public GetDeliveryRequestHandler(DeliveryDbContext dbContext, IMapper mapper, ILogger <NewDeliveryRequestHandler> logger) { _dbContext = dbContext ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(dbContext)); _mapper = mapper ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(mapper)); _logger = logger ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(logger)); }
public UpdateService(DeliveryDbContext context, IHubContext <DispatchHub, IDispatchHubClient> dispatchHubContext, IHubContext <RestaurantsHub, IRestaurantsHubClient> restaurantsHubContext, IHubContext <UserHub, IUserHubClient> userHubContext) { _context = context; _dispatchHubContext = dispatchHubContext; _restaurantsHubContext = restaurantsHubContext; _userHubContext = userHubContext; }
public ChangeDeliveryStateRequestHandler(DeliveryDbContext dbContext, IStateRuleEngine stateRuleEngine, ILogger <ChangeDeliveryStateRequestHandler> logger) { _dbContext = dbContext ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(dbContext)); _stateRuleEngine = stateRuleEngine ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(stateRuleEngine)); _logger = logger ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(logger)); }
// This method gets called by the runtime. Use this method to configure the HTTP request pipeline. public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app, IWebHostEnvironment env, DeliveryDbContext deliveryDbContext) { if (env.IsDevelopment()) { app.UseDeveloperExceptionPage(); } app.UseHttpsRedirection(); app.UseStaticFiles(); app.UseRouting(); app.UseAuthentication(); app.UseAuthorization(); app.UseResponseCompression(); deliveryDbContext.Database.EnsureCreated(); app.UseEndpoints(endpoints => { endpoints.MapControllers(); }); }
public DispatchHub(DeliveryDbContext context, UpdateService updateService) { _context = context; _updateService = updateService; }
public DeleteDeliveryRequestHandler(DeliveryDbContext dbContext, ILogger <DeleteDeliveryRequestHandler> logger) { _dbContext = dbContext ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(dbContext)); _logger = logger ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(logger)); }
public RestaurantsController(DeliveryDbContext dbContext) { _dbContext = dbContext; }
public DishesHub(DeliveryDbContext context) { _context = context; }
public ShoppingCartItemsController(DeliveryDbContext dbContext) { _dbContext = dbContext; }
public DeliveryRepo(DeliveryDbContext _db) { this.db = _db; }
public AccountsController(DeliveryDbContext dbContext, IConfiguration configuration) { _configuration = configuration; _auth = new AuthService(_configuration); _dbContext = dbContext; }
public RestaurantsHub(DeliveryDbContext context) { _context = context; }
public CategoriesController(DeliveryDbContext dbContext) { _dbContext = dbContext; }
public UserHub(DeliveryDbContext context, UpdateService updateService) { _context = context; _updateService = updateService; }
public LocalReport GetDelivaryReport( String Receipt) { string receipt = Receipt; int type = 2; int entryStatus = 0; int transactionStatus = 0; int defaultAddressType = 0; Transaction TransactionHeader = new Transaction(); TransactionCustomer TransactionCustomer = new TransactionCustomer(); TransactionLines TransactionLines = new TransactionLines(null); using (var db = new DeliveryDbContext(builder.ConnectionString)) { var transaction = from tra_h in db.RBOTRANSACTIONTABLE join sto in db.RBOSTORETABLE on tra_h.STORE equals sto.STOREID where tra_h.RECEIPTID == receipt && tra_h.TYPE == type && tra_h.ENTRYSTATUS == entryStatus select new Transaction() { ReceiptID = tra_h.RECEIPTID, StoreID = sto.STOREID, Name = sto.NAME, TransDate = tra_h.TRANSDATE ?? DateTime.MinValue, NetAmount = tra_h.NETAMOUNT ?? 0 }; // LINENUM changed to LINENUM = (decimal)tra_i.LINEID in line 195 colu 156 by rafeeq var transactionLine = from tra_h in db.RBOTRANSACTIONTABLE join tra_l in db.RBOTRANSACTIONSALESTRANS on tra_h.TRANSACTIONID equals tra_l.TRANSACTIONID join tra_i in db.RBOTRANSACTIONINFOCODETRANS on new { tra_l.TRANSACTIONID, tra_l.LINENUM, INFOCODEID = Program.isDelevary } equals new { tra_i.TRANSACTIONID, LINENUM = (decimal)tra_i.LINEID, tra_i.INFOCODEID } into info_d from info in info_d.DefaultIfEmpty() join info_sub in db.RBOINFORMATIONSUBCODETABLE on info.INFORMATION equals info_sub.SUBCODEID into info_sub_d from info_s in info_sub_d.DefaultIfEmpty() where tra_h.RECEIPTID == receipt && tra_h.TYPE == type && tra_h.ENTRYSTATUS == entryStatus && tra_l.TRANSACTIONSTATUS == transactionStatus select new TransactionLine() { ItemId = tra_l.ITEMID, Description = tra_l.DESCRIPTION, Qty = (tra_l.QTY ?? 0) * -1, TaxInckInPrice = tra_l.TAXINCLINPRICE ?? 