Exemple #1
        public void RunGreedyOnTest1()
            var                   deployedGraphPath = Path.Combine(TestContext.TestDeploymentDir, "DelayGraph_0.graphml");
            DelayGraph            graph             = DelayGraphGraphMlSerializer.DeserializeFromGraphMl(deployedGraphPath);
            LatencyAssignmentAsap algorithm         = new LatencyAssignmentAsap();
            var                   result            = algorithm.Execute(graph, 250);

            Assert.IsTrue(result.Count >= 0, "No results returned.");
Exemple #2
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            var algorithms = new List <Tuple <string, ILatencyAssignment> >
                new Tuple <string, ILatencyAssignment>("asap", new LatencyAssignmentAsap()),
                new Tuple <string, ILatencyAssignment>("greedy", new LatencyAssignmentGreedy()),
                // add your own latency assigner here

            if (args.Length != 2)
                Console.WriteLine("Error: Expecting two arguments and not " + args.Length);
                Console.WriteLine("Usage: RegisterPlacement.exe <Data Set Directory Root> <Directory For Scorecard>");
                Console.WriteLine("This program explores subdirectories of <Data Set Directory Root> to find delay graph data sets to try with register placement algorithms.");
                Console.WriteLine("Various metrics are printed into the <Directory For Scorecard>.");
            if (!Directory.Exists(args[0]))
                Console.WriteLine("Error: Directory does not exist: " + args[0]);

            string rootDataSetDir = Path.GetFullPath(args[0]); // convert from relative to absolute

            List <DataSet> dataSets = new List <DataSet>();

            FindDataSets(rootDataSetDir, dataSets);

            if (!dataSets.Any())
                Console.WriteLine("Warning: No data sets found. Make sure DelayGraph*.graphml and corresponding DelayGraphOriginalGoals*.xml files exist somewhere in this hierarchy: " + args[0]);

            string scoreCardDirectoy = args[1];

            if (!Directory.Exists(scoreCardDirectoy))

            var algorithmNames = algorithms.Select(kv => kv.Item1).ToList();

            foreach (var algorithmName in algorithmNames)
                string filePath = GetScoreCardPath(scoreCardDirectoy, algorithmName);
                if (File.Exists(filePath))
                using (StreamWriter stream = File.CreateText(filePath))
                    stream.WriteLine("GraphPath, ThroughputCost, LatencyCost, RegisterCost, Slack, TargetPeriod, ResultingPeriod, ExecutionTime(ms)"); // column headers

            string dotDirectory = "DotFiles";

            if (!Directory.Exists(dotDirectory))

            var overallScoreCards = new Dictionary <string, LatencyAssignerScoreCard>();
            var isBest            = new Dictionary <string, int>();
            var isBestOrTied      = new Dictionary <string, int>();
            var failedTable       = new Dictionary <string, int>();

            foreach (var algorithmName in algorithms.Select(kv => kv.Item1))
                overallScoreCards[algorithmName] = new LatencyAssignerScoreCard();
                isBest[algorithmName]            = 0;
                isBestOrTied[algorithmName]      = 0;
                failedTable[algorithmName]       = 0;
            int       idx = 0; // index for test cases for debugging
            Stopwatch sw  = new Stopwatch();

            foreach (DataSet dataSet in dataSets)
                foreach (var graphAndGoal in dataSet.GraphsAndGoalsFilePaths)

                    DelayGraph.DelayGraph graph = DelayGraphGraphMlSerializer.DeserializeFromGraphMl(graphAndGoal.GraphPath);

                    XDocument doc = XDocument.Load(graphAndGoal.GoalPath);
                    XElement  clockRateElement = doc.Root.Element("TargetClockPeriodInPicoSeconds");

                    int originalTargetClockRate = int.Parse(clockRateElement.Value);

                    if (DelayGraphSolution.PruneEdges(graph))
                        Console.WriteLine("Successfully removed redundant edges in graph");

                    int minClockPeriod = DelayGraphSolution.MinClockPeriod(graph);
                    if (minClockPeriod > originalTargetClockRate)
                        originalTargetClockRate = minClockPeriod;
                    bool failed     = false;
                    var  scoreCards = new Dictionary <string, LatencyAssignerScoreCard>();
                    foreach (var tuple in algorithms)
                        string algorithmName = tuple.Item1;
                        var    algorithm     = tuple.Item2;
                        HashSet <DelayGraphVertex> registeredTerminals = algorithm.Execute(graph, originalTargetClockRate);
                        double milliseconds = sw.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds;

                        var solutionName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(graphAndGoal.GraphPath) + "." + algorithmName;

                        DelayGraphSolution solution = new DelayGraphSolution(solutionName, graph, registeredTerminals, originalTargetClockRate);

                        // for debugging

                        var dotFileName = solutionName + ".dot";
                        var dotFilePath = Path.Combine(dotDirectory, dotFileName);

                        bool cycle;
                        int  period = solution.EstimatePeriod(out cycle);
                        if (cycle)
                            period = int.MaxValue;

                        int slack = originalTargetClockRate - period;
                        if (slack < 0)
                            failed = true;

                        long throughputCost, latencyCost, registerCost;
                            throughputTotalCost: out throughputCost,
                            latencyTotalCost: out latencyCost,
                            registersTotalCost: out registerCost);
                        var scoreCard = new LatencyAssignerScoreCard();
                        scoreCard.RegisterResult(throughputCost, latencyCost, registerCost, period, slack, milliseconds);
                        scoreCards[algorithmName] = scoreCard;
                    TabulateAndPrintReports(algorithmNames, scoreCardDirectoy, overallScoreCards, isBest, isBestOrTied, graphAndGoal, originalTargetClockRate, failed, scoreCards);

            PrintSummaryReport(algorithmNames, scoreCardDirectoy, overallScoreCards, isBest, isBestOrTied, failedTable);

            Console.WriteLine("Scorecards written to: " + Path.GetFullPath(scoreCardDirectoy));
            Debug.WriteLine("Scorecards written to: " + Path.GetFullPath(scoreCardDirectoy));