public double MoonPhase(double JD)
            Object3   CelObject = new Object3();
            OnSurface onSurface = new OnSurface();
            CatEntry3 catEntry3 = new CatEntry3();
            SkyPos    Output1   = new SkyPos();
            SkyPos    Output2   = new SkyPos();
            Observer  Location  = new Observer();
            double    DeltaT    = DeltatCode.DeltaTCalc(JD);

            CelObject.Name   = "Moon";
            CelObject.Number = Body.Moon;
            CelObject.Star   = catEntry3;
            CelObject.Type   = ASCOM.Astrometry.ObjectType.MajorPlanetSunOrMoon;
            Location.OnSurf  = onSurface;
            Location.Where   = ObserverLocation.EarthGeoCenter;
            int num1 = (int)Nov31.Place(JD + DeltaT * 1.15740740740741E-05, CelObject, Location, DeltaT, CoordSys.EquinoxOfDate, Accuracy.Full, ref Output2);

            CelObject.Name   = "Sun";
            CelObject.Number = Body.Sun;
            CelObject.Star   = catEntry3;
            CelObject.Type   = ASCOM.Astrometry.ObjectType.MajorPlanetSunOrMoon;
            int num2 = (int)Nov31.Place(JD + DeltaT * 1.15740740740741E-05, CelObject, Location, DeltaT, CoordSys.EquinoxOfDate, Accuracy.Full, ref Output1);

            return(Range((Output2.RA - Output1.RA) * 15.0, -180.0, false, 180.0, true));
        public double DeltaUT(double JulianDate)
            double num = (double)UtcTaiOffset + 4023.0 / 125.0 - DeltatCode.DeltaTCalc(JulianDate);

            TL.LogMessage("DeltaUT", "Returning: " + Conversions.ToString(num) + " at Julian date: " + Conversions.ToString(JulianDate));
        public double MoonIllumination(double JD)
            Object3   CelObject = new Object3();
            OnSurface onSurface = new OnSurface();
            CatEntry3 catEntry3 = new CatEntry3();
            SkyPos    Output1   = new SkyPos();
            SkyPos    Output2   = new SkyPos();
            Observer  Location  = new Observer();
            double    DeltaT    = DeltatCode.DeltaTCalc(JD);

            CelObject.Name   = "Moon";
            CelObject.Number = Body.Moon;
            CelObject.Star   = catEntry3;
            CelObject.Type   = ASCOM.Astrometry.ObjectType.MajorPlanetSunOrMoon;
            Location.OnSurf  = onSurface;
            Location.Where   = ObserverLocation.EarthGeoCenter;
            int num1 = (int)Nov31.Place(JD + DeltaT * 1.15740740740741E-05, CelObject, Location, DeltaT, CoordSys.EquinoxOfDate, Accuracy.Full, ref Output2);

            CelObject.Name   = "Sun";
            CelObject.Number = Body.Sun;
            CelObject.Star   = catEntry3;
            CelObject.Type   = ASCOM.Astrometry.ObjectType.MajorPlanetSunOrMoon;
            int    num2 = (int)Nov31.Place(JD + DeltaT * 1.15740740740741E-05, CelObject, Location, DeltaT, CoordSys.EquinoxOfDate, Accuracy.Full, ref Output1);
            double num3 = Math.Acos(Math.Sin(Output1.Dec * (Math.PI / 180.0)) * Math.Sin(Output2.Dec * (Math.PI / 180.0)) + Math.Cos(Output1.Dec * (Math.PI / 180.0)) * Math.Cos(Output2.Dec * (Math.PI / 180.0)) * Math.Cos((Output1.RA - Output2.RA) * 15.0 * (Math.PI / 180.0)));

            return((1.0 + Math.Cos(Math.Atan2(Output1.Dis * Math.Sin(num3), Output2.Dis - Output1.Dis * Math.Cos(num3)))) / 2.0);
        public double DeltaT()
            double julianDate = Utl.JulianDate;
            double num        = DeltatCode.DeltaTCalc(julianDate);

            TL.LogMessage("DeltaT", "Returned: " + Conversions.ToString(num) + " at Julian date: " + Conversions.ToString(julianDate));
Exemple #5
        private void J2000ToTopo()
            double   DeltaT;
            double   DUT1      = 0;
            double   JDUTCSofa = 0;
            double   aob       = 0;
            double   zob       = 0;
            double   hob       = 0;
            double   dob       = 0;
            double   rob       = 0;
            double   eo        = 0;
            DateTime JDUTCSofaDateTime;

            if (double.IsNaN(SiteElevValue))
                throw (new Exceptions.TransformUninitialisedException("Site elevation has not been set"));
            if (double.IsNaN(SiteLatValue))
                throw (new Exceptions.TransformUninitialisedException("Site latitude has not been set"));
            if (double.IsNaN(SiteLongValue))
                throw (new Exceptions.TransformUninitialisedException("Site longitude has not been set"));
            if (double.IsNaN(SiteTempValue))
                throw (new Exceptions.TransformUninitialisedException("Site temperature has not been set"));

