protected virtual void AddCreator(DefFunction f)
            if (f == null)
                AddCreatorOverload(f, 0);
                int defcount = 0;

                if (!f.HasAttribute<NoDefaultParamOverloadsAttribute>())
                    foreach (DefParam param in f.Parameters)
                        if (param.DefaultValue != null)

                // The overloads (because of default values)
                for (int dc = 0; dc <= defcount; dc++)
                    if (dc < defcount && f.HasAttribute<HideParamsWithDefaultValuesAttribute>())

                    AddCreatorOverload(f, f.Parameters.Count - dc);

        protected virtual void AddCreator(DefFunction f)
            if (f == null)
                _sb.AppendLine("static " + _t.CLRName + " Create();");
                int defcount = 0;

                if (!f.HasAttribute<NoDefaultParamOverloadsAttribute>())
                    foreach (DefParam param in f.Parameters)
                        if (param.DefaultValue != null)

                // The overloads (because of default values)
                for (int dc = 0; dc <= defcount; dc++)
                    if (dc < defcount && f.HasAttribute<HideParamsWithDefaultValuesAttribute>())

                    _sb.AppendIndent("static " + _t.CLRName + " Create");
                    AddMethodParameters(f, f.Parameters.Count - dc);

        protected virtual void AddCreatorOverload(DefFunction f, int count)
            _sb.AppendIndent(_t.FullCLRName + " " + GetClassName() + "::Create");
            if (f == null)
                AddMethodParameters(f, count);


            string preCall = null, postCall = null;

            if (f != null)
                preCall = GetMethodPreNativeCall(f, count);
                postCall = GetMethodPostNativeCall(f, count);

                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(preCall))

            _sb.AppendLine(_t.CLRName + " ptr;");
            _sb.AppendIndent("ptr._native = new " + _t.FullNativeName + "(");

            if (count > 0)
                for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                    DefParam p = f.Parameters[i];
                    string newname;
                    p.Type.GetPreCallParamConversion(p, out newname);
                    _sb.Append(" " + newname);
                    if (i < count - 1) _sb.Append(",");


            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(postCall))

            _sb.AppendLine("return ptr;");

Exemple #4
        protected virtual bool? CheckFunctionForGetProperty(DefFunction f)
            string name = f.HasAttribute<RenameAttribute>() ? f.GetAttribute<RenameAttribute>().Name : f.Name;

            if (f.HasAttribute<CustomIncDeclarationAttribute>() || f.HasAttribute<CustomCppDeclarationAttribute>())
                return false;

            if (f.TypeName == "bool" &&
                ((name.StartsWith("is") && Char.IsUpper(name[2])) || (name.StartsWith("has") && Char.IsUpper(name[3])))
                && f.Parameters.Count == 0)
                return true;

            return CheckTypeMemberForGetProperty(f);
Exemple #5
        protected virtual bool AllowFunction(DefFunction f)
            if (f.HasAttribute<IgnoreAttribute>() || IsUnhandledType(f))
                return false;
                foreach (DefParam param in f.Parameters)
                    if (IsUnhandledType(param))
                        return false;

                return true;
        protected override void AddConstructor(DefFunction f)
            string className;
            if (_t.IsNested)
                className = _t.ParentClass.FullCLRName + "::" + _t.Name;
                className = _wrapper.ManagedNamespace + "::" + _t.Name;
            _sb.AppendIndent(ProxyName + "( " + className + "^ managedObj");
            if (f != null)
                foreach (DefParam param in f.Parameters)
                    _sb.Append(", " + param.NativeTypeName + " " + param.Name);

            _sb.Append(" ) :\n");

            if (f != null)
                _sb.AppendIndent("\t" + _t.FullNativeName + "(");
                for (int i = 0; i < f.Parameters.Count; i++)
                    DefParam param = f.Parameters[i];
                    _sb.Append(" " + param.Name);
                    if (i < f.Parameters.Count - 1)
                _sb.Append(" ),\n");


