Exemple #1
 private void PrintCounters(StringBuilder buff, Counters totalCounters, Counters mapCounters
                            , Counters reduceCounters)
     // Killed jobs might not have counters
     if (totalCounters == null)
     buff.Append("\nCounters: \n\n");
     buff.Append(string.Format("|%1$-30s|%2$-30s|%3$-10s|%4$-10s|%5$-10s|", "Group Name"
                               , "Counter name", "Map Value", "Reduce Value", "Total Value"));
     buff.Append("\n------------------------------------------" + "---------------------------------------------"
     foreach (string groupName in totalCounters.GetGroupNames())
         CounterGroup          totalGroup  = totalCounters.GetGroup(groupName);
         CounterGroup          mapGroup    = mapCounters.GetGroup(groupName);
         CounterGroup          reduceGroup = reduceCounters.GetGroup(groupName);
         Format                @decimal    = new DecimalFormat();
         IEnumerator <Counter> ctrItr      = totalGroup.GetEnumerator();
         while (ctrItr.HasNext())
             Counter counter     = ctrItr.Next();
             string  name        = counter.GetName();
             string  mapValue    = @decimal.Format(mapGroup.FindCounter(name).GetValue());
             string  reduceValue = @decimal.Format(reduceGroup.FindCounter(name).GetValue());
             string  totalValue  = @decimal.Format(counter.GetValue());
             buff.Append(string.Format("%n|%1$-30s|%2$-30s|%3$-10s|%4$-10s|%5$-10s", totalGroup
                                       .GetDisplayName(), counter.GetDisplayName(), mapValue, reduceValue, totalValue));
Exemple #2
        private void OutputStatistics()
            DecimalFormat formatPercentage           = new DecimalFormat("##.##");
            DecimalFormat formatCount                = new DecimalFormat("###,###");
            long          totalCount                 = _readCount + _writeCount + _syncCount + _seekCount;
            string        totalCountString           = formatCount.Format(totalCount);
            double        readCountPercentage        = CountPercentage(_readCount, totalCount);
            string        readCountPercentageString  = formatPercentage.Format(readCountPercentage);
            double        writeCountPercentage       = CountPercentage(_writeCount, totalCount);
            string        writeCountPercentageString = formatPercentage.Format(writeCountPercentage);
            double        syncCountPercentage        = CountPercentage(_syncCount, totalCount);
            string        syncCountPercentageString  = formatPercentage.Format(syncCountPercentage);
            double        seekCountPercentage        = CountPercentage(_seekCount, totalCount);
            string        seekCountPercentageString  = formatPercentage.Format(seekCountPercentage);
            long          totalBytes                 = _readBytes + _writeBytes;
            string        totalBytesString           = formatCount.Format(totalBytes);
            double        readBytesPercentage        = CountPercentage(_readBytes, totalBytes);
            string        readBytesPercentageString  = formatPercentage.Format(readBytesPercentage);
            double        writeBytesPercentage       = CountPercentage(_writeBytes, totalBytes);
            string        writeBytesPercentageString = formatPercentage.Format(writeBytesPercentage);
            string        readCountString            = formatCount.Format(_readCount);
            string        writeCountString           = formatCount.Format(_writeCount);
            string        syncCountString            = formatCount.Format(_syncCount);
            string        seekCountString            = formatCount.Format(_seekCount);
            string        readBytesString            = formatCount.Format(_readBytes);
            string        writeBytesString           = formatCount.Format(_writeBytes);

            _out.WriteLine("<tr><td>Reads</td><td></td><td align=\"right\">" + readCountString
                           + "</td><td></td><td align=\"right\">" + readCountPercentageString + "</td><td></td><td align=\"right\">"
                           + readBytesString + "</td><td></td><td align=\"right\">" + readBytesPercentageString
                           + "</td></tr>");
            _out.WriteLine("<tr><td>Writes</td><td></td><td align=\"right\">" + writeCountString
                           + "</td><td></td><td align=\"right\">" + writeCountPercentageString + "</td><td></td><td align=\"right\">"
                           + writeBytesString + "</td><td></td><td align=\"right\">" + writeBytesPercentageString
                           + "</td></tr>");
            _out.WriteLine("<tr><td>Seeks</td><td></td><td align=\"right\">" + seekCountString
                           + "</td><td></td><td align=\"right\">" + seekCountPercentageString + "</td><td></td><td></td></tr>"
            _out.WriteLine("<tr><td>Syncs</td><td></td><td align=\"right\">" + syncCountString
                           + "</td><td></td><td align=\"right\">" + syncCountPercentageString + "</td><td></td><td></td></tr>"
            _out.WriteLine("<tr><td colspan=\"9\"></td></tr>");
            _out.WriteLine("<tr><td>Total</td><td></td><td align=\"right\">" + totalCountString
                           + "</td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td>" + totalBytesString + "</td><td></td></tr>"
            double avgBytesPerRead        = _readBytes / _readCount;
            string avgBytesPerReadString  = formatCount.Format(avgBytesPerRead);
            double avgBytesPerWrite       = _writeBytes / _writeCount;
            string avgBytesPerWriteString = formatCount.Format(avgBytesPerWrite);