            JDUTCSofa = GetJDUTCSofa();
            DeltaT    = System.Convert.ToDouble(DeltatCode.DeltaTCalc(JDUTCSofa));
            DUT1      = System.Convert.ToDouble(DeltaUT(JDUTCSofa));

            JDUTCSofaDateTime = Julian2DateTime(JDUTCSofa);

            if (RefracValue) // Include refraction
                SOFA.CelestialToObserved(RAJ2000Value * HOURS2RADIANS, DECJ2000Value * DEGREES2RADIANS, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, JDUTCSofa, 0.0, DUT1, SiteLongValue * DEGREES2RADIANS, SiteLatValue * DEGREES2RADIANS, SiteElevValue, 0.0, 0.0, 1000.0, SiteTempValue, 0.8, 0.57, ref aob, ref zob, ref hob, ref dob, ref rob, ref eo);
            else // No refraction
                SOFA.CelestialToObserved(RAJ2000Value * HOURS2RADIANS, DECJ2000Value * DEGREES2RADIANS, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, JDUTCSofa, 0.0, DUT1, SiteLongValue * DEGREES2RADIANS, SiteLatValue * DEGREES2RADIANS, SiteElevValue, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, ref aob, ref zob, ref hob, ref dob, ref rob, ref eo);

            RATopoValue        = System.Convert.ToDouble(SOFA.Anp(rob - eo) * RADIANS2HOURS); // // Convert CIO RA to equinox of date RA by subtracting the equation of the origins and convert from radians to hours
            DECTopoValue       = dob * RADIANS2DEGREES;                                       // Convert Dec from radians to degrees
            AzimuthTopoValue   = aob * RADIANS2DEGREES;
            ElevationTopoValue = System.Convert.ToDouble(90.0 - zob * RADIANS2DEGREES);
Exemple #6
        private void J2000ToTopo()
            if (double.IsNaN(this.SiteElevValue))
                throw new TransformUninitialisedException("Site elevation has not been set");
            if (double.IsNaN(this.SiteLatValue))
                throw new TransformUninitialisedException("Site latitude has not been set");
            if (double.IsNaN(this.SiteLongValue))
                throw new TransformUninitialisedException("Site longitude has not been set");
            if (double.IsNaN(this.SiteTempValue))
                throw new TransformUninitialisedException("Site temperature has not been set");
            double jdutcSofa = this.GetJDUTCSofa();

            double dut1 = this.AstroUtl.DeltaUT(jdutcSofa);

            double aob = 0;
            double zob = 0;
            double hob = 0;
            double dob = 0;
            double rob = 0;
            double eo  = 0;

            if (this.RefracValue)
                this.SOFA.CelestialToObserved(this.RAJ2000Value * (Math.PI / 12.0), this.DECJ2000Value * (Math.PI / 180.0), 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, jdutcSofa, 0.0, dut1, this.SiteLongValue * (Math.PI / 180.0), this.SiteLatValue * (Math.PI / 180.0), this.SiteElevValue, 0.0, 0.0, 1000.0, this.SiteTempValue, 0.8, 0.57, ref aob, ref zob, ref hob, ref dob, ref rob, ref eo);
                this.SOFA.CelestialToObserved(this.RAJ2000Value * (Math.PI / 12.0), this.DECJ2000Value * (Math.PI / 180.0), 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, jdutcSofa, 0.0, dut1, this.SiteLongValue * (Math.PI / 180.0), this.SiteLatValue * (Math.PI / 180.0), this.SiteElevValue, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, ref aob, ref zob, ref hob, ref dob, ref rob, ref eo);
            this.RATopoValue        = this.SOFA.Anp(rob - eo) * (12.0 / Math.PI);
            this.DECTopoValue       = dob * (180.0 / Math.PI);
            this.AzimuthTopoValue   = aob * (180.0 / Math.PI);
            this.ElevationTopoValue = 90.0 - zob * (180.0 / Math.PI);
            this.TL.LogMessage("  J2000 To Topo", "  Topocentric RA/DEC (including refraction if specified):  " + this.FormatRA(this.RATopoValue) + " " + this.FormatDec(this.DECTopoValue) + " Refraction: " + this.RefracValue.ToString() + ", " + Strings.FormatNumber((object)this.Sw.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds, 2, TriState.UseDefault, TriState.UseDefault, TriState.UseDefault) + "ms");
            this.TL.LogMessage("  J2000 To Topo", "  Azimuth/Elevation: " + this.FormatDec(this.AzimuthTopoValue) + " " + this.FormatDec(this.ElevationTopoValue) + ", " + Strings.FormatNumber((object)this.Sw.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds, 2, TriState.UseDefault, TriState.UseDefault, TriState.UseDefault) + "ms");
            this.TL.LogMessage("  J2000 To Topo", "  Completed");
Exemple #7
        public bool SetFromSiteJD(Site site, double ujd, double delta_t)
            double tdb     = delta_t == 0.0 ? ujd + DeltatCode.DeltaTCalc(ujd) : ujd + delta_t;
            double tdtjd   = 0;
            double secdiff = 0;

