static void CheckText(string entity, string text, string name, Guid id, string property) { if (text.Length > bytes) { string output = string.Format("{0}: {1}({2}) - {3} > {4}MB. Größe: {5}MB", entity, name, id, property, mb, text.Length / 1024 / 1024); DebugMacro.WriteLine(output); } }
public static void Main() { //EXPORT from C5 string citaviVersion = SwissAcademic.Environment.InformationalVersion.ToString(4); DebugMacro.WriteLine(citaviVersion); if (!(citaviVersion.StartsWith("5") || citaviVersion.StartsWith("4.9."))) { return; } ProjectShell activeProjectShell = Program.ActiveProjectShell; if (activeProjectShell == null) { return; //no open project shell } Project activeProject = Program.ActiveProjectShell.Project; if (activeProject == null) { return; } Form primaryMainForm = activeProjectShell.PrimaryMainForm; if (primaryMainForm == null) { return; } string xmlFile = string.Empty; string ctv3File = string.Empty; string initialDirectory = Program.Engine.DesktopEngineConfiguration.GetFolderPath(CitaviFolder.Projects, activeProject); //ask for file name & path using (SaveFileDialog saveFileDialog = new SaveFileDialog()) { saveFileDialog.Filter = "XML files (*.xml)|*.xml|All files (*.*)|*.*"; saveFileDialog.InitialDirectory = initialDirectory; saveFileDialog.Title = "Enter an XML file name for export of Citavi project data."; if (saveFileDialog.ShowDialog(primaryMainForm) != DialogResult.OK) { return; } xmlFile = saveFileDialog.FileName; } var compatibility = ProjectXmlExportCompatibility.Citavi4; ProjectToXml.Write(xmlFile, activeProject, CancellationToken.None, null, null, compatibility); MessageBox.Show("Finished"); }
public static void Export(String path) { Project activeProject = Program.ActiveProjectShell.Project; string FOLDERPATH = path + "\\keywords.json"; try { System.IO.File.WriteAllBytes(FOLDERPATH, new byte[0]); char[] charsToTrim = { ' ', '“', '”', }; int count = 0; using (System.IO.StreamWriter file = new System.IO.StreamWriter(FOLDERPATH, true)) { file.WriteLine("{\r\n\"keywords\":["); foreach (Keyword key in activeProject.Keywords) { string temp = ""; if (count > 0) { temp = ",\r\n" + "{\r\n" + "\"Keyword\":\"" + key.FullName.Trim(charsToTrim).Replace("\"", "\\\"") + "\"\r\n" + ", \"Notes\":\"" + key.Notes.Trim(charsToTrim).Replace("\"", "\\\"") + "\"\r\n" + "}"; } else { temp = "{\r\n" + "\"Keyword\":\"" + key.FullName.Trim(charsToTrim).Replace("\"", "\\\"") + "\"\r\n" + ", \"Notes\":\"" + key.Notes.Trim(charsToTrim).Replace("\"", "\\\"") + "\"\r\n" + "}"; } file.WriteLine(temp); count++; } file.WriteLine("]\r\n}"); } DebugMacro.WriteLine("Success"); } catch (Exception e) { DebugMacro.WriteLine("Exception:" + e.Message); DebugMacro.WriteLine(e.StackTrace); } }
public static void Main() { //**************************************************************************************************************** // EXPORT ATTACHMENTS TO CATEGORY FOLDER STRUCTURE // V1.5 -- 2019-05-29 - option for creating Location in Citavi for each exported file // v1.6 -- 2019-06-04 - folder for attachments without categories // EDIT HERE // Variables to be changed by user bool createFoldersForAllCategories = true; // set to false if only category folders for references with attachments are required bool createLocationForExportedFiles = true; // create a new Location in the Citavi project that points to the exported file // local projects only string noCategoryFolder = "0 No Category"; // Name of the folder for attachments without categories // DO NOT EDIT BELOW THIS LINE // **************************************************************************************************************** if (Program.ProjectShells.Count == 0) { return; //no project open } int foundCounter = 0; int changeCounter = 0; int errorCounter = 0; //iterate over all references in the current filter (or over all, if there is no filter) List <Reference> references = Program.ActiveProjectShell.PrimaryMainForm.GetFilteredReferences(); if (references == null) { return; } //reference to active Project Project activeProject = Program.ActiveProjectShell.Project; bool isCloudProject = activeProject.DesktopProjectConfiguration.ProjectType == ProjectType.DesktopCloud; if (activeProject == null) { return; } //get root folder to export to string exportPath; FolderBrowserDialog folderDialog = new FolderBrowserDialog(); folderDialog.Description = "Please select root folder for export"; folderDialog.SelectedPath = System.Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.MyDocuments); if (folderDialog.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { exportPath = folderDialog.SelectedPath; } else { return; } // create category structure as folder structure if all categories are required if (createFoldersForAllCategories) { DebugMacro.WriteLine("Creating category folder structure ..."); List <Category> allCategories = activeProject.AllCategories.ToList(); List <string> allCategoryPaths = new List <string>(); foreach (Category category in allCategories) { string[] categoryPaths = category.GetPath(true).Split(new string[] { " > " }, StringSplitOptions.None); for (int i = 0; i < categoryPaths.Length; i++) { categoryPaths[i] = MakeValidFileName(categoryPaths[i]); } string categoryPath = String.Join(@"\", categoryPaths); allCategoryPaths.Add(categoryPath); } foreach (string categoryPath in allCategoryPaths) { string fullPath = exportPath + @"\" + categoryPath; CreateFolderStructure(fullPath); } } // export reference Attachments foreach (Reference reference in references) { DebugMacro.WriteLine("Processing references ..."); DebugMacro.WriteLine("Processing " + reference.ShortTitle + " ... "); //establish whether or not there are ATTACHMENTS List <Location> referenceAttachments = new List <Location>(); ReferenceLocationCollection referenceLocations = reference.Locations; foreach (Location location in referenceLocations) { if (location.LocationType == LocationType.ElectronicAddress && (location.Address.LinkedResourceType == LinkedResourceType.AttachmentRemote || location.Address.LinkedResourceType == LinkedResourceType.AttachmentFile || location.Address.LinkedResourceType == LinkedResourceType.AbsoluteFileUri || location.Address.LinkedResourceType == LinkedResourceType.RelativeFileUri)) { referenceAttachments.Add(location); } } if (referenceAttachments == null || referenceAttachments.Count == 0) { continue; } DebugMacro.WriteLine("Number of attachments found: " + referenceAttachments.Count.ToString()); //establish Category tree List <string> referenceCategoryPaths = new List <string>(); foreach (Category category in reference.Categories) { string[] categoryPaths = category.GetPath(true).Split(new string[] { " > " }, StringSplitOptions.None); for (int i = 0; i < categoryPaths.Length; i++) { categoryPaths[i] = MakeValidFileName(categoryPaths[i]); } string categoryPath = String.Join(@"\", categoryPaths); referenceCategoryPaths.Add(categoryPath); } if (!referenceCategoryPaths.Any()) { referenceCategoryPaths.Add(noCategoryFolder); } // create folders if necessary ... foreach (string referenceCategoryPath in referenceCategoryPaths) { string fullPath = exportPath + @"\" + referenceCategoryPath; CreateFolderStructure(fullPath); // ... and export attachments foreach (Location referenceAttachment in referenceAttachments) { //string sourcePath = referenceAttachment.AddressUri.AbsoluteUri.GetLocalPathSafe(); Uri sourceUri = referenceAttachment.Address.Resolve(); string sourcePath = sourceUri.LocalPath; string destinationPath = String.Empty; if (referenceAttachment.Address.LinkedResourceType == LinkedResourceType.AttachmentRemote) { if (referenceAttachment.Address.LinkedResourceStatus != LinkedResourceStatus.Attached) { continue; } if (referenceAttachment.Address.CachingStatus != CachingStatus.Available) { continue; } destinationPath = fullPath + @"\" + referenceAttachment.FullName; } else { destinationPath = fullPath + @"\" + Path.GetFileName(sourcePath); } DebugMacro.WriteLine("Copying " + sourcePath + " --> " + destinationPath); //check if source exists if (!File.Exists(sourcePath)) { DebugMacro.WriteLine("Source file not found."); errorCounter++; continue; } bool tryAgain = true; bool success = false; while (tryAgain) { try { File.Copy(sourcePath, destinationPath, true); changeCounter++; tryAgain = false; success = true; } catch (Exception e) { tryAgain = false; DialogResult directoryError = MessageBox.Show("An error occurred creating a folder: " + e.Message, "Error creating folder", MessageBoxButtons.AbortRetryIgnore, MessageBoxIcon.Error, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button1); if (directoryError == DialogResult.Abort) { return; } else if (directoryError == DialogResult.Retry) { tryAgain = true; } else { errorCounter++; break; }; } } if (createLocationForExportedFiles && success && !isCloudProject) { CreateLocation(reference, destinationPath); } } } } // Message upon completion string message = "Finished.\n {0} files copied\n {1} thought files created\n {2} errors occurred"; message = string.Format(message, changeCounter.ToString(), foundCounter.ToString(), errorCounter.ToString()); MessageBox.Show(message, "Macro", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); }
public static void Main() { //**************************************************************************************************************** // CHANGE NUMERAL SYSTEM FOR ALL SELECTED REFERENCES // 1.0 -- 2017-12-12 // // This macro changes the numeral system of the page ranges from "no numbering type" or "None (as entered)" to Arabic. // // EDIT HERE // Variables to be changed by user // DO NOT EDIT BELOW THIS LINE // **************************************************************************************************************** if (Program.ProjectShells.Count == 0) { return; //no project open } if (IsBackupAvailable() == false) { return; //user wants to backup his/her project first } int foundCounter = 0; int changeCounter = 0; int errorCounter = 0; //iterate over all references in the current filter (or over all, if there is no filter) List <Reference> references = Program.ActiveProjectShell.PrimaryMainForm.GetFilteredReferences(); //reference to active Project Project activeProject = Program.ActiveProjectShell.Project; if (activeProject == null) { return; } foreach (Reference reference in references) { foundCounter++; var referencePageRange = reference.PageRange; try { if (reference.PageRange.NumeralSystem == NumeralSystem.Omit) { PageRange newPageRange = referencePageRange.Update(NumeralSystem.Arabic); reference.PageRange = newPageRange; changeCounter++; } } catch (Exception e) { MessageBox.Show("An error occurred: " + e.Message, "Citavi Macro", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); DebugMacro.WriteLine(e.ToString()); errorCounter++; return; } } //activeProject.Save(); // Message upon completion string message = " {0} reference(s) found\n {1} reference(s) changed\n {2} reference(s) with errors"; message = string.Format(message, foundCounter.ToString(), changeCounter.ToString(), errorCounter.ToString()); MessageBox.Show(message, "Macro", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); }
public static void Main() { //**************************************************************************************************************** // This macro checks URLs for validity and sets AccessDate to today's date or the error message of the URL check // Version 1.5 -- 2016-01-19 // // // EDIT HERE int timeOut = 3000; // time in milliseconds until URL check is aborted string setToDate = null; // if not null, string is used for AccessDate, e.g. setToDate = "05.02.2013", otherwise today's date; bool setDateAlways = false; // if true, AccessDate is set regardless of outcome of URL check // DO NOT EDIT BELOW THIS LINE // **************************************************************************************************************** if (Program.ProjectShells.Count == 0) { return; //no project open } if (IsBackupAvailable() == false) { return; //user wants to backup his/her project first } string dateTimeFormat = Program.Engine.Settings.General.DateTimeFormat; string newAccessDate = setToDate; if (setToDate == null) { newAccessDate = DateTime.Today.ToString(dateTimeFormat); } //iterate over all references in the current filter (or over all, if there is no filter) List <Reference> references = Program.ActiveProjectShell.PrimaryMainForm.GetFilteredReferences(); List <Reference> referencesWithUrl = references.Where(reference => !String.IsNullOrEmpty(reference.OnlineAddress)).ToList(); List <Reference> referencesWithInvalidUrls = new List <Reference>(); //reference to active Project Project activeProject = Program.ActiveProjectShell.Project; int loopCounter = 0; int changeCounter = 0; int invalidCounter = 0; string urlResult = null; //Welcome message DebugMacro.WriteLine(String.Format("Checking links for {0} reference(s) with URLs out of {1} reference(s) in total.", referencesWithUrl.Count.ToString(), references.Count.ToString())); foreach (Reference reference in referencesWithUrl) { loopCounter++; DebugMacro.WriteLine(String.Format("Checking {0} of {1}: {2}", loopCounter.ToString(), referencesWithUrl.Count.ToString(), reference.ShortTitle)); // get URL to check string url = reference.OnlineAddress; DebugMacro.WriteLine(string.Format("Processing URL '{0}'", url)); string oldAccessDate = reference.AccessDate; // get previous last access date // Check URL and set fields bool urlExists = RemoteFileExists(url, timeOut, out urlResult); if (urlExists) { DebugMacro.WriteLine("URL is valid."); reference.Notes += String.Format(" *** Link {0} checked on {1}: {2}; original access date: {3} ***", reference.OnlineAddress, DateTime.Now.ToString(), urlResult, oldAccessDate); reference.AccessDate = newAccessDate; changeCounter++; } else { DebugMacro.WriteLine("URL is NOT valid: " + urlResult); reference.Notes += String.Format(" *** Link {0} checked on {1}: {2}; original access date: {3} ***", reference.OnlineAddress, DateTime.Now.ToString(), urlResult, oldAccessDate); if (setDateAlways) { reference.AccessDate = newAccessDate; } invalidCounter++; referencesWithInvalidUrls.Add(reference); } } string message = "{0} links checked:\n{1} URLs valid\n{2} URLs not reachable\n Would you like to show a selection with references having an unreachable Online Address?"; message = string.Format(message, referencesWithUrl.Count.ToString(), changeCounter.ToString(), invalidCounter.ToString()); DialogResult showSelection = MessageBox.Show(message, "Report", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Information); if (showSelection == DialogResult.Yes && referencesWithInvalidUrls.Count > 0) { ReferenceFilter filter = new ReferenceFilter(referencesWithInvalidUrls, "References with invalid URLs", false); List <ReferenceFilter> referenceFilters = new List <ReferenceFilter>(); referenceFilters.Add(filter); Program.ActiveProjectShell.PrimaryMainForm.ReferenceEditorFilterSet.Filters.ReplaceBy(referenceFilters); } else { return; } }