            //foreach (DefField field in _protectedFields)
            //    _sb.Append(",\n");
            //    _sb.AppendIndent("\tref_" + field.Name + "(" + field.Name + ")");
        protected override void AddMethod(DefFunction f)
            string def = f.Definition.Replace(f.Class.FullNativeName, GetClassName()) + "(";
            if (def.StartsWith("virtual "))
                def = def.Substring("virtual ".Length);
            for (int i = 0; i < f.Parameters.Count; i++)
                DefParam param = f.Parameters[i];
                _sb.Append(" ");
                if (i < f.Parameters.Count - 1) _sb.Append(",");
            _sb.Append(" )\n");

            _sb.AppendLine("if (doCallFor" + f.CLRName + ")");

            CppNativeProxyClassProducer.AddNativeProxyMethodBody(f, "_receiver", _sb);

            if (!f.IsVoid)
                string ret = null;
                if (f.HasAttribute<DefaultReturnValueAttribute>())
                    ret = f.GetAttribute<DefaultReturnValueAttribute>().Name;
                    throw new Exception("Default return value not set.");
                _sb.AppendLine("\treturn " + ret + ";");

 protected virtual void AddConstructor(DefFunction f)
 protected override string GetNativeInvokationTarget(DefFunction f)
     return "static_cast<" + ProxyName + "*>(_native)->" + f.Class.Name + "::" + f.Name;
        public static void AddNativeProxyMethodBody(DefFunction f, string managedTarget, IndentStringBuilder sb)
            string managedCall;
            string fullPostConv = null;

            if (f.IsGetProperty)
                sb.AppendLine(f.CLRTypeName + " mp_return = " + managedTarget + "->" + f.CLRName + ";");
                managedCall = "mp_return";
            else if (f.IsSetProperty)
                DefParam param = f.Parameters[0];
                managedCall = managedTarget + "->" + f.CLRName + " = " + param.Type.GetNativeCallConversion(param.Name, param);
                string pre, post, conv;

                foreach (DefParam param in f.Parameters)
                    param.Type.GetNativeParamConversion(param, out pre, out conv, out post);
                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(pre))

                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(post))
                        fullPostConv += post + "\n";

                bool explicitCast = f.HasAttribute<ExplicitCastingForParamsAttribute>();

                if (!f.IsVoid)
                    sb.AppendIndent(f.CLRTypeName + " mp_return = " + managedTarget + "->" + f.CLRName + "(");
                    for (int i = 0; i < f.Parameters.Count; i++)
                        DefParam param = f.Parameters[i];
                        param.Type.GetNativeParamConversion(param, out pre, out conv, out post);
                        sb.Append(" ");
                        if (explicitCast) sb.Append("(" + param.CLRTypeName + ")");
                        if (i < f.Parameters.Count - 1) sb.Append(",");
                    sb.Append(" );\n");
                    managedCall = "mp_return";

                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(fullPostConv))
                    managedCall = managedTarget + "->" + f.CLRName + "(";
                    for (int i = 0; i < f.Parameters.Count; i++)
                        DefParam param = f.Parameters[i];
                        param.Type.GetNativeParamConversion(param, out pre, out conv, out post);
                        managedCall += " ";
                        if (explicitCast) managedCall += "(" + param.CLRTypeName + ")";
                        managedCall += conv;
                        if (i < f.Parameters.Count - 1) managedCall += ",";
                    managedCall += " )";

            if (!f.IsVoid)
                if (f.Type is IDefString)
                    sb.AppendLine("SET_NATIVE_STRING( Mogre::Implementation::cachedReturnString, " + managedCall + " )");
                    sb.AppendLine("return Mogre::Implementation::cachedReturnString;");
                    string returnExpr;
                    string newname, expr, postcall;
                    DefParam param = new DefParam(f, managedCall);
                    expr = f.Type.GetPreCallParamConversion(param, out newname);
                    postcall = f.Type.GetPostCallParamConversionCleanup(param);
                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(expr))
                        if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(postcall))
                            returnExpr = newname;
                            throw new Exception("Unexpected");
                        returnExpr = newname;

                    if (IsCachedFunction(f))
                        sb.AppendLine("STATIC_ASSERT( sizeof(" + f.Type.FullNativeName + ") <= CACHED_RETURN_SIZE )");
                        sb.AppendLine("memcpy( Mogre::Implementation::cachedReturn, &" + returnExpr + ", sizeof(" + f.Type.FullNativeName + ") );");
                        sb.AppendLine("return *reinterpret_cast<" + f.Type.FullNativeName + "*>(Mogre::Implementation::cachedReturn);");
                        sb.AppendLine("return " + returnExpr + ";");
                sb.AppendLine(managedCall + ";");