            _out.WriteLine("Average byte count per read: " + avgBytesPerReadString);
            _out.WriteLine("Average byte count per write: " + avgBytesPerWriteString);
        public virtual string GetFNumberDescription()
            Rational value = _directory.GetRational(XmpDirectory.TagFNumber);

            if (value == null)
            return("F" + SimpleDecimalFormatter.Format(value.DoubleValue()));
Exemple #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Processes the audio frame and calculates sound pressure (dB).
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="audioFrame">The audio frame.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private int ProcessAudio(short[] audioFrame)
            // Compute the RMS value. (Note that this does not remove DC).
            double rms = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < audioFrame.Length; i++)
                rms += audioFrame[i] * audioFrame[i];
            rms = Java.Lang.Math.Sqrt(rms / audioFrame.Length);

            // Compute a smoothed version for less flickering of the display.
            _rmsSmoothed = _rmsSmoothed * _alpha + (1 - _alpha) * rms;
            var rmsdB = 20.0 * Java.Lang.Math.Log10(_gain * _rmsSmoothed);

            DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat("##");

            DecimalFormat df_fraction = new DecimalFormat("#");
            var           oneDecimal  = (int)(Java.Lang.Math.Round(Java.Lang.Math.Abs(rmsdB * 10))) % 10;

            var result = string.Format("{0}.{1} dB", df.Format(20 + rmsdB), oneDecimal);

            var c = Java.Lang.Math.Round((float)(20 + rmsdB));

            _listener.ProcessContent(result, ((c > 45) ? AnimationType.KissBack : AnimationType.None));

Exemple #5
        public static string DecimalToDegreesMinutesSecondsString(double @decimal)
            double[]      dms    = DecimalToDegreesMinutesSeconds(@decimal);
            DecimalFormat format = new DecimalFormat("0.##");

            return(Sharpen.Extensions.StringFormat("%s° %s' %s\"", format.Format(dms[0]), format.Format(dms[1]), format.Format(dms[2])));
        /// <exception cref="System.IO.IOException"/>
        public static string GetEvalSummary(string evalScript, string goldFile, string predictFile)
            ProcessBuilder     process = new ProcessBuilder(evalScript, "all", goldFile, predictFile, "none");
            StringOutputStream errSos  = new StringOutputStream();
            StringOutputStream outSos  = new StringOutputStream();
            PrintWriter        @out    = new PrintWriter(outSos);
            PrintWriter        err     = new PrintWriter(errSos);

            SystemUtils.Run(process, @out, err);
            string summary = outSos.ToString();
            string errStr  = errSos.ToString();

            if (!errStr.IsEmpty())
                summary += "\nERROR: " + errStr;
            Pattern       pattern = Pattern.Compile("\\d+\\.\\d\\d\\d+");
            DecimalFormat df      = new DecimalFormat("#.##");
            Matcher       matcher = pattern.Matcher(summary);

            while (matcher.Find())
                string number = matcher.Group();
                summary = summary.ReplaceFirst(number, df.Format(double.Parse(number)));
        public override StringBuilder Format(Object number, StringBuilder toAppendTo, CultureInfo culture)
            double value;

            if (Number.IsNumber(number))
                value = double.Parse(number.ToString());
                if (Double.IsInfinity(value) || Double.IsNaN(value))
                    return(integerFormat.Format(number, toAppendTo, culture));
                // testBug54786 Gets here with a date, so retain previous behaviour
                return(integerFormat.Format(number, toAppendTo, culture));

            double abs = Math.Abs(value);

            if (abs >= 1E11 || (abs <= 1E-10 && abs > 0))
                return(scientificFormat.Format(number, toAppendTo, culture));
            else if (Math.Floor(value) == value || abs >= 1E10)
                // integer, or integer portion uses all 11 allowed digits
                return(integerFormat.Format(number, toAppendTo, culture));
            // Non-integers of non-scientific magnitude are formatted as "up to 11
            // numeric characters, with the decimal point counting as a numeric
            // character". We know there is a decimal point, so limit to 10 digits.
            // https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/kb/65903
            //double rounded = new BigDecimal(value).round(TO_10_SF);
            // calculate round precision
            int digits = 10;

            if (Math.Abs(value) > 1)
                int len = (int)Math.Log10((int)Math.Abs(value)) + 1;
                digits -= len;
            double rounded = Math.Round(value, digits, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero);

            return(decimalFormat.Format(rounded, toAppendTo, culture));
         * 绘制阅读页面
         * @param canvas
        public /*synchronized*/ void onDraw(Canvas canvas)
            if (mLines.Size() == 0)
                curEndPos = curBeginPos;
                mLines    = pageDown();
            if (mLines.Size() > 0)
                int y = marginHeight + (mLineSpace << 1);
                // 绘制背景
                if (mBookPageBg != null)
                    canvas.DrawBitmap(mBookPageBg, null, rectF, null);
                // 绘制标题
                canvas.DrawText(chaptersList[currentChapter - 1].title, marginWidth, y, mTitlePaint);
                y += mLineSpace + mNumFontSize;
                // 绘制阅读页面文字
                for (var i = 0; i < mLines.Size(); i++)
                    var line = mLines.Get(i).ToString();
                    y += mLineSpace;
                    if (line.EndsWith("@"))
                        canvas.DrawText(line.Substring(0, line.Count() - 1), marginWidth, y, mPaint);
                        y += mLineSpace;
                        canvas.DrawText(line, marginWidth, y, mPaint);
                    y += mFontSize;
                // 绘制提示内容
                if (batteryBitmap != null)
                    canvas.DrawBitmap(batteryBitmap, marginWidth + 2,
                                      mHeight - marginHeight - ScreenUtils.dpToPxInt(12), mTitlePaint);

