Exemple #1
        // 调整图片文件大小
        private void ResizeImage()
            UploadStatus = UploadStatus.Resizing;

            using (Stream fileStream = m_file.OpenRead())
                // 利用FluxJpeg解码
                DecodedJpeg jpegIn = new JpegDecoder(fileStream).Decode();

                if (ImageResizer.ResizeNeeded(jpegIn.Image, ImageSize))
                    // 调整
                    DecodedJpeg jpegOut = new DecodedJpeg(
                        new ImageResizer(jpegIn.Image).Resize(ImageSize, ResamplingFilters.NearestNeighbor)
                        , jpegIn.MetaHeaders);  // 获取EXIF详细信息

                    // 编码
                    m_resizeStream = new MemoryStream();
                    new JpegEncoder(jpegOut, 90, m_resizeStream).Encode();

                    // 显示
                    m_resizeStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
                    FileLength = m_resizeStream.Length;
Exemple #2
        void Resize()
            Status = FileUploadStatus.Resizing;
                Stream fileStream = file.OpenRead();

                using (fileStream)
                    // Decode
                    DecodedJpeg jpegIn = new JpegDecoder(fileStream).Decode();

                    if (!ImageResizer.ResizeNeeded(jpegIn.Image, ImageSize))
                        // Resize
                        DecodedJpeg jpegOut = new DecodedJpeg(
                            new ImageResizer(jpegIn.Image)
                            .Resize(ImageSize, ResamplingFilters.NearestNeighbor),
                            jpegIn.MetaHeaders); // Retain EXIF details

                        // Encode
                        resizeStream = new MemoryStream();
                        new JpegEncoder(jpegOut, 90, resizeStream).Encode();
                        // Display
                        resizeStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
                        FileLength = resizeStream.Length;
            catch { };
Exemple #3
        public void JpegEncoderDecoderTest()
            // Encode and decode a basic raster structure.
            var colorModel = new ColorModel();

            colorModel.ColorSpace = ColorSpace.YCbCr;
            colorModel.Opaque     = true;
            byte[][][] originalRaster = GetRaster();
            var        image          = new Image(colorModel, originalRaster);
            var        stream         = new MemoryStream();
            var        encoder        = new JpegEncoder(image, 50, stream);

            stream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
            var         decoder      = new JpegDecoder(stream);
            DecodedJpeg decodedImage = decoder.Decode();

            // Check that the returned raster structure looks something like what we passed in.
            for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < width; j++)
                    for (int k = 0; k < height; k++)
                        // Tune this.
                        int diff = Math.Abs(decodedImage.Image.Raster[i][j][k] - originalRaster[i][j][k]);
                        Assert.IsTrue(diff < 5);
            ClientLogger.Debug("Finished JpegEncoderDecoder test.");
Exemple #4
        static Image Resize(string pathIn, int edge)
            JpegDecoder  decoder = new JpegDecoder(File.Open(pathIn, FileMode.Open));
            DecodedJpeg  jpeg    = decoder.Decode();
            ImageResizer resizer = new ImageResizer(jpeg.Image);

            return(resizer.ResizeToScale(edge, ResamplingFilters.LowpassAntiAlias));
Exemple #5
 public JpegEncoder(DecodedJpeg decodedJpeg, int quality, Stream outStream)
     this._input = decodedJpeg;
     this._quality   = quality;
     this._height    = this._input.Image.Height;
     this._width     = this._input.Image.Width;
     this._outStream = outStream;
     this._dct       = new DCT(this._quality);
     this._huf       = new HuffmanTable(null);
Exemple #6
 public JpegEncoder(DecodedJpeg decodedJpeg, int quality, Stream outStream)
     _input = decodedJpeg;
     _quality   = quality;
     _height    = _input.Image.Height;
     _width     = _input.Image.Width;
     _outStream = outStream;
     _dct       = new DCT(_quality);
     _huf       = new HuffmanTable(null);
Exemple #7
        private void Button_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            OpenFileDialog ofd = new OpenFileDialog()
                Filter = "Image files (*.jpg)|*.jpg"

            if (ofd.ShowDialog() != true)

            Stream fileStream = ofd.File.OpenRead();

            // Display input image
            Stream      inStream = new MemoryStream(new BinaryReader(fileStream).ReadBytes((int)fileStream.Length));
            BitmapImage imageIn  = new BitmapImage();

            InputImage.Source = imageIn;

            // Rewind
            fileStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);

            using (fileStream)
                // Decode
                DecodedJpeg jpegIn = new JpegDecoder(fileStream).Decode();

                if (!ImageResizer.ResizeNeeded(jpegIn.Image, 320))
                    OutputImage.Source = null;
                    OutputText.Text    = "No resize necessary.";

                // Resize
                DecodedJpeg jpegOut = new DecodedJpeg(
                    new ImageResizer(jpegIn.Image)
                    .Resize(320, ResamplingFilters.NearestNeighbor),
                    jpegIn.MetaHeaders); // Retain EXIF details