            NOVAS2.Tdb2Tdt(tdb, ref tdtjd, ref secdiff);
            double mobl = 0;
            double tobl = 0;
            double eq   = 0;
            double dpsi = 0;
            double deps = 0;

            NOVAS2.EarthTilt(tdb + secdiff / 86400.0, ref mobl, ref tobl, ref eq, ref dpsi, ref deps);
            double gst = 0;

            NOVAS2.SiderealTime(ujd, 0.0, eq, ref gst);
            this.SetFromSite(site, gst);
        public double JulianDateUT1(double DeltaUT1)
            if (DeltaUT1 <-0.9 | DeltaUT1> 0.9)
                throw new InvalidValueException("JulianDateUT1", DeltaUT1.ToString(), "-0.9 to +0.9");
            DateTime utcNow = DateTime.UtcNow;
            DateTime dateTime;

            if (DeltaUT1 != 0.0)
                TimeSpan timeSpan = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(DeltaUT1);
                dateTime = utcNow.Add(timeSpan);
                double num = DeltatCode.DeltaTCalc(Nov31.JulianDate(Convert.ToInt16(utcNow.Year), Convert.ToInt16(utcNow.Month), Convert.ToInt16(utcNow.Day), utcNow.TimeOfDay.TotalHours));
                dateTime = utcNow.Add(TimeSpan.FromSeconds((double)UtcTaiOffset + 4023.0 / 125.0)).Subtract(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(num));
            double num1 = Nov31.JulianDate(Convert.ToInt16(dateTime.Year), Convert.ToInt16(dateTime.Month), Convert.ToInt16(dateTime.Day), dateTime.TimeOfDay.TotalHours);

            TL.LogMessage("JulianDateUT1", "Returning: " + Conversions.ToString(num1) + "at UT1: " + Strings.Format((object)dateTime, "dddd dd MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss.fff") + ", at UTC: " + Strings.Format((object)utcNow, "dddd dd MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss.fff"));
Exemple #9
        public double DeltaUT(double JulianDate)
            double DUT1 = 0;

            DUT1 = System.Convert.ToDouble(GlobalItems.TAI_UTC_OFFSET + GlobalItems.TT_TAI_OFFSET - DeltatCode.DeltaTCalc(JulianDate));
        private ASCOM.Astrometry.AstroUtils.AstroUtils.BodyInfo BodyAltitude(EventType TypeOfEvent, double JD, double Hour, double Latitude, double Longitude)
            Object3   CelObject = new Object3();
            OnSurface onSurface = new OnSurface();
            CatEntry3 catEntry3 = new CatEntry3();
            SkyPos    Output    = new SkyPos();
            Observer  Location  = new Observer();

            ASCOM.Astrometry.AstroUtils.AstroUtils.BodyInfo bodyInfo = new ASCOM.Astrometry.AstroUtils.AstroUtils.BodyInfo();
            double JdHigh = JD + Hour / 24.0;
            double DeltaT = DeltatCode.DeltaTCalc(JD);

            switch (TypeOfEvent)
            case EventType.SunRiseSunset:
            case EventType.CivilTwilight:
            case EventType.NauticalTwilight:
            case EventType.AmateurAstronomicalTwilight:
            case EventType.AstronomicalTwilight:
                CelObject.Name   = "Sun";
                CelObject.Number = Body.Sun;

            case EventType.MoonRiseMoonSet:
                CelObject.Name   = "Moon";
                CelObject.Number = Body.Moon;

            case EventType.MercuryRiseSet:
                CelObject.Name   = "Mercury";
                CelObject.Number = Body.Mercury;

            case EventType.VenusRiseSet:
                CelObject.Name   = "Venus";
                CelObject.Number = Body.Venus;

            case EventType.MarsRiseSet:
                CelObject.Name   = "Mars";
                CelObject.Number = Body.Mars;

            case EventType.JupiterRiseSet:
                CelObject.Name   = "Jupiter";
                CelObject.Number = Body.Jupiter;

            case EventType.SaturnRiseSet:
                CelObject.Name   = "Saturn";
                CelObject.Number = Body.Saturn;

            case EventType.UranusRiseSet:
                CelObject.Name   = "Uranus";
                CelObject.Number = Body.Uranus;

            case EventType.NeptuneRiseSet:
                CelObject.Name   = "Neptune";
                CelObject.Number = Body.Neptune;

            case EventType.PlutoRiseSet:
                CelObject.Name   = "Pluto";
                CelObject.Number = Body.Pluto;

                throw new InvalidValueException("TypeOfEvent", TypeOfEvent.ToString(), "Unknown type of event");
            CelObject.Star  = catEntry3;
            CelObject.Type  = ASCOM.Astrometry.ObjectType.MajorPlanetSunOrMoon;
            Location.OnSurf = onSurface;
            Location.Where  = ObserverLocation.EarthGeoCenter;
            int num1 = (int)Nov31.Place(JdHigh + DeltaT * 1.15740740740741E-05, CelObject, Location, DeltaT, CoordSys.EquinoxOfDate, Accuracy.Full, ref Output);

            bodyInfo.Distance = Output.Dis * 149597870.691;
            double Gst = 0;

