public ActionResult DemoIndex(Page <DemoModel> model) { if (model.CurrentPage <= 0) { model.CurrentPage = 1; } StringBuilder where = new StringBuilder("where 1=1"); if (model.Item != null) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.Item.Name)) { where.AppendFormat(" and Name like '%{0}%' ", model.Item.Name.Trim()); } if (model.Item.DemoRedioButton != null) { where.AppendFormat(" and DemoRedioButton = {0} ", model.Item.DemoRedioButton.Value); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.Item.DemoCheckBox)) { where.AppendFormat(" and DemoCheckBox like '%{0}%' ", model.Item.DemoCheckBox.Trim()); } if (model.Item.DemoSelected != null) { where.AppendFormat(" and DemoSelected = {0} ", model.Item.DemoSelected.Value); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.Item.DemoTextArea)) { where.AppendFormat(" and DemoTextArea like '%{0}%' ", model.Item.DemoTextArea.Trim()); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.Item.DemoText)) { where.AppendFormat(" and DemoText like '%{0}%' ", model.Item.DemoText.Trim()); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.Item.Phone)) { where.AppendFormat(" and Phone like '%{0}%' ", model.Item.Phone.Trim()); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.Item.IDCard)) { where.AppendFormat(" and IDCard like '%{0}%' ", model.Item.IDCard.Trim()); } if (model.Item.DelFlag != null) { where.AppendFormat(" and DelFlag = {0} ", model.Item.DelFlag.Value); } } var page = DemoModel.Page(model.CurrentPage, MTConfig.ItemsPerPage, where.ToString(), model.Item); page.Item = model.Item; LogDAL.AppendSQLLog(MTConfig.CurrentUserID, typeof(DemoModel)); return(View(page)); }