                // Encode
                MemoryStream outStream = new MemoryStream();
                new JpegEncoder(jpegOut, 90, outStream).Encode();

                // Display
                outStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
                BitmapImage image = new BitmapImage();
                OutputImage.Source = image;
        /// <summary>
        /// Encodes the data of the specified image and writes the result to
        /// the specified stream.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="image">The image, where the data should be get from.
        /// Cannot be null (Nothing in Visual Basic).</param>
        /// <param name="stream">The stream, where the image data should be written to.
        /// Cannot be null (Nothing in Visual Basic).</param>
        /// <exception cref="System.ArgumentNullException">
        ///     <para><paramref name="image"/> is null (Nothing in Visual Basic).</para>
        ///     <para>- or -</para>
        ///     <para><paramref name="stream"/> is null (Nothing in Visual Basic).</para>
        /// </exception>
        public void Encode(ExtendedImage image, Stream stream)
            Guard.NotNull(image, "image");
            Guard.NotNull(stream, "stream");

            const int bands = 3;

            int pixelWidth  = image.PixelWidth;
            int pixelHeight = image.PixelHeight;

            byte[] sourcePixels = image.Pixels;

            byte[][,] pixels = new byte[bands][, ];

            for (int b = 0; b < bands; b++)
                pixels[b] = new byte[pixelWidth, pixelHeight];

            for (int y = 0; y < pixelHeight; y++)
                for (int x = 0; x < pixelWidth; x++)
                    int offset = (y * pixelWidth + x) * 4;

                    float a = (float)sourcePixels[offset + 3] / 255.0f;

                    pixels[0][x, y] = (byte)(sourcePixels[offset + 0] * a + (1 - a) * _transparentColor.R);
                    pixels[1][x, y] = (byte)(sourcePixels[offset + 1] * a + (1 - a) * _transparentColor.G);
                    pixels[2][x, y] = (byte)(sourcePixels[offset + 2] * a + (1 - a) * _transparentColor.B);

            Image newImage = new Image(new ColorModel {
                ColorSpace = ColorSpace.RGB, Opaque = false
            }, pixels);

            if (image.DensityX > 0 && image.DensityY > 0)
                newImage.DensityX = image.DensityX;
                newImage.DensityY = image.DensityY;

            // Create a jpg image from the image object.
            DecodedJpeg jpg = new DecodedJpeg(newImage);

            // Create a new encoder and start encoding.
            FluxCoreJpegEncoder fluxCoreJpegEncoder = new FluxCoreJpegEncoder(jpg, _quality, stream);

        /// <summary>
        /// Encodes a JPEG, preserving the colorspace and metadata of the input JPEG.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="decodedJpeg">Decoded Jpeg to start with.</param>
        /// <param name="quality">Quality of the image from 0 to 100.  (Compression from max to min.)</param>
        /// <param name="outStream">Stream where the result will be placed.</param>
        public JpegEncoder(DecodedJpeg decodedJpeg, int quality, Stream outStream)
            _input = decodedJpeg;
            /* This encoder requires YCbCr */

            _quality = quality;

            _height = _input.Image.Height;
            _width = _input.Image.Width;
            _outStream = outStream;
            _dct = new DCT(_quality);
            _huf = new HuffmanTable(null); 
Exemple #10
        /// <summary>
        /// Encodes a JPEG, preserving the colorspace and metadata of the input JPEG.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="decodedJpeg">Decoded Jpeg to start with.</param>
        /// <param name="quality">Quality of the image from 0 to 100.  (Compression from max to min.)</param>
        /// <param name="outStream">Stream where the result will be placed.</param>
        public JpegEncoder(DecodedJpeg decodedJpeg, short quality, Stream outStream)
            input = decodedJpeg;

            /* This encoder requires YCbCr */

            this.quality = quality;

            height         = input.Image.Height;
            width          = input.Image.Width;
            this.outStream = outStream;
            dct            = new DCT(quality);
            huf            = HuffmanTable.GetHuffmanTable(null);
        /// <summary>
        /// Decodes the image from the specified stream and sets
        /// the data to image.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="image">The image, where the data should be set to.
        /// Cannot be null (Nothing in Visual Basic).</param>
        /// <param name="stream">The stream, where the image should be
        /// decoded from. Cannot be null (Nothing in Visual Basic).</param>
        /// <exception cref="System.ArgumentNullException">
        ///     <para><paramref name="image"/> is null (Nothing in Visual Basic).</para>
        ///     <para>- or -</para>
        ///     <para><paramref name="stream"/> is null (Nothing in Visual Basic).</para>
        /// </exception>
        public void Decode(ExtendedImage image, Stream stream)
            Guard.NotNull(image, "image");
            Guard.NotNull(stream, "stream");

            FluxCoreJpegDecoder fluxCoreJpegDecoder = new FluxCoreJpegDecoder(stream);