                float percent = (float)currentChapter * 100 / chapterSize;
                canvas.DrawText(decimalFormat.Format(percent) + "%", (mWidth - percentLen) / 2,
                                mHeight - marginHeight, mTitlePaint);

                string mTime = dateFormat.Format(new Date());
                canvas.DrawText(mTime, mWidth - marginWidth - timeLen, mHeight - marginHeight, mTitlePaint);

                // 保存阅读进度
                Settings.SaveReadProgress(bookId, currentChapter, curBeginPos, curEndPos);
 public override String ToString()
     if (IsNumber)
Exemple #10
        public virtual string GetSubjectDistanceDescription()
            Rational value = _directory.GetRational(ExifSubIFDDirectory.TagSubjectDistance);

            if (value == null)
            DecimalFormat formatter = new DecimalFormat("0.0##");

            return(formatter.Format(value.DoubleValue()) + " metres");
        public virtual string GetFocalLengthDescription()
            Rational value = _directory.GetRational(XmpDirectory.TagFocalLength);

            if (value == null)
            DecimalFormat formatter = new DecimalFormat("0.0##");

            return(formatter.Format(value.DoubleValue()) + " mm");
        private void SetUiAfterVerification(VerifyResult result)

            if (result != null)
                DecimalFormat formatter          = new DecimalFormat("#0.00");
                String        verificationResult = (result.IsIdentical ? "The same person" : "Different persons")
                                                   + ". The confidence is " + formatter.Format(result.Confidence);
        public virtual void PrintF1(Logger logger, bool printF1First)
            NumberFormat nf   = new DecimalFormat("0.0000");
            double       r    = GetRecall();
            double       p    = GetPrecision();
            double       f1   = GetF1();
            string       R    = nf.Format(r);
            string       P    = nf.Format(p);
            string       F1   = nf.Format(f1);
            NumberFormat nf2  = new DecimalFormat("00.0");
            string       Rr   = nf2.Format(r * 100);
            string       Pp   = nf2.Format(p * 100);
            string       F1f1 = nf2.Format(f1 * 100);

            if (printF1First)
                string str = "F1 = " + F1 + ", P = " + P + " (" + (int)precisionNumSum + "/" + (int)precisionDenSum + "), R = " + R + " (" + (int)recallNumSum + "/" + (int)recallDenSum + ")";
                if (scoreType == CorefScorer.ScoreType.Pairwise)
                    logger.Fine("Pairwise " + str);
                    if (scoreType == CorefScorer.ScoreType.BCubed)
                        logger.Fine("B cubed  " + str);
                        logger.Fine("MUC      " + str);
                logger.Fine("& " + Pp + " & " + Rr + " & " + F1f1);
Exemple #14
 public override void Display(bool verbose, PrintWriter pw)
     base.Display(verbose, pw);
     if (doCatLevelEval)
         NumberFormat         nf   = new DecimalFormat("0.00");
         ICollection <string> cats = Generics.NewHashSet();
         Random rand = new Random();
         Sharpen.Collections.AddAll(cats, precisions.KeySet());
         Sharpen.Collections.AddAll(cats, recalls.KeySet());
         IDictionary <double, string> f1Map = new SortedDictionary <double, string>();
         foreach (string cat in cats)
             double pnum2 = pnums2.GetCount(cat);
             double rnum2 = rnums2.GetCount(cat);
             double prec  = precisions2.GetCount(cat) / pnum2;
             double rec   = recalls2.GetCount(cat) / rnum2;
             double f1    = 2.0 / (1.0 / prec + 1.0 / rec);
             if (f1.Equals(double.NaN))
                 f1 = -1.0;
             if (f1Map.Contains(f1))
                 f1Map[f1 + (rand.NextDouble() / 1000.0)] = cat;
                 f1Map[f1] = cat;
         pw.Println("Tagging Performance by Category -- final statistics");
         foreach (string cat_1 in f1Map.Values)
             double pnum2 = pnums2.GetCount(cat_1);
             double rnum2 = rnums2.GetCount(cat_1);
             double prec  = precisions2.GetCount(cat_1) / pnum2;
             prec *= 100.0;
             double rec = recalls2.GetCount(cat_1) / rnum2;
             rec *= 100.0;
             double f1      = 2.0 / (1.0 / prec + 1.0 / rec);
             double oovRate = (lex == null) ? -1.0 : percentOOV.GetCount(cat_1) / percentOOV2.GetCount(cat_1);
             pw.Println(cat_1 + "\tLP: " + ((pnum2 == 0.0) ? " N/A" : nf.Format(prec)) + "\tguessed: " + (int)pnum2 + "\tLR: " + ((rnum2 == 0.0) ? " N/A" : nf.Format(rec)) + "\tgold:  " + (int)rnum2 + "\tF1: " + ((pnum2 == 0.0 || rnum2 == 0.0) ? " N/A" :
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     nf.Format(f1)) + "\tOOV: " + ((lex == null) ? " N/A" : nf.Format(oovRate)));
Exemple #15
         * 转换文件大小
         * @param fileLen 单位B
         * @return
        public static string formatFileSizeToString(long fileLen)
            DecimalFormat df             = new DecimalFormat("0.00");
            string        fileSizestring = "";