            Nov31.SiderealTime(JdHigh, 0.0, DeltaT, GstType.GreenwichApparentSiderealTime, ASCOM.Astrometry.Method.EquinoxBased, Accuracy.Full, ref Gst);
            double num2 = 15.0 * (Range(Gst + Longitude * (1.0 / 15.0), 0.0, true, 24.0, false) - Output.RA);

            bodyInfo.Altitude = Math.Asin(Math.Sin(Latitude * (Math.PI / 180.0)) * Math.Sin(Output.Dec * (Math.PI / 180.0)) + Math.Cos(Latitude * (Math.PI / 180.0)) * Math.Cos(Output.Dec * (Math.PI / 180.0)) * Math.Cos(num2 * (Math.PI / 180.0))) * (180.0 / Math.PI);
            switch (TypeOfEvent)
            case EventType.MoonRiseMoonSet:
                bodyInfo.Radius = 1737.0;

            case EventType.MercuryRiseSet:
                bodyInfo.Radius = 2439.7;

            case EventType.VenusRiseSet:
                bodyInfo.Radius = 2439.7;

            case EventType.MarsRiseSet:
                bodyInfo.Radius = 3396.2;

            case EventType.JupiterRiseSet:
                bodyInfo.Radius = 69911.0;

            case EventType.SaturnRiseSet:
                bodyInfo.Radius = 6051.8;

            case EventType.UranusRiseSet:
                bodyInfo.Radius = 24973.0;

            case EventType.NeptuneRiseSet:
                bodyInfo.Radius = 24767.0;

            case EventType.PlutoRiseSet:
                bodyInfo.Radius = 1153.0;

                bodyInfo.Radius = 696342.0;
Exemple #11
        public PositionVector GetTopocentricPosition(double tjd, Site site, bool Refract)
            CatEntry star     = new CatEntry();
            SiteInfo siteInfo = new SiteInfo();

            double[] earthvector1 = new double[4];
            double[] pos2_1       = new double[4];
            double[] vel1         = new double[4];
            double[] pos2_2       = new double[4];
            double[] earthvector2 = new double[4];
            double[] pos1         = new double[4];
            double[] pos2_3       = new double[4];
            double[] pos2_4       = new double[4];
            double[] pos2_5       = new double[4];
            double[] pos2_6       = new double[4];
            double[] pos2_7       = new double[4];
            double[] vel2         = new double[4];
            double[] pos2_8       = new double[4];
            double[] bary_earthp  = new double[4];
            double[] bary_earthv  = new double[4];
            double[] helio_earthp = new double[4];
            double[] helio_earthv = new double[4];
            double[] pos2         = new double[4];
            if (!(this.m_rav & this.m_decv))
                throw new ASCOM.Astrometry.Exceptions.ValueNotSetException("Star.GetTopocentricPosition RA or DEC not available");
            double jd_high = !this.m_bDTValid ? tjd - DeltatCode.DeltaTCalc(tjd) / 86400.0 : tjd - this.m_deltat;

                siteInfo.Latitude = site.Latitude;
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw new ValueNotAvailableException("Star:GetTopocentricPosition Site.Latitude is not available");
                siteInfo.Longitude = site.Longitude;
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw new ValueNotAvailableException("Star:GetTopocentricPosition Site.Longitude is not available");
                siteInfo.Height = site.Height;
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw new ValueNotAvailableException("Star:GetTopocentricPosition Site.Height is not available");
            double tdb = 0;

   = NOVAS2.GetEarth(tjd, ref this.m_earth, ref tdb, ref bary_earthp, ref bary_earthv, ref helio_earthp, ref helio_earthv);
            if ((int) > 0)
                pos2[0] = 0.0;
                pos2[1] = 0.0;
                pos2[2] = 0.0;
                throw new NOVASFunctionException("Star.GetApparentPosition", "get_earth",;
            double mobl = 0;
            double tobl = 0;
            double eq   = 0;
            double dpsi = 0;
            double deps = 0;

            NOVAS2.EarthTilt(tdb, ref mobl, ref tobl, ref eq, ref dpsi, ref deps);
            double gst = 0;

            NOVAS2.SiderealTime(jd_high, 0.0, eq, ref gst);
            NOVAS2.Terra(ref siteInfo, gst, ref pos1, ref vel2);
            int num1 = (int)NOVAS2.Nutate(tdb, NutationDirection.TrueToMean, pos1, ref pos2_3);

            NOVAS2.Precession(tdb, pos2_3, 2451545.0, ref pos2_1);
            int num2 = (int)NOVAS2.Nutate(tdb, NutationDirection.TrueToMean, vel2, ref pos2_8);

