public override void DebugDrawWorld() { BulletGlobals.StartProfile("debugDrawWorld"); base.DebugDrawWorld(); if (GetDebugDrawer() != null) { DebugDrawModes mode = GetDebugDrawer().GetDebugMode(); if ((mode & (DebugDrawModes.DBG_DrawConstraints | DebugDrawModes.DBG_DrawConstraintLimits)) != 0) { for (int i = GetNumConstraints() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { TypedConstraint constraint = GetConstraint(i); DrawHelper.DebugDrawConstraint(constraint, GetDebugDrawer()); } } if (mode != 0) { int actionsCount = m_actions.Count; for (int i = 0; i < actionsCount; ++i) { m_actions[i].DebugDraw(m_debugDrawer); } } } BulletGlobals.StopProfile(); }
public void Evaluate(int SpreadMax) { if (this.currentWorld != this.worldPin[0]) { if (this.currentWorld != null) { this.currentWorld.World.DebugDrawer = null; } this.currentWorld = this.worldPin[0]; } if (this.currentWorld != null) { if (this.enabled[0]) { this.mode = DebugDrawModes.None; for (int i = 0; i < this.drawMode.SliceCount; i++) { mode |= this.drawMode[i]; } } else { this.currentWorld.World.DebugDrawer = null; } } }
/// <summary> /// コンストラクタ /// </summary> /// <param name="device">グラフィックデバイス</param> public PhysicsDebugDraw(GraphicsDevice device) { effect = new BasicEffect(device); effect.VertexColorEnabled = true; effect.World = Matrix.Identity; vertexDec = VertexPositionColor.VertexDeclaration;//new VertexDeclaration(device, VertexPositionColor.VertexElements); vertex = new VertexPositionColor[50]; DebugMode=(DebugDrawModes.DBG_DrawWireframe | DebugDrawModes.DBG_DrawConstraints); }
/* * public virtual void syncPhysicsToGraphics() * { * if (m_dynamicsWorld) * { * m_guiHelper.syncPhysicsToGraphics(m_dynamicsWorld); * } * } */ /* * public virtual void renderScene() * { * if (m_dynamicsWorld) * { * m_guiHelper.syncPhysicsToGraphics(m_dynamicsWorld); * * m_guiHelper.render(m_dynamicsWorld); * } * * } */ public virtual void physicsDebugDraw(DebugDrawModes debugDrawFlags) { if (m_dynamicsWorld != null) { if (m_dynamicsWorld.DebugDrawer != null) { m_dynamicsWorld.DebugDrawer.DebugMode = (debugDrawFlags); } m_dynamicsWorld.DebugDrawWorld(); } }
private void DebugDrawFlags_ItemCheck(object sender, ItemCheckEventArgs e) { DebugDrawModes drawModes = _demo.DebugDrawMode; if (e.NewValue == CheckState.Checked) { drawModes |= _debugDrawModesList[e.Index]; } else { drawModes &= (DebugDrawModes.All ^ _debugDrawModesList[e.Index]); } _demo.DebugDrawMode = drawModes; }
private static void UpdateDisplay() { DebugDrawModes drawModes = DebugDrawModes.None; if (_areAabbsShown) { drawModes |= DebugDrawModes.DrawAabb; } if (_areConstraintLimitsShown) { drawModes |= DebugDrawModes.DrawConstraintLimits; } if (_areConstraintsShown) { drawModes |= DebugDrawModes.DrawConstraints; } if (_areContactPointsShown) { drawModes |= DebugDrawModes.DrawContactPoints; } if (_areNormalsShown) { drawModes |= DebugDrawModes.DrawNormals; } if (_showWireframe) { drawModes |= DebugDrawModes.DrawWireframe; } DebugDrawModes = drawModes; if (Game.IsInitialized) { Game.Workspace.Physics.UpdateDebugDrawModes(); } else { Game.Initialized += (sender, args) => { Game.Workspace.Physics.UpdateDebugDrawModes(); }; } }
