public static void AddDoorModel(Model m)
        // ACTION RULES
        m.Add(new ActionRule(Expression.VERUM,
                             new Phrase(Expression.WOULD,
                                        new Phrase(Expression.AT, Expression.SELF, new Phrase(Expression.THE, Expression.DOOR))),
                             new Phrase(Expression.AT, Expression.SELF, new Phrase(Expression.THE, Expression.DOOR))));

        m.Add(new ActionRule(Expression.VERUM,
                             new Phrase(Expression.WOULD, new Phrase(Expression.AT, Expression.SELF, Expression.BOB)),
                             new Phrase(Expression.AT, Expression.SELF, Expression.BOB)));

        m.Add(new ActionRule(Expression.VERUM,
                             new Phrase(Expression.WOULD, new Phrase(Expression.AT, Expression.SELF, Expression.EVAN)),
                             new Phrase(Expression.AT, Expression.SELF, Expression.EVAN)));

        m.Add(new ActionRule(Expression.VERUM,
                             new Phrase(Expression.WOULD, new Phrase(Expression.AT, Expression.SELF, new Phrase(Expression.THE, Expression.DOOR))),
                             new Phrase(Expression.AT, Expression.SELF, new Phrase(Expression.THE, Expression.DOOR))));

        m.Add(new ActionRule(Expression.VERUM,
                             new Phrase(Expression.WOULD, new Phrase(Expression.AT, Expression.SELF, new Phrase(Expression.THE, Expression.COW))),
                             new Phrase(Expression.AT, Expression.SELF, new Phrase(Expression.THE, Expression.COW))));

        // open(x) |- not(closed(x))
        m.Add(new SubstitutionRule(
                  new List <IPattern>[] { DefaultModel.BuildList(new ExpressionPattern(
                                                                     new MetaVariable(SemanticType.INDIVIDUAL, 0))) },
                  new List <IPattern>[] { DefaultModel.BuildList(new ExpressionPattern(
                                                                     new ExpressionPattern(Expression.CLOSED, new MetaVariable(SemanticType.INDIVIDUAL, 0)))) }));

        m.Add(new Phrase(Expression.NOT, new Phrase(Expression.IDENTITY, Expression.BOB, Expression.EVAN)));
Exemple #2
    void Start()
        base.Start(); = new Phrase(Expression.THE, new Phrase(Expression.POSSESS, new Phrase(Expression.THE, Expression.LOG), 1));


        // ACTION RULES
        this.model.Add(new ActionRule(
                           new Phrase(Expression.AT, Expression.SELF, new Phrase(Expression.THE, Expression.TREE)),
                           new Phrase(Expression.WOULD, new Phrase(Expression.EXISTS, new Phrase(Expression.THE, Expression.LOG))),
                           new Phrase(Expression.EXISTS, new Phrase(Expression.THE, Expression.LOG))));

        // Substitution Rules

        // x has the crown |- x is king
        this.model.Add(new SubstitutionRule(
                           new List <IPattern>[] { DefaultModel.BuildList(new ExpressionPattern(Expression.POSSESS, new MetaVariable(SemanticType.INDIVIDUAL, 0), new Phrase(Expression.THE, Expression.CROWN))) },
                           new List <IPattern>[] { DefaultModel.BuildList(new ExpressionPattern(Expression.KING, new MetaVariable(SemanticType.INDIVIDUAL, 0))) }));

        // particular beliefs

        // self-knowledge
    public static Model Make()
        Model m = new SimpleModel();

        MetaVariable xt0   = new MetaVariable(SemanticType.TRUTH_VALUE, 0);
        MetaVariable xt1   = new MetaVariable(SemanticType.TRUTH_VALUE, 1);
        MetaVariable xi0   = new MetaVariable(SemanticType.INDIVIDUAL, 0);
        MetaVariable xi1   = new MetaVariable(SemanticType.INDIVIDUAL, 1);
        MetaVariable xi2   = new MetaVariable(SemanticType.INDIVIDUAL, 2);
        MetaVariable xp0   = new MetaVariable(SemanticType.PREDICATE, 0);
        MetaVariable xp1   = new MetaVariable(SemanticType.PREDICATE, 1);
        MetaVariable xr20  = new MetaVariable(SemanticType.RELATION_2, 0);
        MetaVariable xitr0 = new MetaVariable(SemanticType.INDIVIDUAL_TRUTH_RELATION, 0);
        MetaVariable xtf10 = new MetaVariable(SemanticType.TRUTH_FUNCTION_1, 0);
        MetaVariable xqp0  = new MetaVariable(SemanticType.QUANTIFIER_PHRASE, 0);