public static void Export(String path) { Project activeProject = Program.ActiveProjectShell.Project; string FOLDERPATH = path + "\\knowledgeItems.json"; try { System.IO.File.WriteAllBytes(FOLDERPATH, new byte[0]); int count = 0; char[] charsToTrim = { ' ', '“', '”', }; using (System.IO.StreamWriter file = new System.IO.StreamWriter(FOLDERPATH, true)) { file.WriteLine("{\r\n\"knowledgeItems\":["); foreach (KnowledgeItem item in activeProject.AllKnowledgeItemsFiltered) { PropertyInfo[] properties = item.GetType().GetProperties(); string allProps = ""; foreach (var prop in properties) { var valueIsText = true; string key = prop.Name; string value = prop.GetValue(item).ToStringSafe(); if (prop.Name == "EntityLinks") { valueIsText = false; var v = ((IEnumerable <EntityLink>)prop.GetValue(item)).ToList(); if (v.Count == 0) { value = "[]"; } else { value = "["; foreach (var link in v) { if (link.Target is Annotation ann) { value += $"{{\"Id\":\"{ann.Id.ToString()}\""; value += $",\"Location_Id\":\"{ann.Location.Id.ToString()}\""; value += $",\"Location_FullName\":\"{ann.Location.FullName}\""; var q = ann.Quads.Select(i => $"{{\"IsContainer\":\"{i.IsContainer}\",\"Page_Idx\":\"{i.PageIndex}\",\"X1\":\"{i.X1}\",\"X2\":\"{i.X2}\",\"Y1\":\"{i.Y1}\",\"Y2\":\"{i.Y2}\"}}").Aggregate((i, j) => i + "," + j); value += $",\"Quads\":[{q}]"; value += "},"; } } value += "]"; } } else if (prop.Name == "Groups") { valueIsText = false; var v = (KnowledgeItemGroupCollection)prop.GetValue(item); if (v.Count == 0) { value = "[]"; } else { value = "[" + v.Select(c => "\"" + c.FullName + "\"").Aggregate((i, j) => i + "," + j) + "]"; } } else if (prop.Name == "Categories") { valueIsText = false; var v = (KnowledgeItemCategoryCollection)prop.GetValue(item); if (v.Count == 0) { value = "[]"; } else { value = "[" + v.Select(c => "\"" + c.Classification + "\"").Aggregate((i, j) => i + "," + j) + "]"; } } else if (prop.Name == "Keywords") { valueIsText = false; var v = (KnowledgeItemKeywordCollection)prop.GetValue(item); if (v.Count == 0) { value = "[]"; } else { value = "[" + v.Select(c => "\"" + c.Name + "\"").Aggregate((i, j) => i + "," + j) + "]"; } } if (!prop.Name.Equals("IsPropertyChangeNotificationSuspended") && !prop.Name.Equals("StaticIds") && !prop.Name.Equals("TextRtf")) { if (!allProps.Equals("")) { allProps += ",\r\n"; } if (valueIsText) { value = value.Trim(charsToTrim).Replace("\"", "\\\""); } if (valueIsText) { allProps += "\"" + key + "\":\"" + value + "\""; } else { allProps += "\"" + key + "\":" + value + ""; } } } string temp = ""; if (count > 0) { temp = ",{\r\n" + allProps + "\r\n" + "}"; } else { temp = "{\r\n" + allProps + "\r\n" + "}"; } file.WriteLine(temp); count++; } file.WriteLine("]\r\n}"); } DebugMacro.WriteLine("Success"); } catch (Exception e) { DebugMacro.WriteLine("Exception:" + e.Message); DebugMacro.WriteLine(e.StackTrace); } }
public static void Main() { #region UserVariable string journalUrl = @""; // URL for journal list text file #endregion if (Program.ProjectShells.Count == 0) { return; //no project open } Project activeProject = Program.ActiveProjectShell.Project; List <Periodical> journalCollection = new List <Periodical>(); string completeList; try { // Get list of journals from website Cursor.Current = Cursors.WaitCursor; DebugMacro.WriteLine("Reading list of journals from " + journalUrl); WebClient client = new WebClient(); Stream stream = client.OpenRead(journalUrl); StreamReader streamReader = new StreamReader(stream); completeList = streamReader.ReadToEnd(); } catch (Exception e) { Cursor.Current = Cursors.Default; DebugMacro.WriteLine("Could not read file from " + journalUrl + ": " + e.Message); return; } // split into individual Journals try { Cursor.Current = Cursors.WaitCursor; string[] entrySplitters = { @"--------------------------------------------------------" }; List <string> individualJournalEntries = new List <string>(completeList.Split(entrySplitters, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)); DebugMacro.WriteLine("{0} journal entries found.", individualJournalEntries.Count.ToString()); DebugMacro.WriteLine("Parsing entries ..."); int counter = 0; Regex splitEntry = new Regex(@"^(?:JrId: )(?<JournalId>\d+?)(?:\nJournalTitle: )(?<JournalTitle>.*?)(?:\nMedAbbr: )(?<Abbreviation2>.*?)(?:\nISSN \(Print\): )(?<IssnPrint>.*?)(?:\nISSN \(Online\): )(?<IssnOnline>.*?)(?:\nIsoAbbr: )(?<Abbreviation1>.*?)(?:\nNlmId: )(?<NlmId>.*?)$", RegexOptions.CultureInvariant | RegexOptions.Compiled | RegexOptions.Multiline); foreach (string journalEntry in individualJournalEntries) { counter++; string journalTitle; string abbreviation1; // this one should have full stops string abbreviation2; // this one shouldn't string abbreviation3; // this one should be any all uppercase acronym after a colon in JournalTitle string issnPrint; string issnOnline; string nlmId; // split into fields Match m = splitEntry.Match(journalEntry); //if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(m.Groups["JournalId"].Value)) continue; // nothing here journalTitle = m.Groups["JournalTitle"].Value; abbreviation1 = m.Groups["Abbreviation1"].Value; abbreviation2 = m.Groups["Abbreviation2"].Value; issnPrint = m.Groups["IssnPrint"].Value; // to be validated issnOnline = m.Groups["IssnOnline"].Value; nlmId = m.Groups["NlmId"].Value; // check format of abbreviation1 if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(abbreviation1)) { abbreviation1 = abbreviation2; } if (!abbreviation1.Contains(".") && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(abbreviation1)) { string[] journalTitleWords = journalTitle.ToLowerInvariant().Split(new char[] { ' ', '.', ';', ',', ':', '&', '-' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); string[] abbreviation1Words = abbreviation1.Split(' '); List <string> abbreviation1WithFullStops = new List <string>(); foreach (string word in abbreviation1Words) { if (word.StartsWith("(") || word.EndsWith(")")) { abbreviation1WithFullStops.Add(word); } else if (!Array.Exists(journalTitleWords, x => x == word.ToLowerInvariant())) { abbreviation1WithFullStops.Add(word + "."); } else { abbreviation1WithFullStops.Add(word); } } abbreviation1 = String.Join(" ", abbreviation1WithFullStops); } // try to establish Abbreviation3 abbreviation3 = Regex.Match(journalTitle, @"(?:: )[A-Z]{2,6}$").ToString(); Periodical journal = new Periodical(activeProject, journalTitle); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(abbreviation1)) { journal.StandardAbbreviation = abbreviation1; } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(abbreviation2)) { journal.UserAbbreviation1 = abbreviation2; } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(abbreviation3)) { journal.UserAbbreviation2 = abbreviation3; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(issnPrint) && IsValidISSN(issnPrint)) { journal.Issn = issnPrint; } else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(issnOnline) && IsValidISSN(issnOnline)) { journal.Issn = issnOnline; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(issnPrint) && IsValidISSN(issnPrint) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(issnOnline) && IsValidISSN(issnOnline)) { journal.Notes = "ISSN (Online): " + issnOnline; } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(nlmId)) { journal.Notes = journal.Notes + "\nNlmID: " + nlmId; } journalCollection.Add(journal); } activeProject.Periodicals.AddRange(journalCollection); } catch (Exception e) { Cursor.Current = Cursors.Default; DebugMacro.WriteLine("An error occurred importing the journal data: " + e.Message); return; } finally { Cursor.Current = Cursors.Default; var saveOptions = new DesktopDatabaseSaveOptions(); saveOptions.ForceMultiUserUpdate = true; activeProject.Save(saveOptions); Cursor.Current = Cursors.Default; if (journalCollection != null) { MessageBox.Show(journalCollection.Count.ToString() + " journal(s) were imported (not counting duplicates)", "Citavi", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); journalCollection = null; } } } //end Main()