public override void setDebugMode( DebugDrawModes debugMode ) { mode = debugMode; }
public override void SetDebugMode(DebugDrawModes debugMode) { m_debugDrawModes = debugMode; }
public void DrawXNA(ref IndexedMatrix m, CollisionShape shape, ref IndexedVector3 color, DebugDrawModes debugMode, ref IndexedVector3 worldBoundsMin, ref IndexedVector3 worldBoundsMax, ref IndexedMatrix view, ref IndexedMatrix projection) { //btglMultMatrix(m); if (shape == null) { return; } if (shape.GetShapeType() == BroadphaseNativeTypes.UNIFORM_SCALING_SHAPE_PROXYTYPE) { UniformScalingShape scalingShape = (UniformScalingShape)shape; ConvexShape convexShape = scalingShape.GetChildShape(); float scalingFactor = scalingShape.GetUniformScalingFactor(); IndexedMatrix scaleMatrix = IndexedMatrix.CreateScale(scalingFactor); IndexedMatrix finalMatrix = scaleMatrix * m; DrawXNA(ref finalMatrix, convexShape, ref color, debugMode, ref worldBoundsMin, ref worldBoundsMax,ref view,ref projection); return; } if (shape.GetShapeType() == BroadphaseNativeTypes.COMPOUND_SHAPE_PROXYTYPE) { CompoundShape compoundShape = (CompoundShape)shape; for (int i = compoundShape.GetNumChildShapes() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { IndexedMatrix childTrans = compoundShape.GetChildTransform(i); CollisionShape colShape = compoundShape.GetChildShape(i); IndexedMatrix childMat = childTrans; //childMat = MathUtil.bulletMatrixMultiply(m, childMat); //childMat = childMat * m; childMat = m * childMat; DrawXNA(ref childMat, colShape, ref color, debugMode, ref worldBoundsMin, ref worldBoundsMax,ref view,ref projection); } } else { bool useWireframeFallback = true; if ((debugMode & DebugDrawModes.DBG_DrawWireframe) == 0) { ///you can comment out any of the specific cases, and use the default ///the benefit of 'default' is that it approximates the actual collision shape including collision margin //BroadphaseNativeTypes shapetype = m_textureEnabled ? BroadphaseNativeTypes.MAX_BROADPHASE_COLLISION_TYPES : shape.getShapeType(); BroadphaseNativeTypes shapetype = shape.GetShapeType(); switch (shapetype) { case BroadphaseNativeTypes.BOX_SHAPE_PROXYTYPE: { BoxShape boxShape = shape as BoxShape; IndexedVector3 halfExtents = boxShape.GetHalfExtentsWithMargin(); DrawSolidCube(ref halfExtents, ref m, ref view, ref projection,ref color); //drawSolidSphere(halfExtents.X, 10, 10, ref m, ref view, ref projection); //drawCylinder(halfExtents.X, halfExtents.Y, 1, ref m, ref view, ref projection); //drawSolidCone(halfExtents.Y, halfExtents.X, ref m, ref view, ref projection); //DrawText("Hello World", new IndexedVector3(20, 20, 0), new IndexedVector3(255, 255, 255)); useWireframeFallback = false; break; } case BroadphaseNativeTypes.SPHERE_SHAPE_PROXYTYPE: { SphereShape sphereShape = shape as SphereShape; float radius = sphereShape.GetMargin();//radius doesn't include the margin, so draw with margin DrawSolidSphere(radius, 10, 10, ref m, ref view, ref projection, ref color); //glutSolidSphere(radius,10,10); useWireframeFallback = false; break; } case BroadphaseNativeTypes.CAPSULE_SHAPE_PROXYTYPE: { CapsuleShape capsuleShape = shape as