        Expression not = Expression.NOT;

        // m.Add(new Phrase(Expression.AT, Expression.SELF, Expression.SELF));
        // m.Add(new Phrase(Expression.COLOR, new Phrase(Expression.NOMINALIZE, Expression.BLACK)));
        // m.Add(new Phrase(Expression.COLOR, new Phrase(Expression.NOMINALIZE, Expression.RED)));
        // m.Add(new Phrase(Expression.COLOR, new Phrase(Expression.NOMINALIZE, Expression.GREEN)));
        // m.Add(new Phrase(Expression.COLOR, new Phrase(Expression.NOMINALIZE, Expression.BLUE)));
        // m.Add(new Phrase(Expression.COLOR, new Phrase(Expression.NOMINALIZE, Expression.CYAN)));
        // m.Add(new Phrase(Expression.COLOR, new Phrase(Expression.NOMINALIZE, Expression.MAGENTA)));
        // m.Add(new Phrase(Expression.COLOR, new Phrase(Expression.NOMINALIZE, Expression.YELLOW)));
        // m.Add(new Phrase(Expression.COLOR, new Phrase(Expression.NOMINALIZE, Expression.WHITE)));

        m.Add(new Phrase(Expression.PERSON, Expression.SELF));
        m.Add(new Phrase(Expression.ACTIVE, Expression.SELF));

        // // ACTION RULES
        // m.Add(new ActionRule(
        //     Expression.VERUM,
        //     new ExpressionPattern(Expression.WOULD,
        //         new ExpressionPattern(Expression.AT, Expression.SELF, xi0)),
        //     new ExpressionPattern(Expression.AT, Expression.SELF, xi0)));

        // m.Add(new ActionRule(
        //     new ExpressionPattern(Expression.AT, Expression.SELF, xi0),
        //     new ExpressionPattern(Expression.WOULD,
        //         new ExpressionPattern(Expression.BELIEVE, xi0, xt0)),
        //     new ExpressionPattern(Expression.BELIEVE, xi0, xt0)));

        // m.Add(new ActionRule(
        //     new ExpressionPattern(Expression.AT, Expression.SELF, xi0),
        //     new ExpressionPattern(Expression.WOULD,
        //         new ExpressionPattern(Expression.INTEND, xi0, xt0)),
        //     new ExpressionPattern(Expression.INTEND, xi0, xt0)));

        // m.Add(new ActionRule(
        //     new ExpressionPattern(Expression.POSSESS, Expression.SELF, xi0),
        //     new ExpressionPattern(Expression.WOULD,
        //         new ExpressionPattern(Expression.NOT, new ExpressionPattern(Expression.POSSESS, Expression.SELF, xi0))),
        //     new ExpressionPattern(Expression.NOT, new ExpressionPattern(Expression.POSSESS, Expression.SELF, xi0))));


        // |- verum
        m.Add(new SubstitutionRule(
                  new List <IPattern>[] {},
                  new List <IPattern>[] { BuildList(Expression.VERUM) }));

        // falsum |-
        m.Add(new SubstitutionRule(
                  new List <IPattern>[] { BuildList(Expression.FALSUM) },
                  new List <IPattern>[] {}));

        // // S |- believes(self, S)
        // m.Add(new SubstitutionRule(
        //     new List<IPattern>[]{BuildList(xt0)},
        //     new List<IPattern>[]{BuildList(new ExpressionPattern(Expression.BELIEVE, Expression.SELF, xt0))},
        //     false));