private static DataTable Sheet2DataTable(string fileName, string sheetName, int maxRowCount) { DataTable dataTable = new DataTable(); OleDbDataReader dataReader = null; DataRow row = null; string selectString = @"SELECT * FROM [" + "{0}" + "]"; try { using (OleDbConnection connection = new OleDbConnection(GetConnectionString(fileName))) { connection.Open(); object[] o = new Object[] { null, null, null, "TABLE" }; using (DataTableReader dataReader2 = connection.GetOleDbSchemaTable(OleDbSchemaGuid.Tables, o).CreateDataReader()) { while (dataReader2.Read()) { string sheetName2 = dataReader2["TABLE_NAME"].ToString(); if (sheetName2.EndsWith("$") || sheetName2.EndsWith("$_") || sheetName2.EndsWith("$'") || sheetName2.EndsWith("$'_")) { sheetName2 = sheetName2.Remove(sheetName2.IndexOf("$")); } if (sheetName2.StartsWith("'")) { sheetName2 = sheetName2.Remove(0, 1); } if (sheetName == sheetName2) { sheetName = dataReader2["TABLE_NAME"].ToString(); break; } } } } DebugMacro.WriteLine(string.Format("Trying to populate Datatable from Worksheet '{0}'", sheetName)); using (OleDbConnection connection = new OleDbConnection(GetConnectionString(fileName))) { connection.Open(); using (OleDbCommand command = new OleDbCommand(string.Format(selectString, sheetName), connection)) { dataReader = command.ExecuteReader(); while (dataReader.Read()) { row = dataTable.NewRow(); for (int i = 0; i < dataReader.FieldCount; i++) { if (dataTable.Columns.Count == i) { string name = dataReader.GetName(i); if (dataTable.Columns.Contains(name)) { dataTable.Columns.Add("Column" + i.ToString()); } else { dataTable.Columns.Add(name); } } if (dataReader[i] != DBNull.Value) { row[i] = dataReader[i].ToString(); } else { row[i] = string.Empty; } } dataTable.Rows.Add(row); maxRowCount--; if (maxRowCount == 0) { break; } } } } row = dataTable.NewRow(); foreach (DataColumn column in dataTable.Columns) { row[column] = column.ColumnName; } dataTable.Rows.InsertAt(row, 0); #region Clean bool isEmpty = true; for (int i = 0; i < dataTable.Columns.Count; i++) { isEmpty = true; for (int i1 = 0; i1 < dataTable.Rows.Count; i1++) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(dataTable.Rows[i1][i].ToString())) { isEmpty = false; i1 = dataTable.Rows.Count; } } if (isEmpty) { dataTable.Columns.RemoveAt(i); i--; } } for (int i = 0; i < dataTable.Rows.Count; i++) { isEmpty = true; for (int i1 = 0; i1 < dataTable.Columns.Count; i1++) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(dataTable.Rows[i][i1].ToString())) { isEmpty = false; i1 = dataTable.Columns.Count; } } if (isEmpty) { dataTable.Rows.RemoveAt(i); i--; } } #endregion } catch (Exception ignored) { MessageBox.Show(ignored.Message); } finally { if (dataReader != null && !dataReader.IsClosed) { dataReader.Close(); } } return(dataTable); }
public static void Main() { //**************************************************************************************************************** // List Keywords for Each Category in a Text File // 1.0 -- 2015-07-30 // // This macro writes a text file containing a list of all Keywords used in References assigned to a certain // category. // // // EDIT HERE // Variables to be changed by user // DO NOT EDIT BELOW THIS LINE // **************************************************************************************************************** ProjectShell activeProjectShell = Program.ActiveProjectShell; if (activeProjectShell == null) { return; //no open project shell } Project activeProject = Program.ActiveProjectShell.Project; if (activeProject == null) { return; } Form primaryMainForm = activeProjectShell.PrimaryMainForm; if (primaryMainForm == null) { return; } if (Program.ProjectShells.Count == 0) { return; //no project open } string file = string.Empty; string initialDirectory = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.Personal); using (SaveFileDialog saveFileDialog = new SaveFileDialog()) { saveFileDialog.Filter = "Plain Text (*.txt)|*.txt|All files (*.*)|*.*"; saveFileDialog.InitialDirectory = initialDirectory; saveFileDialog.Title = "Enter a file name for the output file."; if (saveFileDialog.ShowDialog(primaryMainForm) != DialogResult.OK) { return; } file = saveFileDialog.FileName; } StreamWriter sw = null; try { sw = File.AppendText(file); } catch (Exception e) { DebugMacro.WriteLine("Error creating file: " + e.Message.ToString()); return; } // write line with categories to file string headline = activeProject.Name + " -- Categories and Keywords "; headline = headline + "\n"; sw.WriteLine(headline); //iterate over all references in the current filter (or over all, if there is no filter) List <Reference> references = Program.ActiveProjectShell.PrimaryMainForm.GetFilteredReferences(); //reference to all Categories in the project Category[] allCategories = activeProject.AllCategories.ToArray(); Array.Sort(allCategories); //reference to all Keywords in the project Keyword[] allKeywords = activeProject.Keywords.ToArray(); Array.Sort(allKeywords); // abort if no categories/references present if (!allCategories.Any() || !references.Any() || !allKeywords.Any()) { DebugMacro.WriteLine("No categories/keywords or references in current project."); return; } // check each category in turn and gather keywords foreach (Category category in allCategories) { List <Keyword> categoryKeywords = new List <Keyword>(); foreach (Reference reference in references) { foreach (Category referenceCategory in reference.Categories) { if (referenceCategory.Equals(category)) { foreach (Keyword kw in reference.Keywords) { categoryKeywords.Add(kw); } } } } // Clean and Sort list of Keywords List <Keyword> categoryKeywordsUnique = categoryKeywords.Distinct().ToList(); categoryKeywordsUnique.Sort(); // write output to file sw.WriteLine(category.ToString() + "\n"); if (categoryKeywordsUnique.Count > 0) { foreach (Keyword key in categoryKeywordsUnique) { sw.WriteLine("\t" + key.ToString()); } } else { sw.WriteLine("\t" + "---"); } // clear Keywords for new Category categoryKeywords.Clear(); categoryKeywordsUnique.Clear(); sw.WriteLine("\n"); } // close file sw.Close(); // Message upon completion string message = "File written to " + file; MessageBox.Show(message, "Macro", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); }
public static void Main() { //if we need a ref to the active project if (Program.ActiveProjectShell == null) { return; } SwissAcademic.Citavi.Project activeProject = Program.ActiveProjectShell.Project; if (activeProject == null) { DebugMacro.WriteLine("No active project."); return; } /*if this macro should ALWAYS affect all titles in active project, choose first option * if this macro should affect just filtered rows if there is a filter applied and ALL if not, choose second option * if this macro should affect just selected rows, choose third option */ //ProjectReferenceCollection references = Program.ActiveProjectShell.Project.References; //List<Reference> references = Program.ActiveProjectShell.PrimaryMainForm.GetFilteredReferences(); List <Reference> references = Program.ActiveProjectShell.PrimaryMainForm.GetSelectedReferences(); if (references == null || !references.Any()) { DebugMacro.WriteLine("No references selected."); return; } int countNotProvisional = 0; int countProvisional = 0; int countReferences = 0; foreach (Reference reference in references) { countReferences = countReferences + 1; string budgetCode = "Budget?"; string specialistName = "Michael Freiberg"; string edition = "p"; string price = "? €"; string taskType = "?"; string orderNote = "-"; string normalizedISBN = reference.Isbn.Isbn13.ToString(); string buchhandelURL = "[products][query]=(is=" + normalizedISBN + ")"; // Get availability information of the title from "" try { Cursor.Current = Cursors.WaitCursor; DebugMacro.WriteLine("Getting availability information from " + buchhandelURL); WebClient client = new WebClient(); client.Headers["Accept"] = "application/vnd.api+json"; var jsonString = client.DownloadString(buchhandelURL); // DebugMacro.WriteLine(jsonString); // Get budget code from groups List <SwissAcademic.Citavi.Group> refGroups = reference.Groups.ToList(); foreach (SwissAcademic.Citavi.Group refGroup in refGroups) { Match match = Regex.Match(refGroup.Name, @"budget\:\s*(.