Exemple #1
        static async System.Threading.Tasks.Task Main(string[] args)
            HttpResponseToStringParser         parser  = new HttpResponseToStringParser();
            DefaultHttpRequestHandler <string> handler = new DefaultHttpRequestHandler <string>(parser);

            // GET method example
            Console.WriteLine("GET method example:");
            var url1 = "https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/posts/1";

            Console.WriteLine($"Sending GET request to {url1}.");
            var result1 = await handler.ProcessRequest(url1, HttpMethod.Get);

            Console.WriteLine($"Response: {result1}");

            // POST  method example
            Console.WriteLine("\n\nPOST  method example:");
            var url2    = "https://reqres.in/api/users";
            var payload = "{\"name\": \"morpheus\",\"job\": \"leader\"}";

            Console.WriteLine($"Sending POST request to {url2} with body: {payload}.");
            var result2 = await handler.ProcessRequest(url2, HttpMethod.Post, payload);

            Console.WriteLine($"Response: {result2}");

            // GET method example with cancellation token
            Console.WriteLine("\n\nGET method example with cancellation token:");
            var url3  = "https://reqres.in/api/users/2";
            var delay = 10;

            Console.WriteLine($"Sending GET request to {url3} with allowed delay of {delay} miliseconds.");
                var result3 = await handler.ProcessRequest(url3, HttpMethod.Get, allowedDelay : delay);

                Console.WriteLine($"Response: {result3}");
            catch (TimeoutException exception)
                Console.WriteLine($"{url3} did not response in {delay} miliseconds. Request cancelled.");

            // GET method example with cancellation token
            Console.WriteLine("\n\nGET method example to not existing resource - exception with 404 status code is returned:");
            var url4 = "https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/thisresourcedoesnotexist";

            Console.WriteLine($"Sending GET request to: {url4}");
                await handler.ProcessRequest(url4, HttpMethod.Get);
            catch (HttpRequestException exception)