            DecodedJpeg jpg = fluxCoreJpegDecoder.Decode();


            int pixelWidth  = jpg.Image.Width;
            int pixelHeight = jpg.Image.Height;

            byte[] pixels = new byte[pixelWidth * pixelHeight * 4];

            byte[][,] sourcePixels = jpg.Image.Raster;

            for (int y = 0; y < pixelHeight; y++)
                for (int x = 0; x < pixelWidth; x++)
                    int offset = (y * pixelWidth + x) * 4;

                    pixels[offset + 0] = sourcePixels[0][x, y];
                    pixels[offset + 1] = sourcePixels[1][x, y];
                    pixels[offset + 2] = sourcePixels[2][x, y];
                    pixels[offset + 3] = (byte)255;

            image.DensityX = jpg.Image.DensityX;
            image.DensityY = jpg.Image.DensityY;

            image.SetPixels(pixelWidth, pixelHeight, pixels);
        public DecodedJpeg Decode()
            // The frames in this jpeg are loaded into a list. There is
            // usually just one frame except in heirarchial progression where
            // there are multiple frames.
            JPEGFrame frame = null;

            // The restart interval defines how many MCU's we should have
            // between the 8-modulo restart marker. The restart markers allow
            // us to tell whether or not our decoding process is working
            // correctly, also if there is corruption in the image we can
            // recover with these restart intervals. (See RSTm DRI).
            int resetInterval = 0;

            bool haveMarker = false;
            bool foundJFIF = false;

            List<JpegHeader> headers = new List<JpegHeader>();

            // Loop through until there are no more markers to read in, at
            // that point everything is loaded into the jpegFrames array and
            // can be processed.
            while (true)
                if (DecodeProgress.Abort) return null;

                #region Switch over marker types
                switch (marker)
                    case JPEGMarker.APP0:
                    // APP1 is used for EXIF data
                    case JPEGMarker.APP1:
                    // Seldomly, APP2 gets used for extended EXIF, too
                    case JPEGMarker.APP2:
                    case JPEGMarker.APP3:
                    case JPEGMarker.APP4:
                    case JPEGMarker.APP5:
                    case JPEGMarker.APP6:
                    case JPEGMarker.APP7:
                    case JPEGMarker.APP8:
                    case JPEGMarker.APP9:
                    case JPEGMarker.APP10:
                    case JPEGMarker.APP11:
                    case JPEGMarker.APP12:
                    case JPEGMarker.APP13:
                    case JPEGMarker.APP14:
                    case JPEGMarker.APP15:
                    // COM: Comment
                    case JPEGMarker.COM:

                        // Debug.WriteLine(string.Format("Extracting Header, Type={0:X}", marker));

                        JpegHeader header = ExtractHeader();

                        #region Check explicitly for Exif Data

                        if (header.Marker == JPEGMarker.APP1 && header.Data.Length >= 6)
                            byte[] d = header.Data;

                            if( d[0] == 'E' &&
                                d[1] == 'x' &&
                                d[2] == 'i' &&
                                d[3] == 'f' &&
                                d[4] == 0 &&
                                d[5] == 0)
                                // Exif.  Do something?


                        #region Check for Adobe header

                        if (header.Data.Length >= 5 && header.Marker == JPEGMarker.APP14)
                            string asText = UTF8Encoding.UTF8.GetString(header.Data, 0, 5);
                            if (asText == "Adobe") {
                                // ADOBE HEADER.  Do anything?



                        if (!foundJFIF && marker == JPEGMarker.APP0)
                            foundJFIF = TryParseJFIF(header.Data);

                            if (foundJFIF) // Found JFIF... do JFIF extension follow?
                                header.IsJFIF = true;
                                marker = jpegReader.GetNextMarker();

                                // Yes, they do.
                                if (marker == JPEGMarker.APP0)
                                    header = ExtractHeader();
                                else // No.  Delay processing this one.
                                    haveMarker = true;


                    case JPEGMarker.SOF0:
                    case JPEGMarker.SOF2:

                        // SOFn Start of Frame Marker, Baseline DCT - This is the start
                        // of the frame header that defines certain variables that will
                        // be carried out through the rest of the encoding. Multiple
                        // frames are used in a hierarchical system, however most JPEG's
                        // only contain a single frame.

                        // Progressive or baseline?
                        progressive = marker == JPEGMarker.SOF2;

                        jpegFrames.Add(new JPEGFrame());
                        frame = (JPEGFrame)jpegFrames[jpegFrames.Count - 1];
                        frame.ProgressUpdateMethod = new Action<long>(UpdateStreamProgress);

                        // Skip the frame length.
                        // Bits percision, either 8 or 12.
                        // Scan lines (height)
                        frame.ScanLines = jpegReader.ReadShort();
                        // Scan samples per line (width)
                        frame.SamplesPerLine = jpegReader.ReadShort();
                        // Number of Color Components (channels).
                        frame.ComponentCount = jpegReader.ReadByte();

                        DecodeProgress.Height = frame.Height;
                        DecodeProgress.Width = frame.Width;
                        DecodeProgress.SizeReady = true;

                        if(DecodeProgressChanged != null)
                            DecodeProgressChanged(this, DecodeProgress);
                            if (DecodeProgress.Abort) return null;