CapsuleShape; float radius = capsuleShape.GetRadius(); float halfHeight = capsuleShape.GetHalfHeight(); int upAxis = capsuleShape.GetUpAxis(); IndexedVector3 capStart = IndexedVector3.Zero; capStart[upAxis] = -halfHeight; IndexedVector3 capEnd = IndexedVector3.Zero; capEnd[upAxis] = halfHeight; // Draw the ends { IndexedMatrix childTransform = IndexedMatrix.Identity; childTransform._origin = m * capStart; DrawSolidSphere(radius, 5, 5, ref childTransform, ref view, ref projection, ref color); } { IndexedMatrix childTransform = IndexedMatrix.Identity; childTransform._origin = m * capEnd; DrawSolidSphere(radius, 5, 5, ref childTransform, ref view, ref projection, ref color); } DrawCylinder(radius, halfHeight, upAxis, ref m, ref view, ref projection,ref color); break; } case BroadphaseNativeTypes.CONE_SHAPE_PROXYTYPE: { ConeShape coneShape = (ConeShape)(shape); int upIndex = coneShape.GetConeUpIndex(); float radius = coneShape.GetRadius();//+coneShape.getMargin(); float height = coneShape.GetHeight();//+coneShape.getMargin(); IndexedMatrix rotateMatrix = IndexedMatrix.Identity; switch (upIndex) { case 0: rotateMatrix = IndexedMatrix.CreateRotationX(-MathUtil.SIMD_HALF_PI); break; case 1: break; case 2: rotateMatrix = IndexedMatrix.CreateRotationX(MathUtil.SIMD_HALF_PI); break; default: { break; } }; IndexedMatrix translationMatrix = IndexedMatrix.CreateTranslation(0f, 0f, -0.5f * height); IndexedMatrix resultant = m * rotateMatrix * translationMatrix; DrawSolidCone(height, radius, ref resultant, ref view, ref projection, ref color); useWireframeFallback = false; break; } case BroadphaseNativeTypes.STATIC_PLANE_PROXYTYPE: { StaticPlaneShape staticPlaneShape = shape as StaticPlaneShape; float planeConst = staticPlaneShape.GetPlaneConstant(); IndexedVector3 planeNormal = staticPlaneShape.GetPlaneNormal(); IndexedVector3 planeOrigin = planeNormal * planeConst; IndexedVector3 vec0, vec1; TransformUtil.PlaneSpace1(ref planeNormal, out vec0, out vec1); float vecLen = 100f; IndexedVector3 pt0 = planeOrigin + vec0 * vecLen; IndexedVector3 pt1 = planeOrigin - vec0 * vecLen; IndexedVector3 pt2 = planeOrigin + vec1 * vecLen; IndexedVector3 pt3 = planeOrigin - vec1 * vecLen; // Fallback to debug draw - needs tidying IndexedVector3 colour = new IndexedVector3(255, 255, 255); DrawLine(ref pt0, ref pt1, ref colour); DrawLine(ref pt1, ref pt2, ref colour); DrawLine(ref pt2, ref pt3, ref colour); DrawLine(ref pt3, ref pt1, ref colour); break; } case BroadphaseNativeTypes.CYLINDER_SHAPE_PROXYTYPE: { CylinderShape cylinder = (CylinderShape)(shape); int upAxis = cylinder.GetUpAxis(); float radius = cylinder.GetRadius(); float halfHeight = cylinder.GetHalfExtentsWithMargin()[upAxis]; DrawCylinder(radius, halfHeight, upAxis, ref m, ref view, ref projection, ref color); break; } default: { if (shape.IsConvex()) { ShapeCache sc=Cache(shape as ConvexShape); //if (shape.getUserPointer()) { //glutSolidCube(1.0); ShapeHull hull = sc.m_shapehull/*(btShapeHull*)shape.getUserPointer()*/; int numTriangles = hull.NumTriangles(); int numIndices = hull.NumIndices(); int numVertices = hull.NumVertices(); if (numTriangles > 0) { int index = 0; IList<int> idx = hull.m_indices; IList<IndexedVector3> vtx = hull.m_vertices; for (int i = 0; i < numTriangles; i++) { int i1 = index++; int i2 = index++; int i3 = index++; Debug.Assert(i1 < numIndices && i2 < numIndices && i3 < numIndices); int index1 = idx[i1]; int index2 = idx[i2]; int index3 = idx[i3]; Debug.Assert(index1 < numVertices && index2 < numVertices && index3 < numVertices); IndexedVector3 v1 = m * vtx[index1]; IndexedVector3 v2 = m * vtx[index2]; IndexedVector3 v3 = m * vtx[index3]; IndexedVector3 normal = IndexedVector3.Cross((v3-v1),(v2-v1)); normal.Normalize(); Vector2 tex = new Vector2(0,0); AddVertex(ref v1, ref normal,ref tex); AddVertex(ref v2, ref normal, ref tex); AddVertex(ref v3, ref normal, ref tex); } } } } break; } } } /// for polyhedral shapes if (debugMode == DebugDrawModes.DBG_DrawFeaturesText && (shape.IsPolyhedral())) { PolyhedralConvexShape polyshape = (PolyhedralConvexShape)shape; { //BMF_DrawString(BMF_GetFont(BMF_kHelvetica10),polyshape.getExtraDebugInfo()); IndexedVector3 colour = new IndexedVector3(255, 255, 255); for (int i = 0; i < polyshape.GetNumVertices(); i++) { IndexedVector3 vtx; polyshape.GetVertex(i, out vtx); String buf = " " + i; DrawText(buf, ref vtx, ref colour); } for (int i = 0; i < polyshape.GetNumPlanes(); i++) { IndexedVector3 normal; IndexedVector3 vtx; polyshape.GetPlane(out normal, out vtx, i); float d = IndexedVector3.Dot(vtx, normal); vtx *= d; String buf = " plane " + i; DrawText(buf, ref vtx, ref colour); } } } if (shape.IsConcave() && !shape.IsInfinite())//>getShapeType() == TRIANGLE_MESH_SHAPE_PROXYTYPE||shape.getShapeType() == GIMPACT_SHAPE_PROXYTYPE) // if (shape.getShapeType() == TRIANGLE_MESH_SHAPE_PROXYTYPE) { ConcaveShape concaveMesh = shape as ConcaveShape; XNADrawcallback drawCallback = new XNADrawcallback(this,ref m); drawCallback.m_wireframe = (debugMode & DebugDrawModes.DBG_DrawWireframe) != 0; concaveMesh.ProcessAllTriangles(drawCallback, ref worldBoundsMin, ref worldBoundsMax); } //glDisable(GL_DEPTH_TEST); //glRasterPos3f(0,0,0);//mvtx.x(), vtx.y(), vtx.z()); if ((debugMode & DebugDrawModes.DBG_DrawText) != 0) { IndexedVector3 position = IndexedVector3.Zero; IndexedVector3 colour = new IndexedVector3(255, 255, 255); DrawText(shape.GetName(), ref position, ref colour); } if ((debugMode & DebugDrawModes.DBG_DrawFeaturesText) != 0) { //drawText(shape.getEx] //BMF_DrawString(BMF_GetFont(BMF_kHelvetica10),shape.getExtraDebugInfo()); } //glEnable(GL_DEPTH_TEST); //// glPopMatrix(); //if(m_textureenabled) glDisable(GL_TEXTURE_2D); // } // glPopMatrix(); } }
public void DrawXNA(IndexedMatrix m, CollisionShape shape, IndexedVector3 color, DebugDrawModes debugMode, IndexedVector3 worldBoundsMin, IndexedVector3 worldBoundsMax, IndexedMatrix view, IndexedMatrix projection) { DrawXNA(ref m, shape, ref color, debugMode, ref worldBoundsMin, ref worldBoundsMax, ref view, ref projection); }
/// <summary> /// デバッグ描画 /// </summary> /// <param name="MaxLine">確保する最大ライン数</param> public PhysicsDebugDraw(int MaxLine) { lines = new PDDVertex[MaxLine * 2]; DebugMode = DebugDrawModes.DBG_DrawWireframe; }