0, Comment = tra_l.COMMENT, ExtraInfo = string.IsNullOrEmpty(info_s.DESCRIPTION) ? "NON DELIVERABLE" : info_s.DESCRIPTION }; var transactionCustomer = from tra_h in db.RBOTRANSACTIONTABLE join tra_i in db.RBOTRANSACTIONINFOCODETRANS on new { tra_h.TRANSACTIONID, INFOCODEID = Program.customerInfoCode } equals new { tra_i.TRANSACTIONID, tra_i.INFOCODEID } into info_d from info in info_d.DefaultIfEmpty() join cust in db.CUSTTABLE on new { CUSTACCOUNT = string.IsNullOrEmpty(info.INFORMATION) ? tra_h.CUSTACCOUNT : info.INFORMATION } equals new { CUSTACCOUNT = cust.ACCOUNTNUM } join address in db.CUSTOMERADDRESS on new { cust.ACCOUNTNUM, ADDRESSTYPE = defaultAddressType } equals new { address.ACCOUNTNUM, address.ADDRESSTYPE } where tra_h.RECEIPTID == receipt && tra_h.TYPE == type && tra_h.ENTRYSTATUS == entryStatus select new TransactionCustomer() { ReceiptID = tra_h.RECEIPTID, CustAccount = string.IsNullOrEmpty(info.INFORMATION) ? tra_h.CUSTACCOUNT : info.INFORMATION, Name = cust.NAME, Address = cust.ADDRESS, Phone = cust.PHONE, Address1 = address.ADDRESS, Street = address.STREET }; TransactionHeader = transaction.Count() > 0 ? transaction.ToList()[0] : null; TransactionLines = transactionLine.Count() > 0 ? new TransactionLines(transactionLine.ToList()) : null; TransactionCustomer = transactionCustomer.Count() > 0 ? transactionCustomer.ToList()[0] : null; //this.dataGridViewReceipt.DataSource = transaction.ToList(); //this.dataGridViewTransaction.DataSource = transactionLine.ToList(); //this.dataGridViewCustomer.DataSource = transactionCustomer.ToList(); this.TransactionBindingSource.DataSource = TransactionHeader; this.TransactionCustomerBindingSource.DataSource = TransactionCustomer; this.TransactionLinesBindingSource.DataSource = TransactionLines; //ReportDataSource dataSourceTran = new ReportDataSource("Transaction", transaction.Count() > 0 ? transaction.ToList()[0] : null); //ReportDataSource dataSourceCust = new ReportDataSource("TrransactionCustomer", transactionCustomer.Count() > 0 ? transactionCustomer.ToList()[0] : null); //ReportDataSource dataSourceLine = new ReportDataSource("TransactionLines", transactionLine.Count() > 0 ? new TransactionLines(transactionLine.ToList()) : null); //this.reportViewerDelivary.LocalReport.DataSources.Add(dataSourceTran); //Sthis.reportViewerDelivary.LocalReport.DataSources.Add(dataSourceCust); //this.reportViewerDelivary.LocalReport.DataSources.Add(dataSourceLine); LocalReport.Refresh(); return(LocalReport); } }
public ProductsController(DeliveryDbContext dbContext) { _dbContext = dbContext; }
public static void Initialize(DbContextOptions <DeliveryDbContext> options) { using (var context = new DeliveryDbContext(options)) { context.Database.EnsureCreated(); if (context.Restaurants.Any()) { return; } var restaurants = DataSource.Data .Select((r, i) => { r.Id = i + 1; return(r); }) .ToList(); var tags = restaurants .SelectMany(r => r.Tags) .Distinct() .Select((t, i) => new Tag { Id = i + 1, Name = t }) .ToList(); var restaurantTags = restaurants .SelectMany(r => r.Tags.Select(t => new RestaurantTag { RestaurantId = r.Id, TagId = tags.Single(tag => tag.Name == t).Id })) .ToList(); var dishes = restaurants.SelectMany(r => r.Dishes.Select(d => new Dish { Name = d.Name, Description = d.Description, Price = d.Price, RestaurantId = r.Id })) .Select((d, i) => { d.Id = i + 1; return(d); }) .ToList(); var random = new Random(); var orders = restaurants .SelectMany(restaurant => { var currentTime = DateTime.Now; var completedOrders = Enumerable .Repeat(0, random.Next(100)) .Select(_ => { var orderedAt = currentTime.AddDays(random.NextDouble() * -60); return(new Order { Username = GetRandomUsername(), OrderedAt = orderedAt.Truncate(), CompletedAt = orderedAt.AddMinutes(random.NextDouble() * 30).Truncate(), RestaurantId = restaurant.Id, }); }); var pendingOrders = Enumerable .Repeat(0, random.Next(3)) .Select(_ => new Order { Username = GetRandomUsername(), OrderedAt = currentTime.AddMinutes(-random.Next(31)).Truncate(), CompletedAt = null, RestaurantId = restaurant.Id, }); return(completedOrders.Concat(pendingOrders)); }) .Select((o, i) => { o.Id = i + 1; return(o); }) .ToList(); var ratings = orders .Where(o => o.CompletedAt != null && random.Next(5) == 0) .Select(o => { var currentTime = DateTime.Now; return(new Rating { Username = GetRandomUsername(), CreatedAt = o.CompletedAt.Value.AddHours(random.NextDouble() * 24).Truncate(), Score = (byte)random.Next(6), RestaurantId = o.RestaurantId, OrderId = o.Id }); }) .Select((r, i) => { r.Id = i + 1; return(r); }) .ToList(); context.Restaurants.AddRange(restaurants.Select(ri => new Restaurant { Id = ri.Id, Name = ri.Name, Distance = ri.Distance })); context.Tags.AddRange(tags); context.RestaurantTags.AddRange(restaurantTags); context.Dishes.AddRange(dishes); context.Orders.AddRange(orders); context.Ratings.AddRange(ratings); context.SaveChanges(); } }
public OrdersController(DeliveryDbContext dbContext) { _dbContext = dbContext; }