                        // Add all of the necessary components to the frame.
                        for (int i = 0; i < frame.ComponentCount; i++)
                            byte compId = jpegReader.ReadByte();
                            byte sampleFactors = jpegReader.ReadByte();
                            byte qTableId = jpegReader.ReadByte();

                            byte sampleHFactor = (byte)(sampleFactors >> 4);
                            byte sampleVFactor = (byte)(sampleFactors & 0x0f);

                            frame.AddComponent(compId, sampleHFactor, sampleVFactor, qTableId);

                    case JPEGMarker.DHT:

                        // DHT non-SOF Marker - Huffman Table is required for decoding
                        // the JPEG stream, when we receive a marker we load in first
                        // the table length (16 bits), the table class (4 bits), table
                        // identifier (4 bits), then we load in 16 bytes and each byte
                        // represents the count of bytes to load in for each of the 16
                        // bytes. We load this into an array to use later and move on 4
                        // huffman tables can only be used in an image.
                        int huffmanLength = (jpegReader.ReadShort() - 2);

                        // Keep looping until we are out of length.
                        int index = huffmanLength;

                        // Multiple tables may be defined within a DHT marker. This
                        // will keep reading until there are no tables left, most
                        // of the time there are just one tables.
                        while (index > 0)
                            // Read the identifier information and class
                            // information about the Huffman table, then read the
                            // 16 byte codelength in and read in the Huffman values
                            // and put it into table info.
                            byte huffmanInfo = jpegReader.ReadByte();
                            byte tableClass = (byte)(huffmanInfo >> 4);
                            byte huffmanIndex = (byte)(huffmanInfo & 0x0f);
                            short[] codeLength = new short[16];

                            for (int i = 0; i < codeLength.Length; i++)
                                codeLength[i] = jpegReader.ReadByte();

                            int huffmanValueLen = 0;
                            for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++)
                                huffmanValueLen += codeLength[i];
                            index -= (huffmanValueLen + 17);

                            short[] huffmanVal = new short[huffmanValueLen];
                            for (int i = 0; i < huffmanVal.Length; i++)
                                huffmanVal[i] = jpegReader.ReadByte();
                            // Assign DC Huffman Table.
                            if (tableClass == HuffmanTable.JPEG_DC_TABLE)
                                dcTables[(int)huffmanIndex] = new JpegHuffmanTable(codeLength, huffmanVal);

                            // Assign AC Huffman Table.
                            else if (tableClass == HuffmanTable.JPEG_AC_TABLE)
                                acTables[(int)huffmanIndex] = new JpegHuffmanTable(codeLength, huffmanVal);

                    case JPEGMarker.DQT:

                        // DQT non-SOF Marker - This defines the quantization
                        // coeffecients, this allows us to figure out the quality of
                        // compression and unencode the data. The data is loaded and
                        // then stored in to an array.
                        short quantizationLength = (short)(jpegReader.ReadShort() - 2);
                        for (int j = 0; j < quantizationLength / 65; j++)
                            byte quantSpecs = jpegReader.ReadByte();
                            int[] quantData = new int[64];
                            if ((byte)(quantSpecs >> 4) == 0)
                            // Precision 8 bit.
                                for (int i = 0; i < 64; i++)
                                    quantData[i] = jpegReader.ReadByte();

                            else if ((byte)(quantSpecs >> 4) == 1)
                            // Precision 16 bit.
                                for (int i = 0; i < 64; i++)
                                    quantData[i] = jpegReader.ReadShort();
                            qTables[(int)(quantSpecs & 0x0f)] = new JpegQuantizationTable(quantData);

                    case JPEGMarker.SOS:

                       Debug.WriteLine("Start of Scan (SOS)");

                        // SOS non-SOF Marker - Start Of Scan Marker, this is where the
                        // actual data is stored in a interlaced or non-interlaced with
                        // from 1-4 components of color data, if three components most
                        // likely a YCrCb model, this is a fairly complex process.

                        // Read in the scan length.
                        ushort scanLen = jpegReader.ReadShort();
                        // Number of components in the scan.
                        byte numberOfComponents = jpegReader.ReadByte();
                        byte[] componentSelector = new byte[numberOfComponents];

                        for (int i = 0; i < numberOfComponents; i++)
                            // Component ID, packed byte containing the Id for the
                            // AC table and DC table.
                            byte componentID = jpegReader.ReadByte();
                            byte tableInfo = jpegReader.ReadByte();

                            int DC = (tableInfo >> 4) & 0x0f;
                            int AC = (tableInfo) & 0x0f;


                            componentSelector[i] = componentID;

                        byte startSpectralSelection = jpegReader.ReadByte();
                        byte endSpectralSelection = jpegReader.ReadByte();
                        byte successiveApproximation = jpegReader.ReadByte();

                        #region Baseline JPEG Scan Decoding

                        if (!progressive)
                            frame.DecodeScanBaseline(numberOfComponents, componentSelector, resetInterval, jpegReader, ref marker);
                            haveMarker = true; // use resultant marker for the next switch(..)