public static void disableGlobalDebugMode(DebugDrawModes debugMode) { BulletDebugDraw_disableGlobalDebugMode((int)debugMode); Log.Default.debug("Disabled {0}", debugMode); }
public abstract void SetDebugMode(DebugDrawModes debugMode);
public void SetDebugMode(DebugDrawModes debugMode) { m_debugDrawModes = debugMode; }
public abstract void setDebugMode( DebugDrawModes debugMode );
public static void setGlobalDebugMode(DebugDrawModes debugMode) { BulletDebugDraw_setGlobalDebugMode((int)debugMode); Log.Default.debug("Enabled {0}", debugMode); }
private void SetDebugDrawFlag(int index, DebugDrawModes drawMode) { bool isChecked = (_demo.DebugDrawMode & drawMode) != 0; debugDrawFlags.SetItemChecked(index, isChecked); }
public void DrawXNA(ref IndexedMatrix m, CollisionShape shape, ref IndexedVector3 color, DebugDrawModes debugMode, ref IndexedVector3 worldBoundsMin, ref IndexedVector3 worldBoundsMax, ref IndexedMatrix view, ref IndexedMatrix projection) { //btglMultMatrix(m); if (shape == null) { return; } if (shape.GetShapeType() == BroadphaseNativeTypes.UNIFORM_SCALING_SHAPE_PROXYTYPE) { UniformScalingShape scalingShape = (UniformScalingShape)shape; ConvexShape convexShape = scalingShape.GetChildShape(); float scalingFactor = scalingShape.GetUniformScalingFactor(); IndexedMatrix scaleMatrix = IndexedMatrix.CreateScale(scalingFactor); IndexedMatrix finalMatrix = scaleMatrix * m; DrawXNA(ref finalMatrix, convexShape, ref color, debugMode, ref worldBoundsMin, ref worldBoundsMax, ref view, ref projection); return; } if (shape.GetShapeType() == BroadphaseNativeTypes.COMPOUND_SHAPE_PROXYTYPE) { CompoundShape compoundShape = (CompoundShape)shape; for (int i = compoundShape.GetNumChildShapes() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { IndexedMatrix childTrans = compoundShape.GetChildTransform(i); CollisionShape colShape = compoundShape.GetChildShape(i); IndexedMatrix childMat = childTrans; //childMat = MathUtil.bulletMatrixMultiply(m, childMat); //childMat = childMat * m; childMat = m * childMat; DrawXNA(ref childMat, colShape, ref color, debugMode, ref worldBoundsMin, ref worldBoundsMax, ref view, ref projection); } } else { bool useWireframeFallback = true; if ((debugMode & DebugDrawModes.DBG_DrawWireframe) == 0) { ///you can comment out any of the specific cases, and use the default ///the benefit of 'default' is that it approximates the actual collision shape including collision margin //BroadphaseNativeTypes shapetype = m_textureEnabled ? BroadphaseNativeTypes.MAX_BROADPHASE_COLLISION_TYPES : shape.getShapeType(); BroadphaseNativeTypes shapetype = shape.GetShapeType(); switch (shapetype) { case BroadphaseNativeTypes.BOX_SHAPE_PROXYTYPE: { BoxShape boxShape = shape as BoxShape; IndexedVector3 halfExtents = boxShape.GetHalfExtentsWithMargin(); DrawSolidCube(ref halfExtents, ref m, ref view, ref projection, ref color); //drawSolidSphere(halfExtents.X, 10, 10, ref m, ref view, ref projection); //drawCylinder(halfExtents.X, halfExtents.Y, 1, ref m, ref view, ref projection); //drawSolidCone(halfExtents.Y, halfExtents.X, ref m, ref view, ref projection); //DrawText("Hello World", new IndexedVector3(20, 20, 0), new IndexedVector3(255, 255, 255)); useWireframeFallback = false; break; } case BroadphaseNativeTypes.SPHERE_SHAPE_PROXYTYPE: { SphereShape sphereShape = shape as SphereShape; float radius = sphereShape.GetMargin();//radius doesn't include the margin, so draw with margin DrawSolidSphere(radius, 10, 10, ref m, ref view, ref projection, ref color); //glutSolidSphere(radius,10,10); useWireframeFallback = false; break; } case BroadphaseNativeTypes.CAPSULE_SHAPE_PROXYTYPE: { CapsuleShape capsuleShape = shape as CapsuleShape; float radius = capsuleShape.GetRadius(); float halfHeight = capsuleShape.GetHalfHeight(); int upAxis = capsuleShape.GetUpAxis(); IndexedVector3 capStart = IndexedVector3.Zero; capStart[upAxis] = -halfHeight; IndexedVector3 capEnd = IndexedVector3.Zero; capEnd[upAxis] = halfHeight; // Draw the ends { IndexedMatrix childTransform = IndexedMatrix.Identity; childTransform._origin = m * capStart; DrawSolidSphere(radius, 5, 5, ref childTransform, ref view, ref projection, ref color); } { IndexedMatrix childTransform = IndexedMatrix.Identity; childTransform._origin = m * capEnd; DrawSolidSphere(radius, 5, 5, ref childTransform, ref view, ref projection, ref color); } DrawCylinder(radius, halfHeight, upAxis, ref m, ref view, ref projection, ref color); break; } case BroadphaseNativeTypes.CONE_SHAPE_PROXYTYPE: { ConeShape coneShape = (ConeShape)(shape); int upIndex = coneShape.GetConeUpIndex(); float radius = coneShape.GetRadius(); //+coneShape.getMargin(); float height = coneShape.GetHeight(); //+coneShape.getMargin(); IndexedMatrix rotateMatrix = IndexedMatrix.Identity; switch (upIndex) { case 0: rotateMatrix = IndexedMatrix.CreateRotationX(-MathUtil.SIMD_HALF_PI); break; case 1: break; case 2: rotateMatrix = IndexedMatrix.CreateRotationX(MathUtil.SIMD_HALF_PI); break; default: { break; } } ; IndexedMatrix translationMatrix = IndexedMatrix.CreateTranslation(0f, 0f, -0.5f * height); IndexedMatrix resultant = m * rotateMatrix * translationMatrix; DrawSolidCone(height, radius, ref resultant, ref view, ref projection, ref color); useWireframeFallback = false; break; } case BroadphaseNativeTypes.STATIC_PLANE_PROXYTYPE: { StaticPlaneShape staticPlaneShape = shape as StaticPlaneShape; float planeConst = staticPlaneShape.GetPlaneConstant(); IndexedVector3 planeNormal = staticPlaneShape.GetPlaneNormal(); IndexedVector3 planeOrigin = planeNormal * planeConst; IndexedVector3 vec0, vec1; TransformUtil.PlaneSpace1(ref planeNormal, out vec0, out vec1); float vecLen = 100f; IndexedVector3 pt0 = planeOrigin + vec0 * vecLen; IndexedVector3 pt1 = planeOrigin - vec0 * vecLen; IndexedVector3 pt2 = planeOrigin + vec1 * vecLen; IndexedVector3 pt3 = planeOrigin - vec1 * vecLen; // Fallback to debug draw - needs tidying IndexedVector3 colour = new IndexedVector3(255, 255, 255); DrawLine(ref pt0, ref pt1, ref colour); DrawLine(ref pt1, ref pt2, ref colour); DrawLine(ref pt2, ref pt3, ref colour); DrawLine(ref pt3, ref pt1, ref colour); break; } case BroadphaseNativeTypes.CYLINDER_SHAPE_PROXYTYPE: { CylinderShape cylinder = (CylinderShape)(shape); int upAxis = cylinder.GetUpAxis(); float radius = cylinder.GetRadius(); float halfHeight = cylinder.GetHalfExtentsWithMargin()[upAxis]; DrawCylinder(radius, halfHeight, upAxis, ref m, ref view, ref projection, ref color); break; } default: { if (shape.IsConvex()) { ShapeCache sc = Cache(shape as ConvexShape); //if (shape.getUserPointer()) { //glutSolidCube(1.0); ShapeHull hull = sc.m_shapehull /*(btShapeHull*)shape.getUserPointer()*/; int numTriangles = hull.NumTriangles(); int numIndices = hull.NumIndices(); int numVertices = hull.NumVertices(); if (numTriangles > 0) { int index = 0; IList <int> idx = hull.m_indices; IList <IndexedVector3> vtx = hull.m_vertices; for (int i = 0; i < numTriangles; i++) { int i1 = index++; int i2 = index++; int i3 = index++; Debug.Assert(i1 < numIndices && i2 < numIndices && i3 < numIndices); int index1 = idx[i1]; int index2 = idx[i2]; int index3 = idx[i3]; Debug.Assert(index1 < numVertices && index2 < numVertices && index3 < numVertices); IndexedVector3 v1 = m * vtx[index1]; IndexedVector3 v2 = m * vtx[index2]; IndexedVector3 v3 = m * vtx[index3]; IndexedVector3 normal = IndexedVector3.Cross((v3 - v1), (v2 - v1)); normal.Normalize(); Vector2 tex = new Vector2(0, 0); AddVertex(ref v1, ref normal, ref tex); AddVertex(ref v2, ref normal, ref tex); AddVertex(ref v3, ref normal, ref tex); } } } } break; } } } /// for polyhedral shapes if (debugMode == DebugDrawModes.DBG_DrawFeaturesText && (shape.IsPolyhedral())) { PolyhedralConvexShape polyshape = (PolyhedralConvexShape)shape; { //BMF_DrawString(BMF_GetFont(BMF_kHelvetica10),polyshape.getExtraDebugInfo()); IndexedVector3 colour = new IndexedVector3(255, 255, 255); for (int i = 0; i < polyshape.GetNumVertices(); i++) { IndexedVector3 vtx; polyshape.GetVertex(i, out vtx); String buf = " " + i; DrawText(buf, ref vtx, ref colour); } for (int i = 0; i < polyshape.GetNumPlanes(); i++) { IndexedVector3 normal; IndexedVector3 vtx; polyshape.GetPlane(out normal, out vtx, i); float d = IndexedVector3.Dot(vtx, normal); vtx *= d; String buf = " plane " + i; DrawText(buf, ref vtx, ref colour); } } } if (shape.IsConcave() && !shape.IsInfinite()) //>getShapeType() == TRIANGLE_MESH_SHAPE_PROXYTYPE||shape.getShapeType() == GIMPACT_SHAPE_PROXYTYPE) // if (shape.getShapeType() == TRIANGLE_MESH_SHAPE_PROXYTYPE) { ConcaveShape concaveMesh = shape as ConcaveShape; XNADrawcallback drawCallback = new XNADrawcallback(this, ref m); drawCallback.m_wireframe = (debugMode & DebugDrawModes.DBG_DrawWireframe) != 0; concaveMesh.ProcessAllTriangles(drawCallback, ref worldBoundsMin, ref worldBoundsMax); } //glDisable(GL_DEPTH_TEST); //glRasterPos3f(0,0,0);//mvtx.x(), vtx.y(), vtx.z()); if ((debugMode & DebugDrawModes.DBG_DrawText) != 0) { IndexedVector3 position = IndexedVector3.Zero; IndexedVector3 colour = new IndexedVector3(255, 255, 255); DrawText(shape.GetName(), ref position, ref colour); } if ((debugMode & DebugDrawModes.DBG_DrawFeaturesText) != 0) { //drawText(shape.getEx] //BMF_DrawString(BMF_GetFont(BMF_kHelvetica10),shape.getExtraDebugInfo()); } //glEnable(GL_DEPTH_TEST); //// glPopMatrix(); //if(m_textureenabled) glDisable(GL_TEXTURE_2D); // } // glPopMatrix(); } }
public BulletDebugEntry(String text, DebugDrawModes mode) { this.text = text; this.mode = mode; }