.AddToRoleAsync(user, role.Name).GetAwaiter().GetResult();
                    var resultClaimRole = userManager.AddClaimAsync(user, new System.Security.Claims.Claim(ClaimTypes.Role, "Dentist")).GetAwaiter().GetResult();
        private static void SeedPatients(DentHubContext dbContext, string[][] patients, UserManager <DentHubUser> userManager, RoleManager <IdentityRole> roleManager)
            foreach (var patient in patients)
                var user = new DentHubUser
                    UserName  = patient[1],
                    FirstName = patient[3],
                    LastName  = patient[4],
                    Email     = patient[1],
                    SSN       = patient[5],

                var userResult = userManager.CreateAsync(user, patient[2]).GetAwaiter().GetResult();
                var role       = roleManager.FindByNameAsync(patient[0]).GetAwaiter().GetResult();

                //if (role == null)
                //    var result = roleManager.CreateAsync(new IdentityRole(roleName)).GetAwaiter().GetResult();

                //    if (!result.Succeeded)
                //    {
                //        throw new Exception(string.Join(Environment.NewLine, result.Errors.Select(e => e.Description)));
                //    }

                //if (user == null)
                //	var result = userManager.CreateAsync(new DentHubUser(GlobalConstants.AdminUserName)).GetAwaiter().GetResult();

                //	if (!result.Succeeded)
                //	{
                //		throw new Exception(string.Join(Environment.NewLine, result.Errors.Select(e => e.Description)));
                //	}

                if (userResult.Succeeded)
                    var resultRole      = userManager.AddToRoleAsync(user, role.Name).GetAwaiter().GetResult();
                    var resultClaimRole = userManager.AddClaimAsync(user, new System.Security.Claims.Claim(ClaimTypes.Role, "Patient")).GetAwaiter().GetResult();
 private static void SeedClinics(DentHubContext dbContext, string[][] clinics)
     foreach (var clinic in clinics)
         var newClinic = new Clinic
             //Id = int.Parse(clinic[0]),
             Name         = clinic[1],
             Street       = clinic[2],
             City         = clinic[3],
             Country      = clinic[4],
             PostalCode   = clinic[5],
             WorkingHours = clinic[6]
Exemple #24
        public async Task GetAllPatientAppointments_WithValidId_ShouldReturnAppointments()
            var options = new DbContextOptionsBuilder <DentHubContext>()
                          .UseInMemoryDatabase(databaseName: Guid.NewGuid().ToString())  // Give a Unique name to the DB
            var dbContext   = new DentHubContext(options);
            var appointment = new Appointment
                Id        = 11,
                ClinicId  = 1,
                DentistID = "1",
                PatientId = "1",
                Status    = Status.Booked
            var appointment2 = new Appointment
                Id        = 12,
                ClinicId  = 1,
                DentistID = "2",
                PatientId = "1",
                Status    = Status.Booked
            var appointment3 = new Appointment
                Id        = 13,
                ClinicId  = 1,
                DentistID = "2",
                PatientId = "2",
                Status    = Status.Booked

            await dbContext.SaveChangesAsync();

            var repository       = new DbRepository <Appointment>(dbContext);
            var ratingRepository = new DbRepository <Rating>(dbContext);
            var service          = new AppointmentService(repository, ratingRepository);
            var result           = service.GetAllPatientAppointments("1");

            Assert.Equal(new Appointment[] { appointment, appointment2 }, result);
Exemple #25
        public async Task GetPatientById_WithValidId_ShouldReturnPatient()
            var options = new DbContextOptionsBuilder <DentHubContext>()
                          .UseInMemoryDatabase(databaseName: Guid.NewGuid().ToString())  // Give a Unique name to the DB
            var dbContext = new DentHubContext(options);
            var patient   = new DentHubUser
                Id          = "1",
                SSN         = "123456",
                Email       = "*****@*****.**",
                FirstName   = "Test",
                LastName    = "LastName",
                IsActive    = true,
                PhoneNumber = "1234",
                UserName    = "******",
            var patient2 = new DentHubUser
                Id          = "2",
                SSN         = "1234567",
                Email       = "*****@*****.**",
                FirstName   = "Test2",
                LastName    = "LastName2",
                IsActive    = true,
                PhoneNumber = "123456",
                UserName    = "******",

            await dbContext.SaveChangesAsync();

            var userRepository        = new DbRepository <DentHubUser>(dbContext);
            var appointmentRepository = new DbRepository <Appointment>(dbContext);
            var ratingRepository      = new DbRepository <Rating>(dbContext);
            var appointmentService    = new AppointmentService(appointmentRepository, ratingRepository);
            var service = new PatientService(userRepository, appointmentService);
            var result  = service.GetPatientById("2");

            Assert.Same(patient2, result);
Exemple #26
        public async Task CreateFileAsync_WithValidPrerequisites_ShouldCreateFile()
            var options = new DbContextOptionsBuilder <DentHubContext>()
                          .UseInMemoryDatabase(databaseName: Guid.NewGuid().ToString()) // Give a Unique name to the DB
            var dbContext = new DentHubContext(options);

            var patientFile = new PatientFile
                CreatedById = "1",
                DateCreated = new DateTime(2019, 1, 1, 10, 30, 0),
                Description = "description",
                FileType    = FileType.Assesment,
                Name        = "Name",
                PatientId   = "1",
                FileUrl     = "",

            var createdById = "1";
            var dateCreated = new DateTime(2019, 1, 1, 10, 30, 0);
            var description = "description";
            var fileType    = FileType.Assesment;
            var name        = "Name";
            var patientId   = "1";
            var fileUrl     = "";


            var patientFileRepository = new DbRepository <PatientFile>(dbContext);
            var service = new PatientFileService(patientFileRepository);
            await service.CreateFileAsync(name,
                                          fileType, patientId, fileUrl,
                                          description, createdById, dateCreated);

            var result = dbContext.PatientFiles
                         .FirstOrDefaultAsync(f => f.FileUrl == fileUrl)

