Exemple #1
        /// <summary>
        /// As the accumilation conveyor length is not set conventually it is set via positions, outfeedsection
        /// infeedsection and AccPitch. We have to wait until all these are set. So we need this method to place
        /// transition points.
        /// </summary>
        public void ConvLocationConfiguration(string level)
            // TransportSection.Route.InsertActionPoint(ExitPoint, Length);
            // TransportSection.Route.InsertActionPoint(EnterPoint, 0);
            foreach (AccumulationSensor sensor in sensors)
                int convPosName;
                if (int.TryParse(sensor.sensor.Name, out convPosName) && convPosName == 0)
                    sensor.sensor.OnEnter += sensor_OnEnter1;
                    sensor.sensor.OnLeave += sensor_OnLeave;
                    Location1              = sensor.sensor;
                    //Location1.LocName = string.Format("{0}{1}{2}{3}{4}", AisleNumber.ToString().PadLeft(2, '0'), (char)Side, Level.ToString().PadLeft(2, '0'), (char)ConveyorTypes.Drop, "B");
                    Location1.LocName = string.Format("{0}{1}{2}{3}{4}", AisleNumber.ToString().PadLeft(2, '0'), (char)Side, level, (char)ConveyorTypes.Drop, "B");
                else if (int.TryParse(sensor.sensor.Name, out convPosName) && convPosName == 1)
                    sensor.sensor.OnEnter += sensor_OnEnter2;
                    sensor.sensor.OnLeave += sensor_OnLeave;
                    Location2              = sensor.sensor;
                    //Location2.LocName = string.Format("{0}{1}{2}{3}{4}", AisleNumber.ToString().PadLeft(2, '0'), (char)Side, Level.ToString().PadLeft(2, '0'), (char)ConveyorTypes.Drop, "A");
                    Location2.LocName = string.Format("{0}{1}{2}{3}{4}", AisleNumber.ToString().PadLeft(2, '0'), (char)Side, level, (char)ConveyorTypes.Drop, "A");

            //  Location1.Visible = true;
Exemple #2
        /// <summary>
        /// As the accumilation conveyor length is not set conventually it is set via positions, outfeedsection
        /// infeedsection and AccPitch. We have to wait until all these are set. So we need this method to place
        /// transition points.
        /// </summary>
        public void ConvLocationConfiguration(string level)
            Leaving.OnEnter += Leaving_OnEnter;
            RouteStatus nextRouteStatus = new RouteStatus()
                Available = RouteStatuses.Available

            NextRouteStatus  = nextRouteStatus;
            Leaving.Distance = Length;

            foreach (AccumulationSensor sensor in sensors)
                //The accumilation conveyor PEC last (wrt the load travel direction) position is called "0", this is position 2 for the multishuttle.
                //The accumilation conveyor PEC second from last position (wrt the load travel direction) is called "1", this is position 1 for the multishuttle.