            if (fileLen < 1024)
                fileSizestring = df.Format((double)fileLen) + "B";
            else if (fileLen < 1048576)
                fileSizestring = df.Format((double)fileLen / 1024) + "K";
            else if (fileLen < 1073741824)
                fileSizestring = df.Format((double)fileLen / 1048576) + "M";
                fileSizestring = df.Format((double)fileLen / 1073741824) + "G";
Exemple #16
        public string GetStringComma(string str)
            var _result = "";

            if (str.Length > 0)
                var value  = Java.Lang.Double.ParseDouble(str);
                var format = new DecimalFormat("###,###");

                _result = format.Format(value);

        public override void Display(bool verbose, PrintWriter pw)
            NumberFormat nf = new DecimalFormat("0.00");
            ICollection <CollinsRelation> cats = Generics.NewHashSet();
            Random rand = new Random();

            Sharpen.Collections.AddAll(cats, precisions.KeySet());
            Sharpen.Collections.AddAll(cats, recalls.KeySet());
            IDictionary <double, CollinsRelation> f1Map = new SortedDictionary <double, CollinsRelation>();

            foreach (CollinsRelation cat in cats)
                double pnum2 = pnums2.GetCount(cat);
                double rnum2 = rnums2.GetCount(cat);
                double prec  = precisions2.GetCount(cat) / pnum2;
                //(num > 0.0 ? precision/num : 0.0);
                double rec = recalls2.GetCount(cat) / rnum2;
                //(num > 0.0 ? recall/num : 0.0);
                double f1 = 2.0 / (1.0 / prec + 1.0 / rec);
                //(num > 0.0 ? f1/num : 0.0);
                if (f1.Equals(double.NaN))
                    f1 = -1.0;
                if (f1Map.Contains(f1))
                    f1Map[f1 + (rand.NextDouble() / 1000.0)] = cat;
                    f1Map[f1] = cat;
            pw.Println(" Abstract Collins Dependencies -- final statistics");
            foreach (CollinsRelation cat_1 in f1Map.Values)
                double pnum2 = pnums2.GetCount(cat_1);
                double rnum2 = rnums2.GetCount(cat_1);
                double prec  = precisions2.GetCount(cat_1) / pnum2;
                //(num > 0.0 ? precision/num : 0.0);
                double rec = recalls2.GetCount(cat_1) / rnum2;
                //(num > 0.0 ? recall/num : 0.0);
                double f1 = 2.0 / (1.0 / prec + 1.0 / rec);
                //(num > 0.0 ? f1/num : 0.0);
                pw.Println(cat_1 + "\tLP: " + ((pnum2 == 0.0) ? " N/A" : nf.Format(prec)) + "\tguessed: " + (int)pnum2 + "\tLR: " + ((rnum2 == 0.0) ? " N/A" : nf.Format(rec)) + "\tgold:  " + (int)rnum2 + "\tF1: " + ((pnum2 == 0.0 || rnum2 == 0.0) ? " N/A" :
Exemple #18
        private void PrintQueueInfo(PrintWriter writer, QueueInfo queueInfo)
            writer.Write("Queue Name : ");
            writer.Write("\tState : ");
            DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat("#.0");

            writer.Write("\tCapacity : ");
            writer.WriteLine(df.Format(queueInfo.GetCapacity() * 100) + "%");
            writer.Write("\tCurrent Capacity : ");
            writer.WriteLine(df.Format(queueInfo.GetCurrentCapacity() * 100) + "%");
            writer.Write("\tMaximum Capacity : ");
            writer.WriteLine(df.Format(queueInfo.GetMaximumCapacity() * 100) + "%");
            writer.Write("\tDefault Node Label expression : ");
            if (null != queueInfo.GetDefaultNodeLabelExpression())
            ICollection <string> nodeLabels = queueInfo.GetAccessibleNodeLabels();
            StringBuilder        labelList  = new StringBuilder();

            writer.Write("\tAccessible Node Labels : ");
            foreach (string nodeLabel in nodeLabels)
                if (labelList.Length > 0)
Exemple #19
        /// <summary>
        ///* 转换文件大小单位(b/kb/mb/gb) **
        /// </summary>
        public static string FormetFileSize(this long fileS)
            // 转换文件大小
            DecimalFormat df             = new DecimalFormat("#.00");
            string        fileSizeString = "";

            if (fileS < 1024)
                fileSizeString = df.Format((double)fileS) + "B";
            else if (fileS < 1048576)
                fileSizeString = df.Format((double)fileS / 1024) + "K";
            else if (fileS < 1073741824)
                fileSizeString = df.Format((double)fileS / 1048576) + "M";
                fileSizeString = df.Format((double)fileS / 1073741824) + "G";
Exemple #20
        private void DisplaySuccess(ML3DFace mLFace)
            float[] projectionMatrix = new float[4 * 4];
            float[] viewMatrix       = new float[4 * 4];
            mLFace.Get3DProjectionMatrix(projectionMatrix, 1, 10);
            DecimalFormat decimalFormat = new DecimalFormat("0.00");
            string        result        = "3DFaceEulerX: " + decimalFormat.Format(mLFace.Get3DFaceEulerX());