        // // believes(x, ~S) |- ~believes(x, S)
        // m.Add(new SubstitutionRule(
        //     new List<IPattern>[]{BuildList(new ExpressionPattern(Expression.BELIEVE, xi0, new ExpressionPattern(not, xt0)))},
        //     new List<IPattern>[]{BuildList(new ExpressionPattern(not, new ExpressionPattern(Expression.BELIEVE, xi0, xt0)))},
        //     false));

        // better(A, B) |- prefers(self, A, B)
        m.Add(new SubstitutionRule(
                  new List <IPattern>[] { BuildList(new ExpressionPattern(Expression.BETTER, xt0, xt1)) },
                  new List <IPattern>[] { BuildList(new ExpressionPattern(Expression.PREFER, Expression.SELF, xt0, xt1)) },

        // ~better(A, B) |- ~prefers(self, A, B)
        m.Add(new SubstitutionRule(
                  new List <IPattern>[] { BuildList(new ExpressionPattern(Expression.NOT, new ExpressionPattern(Expression.BETTER, xt0, xt1))) },
                  new List <IPattern>[] { BuildList(new ExpressionPattern(Expression.NOT, new ExpressionPattern(Expression.PREFER, Expression.SELF, xt0, xt1))) },

        // S |- T(S)
        m.Add(new SubstitutionRule(
                  new List <IPattern>[] { BuildList(xt0) },
                  new List <IPattern>[] { BuildList(new ExpressionPattern(Expression.TRUE, xt0)) },

        // ~S |- ~T(S)
        m.Add(new SubstitutionRule(
                  new List <IPattern>[] { BuildList(new ExpressionPattern(Expression.NOT, xt0)) },
                  new List <IPattern>[] { BuildList(new ExpressionPattern(Expression.NOT, new ExpressionPattern(Expression.TRUE, xt0))) },

        // S |- ~~S
        m.Add(new SubstitutionRule(
                  new List <IPattern>[] { BuildList(xt0) },
                  new List <IPattern>[] { BuildList(new ExpressionPattern(not, new ExpressionPattern(not, xt0))) },

        // // GEACH RULES
        // // t -> t
        // // !F(x) |- G(!, F, x)
        // m.Add(new SubstitutionRule(
        //     new List<IPattern>[]{BuildList(new ExpressionPattern(xtf10, new ExpressionPattern(xp0, xi0)))},
        //     new List<IPattern>[]{BuildList(new ExpressionPattern(Expression.GEACH_TF1, xtf10, xp0, xi0))},
        //     false));

        // // t, t -> t
        // // C(F(x), H(x)) |- G(C, F, H, x)
        // m.Add(new SubstitutionRule(
        //     new List<IPattern>[]{BuildList(new ExpressionPattern(xtf10, new ExpressionPattern(xp0, xi0)))},
        //     new List<IPattern>[]{BuildList(new ExpressionPattern(Expression.GEACH_TF1, xtf10, xp0, xi0))},
        //     false));

        // // |- F(the(F))
        // m.Add(new SubstitutionRule(
        //     new List<IPattern>[]{},
        //     new List<IPattern>[]{BuildList(new ExpressionPattern(xp0, new ExpressionPattern(Expression.THE, xp0)))}));

        // // reflexivity for at
        // // |- at(x, x)
        // m.Add(new SubstitutionRule(
        //     new List<IPattern>[]{},
        //     new List<IPattern>[]{BuildList(new ExpressionPattern(Expression.AT, xi0, xi0))}));

        // reflexivity for identity
        // |- x = x
        m.Add(new SubstitutionRule(
                  new List <IPattern>[] {},
                  new List <IPattern>[] { BuildList(new ExpressionPattern(Expression.IDENTITY, xi0, xi0)) }));

        // @NOTE this is redundant once substitution of identicals is figured out.
        // symmetry for identity
        // x = y |- y = x
        m.Add(new SubstitutionRule(
                  new List <IPattern>[] { BuildList(new ExpressionPattern(Expression.IDENTITY, xi0, xi1)) },
                  new List <IPattern>[] { BuildList(new ExpressionPattern(Expression.IDENTITY, xi1, xi0)) }));

