Exemple #1
        public static unsafe IntPtr CreateShim(ICallbackHandler handler)
            if (handler == null)

            if (savedDelegates != null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Callbacks should only be initialized once; bgfx can only deal with one set at a time.");

            var memory = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(Marshal.SizeOf <CallbackShim>());
            var shim   = (CallbackShim *)memory;
            var saver  = new DelegateSaver(handler, shim);

            // the shim uses the unnecessary ctor slot to act as a vtbl pointer to itself,
            // so that the same block of memory can act as both bgfx_callback_interface_t and bgfx_callback_vtbl_t
            shim->vtbl = memory + IntPtr.Size;

            // cache the data so we can free it later
            shimMemory     = memory;
            savedDelegates = saver;

Exemple #2
        public static void FreeShim()
            if (savedDelegates == null)

            savedDelegates = null;
Exemple #3
        public static unsafe IntPtr CreateShim(ICallbackHandler handler)
            if (handler == null)
                return IntPtr.Zero;

            if (savedDelegates != null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Callbacks should only be initialized once; bgfx can only deal with one set at a time.");

            var memory = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(CallbackShim)));
            var shim = (CallbackShim*)memory;
            var saver = new DelegateSaver(handler, shim);

            // the shim uses the unnecessary ctor slot to act as a vtbl pointer to itself,
            // so that the same block of memory can act as both bgfx_callback_interface_t and bgfx_callback_vtbl_t
            shim->vtbl = memory + IntPtr.Size;

            // cache the data so we can free it later
            shimMemory = memory;
            savedDelegates = saver;

            return memory;