public static string getOneCell(string AirlineName)
            if (sem_empty.WaitOne(300))
                for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                    if (IsEmpty[i] == false)
                        string ObjectString = buffer[i];
                        Decoder decode_test = new Decoder();
                        OrderClass obj = new OrderClass();
                        if (ObjectString != null)
                            obj = decode_test.decryptString(ObjectString);
                            //Console.WriteLine("string name passed is {0} actual name is {1}", AirlineName, obj.get_receiverId());
                            if (obj.get_receiverId() == AirlineName)
                                //Console.WriteLine("Readposition is {0}\n", i);
                                buffer[i] = null;
                                IsEmpty[i] = true;
                                return ObjectString;

            return null;
Exemple #2
 public uint Decode(Decoder rangeDecoder)
     uint newBound = (uint)(rangeDecoder.Range >> kNumBitModelTotalBits) * (uint)Prob;
     if (rangeDecoder.Code < newBound)
         rangeDecoder.Range = newBound;
         Prob += (kBitModelTotal - Prob) >> kNumMoveBits;
         if (rangeDecoder.Range < Decoder.kTopValue)
             rangeDecoder.Code = (rangeDecoder.Code << 8) | (byte)rangeDecoder.Stream.ReadByte();
             rangeDecoder.Range <<= 8;
         return 0;
         rangeDecoder.Range -= newBound;
         rangeDecoder.Code -= newBound;
         Prob -= (Prob) >> kNumMoveBits;
         if (rangeDecoder.Range < Decoder.kTopValue)
             rangeDecoder.Code = (rangeDecoder.Code << 8) | (byte)rangeDecoder.Stream.ReadByte();
             rangeDecoder.Range <<= 8;
         return 1;
        public void EventHandler_ConfirmationStatus(string message)
            Decoder decode_test = new Decoder();
            OrderClass obj = new OrderClass();
            obj = decode_test.decryptString(message);

            if (obj.get_senderId() ==
                Console.WriteLine("\n\n\n***************  ORDER STATUS  ***************");
                Console.WriteLine("Travel {0} placed an order of {1} ticktes to Airline {2}", obj.get_senderId(), obj.get_amount(), obj.get_receiverId());
                Console.WriteLine("The price of each ticket is ${0}", obj.get_unitprice());
                Console.WriteLine("The total amount charged is : ${0}", obj.get_totalamount());
                Console.WriteLine("The order is charged to card number  : {0}", obj.get_cardNo());

                if (obj.get_confirmationstatus())
                    Console.WriteLine("Congratulations !! the order has been processed. Have a safe Flight !");
                    Console.WriteLine("No Tickets Available. Your order could not be processed at this time !");

                timeSpan = stopWatch.Elapsed;
                Console.WriteLine("Total time taken for order confirmation: " + timeSpan.Milliseconds);


Exemple #4
 public uint Decode(Decoder rangeDecoder)
     uint m = 1;
     for (int bitIndex = _numBitLevels; bitIndex > 0; bitIndex--)
         m = (m << 1) + _models[m].Decode(rangeDecoder);
     return m - ((uint)1 << _numBitLevels);
        public void TestWithPointers()
            var path = Path.Combine("..", "..", "TestData", "MaxMind-DB", "test-data", "maps-with-pointers.raw");
            using (var database = new ArrayReader(path))
                var decoder = new Decoder(database, 0);

                var node = decoder.Decode(0).Node;
                Assert.That(node.Value<string>("long_key"), Is.EqualTo("long_value1"));

                node = decoder.Decode(22).Node;
                Assert.That(node.Value<string>("long_key"), Is.EqualTo("long_value2"));

                node = decoder.Decode(37).Node;
                Assert.That(node.Value<string>("long_key2"), Is.EqualTo("long_value1"));

                node = decoder.Decode(50).Node;
                Assert.That(node.Value<string>("long_key2"), Is.EqualTo("long_value2"));

                node = decoder.Decode(55).Node;
                Assert.That(node.Value<string>("long_key"), Is.EqualTo("long_value1"));

                node = decoder.Decode(57).Node;
                Assert.That(node.Value<string>("long_key2"), Is.EqualTo("long_value2"));
        public void TestWithPointers()
            var path = Path.Combine(new[] { "..", "..", "TestData", "MaxMind-DB", "test-data", "maps-with-pointers.raw" });
            var stream = new ThreadLocal<Stream>(() => new MemoryStream(File.ReadAllBytes(path)));
            using (stream)
                var decoder = new Decoder(stream, 0);

                var node = decoder.Decode(0).Node;
                Assert.That(node.Value<string>("long_key"), Is.EqualTo("long_value1"));

                node = decoder.Decode(22).Node;
                Assert.That(node.Value<string>("long_key"), Is.EqualTo("long_value2"));

                node = decoder.Decode(37).Node;
                Assert.That(node.Value<string>("long_key2"), Is.EqualTo("long_value1"));

                node = decoder.Decode(50).Node;
                Assert.That(node.Value<string>("long_key2"), Is.EqualTo("long_value2"));

                node = decoder.Decode(55).Node;
                Assert.That(node.Value<string>("long_key"), Is.EqualTo("long_value1"));

                node = decoder.Decode(57).Node;
                Assert.That(node.Value<string>("long_key2"), Is.EqualTo("long_value2"));
Exemple #7
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        if (!IsPostBack)
            Decoder dcode = new Decoder();
            string mErr = "";

            // 檢查使用者權限但不存入登入紀錄
            //Check_Power("3002", false);

            if (Request["fl_url"] != null)
                lb_fl_url.Text = dcode.DeCode(Request["fl_url"].Trim());

                if (lb_fl_url.Text == Album.Root)
                    mErr = "根目錄不可刪除\\n";
                    lb_path.Text = Server.MapPath(lb_fl_url.Text);

                    #region 取得目前目錄的名稱
                    lb_al_name.Text = lb_fl_url.Text.Replace(Album.Root,"").Replace("//","");

                    if (!Directory.Exists(lb_path.Text))
                        mErr = "找不到指定的路徑\\n";
                mErr = "參數傳送錯誤!\\n";

            if (mErr != "")
                lt_show.Text = "<script language=\"javascript\">alert(\"" + mErr + "\");parent.close_all();parent.clean_win();</script>";
        /// <summary>
        /// Decodes an encoded frame.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="encodedFrame">The encoded frame.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public override VideoBuffer Decode(byte[] encodedFrame)
            if (Decoder == null)
                Decoder = new Decoder();

            if (Padep.SequenceNumberingViolated)
                Decoder.NeedsKeyFrame = true;
                return null;

            // vp8 -> frame
            var width = 0;
            var height = 0;
            var frame = Decoder.Decode(encodedFrame, out width, out height);
            if (frame == null)
                return null;
                return new VideoBuffer(width, height, new VideoPlane(frame, width), VideoFormat.I420);
            catch (Exception ex)
                Log.Error("Could not convert decoded image to video buffer.", ex);
                return null;
Exemple #9
 public void ReturnsFalseIfTheInstructionIsNotValid()
     var decoder = new Decoder(new Registry());
       OpcodeAddressModePair pair;
       Assert.That(decoder.TryDecode(0xFF, out pair), Is.False, @"TryDecode returned
       true for an invalid instruction, which is not expected.");
 private static byte[] DecodeLzma(byte[] lzmaByteArray)
     byte[] result = null;
     Decoder decoder = new Decoder();
     using (MemoryStream memoryStream = new MemoryStream(lzmaByteArray))
         memoryStream.Seek(0L, SeekOrigin.Begin);
         using (MemoryStream memoryStream2 = new MemoryStream())
             byte[] array = new byte[5];
             if (memoryStream.Read(array, 0, 5) != 5)
                 throw new Exception("input .lzma is too short");
             long num = 0L;
             for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
                 int num2 = memoryStream.ReadByte();
                 if (num2 < 0)
                     throw new Exception("Can't Read 1");
                 num |= (long)((long)((ulong)((byte)num2)) << 8 * i);
             long inSize = memoryStream.Length - memoryStream.Position;
             decoder.Code(memoryStream, memoryStream2, inSize, num, null);
             result = memoryStream2.ToArray();
     return result;
Exemple #11
 public byte DecodeNormal(Decoder rangeDecoder)
     uint symbol = 1;
         symbol = (symbol << 1) | m_Decoders[symbol].Decode(rangeDecoder);
     while (symbol < 0x100);
     return (byte)symbol;
Exemple #12
 public Texture(Decoder scs)
     m_vStorageObject = scs;
     m_vScImageTypes = new Dictionary<byte, Type>();
     m_vScImageTypes.Add(0, typeof(ImageRgba8888));
     m_vScImageTypes.Add(2, typeof(ImageRgba4444));
     m_vScImageTypes.Add(4, typeof(ImageRgb565));
     m_vTextureId = (short)m_vStorageObject.GetTextures().Count();
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        if (!IsPostBack)
            Decoder dcode = new Decoder();
            string mErr = "", fl_name = "", fl_url = "", fpath = "";

            // 檢查使用者權限,但不存登入紀錄
            //Check_Power("3002", false);

            if (Request["fl_name"] == null || Request["fl_url"] == null)
                mErr = "參數傳送錯誤!\\n";
                fl_name = Request["fl_name"].Trim().ToLower();
                fl_url = dcode.DeCode(Request["fl_url"].Trim());

                if (fl_name == "" || fl_url == "")
                    mErr = "參數傳送錯誤!\\n";

            #region 取得相片資訊
            if (mErr == "") {
                fpath = Server.MapPath(fl_url);

                if (fpath.Substring(fpath.Length - 1, 1) != "\\")
                    fpath += "\\";

                string[] mFiles = Directory.GetFiles(fpath, fl_name);
                if (mFiles.Length > 0)
                    FileInfo fi_obj = new FileInfo(mFiles[0].ToString());

                    lb_ac_name.Text = fl_name;
                    lb_ac_size.Text = fi_obj.Length.ToString("N0");
                    lb_init_time.Text = fi_obj.LastWriteTime.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss");
                    lb_ac_type.Text = fi_obj.Extension.ToLower();

                    #region 讀取圖檔資料
                    using (System.Drawing.Image img_obj = System.Drawing.Image.FromFile(fpath + fl_name))
                        lb_ac_wh.Text = img_obj.Width.ToString() + " × " + img_obj.Height.ToString();
                    mErr = "找不到指定的相片!\\n";

                mFiles = null;

            if (mErr != "")
                lt_show.Text = "<script language=javascript>alert(\"" + mErr + "\");parent.close_all();parent.clean_win();</script>";
        private void btnOpen_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (openFileDialog.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(openFileDialog.FileName))
                txtFileName.Text = openFileDialog.FileName;
                Decoder decoder = new Decoder(openFileDialog.FileName);

                gvData.DataSource = decoder.DecodeData;

    protected void lb_ok_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        string mErr = "";
        string mg_pass, mg_pass1;