        // // CAUSING LOOPS
        // // substitution of identiticals
        // // x = y, F(x) |- F(y)
        // m.Add(new SubstitutionRule(
        //     new List<IPattern>[]{
        //         BuildList(new ExpressionPattern(Expression.IDENTITY, xi0, xi1),
        //         new ExpressionPattern(xp0, xi0))},
        //     new List<IPattern>[]{BuildList(new ExpressionPattern(xp0, xi1))}));

        // F(x), G(x) |- some(F, G)
        // not transposable to save time
        m.Add(new SubstitutionRule(
                  new List <IPattern>[] { BuildList(new ExpressionPattern(xp0, xi0), new ExpressionPattern(xp1, xi0)) },
                  new List <IPattern>[] { BuildList(new ExpressionPattern(Expression.SOME, xp0, xp1)) },

        // // uniqueness of king
        // // king(i), king(j) |- i = j
        // m.Add(new SubstitutionRule(
        //     new List<IPattern>[]{
        //         BuildList(
        //             new ExpressionPattern(Expression.NOT, new ExpressionPattern(Expression.IDENTITY, xi0, xi1)))},
        //     new List<IPattern>[]{
        //         BuildList(
        //         new ExpressionPattern(Expression.NOT, new ExpressionPattern(Expression.KING, xi0)),
        //         new ExpressionPattern(Expression.NOT, new ExpressionPattern(Expression.KING, xi1)))},
        //     false));

        MetaVariable xt2 = new MetaVariable(SemanticType.TRUTH_VALUE, 2);

        // A, B |- A & B
        m.Add(new SubstitutionRule(
                  new List <IPattern>[] { BuildList(xt0, xt1) },
                  new List <IPattern>[] { BuildList(new ExpressionPattern(Expression.AND, xt0, xt1)) }));

        // // A & B |- A
        // m.Add(new SubstitutionRule(
        //     new List<IPattern>[]{BuildList(new ExpressionPattern(Expression.AND, xt0, xt1))},
        //     new List<IPattern>[]{BuildList(xt0)}));

        // // A & B |- B
        // m.Add(new SubstitutionRule(
        //     new List<IPattern>[]{BuildList(new ExpressionPattern(Expression.AND, xt0, xt1))},
        //     new List<IPattern>[]{BuildList(xt1)}));

        // // A v B |- A, B
        // m.Add(new SubstitutionRule(
        //     new List<IPattern>[]{BuildList(new ExpressionPattern(Expression.OR, xt0, xt1))},
        //     new List<IPattern>[]{BuildList(xt0, xt1)}));

        // A |- A v B
        m.Add(new SubstitutionRule(
                  new List <IPattern>[] { BuildList(xt0) },
                  new List <IPattern>[] { BuildList(new ExpressionPattern(Expression.OR, xt0, xt1)) }));

        // B |- A v B
        m.Add(new SubstitutionRule(
                  new List <IPattern>[] { BuildList(xt1) },
                  new List <IPattern>[] { BuildList(new ExpressionPattern(Expression.OR, xt0, xt1)) }));

        // reflexivity of as_good_as
        m.Add(new SubstitutionRule(
                  new List <IPattern>[] {},
                  new List <IPattern>[] { BuildList(new ExpressionPattern(Expression.AS_GOOD_AS, xt0, xt0)) }));

        m.Add(new SubstitutionRule(
                  new List <IPattern>[] {},
                  new List <IPattern>[] { BuildList(new ExpressionPattern(Expression.INDIFFERENT, xi0, xt0, xt0)) }));

        // symmetry of as_good_as
        // as_good_as(A, B) |- as_good_as(B, A)
        m.Add(new SubstitutionRule(
                  new List <IPattern>[] { BuildList(new ExpressionPattern(Expression.AS_GOOD_AS, xt0, xt1)) },
                  new List <IPattern>[] { BuildList(new ExpressionPattern(Expression.AS_GOOD_AS, xt1, xt0)) }));

        m.Add(new SubstitutionRule(
                  new List <IPattern>[] { BuildList(new ExpressionPattern(Expression.INDIFFERENT, xi0, xt0, xt1)) },
                  new List <IPattern>[] { BuildList(new ExpressionPattern(Expression.INDIFFERENT, xi0, xt1, xt0)) }));