                        #region Progressive JPEG Scan Decoding

                        if (progressive)
                                successiveApproximation, startSpectralSelection, endSpectralSelection,
                                numberOfComponents, componentSelector, resetInterval, jpegReader, ref marker);

                            haveMarker = true; // use resultant marker for the next switch(..)



                    case JPEGMarker.DRI:
                        jpegReader.BaseStream.Seek(2, System.IO.SeekOrigin.Current);
                        resetInterval = jpegReader.ReadShort();

                    /// Defines the number of lines.  (Not usually present)
                    case JPEGMarker.DNL:

                        frame.ScanLines = jpegReader.ReadShort();

                    /// End of Image.  Finish the decode.
                    case JPEGMarker.EOI:

                        if (jpegFrames.Count == 0)
                            throw new NotSupportedException("No JPEG frames could be located.");
                        else if (jpegFrames.Count == 1)
                            // Only one frame, JPEG Non-Heirarchial Frame.
                            byte[][,] raster = Image.CreateRaster(frame.Width, frame.Height, frame.ComponentCount);

                            IList<JpegComponent> components = frame.Scan.Components;

                            int totalSteps = components.Count * 3; // Three steps per loop
                            int stepsFinished = 0;

                            for(int i = 0; i < components.Count; i++)
                                JpegComponent comp = components[i];

                                comp.QuantizationTable = qTables[comp.quant_id].Table;

                                // 1. Quantize
                                UpdateProgress(++stepsFinished, totalSteps);

                                // 2. Run iDCT (expensive)
                                UpdateProgress(++stepsFinished, totalSteps);

                                // 3. Scale the image and write the data to the raster.
                                comp.writeDataScaled(raster, i, BlockUpsamplingMode);

                                UpdateProgress(++stepsFinished, totalSteps);

                                // Ensure garbage collection.
                                comp = null; GC.Collect();

                            // Grayscale Color Image (1 Component).
                            if (frame.ComponentCount == 1)
                                ColorModel cm = new ColorModel() { colorspace = ColorSpace.Gray, Opaque = true };
                                image = new Image(cm, raster);
                            // YCbCr Color Image (3 Components).
                            else if (frame.ComponentCount == 3)
                                ColorModel cm = new ColorModel() { colorspace = ColorSpace.YCbCr, Opaque = true };
                                image = new Image(cm, raster);
                            // Possibly CMYK or RGBA ?
                                throw new NotSupportedException("Unsupported Color Mode: 4 Component Color Mode found.");

                            // If needed, convert centimeters to inches.
                            Func<double, double> conv = x =>
                                Units == UnitType.Inches ? x : x / 2.54;

                            image.DensityX = conv(XDensity);
                            image.DensityY = conv(YDensity);

                            height = frame.Height;
                            width = frame.Width;
                            // JPEG Heirarchial Frame
                            throw new NotSupportedException("Unsupported Codec Type: Hierarchial JPEG");

                    // Only SOF0 (baseline) and SOF2 (progressive) are supported by FJCore
                    case JPEGMarker.SOF1:
                    case JPEGMarker.SOF3:
                    case JPEGMarker.SOF5:
                    case JPEGMarker.SOF6:
                    case JPEGMarker.SOF7:
                    case JPEGMarker.SOF9:
                    case JPEGMarker.SOF10:
                    case JPEGMarker.SOF11:
                    case JPEGMarker.SOF13:
                    case JPEGMarker.SOF14:
                    case JPEGMarker.SOF15:
                        throw new NotSupportedException("Unsupported codec type.");

                    default: break;  // ignore


                #endregion switch over markers

                if (haveMarker) haveMarker = false;
                        marker = jpegReader.GetNextMarker();
                    catch (System.IO.EndOfStreamException)
                        break; /* done reading the file */

            DecodedJpeg result = new DecodedJpeg(image, headers);

            return result;
Exemple #13
        /// <summary>
        /// Decodes the image from the specified stream and sets
        /// the data to image.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="image">The image, where the data should be set to.
        /// Cannot be null (Nothing in Visual Basic).</param>
        /// <param name="stream">The stream, where the image should be
        /// decoded from. Cannot be null (Nothing in Visual Basic).</param>
        /// <exception cref="System.ArgumentNullException">
        ///     <para><paramref name="image"/> is null (Nothing in Visual Basic).</para>
        ///     <para>- or -</para>
        ///     <para><paramref name="stream"/> is null (Nothing in Visual Basic).</para>
        /// </exception>
        public void Decode(ExtendedImage image, Stream stream)
            Guard.NotNull(image, "image");
            Guard.NotNull(stream, "stream");

            if (UseLegacyLibrary)
                FluxCoreJpegDecoder fluxCoreJpegDecoder = new FluxCoreJpegDecoder(stream);