        // 載入公用函數
        Common_Func cfc = new Common_Func();

        mg_pass = tb_mg_pass.Text.Trim();
        mg_pass1 = tb_mg_pass1.Text.Trim();

        if (mg_pass == "")
            mErr = mErr + "「新登入密碼」沒有輸入!\\n";
            if (cfc.CheckSQL(mg_pass))
                mErr = mErr + "「新登入密碼」請勿使用特殊符號!\\n";
            else if (mg_pass.Length > 12 || mg_pass.Length < 4)
                mErr = mErr + "「新登入密碼」長度為4~12個字!\\n";

        if (mg_pass != mg_pass1)
            mErr = mErr + "「新登入密碼」與「新密碼確認」不相同!\\n";

        if (mErr == "")
            using (SqlConnection Sql_conn = new SqlConnection(WebConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["AppSysConnectionString"].ConnectionString))
                string SqlString = "";
                Decoder decoder = new Decoder();


                // 建立 SQL 修改資料的語法
                SqlString = "Update Manager Set mg_pass = @mg_pass";
                SqlString = SqlString + " Where mg_sid = @mg_sid";

                using (SqlCommand Sql_Command = new SqlCommand(SqlString, Sql_conn))
                    Sql_Command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@mg_pass", decoder.EnCode(mg_pass));
                    Sql_Command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@mg_sid", lb_pg_mg_sid.Text);


        if (mErr == "")
            mErr = "alert('密碼變更完成,新密碼該員於下次登入時生效!\\n');location.replace('10051.aspx" + lb_page.Text + "');";
            mErr = "alert('" + mErr + "')";

        lt_show.Text = "<script language=javascript>" + mErr + "</script>";
Exemple #16
 static void Main()
     var readLine = Console.ReadLine();
     if (readLine == null) return;
     var timesToRead = int.Parse(readLine);
     var decoder = new Decoder();
     for (var i = 0; i < timesToRead; i++)
         readLine = Console.ReadLine();
Exemple #17
        public void Decode_CorrectlyDecodesInstructions(UInt64 raw, InstructionType expectedOp, Int32 expecteOperand)
            // Arrange
            var decoder = new Decoder();

            // Act
            var instruction = decoder.Decode(raw);

            // Assert
        /// <summary>
        /// Provides properties for storing and retrieving CME FIX market data incremental refresh fields.
        /// </summary>
        public MarketDataIncrementalRefresh(FieldInfo<byte> tagInfo, FieldInfo<byte> valueInfo, Trailer trailer, Decoder decoder)
            : base(tagInfo, valueInfo, trailer)
            this.decoder = decoder;

            DataBlock = new RepeatingGroup[REPEATING_GROUP_ARRAY_LENGTH];

            for (int i = 0; i < REPEATING_GROUP_ARRAY_LENGTH; i++)
                DataBlock[i] = new RepeatingGroup();
 public static uint ReverseDecode(BitDecoder[] Models, UInt32 startIndex, Decoder rangeDecoder, int NumBitLevels)
     uint m = 1;
     uint symbol = 0;
     for (int bitIndex = 0; bitIndex < NumBitLevels; bitIndex++)
         uint bit = Models[startIndex + m].Decode(rangeDecoder);
         m <<= 1;
         m += bit;
         symbol |= (bit << bitIndex);
     return symbol;
Exemple #20
 public uint ReverseDecode(Decoder rangeDecoder)
     uint m = 1;
     uint symbol = 0;
     for (int bitIndex = 0; bitIndex < _numBitLevels; bitIndex++)
         uint bit = _models[m].Decode(rangeDecoder);
         m <<= 1;
         m += bit;
         symbol |= (bit << bitIndex);
     return symbol;
        private void InitWithStandardHeader()
            input = new MemoryStream();
            patch = new MemoryStream();
            output = new MemoryStream();

            BinaryWriter patchWriter = new BinaryWriter(patch);
            patch.Position = 0;

            decoder = new Decoder(input, patch, output);
Exemple #22
        public MovieClip(MovieClip mv)
            m_vStorageObject = mv.GetStorageObject();
            m_vDataType = mv.GetMovieClipDataType();
            m_vShapes = new List<ScObject>();

            //Duplicate MovieClip
            using (FileStream input = new FileStream(m_vStorageObject.GetFileName(), FileMode.Open))
                input.Seek(Math.Abs(mv.GetOffset()) + 5, SeekOrigin.Begin);
                using (var br = new BinaryReader(input))

            //Set new clip id
            short maxMovieClipId = this.GetId();
            foreach(MovieClip clip in m_vStorageObject.GetMovieClips())
                if (clip.GetId() > maxMovieClipId)
                    maxMovieClipId = clip.GetId();

            //Get max shape id
            short maxShapeId = 20000;//avoid collision with other objects in MovieClips
            foreach(Shape shape in m_vStorageObject.GetShapes())
                if (shape.GetId() > maxShapeId)
                    maxShapeId = shape.GetId();

            //Duplicate shapes associated to clip
            List<ScObject> newShapes = new List<ScObject>();
            foreach(Shape s in m_vShapes)
                Shape newShape = new Shape(s);
                m_vStorageObject.AddShape(newShape);//Add to global shapelist
            this.m_vShapes = newShapes;
Exemple #23
        private static void Main(string[] args)
            var ciphers = new Ciphertext[20];
            var keys = new KeyContainer[53];

            var result = @"C:\Users\Simon\Desktop\Krypto2\result.txt";
            var file = new StreamWriter(result); //bedziemy wpisywac do file wynik
            var f = new FileReader(@"C:\Users\Simon\Desktop\Krypto2\zad1.txt");
            var message = f.ReadFile(); //string

            //[]->rows []->kolumny
            var path = "";
            for (var i = 0; i < 20; i++)
                path = @"C:\Users\Simon\Desktop\Krypto2\k" + i + ".txt";
                f = new FileReader(path);
                var c0 = f.ReadFile();
                ciphers[i] = new Ciphertext(c0);

            var keyGen = new KeyGenerator();

            for (var j = 0; j < 52; j++) //iteration through columns
                keys[j] = new KeyContainer();
                foreach (var key in keyGen)
                    var k = Converter.GetBytesFromBinaryString(key);
                    var final = "";
                    var ks = 0;
                    for (var i = 0; i < 20; i++) //lecimy po wszystkich kryptogramach
                        var cell = ciphers[i].GetByte(j); //musimy zmieniac
                        var x = Converter.GetBytesFromBinaryString(cell);
                        var res = Converter.XoR(k, x);
                        final = final + Encoding.ASCII.GetString(res);
                    if (Converter.Check(final))
                        Console.WriteLine("Key: " + key + " :" + final);

            var decoder = new Decoder(message, keys);
 public static uint ReverseDecode(BitDecoder[] models, uint startIndex,
                                  Decoder rangeDecoder, int numBitLevels)
     uint m = 1;
     uint symbol = 0;
     for (var bitIndex = 0; bitIndex < numBitLevels; bitIndex++)
         var bit = models[startIndex + m].Decode(rangeDecoder);
         m <<= 1;
         m += bit;
         symbol |= (bit << bitIndex);
     return symbol;
Exemple #25
 /** Picture:
  * @param b payload buffer
  * @param d decoder of the picture
  * The b buffer should only point to the payload data section of
  * the picture (not the header). The only methods that would ever need
  * to be called are parse(), decode(), and getImage(). However,
  * one should check wether the error variable is set before and after
  * calling a method. One should not call them in any other order than that
  * just specified. Each can be called without arguments and should not be
  * called twice. */
 public Picture(Buffer b, Decoder d)
     num = b.GetInt(13);
     code = b.GetByte(4);
     buf = b;
     dec = d;
     par = new Parameters(code);
     coeffs = new SubBand[3][];
     coeffs[0] = new SubBand[19];
     coeffs[1] = new SubBand[19];
     coeffs[2] = new SubBand[19];
     motion_buffers = new Buffer[9];
     status = Decoder.Status.NULL;
Exemple #26
 static void testDecoder(Decoder decoder)
     var jsonParser = new JsonParser() { CamelizeProperties = false };
     dynamic config = jsonParser.Parse(System.IO.File.ReadAllText("config.txt"));
     Console.WriteLine("-----------------Decoder Test-----------------");
     //printDecodedMessage(decoder.Decode(new UnparsedMessage("*450052.0#16[0099],2012-10-02 21:14:45,STS,DC=0,PC=0,LV=0.0,BV=3.2,BU=3.6,I=5.3,T=23.9,DU=0.0,RU=0.0,STORAGE,OK,#E3", null, null, null, null, config)));
     //printDecodedMessage(decoder.Decode(new UnparsedMessage("*450052.0#16[0014],INVALID,#07", null, null, null, null, config)));
     //printDecodedMessage(decoder.Decode(new UnparsedMessage("*450052.0#16[0009],OK,#9A", null, null, null, null, config)));
     //printDecodedMessage(decoder.Decode(new UnparsedMessage("450052,000,2012-10-02 21:19:19,STS,DC=0,PC=0,LV=0.0,BV=3.2,BU=3.6,I=2.7,T=23.7,DU=0.0,RU=0.0,XYZ=-0.06:-0.22:0.94,#8C", null, null, null, null, config)));
     //printDecodedMessage(decoder.Decode(new UnparsedMessage("450052,001,2012-10-02 21:20:01,A69-9001,30444,#B3", null, null, null, null, config)));
     //printDecodedMessage(decoder.Decode(new UnparsedMessage("450052,032,2012-10-02 21:40:42,A69-1303,48823,#C5", null, null, null, null, config)));
     //printDecodedMessage(decoder.Decode(new UnparsedMessage("450052,039,2012-10-02 21:42:17,A69-9001,30,444,#CA", null, null, null, null, config)));
     //printDecodedMessage(decoder.Decode(new UnparsedMessage("*450052.0#16[0099],VR2C-69:450052,'VEMCO',MAP-113 [ 1105 1303 9001/9002 1420 1430 1601 1602 ],FW=0.0.25,HW=3,OK,#57", null, null, null, null, config)));
     //printDecodedMessage(decoder.Decode(new UnparsedMessage("*450052.0#16[0125],2012-10-02 21:47:06,STS,DC=108,PC=1199,LV=0.0,BV=3.2,BU=3.6,I=5.3,T=23.1,DU=0.0,RU=0.1,XYZ=-0.06:-0.22:0.94,STOPPED,OK,#89", null, null, null, null, config)));
     //printDecodedMessage(decoder.Decode(new UnparsedMessage("*450052.0#16[0053],232,SI=60,BL=U,BI=1,MA=U,FMT=SER SEQ UTC CS,OK,#8A", null, null, null, null, config)));
Exemple #27
        private void button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            Decoder decoder = new Decoder();

            string s = richTextBox1.Text;