+)", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); if (match.Success) { budgetCode = match.Groups[1].Value; } } // Quick and dirty extraction of price information via RegEx. // Parsing of JSON response would be preferred, but I could not handle // the concepts of System.Runtime.Serialization and System.Runtime.Serialization.Json; // Get first match. Book price in Austria. Match matchPrice = Regex.Match(jsonString, @"\""value\""\:(\d+\.\d+)"); if (matchPrice.Success) { var priceAT = matchPrice.Groups[1].Value; // DebugMacro.WriteLine(priceAT); } // Get second match. Book price in Germany. matchPrice = matchPrice.NextMatch(); if (matchPrice.Success) { var priceDE = matchPrice.Groups[1].Value; price = Regex.Replace(priceDE, @"\.", ",") + " €"; // DebugMacro.WriteLine(priceDE); } Match matchAvail = Regex.Match(jsonString, @"\""provisional\""\:true"); if (matchAvail.Success) { reference.Groups.Add("Noch nicht erschienen"); countProvisional = countProvisional + 1; } else { countNotProvisional = countNotProvisional + 1; foreach (SwissAcademic.Citavi.Group refGroup in refGroups) { Match match = Regex.Match(refGroup.Name, @"Noch nicht erschienen", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); if (match.Success) { reference.Groups.Remove(refGroup); } } taskType = "Bestellen"; orderNote = "Verfügbar. " + edition + " " + price; TaskItem order = reference.Tasks.Add(taskType); // Assign specialist. ContactInfo taskAssignee = activeProject.Contacts.GetMembers().FirstOrDefault <ContactInfo>(item => item.FullName.Equals(specialistName)); if (taskAssignee == null) { DebugMacro.WriteLine("No such contact."); return; } order.AssignedTo = taskAssignee.Key; order.Notes = orderNote; } } catch (Exception e) { Cursor.Current = Cursors.Default; DebugMacro.WriteLine("Could not read file from " + buchhandelURL + ": " + e.Message); return; } } // Message upon completion string message = "{0} Titel wurden geprüft. {1} sind noch nicht erschienen. {2} sind lieferbar."; message = string.Format(message, countReferences.ToString(), countProvisional.ToString(), countNotProvisional.ToString()); MessageBox.Show(message, "Bericht", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); }
public static void Export(String path) { Project activeProject = Program.ActiveProjectShell.Project; string FOLDERPATH = path + "\\categories.json"; try { System.IO.File.WriteAllBytes(FOLDERPATH, new byte[0]); char[] charsToTrim = { ' ', '“', '”', }; int count = 0; using (System.IO.StreamWriter file = new System.IO.StreamWriter(FOLDERPATH, true)) { file.WriteLine("{\r\n\"categories\":["); foreach (Category cat in activeProject.AllCategories) { string parent; string parentClassifier; if (cat.IsRootCategory) { parent = ""; parentClassifier = ""; } else { parent = cat.ParentCategory.Name.ToString(); parentClassifier = cat.Parent.Classification.ToString(); } string temp = ""; if (count > 0) { temp = ",{\r\n" + "\"Index\":" + cat.Index + ",\r\n" + "\"Name\":\"" + cat.Name.Trim(charsToTrim).Replace("\"", "\\\"") + "\",\r\n" + "\"Classifier\":\"" + cat.Classification + "\",\r\n" + "\"ParentName\":\"" + parent.Trim(charsToTrim).Replace("\"", "\\\"") + "\",\r\n" + "\"ParentClassifier\":\"" + parentClassifier + "\",\r\n" + "\"Level\":" + cat.Level + "\r\n" + "}"; } else { temp = "{\r\n" + "\"Index\":" + cat.Index + ",\r\n" + "\"Name\":\"" + cat.Name.Trim(charsToTrim).Replace("\"", "\\\"") + "\",\r\n" + "\"Classifier\":\"" + cat.Classification + "\",\r\n" + "\"ParentName\":\"" + parent.Trim(charsToTrim).Replace("\"", "\\\"") + "\",\r\n" + "\"ParentClassifier\":\"" + parentClassifier + "\",\r\n" + "\"Level\":" + cat.Level + "\r\n" + "}"; } file.WriteLine(temp); count++; } file.WriteLine("]\r\n}"); DebugMacro.WriteLine("Success"); } } catch (Exception ex) { DebugMacro.WriteLine("Exception:" + ex.Message); DebugMacro.WriteLine(ex.StackTrace); } }
public static void Main() { //**************************************************************************************************************** // REMOVE ALL WEB LOCATIONS // 1.1 -- 20156-05-17 // -- 1.1: keeps OnlineAddress location by default // // Removes all [Web] locations for a reference (DOI link can be kept optionally) // // // EDIT HERE // Variables to be changed by user bool keepDoi = true; // if false, also DOI links will be removed bool keepOnlineAddress = true; // if true, Location will be kept if the URL is stored in the references OnlineAddress field // DO NOT EDIT BELOW THIS LINE // **************************************************************************************************************** if (Program.ProjectShells.Count == 0) { return; //no project open } if (IsBackupAvailable() == false) { return; //user wants to backup his/her project first } int foundCounter = 0; int changeCounter = 0; int errorCounter = 0; //iterate over all references in the current filter (or over all, if there is no filter) List <Reference> references = Program.ActiveProjectShell.PrimaryMainForm.GetFilteredReferences(); //reference to active Project Project activeProject = Program.ActiveProjectShell.Project; if (activeProject == null) { return; } foreach (Reference reference in references) { if (reference.Locations == null || reference.Locations.Count == 0) { continue; } List <Location> locationsToBeRemoved = new List <Location>(); foreach (Location location in reference.Locations) { if (location.LocationType == LocationType.ElectronicAddress) { if (location.AddressUri.AddressInfo == ElectronicAddressInfo.RemoteUri) { if (keepOnlineAddress && location.Address == reference.OnlineAddress) { continue; } else if (keepDoi && location.AddressUri.AbsoluteUri.Host == "") { continue; } else { locationsToBeRemoved.Add(location); foundCounter++; } } } } try { reference.Locations.RemoveRange(locationsToBeRemoved); changeCounter += locationsToBeRemoved.Count; } catch (Exception e) { errorCounter += locationsToBeRemoved.Count; DebugMacro.WriteLine(reference.ShortTitle + " - An error occurred: " + e.Message); } } activeProject.Save(); // Message upon completion string message = " {0} locations(s) found\n {1} locations(s) removed\n {2} locations(s) with errors"; message = string.Format(message, foundCounter.ToString(), changeCounter.ToString(), errorCounter.ToString()); MessageBox.Show(message, "Macro", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); }