            NOVAS2.Precession(tdb, pos2_8, 2451545.0, ref pos2_2);
            int index = 0;

                earthvector1[index] = bary_earthp[index] + pos2_1[index];
                vel1[index]         = bary_earthv[index] + pos2_2[index];
                earthvector2[index] = helio_earthp[index] + pos2_1[index];
                checked { ++index; }
            }while (index <= 2);
            star.RA             = this.m_ra;
            star.Dec            = this.m_dec;
            star.ProMoRA        = this.m_pmra;
            star.ProMoDec       = this.m_pmdec;
            star.Parallax       = this.m_plx;
            star.RadialVelocity = this.m_rv;
            NOVAS2.StarVectors(star, ref pos1, ref vel2);
            NOVAS2.ProperMotion(2451545.0, pos1, vel2, tdb, ref pos2_3);
            double lighttime = 0;

            NOVAS2.BaryToGeo(pos2_3, earthvector1, ref pos2_4, ref lighttime);
            int num3 = (int)NOVAS2.SunField(pos2_4, earthvector2, ref pos2_5);
            int num4 = (int)NOVAS2.Aberration(pos2_5, vel1, lighttime, ref pos2_6);

            NOVAS2.Precession(2451545.0, pos2_6, tdb, ref pos2_7);
            int              num5       = (int)NOVAS2.Nutate(tdb, NutationDirection.MeanToTrue, pos2_7, ref pos2);
            double           ra         = 0;
            double           dec        = 0;
            int              num6       = (int)NOVAS2.Vector2RADec(pos2, ref ra, ref dec);
            double           num7       = Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(pos2[0], 2.0) + Math.Pow(pos2[1], 2.0) + Math.Pow(pos2[2], 2.0));
            RefractionOption ref_option = RefractionOption.NoRefraction;

            if (Refract)
                bool flag = true;
                    siteInfo.Temperature = site.Temperature;
                catch (Exception ex)
                    flag = false;
                    siteInfo.Pressure = site.Pressure;
                catch (Exception ex)
                    flag = false;
                ref_option = !flag ? RefractionOption.StandardRefraction : RefractionOption.LocationRefraction;
            double zd   = 0;
            double az   = 0;
            double rar  = 0;
            double decr = 0;

            if (this.m_bDTValid)
                NOVAS2.Equ2Hor(tjd, this.m_deltat, 0.0, 0.0, ref siteInfo, ra, dec, ref_option, ref zd, ref az, ref rar, ref decr);
                NOVAS2.Equ2Hor(tjd, DeltatCode.DeltaTCalc(tjd), 0.0, 0.0, ref siteInfo, ra, dec, ref_option, ref zd, ref az, ref rar, ref decr);
            if (ref_option > RefractionOption.NoRefraction)
                NOVAS2.RADec2Vector(rar, decr, num7, ref pos2);
            return(new PositionVector(pos2[0], pos2[1], pos2[2], rar, decr, num7, num7 / 173.14463348, az, 90.0 - zd));
Exemple #12
        public PositionVector GetLocalPosition(double tjd, Site site)
            CatEntry       star           = new CatEntry();
            PositionVector positionVector = new PositionVector();
            SiteInfo       locale         = new SiteInfo();

            double[] pos2_1       = new double[4];
            double[] pos2_2       = new double[4];
            double[] earthvector1 = new double[4];
            double[] vel1         = new double[4];
            double[] earthvector2 = new double[4];
            double[] numArray     = new double[4];
            double[] pos          = new double[4];
            double[] vel2         = new double[4];
            double[] pos2_3       = new double[4];
            double[] pos2_4       = new double[4];
            double[] pos2_5       = new double[4];
            double[] pos2_6       = new double[4];
            double[] bary_earthp  = new double[4];
            double[] bary_earthv  = new double[4];
            double[] helio_earthp = new double[4];
            double[] helio_earthv = new double[4];
            double[] pos2_7       = new double[4];
            if (!(this.m_rav & this.m_decv))
                throw new ASCOM.Astrometry.Exceptions.ValueNotSetException("Star.GetLocalPosition RA or DEC not available");
            double jd_high = !this.m_bDTValid ? tjd - DeltatCode.DeltaTCalc(tjd) / 86400.0 : tjd - this.m_deltat;

            star.RA             = this.m_ra;
            star.Dec            = this.m_dec;
            star.ProMoRA        = this.m_pmra;
            star.ProMoDec       = this.m_pmdec;
            star.Parallax       = this.m_plx;
            star.RadialVelocity = this.m_rv;
                locale.Latitude = site.Latitude;
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw new ValueNotAvailableException("Star:GetLocalPosition Site.Latitude is not available");
                locale.Longitude = site.Longitude;
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw new ValueNotAvailableException("Star:GetLocalPosition Site.Longitude is not available");
                locale.Height = site.Height;
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw new ValueNotAvailableException("Star:GetLocalPosition Site.Height is not available");
            double tdb = 0;

   = NOVAS2.GetEarth(tjd, ref this.m_earth, ref tdb, ref bary_earthp, ref bary_earthv, ref helio_earthp, ref helio_earthv);
            if ((int) > 0)
                pos2_7[0] = 0.0;
                pos2_7[1] = 0.0;
                pos2_7[2] = 0.0;
                throw new NOVASFunctionException("Star.GetApparentPosition", "get_earth",;
            double mobl = 0;
            double tobl = 0;
            double eq   = 0;
            double dpsi = 0;
            double deps = 0;