                DecodedJpeg jpg = fluxCoreJpegDecoder.Decode();


                int pixelWidth  = jpg.Image.Width;
                int pixelHeight = jpg.Image.Height;

                byte[] pixels = new byte[pixelWidth * pixelHeight * 4];

                byte[][,] sourcePixels = jpg.Image.Raster;

                for (int y = 0; y < pixelHeight; y++)
                    for (int x = 0; x < pixelWidth; x++)
                        int offset = (y * pixelWidth + x) * 4;

                        pixels[offset + 0] = sourcePixels[0][x, y];
                        pixels[offset + 1] = sourcePixels[1][x, y];
                        pixels[offset + 2] = sourcePixels[2][x, y];
                        pixels[offset + 3] = (byte)255;

                image.DensityXInt32 = jpg.Image.DensityX;
                image.DensityYInt32 = jpg.Image.DensityY;
                image.SetPixels(pixelWidth, pixelHeight, pixels);
                JpegImage jpg = new JpegImage(stream);

                int pixelWidth  = jpg.Width;
                int pixelHeight = jpg.Height;

                byte[] pixels = new byte[pixelWidth * pixelHeight * 4];

                if (!(jpg.Colorspace == Colorspace.RGB && jpg.BitsPerComponent == 8))
                    throw new UnsupportedImageFormatException();

                for (int y = 0; y < pixelHeight; y++)
                    SampleRow row = jpg.GetRow(y);
                    for (int x = 0; x < pixelWidth; x++)
                        //Sample sample = row.GetAt(x);
                        int offset = (y * pixelWidth + x) * 4;
                        row.GetComponentsAt(x, out pixels[offset + 0], out pixels[offset + 1], out pixels[offset + 2]);
                        //r = (byte)sample[0];
                        //g = (byte)sample[1];
                        //b = (byte)sample[2];
                        //pixels[offset + 0] = r;
                        //pixels[offset + 1] = g;
                        //pixels[offset + 2] = b;
                        pixels[offset + 3] = (byte)255;

                image.SetPixels(pixelWidth, pixelHeight, pixels);
Exemple #14
        public DecodedJpeg Decode()
            // The frames in this jpeg are loaded into a list. There is
            // usually just one frame except in heirarchial progression where
            // there are multiple frames.
            JPEGFrame frame = null;

            // The restart interval defines how many MCU's we should have
            // between the 8-modulo restart marker. The restart markers allow
            // us to tell whether or not our decoding process is working
            // correctly, also if there is corruption in the image we can
            // recover with these restart intervals. (See RSTm DRI).
            int resetInterval = 0;

            bool haveMarker = false;
            bool foundJFIF  = false;

            List <JpegHeader> headers = new List <JpegHeader>();

            // Loop through until there are no more markers to read in, at
            // that point everything is loaded into the jpegFrames array and
            // can be processed.
            while (true)
                #region Switch over marker types
                switch (marker)
                case JPEGMarker.APP0:
                // APP1 is used for EXIF data
                case JPEGMarker.APP1:
                // Seldomly, APP2 gets used for extended EXIF, too
                case JPEGMarker.APP2:
                case JPEGMarker.APP3:
                case JPEGMarker.APP4:
                case JPEGMarker.APP5:
                case JPEGMarker.APP6:
                case JPEGMarker.APP7:
                case JPEGMarker.APP8:
                case JPEGMarker.APP9:
                case JPEGMarker.APP10:
                case JPEGMarker.APP11:
                case JPEGMarker.APP12:
                case JPEGMarker.APP13:
                case JPEGMarker.APP14:
                case JPEGMarker.APP15:
                // COM: Comment
                case JPEGMarker.COM:

                    // Debug.WriteLine(string.Format("Extracting Header, Type={0:X}", marker));

                    JpegHeader header = ExtractHeader();

                    #region Check explicitly for Exif Data

                    if (header.Marker == JPEGMarker.APP1 && header.Data.Length >= 6)
                        byte[] d = header.Data;

                        if (d[0] == 'E' &&
                            d[1] == 'x' &&
                            d[2] == 'i' &&
                            d[3] == 'f' &&
                            d[4] == 0 &&
                            d[5] == 0)
                            // Exif.  Do something?


                    #region Check for Adobe header

                    if (header.Data.Length >= 5 && header.Marker == JPEGMarker.APP14)
                        string asText = UTF8Encoding.UTF8.GetString(header.Data, 0, 5);
                        if (asText == "Adobe")
                            // ADOBE HEADER.  Do anything?



                    if (!foundJFIF && marker == JPEGMarker.APP0)
                        foundJFIF = TryParseJFIF(header.Data);

                        if (foundJFIF)     // Found JFIF... do JFIF extension follow?
                            header.IsJFIF = true;
                            marker        = jpegReader.GetNextMarker();

                            // Yes, they do.
                            if (marker == JPEGMarker.APP0)
                                header = ExtractHeader();
                            else     // No.  Delay processing this one.
                                haveMarker = true;


                case JPEGMarker.SOF0:
                case JPEGMarker.SOF2:

                    // SOFn Start of Frame Marker, Baseline DCT - This is the start
                    // of the frame header that defines certain variables that will
                    // be carried out through the rest of the encoding. Multiple
                    // frames are used in a hierarchical system, however most JPEG's
                    // only contain a single frame.