                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(fullPostConv))
 protected virtual void AddMethod(DefFunction func)
 protected override void AddPublicConstructor(DefFunction f)
 protected override void AddMethod(DefFunction f)
     if (f.IsVirtual)
        protected virtual string GetMethodNativeCall(DefFunction f, int paramCount)
            string invoke;
            if (f.IsStatic)
                if (f.ProtectionType == ProtectionType.Protected)
                    string classname = NativeProtectedStaticsProxy.GetProtectedStaticsProxyName(_t);
                    invoke = classname + "::" + f.Name + "(";
                    invoke = _t.FullNativeName + "::" + f.Name + "(";
                invoke = GetNativeInvokationTarget(f) + "(";

            for (int i = 0; i < paramCount; i++)
                DefParam p = f.Parameters[i];
                string newname;
                p.Type.GetPreCallParamConversion(p, out newname);
                invoke += " " + newname;
                if (i < paramCount - 1) invoke += ",";

            invoke += " )";

            if (f.IsVoid)
                return invoke;
                return f.Type.GetNativeCallConversion(invoke, f);
        protected virtual string GetMethodPostNativeCall(DefFunction f, int paramCount)
            string res = String.Empty;

            for (int i = 0; i < paramCount; i++)
                DefParam p = f.Parameters[i];
                res += p.Type.GetPostCallParamConversionCleanup(p);

            return res;
        protected virtual string GetMethodPreNativeCall(DefFunction f, int paramCount)
            string res = String.Empty;

            for (int i = 0; i < paramCount; i++)
                DefParam p = f.Parameters[i];
                string newname;
                res += p.Type.GetPreCallParamConversion(p, out newname);

            return res;
        protected virtual string ReplaceCustomVariables(string txt, DefFunction func)
            txt = ReplaceCustomVariables(txt);
            string replace;
            if (DeclareAsOverride(func))
                replace = "override";
            else if (func.IsAbstract && AllowSubclassing)
                replace = "abstract";
                replace = "";
            txt = txt.Replace("@OVERRIDE@", replace);

            txt = txt.Replace("@NATIVE_INVOKATION_TARGET_FOR_FUNCTION@", GetNativeInvokationTarget(func));
            return txt;
 protected virtual string GetNativeInvokationTarget(DefFunction f)
     if (!f.IsStatic)
         if (f.ProtectionType == ProtectionType.Public)
             return GetNativeInvokationTarget(f.IsConstFunctionCall) + "->" + f.Name;
         else if (f.ProtectionType == ProtectionType.Protected)
             if (!f.IsVirtual)
                 string proxyName = NativeProtectedStaticsProxy.GetProtectedStaticsProxyName(_t);
                 return "static_cast<" + proxyName + "*>(_native)->" + f.Name;
                 throw new Exception("Unexpected");
             throw new Exception("Unexpected");
         if (f.ProtectionType == ProtectionType.Public)
             return f.Class.FullNativeName + "::" + f.Name;
             return NativeProtectedStaticsProxy.GetProtectedStaticsProxyName(f.Class) + "::" + f.Name;
 protected virtual bool DeclareAsVirtual(DefFunction f)
     return (f.IsVirtual && AllowVirtualMethods) || f.IsVirtualInterfaceMethod
         || (f.IsVirtual && f.BaseFunction != null && f.BaseFunction.Class.AllowVirtuals);
 protected virtual bool DeclareAsOverride(DefFunction f)
     return (f.IsOverride && DeclareAsVirtual(f))
         || (f.IsVirtualInterfaceMethod && !f.Class.IsInterface && !f.Class.ContainsInterfaceFunctionSignature(f.Signature, false));
        protected bool ContainsFunction(DefFunction func, List<DefFunction> list)
            foreach (DefFunction lf in list)
                if (lf.Signature == func.Signature)
                    return true;

            return false;
        protected virtual void AddNativeMethodParams(DefFunction f)
            for (int i = 0; i < f.Parameters.Count; i++)
                DefParam param = f.Parameters[i];
                _sb.Append(" ");

