void Play(DeAudioClipData data)
     if (data.clip == null)
     _previewSource.clip   = data.clip;
     _previewSource.volume = data.volume;
Exemple #2
 static void PlayButton(Rect r, DeAudioClipData value)
     if (GUI.Button(r, "►", Styles.btPlay))
         if (value.clip != null)
        void OnEnable()
            _src = target as DeAudioCollection;

            float lineH       = EditorGUIUtility.singleLineHeight;
            float listVSpacer = 2f;

            _dataList = new ReorderableList(serializedObject, serializedObject.FindProperty("data"), true, true, true, true);
            _dataList.elementHeight      = lineH * 2 + listVSpacer + 10;
            _dataList.drawHeaderCallback = rect => { GUI.Label(rect, "Data", DeGUI.styles.label.bold); };
            _dataList.onAddCallback      = list => {
                // Force volume to 1 (otherwise set to 0 by list default) and audioClip to null
                int addedIndex = list.serializedProperty.arraySize - 1;
                list.serializedProperty.GetArrayElementAtIndex(addedIndex).FindPropertyRelative("clip").objectReferenceValue = null;
                list.serializedProperty.GetArrayElementAtIndex(addedIndex).FindPropertyRelative("volume").floatValue         = 1;
            _dataList.drawElementCallback = (Rect rect, int index, bool isActive, bool isFocused) => {
                DeAudioClipData item = _src.data[index];
                EditorGUIUtility.labelWidth = 50;
                float ry = rect.y + 2;
                item.clip = EditorGUI.ObjectField(new Rect(rect.x, ry, rect.width, lineH), "Clip", item.clip, typeof(AudioClip), false) as AudioClip;
                ry       += lineH + listVSpacer;
                float btW        = 25;
                float prevVolume = item.volume;
                item.volume = EditorGUI.Slider(new Rect(rect.x, ry, rect.width - btW * 2 - 5, lineH), "Volume", item.volume, 0, 1);
                if (Math.Abs(item.volume - prevVolume) > float.Epsilon && _src.previewSource.isPlaying && _src.previewSource.clip == item.clip)
                    _src.previewSource.volume = item.volume;
                if (GUI.Button(new Rect(rect.x + (rect.width - btW * 2), ry - 1, btW, lineH), "►", DeGUI.styles.button.tool))
                if (GUI.Button(new Rect(rect.x + (rect.width - btW), ry - 1, btW, lineH), "■", DeGUI.styles.button.tool))
 void Stop(DeAudioClipData data)
     _src.previewSource.clip = null;
Exemple #5
        public static DeAudioClipData DeAudioClip(Rect rect, GUIContent label, DeAudioClipData value, bool allowGroupChange = true, DeAudioClipGUIMode mode = DeAudioClipGUIMode.Full)

            bool hasGroup = false;
            bool hasPlayStopButtonsInFirstRow  = false;
            bool hasPlayStopButtonsInSecondRow = false;
            bool hasVolume          = false;
            bool hasLoopInSecondRow = false;
            bool hasLoopInThirdRow  = false;
            bool hasPitch           = false;

            if (mode != DeAudioClipGUIMode.ClipOnly)
                if (mode != DeAudioClipGUIMode.CompactPreviewOnly && mode != DeAudioClipGUIMode.FullNoGroup)
                    hasGroup = true;
                switch (mode)
                case DeAudioClipGUIMode.CompactPreviewOnly:
                case DeAudioClipGUIMode.CompactWithGroupAndPreview:
                    hasPlayStopButtonsInFirstRow = true;

                case DeAudioClipGUIMode.VolumeWithPreview:
                case DeAudioClipGUIMode.VolumeAndLoopsWithPreview:
                case DeAudioClipGUIMode.FullNoGroup:
                case DeAudioClipGUIMode.Full:
                    hasVolume = true;
                    hasPlayStopButtonsInSecondRow = true;
                    if (mode == DeAudioClipGUIMode.VolumeAndLoopsWithPreview)
                        hasLoopInSecondRow = true;
                    if (mode == DeAudioClipGUIMode.FullNoGroup || mode == DeAudioClipGUIMode.Full)
                        hasPitch          = true;
                        hasLoopInThirdRow = true;

            Rect lineR = new Rect(rect.x, rect.y, rect.width, EditorGUIUtility.singleLineHeight);

            // First line
            if (hasPlayStopButtonsInFirstRow)
                Rect btStopR = new Rect(lineR.xMax - _ControlButtonW, lineR.y, _ControlButtonW, lineR.height);
                Rect btPlayR = new Rect(btStopR.x - _ControlButtonW, btStopR.y, btStopR.width, btStopR.height);
                lineR.width -= _ControlButtonW * 2;
                PlayButton(btPlayR, value);
            if (hasGroup)
                Rect groupR = new Rect(lineR.xMax - _GroupW, lineR.y, _GroupW, lineR.height);
                lineR.width -= groupR.width;
                using (new EditorGUI.DisabledGroupScope(!allowGroupChange)) {
                    DeAudioGroupId newGroupId = (DeAudioGroupId)EditorGUI.EnumPopup(groupR, value.groupId);
                    if (allowGroupChange)
                        value.groupId = newGroupId;
            Rect clipR = lineR;