public static void Main() { //**************************************************************************************************************** // ADD REFERENCE CATEGORIES, KEYWORDS AND GROUPS TO KNOWLEDGE ITEMS AND VICE VERSA // 2.0 -- 2017-03-16 // // // EDIT HERE // Variables to be changed by user // choose direction int direction = 1; // 1 for reference -> knowledge item, 2 for knowledge item -> reference // set one or several of the following to true bool setCategories = false; bool setKeywords = false; bool setGroups = false; // DO NOT EDIT BELOW THIS LINE // **************************************************************************************************************** if (Program.ProjectShells.Count == 0) { return; //no project open } if (IsBackupAvailable() == false) { return; //user wants to backup his/her project first } // wrong direction if (direction != 1 && direction != 2) { DebugMacro.WriteLine("Direction not set correctly, please change line 29 in the code!"); return; } //iterate over all references in the current filter (or over all, if there is no filter) List <Reference> references = Program.ActiveProjectShell.PrimaryMainForm.GetFilteredReferences(); //reference to active Project Project activeProject = Program.ActiveProjectShell.Project; if (activeProject == null) { return; } //counters int categoryCounter = 0; int keywordCounter = 0; int groupCounter = 0; int errorCounter = 0; foreach (Reference reference in references) { foreach (KnowledgeItem knowledgeItem in reference.Quotations) { if (knowledgeItem.Reference == null) { continue; // ignore Ideas } if (knowledgeItem.QuotationType == QuotationType.Highlight) { continue; // ignore highlights } if (setCategories) { try { List <Category> kiCategories = knowledgeItem.Categories.ToList(); List <Category> refCategories = knowledgeItem.Reference.Categories.ToList(); List <Category> mergedCategories = kiCategories.Union(refCategories).ToList(); mergedCategories.Sort(); switch (direction) { case 1: knowledgeItem.Categories.Clear(); knowledgeItem.Categories.AddRange(mergedCategories); categoryCounter++; break; case 2: reference.Categories.Clear(); reference.Categories.AddRange(mergedCategories); categoryCounter++; break; } } catch (Exception e) { string errorString = String.Format("An error occurred with knowledge item '{0}' in reference {1}:\n {2}", knowledgeItem.CoreStatement, reference.ShortTitle, e.Message); DebugMacro.WriteLine(errorString); errorCounter++; } } if (setKeywords) { try { List <Keyword> kiKeywords = knowledgeItem.Keywords.ToList(); List <Keyword> refKeywords = reference.Keywords.ToList(); List <Keyword> mergedKeywords = kiKeywords.Union(refKeywords).ToList(); mergedKeywords.Sort(); switch (direction) { case 1: knowledgeItem.Keywords.Clear(); knowledgeItem.Keywords.AddRange(mergedKeywords); keywordCounter++; break; case 2: reference.Keywords.Clear(); reference.Keywords.AddRange(mergedKeywords); keywordCounter++; break; } } catch (Exception e) { string errorString = String.Format("An error occurred with knowledge item '{0}' in reference {1}:\n {2}", knowledgeItem.CoreStatement, reference.ShortTitle, e.Message); DebugMacro.WriteLine(errorString); errorCounter++; } } if (setGroups) { try { List <Group> kiGroups = knowledgeItem.Groups.ToList(); List <Group> refGroups = reference.Groups.ToList(); List <Group> mergedGroups = kiGroups.Union(refGroups).ToList(); mergedGroups.Sort(); switch (direction) { case 1: knowledgeItem.Groups.Clear(); knowledgeItem.Groups.AddRange(mergedGroups); groupCounter++; break; case 2: reference.Groups.Clear(); reference.Groups.AddRange(mergedGroups); groupCounter++; break; } } catch (Exception e) { string errorString = String.Format("An error occurred with knowledge item '{0}' in reference {1}:\n {2}", knowledgeItem.CoreStatement, reference.ShortTitle, e.Message); DebugMacro.WriteLine(errorString); errorCounter++; } } } } activeProject.Save(); // Message upon completion string message = String.Empty; switch (direction) { case 1: message = "On {0} knowledge items categories have been changed,\n on {1} knowledge items keywords have been changed,\n on {2} knowledge items groups have been changed.\n {3} errors occurred."; break; case 2: message = "On {0} references categories have been changed,\n on {1} references keywords have been changed,\n on {2} references groups have been changed.\n {3} errors occurred."; break; } message = string.Format(message, categoryCounter.ToString(), keywordCounter.ToString(), groupCounter.ToString(), errorCounter.ToString()); MessageBox.Show(message, "Macro", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); }
public static void Main() { bool createMissingReference = true; ReferencePropertyId targetField = ReferencePropertyId.CustomField1; string worksheetNameToImport = ""; //leave empty "" to import first worksheet if (IsBackupAvailable() == false) { return; } Project project = Program.ActiveProjectShell.Project; DataTable dataTable = new DataTable(); string filter = SwissAcademic.Resources.FileDialogFilters.Excel; string fileName = ""; string initialDirectory = @"C:\Users\<your name>\Documents"; //IMPORTANT: Make sure you provide the name of the columns as in the first row of your excel sheet string columnNameShortTitle = "Kurztitel"; //required - needed to identify a reference in the active project string columnNameLabel = "Label"; //required - field content to import //string sheetName in ExcelFetcher.GetWorksheets(_dataExchangeProperty.FileName) using (OpenFileDialog dialog = new OpenFileDialog()) { dialog.Filter = filter; dialog.InitialDirectory = initialDirectory; dialog.Title = "Choose EXCEL file with qutations to import"; if (dialog.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { fileName = dialog.FileName; } else { return; } } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(worksheetNameToImport)) { DebugMacro.WriteLine(string.Format("Trying to import first worksheet from '{0}'", fileName)); } else { DebugMacro.WriteLine(string.Format("Trying to import worksheet '{0}' from '{1}'", worksheetNameToImport, fileName)); } //GetExistingSheetName will either confirm the handed-over sheet "Datenbank" //OR just return the first sheet OR empty string if there is no sheet in the workbook string sheetName = GetExistingSheetName(worksheetNameToImport, fileName); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(sheetName)) { return; } dataTable = Sheet2DataTable(fileName, sheetName, -1); if (dataTable == null) { DebugMacro.WriteLine("An error occurred: No datatable was populated."); } else { DebugMacro.WriteLine("Datatable successfully populated."); } //explore columns ... DataColumn columnShortTitle = null; //required DataColumn columnLabel = null; //... and generate pointers to specific columns in DataTable foreach (DataColumn col in dataTable.Columns) { if (columnShortTitle == null && col.ToString() == columnNameShortTitle) { columnShortTitle = col; continue; } if (columnLabel == null && col.ToString() == columnNameLabel) { columnLabel = col; continue; } } //end inspecting columns //if no shorttitle column return if (columnShortTitle == null) { MessageBox.Show("Could not find required column '" + columnNameShortTitle + "' containing the short title.", "Citavi", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); return; } if (columnLabel == null) { MessageBox.Show("Could not find required column '" + columnNameLabel + "' containing the label.", "Citavi", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); return; } for (int i = 1; i < dataTable.Rows.Count; i++) { string shortTitle = dataTable.Rows[i][columnShortTitle].ToString(); string label = dataTable.Rows[i][columnLabel].ToString(); //Lambdas don't work in here for some reason //Reference parentReference = project.References.Find(item => item.ShortTitle == dataTable.Rows[i][columnShortTitle].ToString); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(shortTitle)) { //no ShortTitle provided, no import possible DebugMacro.WriteLine(string.Format("Importing row {0} ... {1}", i.ToString(), "impossible as ShortTitle is empty")); } else { //ShortTitle was provided, let's see if we can locate the reference inside the project Reference parentReference = GetReferenceWithShortTitle(shortTitle); if (parentReference == null) { if (createMissingReference) { DebugMacro.WriteLine(string.Format("Importing row {0} ... {1} '{2}'", i.ToString(), "creating new reference with short title", shortTitle)); //no such reference, generate it parentReference = new Reference(project, ReferenceType.Unknown, shortTitle); parentReference.ShortTitle = shortTitle; project.References.Add(parentReference); } else { DebugMacro.WriteLine(string.Format("Importing row {0} ... {1} '{2}'", i.ToString(), "impossible as no reference exists with short title", shortTitle)); } } else { DebugMacro.WriteLine(string.Format("Importing row {0} ... {1} '{2}'", i.ToString(), "into existing reference with short title", shortTitle)); } //we now have a parentReference if (parentReference != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(label)) { parentReference.SetValue(targetField, label); } } } //end MessageBox.Show("Macro has finished execution.", "Citavi", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); } //static void Main()
