public bool OnStart()
                new KeyValuePair <Type, Action <object, CancellationToken, IMessageAcknowledge> >(typeof(WakeWorkflowJob), WakeWorkflow),
                new KeyValuePair <Type, Action <object, CancellationToken, IMessageAcknowledge> >(typeof(WorkflowCreate), NewWorkflowInstance),
                new KeyValuePair <Type, Action <object, CancellationToken, IMessageAcknowledge> >(typeof(WorkflowStateMachineRetry), FireRetryMsg),
                new KeyValuePair <Type, Action <object, CancellationToken, IMessageAcknowledge> >(typeof(FireWorkflowTriggerJob), FireTriggerJobMsg));

            _broadcastListener.Listen(new KeyValuePair <Type, Action <object, CancellationToken, IMessageAcknowledge> >(typeof(WorkflowTrigger), DistributeWorkflowTriggers));

            var hostEnvironment = Catalog.Factory.Resolve <IHostEnvironment>();
            var hostId          = hostEnvironment.GetCurrentHostIdentifier(HostEnvironmentConstants.DefaultHostScope);

            var instancesQuery = new QuerySpecification
                BookMark = new GenericPageBookmark {
                    PageSize = 100
                Where = new Filter
                    Rules = new Comparison[]
                        new Comparison
                            Data  = WorkflowStatus.Complete.ToString(),
                            Field = "Status",
                            Test  = Test.NotEqual

            Task.Factory.StartNew(() =>
                // get this host's chunk of workflow instances to run.
                Random rnd = GoodSeedRandom.Create();

                bool done              = false;
                bool first             = true;
                DateTime lastException = DateTime.MinValue;
                while (!done)
                        int acquired = 0;
                        IEnumerable <WorkflowInstanceInfo> instances = Enumerable.Empty <WorkflowInstanceInfo>();
                        instancesQuery.BookMark = new GenericPageBookmark {
                            PageSize = 100

                        while (instancesQuery.BookMark.More)
                            var qr = _instanceData.Query(instancesQuery);
                            if (qr.Items.Any())
                                instances = instances.Concat(qr.Items);

                        instances = instances.ToArray();

                        IEnumerable <WorkflowInstanceInfo> tryInstances;

                        // first pass, pick out existing workflows in a pattern less
                        // likely to interfere with other workflow hosts trying to acquire
                        if (first)
                            int startAt;
                            startAt = rnd.Next(3) * 3;
                            if (startAt > instances.Count())
                                startAt = rnd.Next(instances.Count() / 3);

                            tryInstances = instances.TakeEvery(startAt, 3);
                            first        = false;
                            // subsequent passes, be greedy
                            tryInstances = instances;

                        int waitDur;

                        foreach (var inst in tryInstances)
                            if (TryAcquireWorkflow(inst.Id) != null)
                                _log.InfoFormat("Host {0} acquired workflow instance {1} ...",
                                                hostId, inst.Id);

                                // give other hosts a little space to take some.
                                waitDur = rnd.Next(160);
                                    "Host {0} could not acquire workflow instance {1} ...", hostId,

                        if (!first && acquired == 0)
                            done = true;

                        waitDur = rnd.Next(7654);
                            "Host {0} acquired {1} pre-existing workflows, waiting {2} milliseconds to try to attain more.",
                            hostId, acquired, waitDur);
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        var es = string.Format("exception running workflow host {0}",

                        if (DateTime.UtcNow - lastException > TimeSpan.FromMinutes(1.0))
                            var alert = Catalog.Factory.Resolve <IApplicationAlert>();
                            alert.RaiseAlert(ApplicationAlertKind.System, es);