            value.clip = label.text == ""
                ? EditorGUI.ObjectField(clipR, value.clip, typeof(AudioClip), false) as AudioClip
                : EditorGUI.ObjectField(clipR, label, value.clip, typeof(AudioClip), false) as AudioClip;
            // Second line
            lineR.y     = lineR.yMax + VSpace;
            lineR.width = rect.width;
            if (hasPlayStopButtonsInSecondRow)
                Rect btStopR = new Rect(lineR.xMax - _ControlButtonW, lineR.y, _ControlButtonW, lineR.height);
                Rect btPlayR = new Rect(btStopR.x - _ControlButtonW, btStopR.y, btStopR.width, btStopR.height);
                lineR.width -= _ControlButtonW * 2;
                PlayButton(btPlayR, value);
            if (hasLoopInSecondRow)
                Rect loopR = new Rect(lineR.xMax - _LoopToggleW, lineR.y, _LoopToggleW, lineR.height);
                lineR.width -= loopR.width;
                LoopToggle(loopR, value);
            if (hasVolume)
                Rect volumeR = lineR;
                value.volume = EditorGUI.Slider(volumeR, "└ Volume", value.volume, 0, 1);
            // Third line
            lineR.y     = lineR.yMax + VSpace;
            lineR.width = rect.width;
            if (hasLoopInThirdRow)
                Rect loopR = new Rect(lineR.xMax - _LoopToggleW, lineR.y, _LoopToggleW, lineR.height);
                lineR.width -= loopR.width;
                LoopToggle(loopR, value);
            if (hasPitch)
                Rect pitchR = lineR;
                value.pitch = EditorGUI.Slider(pitchR, "└ Pitch", value.pitch, 0, 3);

Exemple #6
 public static DeAudioClipData DeAudioClip(Rect rect, string label, DeAudioClipData value, bool allowGroupChange = true, DeAudioClipGUIMode mode = DeAudioClipGUIMode.Full)
     return(DeAudioClip(rect, new GUIContent(label, ""), value, allowGroupChange, mode));
Exemple #7
 static void LoopToggle(Rect r, DeAudioClipData value)
     value.loop = DeGUI.ToggleButton(r, value.loop, "Loop");
Exemple #8
        public static DeAudioClipData DeAudioClip(GUIContent label, DeAudioClipData value, bool allowGroupChange = true, DeAudioClipGUIMode mode = DeAudioClipGUIMode.Full)

            GUIStyle style;

            switch (mode)
            case DeAudioClipGUIMode.ClipOnly:
            case DeAudioClipGUIMode.Compact:
            case DeAudioClipGUIMode.CompactPreviewOnly:
            case DeAudioClipGUIMode.CompactWithGroupAndPreview:
                style = Styles.oneRow;

            case DeAudioClipGUIMode.VolumeWithPreview:
            case DeAudioClipGUIMode.VolumeAndLoopsWithPreview:
                style = Styles.twoRows;

                style = Styles.threeRows;

            Rect r = GUILayoutUtility.GetRect(GUIContent.none, style);

            return(DeAudioGUI.DeAudioClip(r, label, value, allowGroupChange, mode));

//            using (new GUILayout.HorizontalScope()) {
//                value.clip = EditorGUILayout.ObjectField(label, value.clip, typeof(AudioClip), false) as AudioClip;
//                if (mode != DeAudioClipGUIMode.ClipOnly) {
//                    if (mode != DeAudioClipGUIMode.CompactPreviewOnly) {
//                        using (new EditorGUI.DisabledGroupScope(!allowGroupChange)) {
//                            DeAudioGroupId newGroupId = (DeAudioGroupId)EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup(value.groupId, GUILayout.Width(78));
//                            if (allowGroupChange) value.groupId = newGroupId;
//                        }
//                    }
//                    if (mode == DeAudioClipGUIMode.CompactPreviewOnly || mode == DeAudioClipGUIMode.CompactWithGroupAndPreview) {
//                        DeAudioGUI.PlayButton(value);
//                        DeAudioGUI.StopButton();
//                    }
//                }
//            }
//            if (mode == DeAudioClipGUIMode.CompactPreviewOnly) GUILayout.Space(4);
//            if (mode == DeAudioClipGUIMode.VolumeWithPreview || mode == DeAudioClipGUIMode.VolumeAndLoopsWithPreview || mode == DeAudioClipGUIMode.Full) {
//                // Volume, pitch, play/pause/loop buttons
//                GUILayout.Space(-1);
//                using (new GUILayout.HorizontalScope()) {
//                    value.volume = EditorGUILayout.Slider("└ Volume", value.volume, 0, 1);
//                    if (mode == DeAudioClipGUIMode.VolumeAndLoopsWithPreview) DeAudioGUI.LoopToggle(value);
//                    DeAudioGUI.PlayButton(value);
//                    DeAudioGUI.StopButton();
//                }
//                if (mode == DeAudioClipGUIMode.Full) {
//                    GUILayout.Space(-1);
//                    using (new GUILayout.HorizontalScope()) {
//                        value.pitch = EditorGUILayout.Slider("└ Pitch", value.pitch, 0, 3);
//                        DeAudioGUI.LoopToggle(value);
//                    }
//                } else GUILayout.Space(4);
//            } else if (mode == DeAudioClipGUIMode.CompactWithGroupAndPreview) GUILayout.Space(4);
//            return value;