private void DrawPage1(Rectangle rect, Instance instance, float ticks, SpriteBatch sb) { OS os = instance.os; DrawPageRequirements(rect, instance, sb); if (Button.doButton(593, 673, 843, 25, 25, "<-", null)) { State = DebugModState.HomePage; } Button.doButton(49, 720, 843, 25, 25, "->", null); //Button.doButton(13, 500, 200, 100, 40, "Button", null); //Button.doButton(13, 650, 200, 150, 20, "Button", null); Selected //Button.doButton(13, 750, 400, 150, 60, "Button", null); if (Button.doButton(13, 300, 125, 150, 20, "Get Universal Admin", themeColour)) { os.execute("getUniversalAdmin"); } if (Button.doButton(4538, 300, 150, 150, 20, "Reveal All Nodes", themeColour)) { os.execute("revealAll"); } if (Button.doButton(132343, 300, 175, 150, 20, "Get More RAM", themeColour)) { os.execute("getMoreRAM"); } if (Button.doButton(1342321, 300, 200, 150, 20, "Delete Whitelist DLL", themeColour)) { //GetInfoTextBox("deleteWhitelistDLL", "IP, ID or Name", rect, instance, sb); os.write("This is broken for the daemon, try again soon"); } if (Button.doButton(12312, 300, 225, 150, 20, "Forkbomb Proof", themeColour)) { os.execute("forkbombProof"); } if (Button.doButton(1946325, 300, 250, 150, 20, "Debug", themeColour)) { os.execute("debug"); } if (Button.doButton(937264, 300, 275, 150, 20, "Theme Attack", themeColour)) { os.execute("themeAttack"); } if (Button.doButton(174242, 300, 300, 150, 20, "Striker Attack", themeColour)) { os.execute("strikerAttack"); } if (Button.doButton(1342312, 300, 325, 150, 20, "Warning Flash", themeColour)) { os.execute("warningFlash"); } }
private void DrawDebug(Rectangle rect, Instance instance, float ticks, SpriteBatch sb) { OS os = instance.os; Color colour = new Color(45, 180, 231); const string doLabel = "doLabel"; const string doMeasuredSmallLabel = "doMeasuredSmallLabel"; const string doMeasuredTinyLabel = "doMeasuredTinyLabel"; const string doSmallLabel = "doSmallLabel"; TextItem.doLabel(new Vector2(500f, 400f), doLabel, null); TextItem.doMeasuredSmallLabel(new Vector2(500f, 500f), doMeasuredSmallLabel, null); TextItem.doMeasuredTinyLabel(new Vector2(500f, 600f), doMeasuredTinyLabel, null); TextItem.doSmallLabel(new Vector2(500f, 300f), doSmallLabel, null); if (Button.doButton(1, 800, 100, 200, 75, "Button", null)) { State = DebugModState.HomePage; } Button.doButton(2, 685, 843, 25, 25, "<-", null); Button.doButton(2, 733, 843, 25, 25, "->", null); }
private void DrawHome(Rectangle rect, Instance instance, float ticks, SpriteBatch sb) { string text = @"Welcome to the Debug Mod Daemon! This mod started off from an image, you can still find it by looking up All ports open in Hacknet Steam Artwork. Later, I gave the mod early to someone and decided to do more and more. After a while, I made the mod public. Ok, enough chatter about the history about this mod, let's explain how to use this daemon. The buttons with -> and <- are the forwards and backwards buttons. These will cycle from page to page, there are five pages (unknown yet). In one of these pages, there will be a list of commands you can use (not all are implemented yet or some aren't possible using this daemon). When you select a command, you will be prompted with some info or the command will execute. If some info is optional, you can skip it by typing null."; DrawPageRequirements(rect, instance, sb); Button.doButton(6, 673, 843, 25, 25, "<-", null); if (Button.doButton(49, 720, 843, 25, 25, "->", null)) { State = DebugModState.Page1; } TextItem.doSmallLabel(new Vector2(300f, 120f), text, null); }
public void OnNavigatedTo(Instance instance) // Won't need this { State = DebugModState.HomePage; }