                int convPosName;
                if (int.TryParse(sensor.sensor.Name, out convPosName) && convPosName == 0)
                    LocationB         = sensor.sensor;
                    LocationB.LocName = string.Format("{0}{1}{2}{3}{4}", AisleNumber.ToString().PadLeft(2, '0'), (char)Side, level, (char)ConveyorTypes.Pick, "B");
                    sensor.sensor.OnEnter += sensor_OnEnterB;
                    //sensor.sensor.OnLeave         += sensor_OnLeave2;
                    //sensor.sensor.leaving.Edge     = ActionPoint.Edges.Leading;
                    //sensor.sensor.leaving.Distance = sensor.sensor.leaving.Distance + 0.02f;//ParentMultiShuttle.workarround; //Workaround for a load switiching to another conveyor whilst blocking a sensor, hopfully Xcelgo will fix this
                else if (int.TryParse(sensor.sensor.Name, out convPosName) && convPosName == 1)
                    LocationA         = sensor.sensor;
                    LocationA.LocName = string.Format("{0}{1}{2}{3}{4}", AisleNumber.ToString().PadLeft(2, '0'), (char)Side, level, (char)ConveyorTypes.Pick, "A");
                    sensor.sensor.OnEnter += sensor_OnEnterA;
            LocationB.Visible = false;
Exemple #3
        /// <summary>
        /// As the accumilation conveyor length is not set conventually it is set via positions, outfeedsection
        /// infeedsection and AccPitch. We have to wait until all these are set. So we need this method to place
        /// transition points.
        /// </summary>
        public void ConvLocationConfiguration(string level)
            foreach (AccumulationSensor sensor in sensors)
                int convPosName;
                if (int.TryParse(sensor.sensor.Name, out convPosName) && convPosName == 0)
                    sensor.sensor.OnEnter += sensor_OnEnter1;
                    sensor.sensor.OnLeave += sensor_OnLeave;
                    Location1              = sensor.sensor;
                    Location1.LocName      = string.Format("{0}{1}{2}{3}{4}", AisleNumber.ToString().PadLeft(2, '0'), (char)Side, level, (char)ConveyorTypes.Drop, "B");
                else if (int.TryParse(sensor.sensor.Name, out convPosName) && convPosName == 1)
                    sensor.sensor.OnEnter += sensor_OnEnter2;
                    sensor.sensor.OnLeave += sensor_OnLeave;
                    Location2              = sensor.sensor;
                    Location2.LocName      = string.Format("{0}{1}{2}{3}{4}", AisleNumber.ToString().PadLeft(2, '0'), (char)Side, level, (char)ConveyorTypes.Drop, "A");

Exemple #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Tasks are split into elevator task and shuttle task this method gives you the corrent rack location (i.e. the destination for an infeed elevator task)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="messageA">Can be either a full message or just the destination</param>
        /// <param name="multipal">We need to know if it is multipal as we need to know if we need to extract destinations or destination</param>
        /// <returns>A rack destination that the assembly will understand</returns>
        private string GetRackDestinationFromDCIBinLocation(string telegram, int blockPosition)
            string dest = null, current = null;

            current = telegram.GetFieldValue(this, TelegramFields.Current, blockPosition);
            dest    = telegram.GetFieldValue(this, TelegramFields.Destination, blockPosition);

            //Need to make the intermediate position to the rack conveyor
            //takes the form aasyyxz: aa=aisle, s = side, yy = level, x = conv type see enum ConveyorTypes , Z = loc A or B e.g. 01R05OA
            //The actual final destination from the message is stored on a load parameter and this will be used when creating the shuttle task

            MultiShuttle ms             = GetMultishuttleFromAisleNum(GetPSDSLocFields(current, PSDSRackLocFields.Aisle));
            string       destinationLoc = string.Format("{0}{1}{2}IA", GetPSDSLocFields(current, PSDSRackLocFields.Aisle), GetPSDSLocFields(current, PSDSRackLocFields.Side), GetBinLocField(dest, BinLocFields.YLoc));

            DematicActionPoint ap = ms.ConveyorLocations.Find(x => x.LocName == destinationLoc);

            if (ap == null)
                Log.Write("Can't find location in MHEController_Multishuttle.GetRackDestinationFromDCIBinLocation.", Color.Red);

Exemple #5
        private void SendULData()
            foreach (MultiShuttle ms in multishuttles)
                var dematicActionPoints = ms.ConveyorLocations.FindAll(x => x.Active);
                var caseLoads           = dematicActionPoints.Select(x => x.ActiveLoad);

                foreach (Case_Load caseload in caseLoads)
                    CaseData cData = (CaseData)caseload.Case_Data;

                    if (cData.CurrentPosition.Length == 0)

                    //MSC sends type 31 for every place (other than the PS) which has unit load data
                    if (cData.CurrentPosition.Datcom_Location() == "P")

                    string body = CreateMissionDataSetBody(cData);

                    SendTelegram("31", body, 1);

                    if (cData.CurrentPosition.Length >= 10 && cData.CurrentPosition.Datcom_Location() == "I" && cData.CurrentPosition.Datcom_X_horizontal() == "002" && cData.DestinationPosition.Datcom_Location() != "I")
                        //Caseload is on infeed rack conveyor position 002. Destination is not Infeed so shuttle car has got a mission. Send 31 with current position = shuttle car and status 02 pending.