                Test o = (Test) decoder.Decode(s);
                richTextBox1.AppendText("\n" + "ok");
            catch (Exception exc)
                richTextBox1.AppendText("\n" + exc.ToString());
Exemple #28
        public void FindsTheProperOpCodeAndAddressingModeForTheInstruction(
        byte instruction, Opcode expectedOpcode,
        AddressingMode expectedAddressingMode)
            var registry = new Registry {
            { instruction, expectedOpcode, null, expectedAddressingMode } };

              var decoder = new Decoder(registry);
              OpcodeAddressModePair pair;
              var hasInstruction = decoder.TryDecode(instruction, out pair);

              Assert.That(hasInstruction, Is.True, @"Try Decode returned false for a
              valid instruction, which is not expected.");
              Assert.That(pair.Opcode, Is.EqualTo(expectedOpcode));
              Assert.That(pair.Mode, Is.EqualTo(expectedAddressingMode));
Exemple #29
        private void button3_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            Encoder encoder = new Encoder();
            encoder.Indent = true;
            Test o = new Test();
            string s = encoder.Encode(o);

            Decoder decoder = new Decoder();
            Test o2 = (Test)decoder.Decode(s);
            string s2 = encoder.Encode(o2);

            if (s == s2)
Exemple #30
    // 建立子目錄
    protected void bn_mkdir_ok_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        Decoder dcode = new Decoder();
        string smkdir = "", mErr = "", fpath = "";

        smkdir = tb_al_name.Text.Trim();
        if (smkdir == "")
            mErr = "請輸入子目錄的名稱!\\n";
            fpath = Server.MapPath(lb_fl_url.Text);
            if (Directory.Exists(fpath))
                fpath = fpath + "\\" + smkdir + "\\";
                if (Directory.Exists(fpath))
                    mErr = "這個子目錄名稱已經存在!\\n";

                        if (!Directory.Exists(fpath))
                            mErr = "目錄建立失敗!\\n";
                            #region 建立縮圖目錄
                            fpath = fpath + "_thumb\\";
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        mErr = ex.ToString() + "\\n";
                mErr = "找不到現在的目錄!\\n";

        if (mErr == "")
            lt_show.Text = "<script language=\"javascript\">alert(\"目錄建立完成!\\n\");parent.tree_reload('" + Server.UrlEncode(dcode.EnCode(lb_fl_url.Text)) + "');parent.clean_win();</script>";
            lt_show.Text = "<script language=\"javascript\">alert(\"" + mErr + "\");parent.clean_win();</script>";
Exemple #31
        /// <summary>
        /// Prepares bare minimum information about beatmap
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="file">beatmap path</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public Beatmap LoadBeatmap(string file)
            IBeatmap             lazerBeatmap;
            DifficultyAttributes difficultyAttributes;

            using (var raw = File.OpenRead(file))
                using (var ms = new MemoryStream())
                    using (var sr = new LineBufferedReader(ms))
                        ms.Position = 0;

                        var decoder = Decoder.GetDecoder <osu.Game.Beatmaps.Beatmap>(sr);
                        lazerBeatmap = decoder.Decode(sr);

                        lazerBeatmap.BeatmapInfo.Path    = Path.GetFileName(file);
                        lazerBeatmap.BeatmapInfo.MD5Hash = ms.ComputeMD5Hash();

                        var ruleset = Rulesets.GetOrDefault(lazerBeatmap.BeatmapInfo.RulesetID);
                        lazerBeatmap.BeatmapInfo.Ruleset = ruleset.RulesetInfo;
                        difficultyAttributes             = ruleset?.CreateDifficultyCalculator(new DummyConversionBeatmap(lazerBeatmap)).Calculate();

                        lazerBeatmap.BeatmapInfo.StarDifficulty = Math.Round(difficultyAttributes?.StarRating ?? 0, 2);
                        lazerBeatmap.BeatmapInfo.Length         = CalculateLength(lazerBeatmap);

            short circles, sliders, spinners;

            circles = sliders = spinners = 0;
            if (difficultyAttributes is OsuDifficultyAttributes osuAttributes)
                circles  = (short)osuAttributes.HitCircleCount;
                spinners = (short)osuAttributes.SpinnerCount;
                sliders  = (short)osuAttributes.SliderCount;

            return(new Beatmap
                PlayMode = (PlayMode)lazerBeatmap.BeatmapInfo.RulesetID,
                ArtistRoman = lazerBeatmap.Metadata.Artist,
                ArtistUnicode = lazerBeatmap.Metadata.ArtistUnicode,
                TitleRoman = lazerBeatmap.Metadata.Title,
                TitleUnicode = lazerBeatmap.Metadata.TitleUnicode,
                DiffName = lazerBeatmap.BeatmapInfo.Version,
                Md5 = lazerBeatmap.BeatmapInfo.MD5Hash,
                MapId = lazerBeatmap.BeatmapInfo.OnlineBeatmapID ?? 0,
                ModPpStars = new PlayModeStars {
                    { (PlayMode)lazerBeatmap.BeatmapInfo.RulesetID, new StarRating {
                          { (int)Mods.Omod, lazerBeatmap.BeatmapInfo.StarDifficulty }
                      } }
                MainBpm = Math.Round(lazerBeatmap.ControlPointInfo.BPMMode),
                MinBpm = Math.Round(lazerBeatmap.ControlPointInfo.BPMMinimum),
                MaxBpm = Math.Round(lazerBeatmap.ControlPointInfo.BPMMaximum),
                Creator = lazerBeatmap.Metadata.AuthorString,
                ApproachRate = lazerBeatmap.BeatmapInfo.BaseDifficulty.ApproachRate,
                CircleSize = lazerBeatmap.BeatmapInfo.BaseDifficulty.CircleSize,
                SliderVelocity = lazerBeatmap.BeatmapInfo.BaseDifficulty.SliderMultiplier,
                OverallDifficulty = lazerBeatmap.BeatmapInfo.BaseDifficulty.OverallDifficulty,
                Circles = circles,
                Dir = Path.GetFileName(Path.GetDirectoryName(file)),
                MapSetId = lazerBeatmap.BeatmapInfo.BeatmapSet.OnlineBeatmapSetID ?? 0,
                Mp3Name = lazerBeatmap.Metadata.AudioFile,
                PreviewTime = Convert.ToInt32(lazerBeatmap.BeatmapInfo.Metadata.PreviewTime),
                Sliders = sliders,
                Source = lazerBeatmap.Metadata.Source,
                Spinners = spinners,
                StackLeniency = lazerBeatmap.BeatmapInfo.StackLeniency,
                Tags = lazerBeatmap.Metadata.Tags,
                TotalTime = Convert.ToInt32(lazerBeatmap.BeatmapInfo.Length),
                OsuFileName = Path.GetFileName(file),
                AudioOffset = 0,
                DrainingTime = 0,
                ThreadId = 0,
                EditDate = DateTime.UtcNow,
                LastPlayed = DateTime.MinValue,
                LastSync = DateTime.MinValue
 public static void AddFreeVariables(Expression exp,
                                     Microsoft.Research.DataStructures.IMutableSet <Expression> set, Decoder decoder)
     decoder.visitorForVariablesIn.Recurse(exp, set);
Exemple #33
        /// <summary>If this request is a POST request, replaces the body of the request with data from the specified stream.
        /// This will clear and reinitialise all the POST parameter values and file uploads.</summary>
        /// <param name="body">Stream to read new POST request body from.</param>
        /// <param name="tempPath">The temporary directory to use for file uploads. Default is <see cref="Path.GetTempPath"/>.</param>
        /// <param name="storeFileUploadInFileAtSize">The maximum size (in bytes) at which file uploads are stored in memory.
        /// Any uploads that exceed this limit are written to temporary files on disk. Default is 16 MB.</param>
        internal void ParsePostBody(Stream body, string tempPath = null, long storeFileUploadInFileAtSize = 16 *1024 *1024)

            if (Method != HttpMethod.Post)

            if (Headers.ContentType == HttpPostContentType.ApplicationXWwwFormUrlEncoded)
                using (var reader = new StreamReader(body, Encoding.UTF8))
                    _postFields = HttpHelper.ParseQueryValueParameters(reader).ToNameValuesCollection();

            // An excessively long boundary is going to screw up the following algorithm.
            // (Actually a limit of up to bufferSize - 8 would work, but I think 1024 is more than enough.)
            if (body == null || Headers.ContentMultipartBoundary == null || Headers.ContentMultipartBoundary.Length > 1024)

            if (tempPath == null)
                tempPath = Path.GetTempPath();

            // Instead of reallocating a new buffer multiple times, allocate at most two buffers and switch between them as necessary
            int bufferSize = 65536;

            byte[]            buffer1      = new byte[bufferSize];
            byte[]            buffer2      = null;
            byte[]            buffer       = buffer1;
            Action <int, int> switchBuffer = (offset, count) =>
                if (buffer == buffer1)
                    if (buffer2 == null)
                        buffer2 = new byte[bufferSize];
                    Buffer.BlockCopy(buffer, offset, buffer2, 0, count);
                    buffer = buffer2;
                    Buffer.BlockCopy(buffer, offset, buffer1, 0, count);
                    buffer = buffer1;

            // Process POST request upload data
            int bytesRead = body.Read(buffer, 0, bufferSize);

            if (bytesRead == 0)    // premature end of request body

            // We expect the input to begin with "--" followed by the boundary followed by "\r\n"
            byte[] expecting   = ("--" + Headers.ContentMultipartBoundary + "\r\n").ToUtf8();
            int    bufferIndex = bytesRead;

            while (bufferIndex < expecting.Length)
                bytesRead = body.Read(buffer, bufferIndex, buffer.Length - bufferIndex);
                if (bytesRead == 0)    // premature end of request body
                bufferIndex += bytesRead;
            if (!buffer.SubarrayEquals(0, expecting, 0, expecting.Length))
            bytesRead   = bufferIndex - expecting.Length;
            bufferIndex = expecting.Length;

            // Now comes the main reading loop
            bool    processingHeaders             = true;
            string  currentHeaders                = "";
            string  currentFieldName              = null;
            Stream  currentWritingStream          = null;
            bool    currentIsFileUpload           = false;
            string  currentFileUploadFilename     = null;
            string  currentFileUploadContentType  = null;
            string  currentFileUploadTempFilename = null;
            Decoder utf8Decoder = Encoding.UTF8.GetDecoder();

            char[] chArr                    = new char[1];
            byte[] lastBoundary             = ("\r\n--" + Headers.ContentMultipartBoundary + "--\r\n").ToUtf8();
            byte[] middleBoundary           = ("\r\n--" + Headers.ContentMultipartBoundary + "\r\n").ToUtf8();
            var    inMemoryFileUploads      = new SortedList <long, List <FileUpload> >();
            long   inMemoryFileUploadsTotal = 0;

            while (bufferIndex > 0 || bytesRead > 0)
                int writeIndex = 0;
                if (bytesRead > 0)
                    if (processingHeaders)
                        bool newLineFound = false;
                        while (!newLineFound && bytesRead > 0)
                            int numCh = utf8Decoder.GetChars(buffer, bufferIndex, 1, chArr, 0);
                            if (numCh != 0)
                                currentHeaders += chArr[0];
                            newLineFound = currentHeaders.EndsWith("\r\n\r\n");