                _sb.Append(" " + param.Name);

                if (i < f.Parameters.Count - 1) _sb.Append(",");
 protected virtual void AddOverridableFunction(DefFunction f)
        protected override void AddMethod(DefFunction f)
            if (f.HasAttribute<CustomCppDeclarationAttribute>())
                if (f.IsAbstract && AllowSubclassing)
                    string txt = f.GetAttribute<CustomCppDeclarationAttribute>().DeclarationText;
                    txt = ReplaceCustomVariables(txt, f);

            int defcount = 0;

            if (!f.HasAttribute<NoDefaultParamOverloadsAttribute>())
                foreach (DefParam param in f.Parameters)
                    if (param.DefaultValue != null)

            bool methodIsVirtual = DeclareAsVirtual(f);

            for (int dc = 0; dc <= defcount; dc++)
                if (dc == 0 && f.IsAbstract && AllowSubclassing)
                    //It's abstract, no body definition

                if (!AllowMethodOverloads && dc > 0)

                if (dc < defcount && f.HasAttribute<HideParamsWithDefaultValuesAttribute>())

                _sb.AppendIndent(GetCLRTypeName(f) + " " + GetClassName() + "::" + f.CLRName);
                AddMethodParameters(f, f.Parameters.Count - dc);

                bool isVirtualOverload = dc > 0 && methodIsVirtual && AllowVirtualMethods;

                if (isVirtualOverload)
                    // Overloads (because of default values)
                    // main method is virtual, call it with CLR default values if _isOverriden=true,
                    // else do a normal native call

                    _sb.AppendLine("if (_isOverriden)");

                    bool hasPostConversions = false;
                    for (int i = f.Parameters.Count - dc; i < f.Parameters.Count; i++)
                        DefParam p = f.Parameters[i];
                        if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(p.CLRDefaultValuePreConversion))
                        if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(p.CLRDefaultValuePostConversion))
                            hasPostConversions = true;

                        string n1, n2, n3;
                        DefType dependancy;
                        p.Type.GetDefaultParamValueConversion(p, out n1, out n2, out n3, out dependancy);
                        if (dependancy != null)

                    if (!f.IsVoid)
                        if (hasPostConversions)
                            _sb.Append(GetCLRTypeName(f) + " mp_return = ");
                            _sb.Append("return ");

                    _sb.Append(f.CLRName + "(");
                    for (int i = 0; i < f.Parameters.Count; i++)
                        DefParam p = f.Parameters[i];
                        _sb.Append(" ");
                        if (i < f.Parameters.Count - dc)
                        if (i < f.Parameters.Count - 1) _sb.Append(",");
                    _sb.Append(" );\n");

                    for (int i = f.Parameters.Count - dc; i < f.Parameters.Count; i++)
                        DefParam p = f.Parameters[i];
                        if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(p.CLRDefaultValuePostConversion))

                    if (!f.IsVoid && hasPostConversions)
                        _sb.AppendLine("return mp_return;");


                AddMethodBody(f, f.Parameters.Count - dc);

                if (isVirtualOverload)

        protected virtual void AddPublicConstructorOverload(DefFunction f, int count)
            _sb.AppendIndent(GetClassName() + "::" + _t.CLRName);
            if (f == null)
                AddMethodParameters(f, count);

            string nativeType = GetTopClass(_t).FullNativeName;
            if (GetTopBaseClassName() == "Wrapper")
                nativeType = "CLRObject";

            if (GetBaseClassName() != null)
                _sb.Append(" : " + GetBaseClassName() + "((" + nativeType + "*) 0)");


            if (!_t.IsInterface)
                _sb.AppendLine("_createdByCLR = true;");

            string preCall = null, postCall = null;

            if (f != null)
                preCall = GetMethodPreNativeCall(f, count);
                postCall = GetMethodPostNativeCall(f, count);

                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(preCall))