            result += "\n3DFaceEulerY: " + decimalFormat.Format(mLFace.Get3DFaceEulerY());
            result += "\n3DFaceEulerZ: " + decimalFormat.Format(mLFace.Get3DFaceEulerZ());
            result += "\n3DProjectionMatrix:";
            for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++)
                result += " " + decimalFormat.Format(projectionMatrix[i]);
            result += "\nViewMatrix:";
            for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++)
                result += " " + decimalFormat.Format(viewMatrix[i]);

            this.mTextView.Text = result;
Exemple #21
        public virtual void TestVariance(double[] x)
            int[]        batchSizes = new int[] { 10, 20, 35, 50, 75, 150, 300, 500, 750, 1000, 5000, 10000 };
            double[]     varResult;
            PrintWriter  file = null;
            NumberFormat nf   = new DecimalFormat("0.000E0");

                file = new PrintWriter(new FileOutputStream("var.out"), true);
            catch (IOException e)
                log.Info("Caught IOException outputing List to file: " + e.Message);
            foreach (int bSize in batchSizes)
                varResult = GetVariance(x, bSize);
                file.Println(bSize + "," + nf.Format(varResult[0]) + "," + nf.Format(varResult[1]) + "," + nf.Format(varResult[2]) + "," + nf.Format(varResult[3]));
                log.Info("Batch size of: " + bSize + "   " + varResult[0] + "," + nf.Format(varResult[1]) + "," + nf.Format(varResult[2]) + "," + nf.Format(varResult[3]));
Exemple #22
        private string GetEVDescription(int tagType)
            int[] values = _directory.GetIntArray(tagType);
            if (values == null)
            if (values.Length < 3 || values[2] == 0)
            DecimalFormat decimalFormat = new DecimalFormat("0.##");
            double        ev            = values[0] * values[1] / (double)values[2];

            return(decimalFormat.Format(ev) + " EV");
Exemple #23
        /// <summary>
        /// Display result in TextView
        /// </summary>
        private void DisplaySuccess(MLFace mFace)
            DecimalFormat decimalFormat = new DecimalFormat("0.000");
            string        result        =
                "Left eye open Probability: " + decimalFormat.Format(mFace.Features.LeftEyeOpenProbability);

            result +=
                "\nRight eye open Probability: " + decimalFormat.Format(mFace.Features.RightEyeOpenProbability);
            result += "\nMoustache Probability: " + decimalFormat.Format(mFace.Features.MoustacheProbability);
            result += "\nGlass Probability: " + decimalFormat.Format(mFace.Features.SunGlassProbability);
            result += "\nHat Probability: " + decimalFormat.Format(mFace.Features.HatProbability);
            result += "\nAge: " + mFace.Features.Age;
            result += "\nGender: " + ((mFace.Features.SexProbability > 0.5f) ? "Female" : "Male");
            result += "\nRotationAngleY: " + decimalFormat.Format(mFace.RotationAngleY);
            result += "\nRotationAngleZ: " + decimalFormat.Format(mFace.RotationAngleZ);
            result += "\nRotationAngleX: " + decimalFormat.Format(mFace.RotationAngleX);
            this.mTextView.Text = (result);
Exemple #24
        public ValueEval Evaluate(ValueEval[] args, int srcRowIndex, int srcColumnIndex)
            if (args.Length != 1 && args.Length != 2)
                double val = singleOperandEvaluate(args[0], srcRowIndex, srcColumnIndex);
                double d1  = args.Length == 1 ? 2.0 : singleOperandEvaluate(args[1], srcRowIndex, srcColumnIndex);
                // second arg converts to int by truncating toward zero
                int nPlaces = (int)d1;

                if (nPlaces > 127)
                if (nPlaces < 0)
                    d1 = Math.Abs(d1);
                    double temp = val / Math.Pow(10, d1);
                    temp = Math.Round(temp, 0);
                    val  = temp * Math.Pow(10, d1);
                StringBuilder decimalPlacesFormat = new StringBuilder();
                if (nPlaces > 0)
                for (int i = 0; i < nPlaces; i++)
                StringBuilder decimalFormatString = new StringBuilder();

                DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat(decimalFormatString.ToString());

                return(new StringEval(df.Format(val)));
            catch (EvaluationException e)
        public static String FormatBytes(long bytes)
            long         inputBytes   = bytes;
            BigDecimal   bigBytes     = new BigDecimal(bytes);
            NumberFormat numberFormat = new DecimalFormat();

            numberFormat.MaximumFractionDigits = 1;
            int index;

            for (index = 0; index < BYTES_UNIT_LIST.Length; index++)
                if (inputBytes < CONVERSION_BASE)
                inputBytes /= CONVERSION_BASE;
            return(numberFormat.Format(bigBytes.Divide(new BigDecimal(BASE_LIST[index]))) + " " + BYTES_UNIT_LIST[index]);
Exemple #26
        public virtual void ArrayToFile(double[] thisArray, string fileName)
            PrintWriter  file = null;
            NumberFormat nf   = new DecimalFormat("0.000E0");

                file = new PrintWriter(new FileOutputStream(fileName), true);
            catch (IOException e)
                log.Info("Caught IOException outputing List to file: " + e.Message);
            foreach (double element in thisArray)
                file.Print(nf.Format(element) + "  ");
Exemple #27
            /// <summary>
            /// Formats a number or date cell, be that a real number, or the
            /// answer to a formula
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="cell">The cell.</param>
            /// <param name="value">The value.</param>
            /// <returns></returns>
            private String FormatNumberDateCell(CellValueRecordInterface cell, double value)
                // Get the built in format, if there is one
                int    formatIndex  = ft.GetFormatIndex(cell);
                String formatString = ft.GetFormatString(cell);

                if (formatString == null)
                    // Is it a date?
                    if (Npoi.Core.SS.UserModel.DateUtil.IsADateFormat(formatIndex, formatString) &&
                        // Java wants M not m for month
                        formatString = formatString.Replace('m', 'M');
                        // Change \- into -, if it's there
                        formatString = formatString.Replace("\\\\-", "-");

                        // Format as a date
                        DateTime         d  = Npoi.Core.SS.UserModel.DateUtil.GetJavaDate(value, false);
                        SimpleDateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat(formatString);
                        return(df.Format(d, CultureInfo.CurrentCulture));
                        if (formatString == "General")
                            // Some sort of wierd default

                        // Format as a number
                        DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat(formatString);
                        return(df.Format(value, CultureInfo.CurrentCulture));
Exemple #28
        /// <summary>
        /// Lists the applications matching the given application Types And application
        /// States present in the Resource Manager
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="appTypes"/>
        /// <param name="appStates"/>
        /// <exception cref="Org.Apache.Hadoop.Yarn.Exceptions.YarnException"/>
        /// <exception cref="System.IO.IOException"/>
        private void ListApplications(ICollection <string> appTypes, EnumSet <YarnApplicationState
                                                                              > appStates)
            PrintWriter writer = new PrintWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(sysout, Sharpen.Extensions.GetEncoding

            if (allAppStates)
                foreach (YarnApplicationState appState in YarnApplicationState.Values())
                if (appStates.IsEmpty())
            IList <ApplicationReport> appsReport = client.GetApplications(appTypes, appStates);

            writer.WriteLine("Total number of applications (application-types: " + appTypes +
                             " and states: " + appStates + ")" + ":" + appsReport.Count);
            writer.Printf(ApplicationsPattern, "Application-Id", "Application-Name", "Application-Type"
                          , "User", "Queue", "State", "Final-State", "Progress", "Tracking-URL");
            foreach (ApplicationReport appReport in appsReport)
                DecimalFormat formatter = new DecimalFormat("###.##%");
                string        progress  = formatter.Format(appReport.GetProgress());
                writer.Printf(ApplicationsPattern, appReport.GetApplicationId(), appReport.GetName
                                  (), appReport.GetApplicationType(), appReport.GetUser(), appReport.GetQueue(), appReport
                              .GetYarnApplicationState(), appReport.GetFinalApplicationStatus(), progress, appReport
Exemple #29
        public double PorcentajeVuelos(DtoRPorcentaje dto)
            double porcentaje = 0;

            using (AlasPUMEntities context = new AlasPUMEntities())
                int vuelos = context.Vuelo.Select(s => s).Count();

                List <Vuelo> colVuelo = context.Vuelo.Where(w => w.dtLlegada == dto.fechaInicio && w.dtSalida == dto.fechaFin).ToList();
                int          eso      = colVuelo.Count();

                porcentaje = (vuelos * eso) / 100;

            DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat("#.00");

            string total = df.Format(porcentaje);

            porcentaje = double.Parse(total);

Exemple #30
        // no public constructor; use static methods instead
        public override string ToString()
            NumberFormat nf      = new DecimalFormat("0.0##E0");
            IList <E>    keyList = new List <E>(KeySet());