            NOVAS2.EarthTilt(tdb, ref mobl, ref tobl, ref eq, ref dpsi, ref deps);
            double gst = 0;

            NOVAS2.SiderealTime(jd_high, 0.0, eq, ref gst);
            NOVAS2.Terra(ref locale, gst, ref pos, ref vel2);
            int num1 = (int)NOVAS2.Nutate(tdb, NutationDirection.TrueToMean, pos, ref pos2_3);

            NOVAS2.Precession(tdb, pos2_3, 2451545.0, ref pos2_1);
            int num2 = (int)NOVAS2.Nutate(tdb, NutationDirection.TrueToMean, vel2, ref pos2_4);

            NOVAS2.Precession(tdb, pos2_4, 2451545.0, ref pos2_2);
            int index = 0;

                earthvector1[index] = bary_earthp[index] + pos2_1[index];
                vel1[index]         = bary_earthv[index] + pos2_2[index];
                earthvector2[index] = helio_earthp[index] + pos2_1[index];
                numArray[index]     = helio_earthv[index] + pos2_2[index];
                checked { ++index; }
            }while (index <= 2);
            NOVAS2.StarVectors(star, ref pos, ref vel2);
            NOVAS2.ProperMotion(2451545.0, pos, vel2, tdb, ref pos2_3);
            double lighttime = 0;

            NOVAS2.BaryToGeo(pos2_3, earthvector1, ref pos2_5, ref lighttime);
            int num3 = (int)NOVAS2.SunField(pos2_5, earthvector2, ref pos2_6);
            int num4 = (int)NOVAS2.Aberration(pos2_6, vel1, lighttime, ref pos2_7);

            positionVector.x = pos2_7[0];
            positionVector.y = pos2_7[1];
            positionVector.z = pos2_7[2];
 public double DeltaT(double Tjd)
Exemple #14
        public PositionVector GetTopocentricPosition(double tjd, Site site, bool Refract)
            double[]  pos1         = new double[4];
            double[]  pos2_1       = new double[4];
            double[]  pos2_2       = new double[4];
            double[]  pos2_3       = new double[4];
            double[]  pos2_4       = new double[4];
            double[]  vel1         = new double[4];
            double[]  pos2_5       = new double[4];
            double[]  pos2_6       = new double[4];
            double[]  pos2_7       = new double[4];
            double[]  earthvector1 = new double[4];
            double[]  pos2         = new double[4];
            double[]  vel2         = new double[4];
            double[]  earthvector2 = new double[4];
            double[]  peb          = new double[4];
            double[]  veb          = new double[4];
            double[]  pes          = new double[4];
            double[]  ves          = new double[4];
            Object3   SsBody       = new Object3();
            OnSurface onSurface    = new OnSurface();

            if (!this.m_bDTValid)
                this.m_deltat = DeltatCode.DeltaTCalc(tjd);
            double   num1     = tjd - this.m_deltat / 86400.0;
            SiteInfo siteInfo = new SiteInfo();

                siteInfo.Latitude = site.Latitude;
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw new ValueNotAvailableException("Star:GetTopocentricPosition Site.Latitude is not available");
                siteInfo.Longitude = site.Longitude;
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw new ValueNotAvailableException("Star:GetTopocentricPosition Site.Longitude is not available");
                siteInfo.Height = site.Height;
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw new ValueNotAvailableException("Star:GetTopocentricPosition Site.Height is not available");
            PositionVector positionVector;

