public void ReadAllRecordsFromFile()
            // Arrange
              String resourceFileName = "Siftan.IntegrationTests.Resources.TwoRecords.csv";
              String inputFilePath = this.workingDirectory + resourceFileName;
              Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().CopyEmbeddedResourceToFile(resourceFileName, inputFilePath);

              var recordDescriptor = CreateDelimitedDescriptor();

              // Act and Assert
              using (var source = new DelimitedRecordSource(recordDescriptor, inputFilePath))
        public void GetRecordDataFromFile()
            // Arrange
              String record1 = "01|Record1\r\n02|Record1\r\n03|Record1\r\n";
              String record2 = "01|Record2\r\n02|Record2";
              String inputFilePath = this.workingDirectory + "TwoRecords.csv";

              // Create the expected byte array for first record.
              Byte[] expectedData = new Byte[record1.Length];
              Int32 i = 0;
              foreach (Char c in record1)
            expectedData[i++] = (Byte)c;

              // Create content and write to file.
              var list = new List<String>(Regex.Split(record1 + record2, "\r\n"));
              File.WriteAllLines(inputFilePath, list.ToArray());

              var recordDescriptor = CreateDelimitedDescriptor();

              using (var source = new DelimitedRecordSource(recordDescriptor, inputFilePath))
            // Act
            Byte[] buffer = new Byte[1024];
            Int64 bytesRead = source.GetRecordData(buffer);

            // Copy over the record data ahead of comparison to the expected record data
            Byte[] actualData = new byte[bytesRead];
            Array.Copy(buffer, actualData, bytesRead);

            // Assert