            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

            for (int i = 0; i < NumEntriesInString; i++)
                if (keyList.Count <= i)
                E      o    = keyList[i];
                double prob = ProbabilityOf(o);
                sb.Append(o).Append(":").Append(nf.Format(prob)).Append(" ");
Exemple #31
 /// <summary>
 /// Converts a JSON-LD value object to an RDF literal or a JSON-LD string or
 /// node object to an RDF resource.
 /// </summary>
 /// <remarks>
 /// Converts a JSON-LD value object to an RDF literal or a JSON-LD string or
 /// node object to an RDF resource.
 /// </remarks>
 /// <param name="item">the JSON-LD value or node object.</param>
 /// <param name="namer">the UniqueNamer to use to assign blank node names.</param>
 /// <returns>the RDF literal or RDF resource.</returns>
 private static JObject ObjectToRDF(JToken item, UniqueNamer namer)
     JObject @object = new JObject();
     // convert value object to RDF
     if (JsonLdUtils.IsValue(item))
         @object["type"] = "literal";
         JToken value = ((JObject)item)["@value"];
         JToken datatype = ((JObject)item)["@type"];
         // convert to XSD datatypes as appropriate
         if (value.Type == JTokenType.Boolean || value.Type == JTokenType.Float || value.Type == JTokenType.Integer )
             // convert to XSD datatype
             if (value.Type == JTokenType.Boolean)
                 @object["value"] = value.ToString();
                 @object["datatype"] = datatype.IsNull() ? JSONLDConsts.XsdBoolean : datatype;
                 if (value.Type == JTokenType.Float)
                     // canonical double representation
                     @object["value"] = string.Format("{0:0.0###############E0}", (double)value);
                     @object["datatype"] = datatype.IsNull() ? JSONLDConsts.XsdDouble : datatype;
                     DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat("0");
                     @object["value"] = df.Format((int)value);
                     @object["datatype"] = datatype.IsNull() ? JSONLDConsts.XsdInteger : datatype;
             if (((IDictionary<string, JToken>)item).ContainsKey("@language"))
                 @object["value"] = value;
                 @object["datatype"] = datatype.IsNull() ? JSONLDConsts.RdfLangstring : datatype;
                 @object["language"] = ((IDictionary<string, JToken>)item)["@language"];
                 @object["value"] = value;
                 @object["datatype"] = datatype.IsNull() ? JSONLDConsts.XsdString : datatype;
         // convert string/node object to RDF
         string id = JsonLdUtils.IsObject(item) ? (string)((JObject)item
             )["@id"] : (string)item;
         if (id.IndexOf("_:") == 0)
             @object["type"] = "blank node";
             @object["value"] = namer.GetName(id);
             @object["type"] = "IRI";
             @object["value"] = id;
     return @object;
Exemple #32
        public override ValueEval Evaluate(int srcRowIndex, int srcColumnIndex, ValueEval arg0, ValueEval arg1)
            double s0;
            String s1;
                s0 = TextFunction.EvaluateDoubleArg(arg0, srcRowIndex, srcColumnIndex);
                s1 = TextFunction.EvaluateStringArg(arg1, srcRowIndex, srcColumnIndex);
            catch (EvaluationException e)
                return e.GetErrorEval();
            if (Regex.Match(s1, "[y|m|M|d|s|h]+").Success)
                //may be datetime string
                ValueEval result = TryParseDateTime(s0, s1);
                if (result != ErrorEval.VALUE_INVALID)
                    return result;
            //The regular expression needs ^ and $. 
            if (Regex.Match(s1, @"^[\d,\#,\.,\$,\,]+$").Success)
                //TODO: simulate DecimalFormat class in java.
                FormatBase formatter = new DecimalFormat(s1);
                return new StringEval(formatter.Format(s0));
            else if (s1.IndexOf("/", StringComparison.Ordinal) == s1.LastIndexOf("/", StringComparison.Ordinal) && s1.IndexOf("/", StringComparison.Ordinal) >= 0 && !s1.Contains("-"))
                double wholePart = Math.Floor(s0);
                double decPart = s0 - wholePart;
                if (wholePart * decPart == 0)
                    return new StringEval("0");
                String[] parts = s1.Split(' ');
                String[] fractParts;
                if (parts.Length == 2)
                    fractParts = parts[1].Split('/');
                    fractParts = s1.Split('/');

                if (fractParts.Length == 2)
                    double minVal = 1.0;
                    double currDenom = Math.Pow(10, fractParts[1].Length) - 1d;
                    double currNeum = 0;
                    for (int i = (int)(Math.Pow(10, fractParts[1].Length) - 1d); i > 0; i--)
                        for (int i2 = (int)(Math.Pow(10, fractParts[1].Length) - 1d); i2 > 0; i2--)
                            if (minVal >= Math.Abs((double)i2 / (double)i - decPart))
                                currDenom = i;
                                currNeum = i2;
                                minVal = Math.Abs((double)i2 / (double)i - decPart);
                    FormatBase neumFormatter = new DecimalFormat(fractParts[0]);
                    FormatBase denomFormatter = new DecimalFormat(fractParts[1]);
                    if (parts.Length == 2)
                        FormatBase wholeFormatter = new DecimalFormat(parts[0]);
                        String result = wholeFormatter.Format(wholePart) + " " + neumFormatter.Format(currNeum) + "/" + denomFormatter.Format(currDenom);
                        return new StringEval(result);
                        String result = neumFormatter.Format(currNeum + (currDenom * wholePart)) + "/" + denomFormatter.Format(currDenom);
                        return new StringEval(result);
                    return ErrorEval.VALUE_INVALID;
                return TryParseDateTime(s0, s1);
        private void ShowNotification()
            Log.Debug(logTag, "GpsService.ShowNotification called");
            Intent intent = new Intent(this, typeof(MainActivity));
            PendingIntent pendingintent = PendingIntent.GetActivity(this, 0, intent, PendingIntentFlags.UpdateCurrent);
            DecimalFormat decimalformat = new DecimalFormat("###.######"); ;

            string s = "Waiting for next location. Please wait...";
            if (Session.hasValidLocation())
                s = String.Format("Lat {0} Lon {1}", decimalformat.Format(Session.getCurrentLatitude()), decimalformat.Format(Session.getCurrentLongitude()));

