private void WatchFolders()
            // Release existing FSW Objects first
            foreach (DelayedFileSystemWatcher watcher in _Watchers)
                watcher.EnableRaisingEvents = false;

                _Events = ArrayList.Synchronized(new ArrayList(64));
                // Create the watchers.
                //I need 2 type of watchers. 1 for files and the other for directories
                // Reason is that i don't know if the event occured on a file or directory.
                // For a Create / Change / Rename i could figure that out using FileInfo or DirectoryInfo,
                // but when something gets deleted, i don't know if it is a File or directory
                DelayedFileSystemWatcher watcherFile      = new DelayedFileSystemWatcher();
                DelayedFileSystemWatcher watcherDirectory = new DelayedFileSystemWatcher();
                watcherFile.Path      = _currentFolder;
                watcherDirectory.Path = _currentFolder;
                /* Watch for changes in LastWrite times, and the renaming of files or directories. */
                watcherFile.NotifyFilter      = NotifyFilters.LastWrite | NotifyFilters.FileName | NotifyFilters.Attributes;
                watcherDirectory.NotifyFilter = NotifyFilters.DirectoryName;

                watcherFile.Filter = "*.*";
                watcherFile.IncludeSubdirectories      = false;
                watcherDirectory.Filter                = "*.*";
                watcherDirectory.IncludeSubdirectories = false;

                // Add event handlers.
                watcherFile.Changed += new FileSystemEventHandler(OnChanged);
                watcherFile.Created += new FileSystemEventHandler(OnCreated);
                watcherFile.Deleted += new FileSystemEventHandler(OnDeleted);
                watcherFile.Renamed += new RenamedEventHandler(OnRenamed);

                watcherDirectory.Deleted += new FileSystemEventHandler(OnDirectoryDeleted);
                watcherDirectory.Renamed += new RenamedEventHandler(OnDirectoryRenamed);
                watcherDirectory.Created += new FileSystemEventHandler(OnDirectoryCreated);

                // Begin watching.
                watcherFile.EnableRaisingEvents      = true;
                watcherDirectory.EnableRaisingEvents = true;

                // Start Timer for processing events
                _Timer           = new Timer(_TimerInterval);
                _Timer.Elapsed  += new ElapsedEventHandler(ProcessEvents);
                _Timer.AutoReset = true;
                _Timer.Enabled   = watcherFile.EnableRaisingEvents;
            catch (Exception ex)
                Log.Error("PicturesFolderWatcher Unable to turn on monitoring for: {0} Exception: {1}", _currentFolder,
    private void WatchFolders()
      // Release existing FSW Objects first
      foreach (DelayedFileSystemWatcher watcher in _Watchers)
        watcher.EnableRaisingEvents = false;

        _Events = ArrayList.Synchronized(new ArrayList(64));
        // Create the watchers. 
        //I need 2 type of watchers. 1 for files and the other for directories
        // Reason is that i don't know if the event occured on a file or directory.
        // For a Create / Change / Rename i could figure that out using FileInfo or DirectoryInfo,
        // but when something gets deleted, i don't know if it is a File or directory
        DelayedFileSystemWatcher watcherFile = new DelayedFileSystemWatcher();
        DelayedFileSystemWatcher watcherDirectory = new DelayedFileSystemWatcher();
        watcherFile.Path = _currentFolder;
        watcherDirectory.Path = _currentFolder;
        /* Watch for changes in LastWrite times, and the renaming of files or directories. */
        watcherFile.NotifyFilter = NotifyFilters.LastWrite | NotifyFilters.FileName | NotifyFilters.Attributes;
        watcherDirectory.NotifyFilter = NotifyFilters.DirectoryName;

        watcherFile.Filter = "*.*";
        watcherFile.IncludeSubdirectories = false;
        watcherDirectory.Filter = "*.*";
        watcherDirectory.IncludeSubdirectories = false;

        // Add event handlers.
        watcherFile.Changed += new FileSystemEventHandler(OnChanged);
        watcherFile.Created += new FileSystemEventHandler(OnCreated);
        watcherFile.Deleted += new FileSystemEventHandler(OnDeleted);
        watcherFile.Renamed += new RenamedEventHandler(OnRenamed);

        watcherDirectory.Deleted += new FileSystemEventHandler(OnDirectoryDeleted);
        watcherDirectory.Renamed += new RenamedEventHandler(OnDirectoryRenamed);
        watcherDirectory.Created += new FileSystemEventHandler(OnDirectoryCreated);

        // Begin watching.
        watcherFile.EnableRaisingEvents = true;
        watcherDirectory.EnableRaisingEvents = true;

        // Start Timer for processing events
        _Timer = new Timer(_TimerInterval);
        _Timer.Elapsed += new ElapsedEventHandler(ProcessEvents);
        _Timer.AutoReset = true;
        _Timer.Enabled = watcherFile.EnableRaisingEvents;
      catch (ArgumentException ex)
        Log.Error("PicturesFolderWatcher Unable to turn on monitoring for: {0} Exception: {1}", _currentFolder,