public static void Main() { //**************************************************************************************************************** // CHANGE NUMERAL SYSTEM FOR ALL KNOWLEDGE ITEMS OF THE SELECTED REFERENCES // 1.1 -- 2018-05-29 added ".ToList()" to foreach loop on reference.Quotations to avoid "enumeration changed" errors // 1.0 -- 2017-12-12 // // This macro sets the numeral system to "arabic" for all knowledge items that currently have no numeral system // specified. // // EDIT HERE // Variables to be changed by user // DO NOT EDIT BELOW THIS LINE // **************************************************************************************************************** if (Program.ProjectShells.Count == 0) { return; //no project open } if (IsBackupAvailable() == false) { return; //user wants to backup his/her project first } int foundCounter = 0; int changeCounter = 0; int errorCounter = 0; //iterate over all references in the current filter (or over all, if there is no filter) List <Reference> references = Program.ActiveProjectShell.PrimaryMainForm.GetFilteredReferences(); //reference to active Project Project activeProject = Program.ActiveProjectShell.Project; if (activeProject == null) { return; } foreach (Reference reference in references) { foreach (KnowledgeItem knowledgeItem in reference.Quotations.ToList()) { if (knowledgeItem.Reference == null) { continue; // ignore Ideas } if (knowledgeItem.QuotationType == QuotationType.Highlight) { continue; // ignore highlights } foundCounter++; var knowledgeItemPageRange = knowledgeItem.PageRange; try { if (knowledgeItem.PageRange.NumeralSystem == NumeralSystem.Omit) { PageRange newPageRange = knowledgeItemPageRange.Update(NumeralSystem.Arabic); knowledgeItem.PageRange = newPageRange; changeCounter++; } } catch (Exception e) { MessageBox.Show("An error occurred: " + e.Message, "Citavi Macro", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); DebugMacro.WriteLine(e.ToString()); errorCounter++; return; } } } //activeProject.Save(); // Message upon completion string message = " {0} knowledge item(s) found\n {1} knowledge item(s) changed\n {2} knowledge item(s) with errors"; message = string.Format(message, foundCounter.ToString(), changeCounter.ToString(), errorCounter.ToString()); MessageBox.Show(message, "Macro", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); }
public static void Main() { //**************************************************************************************************************** // Normalize Capitalization of All Upper Case Author Names // 1.2 -- 2018-01-22 // // This macro checks all author names if they are stored in capital letters (SMITH, JOHN A.) and normalises // the name to mixed case (Smith, John A.). // // v1.1 - names with captial last names only are also normalized if option is set // v1.2 - better error handling // EDIT HERE // Variables to be changed by user bool prefixSuffixFirstCapitalLetter = false; // capitalize the first letter of name prefixes/suffixes bool normalizeCapitalLastname = true; // if true macro will work if only last name is in capital letters, e.g. "HUBER, David" // DO NOT EDIT BELOW THIS LINE // **************************************************************************************************************** int counter = 0; if (Program.ProjectShells.Count == 0) { return; //no project open } if (IsBackupAvailable() == false) { return; //user wants to backup his/her project first } //reference to active Project Project activeProject = Program.ActiveProjectShell.Project; //get names and exit if none are present Person[] authors = activeProject.Persons.ToArray(); if (!authors.Any()) { return; } // RegEx search and replace in every category name foreach (Person author in authors) { // get full name and check if it is all upper case string originalAuthorFullName = author.FullName.ToString(); string originalAuthorLastName = author.LastName.ToString(); if (originalAuthorFullName == author.FullName.ToUpper() || (originalAuthorLastName == author.LastName.ToUpper() && normalizeCapitalLastname)) { counter++; // get name parts as strings string authorPrefix = author.Prefix.ToString(); string authorFirstName = author.FirstName.ToString(); string authorMiddleName = author.MiddleName.ToString(); string authorLastName = author.LastName.ToString(); string authorSuffix = author.Suffix.ToString(); string authorFirstNameNormal = String.Empty; string authorMiddleNameNormal = String.Empty; string authorLastNameNormal = String.Empty; try { // normalise the strings to initial upper case if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(authorFirstName)) { authorFirstNameNormal = authorFirstName.ToLower().ToInitialUpper(); } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(authorMiddleName)) { authorMiddleNameNormal = authorMiddleName.ToLower().ToInitialUpper(); } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(authorLastName)) { authorLastNameNormal = authorLastName.ToLower().ToInitialUpper(); } } catch (Exception e) { DebugMacro.WriteLine("An error occurred with " + author.FullName + ": " + e.Message); counter--; continue; } // Prefix/Suffix get initial lower case unless prefixSuffixFirstCapitalLetter is true string authorPrefixNormal = String.Empty; string authorSuffixNormal = String.Empty; if (prefixSuffixFirstCapitalLetter == true) { try { if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(authorPrefix)) { authorPrefixNormal = authorPrefix.ToLower().ToInitialUpper(); } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(authorSuffix)) { authorSuffixNormal = authorSuffix.ToLower().ToInitialUpper(); } } catch (Exception e) { DebugMacro.WriteLine("An error occurred with " + author.FullName + ": " + e.Message); counter--; continue; } } else { authorPrefixNormal = authorPrefix.ToLower(); authorSuffixNormal = authorSuffix.ToLower(); } // change author if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(authorPrefixNormal)) { author.Prefix = authorPrefixNormal; } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(authorFirstNameNormal)) { author.FirstName = authorFirstNameNormal; } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(authorMiddleNameNormal)) { author.MiddleName = authorMiddleNameNormal; } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(authorLastNameNormal)) { author.LastName = authorLastNameNormal; } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(authorSuffixNormal)) { author.Suffix = authorSuffixNormal; } } } // Message upon completion string message = "{0} names have been normalised."; message = string.Format(message, counter.ToString()); MessageBox.Show(message, "Citavi Macro", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); }