            // Build the notification
            NotificationCompat.Builder builder = new NotificationCompat.Builder(this)
                .SetAutoCancel(true) // dismiss the notification from the notification area when the user clicks on it
                //.SetContentIntent(pendingintent) // start up this activity when the user clicks the intent.
                .SetContentTitle("in1go Tracker running...") // Set the title
                .SetSmallIcon(Resource.Drawable.icon) // This is the icon to display
                .SetContentText(s); // the message to display.

            gpsNotifyManager.Notify(NOTIFICATION_ID, builder.Build());
            StartForeground(NOTIFICATION_ID, builder.Build());

Exemple #34
		private void OutputStatistics()
			DecimalFormat formatPercentage = new DecimalFormat("##.##");
			DecimalFormat formatCount = new DecimalFormat("###,###");
			long totalCount = _readCount + _writeCount + _syncCount + _seekCount;
			string totalCountString = formatCount.Format(totalCount);
			double readCountPercentage = CountPercentage(_readCount, totalCount);
			string readCountPercentageString = formatPercentage.Format(readCountPercentage);
			double writeCountPercentage = CountPercentage(_writeCount, totalCount);
			string writeCountPercentageString = formatPercentage.Format(writeCountPercentage);
			double syncCountPercentage = CountPercentage(_syncCount, totalCount);
			string syncCountPercentageString = formatPercentage.Format(syncCountPercentage);
			double seekCountPercentage = CountPercentage(_seekCount, totalCount);
			string seekCountPercentageString = formatPercentage.Format(seekCountPercentage);
			long totalBytes = _readBytes + _writeBytes;
			string totalBytesString = formatCount.Format(totalBytes);
			double readBytesPercentage = CountPercentage(_readBytes, totalBytes);
			string readBytesPercentageString = formatPercentage.Format(readBytesPercentage);
			double writeBytesPercentage = CountPercentage(_writeBytes, totalBytes);
			string writeBytesPercentageString = formatPercentage.Format(writeBytesPercentage);
			string readCountString = formatCount.Format(_readCount);
			string writeCountString = formatCount.Format(_writeCount);
			string syncCountString = formatCount.Format(_syncCount);
			string seekCountString = formatCount.Format(_seekCount);
			string readBytesString = formatCount.Format(_readBytes);
			string writeBytesString = formatCount.Format(_writeBytes);
			_out.WriteLine("<tr><td>Reads</td><td></td><td align=\"right\">" + readCountString
				 + "</td><td></td><td align=\"right\">" + readCountPercentageString + "</td><td></td><td align=\"right\">"
				 + readBytesString + "</td><td></td><td align=\"right\">" + readBytesPercentageString
				 + "</td></tr>");
			_out.WriteLine("<tr><td>Writes</td><td></td><td align=\"right\">" + writeCountString
				 + "</td><td></td><td align=\"right\">" + writeCountPercentageString + "</td><td></td><td align=\"right\">"
				 + writeBytesString + "</td><td></td><td align=\"right\">" + writeBytesPercentageString
				 + "</td></tr>");
			_out.WriteLine("<tr><td>Seeks</td><td></td><td align=\"right\">" + seekCountString
				 + "</td><td></td><td align=\"right\">" + seekCountPercentageString + "</td><td></td><td></td></tr>"
			_out.WriteLine("<tr><td>Syncs</td><td></td><td align=\"right\">" + syncCountString
				 + "</td><td></td><td align=\"right\">" + syncCountPercentageString + "</td><td></td><td></td></tr>"
			_out.WriteLine("<tr><td colspan=\"9\"></td></tr>");
			_out.WriteLine("<tr><td>Total</td><td></td><td align=\"right\">" + totalCountString
				 + "</td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td>" + totalBytesString + "</td><td></td></tr>"
			double avgBytesPerRead = _readBytes / _readCount;
			string avgBytesPerReadString = formatCount.Format(avgBytesPerRead);
			double avgBytesPerWrite = _writeBytes / _writeCount;
			string avgBytesPerWriteString = formatCount.Format(avgBytesPerWrite);
			_out.WriteLine("Average byte count per read: " + avgBytesPerReadString);
			_out.WriteLine("Average byte count per write: " + avgBytesPerWriteString);
            /// <summary>
            /// Formats a number or date cell, be that a real number, or the
            /// answer to a formula
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="cell">The cell.</param>
            /// <param name="value">The value.</param>
            /// <returns></returns>
            private String FormatNumberDateCell(CellValueRecordInterface cell, double value)
                // Get the built in format, if there is one
                int formatIndex = ft.GetFormatIndex(cell);
                String formatString = ft.GetFormatString(cell);

                if (formatString == null)
                    return value.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                    // Is it a date?
                    if (LF.Utils.NPOI.SS.UserModel.DateUtil.IsADateFormat(formatIndex, formatString) &&
                        // Java wants M not m for month
                        formatString = formatString.Replace('m', 'M');
                        // Change \- into -, if it's there
                        formatString = formatString.Replace("\\\\-", "-");

                        // Format as a date
                        DateTime d = LF.Utils.NPOI.SS.UserModel.DateUtil.GetJavaDate(value, false);
                        SimpleDateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat(formatString);
                        return df.Format(d);
                        if (formatString == "General")
                            // Some sort of wierd default
                            return value.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

                        // Format as a number
                        DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat(formatString);
                        return df.Format(value);