                        //Remap will be sent from two locations:
                        //1. From Rack Conveyor, present location is rack conveyor (pos2), status ‘00’
                        //2. From shuttle car, present location is shuttle car with mission status ‘02’ (Pending)
                        //If mission is not also remapped from shuttle, MFH should re-send mission.
                        //If mission reported from shuttle but status is not ’02’, remap should be failed.
                        //If mission is remapped from shuttle only with status ‘02’. This should also cause remap failure.

                        //Create telegram body with mission status 02 pending and current is shuttlecar
                        string current = cData.CurrentPosition;
                        string level   = current.Substring(8, 2);
                        cData.CurrentPosition = "S" + ms.AisleNumber + "     " + level;
                        cData.MissionStatus   = "02";
                        body = CreateMissionDataSetBody(cData);

                        //Restore current and mission status
                        cData.CurrentPosition = current;
                        cData.MissionStatus   = "00";

                        SendTelegram("31", body, 1);

                foreach (PickStationConveyor conv in ms.PickStationConveyors)
                    //MSC sends type 35 for Pick Station unit loads

                    DematicActionPoint ap1 = conv.LocationA;
                    DematicActionPoint ap2 = conv.LocationB;

                    if (ap2.Active)
                        Case_Load caseload2 = ap2.ActiveLoad as Case_Load;


                        //update current position
                        ((CaseData)caseload2.Case_Data).CurrentPosition = string.Format("P{0}{1}{2}001{3}",
                                                                                        ap2.LocName.AisleNumber().ToString().PadLeft(2, '0'),
                                                                                        ap2.LocName.Level()); //TODO elevator group

                        Case_Load caseload1 = ap1.ActiveLoad as Case_Load;

                        if (caseload1 != null)
                            //update current position
                            //update current position
                            ((CaseData)caseload1.Case_Data).CurrentPosition = string.Format("P{0}{1}{2}002{3}",
                                                                                            ap1.LocName.AisleNumber().ToString().PadLeft(2, '0'),
                                                                                            ap1.LocName.Level()); //TODO elevator group

                        string body = CreatePickStationDataSetBody(caseload2, caseload1);
                        SendTelegram("35", body, 1);
Exemple #6
        private void TUMissionMultiBlock(string telegram)
            string             currentLoc = string.Empty;
            DematicActionPoint locA = null, locB = null;
            MultiShuttle       ms = null;

            TelegramTypes type = telegram.GetTelegramType(this);

            //List<string> indexTags;
            //List<string> messageBodies = Telegrams.DeMultaplise(telegram, telegram.GetTelegramType(), out indexTags);
            //string[] messageBodySplit  = messageBodies.First().Split(',');//don't care which message is used as both on the same conveyor
            string current = telegram.GetFieldValue(this, TelegramFields.Current);
            string destLoc0 = telegram.GetFieldValue(this, TelegramFields.Destination, 0);
            string destLoc1 = telegram.GetFieldValue(this, TelegramFields.Destination, 1);
            string tuIdent0 = telegram.GetFieldValue(this, TelegramFields.TUIdent, 0);
            string tuIdent1 = telegram.GetFieldValue(this, TelegramFields.TUIdent, 1);
            string aisle = GetPSDSLocFields(current, PSDSRackLocFields.Aisle);
            string side = GetPSDSLocFields(current, PSDSRackLocFields.Side);
            string destA = null, destB = null;

