Exemple #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Collects all definitions and uses among each class in the assembly under analysis
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ade"></param>
        private static void CollectAllDefsAndUsesInTypeDef(TypeDefinition td, DeclClassEntity ade)
            var             host = DUCoverStore.GetInstance().Host;
            SideEffectStore ses  = SideEffectStore.GetInstance();
            var             psd  = host.GetService <PexMeStaticDatabase>() as PexMeStaticDatabase;

            foreach (var constructor in td.DeclaredInstanceConstructors)
                var method = constructor.Instantiate(MethodOrFieldAnalyzer.GetGenericTypeParameters(host, td),
                                                     MethodOrFieldAnalyzer.GetGenericMethodParameters(host, constructor));
                CollectDefsAndUsesInMethod(psd, td, ade, method, null, ses);

            foreach (var mdef in td.DeclaredInstanceMethods)
                    var method = mdef.Instantiate(MethodOrFieldAnalyzer.GetGenericTypeParameters(host, td),
                                                  MethodOrFieldAnalyzer.GetGenericMethodParameters(host, mdef));
                    CollectDefsAndUsesInMethod(psd, td, ade, method, null, ses);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    logger.ErrorException("Failed to instantiate method " + mdef.FullName, ex);

            foreach (var prop in td.DeclaredProperties)
                var getter = prop.Getter;
                if (getter != null)
                    Field usedField;
                    int   foffset;
                    var   method = getter.Instantiate(MethodOrFieldAnalyzer.GetGenericTypeParameters(host, td),
                                                      MethodOrFieldAnalyzer.GetGenericMethodParameters(host, getter));
                    if (TryGetFieldOfGetter(method, out usedField, out foffset))
                        DeclFieldEntity dfe;
                        if (ade.FieldEntities.TryGetValue(usedField.FullName, out dfe))
                            //Found an accessor. register the usage
                            dfe.AddToUseList(method, foffset);

                var setter = prop.Setter;
                if (setter != null)
                    var method = setter.Instantiate(MethodOrFieldAnalyzer.GetGenericTypeParameters(host, td),
                                                    MethodOrFieldAnalyzer.GetGenericMethodParameters(host, setter));
                    CollectDefsAndUsesInMethod(psd, td, ade, method, null, ses);
Exemple #2
        private static void HandleSetterMethod(DeclClassEntity ade, Method method, int offset, Method methodinner)
            //found a definition
            Field definedField;

            if (TryGetFieldOfSetter(methodinner, out definedField))
                DeclFieldEntity dfe;
                if (ade.FieldEntities.TryGetValue(definedField.FullName, out dfe))
                    dfe.AddToDefList(method, offset);
                logger.Warn("Failed to retrive field associated with the setter method: " + methodinner.FullName);
Exemple #3
        private static void HandleGetterMethod(DeclClassEntity ade, Method method, int offset, Method methodinner, SafeList <Field> lastAccessedFieldList)
            //found a use
            Field usedField;
            int   foffset;

            if (TryGetFieldOfGetter(methodinner, out usedField, out foffset))
                DeclFieldEntity dfe;
                if (ade.FieldEntities.TryGetValue(usedField.FullName, out dfe))
                    dfe.AddToUseList(method, offset);
                logger.Warn("Failed to retrive field associated with the getter method: " + methodinner.FullName);
Exemple #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Handles a method call
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="psd"></param>
        /// <param name="ade"></param>
        /// <param name="method"></param>
        /// <param name="offset"></param>
        /// <param name="lastAccessedFieldList"></param>
        /// <param name="methodinner"></param>
        private static void HandleMethodCall(PexMeStaticDatabase psd, DeclClassEntity ade, Method method, int offset,
                                             SafeList <Field> lastAccessedFieldList, Method methodinner, SideEffectStore ses)
            SafeList <Field> fieldsProcessed = new SafeList <Field>();
            Field            receiverField   = null;

            //Check whether the current method call is actually on the field previously loaded
            TypeEx methodDeclType;

            if (!methodinner.TryGetDeclaringType(out methodDeclType))
                logger.Error("Failed to get the declaring type of the method: " + methodinner.FullName);

            if (methodDeclType.FullName == "System.String" || methodDeclType.FullName == "System.string")
                return; //Do not process string types.

            //Check whether the declaring type is in the fields list
            foreach (var field in lastAccessedFieldList)
                var fieldType = field.Type;
                if (fieldType == methodDeclType || fieldType.IsAssignableTo(methodDeclType) || methodDeclType.IsAssignableTo(fieldType))
                    receiverField = field;

            if (receiverField == null)
                //Failed to identify the reciver field of this method

            //Identify arguments of the current method call
            foreach (var argtype in methodinner.ParameterTypes)
                foreach (var field in lastAccessedFieldList)
                    if (field == receiverField)

                    var fieldType = field.Type;
                    if (fieldType == argtype || fieldType.IsAssignableTo(argtype) || argtype.IsAssignableTo(fieldType))

            DUCoverStore dcs = DUCoverStore.GetInstance();

            //If the method is known, its side-effects are well-known
            if (methodinner.ShortName.StartsWith("set_"))
                foreach (var processedField in fieldsProcessed)
                    DeclFieldEntity dfe;
                    if (ade.FieldEntities.TryGetValue(processedField.FullName, out dfe))
                        dfe.AddToDefList(method, offset);
            else if (methodinner.ShortName.StartsWith("get_"))
                foreach (var processedField in fieldsProcessed)
                    DeclFieldEntity dfe;
                    if (ade.FieldEntities.TryGetValue(processedField.FullName, out dfe))
                        dfe.AddToUseList(method, offset);
                //add all fiels to def or use, since we may not aware of their side-effects here
                foreach (var processedField in fieldsProcessed)
                    DeclFieldEntity dfe;
                    if (ade.FieldEntities.TryGetValue(processedField.FullName, out dfe))
                        bool defined, used;
                        if (ses.TryGetFieldDefOrUseByMethod(method, processedField, offset, out defined, out used))
                            if (defined)
                                dfe.AddToDefList(method, offset);

