Exemple #1
 private void AddDelegate(ITypeDefinition dlgte, StringBuilder key)
     if (dlgte.Namespace == "")
         lock (Delegates)
             foreach (var typeArg in dlgte.TypeParameters)
                 foreach (var constraint in typeArg.DirectBaseTypes)
             if (Delegates.ContainsKey(key.ToString()))
             Delegates.Add(key.ToString(), new DelegateProperties(dlgte));
         AddNamespace(key, dlgte);
Exemple #2
 public void Off(EventToken registrar)
     if (Delegates.ContainsKey(registrar))
Exemple #3
 private void AddDelegate(IType dlgte, StringBuilder key)
     lock (Delegates)
         foreach (var typeArg in dlgte.TypeParameters)
             foreach (var constraint in typeArg.Constraints)
         if (Delegates.ContainsKey(key.ToString()))
         Delegates.Add(key.ToString(), new DelegateProperties(dlgte));
Exemple #4
        private void _Invoke(ref object RetObject, params object[] args)
            if (args.Length < ArgumentTypes.Length) //check if a argument is using "params x[] args"
                throw new Exception("missing arguments");

            List <int>    usedDelegates = new List <int>();
            PayloadWriter pw            = new PayloadWriter();

            pw.WriteByte(isDelegate ? (byte)1 : (byte)0);

            if (isDelegate)

            SmartSerializer serializer = new SmartSerializer();

            for (int i = 0; i < args.Length; i++)
                object obj = ArgumentTypes[i].IsByRef ? null : args[i];

                if (DelegateIndex.ContainsKey(i))
                    obj = null;

                byte[] SerializedObj = serializer.Serialize(obj);

            for (int i = 0; i < DelegateIndex.Count; i++)
                Delegate del = args[DelegateIndex.Keys[i]] as Delegate;

                if (del != null)
                    if (del.Method == null)
                        throw new Exception("Target delegate is NULL");

                    int id = rnd.Next();
                    while (Delegates.ContainsKey(id))
                        id = rnd.Next();

                    SharedDelegate sharedDel = new SharedDelegate(del.Method, sharedClass, del.GetType(), id, del, this.MethodId);
                    sharedDel.sharedMethod.Unchecked      = DelegateIndex.Values[i].isUnchecked;
                    sharedDel.sharedMethod.usePacketQueue = DelegateIndex.Values[i].UsePacketQueue;
                    sharedDel.sharedMethod.useUdp         = DelegateIndex.Values[i].UseUDP;
                    sharedDel.sharedMethod.NoWaitingTime  = DelegateIndex.Values[i].NoWaitingTime;

                    if (!isDelegate)
                        Delegates.Add(id, sharedDel);

            if (Unchecked || useUdp)
                //just execute the method and don't wait for response
                sharedClass.connection.Connection.SendMessage(new MsgExecuteMethod(0, pw.ToByteArray(), false));
                SyncObject syncObject = null;
                Random     rnd        = new Random();
                int        RequestId  = rnd.Next();
                lock (sharedClass.connection.MethodRequests)
                    while (sharedClass.connection.MethodRequests.ContainsKey(RequestId))
                        RequestId = rnd.Next();
                    syncObject = new SyncObject(sharedClass.connection.Connection.Connection);
                    sharedClass.connection.MethodRequests.Add(RequestId, syncObject);
                    sharedClass.connection.Connection.SendMessage(new MsgExecuteMethod(RequestId, pw.ToByteArray(), true));
                RetObject = syncObject.Wait <ReturnResult>(null, 0);

            /*if (callback != null)
             * {
             *  sharedClass.connection.BeginSendRequest(pw, callback, true, this.usePacketQueue);
             * }
             * else
             * {
             *  if (Unchecked || useUdp)
             *  {
             *      //just don't wait till we received something back since it's a VOID anyway
             *      sharedClass.connection.BeginSendRequest(pw, (object obj) => { }, false, this.usePacketQueue);
             *  }
             *  else
             *  {
             *      RetObject = sharedClass.connection.SendRequest(pw, this.usePacketQueue);
             *  }
             * }*/
            serializer = null;
Exemple #5
        /// <summary>
        ///     Verifies the provided rule and provides a list of issues with the rules.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="rule"> A Rule. </param>
        /// <returns> Enumerable of issues with the Rule. </returns>
        public IEnumerable <Violation> EnumerateRuleIssues(Rule rule)
            var clauseLabels = rule.Clauses.GroupBy(x => x.Label);