            // takes the form aasyyxz: aa=aisle, s = side, yy = level, x = conv type see enum ConveyorTypes , Z = loc A or B e.g. 01R05OA
            string loc = string.Format("{0}{1}{2}P", aisle, side, GetPSDSLocFields(current, PSDSRackLocFields.Level));

            ms   = GetMultishuttleFromAisleNum(loc + "A");
            locA = ms.ConveyorLocations.Find(x => x.LocName == loc + "A");
            locB = ms.ConveyorLocations.Find(x => x.LocName == loc + "B");

            if ((locA != null && locA.Active) && (locB != null && locB.Active))
                string messageA = telegram.Split(',').ToList().Find(x => x.Contains(locA.ActiveLoad.Identification));
                string messageB = telegram.Split(',').ToList().Find(x => x.Contains(locB.ActiveLoad.Identification));

                if (destLoc0 == null || destLoc1 == null)
                    Log.Write(string.Format("{0}: Invalid destinations sent in TUMission - Logically Grouped", Name), Color.Red);

                if (telegram.GetFieldValue(this, TelegramFields.Destination, 0).LocationType() == LocationTypes.DropStation)  //Assume that both going to DS
                    destA = string.Format("{0}{1}{2}{3}A", aisle,
                                          GetPSDSLocFields(destLoc0, PSDSRackLocFields.Level),
                                          GetPSDSLocFields(destLoc0, PSDSRackLocFields.ConvType));
                    destB = destA;
                else if (telegram.GetFieldValue(this, TelegramFields.Destination).LocationType() == LocationTypes.RackConvIn)
                    //need to calculate which way around the loads are on the PS and ensure that the elevator task is correct
                    if (locA.ActiveLoad.Identification == tuIdent0)
                        destA = string.Format("{0}{1}{2}{3}B", aisle, side, GetLocFields(destLoc0, PSDSRackLocFields.Level), GetLocFields(destLoc0, PSDSRackLocFields.ConvType));
                    else if (locA.ActiveLoad.Identification == tuIdent1)
                        destA = string.Format("{0}{1}{2}{3}B", aisle, side, GetLocFields(destLoc1, PSDSRackLocFields.Level), GetLocFields(destLoc1, PSDSRackLocFields.ConvType));
                        Log.Write(string.Format("Error {0}: The tuIdent at the PS does not match the tuIdent in the TU Mission - Logically Grouped (Position A"), Color.Orange);

                    if (locB.ActiveLoad.Identification == tuIdent0)
                        destB = string.Format("{0}{1}{2}{3}B", aisle, side, GetLocFields(destLoc0, PSDSRackLocFields.Level), GetLocFields(destLoc0, PSDSRackLocFields.ConvType));
                    else if (locB.ActiveLoad.Identification == tuIdent1)
                        destB = string.Format("{0}{1}{2}{3}B", aisle, side, GetLocFields(destLoc1, PSDSRackLocFields.Level), GetLocFields(destLoc1, PSDSRackLocFields.ConvType));
                        Log.Write(string.Format("Error {0}: The tuIdent at the PS does not match the tuIdent in the TU Mission - Logically Grouped (Position A"), Color.Orange);
                    destA = GetRackDestinationFromDCIBinLocation(telegram, 0);
                    destB = GetRackDestinationFromDCIBinLocation(telegram, 1);

                if (messageA != null && messageB != null)
                    ElevatorTask et = new ElevatorTask(locA.ActiveLoad.Identification, locB.ActiveLoad.Identification)
                        LoadCycle        = Cycle.Double,
                        Flow             = TaskType.Infeed,
                        SourceLoadA      = locA.LocName,
                        SourceLoadB      = locB.LocName,
                        DestinationLoadA = destA,
                        DestinationLoadB = destB,
                        UnloadCycle      = Cycle.Single
                    if (et.DestinationLoadA == et.DestinationLoadB)
                        et.UnloadCycle = Cycle.Double;

                    UpDateLoadParameters(telegram, (Case_Load)locA.ActiveLoad, 1);
                    UpDateLoadParameters(telegram, (Case_Load)locB.ActiveLoad, 0);

                    ms.elevators.First(x => x.ElevatorName == side + aisle).ElevatorTasks.Add(et);
                    Log.Write("ERROR: Load ids from telegram do not match active load ids in TU Mission - Logically Grouped", Color.Red);
                Log.Write("ERROR: Can't find locations or can't find loads on the locations named in TU Mission - Logically Grouped", Color.Red);