internal static bool MarkupBlocks(ref DecodingBlock current, List <DecodingBlock> accumulator, string input, bool finalize)
            var inputLength = input.Length;

            for (int i = 0; i < inputLength; i++)
                var is_final = finalize && (i == inputLength - 1); // is it the final character?

                var c = input[i];

                bool eob;

                    // verify next character against block descriptor
                    // and adjust block parameters
                    eob = current.AddCode(c, is_final); // end of block
                catch (InvalidOperationException iox)
                    throw new ArgumentException(DECODE_ERROR_MESSAGE, nameof(input), iox); // invalid code(s) added to the block

                if (eob)
                {                                  // if block is finished
                    accumulator.Add(current);      // add to the accumulator

                    current = new DecodingBlock(); // and start a new block