                        if (newLineFound)
                            currentIsFileUpload           = false;
                            currentFileUploadContentType  = null;
                            currentFileUploadFilename     = null;
                            currentFileUploadTempFilename = null;
                            currentFieldName     = null;
                            currentWritingStream = null;
                            foreach (string header in currentHeaders.Split(new string[] { "\r\n" }, StringSplitOptions.None))
                                Match m;
                                if ((m = Regex.Match(header, @"^content-disposition\s*:\s*form-data\s*;(.*)$", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase)).Success)
                                    string v = m.Groups[1].Value;
                                    while (v.Length > 0)
                                        m = Regex.Match(v, @"^\s*(\w+)=""([^""]*)""\s*(?:;\s*|$)");
                                        if (!m.Success)
                                            m = Regex.Match(v, @"^\s*(\w+)=([^;]*)\s*(?:;\s*|$)");
                                        if (!m.Success)
                                        if (m.Groups[1].Value.ToLowerInvariant() == "name")
                                            currentFieldName = m.Groups[2].Value;
                                        else if (m.Groups[1].Value.ToLowerInvariant() == "filename")
                                            currentFileUploadFilename = m.Groups[2].Value;
                                        v = v.Substring(m.Length);
                                else if ((m = Regex.Match(header, @"^content-type\s*:\s*(.*)$", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase)).Success)
                                    currentFileUploadContentType = m.Groups[1].Value;
                            if (currentFieldName != null)
                                currentWritingStream = new MemoryStream();
                                if (currentFileUploadFilename != null)
                                    currentIsFileUpload = true;
                            processingHeaders = false;
                    else if (bytesRead >= lastBoundary.Length)   // processing content
                        bool boundaryFound = false;
                        bool end           = false;

                        int boundaryIndex = buffer.IndexOfSubarray(lastBoundary, bufferIndex, bytesRead);
                        if (boundaryIndex != -1)
                            boundaryFound = true;
                            end           = true;
                        int middleBoundaryIndex = buffer.IndexOfSubarray(middleBoundary, bufferIndex, bytesRead);
                        if (middleBoundaryIndex != -1 && (!boundaryFound || middleBoundaryIndex < boundaryIndex))
                            boundaryFound = true;
                            boundaryIndex = middleBoundaryIndex;
                            end           = false;

                        int howMuchToWrite = boundaryFound
                                                                                // If we have encountered the boundary, write all the data up to it
                            ? howMuchToWrite = boundaryIndex - bufferIndex
                                                                                // Write as much of the data to the output stream as possible, but leave enough so that we can still recognise the boundary
                            : howMuchToWrite = bytesRead - lastBoundary.Length; // this is never negative because of the "if" we're in

                        // Write the aforementioned amount of data to the output stream
                        if (howMuchToWrite > 0 && currentWritingStream != null)
                            // If we're currently processing a file upload in memory, and it takes the total file uploads over the limit...
                            if (currentIsFileUpload && currentWritingStream is MemoryStream && ((MemoryStream)currentWritingStream).Length + inMemoryFileUploadsTotal + howMuchToWrite > storeFileUploadInFileAtSize)
                                var memory       = (MemoryStream)currentWritingStream;
                                var inMemoryKeys = inMemoryFileUploads.Keys;
                                if (inMemoryKeys.Count > 0 && memory.Length < inMemoryKeys[inMemoryKeys.Count - 1])
                                    // ... switch the largest one to a temporary file
                                    var lastKey       = inMemoryKeys[inMemoryKeys.Count - 1];
                                    var biggestUpload = inMemoryFileUploads[lastKey][0];
                                    Stream fileStream;
                                    biggestUpload.LocalFilename = HttpInternalObjects.RandomTempFilepath(tempPath, out fileStream);
                                    fileStream.Write(biggestUpload.Data, 0, biggestUpload.Data.Length);
                                    inMemoryFileUploadsTotal -= biggestUpload.Data.LongLength;
                                    biggestUpload.Data        = null;
                                    if (inMemoryFileUploads[lastKey].Count == 0)
                                    // ... switch this one to a temporary file
                                    currentFileUploadTempFilename = HttpInternalObjects.RandomTempFilepath(tempPath, out currentWritingStream);
                            currentWritingStream.Write(buffer, bufferIndex, howMuchToWrite);

                        // If we encountered the boundary, add this field to _postFields or this upload to _fileUploads or inMemoryFileUploads
                        if (boundaryFound)
                            if (currentWritingStream != null)

                                if (!currentIsFileUpload)
                                    // It's a normal field
                                    // It's a file upload
                                    var fileUpload = new FileUpload(currentFileUploadContentType, currentFileUploadFilename);
                                    if (currentFileUploadTempFilename != null)
                                        // The file upload has already been written to disk
                                        fileUpload.LocalFilename = currentFileUploadTempFilename;
                                        // The file upload is still in memory. Keep track of it in inMemoryFileUploads so that we can still write it to disk later if necessary
                                        var memory = (MemoryStream)currentWritingStream;
                                        fileUpload.Data = memory.ToArray();
                                        inMemoryFileUploads.AddSafe(fileUpload.Data.LongLength, fileUpload);
                                        inMemoryFileUploadsTotal += fileUpload.Data.LongLength;
                                    _fileUploads[currentFieldName] = fileUpload;

                                currentWritingStream = null;

                            // If that was the final boundary, we are done
                            if (end)

                            // Consume the boundary and go back to processing headers
                            bytesRead        -= boundaryIndex - bufferIndex + middleBoundary.Length;
                            bufferIndex       = boundaryIndex + middleBoundary.Length;
                            processingHeaders = true;
                            currentHeaders    = "";
                            // No boundary there. Received data has been written to the currentWritingStream above.
                            // Now copy the remaining little bit (which may contain part of the bounary) into a new buffer
                            switchBuffer(bufferIndex + howMuchToWrite, bytesRead - howMuchToWrite);
                            bytesRead -= howMuchToWrite;
                            writeIndex = bytesRead;
                    else if (bufferIndex > 0)
                        // We are processing content, but there is not enough data in the buffer to ensure that it doesn't contain part of the boundary.
                        // Therefore, just copy the data to a new buffer and continue receiving more
                        switchBuffer(bufferIndex, bytesRead);
                        writeIndex = bytesRead;
                bufferIndex = 0;
                // We need to read enough data to contain the boundary
                    bytesRead = body.Read(buffer, writeIndex, bufferSize - writeIndex);
                    if (bytesRead == 0) // premature end of content
                        if (currentWritingStream != null)
                    writeIndex += bytesRead;
                }while (writeIndex < lastBoundary.Length);
                bytesRead = writeIndex;
Exemple #34
 public Instr64Decoder(Decoder <OpenRISCDisassembler, Mnemonic, OpenRISCInstruction> dec32bit, Decoder <OpenRISCDisassembler, Mnemonic, OpenRISCInstruction> dec64bit)
     this.dec32bit = dec32bit;
     this.dec64bit = dec64bit;
Exemple #35
 protected MessageToMessageCodec()
     this.encoder = new Encoder(this);
     this.decoder = new Decoder(this);
Exemple #36
        public static T DecodeJsonObject <T>(object jsonObj)
            Decoder decoder = GetDecoder(typeof(T));

            return((T)decoder(typeof(T), jsonObj));
Exemple #37
        static OpenRISCDisassembler()
            var invalid = Instr(Mnemonic.Invalid, InstrClass.Invalid);

            rootDecoder = Mask(26, 6, "OpenRISC",
                               // 00
                               Instr(Mnemonic.l_j, TD, Pc26),
                               Instr(Mnemonic.l_jal, TDC, Pc26),
                                   Instr(Mnemonic.l_adrp, RD, Page(19)),
                                   Instr(Mnemonic.l_adrp, RD, Page(21))),
                               Instr(Mnemonic.l_bnf, TD | InstrClass.Conditional, Pc26),

                               Instr(Mnemonic.l_bf, TD | InstrClass.Conditional, Pc26),
                               Instr(Mnemonic.l_nop, InstrClass.Linear | InstrClass.Padding),
                               Mask(16, 1, "  0x06",
                                    Instr(Mnemonic.l_movhi, RD, Iu16),
                                    Instr(Mnemonic.l_macrc, RD)),

                               Sparse(23, 3, "  0x08", invalid,
                                      (0b000, Instr(Mnemonic.l_sys, Iu16)),
                                      (0b010, Instr(Mnemonic.l_trap, Iu16)),
                                      (0b100, Instr(Mnemonic.l_msync)),
                                      (0b101, Instr(Mnemonic.l_psync)),
                                      (0b110, Instr(Mnemonic.l_csync))),
                               Instr(Mnemonic.l_rfe, TD),


                               // 10
                               Instr(Mnemonic.l_jr, TD, RB),
                               Instr(Mnemonic.l_jalr, TDC, RB),
                               Instr(Mnemonic.l_maci, RA, Is16),


                               Instr(Mnemonic.l_lf, RD, Mo(16, PrimitiveType.Real32)),
                               Instr(Mnemonic.l_lwa, RD, Mo(16, PrimitiveType.Word32)),

                               invalid, // 0x1C - custom
                               invalid, // 0x1D - custom
                               invalid, // 0x1E - custom
                               invalid, // 0x1F - custom

                                        // 20
                                   Instr(Mnemonic.l_ld, RD, Mo(16, PrimitiveType.Word64))),
                               Instr(Mnemonic.l_lwz, RD, Mo(16, PrimitiveType.Word32)),
                               Instr(Mnemonic.l_lws, RD, Mo(16, PrimitiveType.Int32)),
                               Instr(Mnemonic.l_lbz, RD, Mo(16, PrimitiveType.Byte)),

                               Instr(Mnemonic.l_lbs, RD, Mo(16, PrimitiveType.SByte)),
                               Instr(Mnemonic.l_lhz, RD, Mo(16, PrimitiveType.Word16)),
                               Instr(Mnemonic.l_lhs, RD, Mo(16, PrimitiveType.Int16)),
                               Instr(Mnemonic.l_addi, RD, RA, Is16),

                               Instr(Mnemonic.l_addic, RD, RA, Is16),
                               Instr(Mnemonic.l_andi, RD, RA, Iu16),
                               Instr(Mnemonic.l_ori, RD, RA, Iu16),
                               Instr(Mnemonic.l_xori, RD, RA, Iu16),