            if (this.m_type == BodyType.Moon & (this.m_number == 10 | this.m_number == 11))
                onSurface.Height      = site.Height;
                onSurface.Latitude    = site.Latitude;
                onSurface.Longitude   = site.Longitude;
                onSurface.Pressure    = site.Pressure;
                onSurface.Temperature = site.Temperature;
                SsBody.Number         = CommonCode.NumberToBody(this.m_number);
                SsBody.Type           = ASCOM.Astrometry.ObjectType.MajorPlanetSunOrMoon;
                RefractionOption RefOption = !Refract ? RefractionOption.NoRefraction : RefractionOption.LocationRefraction;
                double           Ra        = 0;
                double           Dec       = 0;
                double           Dis       = 0;
                this.Nov31.TopoPlanet(tjd, SsBody, this.m_deltat, onSurface, Accuracy.Full, ref Ra, ref Dec, ref Dis);
                double Zd   = 0;
                double Az   = 0;
                double RaR  = 0;
                double DecR = 0;
                this.Nov31.Equ2Hor(num1, this.m_deltat, Accuracy.Full, 0.0, 0.0, onSurface, Ra, Dec, RefOption, ref Zd, ref Az, ref RaR, ref DecR);
                this.Nov31.RaDec2Vector(RaR, DecR, Dis, ref pos2);
                positionVector = new PositionVector(pos2[0], pos2[1], pos2[2], RaR, DecR, Dis, Dis / 173.14463348, Az, 90.0 - Zd);
                double tdb = 0;
                EphemerisCode.get_earth_nov(ref this.m_earthephobj, tjd, ref tdb, ref peb, ref veb, ref pes, ref ves);
                double mobl = 0;
                double tobl = 0;
                double eq   = 0;
                double dpsi = 0;
                double deps = 0;
                NOVAS2.EarthTilt(tdb, ref mobl, ref tobl, ref eq, ref dpsi, ref deps);
                double gst = 0;
                NOVAS2.SiderealTime(num1, 0.0, eq, ref gst);
                NOVAS2.Terra(ref siteInfo, gst, ref pos1, ref vel1);
                int num2 = (int)NOVAS2.Nutate(tdb, NutationDirection.TrueToMean, pos1, ref pos2_1);
                NOVAS2.Precession(tdb, pos2_1, 2451545.0, ref pos2_6);
                int num3 = (int)NOVAS2.Nutate(tdb, NutationDirection.TrueToMean, vel1, ref pos2_5);
                NOVAS2.Precession(tdb, pos2_5, 2451545.0, ref pos2_7);
                short num4 = 0;
                    earthvector1[(int)num4] = peb[(int)num4] + pos2_6[(int)num4];
                    vel2[(int)num4]         = veb[(int)num4] + pos2_7[(int)num4];
                    earthvector2[(int)num4] = pes[(int)num4] + pos2_6[(int)num4];
                }while ((int)num4 <= 2);
                EphemerisCode.ephemeris_nov(ref this.m_ephobj, tdb, this.m_type, this.m_number, this.m_name, Origin.Barycentric, ref pos1, ref vel1);
                double lighttime = 0;
                NOVAS2.BaryToGeo(pos1, earthvector1, ref pos2_1, ref lighttime);
                double num5 = tdb - lighttime;
                int    num6 = 0;
                double tjd1;
                    tjd1 = num5;
                    EphemerisCode.ephemeris_nov(ref this.m_ephobj, tjd1, this.m_type, this.m_number, this.m_name, Origin.Barycentric, ref pos1, ref vel1);
                    NOVAS2.BaryToGeo(pos1, earthvector1, ref pos2_1, ref lighttime);
                    num5 = tdb - lighttime;
                    checked { ++num6; }
                }while (Math.Abs(num5 - tjd1) > 1E-06 & num6 < 100);
                if (num6 >= 100)
                    throw new HelperException("Planet:GetTopocentricPoition ephemeris_nov did not converge in 100 iterations");
                int num7 = (int)NOVAS2.SunField(pos2_1, earthvector2, ref pos2_2);
                int num8 = (int)NOVAS2.Aberration(pos2_2, vel2, lighttime, ref pos2_3);
                NOVAS2.Precession(2451545.0, pos2_3, tdb, ref pos2_4);
                int              num9       = (int)NOVAS2.Nutate(tdb, NutationDirection.MeanToTrue, pos2_4, ref pos2);
                double           ra         = 0;
                double           dec        = 0;
                int              num10      = (int)NOVAS2.Vector2RADec(pos2, ref ra, ref dec);
                double           num11      = Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(pos2[0], 2.0) + Math.Pow(pos2[1], 2.0) + Math.Pow(pos2[2], 2.0));
                RefractionOption ref_option = RefractionOption.NoRefraction;
                if (Refract)
                    bool flag = true;
                        siteInfo.Temperature = site.Temperature;
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        flag = false;
                        siteInfo.Pressure = site.Pressure;
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        flag = false;
                    ref_option = !flag ? RefractionOption.StandardRefraction : RefractionOption.LocationRefraction;
                double zd   = 0;
                double az   = 0;
                double rar  = 0;
                double decr = 0;
                if (this.m_bDTValid)
                    NOVAS2.Equ2Hor(tjd, this.m_deltat, 0.0, 0.0, ref siteInfo, ra, dec, ref_option, ref zd, ref az, ref rar, ref decr);
                    NOVAS2.Equ2Hor(tjd, DeltatCode.DeltaTCalc(tjd), 0.0, 0.0, ref siteInfo, ra, dec, ref_option, ref zd, ref az, ref rar, ref decr);
                if (ref_option != RefractionOption.NoRefraction)
                    NOVAS2.RADec2Vector(rar, decr, num11, ref pos2);
                positionVector = new PositionVector(pos2[0], pos2[1], pos2[2], rar, decr, num11, num11 / 173.14463348, az, 90.0 - zd);
Exemple #15
        public PositionVector GetLocalPosition(double tjd, Site site)
            double[]  pos2_1       = new double[4];
            double[]  pos2_2       = new double[4];
            double[]  earthvector1 = new double[4];
            double[]  vel1         = new double[4];
            double[]  earthvector2 = new double[4];
            double[]  numArray1    = new double[4];
            double[]  pos          = new double[4];
            double[]  vel2         = new double[4];
            double[]  pos2_3       = new double[4];
            double[]  pos2_4       = new double[4];
            double[]  pos2_5       = new double[4];
            double[]  numArray2    = new double[4];
            double[]  peb          = new double[4];
            double[]  veb          = new double[4];
            double[]  pes          = new double[4];
            double[]  ves          = new double[4];
            Object3   SsBody       = new Object3();
            OnSurface onSurface    = new OnSurface();