            // If clauses have duplicate names
            foreach (var duplicateClause in clauseLabels.Where(x => x.Key != null && x.Count() > 1))
                yield return(new Violation(string.Format(Strings.Get("Err_ClauseDuplicateName"), rule.Name, duplicateClause.Key ?? string.Empty), rule, duplicateClause.AsEnumerable().ToArray()));

            // If clause label contains illegal characters
            foreach (var clause in rule.Clauses)
                if (clause.Label is string label)
                    if (label.Contains(' ') || label.Contains('(') || label.Contains(')'))
                        yield return(new Violation(string.Format(Strings.Get("Err_ClauseInvalidLabel"), rule.Name, label), rule, clause));
                if (Delegates.ContainsKey(clause.Key))
                    foreach (var violation in Delegates[clause.Key].ValidationDelegate.Invoke(rule, clause))
                        yield return(violation);
                    yield return(new Violation(string.Format(Strings.Get("Err_ClauseUnsuppportedOperator_{0}{1}{2}{3}"), rule.Name, clause.Label ?? rule.Clauses.IndexOf(clause).ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), clause.Operation.ToString(), clause.CustomOperation), rule, clause));
                if (clause.Script is ScriptData clauseScript && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(clauseScript.Code))
                    if (!Options.RunScripts)
                        yield return(new Violation(string.Format(Strings.Get("Err_ScriptingDisabled_{0}{1}"), rule.Name, clause.Label ?? rule.Clauses.IndexOf(clause).ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)), rule, clause));

            if (rule.Expression is string expression)
                // Are parenthesis balanced?
                // Are spaces correct?
                // Are all variables defined by clauses?
                // Are variables and operators alternating?
                var splits            = expression.Split(' ');
                var foundStarts       = 0;
                var foundEnds         = 0;
                var expectingOperator = false;
                for (var i = 0; i < splits.Length; i++)
                    foundStarts += splits[i].Count(x => x.Equals('('));
                    foundEnds   += splits[i].Count(x => x.Equals(')'));
                    if (foundEnds > foundStarts)
                        yield return(new Violation(string.Format(Strings.Get("Err_ClauseUnbalancedParentheses"), expression, rule.Name), rule));
                    // Variable
                    if (!expectingOperator)
                        var lastOpen  = -1;
                        var lastClose = -1;

                        for (var j = 0; j < splits[i].Length; j++)
                            // Check that the parenthesis are balanced
                            if (splits[i][j] == '(')
                                // If we've seen a ) this is now invalid
                                if (lastClose != -1)
                                    yield return(new Violation(string.Format(Strings.Get("Err_ClauseParenthesisInLabel"), expression, rule.Name, splits[i]), rule));
                                // If there were any characters between open parenthesis
                                if (j - lastOpen != 1)
                                    yield return(new Violation(string.Format(Strings.Get("Err_ClauseCharactersBetweenOpenParentheses"), expression, rule.Name, splits[i]), rule));
                                // If there was a random parenthesis not starting the variable
                                else if (j > 0)
                                    yield return(new Violation(string.Format(Strings.Get("Err_ClauseCharactersBeforeOpenParentheses"), expression, rule.Name, splits[i]), rule));
                                lastOpen = j;
                            else if (splits[i][j] == ')')
                                // If we've seen a close before update last
                                if (lastClose != -1 && j - lastClose != 1)
                                    yield return(new Violation(string.Format(Strings.Get("Err_ClauseCharactersBetweenClosedParentheses"), expression, rule.Name, splits[i]), rule));
                                lastClose = j;
                                // If we've set a close this is invalid because we can't have other characters
                                // after it
                                if (lastClose != -1)
                                    yield return(new Violation(string.Format(Strings.Get("Err_ClauseCharactersAfterClosedParentheses"), expression, rule.Name, splits[i]), rule));

                        var variable = splits[i].Replace("(", "").Replace(")", "");