                               Instr(Mnemonic.l_muli, RD, RA, Is16),
                               Instr(Mnemonic.l_mfspr, RD, RA, Spr(Bf((0, 16)))),
                               Mask(6, 2, "  0x2E",
                                    Instr(Mnemonic.l_slli, RD, RA, Iu6),
                                    Instr(Mnemonic.l_srli, RD, RA, Iu6),
                                    Instr(Mnemonic.l_srai, RD, RA, Iu6),
                                    Instr(Mnemonic.l_rori, RD, RA, Iu6)),
                               Sparse(21, 5, "  0x2F", invalid,
                                      (0x0, Instr(Mnemonic.l_sfeqi, RA, Isu16)),
                                      (0x1, Instr(Mnemonic.l_sfnei, RA, Isu16)),
                                      (0x2, Instr(Mnemonic.l_sfgtui, RA, Isu16)),
                                      (0x3, Instr(Mnemonic.l_sfgeui, RA, Isu16)),
                                      (0x4, Instr(Mnemonic.l_sfltui, RA, Isu16)),
                                      (0x5, Instr(Mnemonic.l_sfleui, RA, Isu16)),

                                      (0xA, Instr(Mnemonic.l_sfgtsi, RA, Is16)),
                                      (0xB, Instr(Mnemonic.l_sfgesi, RA, Is16)),
                                      (0xC, Instr(Mnemonic.l_sfltsi, RA, Is16)),
                                      (0xD, Instr(Mnemonic.l_sflesi, RA, Is16))),

                               // 30
                               Instr(Mnemonic.l_mtspr, RA, RB, Spr(Bf((21, 5), (0, 11)))),

                                   Instr(Mnemonic.l_sd, Mo(16, Bf((21, 5), (0, 11)), PrimitiveType.Word32), RB)),
                               Instr(Mnemonic.l_sw, Mo(16, Bf((21, 5), (0, 11)), PrimitiveType.Word32), RB),
                               Instr(Mnemonic.l_sb, Mo(16, Bf((21, 5), (0, 11)), PrimitiveType.Byte), RB),
                               Instr(Mnemonic.l_sh, Mo(16, Bf((21, 5), (0, 11)), PrimitiveType.Word16), RB),

                               Mask(8, 2, "  0x38",
                                    Mask(0, 4, "  0x38-0",
                                         Instr(Mnemonic.l_add, RD, RA, RB),
                                         Instr(Mnemonic.l_addc, RD, RA, RB),
                                         Instr(Mnemonic.l_sub, RD, RA, RB),
                                         Instr(Mnemonic.l_and, RD, RA, RB),

                                         Instr(Mnemonic.l_or, RD, RA, RB),
                                         Instr(Mnemonic.l_xor, RD, RA, RB),

                                         Mask(6, 2, " 0x30-0-8",
                                              Instr(Mnemonic.l_sll, RD, RA, RB),
                                              Instr(Mnemonic.l_srl, RD, RA, RB),
                                              Instr(Mnemonic.l_sra, RD, RA, RB),
                                              Instr(Mnemonic.l_ror, RD, RA, RB)),

                                         Nyi("  0x38-0-C"),
                                         Nyi("  0x38-0-D"),
                                         Instr(Mnemonic.l_cmov, RD, RA, RB),
                                         Instr(Mnemonic.l_ff1, RD, RA)),
                                    Sparse(0, 4, "  0x38-1", invalid,
                                           (0xF, Instr(Mnemonic.l_fl1, RD, RA))),
                                    Nyi("  0x38-2"),
                                    Sparse(0, 4, "  0x38-3",
                                           (0x6, Instr(Mnemonic.l_mul, RD, RA, RB)),
                                           (0x7, Instr(Mnemonic.l_muld, RA, RB)),
                                           (0x9, Instr(Mnemonic.l_div, RD, RA, RB)),
                                           (0xA, Instr(Mnemonic.l_divu, RD, RA, RB)),
                                           (0xB, Instr(Mnemonic.l_mulu, RD, RA, RB)),
                                           (0xC, Instr(Mnemonic.l_muldu, RA, RB)))),
                               Sparse(21, 5, "  0x39", Nyi("0x39"),
                                      (0x0, Instr(Mnemonic.l_sfeq, RA, RB)),
                                      (0x1, Instr(Mnemonic.l_sfne, RA, RB)),
                                      (0x2, Instr(Mnemonic.l_sfgtu, RA, RB)),
                                      (0x3, Instr(Mnemonic.l_sfgeu, RA, RB)),
                                      (0x4, Instr(Mnemonic.l_sfltu, RA, RB)),
                                      (0x5, Instr(Mnemonic.l_sfleu, RA, RB)),

                                      (0xA, Instr(Mnemonic.l_sfgts, RA, RB)),
                                      (0xB, Instr(Mnemonic.l_sfges, RA, RB)),
                                      (0xC, Instr(Mnemonic.l_sflts, RA, RB)),
                                      (0xD, Instr(Mnemonic.l_sfles, RA, RB))),

                    public static bool IsConstant(Expression exp, out object value, out Type type, Decoder decoder)
                        VisitorForValueOf visitor = decoder.visitorForValueOf;
                        bool result = Decode(exp, visitor, decoder);

                        value = visitor.Value;
                        type  = visitor.Type;
Exemple #39
 /// <summary>
 /// Resets the filter.
 /// </summary>
 /// <remarks>
 /// Resets the filter.
 /// </remarks>
 public override void Reset()
                    public static bool IsIsInst(Expression exp, out Type type, out Expression arg, Decoder decoder)
                        VisitorForIsInst visitor = decoder.visitorForIsInst;
                        bool             result  = Decode(exp, visitor, decoder);

                        type = visitor.Type;
                        arg  = visitor.Argument;
Exemple #41
 public CharsetDecoder(Encoding enc)
     this.enc     = enc;
     this.decoder = enc.GetDecoder();
Exemple #42
        public static void Decrypt()
            Decoder decoder = new Decoder();

            string[] files  = Directory.GetFiles(@"In\Encrypted - CSV", "*.csv");
            string   output = @"Out\Decrypted - CSV";

            int filesAmount = 0;

            foreach (string file in files)
            if (filesAmount == 0)
                MessageBox.Show("No CSV files were found in the folder \"In\\Encrypted - CSV.\""
                                + Environment.NewLine + "Place encrypted files in the folder and try again.",
                                "No Files Found",

            if (!Directory.Exists(output))
                foreach (string str in files)
                    FileInfo fileInfo = new FileInfo(str);
                    using (FileStream fileStream1 = new FileStream(str, FileMode.Open))
                        using (FileStream fileStream2 = new FileStream(Path.Combine(output, Path.GetFileName(str)), FileMode.Create))
                            byte[] numArray = new byte[5];
                            fileStream1.Read(numArray, 0, 5);
                            byte[] buffer = new byte[4];
                            fileStream1.Read(buffer, 0, 4);
                            int int32 = BitConverter.ToInt32(buffer, 0);
                            decoder.Code((Stream)fileStream1, (Stream)fileStream2, fileStream1.Length, (long)int32, (ICodeProgress)null);
                var success = MessageBox.Show("Successfully Decrypted CSV Files!" + Environment.NewLine +
                                              "Select OK to open the folder, else select cancel!",
                if (success == DialogResult.OK)
            catch (Exception e)
                MessageBox.Show("An error occured, please try again or contact someone on the Ultrapowa Network."
                                + Environment.NewLine + "Error: " + e,
                                "Error - Key:1",
Exemple #43
        public ExpectList getFileData(string filename)
            ExpectList   ret  = new ExpectList();
            FileStream   file = new FileStream(filename, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);
            StreamReader str  = new StreamReader(file, Encoding.Default);

                Decoder d = Encoding.Default.GetDecoder();

                int    lcnt = 0;
                string txtline;
                while ((txtline = str.ReadLine()) != null)
                    if (lcnt <= 1)
                    if (txtline.Trim().Length == 0)
                    txtline = txtline.Replace("	", ",");
                    string[] items = txtline.Split(',');
                    if (items.Length != 2)
                        throw new Exception(string.Format("{0}第{1}行数据异常!", filename, lcnt));
                    ExpectData ed = new ExpectData();
                    ed.OpenCode = string.Join(",", items[1].ToCharArray());
                    string   strOrg  = items[0];
                    string[] strOrgs = strOrg.Split('-');
                    if (strOrgs.Length > 1)
                        string   strDate  = strOrgs[0];
                        string   strId    = strOrgs[1];
                        string   DstrDate = string.Format("{0}-{1}-{2}", strDate.Substring(0, 4), strDate.Substring(4, 2), strDate.Substring(6));
                        DateTime etime    = DateTime.Parse(DstrDate);
                        ed.OpenTime = etime.AddMinutes(int.Parse(strId)).AddSeconds(6);
                        ed.Expect   = ed.OpenTime.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH-mm-SS").Replace("-", "").Replace("/", "").Replace(":", "").Replace(" ", "").Substring(0, 12);
                        ed.Expect = strOrg;
                        string   strDate  = strOrg.Substring(0, 8);
                        string   strId    = ed.Expect.Substring(8);
                        string   DstrDate = string.Format("{0}-{1}-{2} {3}:{4}:{5}", strDate.Substring(0, 4), strDate.Substring(4, 2), strDate.Substring(6), strId.Substring(0, 2), strId.Substring(2), "06");
                        DateTime etime    = DateTime.Parse(DstrDate);
                        ed.OpenTime = etime;
                    //ed.Expect = items[0].Replace("-", "");

                    //if (ed.OpenCode == "0,0,0,0,0")


            catch (IOException e)
                throw e;
        static MilStd1750Disassembler()
            var invalid = Instr(Mnemonic.invalid, InstrClass.Invalid);
            var nyi     = Nyi("");

            rootDecoder = Mask(8, 8, "MIL-STD-1750", new Decoder <MilStd1750Disassembler, Mnemonic, Instruction>[256]
                // 00
                Instr(, br12),
                Instr(, br13),
                Instr(, br14),
                Instr(, br15),

                Instr(Mnemonic.dlb, br12),
                Instr(Mnemonic.dlb, br13),
                Instr(Mnemonic.dlb, br14),
                Instr(Mnemonic.dlb, br15),

                Instr(Mnemonic.stlb, br12),
                Instr(Mnemonic.stlb, br13),
                Instr(Mnemonic.stlb, br14),
                Instr(Mnemonic.stlb, br15),

                Instr(Mnemonic.dstb, br12),
                Instr(Mnemonic.dstb, br13),
                Instr(Mnemonic.dstb, br14),
                Instr(Mnemonic.dstb, br15),

                // 10
                Instr(Mnemonic.ab, br12),
                Instr(Mnemonic.ab, br13),
                Instr(Mnemonic.ab, br14),
                Instr(Mnemonic.ab, br15),

                Instr(Mnemonic.sbb, br12),
                Instr(Mnemonic.sbb, br13),
                Instr(Mnemonic.sbb, br14),
                Instr(Mnemonic.sbb, br15),

