Exemple #1
        public static void Postfix()
            Ray ray = Camera.main.ScreenPointToRay(Input.mousePosition);

            Physics.Raycast(ray, out RaycastHit raycastHit, 150f, BuildingAligner.LayerMask);
            bool altIsDown = Input.GetKey(KeyCode.LeftAlt) || Input.GetKey(KeyCode.RightAlt);

            if (altIsDown)
                var game = GameManager.getInstance().getGameState() as GameStateGame;
                BuildingAligner.ActiveModule     = game.GetActiveModule();
                BuildingAligner.ActiveModuleSize = game.GetActiveModuleSizeIndex();

                var newLocation = BuildingAligner.RenderAvailablePositions(raycastHit.point);
                //TryAlign(ref raycastHit);

            // Only run this if we just released a key and the other alt isn't also down
            if ((Input.GetKeyUp(KeyCode.LeftAlt) || Input.GetKeyUp(KeyCode.RightAlt)) && !altIsDown)
                BuildingAligner.Rendering      = false;
                BuildingAligner.LastInputPoint = Vector3.zero;
Exemple #2
        public static void Update(ModData data, float tDelta)
            var gameState = GameManager.getInstance().getGameState() as GameStateGame;

            if (!(gameState is null) && gameState.CurrentState() != GameStateHelper.Mode.PlacingModule)
                Rendering = false;
Exemple #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Draw the lines and dots around a location, as well as the closest dot to that location.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="location"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static Vector3 RenderAvailablePositions(Vector3 location)
            float   closestDistance = float.MaxValue;
            float   floorHeight     = TerrainGenerator.getInstance().getFloorHeight();
            float   hoverHeight     = 0.5f;
            Vector3 closestPosition = location;
            int     sigSplit        = NumSteps / NumSigDots;
            bool    useCachedData   = Vector3.Distance(location, LastInputPoint) < 0.1f;

            List <Module> nearModules;

            // If we want to use cached data, we can skip most of this function.
            // Otherwise, update the cache.
            if (useCachedData)
                nearModules = ModuleHelper.GetAllModules(module =>
                    float dist             = Vector3.Distance(module.getPosition(), location);
                    bool inRange           = dist < MaxDistToCheck * 2;
                    bool isNotActiveModule = module != ActiveModule;
                    return(inRange && isNotActiveModule);
                LastListModules = nearModules;
                LastInputPoint  = location;
                // Only clear the group if we're not using cache

            foreach (Module module in nearModules)
                bool flipflop = true;
                List <PositionsLine> lines;

                // Attempt to use cached data. We don't need to use the cached flag here
                // because if cache is set, we skip this block entirely. This is only a check
                // to see if the module has data in the dict already.
                if (ModuleLineCache.ContainsKey(module))
                    lines = ModuleLineCache[module];
                    lines = GetPositionsAroundModule(module);
                    ModuleLineCache.Add(module, lines);

                foreach (var line in lines)
                    var startPoint = line.First();
                    var endPoint   = line.Last();
                    startPoint.y = floorHeight;
                    endPoint.y   = floorHeight;
                    bool renderedAnyDot = false;

                    // line is a List<Vector3>, so iterate through it to draw the points.
                    foreach (Vector3 point in line)
                        Vector3 pointOnFloor = point;
                        pointOnFloor.y = floorHeight;
                        // This math will put the dots at the end of each section.
                        bool isSignificantPoint = line.IndexOf(point) % sigSplit == (sigSplit - 1);
                        bool canLink            = Connection.canLink(
                            ActiveModule, module,
                            pointOnFloor, module.getPosition());
                        bool canPlace = module.canPlaceModule(
                            pointOnFloor, Vector3.up, ActiveModuleSize);

                        if (canLink && canPlace)
                            renderedAnyDot = true;
                            var tmpPoint = pointOnFloor;
                            tmpPoint.y += hoverHeight;

                            // Dots are red and large if significant, else blue and small.
                                GroupName, tmpPoint,
                                (isSignificantPoint) ? Color.blue : Color.red,
                                (isSignificantPoint) ? 0.75f : 0.25f);

                            // If the distance to this point is less than the last closest,
                            // update the closest.
                            float dist = Vector3.Distance(pointOnFloor, location);
                            if (dist < closestDistance)
                                closestDistance = dist;
                                closestPosition = pointOnFloor;

                    // Only render the line if a dot was rendered, but always flip-flop the color.
                    if (renderedAnyDot)
                        var tmpStart = startPoint;
                        var tmpEnd   = endPoint;
                        tmpStart.y += hoverHeight;
                        tmpEnd.y   += hoverHeight;

                        // Alternate colors, draw the line.
                            tmpStart, tmpEnd,
                            (flipflop) ? Color.blue : Color.green,
                    flipflop = !flipflop;

            Rendering     = true;
            LastSnapPoint = closestPosition;