                            if (used)
                                dfe.AddToUseList(method, offset);
                            dfe.AddToDefOrUseList(method, offset, methodinner);
Exemple #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Collects defs and uses within a method
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="td"></param>
        /// <param name="ade"></param>
        /// <param name="constructor"></param>
        private static void CollectDefsAndUsesInMethod(PexMeStaticDatabase psd, TypeDefinition td, DeclClassEntity ade,
                                                       Method method, SafeSet <Method> visitedMethods, SideEffectStore ses)
                if (visitedMethods == null)
                    visitedMethods = new SafeSet <Method>();

                if (visitedMethods.Contains(method))

                MethodBodyEx body;
                if (!method.TryGetBody(out body) || !body.HasInstructions)

                int         offset = 0;
                Instruction instruction;
                OpCode      prevOpcode = OpCodes.Nop;

                //Stack for load instructions
                Field            lastAccessedArrayField = null;
                SafeList <Field> lastAccessedFieldList  = new SafeList <Field>();

                while (body.TryGetInstruction(offset, out instruction))
                    SafeDebug.AssumeNotNull(instruction, "instruction");
                    OpCode opCode = instruction.OpCode;
                    if (MethodOrFieldAnalyzer.LdcOpCodes.Contains(opCode))
                        //topIsConstant = true;
                    else if (MethodOrFieldAnalyzer.ConvOpCodes.Contains(opCode))
                        // do not change topIsConstant
                        if (opCode == OpCodes.Stfld)
                            SafeDebug.Assume(opCode.OperandType == OperandType.InlineField, "opCode.OperandType == OperandType.InlineField");
                            Field           field = instruction.Field;
                            DeclFieldEntity dfe;
                            if (ade.FieldEntities.TryGetValue(field.FullName, out dfe))
                                //Found a definition of the field. register the definition
                                dfe.AddToDefList(method, offset);
                        else if (opCode == OpCodes.Ldfld || opCode == OpCodes.Ldflda)
                            SafeDebug.Assume(opCode.OperandType == OperandType.InlineField, "opCode.OperandType == OperandType.InlineField");
                            Field accessedField = instruction.Field;
                            if (PexMeFilter.IsPrimitiveType(accessedField.Type))
                                DeclFieldEntity dfe;
                                if (ade.FieldEntities.TryGetValue(accessedField.FullName, out dfe))
                                    //Found an accessor. register the usage
                                    dfe.AddToUseList(method, offset);
                                lastAccessedArrayField = null;
                                if (accessedField.Type.Spec == TypeSpec.SzArray)
                                    lastAccessedArrayField = accessedField;
                                    //Any access needs to be registered as use
                        else if (MethodOrFieldAnalyzer.StElemOpCodes.Contains(opCode))
                            if (lastAccessedArrayField != null)
                                DeclFieldEntity dfe;
                                if (ade.FieldEntities.TryGetValue(lastAccessedArrayField.FullName, out dfe))
                                    //Found a definition of the field. register the definition
                                    dfe.AddToDefList(method, offset);
                                lastAccessedArrayField = null;
                        else if (MethodOrFieldAnalyzer.BranchOpCodes.Contains(opCode))
                            if (lastAccessedFieldList.Count > 0)
                                //A field is loaded and used in conditional statement. We use the offset of conditional statement as the usage point
                                foreach (var field in lastAccessedFieldList)
                                    DeclFieldEntity dfe;
                                    if (ade.FieldEntities.TryGetValue(field.FullName, out dfe))
                                        //Found a definition of the field. register the definition
                                        dfe.AddToUseList(method, offset);

                            if (lastAccessedArrayField != null)
                                DeclFieldEntity dfe;
                                if (ade.FieldEntities.TryGetValue(lastAccessedArrayField.FullName, out dfe))
                                    //Found a definition of the field. register the definition
                                    dfe.AddToUseList(method, offset);
                                lastAccessedArrayField = null;
                        else if (opCode == OpCodes.Ret)
                            //A field is accessed and is returned from here
                            if (lastAccessedFieldList.Count > 0)
                                foreach (var field in lastAccessedFieldList)
                                    DeclFieldEntity dfe;
                                    if (ade.FieldEntities.TryGetValue(field.FullName, out dfe))
                                        //Found a use of the field. register the definition
                                        dfe.AddToUseList(method, offset);
                        else if (opCode == OpCodes.Call || opCode == OpCodes.Callvirt)
                            SafeDebug.Assume(opCode.OperandType == OperandType.InlineMethod, "opCode.OperandType == OperandType.InlineMethod");
                            Method methodinner = instruction.Method;
                            SafeDebug.AssumeNotNull(method, "method");

                            //If this condition is not satisfied, it could be a local method call, which is dealt separately
                            if (lastAccessedFieldList.Count != 0)
                                HandleMethodCall(psd, ade, method, offset, lastAccessedFieldList, methodinner, ses);
                                var shortname = methodinner.ShortName;
                                if (shortname.StartsWith("set_"))
                                    HandleSetterMethod(ade, method, offset, methodinner);
                                else if (shortname.StartsWith("get_"))
                                    HandleGetterMethod(ade, method, offset, methodinner, lastAccessedFieldList);
                    prevOpcode = opCode;
                    offset     = instruction.NextOffset;
            catch (Exception ex)
                logger.ErrorException("Exception thrown with static analysis " + ex.StackTrace, ex);