        // better(A, B) |- ~better(B, A)
        m.Add(new SubstitutionRule(
                  new List <IPattern>[] { BuildList(new ExpressionPattern(Expression.BETTER, xt0, xt1)) },
                  new List <IPattern>[] { BuildList(
                                              new ExpressionPattern(Expression.NOT,
                                                                    new ExpressionPattern(Expression.BETTER, xt1, xt0))) }));

        m.Add(new SubstitutionRule(
                  new List <IPattern>[] { BuildList(new ExpressionPattern(Expression.PREFER, xi0, xt0, xt1)) },
                  new List <IPattern>[] { BuildList(
                                              new ExpressionPattern(Expression.NOT,
                                                                    new ExpressionPattern(Expression.PREFER, xi0, xt1, xt0))) }));

        // as_good_as(A, B) |- ~better(A, B)
        m.Add(new SubstitutionRule(
                  new List <IPattern>[] { BuildList(new ExpressionPattern(Expression.AS_GOOD_AS, xt0, xt1)) },
                  new List <IPattern>[] { BuildList(
                                              new ExpressionPattern(Expression.NOT,
                                                                    new ExpressionPattern(Expression.BETTER, xt0, xt1))) }));

        m.Add(new SubstitutionRule(
                  new List <IPattern>[] { BuildList(new ExpressionPattern(Expression.INDIFFERENT, xi0, xt0, xt1)) },
                  new List <IPattern>[] { BuildList(
                                              new ExpressionPattern(Expression.NOT,
                                                                    new ExpressionPattern(Expression.PREFER, xi0, xt0, xt1))) }));

        // // A, B |- equivalent(A, B)
        // m.Add(new SubstitutionRule(
        //     new List<IPattern>[]{BuildList(xt0, xt1)},
        //     new List<IPattern>[]{BuildList(new ExpressionPattern(Expression.EQUIVALENT, xt0, xt1))},
        //     false));

        // // ~A, ~B |- equivalent(A, B)
        // m.Add(new SubstitutionRule(
        //     new List<IPattern>[]{BuildList(new ExpressionPattern(not, xt0), new ExpressionPattern(not, xt1))},
        //     new List<IPattern>[]{BuildList(new ExpressionPattern(Expression.EQUIVALENT, xt0, xt1))},
        //     false));

        // // A, ~B |- ~equivalent(A, B)
        // m.Add(new SubstitutionRule(
        //     new List<IPattern>[]{BuildList(xt0, new ExpressionPattern(not, xt1))},
        //     new List<IPattern>[]{BuildList(new ExpressionPattern(Expression.NOT, new ExpressionPattern(Expression.EQUIVALENT, xt0, xt1)))},
        //     false));

        // // ~A, B |- ~equivalent(A, B)
        // m.Add(new SubstitutionRule(
        //     new List<IPattern>[]{BuildList(new ExpressionPattern(not, xt0), xt1)},
        //     new List<IPattern>[]{BuildList(new ExpressionPattern(Expression.NOT, new ExpressionPattern(Expression.EQUIVALENT, xt0, xt1)))},
        //     false));

        // // numeric conversion
        // MetaVariable xii0 = new MetaVariable(SemanticType.INDIVIDUAL_FUNCTION_1, 0);

        // // x = succ(0) |- x = 1
        // m.Add(new SubstitutionRule(
        //     new List<IPattern>[]{BuildList(new ExpressionPattern(Expression.IDENTITY, xi0,
        //         new ExpressionPattern(Expression.SUCC, Expression.ZERO)))},
        //     new List<IPattern>[]{
        //         BuildList(new ExpressionPattern(Expression.IDENTITY, xi0, Expression.ONE))}, false));

        // // x = succ(1) |- x = 2
        // m.Add(new SubstitutionRule(
        //     new List<IPattern>[]{BuildList(new ExpressionPattern(Expression.IDENTITY, xi0,
        //         new ExpressionPattern(Expression.SUCC, Expression.ONE)))},
        //     new List<IPattern>[]{
        //         BuildList(new ExpressionPattern(Expression.IDENTITY, xi0, Expression.TWO))}, false));