            if (!this.m_bDTValid)
                this.m_deltat = DeltatCode.DeltaTCalc(tjd);
            double   num1   = tjd - this.m_deltat / 86400.0;
            SiteInfo locale = new SiteInfo();

                locale.Latitude = site.Latitude;
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw new ValueNotAvailableException("Star:GetTopocentricPosition Site.Latitude is not available");
                locale.Longitude = site.Longitude;
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw new ValueNotAvailableException("Star:GetTopocentricPosition Site.Longitude is not available");
                locale.Height = site.Height;
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw new ValueNotAvailableException("Star:GetTopocentricPosition Site.Height is not available");
            PositionVector positionVector;

            if (this.m_type == BodyType.Moon & (this.m_number == 10 | this.m_number == 11))
                onSurface.Height      = site.Height;
                onSurface.Latitude    = site.Latitude;
                onSurface.Longitude   = site.Longitude;
                onSurface.Pressure    = site.Pressure;
                onSurface.Temperature = site.Temperature;
                SsBody.Number         = CommonCode.NumberToBody(this.m_number);
                SsBody.Type           = ASCOM.Astrometry.ObjectType.MajorPlanetSunOrMoon;
                RefractionOption RefOption = RefractionOption.NoRefraction;
                double           Ra        = 0;
                double           Dec       = 0;
                double           Dis       = 0;
                this.Nov31.LocalPlanet(tjd, SsBody, this.m_deltat, onSurface, Accuracy.Full, ref Ra, ref Dec, ref Dis);
                double Zd   = 0;
                double Az   = 0;
                double RaR  = 0;
                double DecR = 0;
                this.Nov31.Equ2Hor(num1, this.m_deltat, Accuracy.Full, 0.0, 0.0, onSurface, Ra, Dec, RefOption, ref Zd, ref Az, ref RaR, ref DecR);
                this.Nov31.RaDec2Vector(RaR, DecR, Dis, ref numArray2);
                positionVector = new PositionVector(numArray2[0], numArray2[1], numArray2[2], RaR, DecR, Dis, Dis / 173.14463348, Az, 90.0 - Zd);
                double tdb = 0;
                EphemerisCode.get_earth_nov(ref this.m_earthephobj, tjd, ref tdb, ref peb, ref veb, ref pes, ref ves);
                double mobl = 0;
                double tobl = 0;
                double eq   = 0;
                double dpsi = 0;
                double deps = 0;
                NOVAS2.EarthTilt(tdb, ref mobl, ref tobl, ref eq, ref dpsi, ref deps);
                double gst = 0;
                NOVAS2.SiderealTime(num1, 0.0, eq, ref gst);
                NOVAS2.Terra(ref locale, gst, ref pos, ref vel2);
                int num2 = (int)NOVAS2.Nutate(tdb, NutationDirection.TrueToMean, pos, ref pos2_3);
                NOVAS2.Precession(tdb, pos2_3, 2451545.0, ref pos2_1);
                int num3 = (int)NOVAS2.Nutate(tdb, NutationDirection.TrueToMean, vel2, ref pos2_4);
                NOVAS2.Precession(tdb, pos2_4, 2451545.0, ref pos2_2);
                int index = 0;
                    earthvector1[index] = peb[index] + pos2_1[index];
                    vel1[index]         = veb[index] + pos2_2[index];
                    earthvector2[index] = pes[index] + pos2_1[index];
                    numArray1[index]    = ves[index] + pos2_2[index];
                    checked { ++index; }
                }while (index <= 2);
                EphemerisCode.ephemeris_nov(ref this.m_ephobj, tdb, this.m_type, this.m_number, this.m_name, Origin.Barycentric, ref pos, ref vel2);
                double lighttime = 0;
                NOVAS2.BaryToGeo(pos, earthvector1, ref pos2_3, ref lighttime);
                double num4 = tdb - lighttime;
                int    num5 = 0;
                double tjd1;
                    tjd1 = num4;
                    EphemerisCode.ephemeris_nov(ref this.m_ephobj, tjd1, this.m_type, this.m_number, this.m_name, Origin.Barycentric, ref pos, ref vel2);
                    NOVAS2.BaryToGeo(pos, earthvector1, ref pos2_3, ref lighttime);
                    num4 = tdb - lighttime;
                    checked { ++num5; }
                }while (Math.Abs(num4 - tjd1) > 1E-06 & num5 < 100);
                if (num5 >= 100)
                    throw new HelperException("Planet:GetLocalPoition ephemeris_nov did not converge in 100 iterations");
                int num6 = (int)NOVAS2.SunField(pos2_3, earthvector2, ref pos2_5);
                int num7 = (int)NOVAS2.Aberration(pos2_5, vel1, lighttime, ref numArray2);
                positionVector   = new PositionVector();
                positionVector.x = numArray2[0];
                positionVector.y = numArray2[1];
                positionVector.z = numArray2[2];