            _sb.AppendIndent("_native = new " + _t.FullNativeName + "(");

            if (count > 0)
                for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                    DefParam p = f.Parameters[i];
                    string newname;
                    p.Type.GetPreCallParamConversion(p, out newname);
                    _sb.Append(" " + newname);
                    if (i < count - 1) _sb.Append(",");


            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(postCall))


        protected override void AddOverridableFunction(DefFunction f)
            foreach (DefParam param in f.Parameters)

            _sb.Append(f.NativeTypeName + " " + ProxyName + "::" + f.Name + "(");
            _sb.Append(" )");
            if (f.IsConstFunctionCall)
                _sb.Append(" const");

            if (!f.IsAbstract)
                _sb.AppendLine("if (_overriden[ " + _methodIndices[f] + " ])");

            if (f.HasAttribute<CustomNativeProxyDeclarationAttribute>())
                string txt = f.GetAttribute<CustomNativeProxyDeclarationAttribute>().DeclarationText;
                txt = ReplaceCustomVariables(txt, f).Replace("@MANAGED@", "_managed");
                AddNativeProxyMethodBody(f, "_managed", _sb);

            if (!f.IsAbstract)
                if (!f.IsVoid) _sb.Append("return ");
                _sb.Append(f.Class.Name + "::" + f.Name + "(");
                for (int i = 0; i < f.Parameters.Count; i++)
                    DefParam param = f.Parameters[i];
                    _sb.Append(" " + param.Name);
                    if (i < f.Parameters.Count - 1) _sb.Append(",");
                _sb.Append(" );\n");

 private static bool IsCachedFunction(DefFunction f)
     return (f.PassedByType == PassedByType.Reference
         && (f.Type.IsValueType || f.Type.IsPureManagedClass));
        protected override void AddPublicConstructor(DefFunction f)
            _sb.AppendIndent(GetClassName() + "::" + _t.Name);
            if (f == null)
            _sb.Append(" : " + GetBaseClassName() + "( (CLRObject*)0 )");

            _sb.AppendLine("_createdByCLR = true;");
            _sb.AppendLine("Type^ thisType = this->GetType();");

            if (!IsAbstractClass && !_t.IsInterface)
                _sb.AppendLine("_isOverriden = (thisType != " + _t.CLRName + "::typeid);");
                _sb.AppendLine("_isOverriden = true;  //it's abstract or interface so it must be overriden");

            int count = 0;
            string preCall = null, postCall = null;

            if (f != null)
                count = f.Parameters.Count;
                preCall = GetMethodPreNativeCall(f, count);
                postCall = GetMethodPostNativeCall(f, count);

                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(preCall))

            if (!IsAbstractClass && !_t.IsInterface)
                _sb.AppendLine("if (_isOverriden)");

            string proxyName = NativeProxyClassProducer.GetProxyName(_t);
            _sb.AppendIndent(proxyName + "* proxy = new " + proxyName + "(this");

            if (count > 0)
                for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                    DefParam p = f.Parameters[i];
                    string newname;
                    p.Type.GetPreCallParamConversion(p, out newname);
                    _sb.Append(" " + newname);
                    if (i < count - 1) _sb.Append(",");


            _sb.AppendLine("proxy->_overriden = Implementation::SubclassingManager::Instance->GetOverridenMethodsArrayPointer(thisType, " + _t.Name + "::typeid, " + _methodIndicesCount + ");");
            _sb.AppendLine("_native = proxy;");

            if (!IsAbstractClass && !_t.IsInterface)
                _sb.AppendIndent("\t_native = new " + _t.FullNativeName + "(");

                if (count > 0)
                    for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                        DefParam p = f.Parameters[i];
                        string newname;
                        p.Type.GetPreCallParamConversion(p, out newname);
                        _sb.Append(" " + newname);
                        if (i < count - 1) _sb.Append(",");


            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(postCall))


 protected override void AddMethod(DefFunction f)
     _sb.AppendIndent(f.Definition.Replace(f.Class.FullNativeName + "::", "") + "(");
     for (int i = 0; i < f.Parameters.Count; i++)
         DefParam param = f.Parameters[i];
         _sb.Append(" ");
         if (i < f.Parameters.Count - 1) _sb.Append(",");
     _sb.Append(" ) override;\n");
 protected virtual void AddInterfaceMethod(DefFunction f)