        // // x = succ(2) |- x = 3
        // m.Add(new SubstitutionRule(
        //     new List<IPattern>[]{BuildList(new ExpressionPattern(Expression.IDENTITY, xi0,
        //         new ExpressionPattern(Expression.SUCC, Expression.TWO)))},
        //     new List<IPattern>[]{
        //         BuildList(new ExpressionPattern(Expression.IDENTITY, xi0, Expression.THREE))}, false));

        // // x = succ(3) |- x = 4
        // m.Add(new SubstitutionRule(
        //     new List<IPattern>[]{BuildList(new ExpressionPattern(Expression.IDENTITY, xi0,
        //         new ExpressionPattern(Expression.SUCC, Expression.THREE)))},
        //     new List<IPattern>[]{
        //         BuildList(new ExpressionPattern(Expression.IDENTITY, xi0, Expression.FOUR))}, false));

        // // x = succ(4) |- x = 5
        // m.Add(new SubstitutionRule(
        //     new List<IPattern>[]{BuildList(new ExpressionPattern(Expression.IDENTITY, xi0,
        //         new ExpressionPattern(Expression.SUCC, Expression.FOUR)))},
        //     new List<IPattern>[]{
        //         BuildList(new ExpressionPattern(Expression.IDENTITY, xi0, Expression.FIVE))}, false));

        // |- succ(x) != 0
        m.Add(new SubstitutionRule(
                  new List <IPattern>[] {},
                  new List <IPattern>[] {
            BuildList(new ExpressionPattern(Expression.NOT,
                                            new ExpressionPattern(Expression.IDENTITY,
                                                                  new ExpressionPattern(Expression.SUCC, xi0), Expression.ZERO)))
        }, false));

        // x = y |- succ(x) = succ(y)
        m.Add(new SubstitutionRule(
                  new List <IPattern>[] { BuildList(new ExpressionPattern(Expression.IDENTITY, xi0, xi1)) },
                  new List <IPattern>[] {
            BuildList(new ExpressionPattern(Expression.IDENTITY, new ExpressionPattern(Expression.SUCC, xi0),
                                            new ExpressionPattern(Expression.SUCC, xi1)))
        }, false));

        // x != y |- succ(x) != succ(y)
        m.Add(new SubstitutionRule(
                  new List <IPattern>[] { BuildList(new ExpressionPattern(Expression.NOT, new ExpressionPattern(Expression.IDENTITY, xi0, xi1))) },
                  new List <IPattern>[] {
            BuildList(new ExpressionPattern(Expression.NOT,
                                            new ExpressionPattern(Expression.IDENTITY, new ExpressionPattern(Expression.SUCC, xi0),
                                                                  new ExpressionPattern(Expression.SUCC, xi1))))
        }, false));

        // x = y |- x = y + 0
        m.Add(new SubstitutionRule(
                  new List <IPattern>[] { BuildList(new ExpressionPattern(Expression.IDENTITY, xi0, xi1)) },
                  new List <IPattern>[] {
            BuildList(new ExpressionPattern(Expression.IDENTITY, xi0,
                                            new ExpressionPattern(Expression.PLUS, xi1, Expression.ZERO)))
        }, false));

        // x != y |- x != y + 0
        m.Add(new SubstitutionRule(
                  new List <IPattern>[] { BuildList(new ExpressionPattern(Expression.NOT, new ExpressionPattern(Expression.IDENTITY, xi0, xi1))) },
                  new List <IPattern>[] {
            BuildList(new ExpressionPattern(Expression.NOT, new ExpressionPattern(Expression.IDENTITY, xi0,
                                                                                  new ExpressionPattern(Expression.PLUS, xi1, Expression.ZERO))))
        }, false));

        // x = y + z |- succ(x) = y + succ(z)
        m.Add(new SubstitutionRule(
                  new List <IPattern>[] {
            BuildList(new ExpressionPattern(Expression.IDENTITY, xi0,
                                            new ExpressionPattern(Expression.PLUS, xi1, xi2)))
                  new List <IPattern>[] {
            BuildList(new ExpressionPattern(Expression.IDENTITY,
                                            new ExpressionPattern(Expression.SUCC, xi0),
                                            new ExpressionPattern(Expression.PLUS, xi1, new ExpressionPattern(Expression.SUCC, xi2))))
        }, false));