            Assert.Equal(patientFile, result);
        public async Task GetDentistById_WithValidIdAndNoSpecialty_ShouldReturnException()
            var options = new DbContextOptionsBuilder <DentHubContext>()
                          .UseInMemoryDatabase(databaseName: Guid.NewGuid().ToString())  // Give a Unique name to the DB
            var dbContext = new DentHubContext(options);
            var dentist   = new DentHubUser
                Id          = "20",
                SpecialtyId = 1,
                Email       = "*****@*****.**",
                FirstName   = "Test",
                LastName    = "LastName",
                IsActive    = false,
                PhoneNumber = "1234",
                UserName    = "******",
            var dentist2 = new DentHubUser
                Id          = "21",
                Specialty   = null,
                Email       = "*****@*****.**",
                FirstName   = "Test2",
                LastName    = "LastName2",
                IsActive    = true,
                PhoneNumber = "123456",
                UserName    = "******",

            await dbContext.SaveChangesAsync();

            var userRepository        = new DbRepository <DentHubUser>(dbContext);
            var appointmentRepository = new DbRepository <Appointment>(dbContext);
            var ratingRepository      = new DbRepository <Rating>(dbContext);
            var appointmentService    = new AppointmentService(appointmentRepository, ratingRepository);
            var service = new DentistService(userRepository, appointmentService);

            Assert.Throws <ArgumentException>(() => service.GetDentistById("21"));
Exemple #28
        public async Task GetPatientById_WithValidIdAndNoSSN_ShouldReturnException()
            var options = new DbContextOptionsBuilder <DentHubContext>()
                          .UseInMemoryDatabase(databaseName: Guid.NewGuid().ToString())  // Give a Unique name to the DB
            var dbContext = new DentHubContext(options);
            var patient5  = new DentHubUser
                Id          = "5",
                SSN         = "123456",
                Email       = "*****@*****.**",
                FirstName   = "Test5",
                LastName    = "LastName5",
                IsActive    = false,
                PhoneNumber = "1234",
                UserName    = "******",
            var patient6 = new DentHubUser
                Id          = "6",
                SSN         = null,
                Email       = "*****@*****.**",
                FirstName   = "Test6",
                LastName    = "LastName6",
                IsActive    = true,
                PhoneNumber = "123456",
                UserName    = "******",

            await dbContext.SaveChangesAsync();

            var userRepository        = new DbRepository <DentHubUser>(dbContext);
            var appointmentRepository = new DbRepository <Appointment>(dbContext);
            var ratingRepository      = new DbRepository <Rating>(dbContext);
            var appointmentService    = new AppointmentService(appointmentRepository, ratingRepository);
            var service = new PatientService(userRepository, appointmentService);

            Assert.Throws <ArgumentException>(() => service.GetPatientById("6"));
Exemple #29
        public void DuplicateOfferingExists_WithNoDuplicates_ShouldReturnFalse()
            var options = new DbContextOptionsBuilder <DentHubContext>()
                          .UseInMemoryDatabase(databaseName: Guid.NewGuid().ToString())  // Give a Unique name to the DB
            var dbContext = new DentHubContext(options);

            var repository       = new DbRepository <Appointment>(dbContext);
            var ratingRepository = new DbRepository <Rating>(dbContext);
            var service          = new AppointmentService(repository, ratingRepository);

            var user = new DentHubUser()
                Id        = "2",
                FirstName = "Test2",
                LastName  = "Dentist",

            var appointment = new Appointment
                Id        = 31,
                ClinicId  = 1,
                DentistID = "2",
                TimeStart = new DateTime(2019, 05, 05, 10, 0, 0),
                TimeEnd   = new DateTime(2019, 05, 05, 10, 30, 0),
                Status    = Status.Offering,


            var timeStart = new DateTime(2019, 05, 05, 10, 30, 0);
            var timeEnd   = new DateTime(2019, 05, 05, 11, 00, 0);

            var result = service.DuplicateOfferingExists
                             (user, timeStart, timeEnd);

Exemple #30
        public void GetAllActiveDentists_WithInvalidDentists_ShouldReturnEmptyDentistsCollection()
            var options = new DbContextOptionsBuilder <DentHubContext>()
                          .UseInMemoryDatabase(databaseName: Guid.NewGuid().ToString()) // Give a Unique name to the DB
            var dbContext = new DentHubContext(options);

            var patient = new DentHubUser
                Id        = "1",
                IsActive  = false,
                FirstName = "Patient 1",
                LastName  = "Test",
                SSN       = "123"

            var patient2 = new DentHubUser
                Id        = "2",
                IsActive  = true,
                FirstName = "Dentist 2",
                LastName  = "Test2",
                SSN       = null,


            var userRepository        = new DbRepository <DentHubUser>(dbContext);
            var appointmentRepository = new DbRepository <Appointment>(dbContext);
            var ratingRepository      = new DbRepository <Rating>(dbContext);
            var appointmentService    = new AppointmentService(appointmentRepository, ratingRepository);
            var service = new PatientService(userRepository, appointmentService);
            var result  = service.GetAllActivePatients();
