Exemple #1
        // ******************************************************************
        // *																*
        // *			               Public Methods		                *
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        /// <summary>
        /// Formats the specified instance with the formatter that matches the specified name
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="level">
        /// A LogLevel enum value
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="obj">
        /// A reference to the instance that must be formatted
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="formatterName">
        /// A string that specifies which formatter to use. If this argument equals <i>null</i>
        /// the default formatter will be used
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>
        /// A LogFormatterResult that holds the formatted result
        /// </returns>
        public virtual LogFormatterResult Format(
            LogLevel level,
            T obj,
            string formatterName = null)
            lock (m_syncRoot)
                    // Determine if we need to use default formatter or not
                    if (formatterName == null)
                        // Default formatting
                        return(DefaultFormatter.GetFormatter().Format(level, obj));
                        // Specific formatter
                        LogConfigFormatterType <T> formatterType;
                        if (TryGetFormatterType(formatterName, out formatterType))
                            return(formatterType.GetFormatter().Format(level, obj));

                    // If we reach this line, we could not resolve a formatter
                    return(new LogFormatterResult(new InvalidOperationException(string.Format(
                                                                                    "Log formatting failed; unable to format instance '{0}' because formatter '{1}' could not be found",
                catch (Exception ex)
                    // Store exception into result
                    return(new LogFormatterResult(new InvalidOperationException(
                                                      "Log formatting failed; an exception occured during formatting", ex)));