        // x != y + z |- succ(x) != y + succ(z)
        m.Add(new SubstitutionRule(
                  new List <IPattern>[] {
            BuildList(new ExpressionPattern(Expression.NOT, new ExpressionPattern(Expression.IDENTITY, xi0,
                                                                                  new ExpressionPattern(Expression.PLUS, xi1, xi2))))
                  new List <IPattern>[] {
            BuildList(new ExpressionPattern(Expression.NOT, new ExpressionPattern(Expression.IDENTITY,
                                                                                  new ExpressionPattern(Expression.SUCC, xi0),
                                                                                  new ExpressionPattern(Expression.PLUS, xi1, new ExpressionPattern(Expression.SUCC, xi2)))))
        }, false))  ;

        // // perceptual inference
        // // perceive(self, S) | veridical(self, S) |- S
        // m.Add(new SubstitutionRule(
        //     new List<IPattern>[]{
        //         BuildList(new ExpressionPattern(Expression.PERCEIVE, Expression.SELF, xt0)),
        //         BuildList(new ExpressionPattern(Expression.VERIDICAL, Expression.SELF, xt0))},
        //     new List<IPattern>[]{BuildList(xt0)}));

        // // able(x, S), make(x, S) |- S
        // m.Add(new SubstitutionRule(
        //     new List<IPattern>[]{
        //         BuildList(
        //             new ExpressionPattern(Expression.ABLE, xi0, xt0),
        //             new ExpressionPattern(Expression.MAKE, xi0, xt0))},
        //     new List<IPattern>[]{BuildList(xt0)}));

        // make(x, S) |- S
        m.Add(new SubstitutionRule(
                  new List <IPattern>[] { BuildList(new ExpressionPattern(Expression.MAKE, Expression.SELF, xt0)) },
                  new List <IPattern>[] { BuildList(xt0) }));

        // you're able to give your stuff to other people
        m.Add(new SubstitutionRule(
                  new List <IPattern>[] { DefaultModel.BuildList(
                                              new ExpressionPattern(Expression.PERSON, xi1),
                                              new ExpressionPattern(Expression.POSSESS, xi0, xi2)) },
                  new List <IPattern>[] {
                new ExpressionPattern(Expression.ABLE, xi0,
                                      new ExpressionPattern(Expression.POSSESS, xi1, xi2)))

        // TRUST
        // renege
        // bound(x, A), ~A |- ~trustworthy(x)
        m.Add(new SubstitutionRule(
                  new List <IPattern>[] {
            BuildList(new ExpressionPattern(Expression.BOUND, xi0, xt0), new ExpressionPattern(Expression.NOT, xt0))
                  new List <IPattern>[] {
            BuildList(new ExpressionPattern(Expression.NOT, new ExpressionPattern(Expression.TRUSTWORTHY, xi0)))

        // // testimonial inference
        // // express(x, S) | sincere(x, S) |- believe(x, S)
        // m.Add(new SubstitutionRule(
        //     new List<IPattern>[]{
        //         BuildList(new ExpressionPattern(Expression.EXPRESS, xi0, xt0)),
        //         BuildList(new ExpressionPattern(Expression.SINCERE, xi0, xt0))
        //     },
        //     new List<IPattern>[]{
        //         BuildList(new ExpressionPattern(Expression.BELIEVE, xi0, xt0))
        //     }));

        // // believe(x, S) | correct(x, S) |- S
        // m.Add(new SubstitutionRule(
        //     new List<IPattern>[]{
        //         BuildList(new ExpressionPattern(Expression.BELIEVE, xi0, xt0)),
        //         BuildList(new ExpressionPattern(Expression.CORRECT, xi0, xt0))
        //     },
        //     new List<IPattern>[]{
        //         BuildList(xt0)
        //     }));

        // // F(x) |- exists(x)
        // m.Add(new SubstitutionRule(
        //     new List<IPattern>[]{BuildList(new ExpressionPattern(xp0, xi0))},
        //     new List<IPattern>[]{BuildList(new ExpressionPattern(Expression.EXISTS, xi0))}, false));