                    // Progressive or baseline?
                    progressive = marker == JPEGMarker.SOF2;

                    jpegFrames.Add(new JPEGFrame());
                    frame = (JPEGFrame)jpegFrames[jpegFrames.Count - 1];
                    frame.ProgressUpdateMethod = new Action <long>(UpdateStreamProgress);

                    // Skip the frame length.
                    // Bits percision, either 8 or 12.
                    // Scan lines (height)
                    frame.ScanLines = jpegReader.ReadShort();
                    // Scan samples per line (width)
                    frame.SamplesPerLine = jpegReader.ReadShort();
                    // Number of Color Components (channels).
                    frame.ComponentCount = jpegReader.ReadByte();

                    DecodeProgress.Height    = frame.Height;
                    DecodeProgress.Width     = frame.Width;
                    DecodeProgress.SizeReady = true;

                    if (DecodeProgressChanged != null)
                        DecodeProgressChanged(this, DecodeProgress);

                    // Add all of the necessary components to the frame.
                    for (int i = 0; i < frame.ComponentCount; i++)
                        byte compId        = jpegReader.ReadByte();
                        byte sampleFactors = jpegReader.ReadByte();
                        byte qTableId      = jpegReader.ReadByte();

                        byte sampleHFactor = (byte)(sampleFactors >> 4);
                        byte sampleVFactor = (byte)(sampleFactors & 0x0f);

                        frame.AddComponent(compId, sampleHFactor, sampleVFactor, qTableId);

                case JPEGMarker.DHT:

                    // DHT non-SOF Marker - Huffman Table is required for decoding
                    // the JPEG stream, when we receive a marker we load in first
                    // the table length (16 bits), the table class (4 bits), table
                    // identifier (4 bits), then we load in 16 bytes and each byte
                    // represents the count of bytes to load in for each of the 16
                    // bytes. We load this into an array to use later and move on 4
                    // huffman tables can only be used in an image.
                    int huffmanLength = (jpegReader.ReadShort() - 2);

                    // Keep looping until we are out of length.
                    int index = huffmanLength;

                    // Multiple tables may be defined within a DHT marker. This
                    // will keep reading until there are no tables left, most
                    // of the time there are just one tables.
                    while (index > 0)
                        // Read the identifier information and class
                        // information about the Huffman table, then read the
                        // 16 byte codelength in and read in the Huffman values
                        // and put it into table info.
                        byte    huffmanInfo  = jpegReader.ReadByte();
                        byte    tableClass   = (byte)(huffmanInfo >> 4);
                        byte    huffmanIndex = (byte)(huffmanInfo & 0x0f);
                        short[] codeLength   = new short[16];

                        for (int i = 0; i < codeLength.Length; i++)
                            codeLength[i] = jpegReader.ReadByte();

                        int huffmanValueLen = 0;
                        for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++)
                            huffmanValueLen += codeLength[i];
                        index -= (huffmanValueLen + 17);

                        short[] huffmanVal = new short[huffmanValueLen];
                        for (int i = 0; i < huffmanVal.Length; i++)
                            huffmanVal[i] = jpegReader.ReadByte();
                        // Assign DC Huffman Table.
                        if (tableClass == HuffmanTable.JPEG_DC_TABLE)
                            dcTables[(int)huffmanIndex] = new JpegHuffmanTable(codeLength, huffmanVal);

                        // Assign AC Huffman Table.
                        else if (tableClass == HuffmanTable.JPEG_AC_TABLE)
                            acTables[(int)huffmanIndex] = new JpegHuffmanTable(codeLength, huffmanVal);

                case JPEGMarker.DQT:

                    // DQT non-SOF Marker - This defines the quantization
                    // coeffecients, this allows us to figure out the quality of
                    // compression and unencode the data. The data is loaded and
                    // then stored in to an array.
                    short quantizationLength = (short)(jpegReader.ReadShort() - 2);
                    for (int j = 0; j < quantizationLength / 65; j++)
                        byte  quantSpecs = jpegReader.ReadByte();
                        int[] quantData  = new int[64];
                        if ((byte)(quantSpecs >> 4) == 0)
                        // Precision 8 bit.
                            for (int i = 0; i < 64; i++)
                                quantData[i] = jpegReader.ReadByte();
                        else if ((byte)(quantSpecs >> 4) == 1)
                        // Precision 16 bit.
                            for (int i = 0; i < 64; i++)
                                quantData[i] = jpegReader.ReadShort();
                        qTables[(int)(quantSpecs & 0x0f)] = new JpegQuantizationTable(quantData);

                case JPEGMarker.SOS:

                    Debug.WriteLine("Start of Scan (SOS)");

                    // SOS non-SOF Marker - Start Of Scan Marker, this is where the
                    // actual data is stored in a interlaced or non-interlaced with
                    // from 1-4 components of color data, if three components most
                    // likely a YCrCb model, this is a fairly complex process.