                Instr(Mnemonic.mb, br12),
                Instr(Mnemonic.mb, br13),
                Instr(Mnemonic.mb, br14),
                Instr(Mnemonic.mb, br15),

                Instr(Mnemonic.db, br12),
                Instr(Mnemonic.db, br13),
                Instr(Mnemonic.db, br14),
                Instr(Mnemonic.db, br15),

                // 20
                Instr(Mnemonic.fab, br12),
                Instr(Mnemonic.fab, br13),
                Instr(Mnemonic.fab, br14),
                Instr(Mnemonic.fab, br15),

                Instr(Mnemonic.fsb, br12),
                Instr(Mnemonic.fsb, br13),
                Instr(Mnemonic.fsb, br14),
                Instr(Mnemonic.fsb, br15),

                Instr(Mnemonic.fmb, br12),
                Instr(Mnemonic.fmb, br13),
                Instr(Mnemonic.fmb, br14),
                Instr(Mnemonic.fmb, br15),

                Instr(Mnemonic.fdb, br12),
                Instr(Mnemonic.fdb, br13),
                Instr(Mnemonic.fdb, br14),
                Instr(Mnemonic.fdb, br15),

                // 30
                Instr(Mnemonic.orb, br12),
                Instr(Mnemonic.orb, br13),
                Instr(Mnemonic.orb, br14),
                Instr(Mnemonic.orb, br15),

                Instr(Mnemonic.andb, br12),
                Instr(Mnemonic.andb, br13),
                Instr(Mnemonic.andb, br14),
                Instr(Mnemonic.andb, br15),

                Instr(Mnemonic.cb, br12),
                Instr(Mnemonic.cb, br13),
                Instr(Mnemonic.cb, br14),
                Instr(Mnemonic.cb, br15),

                Instr(Mnemonic.fcb, br12),
                Instr(Mnemonic.fcb, br13),
                Instr(Mnemonic.fcb, br14),
                Instr(Mnemonic.fcb, br15),

                // 40
                Mask(4, 4, "  brx br12",          // a
                     Instr(Mnemonic.lbx, bx12),   // a
                     Instr(Mnemonic.dlbx, bx12),  // a
                     Instr(Mnemonic.stbx, bx12),  // a
                     Instr(Mnemonic.dstx, bx12),  // a

                     Instr(Mnemonic.abx, bx12),   // a
                     Instr(Mnemonic.sbbx, bx12),  // a
                     Instr(Mnemonic.mbx, bx12),   // a
                     Instr(Mnemonic.dbx, bx12),   // a

                     Instr(Mnemonic.fabx, bx12),  // a
                     Instr(Mnemonic.fsbx, bx12),  // a
                     Instr(Mnemonic.fmbx, bx12),  // a
                     Instr(Mnemonic.fdbx, bx12),  // a

                     Instr(Mnemonic.cbx, bx12),   // a
                     Instr(Mnemonic.fcbx, bx12),  // a
                     Instr(Mnemonic.andx, bx12),  // a
                     Instr(Mnemonic.orbx, bx12)), // a
                Mask(4, 4, "  brx br13",          // a
                     Instr(Mnemonic.lbx, bx13),   // a
                     Instr(Mnemonic.dlbx, bx13),  // a
                     Instr(Mnemonic.stbx, bx13),  // a
                     Instr(Mnemonic.dstx, bx13),  // a

                     Instr(Mnemonic.abx, bx13),   // a
                     Instr(Mnemonic.sbbx, bx13),  // a
                     Instr(Mnemonic.mbx, bx13),   // a
                     Instr(Mnemonic.dbx, bx13),   // a

                     Instr(Mnemonic.fabx, bx13),  // a
                     Instr(Mnemonic.fsbx, bx13),  // a
                     Instr(Mnemonic.fmbx, bx13),  // a
                     Instr(Mnemonic.fdbx, bx13),  // a

                     Instr(Mnemonic.cbx, bx13),   // a
                     Instr(Mnemonic.fcbx, bx13),  // a
                     Instr(Mnemonic.andx, bx13),  // a
                     Instr(Mnemonic.orbx, bx13)), // a
                Mask(4, 4, "  brx br14",          // a
                     Instr(Mnemonic.lbx, bx14),   // a
                     Instr(Mnemonic.dlbx, bx14),  // a
                     Instr(Mnemonic.stbx, bx14),  // a
                     Instr(Mnemonic.dstx, bx14),  // a

                     Instr(Mnemonic.abx, bx14),   // a
                     Instr(Mnemonic.sbbx, bx14),  // a
                     Instr(Mnemonic.mbx, bx14),   // a
                     Instr(Mnemonic.dbx, bx14),   // a

                     Instr(Mnemonic.fabx, bx14),  // a
                     Instr(Mnemonic.fsbx, bx14),  // a
                     Instr(Mnemonic.fmbx, bx14),  // a
                     Instr(Mnemonic.fdbx, bx14),  // a

                     Instr(Mnemonic.cbx, bx14),   // a
                     Instr(Mnemonic.fcbx, bx14),  // a
                     Instr(Mnemonic.andx, bx14),  // a
                     Instr(Mnemonic.orbx, bx14)), // a
                Mask(4, 4, "  brx br15",          // a
                     Instr(Mnemonic.lbx, bx15),   // a
                     Instr(Mnemonic.dlbx, bx15),  // a
                     Instr(Mnemonic.stbx, bx15),  // a
                     Instr(Mnemonic.dstx, bx15),  // a

                     Instr(Mnemonic.abx, bx15),   // a
                     Instr(Mnemonic.sbbx, bx15),  // a
                     Instr(Mnemonic.mbx, bx15),   // a
                     Instr(Mnemonic.dbx, bx15),   // a

                     Instr(Mnemonic.fabx, bx15),  // a
                     Instr(Mnemonic.fsbx, bx15),  // a
                     Instr(Mnemonic.fmbx, bx15),  // a
                     Instr(Mnemonic.fdbx, bx15),  // a

                     Instr(Mnemonic.cbx, bx15),   // a
                     Instr(Mnemonic.fcbx, bx15),  // a
                     Instr(Mnemonic.andx, bx15),  // a
                     Instr(Mnemonic.orbx, bx15)), // a


                Instr(Mnemonic.xio, InstrClass.Linear | InstrClass.Privileged, Xio), // ab
                Instr(Mnemonic.vio, _("vio")),                                       // ab
                Mask(0, 4, "  imm",                                                  // ab
                     Instr(Mnemonic.aim, Ra, IM),
                     Instr(Mnemonic.sim, Ra, IM),
                     Instr(Mnemonic.mim, Ra, IM),

                     Instr(Mnemonic.msim, Ra, IM),
                     Instr(Mnemonic.dim, Ra, IM),
                     Instr(Mnemonic.dvim, Ra, IM),
                     Instr(Mnemonic.andm, Ra, IM),

                     Instr(Mnemonic.orim, Ra, IM),
                     Instr(Mnemonic.xorm, Ra, IM),
                     Instr(Mnemonic.cim, Ra, IM),
                     Instr(Mnemonic.nim, Ra, IM),


                Instr(Mnemonic.bif, Imm8), // c

                // 50
                Instr(, N, Dx_w16),
                Instr(Mnemonic.sbr, N, Rb),
                Instr(, N, Ix_w16),
                Instr(Mnemonic.rb, N, Dx_w16),

                Instr(Mnemonic.rbr, N, Rb),
                Instr(Mnemonic.rbi, N, Ix_w16),
                Instr(Mnemonic.tb, _("tb")),
                Instr(Mnemonic.tbr, N, Rb),

                Instr(Mnemonic.tbi, _("tbi")),
                Instr(Mnemonic.tsb, _("tsb")),
                Instr(Mnemonic.svbr, _("svbr")),

                Instr(Mnemonic.rvbr, _("rvbr")),
                Instr(Mnemonic.tvbr, _("tvbr")),

                // 60
                Instr(Mnemonic.sll, Rb, ISP_4),
                Instr(, Rb, ISP_4),
                Instr(Mnemonic.sra, Rb, ISP_4),
                Instr(Mnemonic.slc, Rb, ISP_4),

                Instr(Mnemonic.dsll, Rb, ISP_4),
                Instr(Mnemonic.dsrl, Rb, ISP_4),
                Instr(Mnemonic.dsra, Rb, ISP_4),

                Instr(Mnemonic.dslc, Rb, ISP_4),
                Instr(Mnemonic.slr, Ra, Rb),
                Instr(Mnemonic.sar, Ra, Rb),

                Instr(Mnemonic.scr, Ra, Rb),
                Instr(Mnemonic.dslr, Ra, Rb),
                Instr(Mnemonic.dsar, Ra, Rb),
                Instr(Mnemonic.dscr, Ra, Rb),

                // 70
                Instr(Mnemonic.jc, InstrClass.ConditionalTransfer, N, ICR),
                Instr(Mnemonic.jci, _("jci")),
                Instr(Mnemonic.js, InstrClass.Transfer | InstrClass.Call, Ra, Ax),
                Instr(Mnemonic.soj, InstrClass.ConditionalTransfer, Ra, Ax),

                Instr(, InstrClass.Transfer, ICR),
                Instr(Mnemonic.bez, InstrClass.ConditionalTransfer, ICR),
                Instr(Mnemonic.blt, InstrClass.ConditionalTransfer, ICR),
                Instr(Mnemonic.bex, InstrClass.ConditionalTransfer, Imm4),

                Instr(Mnemonic.ble, InstrClass.ConditionalTransfer, ICR),
                Instr(Mnemonic.bgt, InstrClass.ConditionalTransfer, ICR),
                Instr(Mnemonic.bnz, InstrClass.ConditionalTransfer, ICR),
                Instr(Mnemonic.bge, InstrClass.ConditionalTransfer, ICR),

                Instr(Mnemonic.lsti, _("lsti")), // b
                Instr(Mnemonic.lst, _("lst")),   // b
                Instr(Mnemonic.sjs, InstrClass.Transfer | InstrClass.Call, Ra, Ax),
                Instr(Mnemonic.urs, InstrClass.Transfer | InstrClass.Return, Ra),

                // 80
                Instr(Mnemonic.l, Ra, Dx_w16),
                Instr(, Ra, Rb),
                Instr(Mnemonic.lisp, Ra, ISP_0),
                Instr(Mnemonic.lisn, Ra, ISP_0),

                Instr(, _("li")),
                Instr(Mnemonic.lim, Ra, Imx_w16),
                Instr(Mnemonic.dl, Ra, Dx_w32),
                Instr(Mnemonic.dlr, Ra, Rb),

                Instr(Mnemonic.dli, _("dli")),
                Instr(Mnemonic.lm, N, Dx_w16),
                Instr(Mnemonic.efl, Ra, Dx_r48),
                Instr(Mnemonic.lub, Ra, Dx_w16),