                        if (variable == "NOT")
                            if (splits[i].Contains(')'))
                                yield return(new Violation(string.Format(Strings.Get("Err_ClauseCloseParenthesesInNot"), expression, rule.Name, splits[i]), rule));
                            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(variable) || (!rule.Clauses.Any(x => x.Label == variable) && !(int.TryParse(variable, out var result) && result < rule.Clauses.Count)))
                                yield return(new Violation(string.Format(Strings.Get("Err_ClauseUndefinedLabel"), expression, rule.Name, splits[i].Replace("(", "").Replace(")", "")), rule));
                            expectingOperator = true;
                        // If we can't enum parse the operator
                        if (!Enum.TryParse <BoolOperator>(splits[i], out var op))
                            yield return(new Violation(string.Format(Strings.Get("Err_ClauseInvalidOperator"), expression, rule.Name, splits[i]), rule));
                        // We don't allow NOT operators to modify other Operators, so we can't allow NOT here
                            if (op is BoolOperator boolOp && boolOp == BoolOperator.NOT)
                                yield return(new Violation(string.Format(Strings.Get("Err_ClauseInvalidNotOperator"), expression, rule.Name), rule));
                        expectingOperator = false;

                // We should always end on expecting an operator (having gotten a variable)
                if (!expectingOperator)
                    yield return(new Violation(string.Format(Strings.Get("Err_ClauseEndsWithOperator"), expression, rule.Name), rule));
Exemple #6
        private void _Invoke(ref object RetObject, params object[] args)
            if (args.Length < ArgumentTypes.Length) //check if a argument is using "params x[] args"
                throw new Exception("missing arguments");

            List <int>    usedDelegates = new List <int>();
            PayloadWriter pw            = new PayloadWriter();

            SmartSerializer serializer = new SmartSerializer();

            for (int i = 0; i < args.Length; i++)
                object obj = ArgumentTypes[i].IsByRef ? null : args[i];

                if (DelegateIndex.ContainsKey(i))
                    obj = null;

                byte[] SerializedObj = serializer.Serialize(obj);

            for (int i = 0; i < DelegateIndex.Count; i++)
                Delegate del = args[DelegateIndex.Keys[i]] as Delegate;

                if (del != null)
                    if (del.Method == null)
                        throw new Exception("Target delegate is NULL");

                    int id = rnd.Next();
                    while (Delegates.ContainsKey(id))
                        id = rnd.Next();

                    SharedDelegate sharedDel = new SharedDelegate(del.Method, sharedClass, del.GetType(), id, del, this.MethodId);
                    sharedDel.sharedMethod.Unchecked      = this.Unchecked;      //DelegateIndex.Values[i].isUnchecked;
                    sharedDel.sharedMethod.usePacketQueue = this.usePacketQueue; //DelegateIndex.Values[i].UsePacketQueue;
                    sharedDel.sharedMethod.useUdp         = this.useUdp;         //DelegateIndex.Values[i].UseUDP;

                    if (!isDelegate)
                        Delegates.Add(id, sharedDel);

                if (Unchecked || useUdp)
                    //just execute the method and don't wait for response
                    sharedClass.Client.Send(new MsgExecuteMethod(0, pw.ToByteArray(), false, sharedClass.SharedId, MethodId, this.DelegateId, this.sharedClass.SharedId));
                    SyncObject syncObject = null;
                    Random     rnd        = new Random();
                    int        RequestId  = rnd.Next();
                    lock (sharedClass.Client.Requests)
                        while (sharedClass.Client.Requests.ContainsKey(RequestId))
                            RequestId = rnd.Next();
                        syncObject = new SyncObject(sharedClass.Client);
                        sharedClass.Client.Requests.Add(RequestId, syncObject);
                        sharedClass.Client.Send(new MsgExecuteMethod(RequestId, pw.ToByteArray(), true, sharedClass.SharedId, MethodId, this.DelegateId, this.sharedClass.SharedId));
                    RetObject = syncObject.Wait <ReturnResult>(null, TimeOutLength);

                    if (syncObject.TimedOut)
                        //copying the object in memory, maybe a strange way todo it but it works
                        RetObject = new ReturnResult(serializer.Deserialize(serializer.Serialize(this.TimeOutValue)), false);
                //client most likely disconnected and was unable to send the message
                RetObject = null;

            /*if (callback != null)
             * {
             *  sharedClass.connection.BeginSendRequest(pw, callback, true, this.usePacketQueue);
             * }
             * else
             * {
             *  if (Unchecked || useUdp)
             *  {
             *      //just don't wait till we received something back since it's a VOID anyway
             *      sharedClass.connection.BeginSendRequest(pw, (object obj) => { }, false, this.usePacketQueue);
             *  }
             *  else
             *  {
             *      RetObject = sharedClass.connection.SendRequest(pw, this.usePacketQueue);
             *  }
             * }*/
            serializer = null;