public static void Main() { //**************************************************************************************************************** // UPDATE BIBLIOGRAPHIC DATA FROM PMID OR DOI-SEARCH // Version 2.2 -- 2019-04-09 // -- updated to work with Citavi 6 // // This macro iterates through the references in a selection ("filter"). // If they have a DOI or PMID, it downloads bibliographical data and owverwrites the reference's data. // PMID is given priority over DOI, i.e. if both are present, data will be loaded from PubMed. // // // EDIT HERE // Variables to be changed by user bool overwriteAbstract = false; // if true, existing Abstract will be replaced bool overwriteTableOfContents = false; // if true, existing TOC will be replaced bool overwriteKeywords = false; // if true, existing Keywords will be replaced bool clearNotes = true; // if true, Notes field will be emptied // DO NOT EDIT BELOW THIS LINE // **************************************************************************************************************** if (!Program.ProjectShells.Any()) { return; //no project open } if (IsBackupAvailable() == false) { return; //user wants to backup his/her project first } int counter = 0; try { List <Reference> references = Program.ActiveProjectShell.PrimaryMainForm.GetFilteredReferences(); List <Reference> referencesWithDoi = references.Where(reference => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(reference.PubMedId) || !string.IsNullOrEmpty(reference.Doi)).ToList(); SwissAcademic.Citavi.Project activeProject = Program.ActiveProjectShell.Project; var identifierSupport = new ReferenceIdentifierSupport(); string message = "Updating reference {0} of {1} - '{2}' ... {3}"; int currentRef = 0; int overallRefs = referencesWithDoi.Count(); foreach (Reference reference in referencesWithDoi) { currentRef++; // Look up PMID. If that fails, look up DOI. If no data is found, move on. DebugMacro.WriteLine(string.Format(message, currentRef.ToString(), overallRefs.ToString(), reference.ShortTitle, "")); Reference lookedUpReference = identifierSupport.FindReference(activeProject.Engine, activeProject, new ReferenceIdentifier() { Type = ReferenceIdentifierType.PubMedId, Value = reference.PubMedId }); if (lookedUpReference == null) { lookedUpReference = identifierSupport.FindReference(activeProject.Engine, activeProject, new ReferenceIdentifier() { Type = ReferenceIdentifierType.Doi, Value = reference.Doi }); if (lookedUpReference == null) { DebugMacro.WriteLine(string.Format(message, currentRef.ToString(), overallRefs.ToString(), reference.ShortTitle, "No data found!")); continue; } } //merge reference & lookedUpReference, overwriting bibliographic data of the former List <ReferencePropertyId> omitData = new List <ReferencePropertyId>(); omitData.Add(ReferencePropertyId.CoverPath); omitData.Add(ReferencePropertyId.Locations); if (!overwriteAbstract) { omitData.Add(ReferencePropertyId.Abstract); } if (!overwriteTableOfContents) { omitData.Add(ReferencePropertyId.TableOfContents); } if (!overwriteKeywords) { omitData.Add(ReferencePropertyId.Keywords); } reference.MergeReference(lookedUpReference, true, omitData); counter++; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(reference.Notes) && clearNotes) { reference.Notes = string.Empty; //empty notes field } if (activeProject.Engine.Settings.BibTeXCitationKey.IsTeXEnabled) { reference.BibTeXKey = activeProject.BibTeXKeyAssistant.GenerateKey(reference); } if (activeProject.Engine.Settings.BibTeXCitationKey.IsCitationKeyEnabled) { reference.CitationKey = activeProject.CitationKeyAssistant.GenerateKey(reference); } } } //end try finally { MessageBox.Show(string.Format("Macro has finished execution.\r\n{0} references were updated.", counter.ToString()), "Citavi", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); } //end finally } //end main()
public static void Main() { //**************************************************************************************************************** // CSV-Table Showing the Categories for Each Title // 1.1 -- 2015-08-07 // // This macro writes a tab delimited CSV file showing for each reference which categories are assigned to that // reference. Import the file into Excel using the "From text" function in the DATA tab. // In the variable "categoryPresent" you can set the text that occurs in a cell if a category is present // for a certain reference. // // // EDIT HERE // Variables to be changed by user string categoryPresent = "Yes."; // string to put in table cell if category is present // DO NOT EDIT BELOW THIS LINE // **************************************************************************************************************** ProjectShell activeProjectShell = Program.ActiveProjectShell; if (activeProjectShell == null) { return; //no open project shell } Project activeProject = Program.ActiveProjectShell.Project; if (activeProject == null) { return; } Form primaryMainForm = activeProjectShell.PrimaryMainForm; if (primaryMainForm == null) { return; } if (Program.ProjectShells.Count == 0) { return; //no project open } //iterate over all references in the current filter (or over all, if there is no filter) List <Reference> references = Program.ActiveProjectShell.PrimaryMainForm.GetFilteredReferences(); //reference to all Categories in the project Category[] allCategories = activeProject.AllCategories.ToArray(); Array.Sort(allCategories); // abort if no categories/references present if (!allCategories.Any() || !references.Any()) { DebugMacro.WriteLine("No categories or references in current project."); return; } string file = string.Empty; string initialDirectory = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.Personal); using (SaveFileDialog saveFileDialog = new SaveFileDialog()) { saveFileDialog.Filter = "CSV files (*.csv, *.txt)|*.csv;*.txt|All files (*.*)|*.*"; saveFileDialog.InitialDirectory = initialDirectory; saveFileDialog.Title = "Enter a file name for the CSV file."; if (saveFileDialog.ShowDialog(primaryMainForm) != DialogResult.OK) { return; } file = saveFileDialog.FileName; } // create file, delete if already present StreamWriter sw = null; try { sw = File.AppendText(file); } catch (Exception e) { DebugMacro.WriteLine("Error creating file: " + e.Message.ToString()); return; } // write line with categories to file string headline = "\t \t \t"; foreach (Category category in allCategories) { string cString = category.ToString() + "\t"; headline = headline + cString; } headline = headline + "\n"; sw.WriteLine(headline); // check categories for each reference foreach (Reference reference in references) { // write author, year and title to file string author = reference.AuthorsOrEditorsOrOrganizations.ToString(); string year = reference.YearResolved.ToString(); string title = reference.Title.ToString(); string line = author + "\t" + year + "\t" + title + "\t"; // iterate over all Categories and Categories of each reference and write // categoryPresent string to file if category is present Category[] referenceCategories = reference.Categories.ToArray(); Array.Sort(referenceCategories); foreach (Category category in allCategories) { foreach (Category referenceCategory in referenceCategories) { if (referenceCategory == category) { line = line + categoryPresent; } } line = line + "\t"; } line = line + "\n"; sw.WriteLine(line); } // close file sw.Close(); // Message upon completion string message = "CSV file written to " + file; MessageBox.Show(message, "Macro", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); }