                Instr(Mnemonic.llb, Ra, Dx_w16),
                Instr(Mnemonic.lubi, _("lubi")),
                Instr(Mnemonic.llbi, _("llbi")),
                Instr(Mnemonic.popm, Ra, Rb),

                // 90
                Instr(, Ra, Dx_w16),
                Instr(, N, Dx_w16),
                Instr(Mnemonic.stci, _("stci ")),
                Instr(, Ra, Rb),

                Instr(Mnemonic.sti, _("sti ")),
                Instr(Mnemonic.dst, Ra, Dx_w32),
                Instr(Mnemonic.srm, _("srm ")),

                Instr(Mnemonic.dsti, Ra, Ix_w32),
                Instr(Mnemonic.stm, _("stm ")),
                Instr(Mnemonic.efst, Ra, Dx_r48),
                Instr(Mnemonic.stub, Ra, Dx_w16),

                Instr(Mnemonic.stlb, Ra, Dx_w16),
                Instr(Mnemonic.subi, _("subi")),
                Instr(Mnemonic.slbi, _("slbi")),
                Instr(Mnemonic.pshm, Ra, Rb),

                // A0
                Instr(Mnemonic.a, Ra, Dx_w16),
                Instr(, Ra, Rb),
                Instr(Mnemonic.aisp, Ra, ISP_0),
                Instr(Mnemonic.incm, ISP_4, Dx_w16),

                Instr(Mnemonic.abs, Ra, Rb),
                Instr(Mnemonic.dabs, Ra, Rb),
                Instr(Mnemonic.da, Ra, Dx_w32),
                Instr(Mnemonic.dar, Ra, Rb),

                Instr(Mnemonic.fa, Ra, Dx_w16),
                Instr(Mnemonic.far, Ra, Rb),
                Instr(Mnemonic.efa, Ra, Dx_r48),
                Instr(Mnemonic.efar, Ra, Rb),

                Instr(Mnemonic.fabs, Ra, Rb),

                // B0
                Instr(Mnemonic.s, Ra, Dx_w16),
                Instr(, Ra, Rb),
                Instr(Mnemonic.sisp, Ra, ISP_0),
                Instr(Mnemonic.decm, ISP_4, Dx_w16),

                Instr(Mnemonic.neg, Ra, Rb),
                Instr(Mnemonic.dneg, Ra, Rb),
                Instr(Mnemonic.ds, Ra, Dx_w32),
                Instr(Mnemonic.dsr, Ra, Rb),

                Instr(Mnemonic.fs, Ra, Dx_r32),
                Instr(Mnemonic.fsr, Ra, Rb),
                Instr(Mnemonic.efs, Ra, Dx_r48),
                Instr(Mnemonic.efsr, Ra, Rb),

                Instr(Mnemonic.fneg, Ra, Rb),

                // C0
                Instr(, Ra, Dx_w16),
                Instr(Mnemonic.msr, Ra, Rb),
                Instr(Mnemonic.misp, Rb, ISP_4),
                Instr(Mnemonic.misn, Rb, ISP_4),

                Instr(Mnemonic.m, Ra, Dx_w16),
                Instr(, Ra, Rb),
                Instr(, Ra, Dx_w32),
                Instr(Mnemonic.dmr, Ra, Rb),

                Instr(, Ra, Dx_w16),
                Instr(Mnemonic.fmr, Ra, Rb),
                Instr(Mnemonic.efm, Ra, Dx_r48),
                Instr(Mnemonic.efmr, Ra, Rb),


                // D0
                Instr(Mnemonic.dv, _("dv")),
                Instr(, _("dvr")),
                Instr(Mnemonic.disp, Ra, ISP_0),
                Instr(Mnemonic.disn, Ra, ISP_0),

                Instr(Mnemonic.d, Ra, Dx_w16),
                Instr(Mnemonic.dr, Ra, Rb),
                Instr(Mnemonic.dd, Ra, Dx_w32),
                Instr(Mnemonic.ddr, Ra, Rb),

                Instr(Mnemonic.fd, Ra, Dx_r32),
                Instr(Mnemonic.fdr, Ra, Rb),
                Instr(Mnemonic.efd, Ra, Dx_r48),
                Instr(Mnemonic.efdr, Ra, Rb),


                // E0
                Instr(Mnemonic.or, Ra, Dx_w16),
                Instr(Mnemonic.orr, Ra, Rb),
                Instr(Mnemonic.and, Ra, Dx_w16),
                Instr(Mnemonic.andr, Ra, Rb),

                Instr(Mnemonic.xor, Ra, Dx_w16),
                Instr(Mnemonic.xorr, Ra, Rb),
                Instr(Mnemonic.n, Ra, Dx_w16),
                Instr(, Ra, Rb),

                Instr(Mnemonic.fix, Ra, Rb),
                Instr(Mnemonic.flt, Ra, Rb),
                Instr(Mnemonic.efix, Ra, Rb),
                Instr(Mnemonic.eflt, Ra, Rb),

                Select((0, 4), Is0, "  EC",
                       Instr(Mnemonic.xbr, Ra),
                Instr(Mnemonic.xwr, Ra, Rb),

                // F0
                Instr(Mnemonic.c, Ra, Dx_w16),
                Instr(, Ra, Rb),
                Instr(Mnemonic.cisp, Ra, ISP_0),
                Instr(Mnemonic.cisn, Ra, ISP_0),

                Instr(Mnemonic.cbl, Ra, Dx_w16),
                Instr(Mnemonic.dc, Ra, Dx_w32),
                Instr(Mnemonic.dcr, Ra, Rb),

                Instr(Mnemonic.fc, Ra, Dx_r32),
                Instr(Mnemonic.fcr, Ra, Rb),
                Instr(Mnemonic.efc, Ra, Dx_r48),
                Instr(Mnemonic.efcr, Ra, Rb),

                Select((0, 8), Is0, "  0xFF",
                       Instr(Mnemonic.nop, InstrClass.Linear | InstrClass.Padding),
                       Select((0, 8), u => u == 0xFF,
                              Instr(Mnemonic.bpt, InstrClass.Terminates),
                    public VisitorForDispatch(Decoder decoder)
                        Contract.Requires(decoder != null);

                        this.decoder = decoder;
                    protected static bool Decode <Visitor>(Expression exp, Visitor v, Decoder decoder) where Visitor : QueryVisitor
                        Contract.Requires(decoder != null);

                        return(decoder.Context.ExpressionContext.Decode <Unit, bool, Visitor>(exp, v, Unit.Value));
Exemple #47
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Use the Decoder.Convert() method to convert a file of encoded bytes to a file of characters.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    static void DecoderConvert(String inputFileName, String outputFileName, Encoding enc)
// Convert an input file of of encoded bytes to an output file characters.
// StreamWriter could convert the input file for us, but we'll perform the conversion
// ourselves.

        StreamWriter outputFile = new StreamWriter(outputFileName, false, Encoding.Unicode);

// Read the input as a binary file so we can detect the Byte Order Mark.
        FileStream   fs        = new FileStream(inputFileName, FileMode.Open);
        BinaryReader inputFile = new BinaryReader(fs);

// Get a Decoder.
        Decoder decoder = enc.GetDecoder();

// Guarantee the output buffer large enough to convert a few characters.
        int UseBufferSize = 64;

        if (UseBufferSize < enc.GetMaxCharCount(10))
            UseBufferSize = enc.GetMaxCharCount(10);
        char[] chars = new char[UseBufferSize];

// Intentionally make the input byte buffer larger than the output character buffer so the
// conversion loop executes more than one cycle.

        byte[] bytes = new byte[UseBufferSize * 4];
        int    bytesRead;

// Read at most the number of bytes that will fit in the input buffer. The
// return value is the actual number of bytes read, or zero if no bytes remain.

            bytesRead = inputFile.Read(bytes, 0, UseBufferSize * 4);

            bool completed = false;
            int  byteIndex = 0;
            int  bytesUsed;
            int  charsUsed;

            while (!completed)
// If this is the last input data, flush the decoder's internal buffer and state.

                bool flush = (bytesRead == 0);
                decoder.Convert(bytes, byteIndex, bytesRead - byteIndex,
                                chars, 0, UseBufferSize, flush,
                                out bytesUsed, out charsUsed, out completed);

// The conversion produced the number of characters indicated by charsUsed. Write that number
// of characters to the output file.

                outputFile.Write(chars, 0, charsUsed);

// Increment byteIndex to the next block of bytes in the input buffer, if any, to convert.
                byteIndex += bytesUsed;
        }while(bytesRead != 0);

Exemple #48
        private static void testHighLevelDecodeString(String expectedString, String b)
            BitArray bits = EncoderTest.toBitArray(EncoderTest.stripSpace(b));

            Assert.AreEqual(expectedString, Decoder.highLevelDecode(EncoderTest.toBooleanArray(bits)), "highLevelDecode() failed for input bits: " + b);
Exemple #49
        public bool TryReadChars(char[] chars, int offset, int count, out int actual)
            DiagnosticUtility.DebugAssert(offset + count <= chars.Length, string.Format("offset '{0}' + count '{1}' MUST BE <= chars.Length '{2}'", offset, count, chars.Length));

            if (_type == ValueHandleType.Unicode)
                return(TryReadUnicodeChars(chars, offset, count, out actual));

            if (_type != ValueHandleType.UTF8)
                actual = 0;

            int charOffset = offset;
            int charCount  = count;

            byte[] bytes      = _bufferReader.Buffer;
            int    byteOffset = _offset;
            int    byteCount  = _length;
            bool   insufficientSpaceInCharsArray = false;

            var encoding = new UTF8Encoding(encoderShouldEmitUTF8Identifier: false, throwOnInvalidBytes: true);

            while (true)
                while (charCount > 0 && byteCount > 0)
                    // fast path for codepoints U+0000 - U+007F
                    byte b = bytes[byteOffset];
                    if (b >= 0x80)
                    chars[charOffset] = (char)b;

                if (charCount == 0 || byteCount == 0 || insufficientSpaceInCharsArray)

                int actualByteCount;
                int actualCharCount;

                    // If we're asking for more than are possibly available, or more than are truly available then we can return the entire thing
                    if (charCount >= encoding.GetMaxCharCount(byteCount) || charCount >= encoding.GetCharCount(bytes, byteOffset, byteCount))
                        actualCharCount = encoding.GetChars(bytes, byteOffset, byteCount, chars, charOffset);
                        actualByteCount = byteCount;
                        Decoder decoder = encoding.GetDecoder();

                        // Since x bytes can never generate more than x characters this is a safe estimate as to what will fit
                        actualByteCount = Math.Min(charCount, byteCount);

                        // We use a decoder so we don't error if we fall across a character boundary
                        actualCharCount = decoder.GetChars(bytes, byteOffset, actualByteCount, chars, charOffset);

                        // We might have gotten zero characters though if < 4 bytes were requested because
                        // codepoints from U+0000 - U+FFFF can be up to 3 bytes in UTF-8, and represented as ONE char
                        // codepoints from U+10000 - U+10FFFF (last Unicode codepoint representable in UTF-8) are represented by up to 4 bytes in UTF-8
                        //                                    and represented as TWO chars (high+low surrogate)
                        // (e.g. 1 char requested, 1 char in the buffer represented in 3 bytes)
                        while (actualCharCount == 0)
                            // Note the by the time we arrive here, if actualByteCount == 3, the next decoder.GetChars() call will read the 4th byte
                            // if we don't bail out since the while loop will advance actualByteCount only after reading the byte.
                            if (actualByteCount >= 3 && charCount < 2)
                                // If we reach here, it means that we're:
                                // - trying to decode more than 3 bytes and,
                                // - there is only one char left of charCount where we're stuffing decoded characters.
                                // In this case, we need to back off since decoding > 3 bytes in UTF-8 means that we will get 2 16-bit chars
                                // (a high surrogate and a low surrogate) - the Decoder will attempt to provide both at once
                                // and an ArgumentException will be thrown complaining that there's not enough space in the output char array.