                    // Read in the scan length.
                    //ushort scanLen = jpegReader.ReadShort();
                    // Number of components in the scan.
                    byte   numberOfComponents = jpegReader.ReadByte();
                    byte[] componentSelector  = new byte[numberOfComponents];

                    for (int i = 0; i < numberOfComponents; i++)
                        // Component ID, packed byte containing the Id for the
                        // AC table and DC table.
                        byte componentID = jpegReader.ReadByte();
                        byte tableInfo   = jpegReader.ReadByte();

                        int DC = (tableInfo >> 4) & 0x0f;
                        int AC = (tableInfo) & 0x0f;


                        componentSelector[i] = componentID;

                    byte startSpectralSelection  = jpegReader.ReadByte();
                    byte endSpectralSelection    = jpegReader.ReadByte();
                    byte successiveApproximation = jpegReader.ReadByte();

                    #region Baseline JPEG Scan Decoding

                    if (!progressive)
                        frame.DecodeScanBaseline(numberOfComponents, componentSelector, resetInterval, jpegReader, ref marker);
                        haveMarker = true;     // use resultant marker for the next switch(..)


                    #region Progressive JPEG Scan Decoding

                    if (progressive)
                            successiveApproximation, startSpectralSelection, endSpectralSelection,
                            numberOfComponents, componentSelector, resetInterval, jpegReader, ref marker);

                        haveMarker = true;     // use resultant marker for the next switch(..)



                case JPEGMarker.DRI:
                    jpegReader.BaseStream.Seek(2, System.IO.SeekOrigin.Current);
                    resetInterval = jpegReader.ReadShort();

                // Defines the number of lines.  (Not usually present)
                case JPEGMarker.DNL:

                    frame.ScanLines = jpegReader.ReadShort();

                // End of Image.  Finish the decode.
                case JPEGMarker.EOI:

                    if (jpegFrames.Count == 0)
                        throw new NotSupportedException("No JPEG frames could be located.");
                    else if (jpegFrames.Count == 1)
                        // Only one frame, JPEG Non-Heirarchial Frame.
                        byte[][,] raster = Image.CreateRaster(frame.Width, frame.Height, frame.ComponentCount);

                        IList <JpegComponent> components = frame.Scan.Components;

                        int totalSteps    = components.Count * 3;  // Three steps per loop
                        int stepsFinished = 0;

                        for (int i = 0; i < components.Count; i++)
                            JpegComponent comp = components[i];

                            comp.QuantizationTable = qTables[comp.quant_id].Table;

                            // 1. Quantize
                            UpdateProgress(++stepsFinished, totalSteps);

                            // 2. Run iDCT (expensive)
                            UpdateProgress(++stepsFinished, totalSteps);

                            // 3. Scale the image and write the data to the raster.
                            comp.writeDataScaled(raster, i, BlockUpsamplingMode);

                            UpdateProgress(++stepsFinished, totalSteps);

                            // Ensure garbage collection.
                            comp = null; GC.Collect();

                        // Grayscale Color Image (1 Component).
                        if (frame.ComponentCount == 1)
                            ColorModel cm = new ColorModel()
                                ColorSpace = ColorSpace.Gray, Opaque = true
                            image = new Image(cm, raster);
                        // YCbCr Color Image (3 Components).
                        else if (frame.ComponentCount == 3)
                            ColorModel cm = new ColorModel()
                                ColorSpace = ColorSpace.YCbCr, Opaque = true
                            image = new Image(cm, raster);
                        // Possibly CMYK or RGBA ?
                            throw new NotSupportedException("Unsupported Color Mode: 4 Component Color Mode found.");

                        // If needed, convert centimeters to inches.
                        Func <double, double> conv = x =>
                                                     Units == UnitType.Inches ? x : x / 2.54;

                        image.DensityX = conv(XDensity);
                        image.DensityY = conv(YDensity);

                        //height = frame.Height;
                        //width = frame.Width;
                        // JPEG Heirarchial Frame
                        throw new NotSupportedException("Unsupported Codec Type: Hierarchial JPEG");

                // Only SOF0 (baseline) and SOF2 (progressive) are supported by FJCore
                case JPEGMarker.SOF1:
                case JPEGMarker.SOF3:
                case JPEGMarker.SOF5:
                case JPEGMarker.SOF6:
                case JPEGMarker.SOF7:
                case JPEGMarker.SOF9:
                case JPEGMarker.SOF10:
                case JPEGMarker.SOF11:
                case JPEGMarker.SOF13:
                case JPEGMarker.SOF14:
                case JPEGMarker.SOF15:
                    throw new NotSupportedException("Unsupported codec type.");

                default: break;      // ignore

                #endregion switch over markers

                if (haveMarker)
                    haveMarker = false;
                        marker = jpegReader.GetNextMarker();
                    catch (System.IO.EndOfStreamException)
                        break; /* done reading the file */

            DecodedJpeg result = new DecodedJpeg(image, headers);