                                // actualByteCount = 0 when the while loop is broken out of; decoder goes out of scope so its state no longer matters

                                insufficientSpaceInCharsArray = true;
                                DiagnosticUtility.DebugAssert(byteOffset + actualByteCount < bytes.Length,
                                                              string.Format("byteOffset {0} + actualByteCount {1} MUST BE < bytes.Length {2}", byteOffset, actualByteCount, bytes.Length));

                                // Request a few more bytes to get at least one character
                                actualCharCount = decoder.GetChars(bytes, byteOffset + actualByteCount, 1, chars, charOffset);

                        // Now that we actually retrieved some characters, figure out how many bytes it actually was
                        actualByteCount = encoding.GetByteCount(chars, charOffset, actualCharCount);
                catch (FormatException exception)
                    throw DiagnosticUtility.ExceptionUtility.ThrowHelperError(XmlExceptionHelper.CreateEncodingException(bytes, byteOffset, byteCount, exception));

                // Advance
                byteOffset += actualByteCount;
                byteCount  -= actualByteCount;

                charOffset += actualCharCount;
                charCount  -= actualCharCount;

            _offset = byteOffset;
            _length = byteCount;

            actual = (count - charCount);
 /// <inheritdoc/>
 public T Read(T reuse, Decoder decoder)
     return((T)_reader(reuse, decoder));
Exemple #51
 protected DeviceDecapsulationUndoEntry(BinaryReader reader, int version)
     : base(reader, version)
     index = reader.ReadInt32();
     init  = (T)Decoder.Decode <Device>(reader, version);
 private object ReadBoolean(object reuse, Decoder decoder)
 internal ExtendedCharacterDetectionDecoder(Decoder decoder, Action response)
     this.decoder  = decoder;
     this.response = response;
 private object ReadNull(object reuse, Decoder decoder)
Exemple #55
 private static Instr64Decoder Instr64(Decoder dec32bit, Decoder dec64bit)
     return(new Instr64Decoder(dec32bit, dec64bit));
 private object ReadUnion(object reuse, Decoder d, ReadItem[] branchLookup)
     return(branchLookup[d.ReadUnionIndex()](reuse, d));
        static public int LzmaBenchmark(Int32 numIterations, UInt32 dictionarySize)
            if (numIterations <= 0)
            if (dictionarySize < (1 << 18))
                System.Console.WriteLine("\nError: dictionary size for benchmark must be >= 19 (512 KB)");
            System.Console.Write("\n       Compressing                Decompressing\n\n");

            Encoder encoder = new Encoder();
            Decoder decoder = new Decoder();

            CoderPropID[] propIDs =
            object[] properties =

            UInt32 kBufferSize           = dictionarySize + kAdditionalSize;
            UInt32 kCompressedBufferSize = (kBufferSize / 2) + kCompressedAdditionalSize;

            encoder.SetCoderProperties(propIDs, properties);
            System.IO.MemoryStream propStream = new System.IO.MemoryStream();
            byte[] propArray = propStream.ToArray();

            CBenchRandomGenerator rg = new CBenchRandomGenerator();

            CRC crc = new CRC();

            crc.Update(rg.Buffer, 0, rg.BufferSize);

            CProgressInfo progressInfo = new CProgressInfo();

            progressInfo.ApprovedStart = dictionarySize;

            UInt64 totalBenchSize      = 0;
            UInt64 totalEncodeTime     = 0;
            UInt64 totalDecodeTime     = 0;
            UInt64 totalCompressedSize = 0;

            MemoryStream inStream         = new MemoryStream(rg.Buffer, 0, (int)rg.BufferSize);
            MemoryStream compressedStream = new MemoryStream((int)kCompressedBufferSize);
            CrcOutStream crcOutStream     = new CrcOutStream();

            for (Int32 i = 0; i < numIterations; i++)
                inStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
                compressedStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
                encoder.Code(inStream, compressedStream, -1, -1, progressInfo);
                TimeSpan sp2        = DateTime.UtcNow - progressInfo.Time;
                UInt64   encodeTime = (UInt64)sp2.Ticks;

                long compressedSize = compressedStream.Position;
                if (progressInfo.InSize == 0)
                    throw (new Exception("Internal ERROR 1282"));

                UInt64 decodeTime = 0;
                for (int j = 0; j < 2; j++)
                    compressedStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);

                    UInt64          outSize   = kBufferSize;
                    System.DateTime startTime = DateTime.UtcNow;
                    decoder.Code(compressedStream, crcOutStream, 0, (Int64)outSize, null);
                    TimeSpan sp = (DateTime.UtcNow - startTime);
                    decodeTime = (ulong)sp.Ticks;
                    if (crcOutStream.GetDigest() != crc.GetDigest())
                        throw (new Exception("CRC Error"));
                UInt64 benchSize = kBufferSize - (UInt64)progressInfo.InSize;
                PrintResults(dictionarySize, encodeTime, benchSize, false, 0);
                System.Console.Write("     ");
                PrintResults(dictionarySize, decodeTime, kBufferSize, true, (ulong)compressedSize);

                totalBenchSize      += benchSize;
                totalEncodeTime     += encodeTime;
                totalDecodeTime     += decodeTime;
                totalCompressedSize += (ulong)compressedSize;
            PrintResults(dictionarySize, totalEncodeTime, totalBenchSize, false, 0);
            System.Console.Write("     ");
            PrintResults(dictionarySize, totalDecodeTime,
                         kBufferSize * (UInt64)numIterations, true, totalCompressedSize);
            System.Console.WriteLine("    Average");
Exemple #58
        /// <summary>
        ///     Get an <see cref="IObservable{T}"/> for lines streamed from an HTTP GET request.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="request">
        ///     The <see cref="HttpRequest"/> to execute.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="operationDescription">
        ///     A short description of the operation (used in error messages if the request fails).
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="bufferSize">
        ///     The buffer size to use when streaming data.
        ///     Default is 2048 bytes.
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>
        ///     The <see cref="IObservable{T}"/>.
        /// </returns>
        protected IObservable <string> ObserveLines(HttpRequest request, string operationDescription, int bufferSize = DefaultStreamingBufferSize)
            if (request == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(request));

            if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(operationDescription))
                throw new ArgumentException("Argument cannot be null, empty, or entirely composed of whitespace: 'operationDescription'.", nameof(operationDescription));

            return(Observable.Create <string>(async(subscriber, cancellationToken) =>
                    using (HttpResponseMessage responseMessage = await Http.GetStreamedAsync(request, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false))
                        if (!responseMessage.IsSuccessStatusCode)
                            throw HttpRequestException <StatusV1> .Create(responseMessage.StatusCode,
                                                                          await responseMessage.ReadContentAsStatusV1Async().ConfigureAwait(false)

                        MediaTypeHeaderValue contentTypeHeader = responseMessage.Content.Headers.ContentType;
                        if (contentTypeHeader == null)
                            throw new KubeClientException($"Unable to {operationDescription} (response is missing 'Content-Type' header).");

                        Encoding encoding =
                                ? Encoding.GetEncoding(contentTypeHeader.CharSet)
                                : Encoding.UTF8;

                        Decoder decoder = encoding.GetDecoder();

                        using (Stream responseStream = await responseMessage.Content.ReadAsStreamAsync().ConfigureAwait(false))
                            StringBuilder lineBuilder = new StringBuilder();

                            byte[] buffer = new byte[bufferSize];
                            int bytesRead = await responseStream.ReadAsync(buffer, 0, buffer.Length, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
                            while (bytesRead > 0)
                                // AF: Slightly inefficient because we wind up scanning the buffer twice.
                                char[] decodedCharacters = new char[decoder.GetCharCount(buffer, 0, bytesRead)];
                                int charactersDecoded = decoder.GetChars(buffer, 0, bytesRead, decodedCharacters, 0);
                                for (int charIndex = 0; charIndex < charactersDecoded; charIndex++)
                                    const char CR = '\r';
                                    const char LF = '\n';

                                    char decodedCharacter = decodedCharacters[charIndex];
                                    switch (decodedCharacter)
                                    case CR:
                                            if (charIndex < charactersDecoded - 1 && decodedCharacters[charIndex + 1] == LF)

                                                goto case LF;


                                    case LF:
                                            string line = lineBuilder.ToString();





                                bytesRead = await responseStream.ReadAsync(buffer, 0, buffer.Length, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);

                            // If stream doesn't end with a line-terminator sequence, publish trailing characters as the last line.
                            if (lineBuilder.Length > 0)
                catch (OperationCanceledException operationCanceled) when(operationCanceled.CancellationToken != cancellationToken)
                    if (!cancellationToken.IsCancellationRequested) // Don't bother publishing if subscriber has already disconnected.
                catch (HttpRequestException <StatusV1> requestError)
                    if (!cancellationToken.IsCancellationRequested)
                            new KubeClientException($"Unable to {operationDescription} (unexpected error while streaming from the Kubernetes API).", requestError)
                catch (Exception exception)
                    if (!cancellationToken.IsCancellationRequested) // Don't bother publishing if subscriber has already disconnected.
                    if (!cancellationToken.IsCancellationRequested) // Don't bother publishing if subscriber has already disconnected.
 public static bool IsNull(Expression exp, Decoder decoder)
     return(Decode(exp, decoder.visitorForIsNull, decoder));
                    public static bool IsBinary(Expression exp, out BinaryOperator op, out Expression left, out Expression right, Decoder decoder)
                        VisitorForIsBinaryExpression visitor = decoder.visitorForIsBinaryExpression;
                        bool result = Decode(exp, visitor, decoder);

                        op    = visitor.Operator;
                        left  = visitor.Left;
                        right = visitor.Right;